r T~ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 6. 1007 FOR SALE Wilson River Bottom Ranch We are now offering a place on the Wilson river for sale ata bargain. This place has 60 acres, about 55 acres of river bottom land, with house and barn and a full list of farm implements, also 23 head of good dairy cows, 5 head of young stock, good young team with wagon and harness. This place lias about 20 acres iu meadow and balance is all slashed off and in grass. Only z miles from Tillamook City. This is a place that will pay for itself in a few years. We now offer it for sale at $8500 on very easy terms. The personal property alone is worth $1500, which would make the land be selling at about $116 an acres. Where can you do better ? Call and see me at once. • RALPH Editorial Snap Shots. “Get there, Eli!’’ W « * Those moss covered r«ujfs are nothing ACKLEY. Honking Machine Notes. | T be honking machine is a gigantic sue- 'cess, as most everybody will admit— 1 blowing its own horn. * « M but tire traps this season of the year. We wish to apologize for the honking machine, for it had another honking That is iiogisli of Eugene to swipe the night mare this week. They’re getting principal of our public and high school. quite chronic. * * * * * * What a contrast in two ministers of The honking machine has been out of the Presbyterian church in this city. Dr. whack ever since it failed to elect Oak A. K. Baird was a scholarly, Christian Nolan county judge, for voters saw thro­ gentleman. Rev. A. E. Wingert was a ugh the political honking machine. fraud, a deceiver am! a dead beat. # * * * * * The honking machine has made the We’ve heard a good deal over here in county clerk a strong candidate for re­ this neck ol the woods about the Salem election. Perhaps the honking machine bog. We have had two ot the shoats in will put up the honk in opposition. Tillamook the past few weeks imposing < * * * * M upon the people with a cheap jack map The honking machine got honking at * * * his printer too loudly this week, and not Young men who do not know enough being used to such bellyaching, it is said to behave themselves, and who act un- he is going to quit the honker and the grntlemci ly and uncivilized at public honki’ g shop. meetings, ought tr be given a good stiff * * * fine. If anything will teach them man The boys say that the honking ma. ners that ought to. chine had a brain storm in the barber’s * * W What about concrete side walks for shop the other clay, for the honk wanted to see the absconding preacher return so the city ? The City Engineer of Toronto states llmt it has been found from ex­ as to show up the snap shot man. Well, perience that a concrete sidewalk at 15c. the honking machine has the belly ache per square loot, having a life of 20 years, quite often and keeps whining, whining, is a much moie economical walk to lav wining. Honk ! Honk ’ Honk ! * * # than plank. * * * Dr. H. Lane has been re-electe«! Mayor of Portland, which is another victory for those who advocate law and order. It used io be that the party which could control the North End vote was almost sure of election. Not so today, for when ever the voters, those who believe in law and order, get together and center on any candidate, they, are to be reckoned with in future citv elections. This is a good sign, for it will force political par­ ties to pul up the best and cleanest men they can find. W <1 * The loudly talked of write up of Tilla­ mook County, which was to appear in the Salem Statesmen was a rank disap- poiiitineiit. There is only one good fea- The printer ture connected with it. made a good job reproducing the cuts we loaned them and which have already ap­ peared in the Headlight. It is only ano ther case of deception and working the people for all that they could get out ot it, for it looks as though the Statesmen’s representatives put all their brains into what they could make out of it and none it to the wiite up of the county. * * * There are those who think thnt the editor did wrong in exposing Rev. A. B Wingert because it would reflect upon the church. We have no apology to make, for bank check forgers, men who obtain money by false pieteiices. the city grafteis and buodterr, the gambler, etc., look all alike to us, because they all be­ long m the same class and should be ex- p >sed by the pteas. It is no worse oil the church than it is on the fraternal orders to which Mr. Wingert belonged. Both led the reflection cast upon them It was with much regret that we pub­ lished the facts, out the public had a right to know them. Had we su ppi ess cd the pa i ticulhi s, what would the pub­ lic have tlmught of us ? We care not one iota whether people criticise or com­ mend us lor what we did. We had a public duly to perform and went ahead a id did it. Notice. II. Hockett, who is now de- liyering maps in lillainook City and vicinity, is making the statement to several people to whom lie delivers maps, that the undersigned, stated to him that the maps I icing delivered were the "best maps ol Oregon that we ever have.’’ This is to deny that we ever made any such statement either to Mr. Hockett <»r to any other person, mid Mr. Hockett well knows that the statement is false, and that he misrepresents us instating such. Signed. W. W. W iley , G. R L amb . Remarkable Rescue J The truth in Mranger (han fiction, I imn o ,nm 1« Cl>a»,l liiin'« t'oliv. Cholvtn ami Diarrhoea Kenmdy followed by cantor oil «»directed »'<•> Ialiti« of the ieti,e. Wouldn’t he bury it,—oh, no, no. He'd take it to the honk shop, and feed it oat hay. And then to the honker, he'd fervently pray : “Quick, put a brain storm into her rubber tires, To give her the belly ache, before she ex­ pires.’’ These were the last words the honk did flitter : “Brainstorm ami oats aint fit for such a critter !’’ Honk ! Honk ! Honk ! Cash checks Received on business should be de- posited promptly, thereby avoiding loss by theft or fire, or in case ol checks by holding too long. Your valuable papers will be safe if deposited in our fire prool vault. We make no charge to our customers for this service. Our Savings Banks are just tjie thing to encourage your ’children to save. We furnish a bank free to any one opening an account with a deposit ol | LOO or more. Safety and Service is our motto You are invited to transact your bank ing here. Total assets oyer a quarter of a million dollars. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK. OREGON. Creed of tho Independent Church. TO THK EDITOR TILLAMOOK IIKAPLIGHT. The love of God, the grace of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. The love ol God was shown when he gave hit son, the grace of Christ when he paid the death ¡>enalty in our stea l, the communion of the Holy Ghost when the cotn fort or came. No man is at peace with God short of the love of God, the grace of Christ and the communion of the Spirit. It a man lives iu fieace with God it is supposed that he will lie more or less al peace with men, lor nuone could imagine that God would approve of our disturb­ ing the peace ol other men. Others pay us in our own coin. If we dictate to nt hers they will dictate to us in return. What difference does it make co me what kind of a baptism a man has had if he has the consciousness within of peace with God or his views of after death or of any other trivial dog ma that •• conceived by imagination. All I ask is that I enjoy my fancies ami that he do the same. A church can only lx broad by having a broad base. The love of God. »he grace of Chiist and the communion of the Holy Ghost is as broad as the needs of humanity and no man is established short of these elements. Every Christian knows that our peace with G« h ! is not of oursehes. yet the majoiitv stop to parley over what we eat or drink, or the keeping of the Sabbath, or ol anything that engen* d*is stritr and etiry. |. C. Gova (or G«o II. Parris, of Ci-'bir Grove. M«-.. « liich re»da. r«-amii>g greatlj discouraged by the failure to fini e lief, 1 tried Electric Butera, and a» a result I am a «ell man to-day. tue firU bottle relieved and three bottles After we had gone to press last week, completed the cure." Guaranteed best word reached us thnt the Rcy. A. E. remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by Chas. 1. Clough, druggist. Wingert who, aftrr borrpwing vaiious 50c. _______ _______ _ sums of money from persons in this city ami then left for parts unknown, was a NETARTS married man with a wife and three chil­ Ed Morgan, of Tillamook, spent Sun dren. whom he had deserted in Iowa, day on the Bay. and leaving a bad record behind him, he Mitw Mildred Phelps came over from forged liis letters to the Portland Pres­ rillamook Wednesday to spend a few bytery. This fact becoming known, he days « Illi her father. G"O. W. Phelps, was notified to explain matters, and in* returning to Tillamook Sunday evening, stead of doing so lie took to flight. assl e is attending school at the Academy. From the Oregonian. Mrs. W. E. Catterlin was over from Members ot the Portlaml Preshvtery Tillamook Sunday visiting. are m»t surprised over the news of the Jeff WalhK-eanit lra Tomilson were disappearance of Rev. A E. Wingert on the Bay Tuesday after cattle for the from his church in Tillamook, leaving meat market at Tillamook. many debts unpaid. Portland Presby­ M. J Cone ami wife and Miss Martha terians, Loo, were completely deceived by Holmes went to ‘Tillamook Thursday, Wingert when he came to Portland last returning the same day. Fall. They accepte«! his letter from the Mr. Bush and party, of Salem, are Fort Dodge, la , Presbytery ‘ without camping on the beach for a few days question, and gave him work in Oregon. and enj >ying elam digging and fishing Rev. Andrew |. Montgomery, pastor uf Geo. VV. Phelps is building a fine road the Tliir.l Presbyterian Church, East to liis new town site of the town of Thirteenth and Pine streets, Raid yester­ Netaits. He has disposed of a good day morning • many lots already and a good many “We have letters and documents that buildings will be put up this summer. snow that Wingert was not in good standing with his Presbytery at Fort BOULDBR CREEK. Do Ige when he came to Portland last Fall, and know now that his letter ol Fred Nicklaus came home last week dismissal from the Presbytery was fiom Gray’s llaihor after an absence of forged. We have ascertained that he about a y^ar. II L. Jensen and daughter,Ethel,went was suspended from his Presbytery for ---------------- Had Disgraced Himself in the East and had Forged his tetter to Presbytery. misconducting ami for contracting debts that he did not pay. The letters and documents in proof of this are in the hands of Rev. E. M. Sharp, of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church, and we shall be glad to have widest publicity given Wingert’s true character. “Our information is that Wingert de­ serted his wife and several children before he came to Oregon.’’ to Tilla­ Sunny Mead Addition mook City. W1NGBRT S CHARACTER IS NOW KNOWN. to Cloverdale last Saturday. M. A. Cady started for the Sunday to take out Mr. Valley, and Mrs. C. The W. s. Haves five acre tract, con- , traded tor hr tlteTillamook Real E-tate ; Company, will 1« platted and placed on | H oa ' s This? We offer One Huudretl Uolhr, » Mity cave of Catarrh that Hall s Catarrh Cure ”Uot k J K J. CHENEY (k CO We, the undersigned have h Cheney for the laat 15 y,.ar. perfectly honorable m «q b?* action» and financially able to7/h'l obligatioua mat} • by their firm **** the market. All lots sold on contract i to t.e delivered July »st. IMT- W al D jng , K innan »' M sale now <>n. Lots cheapest and best ol Wholeaale lntgvhta any in Tillamook. Call Hall s Catarrh Cine is taken nlats nt the Tillamook Real B»'"'« ing directly upon the bloml and 2S Eomp.^ X.;orP R Beni's office. laced of the system. Teat i looui.iT1’! Pri r 75c per bottle Sold by «»!* Take Hair» Family Fills for Statement of the Condition of Tillamook County Bank, MAY 2C, 1907. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts.............. Due fmm Bank« ....................... Real Estate anil buildings... Safe and Fixtures .................... Cash in V ault.............................. Other Cash Items .................... Total 85.584.70 5.096.98 2.100.75 20.523 80 4.282 1 + 1253,038.»« LIABILITIES. Capital Stock ........................... Demand Deposits .................. Time Deposits ......................... Sayings Accounts..................... Total $30.000 00 149,823 86 58,183.82 15,031.78 $253,088 96 State of Oregon, I gg County of Tillnmook. j ' I, M. W. Harrison, being first duty sworn, on my oath sny that I an. presi­ dent and cashier of the Tillamook Coun­ ty Bank, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement ot the finan­ cial condition of sai in small sums bor­ ing her sister, Mis. Grace Clmpard, this rowed from his confiding parishioners. From documents in the hands of week. Mrs. Della Jensen entertained a ptrty Rev. E. M. Sharp, stated clerk of the »/TV «/vs arr» >Ar 3 Portlaml presbytery, it appears that of relatives last Sunday, including her ' f«A3 IATI--1» (lie Rev. Mr. Wingert’s operations in mother and father. Mr. anil Mrs. VV N. Bays, her two sisters, M ish Laura Buys this state was mere child’s play com pared with his performances when con and Mrs. Lena McIntyre and her aunt 0 ■ nected with tho presbytery of Foil Mrs. Mettie Gibbons, of Philomath. Miss IdaNicklaus, who lias been work, Dodge. Iowa. While pastor of a small church near Fort Dodge last July he ing at the Allen House in Tillamook is accused of having collected several sii.ee last August, is visiting her sister, dollars of church funds, Mrs. A. O. Poland, of Beaver, and will hundred It is always flattering borrowed small sums from his mem. be h< me in a few days. to a store to have many Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Sandoz spent last be i s and friends and disappeared, regular customers. Peo­ Sunday at the home of Mrs. Sandoz, leaving a wife and young babe. He ple who come again and turned up in Portland lat-t April, and brother H. A Chopard. again must have confi­ presided to the I’ortl.ii.d presbytery A little rain would be very acceptable dence. a church letter from the Fort Dodge just now ; it wculd do any amount of presbytery apparently signed by the good to meadows and gardens. A large percentage of Ralph Bundy came up from the saw moderator and clerk, stating that he our business comes from had been honorably dismissed from mill the first of the week. regular customers who Jno Burba purchased a horse of Jeff that presbytery to the Oregon synod. trade here year in and Being a man of pleasing address Wallace last week. year out They know and unquestioned ability, Mrs. H. A. Chopard is the proud Wingert our methods are right was at once recommended to the owner of a new Savage rifle, 22 cal. If and that they will always Presbyterians at Tillamook and vas her heart does not fail her no doubt she be used as we would like immediately engaged as pastor. After will slay all the chip munks and robins his departure for Ins new charge, the that are hold enough to rob her straw to be were we the buyer officers of the Port land presbytery legan berry bed. instead of seller. Why to hear of numerous sums of money not make this your reg­ Every Man His Own Doctor. that he bad borrowed from local ular trading place for The average man cannot afford to em­ mi nist« rs during liis brief stay in this ploy a physician for every slight ailment drugs and medicines. city and his apparent unwillingness to or injury that may occur in hi« family, not can lie afford to neglect them, as so repay the saint'. slight an injury as tho scratch of a pin An investigation was instituted by lisa lieen known to cat glasses. A trial is all that lie had deserted his wife ami child Chamberlain's Colic.Cholera and Diar- I ask All glasses guaranteed to fit. and had seriv»usly embarrassed his ihoea Remedy fur bowel complaints. In buying glasses it should be n church by appropriating aliout $4 10 of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for ipicstion of "Not how cheap but coughs, colds, croup and whooping how good.’’ A pair of perfectly fit­ church funds in addition to leaving a cough. ted and profierly adjusted glasses clou ! of unpaid lulls. Chamberlain s Pain Ba!m(au antiseptic should wear you from 2 to 10 The letter to Rev Mr. Sharp also liniment) for cuts, bruises, burns, sprains years with satisfactory results. said that several of Wingert's former swellings, lame back and rheumat‘c I will fit you with glasses that I |iains. parishioners, whom he had swindle ', will guarantee to la- satisfactory Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver from $1.50 up. Glasses for less were anxiois to apprehend him an I Tablets for constipation, biliousness and than that amount not x^^^antced. turn him over to the officers of the stomach troubles. law. Chamberlain s Salve for diseases of Ihe immediate cause of Win­ gert’» flight from Tillamook was fl let the skin. Une bottle of each of these five pre. ■ ter that lie had received from Rev. parations cosis Imt JI 25. For sale by Phone, Main 493. E. M. Sharp, secretary of the Port Clough's Drug Store. w PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. A Store With REGULAR CUSTOMERS J ’1 il I % I CLOUGH L Tj PUMI.ICATION. United State« IjtndtNR«. P«>rtland. Ure^iXf’ Notice is hereby given that i?2M with the provisions of the a< 1 Jr 3 June 3, 1878, entiled “An rctforth»^ her lands in the States of Cant,'?1*1 Nevada, and Washington [erri|T“ « tended to all the Public Land SuL.,' August 4, I892, MA 1 11 E- KAMpv Of Elsie, county of ' lataon ta. Oregon has this day filed jn J- sworn statement No. 741.3, for nJ of E % Sw and lots 3 and 4 of NC4NW *4 and lot 1. of Sec ion’ No. 4 north, Range s West W m ahit ■ proof to show that the land more valuable for its timber or siorS agricultural purposes, and claim to said land before the Receiver at Portland, Oiegon, on w? the 7th day of August. 1907’ u witnesses . 14 Stephen A brahanwon, of Elsie orM_ Corcoi an, of Jewell, Oregon ; Hennu? Hamlet, Oregon; August Tokola of a! Oregon. Anyhnd all persons claiming afam above-described lands are rtqnested tofa claims in this office on or before mid, of August, 1907, T imber L and A ct , J unk 3 A lgernon s . United States Land Office 1 Portland. Oregon, MayMI Notice is hereby given that in co»H with the provisions of the act ofCo3 June 3, I878. entitled “An act for tlSJM / timber lands in the States ofCalllnmM gon, Nevada and Washington TerrifeM extended to all the Public LaudSu3B of Ai gust 4, 1892, 4 FRED L. FORSl.UND I Of Tillamook, comity <>f fliamook s JBI Oregon, has this day filed in this o|^K sworn statement No. 7406, for of the S % of Nw U. of Mr»!«.Mi tn tp. No. 1 8, range No K W, and vflfl proof to show that the laud Sought valuable for its timber or stone UnS agricultural purposes, and to estik^ claim to said laud before the Tounh^S at Tillamook Citv, Ore., on Friday t^B I day of August, 1967. He names as wh»3IS Webley McMillan, of Tillamook 7BI William J. Himes, of Tillamook, Or' tl Ross, of Tillamook, Oi., Charles ¿i^H Tillamook, Or. Any and all persons claiming ih I tiij SB above described lands are 1 eq nested claims in this office on or before saidt’O^W of August, i9o7. A lgernon S. D ressim , T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.-NCJH P ublication . United States Land Office ejKB Portland, Oregou, May Notice is hereby given that in ca^H with the provisions of the act of CnZffl« June 31(1, 1878. entitled An act fotU^^H of timber lands in the States of Oregon, Nevada, and Washington TqM ry.” as extended to all Public Land Siiz act of August 4, 18Q2. c HUBKRT E. ROSS, Of Tillamook, county of 111 lam 00k, kl^B Oregon, has this day filed in this sworn statement No. 7488 for the MflH of the tVe *4 of Nw %. of Sec No. 18. N, Rang«) No. io West, and will offer show that the land sought Is inorettfXj^l for its timber or stone than for agrknltuB| po^es, and to establish hi» claim toiri^B before the County Clerk, nt Tillainool, on Friday, the gth day of August, names as witnesses: James C. Bewley, of Tillamook, ' m H Geo. F Zimmerman, of Tillamook,O^^^B Theodore Kingsley, of Tillamook, P. R, Beals, of Tillamook . Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverw’ above-described lands ate lequtstadMiAr^ claims in this office on or before saidr1 August,, lgo7. A lgernon S. D resser , td T imber L and , A ct J une 3, P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland May nnd.i^'^M Notice isheieby given that i 111'OinpluM^H Ihe provisions «f the act of < oogNMi^l 3. 1878, entitl d" An act for the lands iu the States of California. Nevada and Washington Terribry." tended to all the Public Laud Statu August 4,1892, THERESA M. ROSS, Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook. Oregon, has this day filed in thia oM| sworn statement No. 7434. for the the Se of Sw *4, of section No. U 2 north, range No. 10 west, and will to show that the land sought is more "fl !■ for its timber or stone thar. for agricuittt^fl poses, anil to establish her claim to before the ('ounty Clerk, at Tillamook, day. the 9th day of August, I9C7. Sheu^H witnesses: 1 James C. Bew'ey, of Ti'lamook, •lubert E. Ross, or Tillamook, Oregon dore Kingsley, of Tilltinook, Oregon Beals, of Tillamook. Oregon. I Any and all persons claiming above-described lands are requited to claims in this office on or before aaidMI, August. I907. A lgernon S. I) ressk >. »WWIfll NOTICK TO CBKDITOB In the County Court of the State of ® for Tillamook County. In the matter of the estate ofi Nels Sather, Deceased ) t , j „ The undersigned having been the County Court of the State of Tillamook ¿County, A