y « f i I —i TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 6. 1907 « 5 ■ C*evar Schsms Carried Through by a Plausibls Woman. An elegantly dressed Spanish lady one day visited a specialist lu mental diseases In Madrid od behalf of her liusbaud, who, she said, waa a sufferer from religious mania. Having explain­ ed tbe case. It was arranged that she should return in about an hour with the afflicted husband. The lady’s next scene of action waa a Jeweler's shop In another part of tbe city, where she selected diamonds to the value of $5.000 on the understHnd Ing that she would buy them If ber husband approved. Would aome one accompany ber home In a < ab and the money would he paid immediately? A trusted clerk waa sent, and with him the lady drove back to the doctor's house In an anteroom she took the atones “Just to show them to her hus band." Then, entering with sublime assurance the doctor's study, she In­ formed the specialist that her husband waa now In the anteroom and ready to be examined. Leaving a visiting card, the lady took her departure, and the doctor, bidding file supposed patient enter, proceeded at his leisure to ask professional quea tlons. The Jeweler's man was puzzled at first, but «ven he realized thnt he „■••.I been m made the victim of a clever The doctor, however, interpret­ able agitation as caused by his com yT Sint, and when after two hours mat- V* •ra were finally explained the lady Im­ «9 postor had vanished with her spoils ». « without leaving any trace — London Tft-Blta. i A w C A or A* CATARACT OF THE EYE. k. i !$, V How th« Ona It Attack, May Watch th, Obstruction Grow. Cataract is said to lie due to the gradual deposition of oxalate of lime In the substance of the crystalline lens, at first In small spots or streaks, sometimes In one part and sometimes In another. The deposit gradually In creases until it penetrates the whole of the lens, causing blindness. The remedy, then. Is to remote the lens, and after Its removal the patient needs a suhatltute In the form of highly mng nlfylng spectacles. All that Is necessary to enable a patient to see his own cataract for himself Is a piece of card and a nee die. A visiting card will do very well. Pierce n clean round hole near the middle of the card and hold the card up to the light close to the eye, look Ing preferably In the direction of i piece of blue sky. With the card near to the eye the patient will not see the «mall hole pierced by the needle, but he will see a comparatively large, faint ly Illuminated field with his cataract projected upon It. He is. tn fact, ob­ serving the shadow cast by hts cat a ract on the retina at the back of bls eye. With a small puncture In the card the shadow so thrown Is com par atlvely sharp. But with a normal eye an evenly Illuminated field or clean disk will it« seen. The patient may thus map down his own cataract and settle for himself whether It Is extend Ing snd whether he will have an op «ration or not. Th« Traveler's Troa Myth. Among the romantic stories of far- off lands that have long maintained their circulation and commanded more or loss liellef 1» that of the “traveler's tree.” credited with possessing a reser voir of pure watei* fitted to save the Ilves of wanderers In the desert. <1. F. Scott Elliot declares from bls own ex perleuce Ibat the tree grows oul.v In the neighborhood of swamps or springs and that, although It has a eonsldera bls amount of water In a hollow at the baao of Its leaf, the water possess es a disagreeable vegetable taste and of course Is Inferior to other water to be found In the vicinity.-Youth's Com panion. s / How Qirmin Banta English. ■1 •y > THE MADSTONE. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Valuable Bsoauso Absorbent—A Clay Pipa Makes a Good Ona. Physicians are often asked whether there really Is any virtue in what are called madstone«. One of them de­ clares that these stones are of value, but that they would be of more value If their limitations were understood. “There Is do particular variety of I atone or substance which may be des­ ignated exclusively as the madstone,” be says. "I have seen many of them, so called, and no two were of exactly the same composition, geologically con­ sidered. “Madstones act on the same principle that a blotting paper does when ab­ sorbing Ink, and there is nothing that makes a better one than baked pipe­ clay. A new clay pipe, procurable for a cent at nearly any store where to­ bacco Is sold, cannot be excelled by any madstone, no matter how great Its reputation. “The action can be clearly demon­ strated by placing a common dry red brick in contact with the margin of a puddle of water and noticing what capillary attraction will accomplish. 3 herefore to be efficient the only ne- cesslty Is for the stone to be porous and have strong adhesive and absorb- Nothing mysterious ent qualities, about It. "I have seen several that appear to be concretions, either vesical, renal or biliary, and were found in the bladder, kidney or liver of some animal—those taken from the deer supposed to be the best. “When a person Is bitten by a reptile or dog supposed to be mad and the porous stone applied to the wound the blotting paper action begins, and the blood, saliva from the mouth of the animal and whatever poison these fluids contain will naturally by capil­ lary attraction tie absorbed by and Into tbe substance applied, no matter what name you may give it. "The saying that If a stone sticks the wound Is poisonous and if It does not take hold there Is no venom pres- ent ls untrue. If the stoge is clean and dry it will adhere when moisture Is within reach till It becomes saturat­ ed. "For Instance, a new red brick will absorb one pint of water. After the venom has been taken Into the clrcu- latlon the madstone Is worthless, but as the victim Is usually filled with whisky or alcohol at the same time the stone is being used the spirits may counteract the effect of the poison. "I know of a stone which has a wide reputation and makeB a good living for the family owning It. They never let It go out of their sight, and when the victim cannot be taken to the stone one member of the family can be hired to take the stone to the victim. In ad- dltion to travellng expenses, they charge $5 for the application and $2 extra for each hour that the stone sticks. "This stone Is busy a large part of the time. Not long since the stone held to a man*« leg for over 100 hours, yet the man died. Fils life could have been saved If dependence had not been placed eoilrely In the atone."—Medical Brief. Semi Annual Report of the County Clerk of Tillamook County, Oiegon. showing the amount of claims allowed by the County Cour» ol said county, lor wna I allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstaixlinji and unpaid irom the first day of October, 1996. to the31st davof March, 190« WORKING A SWINDLE "We speakers of English," said a lec turer, "are handicapped by our lau guage We can uever hope for such sonorous titles as the German's hr. .e. J A young German matron once said "‘Ach, how glad I am that my dear Fritz has been appointed hauptkanaen verwaltungsasslatent' assistant cash ler. 'Now,' «he went on. 'In my title of bauptkassenverwaltungsasslstentln I bosat of five letter« more than that proud oberhofateneramtainspectorln'— excise Inspector's wife—'can claim.* ” 0 0 AMOUNT OF CLAIMS ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN. ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. $18,541 Roads and highways........................... 521 Circuit Court expenses................ ........ 292 lustice Court expenses.......................... 800 Salary of the Count» Clerk ................ 300 Salary o( Deputy Clerk ....................... 799 Salary of Sheriff.................................... 3IHI Salary of Deputy Sheriff...................... 500 Salary ol School Superintendent ..... 275 Salary ol County Treasurer................ 530 County court expemes........................ 12 Coroner ................................ .................. 600 Salary of Assessor................................. 300 Salarv of Deputy Assessor.................. 643 Care of County Poor ......................... . . 1,200 Paid Balance on Courthouse ............ 324 Electric Light Plant for Courthouse 847 Vault shelving and filing case*........ 698 Fuel, water, hoard ol prisoners, repairs, janitor, etc. 33 Care of Insane..................................................................... 9 Elections................................................................................. Current expenses, including stationary, books, records, typewriting machine«, etc........................ 1,324 100 Auditing County Hook*.................................................... 36 Teachers' Examinations.................................................... 165 Printing ............................................................................... 0 0 0 M 00 M <>0 00 98 Blue, Brown and Black Panama, Albatross and Fancy Mohair. (III 00 00 25 00 00 44 23 52 00 - FÄ1 $38,637 54 Net Indebtedness $24.373 17 State of Oregon, ) County of Tillamook, f 1, 6 B. Lamb, County Clerk of the County of Tillamook, State of Oregon, do heteby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount ol claims allowed by the County Court of said County for the six months ending on lhe 31st day of Marell, 1907, on what account the same were allowed and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the re­ folds and accounts in my office and in my official custody. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said county, this 23rd day ol April, AD. 1907, G. B. LAMB, County Clerk. 1I '0 RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH OF $ 30.97 49.98 84.84 4.66 72 49 S8 32 1,175.48 33 50 » 1 56 2.02 32.70 1.33 1.95 1 64 2 03 1.66 21.29 76 82 50 46 28.32 427.30 1,335.50 March. Feb. » 7 97 10.12 11 35 3.20 1.56 10.55 9.27 11.53 21.33 36 32 9 18 18.90 1 4 15 56.52 28 94 116.08 61.88 1 40 11.91 9,777.39 83,279 64 8.80 Hugh » ¿J CLOTHING! CLOTHING i Furnishing Goods, CONSISTING OF Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery Shoes and Hats Always the best stock on hand. TODD & CO, i Tillamook, p Oregon ^4 A I have just opened up the most com-, g plete line of % | STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES $ Date. 1905. amounts received . GENERAL FUNI». To amount on hand from last report...... $15.562 83 To amounts received from General Fund 35,066 68 County School Fund................ County Road Fund ............... 31,983 34 State School Fund.................. Institute Fund.......................... 130 00 Indigent Soldiers' Fund ......... 169 92 Tillamook City Fund ........... 3,894.09 School Library Fund.............. 172.93 Special School Fund................ Totals Unte. 1907. »86.979.79 AMOUNT TAID OUT GENERAL FUND. Hv amount paid out on County Warrants $32,579.13 By «mount paid out on School Superin­ tendents' Warrants and Special Taxes .. By balance General Fund on hand............. 23.605 19 By balance Comity School Fund on baud. „ Couuty Road Fund ................... 28.771 60 „ State School Fund .................... „ Institute Fund ............................ 80 Bicycle Path Fund ................... Port of Tillamook Fund............ Indigent Soldier»' Fnnd............. Tillamook City ........................... Road Ihitrict No. 1............. ...... School Librar» ............................ Special School Tax..................... Total.. $86.979 79 --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in Tillamook, all new and Fresh. The prices are no higher than others. e most cordially invite you to come and look at what we have and get our prices, whether you buy or not. SCHOOL FUND $7,403 56 py. B Rail' Then I w. M. MILLS, .30 I Opposite the Post Offiee 16,379.00 »35,040.10 SCHOOL FUND $8 681.51 12,008.68 35 70 14 314.21 »35.040.10 State ol Oregon. I Couutv of Tillamook. I ! ■' 1, P. W. Todd, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct state­ ment of the amounts receive I. pain on! and remaining on hand in lhe Couniy Treasury ol said county for the six months ending on the 3ist day of March. AD 1967 • Witness my band this 22nd day of April. A.D. 1907 I’. W. TODD, Conuty Treasurer. • he Oregon Cheese Co., Incornorted, is prepared to buy all the first class cheese that comes along. Spot cash and highest price. Factory men will do well to see R. Robinson, the mana- ger. before selling [* rp.., *S* will ut ill Ile will be in lillamookagood part of the time dur- ■-•gtlrn season. Only the best stock THE OREGON CHEESE COMPANY ’26 Fifth Street, Portland. ^Keference. Tillamook Conn(y ' CT * r J 1 ■I R( II Totul received. $1,550.24 $459.20 $1524.38 $10,077.76 $83,430 24 A "Touching" Story, BY AMOUNT PAHI TO COUNTY TREASURER, The young lady who had sat for a crayon portrait was not altogether 9 $ 32.70 $ I pleased with the result. “It looks like 7.97 me, of course,” she said. Inspecting It 10.12 doubtfully, "and yet I think there are 11 35 1.33 3.20 K 1.56 1 95 some things atiout It that ought to ltauinvnl is correct ml true. to that extent.” Witness my hand this 23rd day of April, A.D 1907. H. CRENSHAW, Sheriff of Tillamook County. A Casa In Point. By | C. HOLDEN. Deputy. Of Sergeant Arabln, who had not a cleat? method of speech. It Is related SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. that tse said to one criminal. “Prisoner nt the bar. If ever there was a clearer CF.se than this of a man robbing bls Of the County Treasurer of Till uuook County. Oregon, for the six months ending on lhe 31st day of March, A.D. 1907, ol money received and paid out, Ironi master, this case Is that case." At whom received nnd from whai source and on whnt account paid out : another time lie «aid. "Prisoner at the bar. you have been found guilty on several Indictments, and It Is In my power to subject you to transportation Why th« Marks! Wabblas. for a period very considerably beyond Tb« financial balance is so extremWy the term of your natural life, but the delicate that the slightest mowmsmt court Io Its mercy will not go so far affects It snd throws it out of gear. I aa It lawfully might go. and the sen­ . ■ heard of an Important 'Meal'* be- tence Is that you be transported for spollt because a prominent finen- two periods of seven years each."— •er had his big toe cut by a chiropo­ Ixindon Globe. dist «A badly that he waa obliged to keep hts room Maurice Mortimer tn R»»l Diatress of Mind. Grand Magazine Dora-4’m In aueb distress of mind, and I want your advice. I am loved Apple« aa “Nightoapa." by three men. and I don't know which Th« apple la such a common frtilt to accept. Clara -Which one has the that very few persona are familiar most money? Dora—If 1 knew that, with Ita remarkable efficacious inedfr do you suppose I'd waste precious time Inal properties Beery one ought, to running around for advice? know that the very best thing ba ran do la to eat applea Juat before usttrlug Something Mor, Rscsn!. for the night. Family Doctor. "What was the cause of this rum­ pus?" asked the Judge An Easy Mark. "Well, you see. judge," replied the "Sir. I am an old member on the policeman, "thia man here and that Ç bourse I took share« tn tfl your panie« nnd am now mined, no I woman there are married "— "Yes. ye«. 1 know But what other thought perhaps yon Would employ me cauaet’—Cleveland Pre««. » In y<»nr office." “Ob. no; I want o/jiy intelligent men Sotting Him Right. _J1n my business "-. Ron Vivant "Br-really." began Mr. Cheaty, "you • - a - - ha»., the advantage of me, air. My Th* Other Way. "If I ware younger." said the rich memory, perliapa, la at fault, but"— "No," Interrupted Pepprey. "It Isn't old man. "I believe I might win yon your memory, but your manner."— tor my wife?' "Tea," retailed the cold beauty, dnaam Philadelphia Pre«« lly con«M«r(ng bls sixty years, “or, WMom alone I. a .elenco of other aay. fifteeai or twenty years older*— •Hence« and of Itself.—PtatN Philadelphia rnaaa t > the tn At last our stock of Clothing has arrived. We have everything to suit the most fastidious. We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim built and stout built. They have the style, quality aud fit. We have alsojust received a large shipment of Of the amount of money received for taxes and money paid to the County Treasurer by lhe Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, A.D. 1907. $ M it i SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. Tax ol Year 1892, $ 1893, ,. 1894. „ 1896, „ 1897. „ 1898. „ 1899. „ 1900, „ 1901. ,. 1902, ,, 1903. 1904, „ 1905, 1906, Milage lees. ■1 F a 7 Total Resources. $ ■ We also have the Butterick Patterns and the Delineator for Sale. May Patterns now on hand Don’t Forget the Silverware is FREE. $14,213 31 By unpaid current taxes By funds in hands of tbe County Treasurer appli­ cable to payment of General Warraiits.................... 19.320 19 By Delinquent Taxes on rolls........................................ 5.164 111 |an. Large Assortment of Spring Garments, Ladies’ Short and Long Coats, Misses Short Coats, Ladies’ Skedrane Coats, Tailored Suits and Skirts in Voile, Panama and Serge. RESOURCES. Deer. A Beautiful Dine of CONSISTING OF $63,000 71 Total Liabilities. Nov. 1 China and Japanese Ware 06 mi 00 38 To outstanding unpaid County General Fund Warrants .......................................................................... $57.799 73 To estimated accrued interest thereon ....................... 5,200 98 Oct. Al SUITINGS IN LIABILITIES. AMOUNT 9 J MASON BRO'S Department Store 00 00 01 00 $29,162 80 TO Just Arrived at V 11 ifi ,iaw ; J