Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 06, 1907, Image 1

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Vol. XIX. No. 46
íi.50 per year.
I. T. Botts, for abstracts.
Ir. Henry E. Morris, eye specialist. *
cad Tillamook County Bank notes
hicken wanted at Leach's Meat Mar.
•low«, Harrows and Disc« at Snof-
10s. Ross, of Ntw York, is in the
Kvrs in bulk or iar at Mills' Cash
Illite River flour $4.60 a barrel at
Id you see the beautiful colt cups at
hstern Hams and Bacon at Mills'
■ Store.
Io. P. Wilson, of Seattle, came in on
lines Walton, jr., has returned from a
Ro Salem.
■Iiing tackle of every description at
■ & Smith's.
IF. Leach will pay 10c. pe. pound
lour chicken.
be date of the State Fair is Scptcm
|6tb to 21st.
«11 line of leed and best seed oats in
.at Snuffer's.
brn, to the wife of Rev. N. J. Craw-
La daughter.
rs. Mary Mills' creamery butter at
■' Cash Store.
| M izner. of Forest Grove, were in
city on Monday.
et your Jersey and Buhl milk cans
I King & Smith.
P. Wagner, of Forest Grove, was in
ritv on Wednesday.
D. Henderson, of Sheridan, was in
litv on Wednesday.
Vogler and J. J. Von Eton are in the
om San Francisco.
|. Ringler, of London, Eng, was
city on Wednesday.
|ale, square piano, cheap. Address
lease', Hemlock, Ore.
ris will feed your teain hay and
bem over night for 50c.
ine thinks of buying a buggy or
without looking over Snuffer's
Shingles for sale. Leave orders at
The steamer Sue H. Elmore has under,
Frank Hadley's lunch counter.
gone a thorough overhaul and Saturday
I Have you seen the handsome coach next she will resume her run between
I stallion Margo at Snufl'er’s ?
Tillamook and Astoria.
1 For sale, upright Hamilton Piano, for
Dr. Hawk came in from Jefferson on
cash, cheap, at C. E. Reynolds.
Wednesday and went to Bay City. He
We rent and sell bicycles, guns, fly has oj»ened up a doctor’s office there and
poles, tents, etc. King & Smith.
will put in a drug store this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Severance return­
The Shakespeare Club entertained the
ed from Eastern Oregon on Tuesday.
graduates of the Tillamook High School
Earl Mayo and A. J. McDonald were at the Palac« Hotel on Wednesday ever,
ing, when a pleasant time was enjoyed.
in the city on Monday from Portland.
F. S. Whitehouse is back from San
J. A Todd is in from Salem for about
a week and watching Tillamook grow. Francisco, where he has been for several
Wanted, a second hand churn, from 20 weeks looking up the lumber business and
making arrangements for lumber vessels.
to 35 gallons. Enquire at this office. *
Dr. W. S. Holt, Synodical Missionary
Get into the habit of trading at Patz-
for Oregon, will be in the city on Friday
laf’s and receive a 5 per cent discount
and will preach on Sunday next in the
for cash.
Presbyterian church both morning and
Mm Burnett, wife of Rev. P. R Bur­ evening.
nett. came in from McMinnyille on Wed­
II. V. Alley and wife, Louis Ludtke
| and wife, Geo. Ludtke and wife, Saiema
Tinning ami plumbing of every descrip­ ! Kabha, F. Kabba and Sophia Noid-
tion. Workmanship guaranteed. King housen, of Nehalem, were in the city on
and Smith.
J. M. Rice, D Webster, Chas. H. Laske
The salary of Postmaster Severance
and War ran Van. of Portland, came in will be increased after July from $1,3(0
on Wednesday.
to $1,500 a year, whicn is a good indica­
The dance, which was arranged for tion that business is increasing in Tilla­
next Saturday at the Fairyiew hall, has mook City.
been postponed.
The commencement exercises at St. AL
Why leave your horses in the rain phonsus Academy will be given Thurs­
when you can tie them in Harris’ Tie day evening, June 13th, in the Academy
Shed for 10 cts.
* hall. All are cordially invited to attend.
Don’t forget to stop at Harris’ Feed Admission free.
Barn, the cheapest place in the city to
The Headlight building is being moved
keep your team.
this week between E. Jenkins’ and G. A.
Now is the proper time to paint and Edmunds’ stores, to make room for the
S. W.P. is the proper kind to use.—King new three story concrete building,which
will cost about $24,000.
and Smith, agents.
The hose company was called out to a
McMillan is going out of the photo
business, If you want work made come fire in the roof of W. H. Easter’s kitchen
on Saturday, but being detected in time,
in now. Don’t delay,
If you desire to become better ac- the fire was extinguished with seyeral
quainted w’.tli banking methods, etc.. bucket of water and a small hose.
Two fine dairy ranches for rent, one
read Tillamook County Bank Notea. *
We rrpaii anything that can be repair­ with 35 cows and the other with 50
ed. Guns and bicycles especially. Ex-1 cows, handy to store, post office and
pert mechanic employed.-King & Smith.* [cheese factory. For further particulars
I inquire
• of *• —
. •"*
Real • - Estate Co. ** •
E. D. Snodgrass has disposed of his
Cliff Hiner's gasoline launch caught
reed holder, for which lie obtained a
patent, to Conn & Co., of New York, for fire on Tuesday evening and had to be
swamped to prevent it from burning up.
The fire originated by having a naked
If you want Acre property in­
stead of a small lot for a home near light on boat, which ignited the gaso-
the railway depot see A. Plasker
Echoes from the Mill End
and White Goods Sale ! N V N
The immense volume of business done during the sale left a lot of odds and
ends that must be cleaned up regardless of cost.
Remnants of Woolen Dress
Goods, Wash Dress Goods, Shirt Waists, Street and Dress Skirts, Tailor-made
Suits, Long and Short Coats, Shoes, Laces, Embroideries, etc.
$6.00 to $7.50 SKIRTS, $4.98
A final clean up of all $6.00 and $7.50 Street and Dress Skirts, in Serges, Tweeds,
Panama and Mohair in black and colors, all are this sea-
son’s best styles, about 80 of them, $6.00 to $7.50 regular to
close. Choice.................................................................................. 5$/ “ ■ VZ
56 Beautiful Skirts made of novelty suitings and Scotch Tweeds in the latest grey
shadow check and plaids, also black Panama and storm serge.
Cluster pleats,
inverted pleats, panel fronts, and self covered strap
trimmings. This includes every skirt in stock that sells
regularly at $8.50 to $9.50. To close. Choice....................... SpkJ’- I
All TAILOR-MADE SUITS to bo Sacrificed in Price. to
are Now SI 1.95
All $20.00 Suits are Now $14.95
All $25.00 Suits are Now $19.50
All Spring and Summer Wraps are Sacrificed in Price.
All $12.50 Coats are now ... .
All $8.5o Coats are now... .
All $ro.oo Coats are now
All $5.5o Coats are now .
$1.75 and $i.oo White Shirt Waists
2 >C.
$2.2~> to $3.00 White Shirt Waists $1.49.
8c & ioc Linen finished Handkerchiefs 4c.
All Millinery at a Sacriflse. All Lice Curtains at a Sacrifice
nillinn!n!!iwii!llhlil«umitnil!«ll!lllt!'ll!!! ^lilllMIIUI
The Biggest Speeial of them all and Right in Need Time to-*
Every Yard of LDash Dress Goods in this fHammoth Stock
Greatly Redueed in Priees—Liook to your Needs Notu.
Our First
adies’ and Misses Ready to Wear
Garments, consisting of
GOATS, Skirts and White Waists.
I11 order to reduce our stock in the above lines, we offer for one week the following
^e-gains, which we WHeve were never before equalled in Tillamook County. “^5
adies' Tailor Suits.
Ladies’ $11.00 to $ 12.00 Tailor Suits, only
Ladies’ $13.00 to $15.00
Ladies’ $18.50 to $21.00
$8.98 Suit.
10.98 Suit.
14.98 Suit.
adies' and Misses Spring Jackets.
Ladies' and Misses $7.75 to $8.50 Spring Jackets, only............
Ladies’ and Misses $8.50 Spring Jackets, only .........................
Ladies’ and Misses $9.00 and $10.00 Spring Jackets, only .. .
adies’ hong Coats.
Ladies’ $10.00 and $12.00 Long Coats, only
Ladies’ $12.25 an<l ♦>3-O° Long Coats, only
Ladies’ $13 50 and $15.00 Long Coats, only
9 98
adies' Skirts.
$2.65 to $3.00 values, only
$3.50 to $4.00 values, only
»5 .00 to $6.00 values, only
$6.50 to $8.00 values, only
$9.00 to $10.00 values, only
adies' CUhite Waists.
$ .75 to $1.00 values,
$1.25 to $1.50 value«,
$1.7510 $2.50 values,
$2.75 to $2.98 values,
$ .69
The store that regulates prices
» Haltom’s
H A 1 I t V O 111
FYJ ’ sJ»
The Store that Cuts
■ Prices to a Whisper. * 1
v - f
R. Conner«, an old timer of Bay Iv planned. In regard to planking Main Railroad, to receive word that a mistake
City, and who was connected with the street, the notices will have to be posted had been made and that it was not Mr.
cooperage company there some years again. G. F. Zimmerman was appoint­ Quick’s son who had been killed. The
ago, returned on Monday to see what ed special policeman and night watch­ mistake occurred throughThoinas Quick
prospects there arc to start tip another man at a salary of $65 a month and $2 losing a receipt he received from the Odd­
extra tor every arrest where there is a fellows, which had been picked up and
saw mill there.
W. H. Evans bought the house and conviction. Mayor Botts appointed A. was in the pocket of the man who had
One of Quick’s brothers
lots, Isrinsrlv the Reynolds property on E. Edwards street commissioner, which been killed.
Second Avenue East, from Jeff Wallace, was approved hv the city council. Bills went to Astoria, and when he found it
for £ 1,4-00, and he sold the property he allowed were : J. C. Goye, $17 ; Electric was not his brother immediately sent
word to his parents, which was joyful
now occupies, with tha furnituie, toG. lights. $40 ; |. C Holden, $15.
The opera house was packed on Friday news, for they had already made ar­
F. Zimmerman, for 11,250
rangements for the funeral on the arri­
For causing a disturbance in the opera evening, the occasion lieing the graduat­ val of the steamer and Mr and Mrs Ike
house on Friday, during the graduating
Quick, jr., came in on Saturday front-
exercises, Edmund Bush, Plink Buttz, school« The stage was tastefully deco McMinnville to attend it.
Dick Buttz, Webb Elliott, Henry McKin­
Died, nt Baf City, on Saturday, Mr.
ley and Raphel Catterlin were each fined class motto being “Live thy Life." fen­
kins' orchestra furnished the instrument Alfred Ditan, aged 75 years, the iunernl
$10, making in all $60.
al music and Misses Hazel McNair and taking place on Monday, Rev. D. L.
Zicmer & Holden’s cheese factory, com
Edna Ahierman rendred two vocal solos Shrode, ol the M.E. church, conducting
monly known as the Donaldson factory,
faultless style, and Chester McGhee a the religious service. Deceased was much
was destroyed by fire on Thursday after­
violin solo. The graduating class was respected, and a number ol sympathis­
noon, completely destroying the build-.
i « 'ri.
. i. in .i-
of Edna Alderman, , Henry ing friends attended the funeral. He was
mg and i plant.
The c fire originated
the I comprised
........ ii.
... »... Arthur born in England, coming to the United
Diehl, il-
Ida t Eveline
chimney, catching the roof on fire. All |
McGhee. Hazel Mae McNair and Grace States with his parents when a child,
that was saved was the stock of cheese,
Edith Spaulding, who were addressed by . and resided in Connecticut until he was
which was partly damaged. The loss is
Prof. A. R. Sweester, of the State univer­ 14- years of age,when he went to sea, fol-
about $l,0UO, with no insurance.
sity, who took for his text “Get there, 1 lowing that occupation for a number of
Prof. W. R. Rutherford has decided to Eli.” The diplomas were presented by ¡years. He went to California in 1H62
accept the position of principal of the Mayor H. T. Botts, and each of the I and Irorn there came to Oregon in 1871.
Eugene High School, which was offeied graduates received a large number of He was united in marriage to Miss Re­
him Iasi week, and which came to him ¡handsome flowers.
becca lane Davidson, of this county, on
unsolicited. The school board tried hard
Truckee Republican ; Horace Howard Jan, 1, 188J, mid of this union no chil­
to keep Mr. Rutherford here, but with­ Johnson, soil of Mr. and Mm. C harlie dren were born. He was a member of
out success, for be made a good princi­ Johnson, residing at Brickietown, died the l.O.O.F. lodge at Bay City and was
pal, and on that accouut there is regret Sunday afternoon as a result ot swallow­ held in high esteem by every member of
that he is leaving. Mr. and Mrs. Ruther ing carbolic acid drank from a bottle the order, and was also a member of the
ford will leave here with the best wishes found in the yard near the house, At the First Presbyterian Church of Bsy City.
of the people of Tillamook.
time ot the accident the two children t Dr. C. II. Laske, German Eye Special­
This marriage notice is sent us. taken were pl&ving on the hillside. Finding a ist, oi 21 years experience, came in on
from a Chehalis, Wash., newspaper: A number of bottles that had been thrown I Wednesiiay, and is located nt the Allen
quiet home wedding was celebrated in away, the children were enjoying them- .house, where he will remain for several
this city Wednesday evening, the happy selres playing with them. Along the lot , weeks and will lie pleased to attend to
couple being Charles De Bruler and Mrs. was a vile half full of carbolic acid. The those who wmt their eyes seen to. He
Ida Edmunds, fudge L. B. Bignold offi­ cork was withdrawn and the child took will visit all the towns in thecountv and
ciated at the ceremony,which took pince one swallow of the contents. Soon after will be at the Allen house Saturdays and
at the residence of the groom, only the he began to scream, and when Mrs. Sundays from 9 a.m. until 12. Dr. C. H.
immediate family being present. Both Johnson reached the side of her child she Laske was formerly Prolessor of Refrac­
Mr. and Mrs. De Bruler are well known at once realized it had swallowed car­ tion Accommodation and Optics of the
here and at Elma,where they have many bolic acid. She carried the child to the Chicago College of Optbthalmology and
friends who join in congratulating them ; hospital. Dr. Mackays done all within Otology, is a Graduate Osteopathic Phy­
upon the happy event and wishing them ! his power to save her son, but in yam. sician, a Licensed Practitioner ot the
all the happineas and prosperity that life I The child died in an honr’s time. Mr. State oi Oregon and a Mertber of th«
can bold for them.
; and Mrs. Johnson's relatives and friends Minnesota Optical Association. Those
At t lie regular meeting of the city cotta- : in Tillamook will lie sorry to hear of the who stiffer from nervousness and head­
aches should consult Dr. Laske, for lie
cil on Monday evening, a remonstrance I sad accident.
from the property owners on the three! It was good news which came to Mr. makes a specialty of this and will in­
bnstneM blocks on Second Avenue Ba«t and Mrs. I. Quick, after receiving a mes­ sert artificial eves when required. He is
was read, objecting to the road being sage that their son, Thomas 1« Quick, in possession ol many testimonials from
planked, and the remonstrance being had been killed by I »ring badly ar aided i prominent people. Do not forget the ad­
sustained, that part of the city will lie by an accident which befell the steam dress, the Allen Home, and call as soon
graveled anJ gutters put in, as previous- 'shovel on the Astoria Ac Columbia River as possible.