f • ’ VA<- TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 30, 1007. Real Estate Transfers. CLOTHING! CLOTHING i J À I At last our stock of Clothing has arrived. We have everything to suit the most fastidious. We have suits for the small tnan, the large man, slim built and stout built. They have the style, quality and fit. We have also just received a large shipment of Furnishing Goods, CONSISTING OF Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery. ► Shoes and Hats Always the best stock on hand. 5' 1 TODD & CO, Tillamook, Oregon k?5 Editorial Snap Shots. The last few days of spring will soon Better take a vote to see whether the be past mid summer will lie with us honking machine ought to be kept up. once more. We have had a lovely spring * * * Mayor Botts has gone fishing today. but hardly enough rain has been the Look out for a fish story next week, for remark from the farmers. it is four years since he caught mud cats. William Hughey left last Friday witli * * * a load of passengers for Forest Grove, Do not get excited over railroad land among them and Mrs. (’rawford grants unless you are prepared to squat 011 it, and squat on it good and tight, daughter, she going to attend the Mr. until the railroad company gets through annual Grange meeting, and tawing. Let’s sec how many have the Cyrus Randall, to Idaho, to look after grit ami bull dog tenacity to stay with his mine. it. The school pupils are all high in their * M M If a monument is erected to Joseph praise of Prof. W. K. Rutherford 1 as a C. Champion, the first white settler of 1 chaperon on a picnic and also the rest of Tdlamook County, it is to be hoped that the teachers, They say they had a it will be erected in some public place—’ splendid time I suppose some of the the court house grounds, for instance— an1' not buried and placed away in the pupils are beginning to regret that they did not work harder now, as their ex­ cemetery. * * * amination papers show the big word The honking machine has again opened failure. its throttle on County Clerk Lamb %nd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers were visit­ the Portland land office. Achange about is fair play. The Portland land office ing in Fairview last Sunday. can make it exceedingly interesting for Mr. Eli Olds and son Lester are visit­ the honking machine il it would send in ing Henry Olds, a special agent and inquire into the There was quite a crowd at the dance honk's homestead proof. It looks to us that the land office and Mr. Lamb can at the hall Saturday night. make it exceedingly interesting for the Mr», John f’acquet has been visiting honk if they feel that way inclined. her daughter, Mrs. Peter Jacobs, a few * * * days. Don’t that beat the band. The preach Mrs. A. L. Donaldson and her uncle, er “soaked” the editor for $30 the morn­ Mr. Henry Bivens,visited D. T. Edmunds ing he left town—never to return. Why, that’s better than suing the editor for and family last Sunday. $5,(MX) for libel and getting $1 damages and the parties who brought the suit EOULDER CREEK having to pay $20.40 costs But mark what we sav. We will make the preacher H. L. Jensen started to Sheridan Mon­ l>ay the cost in this affair also—but it I day evening to meet his sister-in law* w ill be to his reputation. This may not be a Christian spirit, but we do like to Mies Bessie Bays, who is returning from make it tropical for fakers, hypocrites, college at Philomath. crooks and dead beats. C. A. Smith came up from Cloverdale last Thursday to move down some ol * * * Considering the number of shipping his farm machinery. accidents on the Pacific Coast in recent H. A. Chopard came down from years it is a matter of congratulation Blaine Saturday to spend Sunday with to note that but few accidents have oc­ curred to vessels trading in Tillamook his family. Manuel Borba took a load of cheese to Bay, anil taking Captain I’. Schrader’s tecord,who now averages about50 trips Tillamook for VV. D. Gladwell last Mon­ a year, he has meet with scarcely any day. accidents during the 18 years lie has Hazel Bend cheese factory begun been plving lietween Tillamook and the Columbia river. This is a record which o|>erations Saturday, Maurice Bays is Captain Schrader has reason to he proud head cheese maker. of, as well as the citizens, for he has car­ Mrs. Millie Sappington visited her ried passengers and freight all these years without accident, notwithstanding the brother, II. L Jensen, the latter part of fact that the weather on the Pacific he last week. comes exceedingly boisterous at times Mrs. Della Jensen and son Carl took With good judgment and skill, Captain butter to Cloverdale last Friday. Schrader has not jeopardized his boat, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Sandoz made the the lives of the passengers and crew, nor the enormous freight he has handled, so round trip to Beaver and home again we repeat again that we have all reason last Saturday. to congratulate ourselves that the ves­ Mr. Mark Bays and wife, of Tilla­ sels plying Itetween here and Astoria have Item so free from accidents Thanks mook, and II. L. Jensen and family, to Captain Schrader. spent Sunday at VV. N. Bays. I * l TÍ f FAIRVIEW. • / . F fé? fé' fé? Opened up for Business $ $ fé; ï«! SAPPINGTON b CO A Full bine of Groceries, Flour, peed, Tinuuare, and Crockery. * We LUant alt Rinds of Produee / Call and Sea Us. *• ) Isen Building, ÄwÄ I / 1 Mary E. Jones and husband to I’. Todd. Tract in sections 23 and 2b tp 1 south, range 10 west.—4’000. U.S. Patent to David H. Calkins. 160 acres. Section 18. tp 6 south, range 10 west U 8. Patent to Samuel M Batterson. 160 acres. Section 21, tp 3 north, range 10 west. US. Patent to Samuel F. Luci •as. 160 Section 31, tp 3 south, acres, ranges west. U.S Patent t.» John G Gerritse. 160.65 acres. Section 29, tp. 3 n»/rth, range 10 west. U S. Patent to lames H. Creecy. 160 acres. Section 19, tp. 3 south, range 8 west. U.S. Patent to A. I’. Wagner. 160 acres. Sections 13 and 12, tp * south, range 10 west. U.S. Patent lo William Williams. 160 aeres. Sections 1 and 12, tp. 1 south, range 8 west. U.S Patent to Kasper Schiappi. 80 acres. Section 22, tp 2 south, range 9 west. U.S. Patent to Preston B. C. Lucas. 148 91 acre». Sections 2 and 3, tp. 4 south, range 9 west. Re 1 or ted by H. T. Botts. Abstracter Ellen Mahoney and husband to Frank A. Paul, 10 acres in sec. 36, tp. 1 south, range 10 west.—$1500. Nikolai M. Nelson and wife to Solon Schiffmann. Tract in sections 5 and 6, tp. 2 north, range 9 west.—$1200. Claude Thayer and wife, F R Beals ami wife to C. E. Reynolds. Tract in Tillamook city.—$500. Emmett Jenkins and wife to C. H Upton. Tract in sections 23 and 24, tp. 1 south, range 10 wist.— $1800. Mina J. Canipl>ell and husband to Geo. H. Williams, Tract in sections 21 and 22. tp. 2 north, range 10 west. —$ 1500. George H. Williams and wife to Geo. W. Kiger. Tract. 8 \ ì D vV ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen­ sable to the preparation of the finest cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy other powders because they are ‘‘cheap. Housekeepers should stop and think. Ifsuch powders are lower priced, are they inferior? Is it economy to spoil your digestion ? The " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook” —containing over 800 most practical and valuable awkmg re- ceipts—free to every patron Send postal card with your full address. Alum is used in some baking pow­ ders and in most of the so-called phosphate powders, because it k cheap, and makes a cheaper pow­ der. But alum is a corrosive which, taken in food, acts injuriously upon the stomach, liver and kidneys. ROYAL BAKING POWOER CO., NEW YORK. I have just opened up the most com­ plete line of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES in Tillamook, all new and Fresh. The prices are no higher than others. We most cordially invite you to come and look at what we have and get our prices, whether you buy or not. ! W. M. MILLS, Opposite the Post Office. BAY CITY, ORE. RLilph Ackley and wife to James W, Bodyfelt. Tract in sections 6 and 1. tp 4 south, range 10 west.—$3500. Elio O Mills and wife to Peter Brant. Tract. Sections 24 and 25, tp 3 south, range 9 west.—$t. W.J. Stephens to William R. Ruther­ ford and Wayne W. Wiley. Lots 5 and 6, block 16, Tliayei’s addition to Tillamook City.—$250. John Pesterfield and wife to Ralph Ackley. Tract in sections 6 and I, tp 4 south, range 10 west.—$1. Oa’: Nolan to Tillamook Logging Com­ pany. Tract in sections 23 and 26. tp I north, range 10 west.—$1000. W. J. Stephens to John R. Harter. Lots 7 and 8, block 16. Thayer’s add. to Tillamook Citv, Oregon.—$250. A. B. Collard to R. C. Magarrell. Lots in Ocean Park, also personal pro­ perty connected therewith in ip 4 south, range 10 west.—$1500. Eli P. Oids to City of Tillamook. Block 13, William D. Stillwell's add. to town of Lincoln, now Tillamook Citv.-$80. W. |. Stephens to C. E. Hadley. Se ’4. Block 7. Claude Thayer’s add to town ol Lincoln, now Tillamook City, Oregon.—$1500. Frank Kkroth to William S Randall. Tract in section 30, tp. 1 south, range 9 west.—$70. Matt Casey to Charles S. Wclla, 160 acres in section 11, tp 2south, range 9 west.—$1OOO. Mons Sund to J. V. Huntsinger. Tract in sec. 22, tp. l'south, range 9 west. $1 «nd othtr valuable eonsidera- • I tons L. T Hubbell to John Longcor. Trait in Central add. to Bov City.—<10. lames E. Corless «nd wife to Matt Casev 160 aertstn section 11. tp 2 south, range 9 west.—450. R. H Holmes and Marr L Holme, to DaviJ Cole. Tract in section. 30 nixl 3t. tp. 3 south, range 10 west— |25O. Charles A. Smith to W N Bay» Tract in section 26. tp 3 south, range 9 west—43000. |ohn M Oliver nnd wile to William J. Bodvlelt. Lots 1 nnd 2. I>l..cli tu j . ( o Th«y,r ._ ’s add. —<2000. Jsahrtla Handlry to Eugene E__._ Jenkin«, ......... Lol» 3 «nd 4. block "19. Th«ver ¿ •dd. to Tdlamook City.—$550. •• * • Jv-r !•» First Bank & Trust Company, The Oregon Cheese Co.,Incorported, is prepared to buy all the first class cheese that comes along. Spot cash and highest price. Factory men will do well to see R. Robinson, the mana­ ger, before selling. He will be in Tillamook a good part of the time (lur­ ing the season, Only the best stock wanted. THE OREGON CHEESE COMPANY, A Store With REGULAR 126 Fifth Street, Portland. Reference, Tillamook County Bank. CUSTOMERS It is always flattering to a store to have many regular customers. Peo­ ple who come again and again must have confi­ dence. A large percentage of our business conies from regular customers who trade here year in and year out They know our methods are right and that they will always be used as we would like to be were we the buyer instead of seller. Why not make this your reg­ ular trading place for drugs and medicines. NEW GOODS ! A fine assortment of Sumac Foot Wear, just received at th Red Front Shoe Store, consist^ of Ladies’, Gent.’s, Misses» Children’s Shoes. May ladie patent leather and Vicci Frenci Kid cannct be beat for fit, fo" and comfort. No paste board co» ters I have also a fine assortment! Men’s and Boy’s fine Shoes. I stock of Men’s and Boy’s Wfl Shoes, high and low cut, and* King Logger Shoes are the besti the city for the price. No charge for sewing rips on shoes bought of ns. j Red Front Shoe Store, CLOUGH _____ BROWNE, Agent. THE RELIABLE DRUGGIST ) u Feed Store Prices Process Barley, sack . Shorts, ton Bran „ Feed Oats, ton White River Flour, bbl « I $ 125 35.00 24.00 36.00 4.60 - ■......... a I HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE As well as the instruments for pro­ per fitting ol glasses. A trial is all 1 ask. All glasses guaranteed to fit. In buying glasses it should be a question of "Not how eheap but how good.’’ A pair of perfectly fit­ ted and pro(»erIv adjusted «lasses should wear you from 2 to 10 years with satisfactory results. I will fit you with glasses that I will guarantee to l>e saltsfactorv from £1.50 up. Glnsses for lew than that amount not guaranteed. Dr. Henry E, Morris. Phone. Main 493. a \. « 1 ■ * Why send East for a Sewi’i Machine when I A. E. WILKS, General Agent for the Old Reliable Singer ! can sell you one for l5-c1 and up. Old machines uM as part payment. Call <*i write, and I will do the t*Jt Needles, oil and parts for * machines always on hand. , STILLWELL AVENUX Ne«r Allen House SINGER SEWING MAC HU» J CO., Tillamook, Ore. J h