TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 30, 1907. Clamor Against the Children. ate of eighteen to stand up in the full THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. . great many excellent people hon- » question the expediency of carry, the free schools beyond the de­ nary grades. But with one of the tins for this opinion w-e have a special :ern. The assertion is repea tel, that superior grades of our common ols are a damage to great numlieis lildren and youth. Several of our t journals and magazines tell us. the superior side of the free school mingout shouls of boysand girls lated above .their sphere—shiftless, , unable Io earn their own living; so on through the whole catalogue lilies and vices that supposed to be special prerogative of the American ■scliiol graduate. Now we do not lion that these good people believe i they say; that is, believe it in the people come to rest upon an asser- tliey have repealed so often, and from eo mni>y quarters that they ‘ what everybody is saving must be But, just here, we declare this lion is not only untrue in fact, but olesale calumny against the most rising class of young people hi this blic, the graduates from the second, ichools, public and private. For ould be remembered that nine- s of the graduates from our second, irivate schools receive their educa- s a free gift from their parents, go gh essentially the same course of , and come out certainly in no way lor to the graduates of the free Is in acquirements, character, or » for the future. So far from a failure, unable to take care of slves, the reprobate class of the y. these young people are every- the most hopeful crowd of Ameri- uth. [n every community they e. in large proportion to their >rs, the foremost young men in walk of life, the most hopeful women, whatever station they are to fill. There is no comparison m them, as a class, and that other which is sometimes held up as >pe of the republic—the mass of energetic young people who enter >rly taught, ignorant, pushing to mt by sheer force of native talent luck. Where one of the former ails, a dozen of the latter go to —failures in business and in ter Recause their original ability lie training of a good education, eir moraff goes to pieces in the i conflict to which every ignorant taught youth is now doomed in lie of Ameiican life. this is not a matter of theory. ’ man who doubts, take the school « of any American city, village, il district for the past twenty- ire, and ask a committee of lead Kens, who are likely to know the /hat has become of the boys and tho pushed on to the end of the .Bourse of secondary instruction in Btnmunity and graduated with a tree of honor. Of course this is ly fair test. The higher schools, or private, are not responsible for ’crowd of youth who have only I their benches, drifted in anil out; or for the other class who Iways been the poor scholars, the the school criminals. Every I every family, every school, how. Tcellent, has its failures, for no I I discipline can give infallible 6e of mastering that final i of every child, a human will, d by every test that is applied to gs of the spirit, it will he found I class we speak of, so far excells ■tber in average outgrowth of fer, ability and honorable success lliat the contrary assertion ceases 'uestion of fact and drops away limbo of campaign lies and e assertion, repeated by honest ti e principle that whatever ly is saying must be true ■' The I se to this clamor against the could be easily accomplished Ing in the hands of any re- I citizen who makes the asser. it of lhe graduates of the high f his neigliboiliood for the last ears. The thing haa been tried les, and it has never failed. It II fail; for although our second- intion, public and private, is I some respects and needs to ‘niented in certain ways, still it ■at we have, and its faithful s succeed in practical life in m to their fidelity in the im- nt of their scliool.life. The hualitiea of heart that carry a n boys end girls houorablv a high school or academical • Oregon or Patinsylrania, will »ii at the front in their future *ubt any of lh<«e critics could Kt autumn, a great multitude of klween twelve and twenty, ps from the superior schools of immunities, apparently doing j and it would be easy to mv . line great army of shlfileea grad- ' the sclnxil* But a little further ttii n would show us that these have all been at work from six years in their school-life . that ' and should, hare, a few | of.rest and recreation before ' Ale on the armor for the long mature life; that it is absurd i to ask a boy of fo nt en to j rotice from ll.e schoolroom into portirg work, or the girl gradu , dignity of trained womanhood ; that these young people do right to look around and use their best judgment and the advice of wise people before they choose their sphere of work ; that haste in the beginning often makes waste and ruin in the ending; and that, given a reasonable lime for intelligent young people to adjust themrelves to the real work of life, these youth will be found doing their duty as well ae reasonable people van demand. There was never an age and land where so much was expected of the young as in our land to. day. There was never a body of young people in this world w ho went to work with so much intelligence, character and earnestness as the class of youth of which we Bpeak to-day. And we submit that it is high time that political, literary, ecclesiastical and journalistic mngriutes shut up this wholesale slander of American youth. It is well enough tor some people to talk this nonsense to the " great unwsshed,” but intelligent men should remember that they are talking to tile thinking people of this country; disparaging the life-work of the whole superior class of teachers, and making assertions about tile best class of Ameiican children that cannot be proved. The schoolmen and women are ready to take good advice on the improvement of education from any. body, especially from people influential and honored in all the walks of life But the schoolmen and women, tlie teachers and parents, do insist that ibis absurd clamor against the young people Bhall stop. G. A. W alker . Trini y Sunday. TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Instructions contained in the sermon on the feast of the most Holy Trinity, the first Sunday after Pentecost, at Sacred Heart Church. May 26, 1907. This feast follows immediately after Pentecost, and has been so arianged by the church, because the apostles, as soon as they had received the Holy Ghost, began to preach, ami baptise in the name of the most Holy Trinity. We celebrated Trinity Sunday as directed bv the church, in order to publicly profess our faith in the mystery of the Trinity, which is the foundation of the Christian religions, and to give thanks to lhe three divine persons for having co-operated in the woi k of salvation. Io God, the Father, who created us ; to God, the Soil, w ho redremed us ; and to God, the Holy Ghost, whoregenerated us. The church celebrates this day with* out any outward show of ceremony, in order to indicate that we are entirely unable to celebrate it worthily, because the great mystery of the Trinity entirely exceeds the power of man’s compre­ hension. The truth of tins was strikingly demonstrated to St. Augustine, the most learned among the fathers of the early church. He was unable to leinonstrvte to the satisfaction of his own mind the possi­ bility of comprehending tie union of three divine persons in one God, when his mind was set at rest, as lie tells it himself; by meeting along the river bank a child, who as it appeared to him, was trying to dip lhe great river into the little whole it had dug in the sand; and upon the great doctor expressing lhe entire impossibility of such an accom. plisliment, the angel under the guise of a child said, that as much as were im* possible for that small space ,to hold the immense river, so much were it im­ possible for the mind of man to com prebend Gori in the mystery of the Trinity. And we are not able, not even the greatest men of science, to comprehend the mysteries of God's visible creation, but as we accept the mystery of His visible works, so we are expected as children to accept as a matter of faith the mysteries of Ilia Godhead. This, then is, although there is no out­ ward display, the foremost of all the feasts ol the ecclesiastical year, and re­ minds us directly of our creation, re demotion and regeneration. Rev. A. L. L e M iller . Good Words for Chamber­ lain’s Cough Remedy. People everywhere take pleasure in testifying to the good qualities of (.'ham her Iain's Cough Remedv. Mrs. Edward Plullips. of Barclay, Md , writes ; ** I w ish to tell you that 1 can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My little girl. Catherine, who is two years old, has been taking this remedy when­ ever she has had a cold nine- she was two months ohl. About a month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself, but 1 look Chambet Iain's Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever." Thia remedy is for sale by Clough's Drug Store. T imses L and . A ct J i as J. 1878-Novies voa EvaucATioi*. United Stales Land OIBce. Portland. Ort. April 15th. Notice is hereby given that in coiupliance wlth lhe provisions of the act of ColigreM »> June J. 1878. entitled " An act for the sale of limber lands In th > Sates rd California, Oreaon, Nevada, and Waahir gtoll Territory," as ex- teued to all lhe Public Laud States by act of August 4, 18^2. O-CAR BHRCMAN, Of Nehalem, county oi Tillamook. State rd Ore go •, haa thia day filed iu this office hie sworn statement No. 7369, f°r the Durthase of the Hw % se */«. Se Ji Sw “ec. t; Nw 14.Ne J-4 aud Ne H Nw g o? Sec. No ii. in Tp. So. 2 N, rangeNo. io weal, and will offer proof to »how that the land »ought is more valua ble for i • tiff bcr or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to e-tabllsh his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver, at Port land, Oregon, ou Wednesday,, the 10th day of July, 1907. He names as witn saca : Robert J. Hick-, of Nehalem. JOragou : Emil *£. Larsen, of Nehalem, regon;William J. Kffen- berg, of Nehalem, Oregon ; Hougo Kline, oi Nehalem, Oregon. Any and all person* claiming adversely the above detcribeo lands are requested to file theii claims in this office on or before said 10th day ol July. »907. A lgernon 9. D resser , Register. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, T imber L and , J une 3. is?«-N otick Ml P ublication . United States Land office, Portland Ore., Ap il 271b* Notice is hereby giv- n that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "Au act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892> WALTER H. EVANS, Of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7391. for the purchase oi the Nw U of Ne N % of N w of Sec. j2 and N*e % of Ne %. Sec. No. 3I, in township No. 3 North, Range No. 9 \*est. and will offer proof! to show that lhe land sought is I more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and toestablish his claim to said land before lhe Register and Receiver, al Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the itttli day of July, I907. He names as wit­ nesses : _ A. W. Morgan, of Silets.Ore ; W. H. Eaaoin. of Balm, Ore.; Charles Sternberg. of Portland, Ore ; Sam 3miih, of Tillamook, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their T imber L and . J une 3. 1878.—N otice for P ublication . claims in this office on or before said 16th day United States Land Office, Portland, Ore , of July. i9o7 „ . . March 5th. Htoj. A lgernon 9. D rf . sskr , Register. Notice is hereby given that in compliance T imber L and , A ct J unk 3. 1878.—N otice for with the provisions of the act of Congress <»f P ublication . June 3, I878. entitled An act for the sale of United States Land Office. timber lands in the State of California. Oregon, Portland. Oregon. March 6th, 1907 Nevada, and Washington Teri I tor ,” as ex. Notice js hereby given that in compliance t nded to all the Public Land States by act of with the provisions ol the act of Congress August 4-. 189*2, of June 3rd, I878. entitled “ An act for lhe GORAN MUNSON, sale of timber lands in the States of California, Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri ory,” Oregon, has this day filed in this office his as extended to all the Public Land States by sworn statement No. 73I6, for the purchase ol act of August 4, 1892. the W of Ne ‘4 a”d Nw °f Se % of SOL*’N SCHIFFMANN, Section No. 9, in Township No. I north, Of illamook, county of Tillamook, State of Range No. to west, and will offer proof to Oregon, has this day filed in this office his show that ths land sought is more valuable for sworn statement No. 7294, for lhe purchase of its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ the Lots 2 and 3, of sec. No. 6, in tp. No. 2 N.. poses, and to establish his clai n io said land range No. q west, and will offer proof to hefon* the County Clerk. at Tillamook, show that the land sought is more valuable Oregon, on Friday, the 7th day of June, tor its timber or stone than for agricultural 1DO7. He names as witnesses : purposes, and to establish his claim to said Janiyb Bewley, of Tillamook, Oregon: land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Edgar Munson, of Tillamook, Oreg >n ; Geo. Oregon, on Saturday, lhe 8th day of June, A. Edmunds, of Tillamook, Oregon; Fred L. 190?. He names as witnesses : Sappington, of Tillamook. Oregon. Nick Nelson, of Balm, Oregon ; Fred J. Any snei all persons claiming adversely the Klinehan, of Bahn, Oregon; W. H. Easoni, of alxive-described lands are lequest'-d to file their Balm, Oregon; Ixiuis Ludtke, of Balm. Oregon claims in th s office on or before said 7th day of Any and all persons claiming adversely the June. 1907. above described lands are requested to file their A lgernon S. D rkbbf . k , Register. claims iu this office on or before said 8th day of June, 1907. T imber L and , Acr J unk 3RD, I87L—N otice A lgernon S. D resser , Register. for P ublication T imber L and , J une 8, 1878- N oti k foe United State» Land Office, Portland. Ore.. PUBLICATION. March 12th, 1907. United States Land Office, Portland, Ore.. Notice is hereby given ti.at in compliance April 20th, 1907. with the provisions of lhe act of Congress of Notice is hereby given that in comp iituce June 3. Is78. entitled “Au act for the sale of with lhe provisions of the act of Congress of timber lands in the States of California, Oi> gon, June 3. 18;8, entitled " Au act for the sale ol Nevada aud Washington Territory," as ex timber lands in lhe States of California. Oregon, •ended to all the Public luuid Blates by act of Nevada aud Washington Tigi¡cultural purp aes, pm poses. and to establish his claim to said and to establish his claim to aaid land before land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, Lhe County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Ore . on Tuesday, the 9th day of July, 1907- Tillamook City, Ore., on Friday, the 7th He names as witnesses day of June, I907. He names as witnesses : Ira J. Ea 1, of Hemlock, Oregon ; John II. Lewis Smith, of Hobson Vi lie, Oiegon ; F. L. Holgate,of Hemlock. Oregon ; James! hristen- Sappington, of Tillamook, Oregon ; . W. Todd, sen.of Hemlock, Oregon ; Adolph Chield, of of Tillamook, Oregon; Harry Crane, of Hob- °Any"and all persons claiming adversely the sonville, Oregon. Any and all persons clai t ing adversely the above descried lands are requested to file above-described lands are requested to file their the r claims in this office on or before said 9'h claims 111 this office on or beioie said 7th day day of July, 19<>7- „ _ . . of June, 1907. A lgernof S. DRFJMRR, Register. A lgernon S. D resser , Register^ Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX . McNAIR CO., The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County A ct J une 3. 187».—N otice for P ublication . T imber L and , A ct iune 3. 1878.—N otice for United * tales Land Office, P ublicai ION. Portland, Oregon, May 7th, 1907. United ntutea Land Office, N1 »rice is hereby given that in compliance P rtland, Oregon, with the provisions of the act of Congress of April zWth. fuOT. June 3rd. I87*. entitled M An act for the sale of Notice Is hereby given that in compliance timber aiids in the States of California, Ore- 14011 N.vartn and Wnuhbigton Territory," a» ex_ with the provisions of the act of C01 gress of tended to alt the Public Land Blate» by act of JuneS, I878, euUUed “ An act for the sale of timber landsin the States of California Oiegon, Augil.t CHRISTIANSEN. Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex Of Tillamook, county ol Tillamook, State ol tended to all the Public Land States by act of Oregon. ha. tine da field in thin offiie August 4, 1892, HKNRY DAVIS. her .worn atatement No 74°7, for the purchase ol these JiorNe‘4. ofBec. No. 3s. ill I p. No.if Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of north, range No. 9 we»l. and wl I offer proof Oregon, has Ellie day filed in this office his to allow that the land aouxlit 1» more valuable sworn statement N . 7394, for the purchase of Sec No. 32, ill Tp. No for it» limber or atone than for agricultural of the Ne *4 of Sw purpoaea. and to eatabllah her claim to «aid 3 north, Range No. q west, and will offer proof land before the County Clerk of Tillamook to show that the land sought is more valuable County. Ora., al Tillamook City. Oregon, on for its timl»er or stone than for agricultural Tuewlav. the «th day of Angnst, 19(>7. She null>OMes. and to establish his claim to said land before lhe R gister and Receiver it Port­ namea as wltneeaaa: Albert Crawford, of Nehalem, Oregon; Charles land, Oregon, on Wedne day, the 17th day of Handy, of Nehalem. Oregon; Alex McDonald, July, 1907 He names a» witnesses . Frank Whittaker, of Portland. Oregon! of Nehalem, Oregon ; IL V Alley, of Nehalem, O,Any"and all persons claiming adveraely the Barney EMingbaticher, of Portland, Oregon ; Chari«*« E Coak, of Portland, Oregon; Frank above-deaerlbed lands are requested to file Nelson, of Portland Oregon. Any ami all ueisous claiming adversely the their claims In this office on or before »aid 6lh above de«cril»ed lands are requested to file their day of August. lg07- _ _ . claims in this office on or before said 17th day of ALQKkwoir Daaasga. Register. July, I907. NOTICB or FINAL ACCOUNT. A lgernon S. D rbsrer , Register. T imber L and T imber L and A ct , J une 3 1P78.—N otice for P ublication United States Land Office, Poitland, Ore. April 20111,1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with lhe provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for t"e sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory.” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. LILLIAN HARK, Of Hobsonville, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has thia day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 7WI. for the pun hase of the Se h of Se of section No. 14. in Township No. 2 north, Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the laiui sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and lo establish her claim to said land before the Comity Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, 011 Tues­ day, the 9th day of July, 1907. She names as witnesses : D. A. Simmons, of Ray City. Oregon: Julius Erickson, of Hobsonville, Or gon : Joe Price, of Hobsonville, Oregon; William Watt, of B y City, Oregon. Any and all persons c'ainiing adversely the above-described lands are irquested to filetheir claimi^iu this office on or before said 9th day of Ju y, I907. A lgernon S D resbkr , Register. T imber ’L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or P ublication United States Land Office, Portland, Ore.. April 9th, IQ07. Notice is hereby given that in comr liauce with the provisions of tiie act of congress of June 3. ¡878, entitleil "An act for the «ale of timber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Territory “as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4, 1892, OTTO UH FA HER, Of Garibaldi, county of Tillamook. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hia sworn statement No. 7363, for the purchase of the Ne V*. ot Sec. No. 4, in tp. 1 W, range 10 west, and «.«rill offer di oof to »how that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before •'ounty Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Moi • day. the Hth day of July, I907. He names »» witnesses : Irwin Carter, of Garibaldi, Oregon ; Andrew Peterson, of Garibaldi, Oregon; George Watt, of Bay City. Oregon ; Chas. A. Johnson, of Bay City. Oregon. Any and all persons (daiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before »aid Sth day of Julj, 1907. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N otice for • P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon. April ist. 1007. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Coiigrea» of June 3. 187H, entitled "An act for the sale ot timbei lauds in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada and Waahingtou Territory," aa ex­ tended to all lhe Public Land States by Ret of August 4th, I8J2. GKORGP H. TODD, Of McMinnville, county of Yamlii 1, Rta'c of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi» sworr. statement No. 7802, for the purchase of the W % of Sw % and Se % of Sw V» and Sw of Se J4 of Section No. 17, in Township No 2 North, range No. 9 West, and will offer proof to show that lhe land sought is more valuable for its timber or »tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook Oregon, on Monday, the Sth day of July, 19O7. He names as witnesses : P. W. Todd, of Tillamook, Oregon ; L. L* Smith, of Hobsonville, Oregon; Joseph Price, of Hoba >nvH)e, Oregon ; F. L* Sappington, of Tillamook, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to filetheir c aims in this office on or before said 8th of of July, !Uo7. A lgernon S. D rkhhkr , Register. L and , A ct J une 3, I878.—N otice for P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon March 28th, 1007. Notice is hereby given Hint in • omplianoe with the provisions of the ««t of Congre.*» of June A, 1878. entitled An act for the sale of tiint er lands in the States of ('nliforniti. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex­ tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4th, 1892. MINA M. CHASE, Of Tillamook, county ot Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 7346, for the purcbaee of the N H <>f Fe */< of Section No. 12 in Township No. 1 north, Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof lo show that the land sought is more valuable.for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the County < lerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday, the Bill day of July, 1907. Slie names as witnesses : James C. Bewley, of Tillamook, Oregon, William <>. Clia«e. of Tillamook, Oregon; Geo. F. Zininierinan, or Tillamook, Oiegon; Clarence Tilden, of Hobsonville, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-deec ibed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 6th day of July, I907. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. T imber T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication T imber L and , A it J unk 3, 1878.—N otice for United States Land Office, P ublicai ion . Portlmid, Oregon, April 13th, IQO7. United Statea Land Office, N'«>ticn is hereby given that in coinpliafice Portland, Oregon, Match 28th, lyo7- Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of lhe act of Congress of with the provisions of the act of Congress lune 3, 1*7«. entitle«! ” An act for the sale of of June 3, 1878, entitled “An art for the timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, sale of timber lands in the ¡-.late» of < alifurnia, Nevada and Washington Territory," ns ex­ Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory " tended to a'1 the Public Land States by act of as extended to all the Public Land States b) August 4, I892, FRFD OBERG, act of August 4, 1892, Of Astorin, county of Clatsop, State of El.MKH A. BALL, Of Tillamook. County of Tillamook. State Oregon, has this day filed in this office his Oregon, has this day filed in this office his swot 11 ntatenienI No. 7.368, for the purchase »■worn sta enient, No. 7:145. tor the purchase ot the N H of Se *4 and 8 ’4 of Ne of the W >4 of Nw '4 of Sec No. 14. in Tp No. I of Section No. 3O, in Township No. 4 North, N.. Range No. 10 W., and will offer proof to Range No 8 West, ami will offer proof show that the land sought is more valuable for to h I iuw that the land sought is more valuable its timl»cr or stone than for agricultural pur­ for its timber or stone than for agricultural poses. and to establish his claim to said land purposes, and to establish hi claim to aaid Itefore th«* Countv Clerk, at Tillfimook, Oregon, land before the Regiale - mid Receiver, at 011 SAtnrday, tho 6tli day ot July, 19<>7. lie I'ortland, Oregon, 011 Tuesday, the 9th day of July, 1907. He names aa wit esaes names as witnesses : Andrew Birch, of Astorl«, Oregon; Herman James C. Bewley, of Tillamook, Or«*gon ; Jackson Autio, of Hamlet. Oregon; Albert Manville It Pettes, of Bay City, Oregon ; ( lias I ( k'ugh, T llsmook, Oregon ; Ernest Tyler, ill 11, of Hainlet. Oregon; J R. Wherry, of Elsie, Oregon of Tillamook. Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the Any an9(17. day of July, 1907- A ixifrnon 8. D resser , Register. A lgernon 8. D resser , Register. T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878.—N otice for T imber L and , A ct J une 3. i8z8.—N otice for P ublication . P ublication United States Land office. Portland. Oregon. United States Land Office. April 2»lli, 1 qo 7 Portland, Oregon, April ist, 1007. Notice is hereby given that in compliance Notice is hereby given that in compIlHiice with the provisions of th« act o f Congress of June 3, 1K78, entitled "An hc I for the sale of with the provisions of the act 01 *!ongr«*Mi of timber lands iu the Statea of California, Oregon, June 3rd. 1878. entitled, "An act for the sale Nevada and Washington Tei ritory." as extended of t mber lands in the States of California, to all Public I Ji nd States by act of August 4. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory” hr extended to all lhe Public Lan«l States by act »M» of August 4, 1892. KLLF.N A. HARRISON, OSBCN P. BOND, Of Tillamook, rouuty of 11’ amook. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her Of Carlion. county of Yamhill. State of sworn statement, No. “4o3, for the pu chase of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his the N % of Ne *4 Sw W of Ne H »’"* He U oi sworn statement No. 784*. for the purchase of Nw J4 of Section No. 13, in towosliip the Hn *4 Sr |S<, of Sec. No 21. in Tp. No. 2 N. No 2 north, range No. 10 west, and will Ran e N o 10 W. and will offer proof to NOTICK or FINAL SKTTLKMKNT. offer proof to show that the land sought is more show that the land sought is more valuable for it« titnlier or spine than for Icultnr■ In the County Court of Tillamook County, valuable for its timber or stone than for agri poses and to establish bis claim to « id land cultural purpo-es. and to establish her claim to State of Oregon. rfore the Register ami Re ceiver, at Portland. said land liefore the < ounty ( lerlc, at Tills In the matter of the Estate! of Mary B. Monroe, deceased, j mook. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6th day of Ore , on Tuesday, the 2nd day ot July, 1907. He names ss witn sses N otice i « H ereby G iven .—That the August, >907- She names as witnesses; Daniel Perry, of Seaside. Oregon; Parry D. final account of the administrator of the Ch» les W. Pike, of Bay City, Oiegon ; I>. A. eetate of MARY B. MONROE, deceased, ha« Hinmions, 'of Bay City. Oregon ; Jos. Price, of Bond.of Westport, Oregon : John Ualaway, of been rendered to «aid court tor «etdement, Balm, Oregon : M. W. Harrison, of lillsmook. Westport, Oregon, Louis Ny«trom, of Ve»p4*r, On-gon and that Monday, the 17th dav of June Oregon. Aliy »nd sll persons rlsimitig adversely the Any and al' perw tis claiming adversely the 1907, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the fore­ noon of «aid day has been set by said court al>ove-d«*«<'rit»ed lands are re«|iie ted to fit • above desetibed lands ate requested to file their as the time for the final settlement thereof ; I their claims in this office on or before said 6th claims in this office ou or before said 2nd day of July, I907 at which time any and all pcrtoni interested day of August, I907. A lgernon 8. D remikb , Register. in «aid estate, may appear and file hi» ex­ A ix > f . rnon 8. D resser , Reghtei ceptions in writing to »aid account and con­ test the same. T imber L and , A ct J une 3. <878— N otice for T imber L and A ct , J ume 3, i8;8 — N oth e for Dated thia 15th day of May, 1907. P uri . k at ion . P ublication . F M LAMB. United States Land Office, Portland. Ore., United State« Land Office, _________________________ Admiai»tr»tor. • Februaiy tn. 190? Portland, O egon. Notice 1» hereby given that iu compliance May 8lh. I907 Notice to Contractors. Fotice is hereby given that in com pl is nee with the provisions of the m t of ('ongrasn of Au art for the »ale of with the proviabms of the act of Congress of June 3, lh/M. entitled Notice is Hereby Given that the County June 3. ia7H. entitled An aU for the »ale ol timtrer land« in the States of C lifornfa. Oregon. • "<»urt of Tillamook County. Oregon will re timber land» in lhe State» of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ierittory." as ex­ Nevada and Washington Ter ritory." as extended tended to all the t ubli« Land Stat«*» by act of ceive bid» for the Construction of a Comhin atjon Steel Bridge and ApproacBe« aero»« the tn all the Public Land States by act of August August 4, IM92. Tra«k River at what is known as the John­ 4. 1*9^’. ( HAELEN H. UPTON, I Of Tillamook, county of Til|*in<,«»k, State son place The span to be 119 fret l<>ng ami JANF fi «¡L’l'V. the approaches 2*»B fret leug The bridge tn Of Til'amook. eouotr of Tillariook, State of •»f Oregon, ha« Ihi« day filed in thia office beTon«twtEdracr«»adiD< to the plan« am! Oregon, has this day filed tn this office ) bi* sworn «tatement No. 7*5» fo** the pnr- and Nw *4 specification« on jUf with Che Countv Clerk.) her sworn »fatewent No. 74in. for the pur ! rhs«e of the 8 >4 of Ne and prospective bidder« fa’i'Mt same by call-» chase of Nw % of Me *4 of Section No. 30. in Ne % and Ne % of Nw L4 o’ Section No. K. in ownship No. 1 north, range lOwest, and ingfor them at the UJPrtr*tiOffice The (»ridge township No 1 south, range No lOwe-t, m « will must be completed on or before September offi*r proof to show that the land sought is more I will <»ffer pi oof to show that the land «ought 1« l»t. 1907. All bid» must be filed with the valuable for its tim^r or »tone than for sg«i j more vsiitnle tor its timber r»r ■ one than for Comitv Clerk on or before 5 o cloch p m. on cultural pur poses, and to establish her claim to , agriculture! i»urp »se«. and to «•tshlish hl« •aid land before the ( ounty de k, at Tilla • claim tosaid land before the County Clerk, at July 3rd, 1907 A certified check equal to lo per cent of the mook. Oregon, on Wednesday, the Hth day of I Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday, the sth «1«) of June. I9 7 He names as witnesses contract price must be deposited with the Augus,l IW-. She names »« witnesses ; Manville B. Petlev«, of Bay 1 ity, Oregon County t'lerk at the time of filing the bids, a» George wstains, of Netarts, Oregon, A A. »guarantee that the bidder will if awarded Yager, of Netarts. Oregon . Hugh Ba ber, of I Clarence T Iden. of ilob«onv|||e. Oregon. J»mes Bewley. Tillamook« Oregon (»eo. r Zim the contract, within’fifteen day» tber after, of Netarts, Oregon D. J Caly, TilismA« • oa ot oefore Mid Mh day i claim« itr thi« office on or before as id «th day or all bid» Bv iirdcr of the Countv court. of Jnue, HBr ot Buxust. I*i7. I A lgernon B. D rrmrr , Register. auiebnom S. D xbssxb , Register G B LAMB. County Clerk . T imber L and , A ct J une 1, I878.—N otice foe P ublication . United StHtes l^ind Office. Portland, Oregon April 13th, io»7. Notice i» hereby given that in compliance with the provision» of the act of Congiessof June 3, 1H7M. entitled ‘‘An act for the »ale of Hm*»er lands in the Htates of Califoi nia, Ore­ gon, Nevada and Wa hlngton Territory," a« extended to all the Pub ic Laud Htates by act of August 4. 1892, ANDREW BIRCH, Of Astoria, county of ClatMop, State of Oregon, has thia «lay filed in >nis office his sworn statement. No. 7367. for the purchase of the F, of K */i of Sec. No 31, in tp No 4 North, Range No. 8 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Ila timber or et«»ne than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Regtstnrand Receiver, at Portland. Oregou, on Tueeday, th« 9th day of July, I907. II h names as witnesses : Fred Oberg, of Astoria, Oregon . Herman Ja< kaon Autio. of Hamlet, Oiegon ; Albert Hill, of llnmlef, Oregon. J. It. wherry, ol I'laie, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adveraely the al»ove described land« are requested to file their claim« in this office on or before said 9th day of July, I907. algebnonh . D ressf . b , Registcr. Notice is Hereby Given that the under­ signed executor» of the last will and testa­ ment of HKNRY H. DOWNING, deceased, have filed their final accounts as »uch execu­ tor» in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County, and that »aid Court has appointed Monday, the 3rd day of June. 1907. at the hour of IO o'clock A M., at the Court House in Tillamook City, Oregon." a» the time and place of hearing objection» to «aid account and the final settlement thereof. Dated this May 2nd. 1907. FRANK R STEINHAURR and HARRY SWEENEY, Executor». H T. BOTTS. Attorney for Executors. Cur ¡. and , J une 3, 1878.—N otice f b Pl'BI.H ATIOW. United 8ta'ea Mnd Office, Portland, O e., May 18H1, *uo7 Notice is hereby given that in conn Hance with the provisions oi the act ot Corigr» ■« of June 3, IA7H, entitled ' An act for the a«le of timber l«nd« ill the Btstes of ( alifo-niM Ore­ gon, Nevada Rud Washington Ter I torr," as extenoed to all the Public Land Blate» by act of August 4, 1892 MARY P. ION FA. Oi Ti lamook. county of Tillamook. Mate of Oregon, has this day filed In this office her «worn «t«t**ment, No. 7^19 W>f the pvr«4i*m* of the W ^ofFw Ne % ot hw % and Be *4 of Nw *4. of Bert ion Ns. >5, in township No. 2 north, range No. tO west and will offer proof to «how that the land songlit is mor«- vaim hie for It« timlieror stone than for agricultural pur poses and to establish her claim C.» said find neforB the Counts C!erk. at Tlllam ok, O«e ,