TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 30. 1907. T. BOTTS, • ttorney - at -L aw , Complete set of Abstract White Bronze Monuments. H A The Coastward Trend. of ever seeing Tillamook, hiring two ad­ venturous spirits like himself, Sam Ho­ It is worth one's «bite to carefully LaOAL A pvjcbtisments ward and W. Taylor, to take him to note the trend ut all manner of in­ First Insertion, perline ♦ 10 Tillamook. Of these two men and their vestment, trade and settlement toward Each subsequent insertion, line.... 5 coast of Oregon. The valleys and If you contemplate th* purchase of »nr subsequent history, Champion has left a the Business and professional cards, plainshave been the Mecca of lire man Cemetery Work, it in worth your while to in- 1 month ............... I 00 meagre account. with money and energy during the years vestigate White Bror.xe. a material that makes Homestead Notices.......................... & 00 About the first day of April, 1851, that have gone and the coast country Timber Claims................................. 10 00 the only durable Monument, and surpasses has been held to lie uninviting and pro­ Champicm and his companions “ man ­ Locals, per line each insertion ... 5 fitless. Now the situation is reversed Marble and Granite in fine, artistic finish. ned ’ ’ their boat and glided down the Display advertisement, an inch, and the footsteps of the builder, hoiue- No moss growing, cracking or crumbling ; 1 month . ................... 50 Columbia on a strong ebb tide. Cross­ seeker and projector are found bearme All Resolutions of Condolence and ing the Columbia bar they shaped their toward the ocean side and in the dim no cleaning or care required. Better in every Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. of the mighty forests that hang way than granite and less expensive. Leading course southward, and by sunset of the alleys Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. upon the walls of mountains that bank Scientists endorse it as being practically index Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., same day reached Tillamook bar. Being against liie sea. tructihle. Correspondence solicited. minimum rate, 25c. not exceedii g five unfamiliar with the entrance, they re­ Clatsop. Tillamook. Coos, are among lines. solved to “lay to” until the next day, the principal objectives of the in w de­ velopment and I he pressure grows when they crossed in about ten o’clock, strong, r, more plainly perceptible, day ^illamook ^eabligljt. some Indians piloting them to Kilchis bv day. It is not realized in the empire point, landing them at a place known that lies to tile eastward of the Coast Tillamook, Oregon. by the early settlers as the “shin yard.“ Range, but we of ilie slope see it with Fred C. Baker, Publisher. glad eyes and count it among trenien Here the Indians showed Champion an dolls assets <.f the district and the day. old hollow, dead spruce tree in which to The value of ¿1 lies in the largest of re. TILLAMOOK COUNTY’S live. He and his companions soon con­ turn we are able to make to thowe who are here for real compensation. We have FIRST WHITE SETTLER. veyed the stores ashore, ami the next all they are seeking in illimitable quan. day Howard and Tavlor started back lilies, ind aa this becomes better km wn for Astoria with the boat. Champion the greater and richer will be the fl aid J. C. Champion Came Here in named his hollow spruce tree “My of appreciative immigration. a FiBh Boat from Astoria Keep your eyes on the coast country Castle,’’ and proceeded to make himsell of Oregon, "for of such is the Kingdom in 1851. as comfortable ashisenvironment would of the future.—Aslorian. Coroner C. E. Reynolds has circulated allow. But now occurred a scene that was to test his nerve and calibre. The Karb’ng Mothers and h subscription list to raise funds to place Indians finding him alone commenced to Over-burdened Women a monument over the grave of Joseph show acts of hostility. One old Indian C. Champion, the first white settler in la all stations i f life, whose vigor and Tillamook county, who came here in a spat in his face, while several others had vitality may have been undermined and fish boat in Xpril, 1851, and died on gathered up clubs to beat him. During broken-down by i ver-work, exacting Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. social duties, the toe. frequent bearing of the 23rd August, 1891, and was buried the melee an Indian by the name ol children, nr other can ■■es. will find in Dr. the next dav in the Oddfellow’cemetery. Adam, a prominant man in his tribe, Pierce’s Favorite Prescription the wist He was the first county clerk of Tilla and kind of a quasi chief, rushed in to potent, Invigorating res orative strength moot and was the first person to teach the rescue and protected Champion from giver ever devised for thrlr special bene­ further violence. After this occurrence fit. Nurslngjniothers wtHJind It especial­ school in the county. ly valuable Iksustaining tijnlr strength There was some doubt as to the date the Indians seemed to take it as the in­ and promotingyn abundant nourishment for the child. Exrectanj. agothfrs too of Champion's death, and going over evitable that the white, or Boston man. will find it a pri^-le sXuhwJtrf the would come, and seemed pleased rather J. P. ALLEN, Proprietor. system for baby’s coming ana rehdjeing the files of the Headlight, Coroner Rey­ the ordeal comparatively rainless It than otherwise that he would settle in nolds cleared up this by finding an ac­ can do Illi harm in any state, condition count of his drath, the date of which is their midst. o Lt h * ‘ 11 ‘ m a I e s v st e m. Delicate, TieTvous. weak women, who That summer and winter was passed given above. As Mr. Reynolds was in Special Attention paid to Tourists. guffer from frequent head ached, back­ the undertaker’s business at the time, he without incident to Champion. He had ache, dragging-clown distress low down A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. buried Champion in the Oddfellows’ succeeded in ingratiating himself into in the abdomen, or from painful or irreg­ ulär monthly periods, gnawing or dis­ the good graces of Kilch ’ s, the Indian cemetery.________ tressed sensation in stomach, dizzy or chief. After that the white men had faint spells, see Imaginary sparks or spots (brom the Headlight. Aug. 27, 1891.) floating before eyes, have disagreeable, nothing to fear from the Tillamook In­ pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante­ J. C. Champion died Sunday at the dians, even after the Indian war had version or retro-version or other displace­ residence of W. S. Kimball. ments of womanly organs from weakness commenced in Oregon. Old Kilchis was of parts will, whether they experience He was a native of England and w as a staunch friend to the white man in all many or only a few of the above symp­ born in 1823, coming to Amercia while their hardships and trials in pioneer days. toms, find relief and a permanent cure by using faithfully and fairly persistently yet a young man. He landed in Boston Sam Howard and Alfred Cook return­ Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. where he remained awhile, and after­ This world-famed specific for woman’s ed the next spring with the same boa» weaknesses and peculiar ailments is a wards made trips back to England and Spruce and Cedar Shingles. and assisted Champion to build his pure glyceric extract of the choicest na­ around the world as a sailor. He lived house. Champion and Howard lived tive, medicinal roots without a drop ol Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty. for a time in San Francisco and at one alcohol in its make-up. All its ingredi­ together until the following August, ents printed in plain English on its bottle­ time in Philadelphia, where several of his when Champion sold his claim to lie­ wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. relatives reside at the present time. But Pierce thus invites the fullest investiga­ Orders for Lumber promptly attended to. ward and started to California on a tion of his formula knowing that it will most of his days were spent on the Paci­ pleasure trip. Returning, after an ab­ be found to contain only the best agents fic Coast. sence of one year, he located on w hat it- known to the most advanced medical science of all the different schools of prac­ In 1851 he left Astoria in a small boat now known as the Nails place on Trask tice for the cure of woman's peculiar with two men, Sam Howard and W. river, lie soon abandoned that and set weaknesses and ailments. Taylor, for Tillamook, a country which If you want to know more about the tied on the claim owned by Mr. Thayer, composition and professional endorse­ he had heard spoken of by Indian trap­ which he sold to a Mr. Elmer. After that ment of the " Favorite Prescription/’ send pers. They found considerable difficulty card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, he went to the Sandwich Islands, being postal Buffalo. N. Y., for his free booklet treat­ in making an entrance into Tillamook absent about three years. Shortly after ing of same. Bay. not being acquainted with the bar, PROP3IETOR You can’t afford to accept as a substi­ his return he was elected county clerk tute for this remedy of Known compo/dtion 4 but after lying outside over night entered He taught the first school in Tillamook a secret nostrum of unknown compote safely with their small craft. They made county. In 1860, we find hn made a pub­ Hon. Don't do It. a landing near Kilchis point, and were lic record of his advent into Tillamook hospitably received by the Indians, but SUMMONS. county, a copy of which we have taken Taylor and Howard became discouraged from the county’s archieves. which is as In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, and returned to Astoria immediately, for Tillamook County. Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. follows : Miriam L. Colvin. leaving “Joe,’’ ns he was commonly Plaintiff, * A brief account of the settlement of Fine Machine Work a Specialty. vs known, with the Indians. Grant Mills and Morrison He lived in various places in the neigh­ Tillamook by the first settler, Jo. C. Mills, defendants, Mrs. C. L. Roberts, substituted as borhood, and at one time resided in a Champion. Defendant. I “On the first day of April, A.D., 1851, ^4 To Mrs. C. L. Roberts, the above named hollow tree. defendant : I left the Columbia in a whale boat with He left in a few months, however, but In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and returned later, and though absent, at one provisions for six months, the crew con answer the complaint filed in the above time for a short period after this, is en­ sitting of Samuel Howard, W. Taylor entitled action on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publi­ and myself. We bring unacquainted titled to the distinction of being the first cation of this Summons and if you fail so appear and answer for want thereof, white settler in Tillamook. It is claimed with the entrance to the bay, did not to the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the that another man was here prior to his venture to enter the same day, as it was relief demanded in the complaint. The relief demanded in the complaint is. that plaintiff coming, but theie is iio authentic recoid sunset when we arrived at the bar, have judgment against you to the effect that have and recover the possession of of it. Other settlers came, and |oe was but the next morning, at about 10 a.m , plaintiff an undivided one-sixth interest in and to the a great favorite among them, being ac­ we went safely in and followed a canoe following described lands, situate in Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, to-wit : quainted with the Indians was able to to the landing now called the ship yard. Beginning at the South East corner of the The Indians generally seemed pleased Nathan and Lydia Dougherty Donation secure many favors from them. Land Claim, in Section 28. Township 1 t He was a highly educated man and with the prospect of haying the whites to South of Range 9 West of Willamette Me­ We can furnish all kinds of Wines, Whisies, Brndies, and running thence North 42 rods ; held the office of County Clerk at one s-ttle among them —poor fools. They ridian, thence West 20 feet ; thence North 65.42 Gin and Hum at wholesale prices. rods; thence West 73 rods and 13 feet; time. Of late years be has been pros­ showed me a large hollow dead spruce thence South 107.42 rods to the South line trate with disease, and has been a coun­ tree, into which we conveyed ail my of said Donation Land Claim ; thence East Send us your orders. We ship in plain cases and prepay freight. 75 ro«ls to the place of beginning, containing Read over our price list and mail us your orders. Money refunded if goods ty charge, but lie always bore his suffer­ property and christened it “My Castle.’’ 50 arris, more or less. That plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner are not satisfactory. All orders will be treated strictly confidential. The next day Howard and Taylor re­ ings with fortitude. of the said one-sixth interest in fee simple, We ship nil our goods C.O.D , or you can make remittance with your order. The funeral occurred on Monday, T. turned with the boat to Clatsop. About and that she have and recover from defendant the sum of two hundred and fifty the 20th of May, Howard and Alfred B Handley making an appropriate ora­ dollars as her damages for the detention of WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS s Cook came here in the boat. They help the possession of said property for the last tion at the grave, 12Qts. Gallon four years ami for the costs and disburse cd me put up my house—where Piter ments of the action. 12 quarts Sheehan's Private Stock, Rye or Bourbon . $8.00 $3.00 This order is published by order of the (From the Special Edition of the Head­ Morgan now lives (I860). Cook then 12 quarts Tillamook Rve and Bourbon ........................ . 8 50 3.25 Honorable H. F. Goodspeed, County Judge 12 quarts Delaney's ,\lalt Whiskey................................ light. August. 1899.) . 8.00 3.00 left and Howard and myself remained of Tillamook County. Oregon, made on tnc 12 quarts Gordon White R\e Whiskey........................... day of May. 1907, directing publica­ . 8 00 3 00 lose ph C. Champion was Tillamook’s together about the 20th of August,w hen 23rd tion of summons to be made against the 12 quai ts Old Gold Bourbon Whiskey ........................... . 7.50 2.75 first white settler, an<1 a brief history of I started for California. Shortly after 1 defendant, and »late of the first publication 12 quarts Crescent Rye Whiskey .......................... .......... 7.50 thereof is made May 23rd, 1907. 2.75 this adventurous individual will not tie left Cook and H. Wilson came here. 12 quarts Old Port Wine.................................................. H. T B otts . 3 50 1.25 Attorney for Tlaintiff. 12 quarts Old Sherrv Wine .............................................. out of place in this edition to show of Cook took the claim that Vaughn ha* 3 50 1.25 12 quarts Old Angelica Wine ........................................... 3.50 1.25 what sterling stuff the pioneers were at present, and Wilson took to one that SUMMONS. 12 quarts Old Muscat Wine.............................................. 3 50 1.25 made. Jus. Higginbotham has. In the spring ol 12 quarts Old Madeira Wine............................................ 3.50 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, 1 25 Joseph C. Champion was born and . ’52 Nathan Dougherty came here with for liliamook County. 12 quarts Swett Catawba Wine............................. ....... 4 50 1.75 Ellen Doughertv 12 quarts Sanduskv F*ort Wine........................................ raised in Pennsylvania, received a com his family. His wife was the first white 4 50 1.75 Plaintiff, | 12 quarts Old Tom Gin...................................................... vs. | 8 00 mon school education, such as the dis woman who had seen Tillamook—and 3.00 Grant Mills and Morrison }• 12 quarts French Cognac .................................................. 9 00 3 50 tricl schools afford at that ‘lime, and up to this date the only white woman Mills, defendants. Mrs. I 12 quarts California Grape Brandy ............................... 8 00 3.00 C. L Roberts, substitu- I when still quite a young man was ini who Ims died here. A few months aftei 12 quarts Stanford 3A Rve.............................. ................ ted as Defendant. I 11.00 4 00 12 quarts Rainier 3A Bourbon ........................................ To Mrs. C. L. Roberts, the above named lined with a spirit of adventure- With a Dougheity came, Trnsk and his famih 11.00 4.00 : 12 quarts Monogram 0. P. S. Rye or Bourbon .......... wild and restless spirit to see the Great came and settled on the claim they now defendant 12 00 5.00 In the name of the State of Oregon : 12 quarts Rock and Rye .....................;............................ You are hereby reqt ir i! to appear and 6 00 2.25 West, he was not slow to catch the reside on.’’ __________ 12 quarts Peach and Honey ............................................ answer the complaint filed in the above 6.00 2 25 “Fever” which allured so many of the entitled action on or before the expiration 12 quarts Milhiew Whiskey, bottled in bond .............. It will lie seen that one account sa)s of six weeks from the date of the first publi­ 10.00 3.50 Argonauts to the Pacific slope soon altei of this Summons, and if you fail so to I Remember, wc refund you your money and repav freight both ways I if good« he was born in England, while the other cation appear and answer for want thereof the I the news reached the Eastern states that ire not satisfactory. We are exclusive wholesale dealers and sell our goods i at says he is born in Pennsylvania. Th» plaintiff will apply to the Court for the ■ wholesale prices. Nothing hut the best. gold had lieen found in California in fab relief demanded in complaint The relief de latter was, no doubt, a mistake, caused mandril in thecomplaint is that plaintiff have ulous quantities. He set sail for Califor against you to theeffeetthat plain by a brother and sisters living in that judgment Address all Orders to tiff nave and recover the possession of an nia, and reached San Francisco, it is state. As the account of his death gives undivided one-sixth interest in and to the thought, in the fall of 1849. and some following described lands, situate in Tilla- England as his birthplace, this must be mook County, Oregon, to-wit time in 1850found him clerking in a «mall Beginning at the South Rast corner of the | taken as correct in preference to the sub­ Nathan and Lydia Dougherty Donation country store in San Raphael. Marin sequent article we published, and we Land Claim, in Section 28 Township 1 1 countv. Cal. This work proving uncon­ South of Range 9 West of Willamette Meri | must admit that it was a “Bloomin'” dian. and running thence North 42 rods genial to his roving dieposition, he toon Wholesale Liquor Dealers. thence West 20 feet thence North 65.42 Englishman who was the first v hite set rods thence West 73 rods and 13 feet 1 abaudoned it- and set sad for Oregon, tier td Tillamook County, hut no mat* thence South 107 42 rods to the South line 51 Front Street, Portland, Ore. landing tn Astoria some time tn the fall 1 of said Donation Land Claim thence Rast (er what his nationality, he is cer 75 rods to the place of beginning, containing • We assort cases, if desired ; you can take as many bottles of any kind as you wish of the same year After living a few acres, more or less tamly deserving of a monument so that 50 That plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner 1 months in Astdria, reports reached him future generations may know the rest of the said one sixth interest in fee simple i frbfln Indian soisrees that there was a and that she have and recover from de ng place of lose ph C. Champion, the femlant the sum of two hundred and fifty liCMtttiful country with rich ami verdant dollars a« her damage« for the detention of | 1 Rates, $1 Per day prairies lying to the south of Clatsop, sunset when we arrived at the hay. did the possession of said propertv for the last j Centrally Uosatad. four years, and for the costs and disburse not venture to enter the same day. as it called Tillamook. Thither Champron ments oft he action. first pioneer of Tillamook County. This order is published bv order of the resohed to g<>. Buying himself a whale Honorable H F Go Mspeed. Conntv Judge I of Tillamook Count v. Oregon, made on the boat he provisioned i| for a six months' 23rd day of May. 1907. directing publi­ M. H. LiHRSEN. Proprietor. The swellest line of Chimi and Japan cation of summons to he made against the voyage, and with a S|»irit born ofadven ami the date of the first public a I lure lie resolved to risk on the Pacific rse ware that ever came to Tillamook defendant tion thereof is made Mav 23rd 190, II T R ott ». ocean, in a small open boat. I is chances j »st received at Ma tor. Bro.’s. • Attorney for Plaintiff. j The Beet Hotel in the city. No Ch-oese Employed. Advertising Rates. C. E. REYNOLDS, Agent, HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. Yon Use Them. YYe Sell Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. Fir and Spruce Lumber. TILLAMOOK LUMBER. COCOP/INY. Taxes paid form Residents. in office. Office opposite Post Office, Both phones. h . cooper , A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook , orb C arl haberlach , attorney - at - law , ' Ji eu tech tv Office across the street and north tn the Poet Office. H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at .L aw . Office : Opposite Court Hong T illamook , O regon . W. SEVERANCE, A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook .. O regok . Q H. UPTON, Ph. G.,M.D. P pysician and S vrgeok . Office first door East of F. 11 Beals’ office. T. BOALS, M.D., , PHYSICIAN & SURGEOM TILLAMOOK. Office: Olson Building. Residence: Mrs. Walker's. A. K. CASE, Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists & Blacksmiths. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. MAIL ORDER LIQUOR BUSINESS. Buy your Liquors from the Wholesale House Direct. We Want Your Business. Nl. JACOB & CO. LARSEN HOUSE, TILLAMOOK, OREGON 'J^HOMAS ROSS, W. PHYSICIAN & SURGEOP Office : Opposite Post Office, j Residence : Allen House. Tillamook, (h R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gkit , I Tillamook, Oregon. J^jR- P. J. SHARP, DENTIST, I ■J Office across the street frotuth. Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. RESIDENT SARCHET, -1- . The Fashionable Ti Cleaning, Pressing and Rep* ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photo grapk Gallery. PJOBERT A. MILLEK, A ttorn ey - at -L aw , Land Titles, Land Office ness and Mining Law. j PORTLAND, OBEGOS Room, 306 Comtnerciai •tmldi»<- Did You Ever Try HARRI8’8 NEW FEED 1] LIVERY BAHN, If not, give him a call- Everything first-class Sr0 block South of P 0- W. G. HARRIS, w LATIMER BROS IUIU Ml I1IIIKI* SHAVING, HAIR SHAMPOOING, ET0 Elcetric Bathe nicely fitted try.«*- pi none suffering with rhru- *