Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 30, 1907, Image 1

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[Val. XIX. No. 45
stead of a small lot for a home near
the railway depot aee A. Plasker
The swellest line of China and Japan-
ware that ever came to Tillamook
just received at Mason Bru.'j.
B. Irndorf had his collar bone broken
on Sunday hy being thrown from his
buggy and Dr. Ross was called to attend
to the injuries.
The gasoline schooner Gerald C-,
which stranded on the sandspit at the
entrance of Nestucca river, was floated
011 Sunday night.
Obtains Various Sums
Money Under False
Withont Paying His Board Bill,
Livery Bill or Tailor’s Bill-
Stole Oranges from a Store.
$1.50 per year
Are Closing Out their Stock of
I>r. Upton returned from Portland on
Rev. A. E. Wingert, the talented ard
Wednesday and reports that all the
lands of the Southern Pacific in this gifted young pastor of the Presbyterian
county was filed on.
church in Tillamook Citv is either a dead
The city council will hear objections beat, crook or kleptomaniac. Opinion is
and remonstrancesnext Monday evening somewhat divided as to that by those
to planking five business blocks, which who became personally acquainted with
will cost at least $720 a block.
him during his short stay of about two
Children's Day will lie observed with months in this city. That he is either a
appropriate exercises bv the Sunday
“dead beat” or is suffering with a klepto­
school, at the Christian church, on Sun*
mania brain storm was proven beyond a
day evening at eight o'clock.
doubt when the lime light was turned on
Men’s Underwear and Hoisery—a big stock at low
In the case of the estate of Robert
Crawford, which was appealed to the his crooked actions this week. It may
supreme court, a motion of Talmage & be hard for some people to believe this,
Jrlmson to dismiss the case was over however, for he appeared to be held in
Men’s Working Shirts, 50c. and 60c. quality, all go at
high esteem, but it is a fact, nevertheless,
You are invited to attend the Chil­ that Mr. Wingert, instead of occupying
dren’s exercises at the Christian church
Men’s Dress Shirts reduced from 75c. to 40c.
on Sunday evening at eight o'clock, and a pulpit in a Presbyterian cliuich, ought
also to the preaching in the morning by to be serving time with J. L Arstill in
the pastor.
Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Stockings all go at less
the state penitentiary and the rest of
than cost.
The Closing Out Sale of Cohn & Co.'s the crooks, for that is where he will land
Big Stock of Ladies’ and Gent.'s Dry up sooner or later if he continues to
Goods and Furnishings is being conduct­ pursue his bunco game.
Our entire stock is going to be sold at less than cost, as
ed in their corner store opposite the
Some months ago the Portland Pres
we are closing out our business.
Allen House.
by try sent Mr. Wingert to Cloverdale to
Prof. VV. R. Rutherford has been offer­
You should come at ouce if you wish to secure the best
ed the principalship of the Eugene High take charge of the Nestucca Presbyterian
School, and is undecided whether to ac­ church, where he remained several
cept it. The offer came as a surprise to months, and deciding not to remain in
him, for it was insolicited.
Cloverdale, the members of the Presby­
For Sale, by C. Mills, Beaver, Oreg., terian church in this city invited him to
We are now located opposite the Allen House, where
two good work horses, wagon and become their pastor, as he was so highly
harness, all ir. good shape Horses will
we will always he pleased to have a call from our
weigh about 1,150 each. Also have a spoken of by people in the south end of
numerous old friends, whether we do business
full line in general real estate business. the county. It was largely through the
with them or not.
Name what you want you get it. Null efforts of Rev. Dr. Baird that Mr. Win
said.—0. M ills .
gert came here, who did not care to re
The School District Boundary Board turn to I.is work in Victor, Mont., until
held a special meeting Tuesday and re some one had been selected to take his
ceived petition, from the five Nehalem
school districts asking lor the establish, place. It was the last Sunday in March
meat of a Union High School at Ne that Mr. Wingert commenced preaching
liaiern. The board made nil order sub­ in this city and Bav City.
mitting the question to the legal voters
One week ago last Sunday he preached believe that he is as croaked as he has the local papers, and n copy of the same
ol the proposed high school district at
sent teethe late home of the parents In
the annual school meetings to be held
June 17 next The indications are very city in the evening, when he announced Pennsylvania to Oregon
I»hn Sander, Maggie Berns and Tillie
favorable for the proposition being ap­ that he would preach the baccalaureate
He belonged to the Masons. Eastern Eisen, committee.
proved by the people.
sermon to the high school graduates the Star, K. of P. and Oddfellows, and was
A thousand get rich by saving, where following Sunday. Early next morning, very popular with the members of the
one gets rich by speculation. Teach your much to the surprise of some of the mem­ fraternal orders, so much so that he was
children the value of saving. The neces­
Will Span Rivers on
sity ot saving should be a part of every bers of the Presbyterian church, he in­ chosen one of the orators at the recent
Main Line to Tillamook.
chilli’s education ; thousands of dollars formed them that he was going to Port­ anniversary of the 1.0.0 F. order in this
The contract for three steel bridges,
are spent annually by children, on trash. land and Salem, and would return at the city, when he spoke for one hour in the
each 150 feet long, ha’ been let by the
We will aid you in starting them out end of the week. Saturday came and
opera house, which was crowded, and Pacific Railway & Navigation Company
right or breaking them of already ac­
to the American Bridge
_ Company,
.. which
quired habits by lending you one of our Mr. Wingert had not returned. Sunday he was loudly applauded.
It is supposed that Wingert has made w’^ build them and deliver them her« by
handsome home savings banks free. You morning came, with the Presbyterian
will find that they soon take pleasure in daintily decorated, the cliuich crowded, good his flight out of the state befor^ , August 1. Robert Wakefield will then
the structures. They will cross the
going "down to the bank.’’ One dollar and the choir on the rostrum with a this covering up his tracks, but if bis | erect
! Kilches,
Kill-lies. Wilson and Miami Rivers on
opens on account.—T illamook C ounty
to ___________
Tillamook, The three
B ank .
laureate service. But Mr. Wingert was will be brought back and a jury wil11 structures represent a cost of about $60,.
There was a large congregation at the
Presbyterian church on Sunday to hear not on hand, had not been heard from, have to decide whether he is a crook of
President Lytle is awaiting the filing
I of bids
the baccalaureate sermon to the gradua­ nor could anyone give any information the dead beat class or t was
__ ___
n.v vwuwvimv
- by contractors for the construe*
ting class of the high school by the Rev. about him. Rev P. R. Burnett, pastor froin a kleptomania brain storm when ' tion of ten miles additional of the main
A E Wingert, ivho for some reason had
of the Christian church, was appealed to he obtained money by false pretences | i line from Milepost, 20 miles west on
not returned to the city to occupy his
'Salmonberry Creek. The contract is all
pulpit and his appointment to preach and kindlv consented to preach the ser­ and decided to shake the dust from off ready to be let and constructors are
that morning.
The church had been mon. Little did that large congregation his feet before taking his flight.
now looking over the work. The ten
nicely decorated and a musical program think that the man who should have
miles of the road to be built on this con­
arranged for, but the service was delay­
tract is reasonably heavy work with
given the graduating class words of
Bids Wanted.
ed on account of the absence ol Mr. Win
some trestling. A long tunnel will be
gert. Rev. P. R. Burnett, pastor of the Christian advice wis a “dead beat,”
on this section o! the work, but the
Bids will be received for the erection of
Christian church, kindlv agreed to fill something which every member of the a School House in School District No. 8, contract for the tunnel lias already
the pulpit and preach the sermon, which class will never forget.
at Beaver, Tillamook County, Oregon, been let.
he did.
Directors of the Pacific Railway &
It has leaked out since Sunday morn- until the 2nd |uae, 1907, at noon. The
district will furnish all the material on ! Navigation Company have adopted the
maps providing for the permanent loca­
High School Commencement.
the school grouttds.
It seems that Mr. Wingert “tapped” a
Plans and specifications of the build­ tion of 60 miles of the branch of the
On Friday evening the commencement Bay Cilyite lor $20 the day previous to ing can be seen‘at J. H. Dunstan’s, at [ t’. R & N. Co. to Astoria from the
exercises of the Tillamook High School his departure to fields unknown, and the Beaver, the Directors reset ving the right | main line to Tillamook. Maps were
adopted by the directors at a recent
will take place at the Opera house, the morning that he left town he went to to reject any or «ill bids.
. meeting.
By Order of the Board,
class of 1907 being composed of Edna
A. W. B unn . Chairman.
Aldermnn, Henrv Diehl. Ida Eveline several members ot the Presbyterian
Goyne, Cheater Arthur McGhee. Hiixel church and obtained various sums of
Statement of the Condition of
Mae McNair and Grace Edith Spaulding. mouev, varying from $75 down, saying I Bids Wanted for Road Work
Tillamook County Bank,
Prof. A R. Sweeter will address the he was short of money and did not have
MAY 20, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
class and Director H. T Botts will pre
sent the diplomas, which will bring ano enough to make the trip. In all he must will be received by the County Court ol
have obtained $150, and now that he has Tillamook County, Oregon, for clearing
ther successful school year to a close.
flown others may admit that the preacher of the right of way and grading of 12 Loans and Discounts........... $135,450.59
Oration............ "The Little White Slave.” “soaked’’ them as well. Having obtain­ foot solid road bed on the first and Due from Banks ...................
second miles of the road lying on the Real Estate and buildings..
Henry Diehl.
East side of the North fork of the Ne­ Safe and Fixtures ...............
Instrumental Solo...................................
. 20.523 HO
Mrs. Fred Christensen and in the absence of his landlady, bur-
“Witches Dance’’ (Paginini).
ridly burned a lot of letters in the store
Oration. “The Hero of the Lost Cause.’’ and packed his clothes in a suit case, left leading to .Nehalem, near the gravel pit,
Total.......................... $253,038 96
thence northeasterly on the line of sur­
Grace Edith Spaulding.
Vocal Solo.................... Hazel Mae McNair the house without paying for his board vey of said roads.
Bids will be entertained for each mile
and lodgings since he has been in this I
••Protestations’’ (Norris).
Oration.................... ‘ The World’s Eden.” city. He had hired a rig, and W. H. Eat separately Parties desiring to bid on Capital Stock ...................... . $30,000 00
............... . 149,823 H«
Ida Evelvn Goyne.
ter, the liveryman, drove him to Sheridan, apply to H. V. Alley, county com mis. Time Deposits .....................
Vocal Solo...................... Edna Aiderman.
Oration, “The Guiding Star of Destiny.’’ and if Wingert “ tapped ’’ some of sioner, for specifications, a copy of which Savings Accounts..................
his friends at Cloverdale is not known will also be on hie in the Clerk’s office.
Hazel Mae McNair.
Total.......................... $263,038 9(1
All bills should lx filed wi h the Coun I
Violin Solo...................... Chester McGhee here, but the supposition is that he did
ty Clerk not later than July 2nd nt 5
Oration............. “Perils of the Republic.’’
Mr Easter went from Sheridnn to Port­ o’clock p.m , the Court reserving the
of Oregon,
Edna Aiderman.
County of Tillamook, f **
Instrumental Solo. Mrs. Chester Holden. land on the train with Wingert, so as to right to reject any and all bids.
I, M. W. Harrison, being first duly
By Order of the County Court.
Oration,...... ’ The Coming Supremacy of make arrangements for the return trip
sworn, on my oath say that I am presi­
G. 3. LAMB,
the Pacific.’’ Chester Arthur McGhee.
Easter was to meet Wingert at the Per­
dent and cashier of the Tillamook Coun.
County Clerk.
Address to the Class...... ........................
kins hotel, but the latter failed to keep
ty Bank, mid that the foregoing is a
Prof. A. R. Sweetser, University
his Appointment, and after Easter had
true and correct statement of the finan­
of Oregon.
Resolut on of Condolence.
condition of said Bank on Mav 20,
Presentation of Diplomas..... H. T Botts
waited there for several hours, concluded
The High School faculty awarded the to return to Tillamook, little dreaming
May 26, 1907.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
place of valedictarian io Miss Grace that Wingert had bilked him out of his
Spaulding and that of Saluta’orinn to
Immediately after the late Mass the this 20th day of May, 1907.
livery bill.
Miss Ida Goyne, but both preferring
members of the Sodality met for th**
Several other things have come to transaction of business. The first and
Notary Public for Oregon.
orations, the valedictory and salutatory
have been dispensed with.
light. He bought some oranges in one most important was the parsing of reso­
of the stores. W hile the person who lutions of condolence in Ixhalf of Sadie, Sunny Nead Addition to Tilla­
Mattie and Joe Guptil, the surviving
served him had her back turned, he took children of Mr. and Mrs. |oseph Guptil,
mook City.
Thomas Qnick is Killed.
two oranges and placed them in a bag formerly of this city. The resolutions
The W. S. Hayes' five acre tract, con­
Word was received in this city on with the other and did not pay for them. follow
tracted lor by the Tillamook Real Estate
Where.if, it han phased Almighty God Company, will tie platted and placed on
Wednesday! from Astoria of the sad He ordered a $10 suit, and the tailor is
to talw away the parents of J.nxph,
news that Thomas Quick had been i fortunate that he has the goods still in his Martha and Sadie Guptil, formerly of the market. All lots sold on contract
to lie delivered Jnlv 1st, 1907. Advance
killed there that afternoon by the possession, and he bough tone of Edison's this Parish ;
snle now on. Lots chenpest and best of
Resojved, that we, as menilxrs of the any in Tillamook.
explosion of a boiler of a steam shovel, ' talking machines on the installment plan
Call and see the
he died soon after. The unfort unatdyoung ■nd did some crazy talking into it him. Sodalisy of the Blessed Virgin, extend plats nt the Tillamook Real Estate
our heastfek sympathy to their surviv­ Company's office ; or F R Beal's office.
man was the son of Mr. Ike Quick, of self.
ing children, and that we offer our pi a*
South Prairie, and left here about two
Wingert was highly educated, a fine rrs for the souls of the drp tried, and
week ago. He was about 30 years of orator and a splendid musician, and had for the wdf.tre of the surviving ; and be
' Sprains Quickly Cured.
Batla* tin* [art. frwly with Cl>aml»r-
age and a member of the I 0.0 F ! evidently moved in good society and had it further
Resolved, that these resolnlions be lain'« Pain Balm ami give them abeo-
The remains will be brought in oo the traveled to Europe several times, and spread out upon the minute* of the Sod lute teat, and quick cure la certain, For
next steamer and buried here.
• with these accomplishments, it W hard to ality, and that they lx made public in eale by Clough's Drug Store.
Also the Fine Stock of
. Botts, for abstracts.
The gasoline schooner Evie came in on
Tuesday with freight from Astoria.
Visit Cohn’s Great Closing Out Sale if
you want bargains in Dry Goods, etc. *
Henry E. Morris, eye specialist. *
Mason Bro.’s will duplicate any price
| Tillamook County Bank notes * in the city, quality of goods considered. *
lien wanted at Leach's Meat Mar.
Wanted, a second hand churn, from 20
to 35 galluns. Enquire at this office. *
Harrows and Discs at Snuf-
T. Kellow, Mrs. G. Keilow and Mrs.
J. Fleck were in from Cloverdale on Mon­
in bulk or jar at Mills' Cash day.
it knives at
less than cost al
No one thinks of buying a buggy or
wagon without looking over Snuffer's
Mr. C. M. Thomas received word that
lite River flour $4.60 a barrel at
his father had died suddenly at Detroit,
l-you see the beautiful colt cups at
Mrs Lester Landingham and Arthur
Coffey were in from Cloverdale on Wed­
Welsh, ot Blaine, was in the city nesday.
» y'
Get into the habit of trading at Patz-
■esoii, of Portland, was in the city lai’s and receive a 5 per cent discount
for cash.
Kollett, of Blaine, was ill the city
Miss French left on Sunday last for her
home at Albany, having closed school at
■ Benson is in from Seaside for a Bay City.
Tinning and plumbing of every descrip­
■kern Hams and Bacon at Mills' tion. Workmanship guaranteed. King
and Smith.
Special value in Men’sand Boy’s Cloth
■ k I, of Sheridan, was in the city on
ing and the largest line to select from at
Mason Bro.’s.
kKellow was in from Cloverdale
A full line of White Canvass Oxfords
and Tennis shoes at Mason Bro.’s at the
• Slit bion, Jr ,was in from Portland lowest prices.
McMillan is going out of the photo
Ung tackle of every description at business If you want work made come
■ Smith's.
in now. Don't delay.
■ Leach will pay 10c. pe.' pound
MSI chicken.
Why leave your horses in the rain
when you can tie them in Harris’ Tie
Shed for 10 cts.
1 fine of leed and best seed oats in
Wen offer’s.
Don’t forget to stop at Harris’ Feed
I. fames Walton and sister left for Barn, the cheapest place in the city to
keep your team.
I oil Friday.
Now is the proper time to paint and
CTMiiry Mills' creamery butter at
S W P. is the proper kind to use.—King
’ Cash Store.
and Smith, agents.
ggfiuies, of the U. S. Forest Service,
Don’t forget that Mason Bro ’s gives
■nil Sunday.
silverware away, which is equal to a
¡■our Jersey and Buhl milk cans 5 per cent discount.
Mng & Smith.
Commissioners Body felt and Aliev
Mfith. of North Bend, Wash., was were in the city on Tuesday attending
MMy on Friday.
the boundary board.
■hrs of Riblions, Laces, etc .tbout
W. S. Walton is in the city and will
Mee at Cohn's.
act as cashier of the National bank while
fifiNichlaus, of Aberdeen, Wash., his bi other goes to Salem.
$~the city Sunday.
The prices on Ladies’ Skirts, Waists
and Suits at Mason Bro.’s were never
square piano, cheap. Address
before in Tillamook.
■kse, Hemlock, Ore.
anything that can be repair­
■ will feed your team hay and
ed. Guns and bicycles especially. Ex­
Mpn over night for 50c.
pert mechanic employed.-King & Smith.*
Mkusgrove and wife, of Portland.
The Tillamook Lumlxring Company
W*tbe city on Monday.
has been cutting out ties for the railroad
¡■ks for sale. Leave orders at and it looks good to see them piled up
tSadley's lunch counter.
• I ready for use.
• J
■wyou seen the handsome coach
Mrs. Minnie Durham, of Castle Rock,
and Mrs. Sylvia Hare and son, of Seat­
■fatargo at Snuffer's ?
tle, have been visiting their mother, Mrs.
Mfie, upright Hamilton Piano, for George Richardson at Tenino, Wash.
•fitap, at C. E. Reynolds.
Two fine dairy ranches for rent, one
■Sfit and sell bicycles, guns, fly with 35 cows and the other with 50
■Xts. etc. King & Smith.
cows, handy to store, post office and
■■net ion in Silks. Towels, Belts cheese factory. For further particulars
inquire of Tillamook Real Estate Co. *
Mirs' Underwear at Cohn's. *
st Arrived at
Department Store
i Blue, Brown and Black Panama,
Albatross and Fancy Mobair.
A Beautiful bine of
Fhina and Japanese Ware
arge Assortment of Spring Garments,
fcdies’ Short and Long Coats,
Misses Short Coats,
Ladies’ Skedrane Coats,
Tailored Suits and Skirts in Voile
Panama and Serge.
We also have the Butterick Patterns and the
feiineator for Sale. May Patterns now on hand
Don’t Forget the Silverware is FREE.
Ladies’ Black Dress Goods
and Summer Suitings
This is strictly a Cash Sale.