TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 23. 1907 Advertising Rates L bual A ovhhtismb . nts : 10 First luaertion, perline.................. $ 5 Each «ubaequent insertion, line.... Businewt and profeaeioual card«, 1 oo 1 month ................. ................... 5 00 Houieatead Notice»........................... 00 10 Timber Claim»...................... ' 5 Local«, per line each insertion ... Display advertisement, an inch. 50 1 month ........................................ All Keaolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., minimum rate, 25c. not exceed» g live lines. Local Option in Tillamook. Colonel R. J. Hendrick«, who is editor and owner of the Salem Daily States­ man, and is largely interested in street railway« and a large property owner in Tillamook county and other parts of the state, was a fraternal visitor at the Sig­ nal offree Tuesday. Colonel Henderson was returning from a business trip to Tillamook, and during his conversation with the Signal editor, spoke oi the ap- proaching prohibition election in Seaside, saying he had always been opposed to this state's prohibition law ; but during his visit in Tillamook he had talked w ith almost every business man there and they all told him that business was bet- ter, that people paid their bills more promptly, and they had fewer bad ac- counts under prohibition than beiore.— Seaside Signal. T. BOTTS, White Bronze Monuments. H Pentecoat. • TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT A ttorn ey - at -L aw Complete set of Abstract Ba Instructions on the feast of Pentecost, 1 given at the Sacred Heart Catholic If you coutcmpUle purclm»« of »ur Taxes paid fWll0 Church, May 19th. Cemetery Work, it i» w<>rtl. jour while to in- in office. •• The Church has instituted this ' vestiaate White Bronxe. a material that make, Residents. great feast in memory of the descent of the only durable Monument, -nd surpaMe. the Holy (.«host upon the H|x»stles and disciples, u li<»K w ith M «rv, the mother Marble and Granite in fine, arti»ttc finish. Office opposite Post Office. of Jesus, were assombted in prater, in a Both phones. No tn<>.. growing, cracking or crumbling ; house at Jerusalem. ” — Acts II. ( no cleaning or care required. Better Ul every The Jews (%-lebiat^d the proclama ­ j tion of the law given to them by God way titan granite and less expensive. Leading y^7 H- COOPER, through Moses, on the fiftieth day alter Scientists endorse it as being practically miles Easter, l he old Pentecost w as a figure trudible. Correspondence solicited. of the new Pentecost, on which the , Holy Spirit was sent arid the new law A ttorney - at -L aw , . established. It is (tailed Pentecost from | the Greek numeral “ Pentecoste,” mean­ T illamook , o » i j ing fifty, because it faits on the last day of lhe fifty after Easter. The day is eefebrau'd by the Church Fred C. H«ker. Publl.h.r with great solemnity, becaut-c it com­ BOUGHT BY LYTLE. memorates the proclamation and estsb arl haberlach lishnier t of lhe new law <»f grace, and POWER OF PARDON IS Stock of the United Railways reminds us of the purifying and sancti­ Again Changes Hands. fying of human nature, by the outpour­ FREELY USED. (Oregonian). attorney - at - law , ing of the Holy Spirit, for the first time After many vici-sit rides, the majority made manifest to the world, by his Four ‘ Lifers” and Criminals of lhe slock of the United Railways baa descent on the apostles in the form <»f i passed into the hands of E. E. Lytle, tongues of fire: which also marked the Recently Set Free by i president of the Pacific Railway & Navi- beginning of the work of regeneration Office ncro»» the »treet anti north h the Governor. I gallon Company. He save he will com- ! in the souls of men, as witnessed by lhe the Po»t Office. píete the projects hh already mapped out. ' biipism of three thou&and soul > w ho had S alem , Ore, May 17.—The news re­ but he ib not 3 el familiar with tlie detail* received the Gon e of Penaia e, thiough reived here yesterday from Portland that of Ibe system he bas acquired, and de­ the preach.ing of St Peter. James L. Warren had been pardoned out clines to discuss it luither. lie Confirms , The day also car no us back to the H. GOYNE, his purchase of stock but not stale ' of the penitentiary was quite a surprise, beginning of lhe Church, as a visible what the control of the road cost, nor ¡ body openly proclaiming for lhe first as it was nut known here that such a from whom he bought it. It is under move was contemplated. For several h U mm I that he secured the stock from time, has belief in the crucified Re. A ttorney - at .L aw . deeiimr. It may be considered as the months it has been the practice of the local business men who are on the bond bill Inlay of the Church, as an organized Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. Governor not to make public announce­ given the city as assurance that the Iran body, completed and fully prepared to Office : Opposite Court Ho do her mission work on eaitb. ment ot the granting of pardons, hence cluses would be rightly used. The chief object in acquiring the pro It was well and fitting that Christ the release ol Warren was unknown un­ petty seems to be to afford an entrance T illamook , O regon . should choose a day for proclaiming the til he was seen by friends in Portland. into the city from Hillsboro for the Pa­ new law, when people from all nations Warren is the man who was convicted cific Railway & Navigation Company, under the sun were gathered in one w liicli is now building a line into Tilla­ place, as the great fact of the Redemp­ of killing William King, mate ol the ship mook County from Hillsboro. Mr. Lytle ClarenceS. Bement, in 1901. He carried expects to build the projected Hillsboro tion would thereby easily be spread W. SEVERANCE, t over the entire world. bi« case to the supreme court, where it extension of the United Rail way« system The Holy Spirit is also called the was affirmed, and he began serving his and haul the timl>er ami other producís Paraclete, which means one who con ! of Tillamook into lhe Portland terminal soles, lie was consoler as well as» the term. The pardon was granted upon A ttorney - at -L aw , over his own rails instead of turning it encourager of the the petition of two members of the jury, over to the Southern Pacific at Hillsboro. stiengthener and Special Attention paid to Tourists. apostles, and was lhe moving and acting numerous other parties and upon the The suspicion has been aroused that principle in all their gieat work for the A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. T illamook .. O regok possibility that if one witness who was Mr. Lytle represents the Southern good of men Pacific in making his purchase, thereby And as the Holy Ghost was the con­ heard nt the coroner’s inquest could have giving the Hai liman line the long been procured l»y the defense at the trial desired Flout street track, making the soler, the purifier and p» rfecter of the apostles, so He has been and is the same Q H. UPTON, Ph.G,,M.: the verdict might have been difleient. It cutinectioii between the Jt fferson.street for all men who receive the Grace of was also shown that Wairen had been de|M>( and the teiminal grounds. But God, and to conform to it. The Holy this is vigorously denied by Mr. Lytle, Spi’it enlightens the soul to a perception of previous good reputation ; that his who mu lie is acting independently and P pysician and S urgeox . conduct in prison has been good and has nothing whatever to do with the ol lhe truths <>f faith, and the beauty of virtue, and gives encouragement to that he bus a wife and child to support. Harriman interest« in making the pur­ practice what men know to be right. Office first door East of F l He bestows upon men who live a life Long List of Recent Pardons. chase. The United Railways franchises have of grace, especial favors, w hich we call Beals’ office. The pardons granted recently arc as been trafficked and hawked about many the gifts of the Holy Ghost. These gifts times since they were original!) granted or favors aie : Wisdom, which enables follows . by the Council toa group of ixw Angeles men to value the things of God al»ove J. 8. Smith, from Clatsop County, sen­ promoters. Each purchase has been glad tenced in June, 1903, to ten years for to drop them as soon asan opportunity all earthly goods, and to strive for their T. BOALS, M.D., possession by the practice of good works perjury ; pardoned March 13, 1907. presented itself. Construction work is with true delight; understanding, that Orders for Lumber promptly attended to. William Fry, from Grant County, sen­ now going on, however, and the latest virtue by which men knows the things PHYSICIAN & SURGE) tenced in May, 1890. to life imprison buyer indicates that lhe projected lines he is to believe, and to accept the same ment for murder in the second degree ; will really be built. with faith in God; the gilt of counsel pardoned March 15, 1907. The report yesterday that Mr. Lytle which warns him against dangers to TILLAMOOK. W H Barre, from Grant County, sen­ bad bought iheasiets of lhe United Rail f ith and moials; fortitude, the power of Office: Olson Building. tenced in October, 1896, to hie imprison ways whs generally discredited. Attorney patience under trial by pain and suffer­ ment tor murder in the second degree ; A. 0. Emmons, w ho is the legal adviser ing; the gilt of knowledge, that points Re«idence: Mrs. Walker’». for lhe company, siuted lie did not know out Lhe straight duties of man’s parti« u pardoned March 5, 1907. of any such transaction and did not be­ I far slate in life, to give him will and E. B. Anderson and E. IL Anderson, Jr . from Clatsop County, sentenced June lieve it had taken place. Mr. Lytle strength to perform them; piety, the 21,1906, to one year lor assault and himself was the only one to confirm the virtue which leads man to do all things PROPRIETOR iiurcliase. It is understood that Mr. for the love of God ano His Honor; and battery, pardoned March 15, 1907. jytle and Herman Wittenberg are now finally the gift of the fear of the Lord, George Austen,from Multnomah Coun­ lhe chief ow ners. Just how mifch stock PHYSICIAN & SURGE ty, senteiiced in »September, 1906, to he has secured, Mr Lytle will not say which is tbu beginning of wisdom, and three years tor rape, pardoned March further than he has purchased over half. causes mail to fear sin mere than any other evil that can befall him, purely 27. 1907. been use of the offence against His Office : Opposite Po»t Office. Charles Aliev, from Lane County, sen­ Relief from Rheumatic Pains. creator. tenced November, 1904, to five years lor Among the troubles that beset mail' Boiler Work, Logger ’ s Work and Heavy Forging. * Fur us. who celebrate this day. ac Reiidence : Allen House, Tillamook, manslaughter, pardoned Apiil 3, 1907. kind rheumatism is one of the most cording to the Spirit of lhe Church, it is Harvey Meldrum, from Baker County, aggravating. “I suffered with it for a reminder of all the best things that Fine Machine Work a Specialty. R sentenced Oct. 12. 1906, to 18 months, over two years,” says Mr. Holland God has bestowed upon mankind, and R. BEALS, pardoned April 4, 1907. Curry, a patrolman, of Key West, Fla. which we may consider as having had John Baker, from Morrow County, sen­ “ Sometimes it settled in my knees and their beginning on the day of Pentecost. r W VW nrwv YTWV WWWY tenced February, 1905, to six years for lamed me so I could hardly walk, at Rev. A. L. L b M iller . REAL ESTATE, other times it would be in my feet and manslaughter, pardoned April 6, 1907. hands so 1 was incapacitated for duty. |. H. Pinckney, from Josephine Coun­ F inancial Acun One night when I was in severe pain ty, >en enced October,1903, to five years Good Words for Chamber­ and lame from it my wife went to the tor rob'iery, pardoned April 9, 1907. lain ’ s Cough Remedy. drug store here and came back with a Tillamook, Oregon. Edgar Chiles, from Josephine County, »Kittle of Chamberlain's Pam Balm. 1 People everywhere take pleasure in sentenced April, 1904, to six years tor was rublied with it and found the pain testifying to the good qualities of Cham assault ««ith a dangerous weapon, par­ had nearly gone during the night. I berlain’s Cough Remedy Mrs. Edward Py P. J- SHARP, doned April 10, 1907. kept on using it for a little more than Phillips, of Barclay, Md , writes : “ 1 Mose lajlor, front Umatilla County, two weeks end found that it drove the w ish to tell you that 1 can recommend sentenced in February, 1906, to two and rheumatism away. 1 have not had any ('hamlx'ilain's Cough Remedy. My RESIDENT DENTIST one halt «ears for attempted hi son, par* trouble from that disease for over three little girl, Catherine, who is two yeais doned April 24, 1907. months "For sale by Clough's Drug Store. old, has been taking this remedy w beli­ Office across the street from? ever she has had h cohl since she was Ed Miller, of Multnomah County, corn two months old. Almut a month ago 1 milted to jail lor 73 days in defauit ul Court House. How's This? We can furnish all kinds of Winea, Whiskies, Brandies, payment ot costs, March 16, 1907. hai We offer One Huudred Dollars Reward for Contracted a dreadful cold myself, but I Gin and Ruin at wholesale prices. Dr. Wise’s office. once of costs remitted April 25. 1907, any case of Catnnh that cannot be cuml by took Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and Hall's Catarrh Cure. and prisoner discharged. w as soon as w ell as ever.” This remedy Send us your orders. We ship in plain cases and prepay freight. F J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. is for sale by Clough's Drug Store. Al. Meyer, of Multnomah County, sen- Read over our price list and mail us your orders. Monev refunded if goods SARCHET, trnccd February 25. 1907, to one year in Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him are not satisfactory. All orders will be treated strictly confidential. perfectly honorable m all businesa trans the county jail lor larceny, pardoned actions and financially able to carry out any T . The Fashionable Tii» We ship nil our goods C.O.D , or you can make remittance with your order. obligations mad« by their firm. May 1. 1907. A Bold Step. W alding . K ins an ft M arvin . Henry Win!zinger•<»03, to 3 50 1.25 entering in 12 quarts Old Angelica Wine ........................................................ ” position of his widely per tilting ot glasses. A tiial is .til one year fur kidnapping, pardoned May J^OBERT A. MILL» 1.25 12 quarts Old Muscat Wine................................................. "*~"'** 3.50 celebrated luch ¿¿¿.-lienee 12 quarts Stanford 3A Rye......................................... James Warren killed William Kirk on I wdl fit yon with glasses that I 11.00 ! Is nut afcaid to subject them to 4.00 PORTLAND, (lie ship ( larence 8. Bement in Poitland 12 quarts Rainier 3A Bourbon ........................................................ * will guarantee to l»e satisfaetorv 4.00 12 quart« Monogram O. P. S. Rye or Brrurt^u ] 11.00 liaibor in I960, after which he inimedi bot only does the wrapper of every bottle Room, 306 Commerci» I BaÄi from $1.50 up. Glasses tor hss 12 00 5.00 of Hr Pierce’., Golden M.-Tlcal Discovery, the ately fled. The police Uxik up the < mmm 12 quarts Rock and Rye ................................................... than that amount not guaranteed. 6 00 famous medicine for weak stomach, t rptd 2.25 and finally located Warien in Savannah 12 quarts Peach and Honey .................................. liver or bllhnisnesa and all «-«tarrhal diseases 6 (10 2 25 Ga. He was arrested there and was held 12 quarts Milhicw Whiskey, bottled in bond wherever locst.nl. have printed upon It. As made up by Improved and e»aet nvo- SHAVING, HAIR Ct* CVSS. S. he F avojlto Pro- rfptwm ' Is a mmt tieen in use. people have learned that Huflr "rrntorr em< tent reme.lv for regulating all the wom- is the one remedy that never fails Whe n «’ JTKXTOTHt Q anly functions, corre.-tlng displacements, as SHAMPOOING, E10 reduced with water and sweetened it I, prolapsua, »nteverskm end retorverston. SIGN Of THE FISH *<• «TOWE» co ■deasaut to take. For «ale by Clough , irrl'’1'- »«i'ng up im . KLLb ? nrr«r'‘ »'•«•«* Di ug Store. Eketric Bath» nicely fltte F. MAIL ORDER LIQUOR BUSINESS. Buy your Liquors from the Wholesale House Direct. We Want Your Business. WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS : « on Dr. Henry E. Morris. aiul^consìder^ HOLD UP» M. JACOB & CO. POMMEL 51 Front Street, Portland, Ore Centrally boeatod. Roto», $1 Par day LARSEN HOUSE, M. H. DHRSEN, Proprietor. TILLAMOOK, OREGON W. G. HARRIS, LATIMER BRO IUIU HI IHIIMK