TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 16, 1907 RUSH WORK ON TILLA­ MOOK LINE. BOULDER CREEK. .Manuel Bor ba has been partially crippled the past w^ek by bruising his Portland Bridge Company Be­ leg with th« fork handle while pitching manure. gins Clearing Right of Way Several men of the neighborhood are working their tax out <-n the road which on Grading Contract. passes through the C. A. Smith place. (Oregon Journal ) A rumor is going the nun h to the I A construction contract for 20 miles effect that the Hazel Berni Cheese I of the PitciHc Railway & Navigation . Factory will soon begin operations. Kcompany’• line from Tillaniook City to Fred Redd a way walked out from |!l lialrn. has been taken by the Portland Tillamook last Sunday. ■ Bridge company, and work has been au- L. N. Sandoz went to Tillamook Mon­ ■Xively begun. Right of way is being day to prove up on his timber claim. ■cleared with donkey engine*.- and grad- H A. Chopard, accompanied him as a ing is inaugurated. Bridge work will witness. K j be commenced immediately. P R. Coulson and family and E. P. I Thin contract will complete the line Mills and family spent last Sunday at Igwithin a year from Tillamook to the Jno. BorUi’s. ¿/Nehalem river. On the steamer Elmore W. D. Glad well has l»een in very poor >. e driven north and We have been informed that C. A. ‘South, anti all freight will he handled Smith has sold his ranch here to W. N Haver the dock of the Bay City company. Bays * Miss Laura Bays visited Sunday with Lay Steel at Once. her nieces and nephews, the Jensen ¡The Portland Bridge company’s con- Bet includes clearing right of way. children. Mr. and Mrs Jensen went up on east fading and bridging, and as fast as it ,mpletes this work the railroad com- creek last Sunday to visit Mr. L. P |ny will lay the steel and have the Gray's family. O. W. Kinnaman was nut from »rad ready for operation. All traffic for the line from its inception will pass Tillamook recently to see how his stock oirer the Bay City dock and steamer was getting along. Mrs. Rosa Barba and son John and MBinens is expected to grow rapidly •«that point. It is believed a steamer Pred Reddaway called at H. A. Chopa­ line giving frequent service between rd’s Sunday evening. Mr. Frank Kumm spent last Sunday rartland and Bay City would be a very ^ofitable undertaking and will soon be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chopard. Mr. Jake Huston got quite badly •rtabhsheii by some of Portland s en- Wprising skippers. J, W. Shaffrotli hurt at Donaldson’s logging camp by a pfporlland has charge of the furnish. chunk rolling on him and knocking him Ing *of piling and ties for the Portland across his saw. He had quite a bad Bridge company. Scott Bozarth of the saw cut and was badly bruised; we are Bay City Land company, who returned glad to note that he is getting better. That our American rorvsts abound Io plants which possess the must valuable mediciual virtues is abundantly attested by scores of the must eminent medical writers and teachers. Even the untu­ tored ludiaiu had discovered the useful­ ness of many ualive plants before the advent of the white race. This informa­ tion, imparted- freely to the whites, hd the latter to continue Investigations until to-day we have a rich assortment of mojt valuable American medicinal routs. O Dr. Pierce believes that our American for­ ests aiJ^od in most valuable medicinal roots fot the most obstinate and fatal dis­ eases. if wKwobid properly investigate them; and of this conviction, he ' pollW«ith pridK® the ilnwat niarn-li>u» furta efftxitd. hx hh "iioideu Mnlh ni IiUu. covery,”. which has proven .itself to Lc the most st.»n>arh ionic. llvt-r in\icor- atnr. heart tonic and regulator, and blood cleanser known to medical ykftce Dyspep- f la. or Indigestión. tdrpld~liveniu n c tion a 1 and even valvular and other affections of the heart yield to Its curative action. The reason why it cures these and many other affections. Is clearly shown in a little book of extracts from the standard medical woiks which Is mailed free to any address by Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.. to all sending request for tbe same. O Not less marvelous. In the unparalleled cures It is constantly making of woman's manj’ peculiar affections, weaknesses and d!str€ksh)g derangements, is Dr. Pierce’s Fa VoritexPrescripUotn^as is amply attested by thousands pfyujXfrMcnlNetest i mon lais con­ tributed by\fir8leful pahbiHta who have been cured by H ot rittrrbal nelvlr driiTnk náínfín periods^ irregularltjes, prplapsus ^nd ulhef displacement^ causer bv^wWtness^ u!cc¿ 1 at Ion of jiterus ana klnareffa ffecttons^ often i after manj’other advertised medicines, and physicians had failed. O O Both the above mentioned medicines are wholly made up from the glyceric extracts of native, medicinal roots. The processes em­ T imber L and , J une 3. 1878.—N otice for ployed in their manufacture were original Pv BLiCATioN. with Dr. Pierce, and they are carried on by United States Laud Office, Portland, Ore , skilled chemists and pharmacists with the March 5tb. 19o;. aid of apparatus and appliances specially Notice is hereby given that in compliance designed and built for this purpose. Both I with the provisions of the act of Congress of medicines are entirely free from alcohol and ¡ Juno 3, I878, entitled An act for the sale of all other harmful, habit-forming drugs. A timber lands in the State of California. Oiegon, full list of their ingredients Is printed op Nevada, and Washington Territor as ex- iach bottle-wrapper. t nded to all the Public Land States by act of & ’•sto >4 «a Wai si & a $ resort. ventlon at Cloverdale. will be a meeting of the Clover irhool Officers’ Association, to lie kthe Presbyterinn church. Clover­ tex t Saturday, beginning at eleven irnc«»us sm file Mystem Testimonials sent free, [per bottle Sold by all Droguista ÍU f Fa n.ly Pills for constipation gale the ill fated cratt was left high tip- on the sands among drift trigs when the tide receded this morning. Today the schooner is lea king badlv and a heavy sea is constantly pounding her on the satids. The crew is*all safe and they have given up all hopes of ever saving her. The cargó of sa wdust and lumber was intended for the Elmore cold stor age plant on the bay this summer. The Gerald C. left Atftoria three hours before the Della left, and at 10 o’clock yesterday morning the Della entered the bay and tied up to the dock just before the gale came up. An effort is being made to save the cargo and machinery of the stranded vessel.—Cloverdale Courier. How to Run a Newspaper. When a man goes «Stray Keep it out When the critics roasts a play Keep it out. When two men in anger clash ; When a merchant goes to smash ; When the cashier steals the cash— > Keep jt out. fe HEADQUARTERS FOR i¡?. DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES AND STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES T imber L and , J une 3, 1878 —N otice for P ublication . States Land Office, Portland Ore., Ap il 27th. 1907. Notice is hereby giv 11 that in compliance with tiie proviziotui of the act of Congress of June 8. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevay act Of August 4, 1892. WALTER H. EVANS, Of Portland, County of Multnomah, State ot Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7391, for the purchase of the Nw of Ne *4. N >4 of Nw 14 of Sec. 32 and Ne % ' e Vi. ^®c- No. 3I, in township No 3 North, Range No. 9 VVeit, and will offer prooP to show tiiat he laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and reestablish his claim to said land before the Register mid Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the tfllli day of July, I907. He names as wit­ nesses : A W. Morgan, of Silelz,Ore ; W. H. Ensoin, of Balm, Ore. ; Charles Sternberg, of Portland, Ore.; Sam Smith, of Tillamook, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of July, i9o7. A lgernon S. D resser . Register. United st.« Agents for the Great Western Saw. ALEX The Most T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878 —N otice for P ublication . United States Land Olllce, Portland, Ore. April 15th. 190;. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the j-revisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled ” An act for the sale of timber lands in th j Sates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' as ex- tened to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. OSCAR BERGMAN, Of Nehalem, coun»y of Tillamook, State ot Ore- go , has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7369, for the purchase of ysslerday from that place, said : the Sw J4 Se 14» Sw *4, Sec. 1; N w V4 Ne Gerald C. is Wrecked at Nestucca. ‘4 and Ne % Nw % of Sec. No i2, in Tp. No. E% Center of Summer Tourist« 2 N, rangeNo. 10 west, and will offer proof Samuel Elmore’s 25 ton schooner, the to show that the land sought is more valua­ - •• Much activity is apparent in every ble for i s tiir her or stone than for agricultural Gerald C., while trying to enter the bay fmrposes, and to establish his claim to said direction from Bay City, and it is now and before the Register and Receiver, nt Port yesterday at one o ’ clock p. m with a curtain that construction work for the land, Oregon, on Wednesday,, tiie loth day July, 1907. He names as w'tn uses: new railroad will be pushed to comple­ full cargo of sawdust and lumber, miss­ of Robert J. Hicks, of Nehalem, !<>regon ; Emil ed the channel and was driven by a E-Larsen, of Nehalem, regou; William J Effen- tion at the earliest possible date. Within berg, of Nehalem, Oregon ; Kongo Kline, of heavy wind into the North spit where ya the Pacific Bridge company will Nehalem. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the 200 men at work on tiie 20 miles she now lies. Last night both anchors above deacriben lands are requeFted to fi’.e their ad it has contracted to grade, were placed hut the ropes broke and claims in this office on or before said 10th day ol July. W07. on an extra big tide aided by a strong development enterprises are in. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. ing the population and transient 1 is rapidly growing. There is need of a good hotel of large ca- at Bay City, and such an enter- would be a profitable investment y hotel man.” giu said B^y City and surrounding ry will become tiie center of the summer resort business, The new ad will, it is alleged, bring lUy three hours closer by rail trans ,ion to Portland than any other ter resort point on the i coast. h & Potter, of Portland, have pur 1 about 400 acres on an arm of running out between Tillamook |kd the <.cean and are surveying it ¡Atting a summer resort. They inve four miles of hird sand -.driveway on the ocean Bide of the hd tlirea miles on the inside, rthey 1riII connect, making aeon* M beach drive of seven miles, have purchased from the Bay City itupany a Bite for < boathouse City and will operate a boat the railway station and their $ a N McNAIR CO., Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. August 4, I892. GORAN MUNSON, Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, hag this day filed in this office his sworn »talement No. 73I6, for the purchase ol the W J4 of Ne *4 ana Nw of Se % of Section No. 9, in Township No. 1 north, Range No. 10 west, ami will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timb-T or stone than h>r agricultural pur­ poses, and to establish his clai n to said land before the County Clerk. at Titinmook, Oregon, on Friday, the 7th day of June, r1. <>7. He names as witnesses : James (’. Bewley, of Tillamook, Oiegon; Edgar Munson, of Tillamook, Oreg 11 ; Geo. A. Edmunds, of Tillamook, Oregon; Fred L. Sappington, of Tillamook, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in th s office on or before said 7U1 day of June. 1907. A lgernon S. D resser , P-gister. T imber L and A ct . J unk 3 1^78.—N otice for P ublic ktion United States Land Office, Poitland, Ore. April 20th, ¡007. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for t> e sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada anti Washington Tetritor'v. ’ as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. LILLIAN ¡’ARE, Of Hobsonville, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 7WI, for the purchase of the Se of Se *. of section No. 14, in Township No. 2 north. Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the lain! sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk, at Tlllamo 'k. Oregon, 011 Tues day, the 9th day of July, 1907. She names as witnesses : I*. A. Simmons, of Bnv Citv, Oregon: Julius Erickson, of Hobsonville, Or gon ; Joe Price, of Hobsonville,4>iegon; William Watt, of B .y City, Oregon. Any ano all persons c'aiming adversely the above-dcs<*ribe tile their claims in this office 011 or before said Mh day of J i;l v, I907. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N otice for P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon. April 1st. T9C7. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 187M, entitled "An act for the sale of tinibri lands in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex­ tended to ull the Public Land States by ai t of August 4th, 18-J2, GEORGE R TODD, Of McMinnvi.le, county of Ynmhi 1, Sta'e of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworr. statement No. 7.3»,2, for the purchase of the W % of Sw % and Se % of Sw and Sw >4 of Sc '4 <*f Section No. 17, in Township No 2 North, range No. 9 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought i« more valuable for its timber or stone tliaufor iigiicuhural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of I illamook ('ounty, at Tillamook Oregon, on Monday, the 8th day of July, 19U7. Ho names as witnesses : I*. W. .Todd, of Tillamook, Oregon ; L. L- Smith, of Hobsonville, Oregon; Joseph 1’iice. of I lobs in vi 1 le, (iregon ; F. L. Sappington, of Tillamook, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above, described lands ai e requested to filetheir c airns in this office on or betoie said Mth of of July, |9o7. A lgernon 8. D resser , Register. T imber I. and , Acr J une 3, 187M.—N otice for P ubi . ica 11. < United Sfates I.and Office. Portland. Oregon. Ma eh 2nd, 1^07. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tin act of Congress of June 3, 1M7M, entitled "An act for tin-sale of limber hinds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Tet ritorj ," as extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 1M92, * JANET WALLER Of Independence, county of • oik, State of Oregon, has this day filed in ‘his office her sworn statement, N 7274, fo the pu chase of the Sw *4fof Sw >4, section 10 and W H of Nw *4 and Se % of Nw ‘4 of Section No. 15, in town­ ship No 1 north, range No. 10 west, and will oflVr proof to show that the land sought is more v.iluab e for its limber or stone than for agri­ cultural ptir]to es, and to estab ish her ciaim to said land before the Register ami Receiver, at l*oitland. Oregon, on Thursday, the 2.3rd day of .May, 1907, She names as witnesses : Samuel j. Smith, ot Tillamook, Oiegon; Toby L. Smith, of Tillamook, ‘ iregoir.Gu) B. Hockett, of J illamook, Oiegon; Fred Wheeler, of lill- amook, Oregon. Any and al perse 11s claiming adverse!) the above-described land« are reoiie ted to fil • their claims in this office on or before said 2-ird day ol May, I907. A lgernon 8. D resser , Registet. T imber L and , A< t J une 3, 1878.—N otice : for P ublication . United States Land office, Portland, Oregon, Mai ch 28th, I907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of ('ongress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory " as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August4, 1892, rLMF.R A. BALL, Of Tillamook, County of Tillamook, State Oregon, has this day filed in this office his -worn sta ement, No. 7845, for the purchase of the W »4 pt Nw ‘4 of Sec. No. 14, in Tp No. I N., Range No. 10 W., ami will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ poaea, ami reestablish his claim to ««id land before the ('ountv Clerk, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Satnrday, the 6tli «lay ot July, 1907. H<- names as witnesses : James C. Bewley, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Manville B Pettes. of Bay City, Oregon ; ( haw 1. Clough, T Ibimook, Oregon ; Ernest Tyler, of Tillamook. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above described lands are requested to file their claims in thi« offi. e on or bef re said 6th day of July, 1907. A lgernon 8. D resser , Register. A ct J unk j . 187*.—N otick t »» P ublication . United States Lund Office, Portland, Pre., March 6th, 1907. Notice is lieieby givmi'thnt in «-ompliance with the provUniiiH . f the act of « ongress <»f June 3. 18/8. rntitl <1 " An act for the sa c of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as ex­ tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, I892, CARRIE L. TILDEN. Ot Hobson villa, county of Tillamook. State of Oregon, lias this «lay filed in this office her sworn stat meat No. 7295, for the purchase of the 8 %xif Nw >4, of seetbm No. 12, jn Tp No. 1 north, range No. jo west, ami will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ poses. ami to establish her claim to said land before tin* ( ounty < l«?rk. at Tillamook. on Fri­ day, the 7th day of June, I907. She names as witnesses : lames ('. Hew ey, of Tidaimiok, Oregon; Man­ ville B Petteya, of Bay City, Oregon; Frank P Hobson, of Hobsonville. Oregon ; T. J. Balleh tyne, of Hobsonville, Oregon. Aiiv ami all persons claiming adversely the alaive described lands are re«|uste«l to file their claims in this office on or before said 7th day of June, I907. A lgernon 8. D rkhmer , Register. T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 187s.—N otice for P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, March 6th, 1017. Notice is hereby given that in complia ce with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3rd, I878, entitled An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe suites of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wamiington Terri ory," as extended to all the Public ¡«and States by When they quarrel in the church act of August 4, 1892, Keep it out. SOL''N SCI1IEFMANN, When the teacher wields the birch Of illamook, county of Tillamook, State of Keep it out. Oregon, has this day fi!ed in this office his sworn statement No. 7294, for the purchase of When nine women fair to see the Lots 2 and 8. of sec. ¿'Jo. 6, in tp. No. 2 N., Whisper so nething over tea— range No. o west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable Print it ? Goodness gracious me I tor its timber or stone than for agricultural “Keep it out.” purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk, at Tillamook, When two statesmen make a deal Oiegon, on Saturday, the Mth day of June, Keep it out. 190?. He names as witnesses : When another tries to steal Nick Nelson, of Bahn, Oregon . Fred J. Kliiiehan, of Bahn, Or» gon; W. H. Eas<»m,.of Keep it out. Bahn, Oregon; louis I.udtke, of Balm, Oregon Stories thin and stories tall ; Any and all persons claiming adversely the T imber L and , A ct J une 3, IR7«.--N otice for T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 18,8.—N otice for P ublication . Good and bad and big and snail— above described lands are requested to file their P ublication . United State« Land Office, Portland, Ore., claims in this office on or before said 8th day of United States I.and Office, Any thing that’s new at all— Bareli 15th, I9O7. June, 1907. Port hi nd, Oregon. April i»t, 1007. Hear 'em shout; *'otice is hereby given that In compliance A lgernon S. D resser . Register. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the fiet of • ongress ol with th«' provisions of th«' act 01 «'ongri'ss of “Keep it nut. ” 3.1878. entitled “An act tor the sale of June 3rd, 1878, entitled, “Au act for the sale — Pacific Outlook. T imber L and , J une 3, 1878. -N oticb for June timber lands in the States of C lifornia. Oregon, of I mbet lands In the States of California, P cblicat ON. Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex­ Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Territory” United States Land Office, Portland, Ore., tend« d to all the Public Land States by act of as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act April 20th, 1907. Saloons In Politics. Notice is hereby given that in comp iatwe August 4th. 1892, of August 4, 1892, THOMAS N. KENNEDY, with the proWsions of the act of Congress of OSBUN P. BOND. There are saloons and saloons. June 3. 18;8. entitled ” An act for the sale of Of Wootlburn. county of Marion, State of Of Carlton, county <»f Yamhill, State of Many of those Portland conduct a timber lands in the State« of California, Oregon, Oregon, has this day filed in this office Ills Oregon, has this day filed in this oflke his Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex­ sworn statement No. "314, for the purchase of sworn statement No. 7848, for the purchase of strictly lawful business, and areas de­ tended to ail the Public I,and States by act of S of Ne ‘4 of section No. 8. in Township No theSwJ4Se|M\ of Sec. No 23. ill Tp. No. 2 N, 3 north, range No. 10 west, and will offer proof Ilan e No 10 W. and will offer pi oof to cent as safoons can be. Against such no August 4, 1892, to show that tfie land sought is more valuable show that the land sought is more valuable JOSEPH DURREK, for its timber or stone than for agricultural for its timber or stoiie than for agt icultiira Of Tillamook county of TIHsmook, State of warfare is being made by the city ad- Oregon, has this dsy filed in this office his Imrpoaes, and to establish his claim to said land purposes, and to establish his claim to s id land ministration or the powers that be gen­ sworn statement No. 73.-8 for the purchase of >efore the Register and Receiver, at Portland, before the Register ami Receiver, at Portland. Lots 1 and 2, of Section No. 31, in Tp. No Oregon, «in Thursday, the 6th day of June, 1907. Ore., on Tuesday, the 2nd day ot July, i9«»7. erally. But the people cannot afford to the 2 south, tauge No. 8 west, and will offer proof lie names as witnesses lie names as wiin nses : Albert Crawford, of Nehalem, Oregon ; C. B. to show that the land sought is more valuable Daniel Perry, of Seaside, Oregon: narry D. have the saloon«, the liquor interests, f<»r its timber or stone than for agricultural Handy, of Nehalem, Oregon 7. T. Jkigart, of Bond, of Westport, Oregon , John Cahiway.of successfully active in municipal politic«. purpoaea. and to establish hl« claim to said Woodburn, Oregon ; Walter L. T«m®e, of W’ood- Westport, Oregon; Louis Nystiotn, of Vesper, j b >rn. Oregon iMiin before tbe County ee7. United States I.and Office, Pcrtland. Ore., regardless of party, in behalf of a can­ day of July, A 1< ixx United states Laud Office, K mnof S. D resser , Register. Pebrmfi y 13, IW7 P 1 tiand, Oregon, didate. that expect and will require that Notice Is hereby given that In complimice April 2ftth, no r l< B OF FINAL iCCOl n ■ ! with the provisions of the net of Congress of Notice Is hereby given that in compliance candidate to do their building, and with th«- provLions of the act of Cot grrss oi [ June 3, 187 m . entitled ‘ Au a< 1 to- tin- sale of Notice is Hereby Given that the under­ June 3, H78 entitled ” An act for the sal« of timtirr lands in the States of C lifot-nUtOregon, this will not lx for the Ixst interests of signed executors of the last will and testa­ timb er lauds in the Stales of < slifornla. Oiegon. Nevada ami Washington 'I eriito« y," as <-x the rest of the people, who. therefore, ment of HENRY II l»OWX|\ . Nevada and Washington Territory.” as ex tended to all the Public I.and States by act of hate filed their final nccobnts as such execu­ a’.so regardless of party, should combine tor« in tbe County Court of the State of tended to all the Public I,and States by act of ’ August 4, 1892, ('HARLEM H. UPTON, August 4, 189®, Oregon for Tillamook County, and that said Of Tillamook, county of Tilianvok, State FENRY DAVfft. against that candidate. Court has appointed Monday, the 3rd day Ol P«»rtland. county of Multnomah. Stab' of «»f Oregon, has this «lay file«! In this offir«- The liquor traffic*- as every body re­ of June, 1907. at the hour of 1<» o'clock Oregon, lias this «fay filed in this office his 1 his sworn statement No. 7252 for the pur. A M., at the Court House in Tillamook sworn statement No. 73m, for the pm chase . chase of the M Vi of Ne •< and Nw of ' cognizes. is a necJiar business, and. City. Oregon as the time and place of of the Ne '4oiHw ’< of dec No. 32, in Tp. No Ne «4 and Ne # of Nw 14 ot ke< lion No 15. in while it is legalized, it should keep out of hearing objections to «f’J account and the 3 north, Range No. q west, and will offer proof ownship No. 1 north, range 11«. 10 west, ami final settlement thereof. to show that the land sought is more valuable I will offer proof to show that the lami sought is politics And 'for obvious reasons the Dated thi* May 2nd. 1ÖO7 for its timl»«w or stone than for agricultural 1 more valnlne for its timber «.r s one than for PRANK R. STEINHAURR and purposes, and to establish his Haim to said i agricitltwral nurpoaes. amt to «»btblish his [ man whom all tbe liquor dealers favor, HARRY XWBHSKY. Executors. lsna Iw-fnre the W jrister and Receiver, at Port ■ claim tosai«1 land Imfort- the County Clerk, nt : H T BOTTS. Attorney for Exertitors howevey ^good*' a man, should be kept land, Oregon, on Wedtie day. the 17th dejr of I Tillamook, Oregon on H h ( urday, the atli day of June. lie ««am»-* ns wit new e* July. 1907 He names as wltneases out of office —Oregon |ournal. Frank Wbittakei. ot Portland. Oregon* The secretary of agriculture declares Barney Essingtiaucher. of Portland. Oregon Manville B. Peiteys, •/( Bay < ity, <>reg«m , that “Ours is the >>est meat consumed Charles K C«r»k. of Portland, Oregon; Prank I Clarruc«- 'I' Men. of ll«il»«onvi||<'. Oreg«n> Jam«-- California’s fruit wizard, who has bv any people, as no other nation Nelson, of Portland Oregon. llewley. Tillamook, Oiegon; Geo. F /.im or ignis ted a seed k as orange and spine­ takes the same core or goes to such an ' Any and all poisons cUhning adversely the I merma,n of Tillamook Oi< g< ji less cactus, would greatly oblige Sin expence to secure it.’’ Thus the new in- ! shove ed lands are requested to file their I Anv an«! «11 persons claiming «drer*eiy the | tUims in thi« office on or before «aid 17th «lay of I Above des«’fil»ed lands are request «1 Io file their I Francisco if be will now produce a shake­ spection laws are a boom to the A meri- ■ July, I907 in thi" office ou or before *ai«l sth day ■ A lgr a now 8 D rbssbr , Register. ’ claims left town plat and a graft les* city hall. can meat trade ms well as to consumers I ofjnne. 1W7 | A lgeknom H. D remkb , Register. T imukk I. and , T imber L and , Acr J une 3, 1878 - N otice for P ublication United Htates Land Office. Portland, Oregon. April 1.3th, IQO7. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. D78, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands ill the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as ex­ tended to a’l the Public f.amt States by act of August 4. 189'2. FRFD OBERG, Of Astoria, county* of ( hit sop, State nt Oregon, has this day filed In this office Ills swoi 11 utatemeiit No. 7-1M, for th«* purchase of the N Ji of Se ’4 ami 8 \ of Ne «<, of Section No (0, in Township No 4 North. Range No 8 West, mid will offer proof tn alrnw that the land nought la more valuable for Its .tlnilx-r or atom- than for Hgriciiltursl purpose», and to establish hi claim to said laud before the iC«*gii«le - arid Receiver, at * ortlaml, Oregon, 011 Tnesday, the 9th day of July, 1907. He naim-s as wit esacs : Andrew Birch, of Astorl , Oregon; Herman .I m « kson Autio, of Psmlet. Oreroii; Albert Hill, of Hamlet. Oregon, J. R. Wherry, of Elsie, Oregon. Any ami all persons claiming adversely the aliovc described lauds hic requested to file their claim» Iri thi» office on or before said 9tli day f Astoria, county of Clatsop, Stale of Or «•gon, lias tiila day fil'd in «his office his »worn statement. No 7.367. for the purchase of the E of E J» of Het. No 31, in t|. S«. 4 North, RanRe No. « West, and will ofTcr proof to sliow that tiie Ian d sought is more valuable for it» timber Register and Receiver, at Port lain!, Oregon, on fursdAy, the (/th day of July, 1907. H« is me» as wittieAse» Fred «»berg, of Astoria, Oregon , Herman lackaon Aatfo. of Hamlet, Oregon ; Albert Hill« of Hamlet, Oregon; J. U Wherry, ol I1 lake, Oregon. Any »ml nil person« claiming adveisely the alxive de«K riberf land« are re«|iieste<1 to file thetr claims in th*« office on or before am 1<1 yth day of July, A lgernon 8. DsrssKR Register.