iUnmook el. XIX. No. 43. Hcaìiliijljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, MAY 16, 1907. i Ralph Ackley about this Big Bargain. Mrs. A B. Cornell, a sister to Mrs. Friends of Mrs. Guptil, wife of Joseph Grayson, is in visiting her mother, Mrs. ; Guptil, who moved from this citv to San Stillwell, who is sick. j Francisco recently, will be grieved to —Buys 28 acres of Wilson river bottom land, all cleared Jos Bixby has sold h:s store at Beaver hear of h< r death, which took place on and in grass. Good new house and barn with 10 cows, 3 to D. F. Gilbert & Son«, who recently ' tl>e 10tb. the cause of death being heart J failure. Mrs Guptil has been sick for heifers, 40 chickens and one wagon with set of double came here from the east. Mrs. Geo. W. Grayson returned from sometime. She was greatly respected harness. This is considered the best buy on Wilson river The Dalles on Wednesday, where her son i by all who knew her. for the money. Place is well worth $5500. This is the Carl is attending school. I Several of the property owners on the Pete Brown place. F. E. Bourneman closed a successful , business streets met the street committee nine months term of school in the River- of the city council Monday evening to i talk over what was bent, graveling or dule district next Friday. | planking, the business streets, and it was Wanted Timber Claims.—I will pay ' decided to petition the citv council to cash for Timber. Don’t sell without first meets plank three blocks on Main street, from seeing me. R ilph Ackley. * »4 4 * W W 4 1 < | Lamar’s corner to the block opposite The prices on Ladies* Skirts, Waists the Allen house, anil two blocks on 2nd and Suits at Mason Bro.’s were never Avenue East. At the City Hall, equalled before in Tillamook. • The Pacific Bridge Company of Port ection of Officers and such other business as may properly Ralph Moore will teach another month land has been awarded the contract for at South Prairie, which will make a ten building 20 miles of the Pacific Railway come before the meeting. months term for that school rerybody Come. Don’t forget the date. j & Navigation Company’s line from Till- The post office did a land office business j amook City to Bahr. Bv the terms of on Saturday, with over $6.000 worth of j the contract the work undertaken is tc LMOOK JOTTINGS. East Beaver Chetse Company paid for money orders issued that day. i be completed in a year and, with this butter fat for March 34 4.10c per lb. - -2--------- The swelicst line of China and Japan construction work, the line ol this com­ 9 lotts. for abstracts, There is some talk of a first class, up- e platted and placed on a piece of the glass nut, but failing to so the nlarket. All lots sold on contract must have smashed in the window with to be delivered July 1st. 1907. Advance his foot or something else. sale now on. Lots cheapest and best of The Tillamook Building Company was any in Tillamook. Call and see the organized on Monday, with $15,000 plats at the Tillamook Ileal Estate capital stock, all of which was subscrib­ Company’s office ; or F R Reul’s office ed and fully paid up. It is the intention of the company to erect a three story i Good Words for Chamber­ lain’s Cough Remedy. concrete building, 100ft. by 100ft., on I the corner and where the Headlight is ’ People everywhere take pleasure in testify ing to the good qtiulitiea of I 'limn now located. lierInin's High Remedy Mra. Edward Our object in publishing Tillamook Fhillq*. of Barclay. M«l , writes ; •• I County Bank Notes is to make the wish to le|| yon that I can recommend Chamber Inin's Cough Remedy. My public more familiar with banking link girl. Catherine, who H two years methods, uses and benefits, especially • »Id, han been taking thia remedy when* with this bank If you have not been ' ever she han had a cold since she wiw receiving each numlrr regularly drop us I two month* old. About a month ago 1 ' contracted a dreadful cold myself, but I a card and we will be pleased to put took Chanibrtlain'» Cough Remedy and you on our mailing list. Tillamook was noon a* well as ever.** This remedy County Bank. • I is for sale by Clough's Drug Store. amook Development THE MILL ENDS WHITE FAIR SALE Is on in Full Blast and will Last Until June 1st. Never before in the history of Tillamook were there such a sacrifice made on high grade new merchan­ dise, and never before have the public shown their appreciation more. The sale is timely—right in the midst of need time. If you can’t come to-day, come to-morrow, but try to come every day between now and June ist. For every time you do come, you will see new lots of merchandise just brought forward with Mill End Destructive Price Tickets attached, telling of unusual savings. League harsday Evening, May 16th, Haltom’s Department Store FAIRVIEW. Mr. and Mrs. Tinnerstet and Mbs Clara and Mrs. Rabi all started for Oregon City yesterday morning, via the Wilson River Roan to visit with Mrs. Haberlach, their daughter. Riley Maxwell had a barn raising yesterday, he is putting tip u nice large barn on their place. Peter Jacobs has bought a horse and I buggv and he has a little recreation after making cheese. An uncle of Mrs. A. Donaldson came on the boat today to visit her. She had not seen him for about 48 years, Myron Trowbridge keeps busy im proving the roads. Cvrtis Randall will leave about the 24th for Idaho to work on his mine. Strawberries are beginning to ripen here and will soon be quite plentiful, as also are gooseberries. Any one desiring a few settings of full blooded barred Plymouth Rock eggs can get them of Mrs. Parkhurst. Notice to Contractors Snuffer’s Feed Store Prices: Process Barley, sack . # I 25 Shorts, ton.................. «SOO Bran >> .......................... 24.00 Feed Oats, ton 36.00 White River Flour, bbl 4.60 First Bank & Trust Company, BAY CITY, ORE. Capital Stock........................ $25,000, Offers every facility for safe banking, and solicit. your business. Notice is Hereby Given that the County Court of Tillamook County. Oregon, will re­ Commercial, Savings and Trust De­ ceive bids for the Construction of a Combin­ partments. ation Steel Bridge and Approaches across the [ Trask River at what is known as the John­ Three per cent allowed on deposits son place. The span to he lit» feet long and subject to check. the approaches 2N8 feet long. The bridge to be constructed according to the plans and I'our per oent on Savings and Time specifications on file with the County Clerk, Deposits. and prospective bidders ean see same by call­ ing for them at the Clerk's Office. The bridge I O'lr little hook, •• Helpful Hints on must be completed on or before September Banking,’’ explaining how to do your 1st, 1907. All bids must be tiled with the I County Clerk on or before 5 o’clock p.m. on banking by mail is ready. July 3rd, 1907. Send for a copy. It's free for the A certified check equal to lo per cent of the contract price must be deposited with the as'ring. County Clerk at the time of filing Hie bids, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if awarded None« or FINAL SETTLEMENT the contract, within fifteen days thereafter, execute and file with the County Court, a bond satisfactory to the Court, guarantying In the County Court of Tillamook County, the fulfillment of the contract. State of Oregon. The Court reserves the right to reject any i In the matter of the Estate/ or all bids. By Order of the County Court. of Mary E. Monroe, deceased. | ' N otick is II krkbv G ivkn ,—That the G. B. LAMB, County Clerk. final account of the administrator of the estate of MARY E. MONROE, deceased, has On the fuel question Secretary of been rendered to said court for settlement, | and that Monday, the 17th day of June, Agriculture Wilson says that “Alcohol 1907, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the fore­ of said day has been set by said court meets the requirement and starchy j noon in the lime for the final settlement thereof ; plants yield alcohol. The farm is ready at which time any and all persons interested | in said estate, may appear ami file his ex­ to supply heat, light find power whin ceptions in writing to said account and eon other sources fail.’’ It is no longer in test the same. day of May, 1907. order to speak slightingly of small pota­ Hated this 15th F M. LAMB, toes, sawdust or ashheaps. Administrator. COHN & CO Are Closing Out their Stock of DRY GOODS, CALICOES, SHEETINGS, GINGHAMS and SHEETINGS. Also the Fine Stock of Ladies’ Black Dress Goods and Summer Suitings Men’s Underwear and Hoisery—a big stock at low prices. Men’s Working‘Shitts, 50c. and 60c. quality, all go at 35c- Men’s Dress Shirts reduced from 75c. to 40c. Men’s, Ladies' and Children’s Stockings all go at less than cost. Our entire stock is going to be sold at less than cost, as we are closing out our business. You should come at once if you wish to secure the best bargains. This is strictly a Cash Sale ¥ We are now located opposite the Allen House, where we will always be pleased to have a call from our numerous old friends, whether we do business with them or not. COHN & CO