I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 9 See Ralph Ackley about this Big Bargain. 13,500—Buys 28 acres of Wilson river bottom land, all cleared and in grass. Good new house and bam with io cows, 3 heifers, 40 chickens and one wagon with set of doable harness. This is considered the best buy on Wilson river for the money. Place is well worth $5500. This is the Pete Brown place. Development Tillamook Lieague meets Thursday Evening, May 16th, nt the City Hall» For Election of Officers and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Everybody Come. Don’t forget tlie date. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS. H. T. Botts, for abstracts. « Dr. Henry E. Morris, eye specialist. • There will be preaching serviies at the | Presbyterian church next Sunday, both J morning and evening bv the pastor. Rev. ' A. E. Wingert, to which all arecordiall) invited. and Bowers present. Bill? allowed were Electric lights, $115 33 ; J. C. Holden. $15; King & Mills, $13 50 ;G. B. Lamb» recording, $1 ; J. C. Gove, $6. The bill of X. J. Dye for $33.5'1 was cut down to $30 as he had failed to perform some ol his duties. After discussing the B. J. Stephens case against the city, it was decided to appeal the case to the supreme court. It was decided to ask the busi ntss men to meet with the city council next Monday evening in regard to the improvement of the business streets. It was decided to call for bids for the im­ provement of Second street. Hance Wilks made application for the position of special policeman and night watch­ man, and being recommended by the committee, he was elected. Died, in this citv, on Monday evening, after a short illness, Mr. | W. Randall, a nephew of Mr. D. G. Randall, who had come from Southland, Iowa a lew weeks ago, to visit his uncle and to locate ii. this county. He had been working on the truslir laying plank ; previous to being taken sick with typhoid fever, which was complicated with inflamma­ tory rheumatism and organic heart trouble, the latter being a chronic dis­ ease with him. Deceased was 55 years Editorial Snap Shots. of age and leaves a wife and four chit, dien in Iowa. The remains were It is a wilful waste of paint to cover buried here, and being a member of up the old shacks with a new dress. Is Danbury Lodge, A. F. and A. M., Iowa, the local lodge took charge of and that civic pride ? * * * attended the funeral today, the remains It was contempt of court for fudge being buried in the Oddfellows’cemetery. Cooper to become a grandpa while the circuit court was in session. Card of Thanks. * * * ‘‘That ain’t no fair,” for H. V. Alley to Wc wish to express our sincere thanks to the friends who showed so much kind get into office without spending his first ness and sympathy during the sickness years salary treating the boys with and on account of the death of W. N. cigars. Read Tillamook County Bank notes * G. A. McMullan and wife, of Chicago, Chicken wanted at Leach's Meat Mar. III , the latter being a sister of Mrs. |. ket. - Plows, Harrows and Discs at Snuf­ W Gilmore, came in on Saturday to lo­ cate in this county, it being 22 since the fer's. * sisters met. Olives in bulk or jar at Mills' Cash Every child in Tillamook City and Store. * vicinity should have one of our Savings White River flour $4.60 a barrel at Banks. One drdlar starts an account Snuffer's. * We provide pass-book and bank. Tilla Did you see the beautiful colt cups at mook County Bank. Snuffer's ? * There will be a dance in the Grange Eastern Hams and Bacon at Mills' Hall at Fairview on Saturday evening Cash Store. * next, and a good time is promised with Fishing tackle of every description at fine music and the best of management, King A Smith’s. * to which all are invited. * « * Vaughn, and take this means to show Over in Wneliington a woman insulted M. F. Leach will pay 10c. per pound The K. of P.'s organized a Uniform our appreciation of so many token of a judge and although inclined to be more for your chicken. * Rank on Monday, with Arthur Still­ sympathy. insolent after being called to account, Full line of feed and best seed oats in well, captain ; W. H. Evans, first lieu M rs . W. N. V aughn and F amily . she had to meekly apologise. tenant ; T. B. Handlcv, second lieuten­ city at Snuffer's. * * * * Mrs. Mary Mills' creamery butter at ant ; Erwin Harrison, first sergeant. What a blessing I Circuit court is Entertainment Next Wednesday. 1 -------------- Mills' Cash Store. * Misses E. O. and A. Holmes came in over and the attorney can take a rest­ , Following is the prog^a’U for the en- Get your Jersey and Buhl milk cans from Astoria on Monday to prove up on from chewinj ie wing the rag over some case timber claims, and much to their surprise . tertainment at the Academy next Wed- tried in L..„ from King ft Smith. England or the North Polo seve- , nesday evening, the play being “Dolores’’ found out that they had heen located on A. L. Anderson, of Portland, was in ral hundred years ago. the cast being ; land which had been burned over several M * * the city on Tuesday. Mr. Norton, a wealthy gentleman, times. Tillamook is growing right along, for A. L. Anderson, of Portlnnd, was in proud and passionate.—N. Melchior. new settlers arearriving most every day, The friends of Rev. Dr. Baird, who was the city on Tqesdav. Augusta, his eldest daughter, haughty with the prospect that the county's pop­ Opposite the Post Offiee. pastor of the Presbyterian church in this G. A. Edmunds will pay you $2.73 per and vain.—M. Fitzpatrick. ulation with be increased several thou city, and who recently returned to Vic cwt. for good potatoes. * Pauline, afterwards Dolores, has great sands before the summer is over. tor, Mont , will be sorry to hear that he talents. — A. Elson. The mother of Mrs. Swaliaw died at was called east on account ol the death * » * Nellie.............. I l ...... H. Marolf. Garibaldi on Wednesday. We do not possess a noisy little honk, T imber L and , J une 3, 1878.—N otick for T imber I. amd , J unk s , 1*7». N otici n of his son. Grace............. '-Sisters, - ...... M. Wnde but we have a right to honk, too, when P ublication . Pl'BLICAT ON. Geo. F. Zimmerman will preach Sun r .......... A. Wist. United States Land Office, Portland Ore., G. M. Knight, J. R. Hicks, L McFee, Isabel ......... | Uuited States Land Office, Portland,0 h „ the big honk swiped the commissioners' Ap il 27th. 1907. day morning at Bay City. April oth, 190-, Henry Tohl, A. Zimmerman, I. I.udtke Constance, baby.—A. Woolfe. Notice is hereby giv n that in compliance Notice is hereby given that in rcmip C. E. Lytle, who is connected with the and wife, George I.udtke and Mnnerva Mrs. Worthington, patron of artists, a court proceedings again from last week's with the provisions of the act of Congress of with the provisions of »1« act of Coiigwui June 8. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale June 3. 18;8. entitled "An act for the uk i Headlight. Honk ! Honk ! Honk ! P.R. & N C-, is in the city. Alley were the Nehnlemitcs who were in cripple,— A. Weening. of timber lands iu the States of California, timber lands in the States of California. OrtR * * * Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as Nevada and Washington Territory," if n J. R. Allen and wife, of South Bend, from the north this week watching this Fanchette. her maids.—A. Fitzpatrick. extended to all the Public Land States by act ol tended to al) the Public Land States by act i The newspapers are having a good August 4, 1892, city grow. Tom Pincher, policeman.—H. Plaskcr. Wash., came in on Saturday. August 4, 1892. deal to say in answer to the query as to WALTER H. EVANS, JOSEPH DUR HER, Harris will feed your team hay and The steamer Sue II. Elmore came in on Aunt Betsey, old nurse in the Norton the definition of a democrat. II we may Of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Of Tillamook county of Tillamook, Stale < Oregon, has this day filed in this office his Oregon, baa thia day filed in thia office bi family.—M. Michaud. Saturday and her passengers were Miss keep them over night for 50c. • sworn statement No. 7391. for the purchase of be allowed to answer the question for a sworn statement No. 73-8 for the piirchaMa the Nw ’-i of Ne *4« N % of Nw 14 or Sec. 32 and Sally Ann, a street si tiger.—C. Haag. Lots 1 and 2, of Section No 31, inTp.»i number of democrats in Tillamook, we Ne % of Ne # Sec. No. 3I, in township No. the Shingles for sale. Leave orders at B. Holmes, I. Mcnnick, Mr. Freelierg 2 south, tange No. 8 west, and will offer pin Miss Edith, fashionable friend of the 3 North, Range No. 9 West, and will and wife, Mr. Allen and wife, Mr. Sharp will say they are simply pups tu the offer prooO to show that ihe land sought is to show that the land sought is morergiMfi Frank Hadley's lunch counter. - for its timber or stone than for ngriculfoS Nortons.—K. Sheets. and wife. Mr. McMullan and wife, Miss more valuable for its timber or stone than plutocrats. and to establish his claim to an Have you seen the handsome coach for agricultural purpose», and toestablish his purpose«, Miss Clara, ditto.—Z. Kunze. * * * land before the County Clerk, at rillanoot Crane and Mrs Huntsinger. claim to said land before the Register »md stallion Margo at Snuffer's ? * Miss Heloise, ditto.—A. Wist. As to taking the matter of opening a Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Ore , on Tuesday, the 9th day of July, qn He names as witnesses : The passengers who went out on the 16th day of July, 19^7. He names as wit­ A pair of glasses, with steel frames, street in Tillamook City into the circuit nesses Ira J. Ka 1, of Hemlock, Oregon ; John I : steamer on Wednesday were W T. Wil “ Pure as Snow,” Piano S »Io, E. Holgate, of Hemlock. Oregon ; Jamest hrlrtn were found and left at this office. A W. Morgan, ofSilets,Ore.; W. H. Easom, court wc only express the sentiment of a of Hemlock, Oregon; Adolph ChkM, f Wheeler. liams, Ada Sodastrong, S. M. Battereon, of Balm, Ore. ; Charles Sternberg, of Portland, sen, Oregon. good manv citizens when we say that it Ore ; Sam dmiili, of Tillamook, Ore. Rulph Welsh Dee Moon and A. Curl H. Parsons. L. W. Bumgardner, Claude “ Let Me Hear the Songs My Mother Any and all persons claiming adversely iht Any and all persons claiming adversely the were in from Blaine on Monday. above described lands are requested to lit Used to Sing,’’ Vocal Solo.—|no. was ill-advised and altogether out of above-described lands are requested to filetheir the Thayer and wife and daughter. J. Burk, claims in this office on or before Mid 0 place, for it is not right to fasten the ex­ claims in this office on or before said 16th day day r of We rent and sell bicycles, gnus, fly Oak Nolan, G A. Jones and Judge Wm. July, I907. Plaskcr. of July, i9o7. A i . gr knob S. D resses , Register pense of a purely city affair upon the tax A lgernon 3. D resser , Register. poles, tents, etc. King & Smith. * " Lucia Di Eamermoor,” Violin Duet. Galloway. payers of the county in trying such a T imber L and , A ct J i mb 3. I878 —N otice for — E. Jenkins and H. .Morton. Born, on Friday, nt The Dalles, to the Capt. Dodge has accepted a contract T imbrr L and A ct . J unr 3 1*78.—NofiCBM P ublication . case. Judge Galloway his granted a new wife of Prof. E. H. Whitney, a girl. United States Laud Office, Portland, Ore. P ublication with the Lytle road to operate hi* pile­ Piano Acconipanist—rMrs. C. Patzaf. trial, and this will entail another trial of United States Land Oflke, April 15th. 190?. ” Home Sweet Home ” Variations, piano. Stamp photos, 25 for 25 cents at Mc­ driver, the coming nummcr in the con­ Notice is hereby given that in compliance Portland, Ore. two day3, in all probably, and at an ex with the pro visions of the act of Congress of April 20th, lfij —E. Munson. Millan's Gallery, lor a short time only.* struction work of that company He is Notice is hereby given that in complii»« pense to the county and inconvenience of June 3. i«78. entitled " An act for the Kale of F. R. Beals has moved liis real estate succeeded as master of the tug George “ Mocking ’Bird,’’ Instru nental Duet. thirty jurymen from all party of the timber lands in th; Sates of California, Oregon, with the provisions of the act of Contrmif Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as ex- June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for re »A —E, Munson and E. Terwilliger. office to the building opposite the post R. Vosburg, by Captain Loll.—Astorian. to all the Public Land Stales by Bet of of timber lands in the States of Californ* county. This is how we look at such tened August 4, 1892. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory" • office. For Sale, bv C. Mills, Beaver, Oreg., “ The Songs We Used to Sing,” Chorus. matters: If a city property owner does OSCAR BERGMAN, extended to all the Public Land States by act rf Darkey Wood Dealer, dialog.—R. Max- Of Nehalem, county of Tillamook. State ol Ore- No one thinks of buying a buggy or two good work horses, wagon and not want and can prevent the improve­ go , has this day filed in this office hia August 4, 1892. LILLIAN PARK, well, Mahoney, F. Fitzpatrick. wagon without looking over Snuffer’s harness, all in good shape. Horses will ment of a street and the laying of a side .«•worn statement No. 7369. for the purchase of Of Hobsonville, county of Tillamook. Stateti 8w ‘4 Se *4, fle U Sw U, Fee. 1: Nw U Ne Oregon, has this day filed in this office her ” Sweet Evening Prayer,’’ violin Duet. walk abutting his property, then he the and weigh about 1,150 each. Also have a stock. Ne % Nw % of Sec. No >8, in Tp. No. sworn statement No. 738I. for the p urchin 2 N, rangeNo. io west, and will offer proof — E. Jenkins, H. Morton. the Se H of Se *4 of section No. u. ii ought to be prevented from using the to show that the land sought is more valua­ of Get into the habit of trading at Putz* full line in general real estate business. Township No. 2 north. Range No. io Tert Piano Accompanist.—Mrs. Patzlaf. Name what you want you get it. NuflT ble for 1 s tirrber or stone than for agricultural and will offer proof to show that the )•»« streets and side walks paid for by other laf's and receive a 5 per cent discount and to establish his claim to said sought is more valuable for its timber? “ Nearer My God to Thee,’’ pantomime. property owners. Attorneys may think »urnoses, said.—C. M ills . • and before the Register and Receiver, at Port for cash. stone than for agricultural purposes ssdu ’«nd. Oregon, on Wednesday,, the 10th day establish her claim to said land before th —E. Terwilliger. E. Wlieeler. George Dean, who was a resident of that this is poor law, but when properly of July. 1007. He names as witnesses : Miss Edna Aiderman will sing a solo County Clerk, at Tillamo k, Oregon, on Ts» ” Sleep Little Rosebud Sleep” Closing reasoned out it is good horse sense, and Robert J. Hicks, of Nehalem. I Oregon ; Emil day, the 9th day of July, 1907. She naan at the Presbyterian Church Sunday Nehalem for nearly 30 years, died at «. Larsen, of Nehah m, regon;William J. Effen as witnesses : Song. _________________ Aberdeen. Wash . last week, it is good horse sense also for the tax ­ berg, of Nehalem, Oregon, Hougo Kline, of lie was a 1». A. Simmons, of R av City, OregoaJsli« evening. Nehalem, Oregon. Erickson, of Hobsonville, Or gon . Joe Price, native of Gieat Britian and was in the payers of the county to protest against Any and all persons claiming adversely the of Hobsonville, Oregou; William Watt, of L W. Buchaiu and wife and Winnie employ of the Hudson Bay Company, having to foot the bill trying purely city above described lands are requeued to file their City, Oregon. claims in this office on or before said 10th day ot Wurick, of Portland, were in the city on Any and all persons claiming adverselylk Mrs. Lillie Z.sddach, wife of Fred Zad- affairs. July. 1907. * above-descril»ed lands are 1 equested to file tier Saturday. A lgernon 8. D resser , Register. clsim«|in this office on or before said Sth 4»! dach, is a daughter of the desceased. Tinning and plumbing of every descrip­ The W. S. >1ayes\hve acre tract, con­ Good Words for Chamber­ T imber L and , A ct iunb 3. 1878.-N0T1CS ron of Ju'y, 1907. alobrkon S V kk . br * Rnyiit« A three story concrete building is to lain's Cough Remedy. P ublication . tion. Workmanship guaranteed. King tracted for by the Tillamook Real Estate Uoited Mates Land OOlce, lie erected where the present Headlight People everywhere take pleasure in and Smith - Company, will tie platted and placed on testifying to the ¡food qualities of Chant I' rtlaud, Oregon, office is situated. The building will be „ , . April »th, tn07. I have pasture to rent by the season or 100ft. by 100ft , and already the two the market. All lots sold on contract berlain'e Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward -ns'.k- ’ h^eby ln co«pll*«ce with the provision» of the act of Cola:ess ol Phillips, of Barclay. Md , writes : " I to be delivered July 1st, 1907. Advance the month. Address, W. H. West, Tilla­ lower floors have heen rented and it is JaaeS MT*. entitled “ An act for the .ale of sale now on. Lota cheapest and best of wish to tell you that I can recommend timhsr laudsiu the States oft alifornla. Oregon. mook, Or. expected that the Oddfellows will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My Washington Territory," ex- any in Tillamook. Call and see the little girl, Catherine, who is two years a »X;,*I sa "! Publlc l 'ud »‘•'" by as *c“f Born, at Blaine, on Saturday, to the charge of the upper floor for lodge rooms plats nt the Tillamook Real Estate old. has been taking this remedy when­ or n 0 \ PHSRY DAVIS, wife of J | Huwser, a prospective rep­ G. A. Edmunds has just completed Company’s office ; or F R Reul’s office ever she has had a cold since she was Of county ot Multnomah, State of SEWING MACHINE. resentative. taking over the Cohn & Co. stock of two months old. About a month ago I «X "'.tM.* in ,bi* °,n" hi" ROU.EB BEARING. »worn statement Ne Ne '4 of 8w of Sec No. 32, in^Tp. No HIGH GRADE. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera I » w " ‘ *nd wlli offer P ra>f Uxik Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and when you can tie them in Harris’ Tie for display. I now have the largest r?. Ji?w,th .t tbe l8l,d *>“«ht is more valuable was soon as well as ever. ” This remedy and Diarrhoea Remedy. Shed for 10 eta. • and most complete stock of groceries in for its timber or stous than for agricultural There is pruliably no medicine made is for sale by Clough's Drug Store. ' •"? *" M‘»bllsh hl. claim to «Id and before the R (later aud Receiver, at Port' Don't forget to stop at Harris' Feed the countv. Pleaae call at either store that i* relied upon with more implicit land. Oregon, on Wedlie day. the 17th day of How’s This? Barn, the cheapest place in the citv to where I can save you 5 to 20 per cent confidence than Chamberlain'* Colic, July, 1907 He name, as wit nenes ■ We offer One Hundred Villar. Reward for on any thing in the way ol groceries Cholera and Diarrhiam Remedy. During keep your team • Fiank Whittaker, of Portland Oregon • case of Catarrh that cmiuot be cured bv ChLriw f ”‘ c (5, x * um <‘1L °rX'; the third of a century in which it ha* •nv Hall's Catarrh Cure. • Nels Thompson having sold out his flour and Iced. ^e■»"oEfP«í.11'í^1“‘, Ontna' Kr“"k been in use, people have learned that it V J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Our object in publishing Tillamook lathe one remedy that never fails. When the undersigned, have known V. J business at Ashland, is returning to this Any and all peraons claiming adverael. th»* < heuey for the last 15 years, and believe him above flescrilied lands are requested to file their County Bank Notes is to make the reduced with water and aweetened it i* perfectly honorable in nil business trans­ Jut city with his wife. mV£7t,,U Oflke °° °r DidlyU pleasant to take. For sale by CluUgli ’ s actions and financially able to carry out anv George Sharp and wife, brother of Dr. public more familiar vsith hanking Drug Store._______________ obligations mail • by their firm. DRBRRgR, Register. W alding . R innan it M arvin . P. J. Sharp, came in on Saturday to metho Is, uses and beuefii*. especially u 11 r . WhokaalelJugghta. Toleldo. O. with this bank If you have not been Hall s ( atarrh Cine is taken internally act­ locate in this city. ing directly upon th* btand and mucous aur- receiving each number regularly drop m is tacea of the system. FwlimoniaIs sent free. Now is the proper time to paint and a card and we will Ire pleased to put Pr* ♦ ,P*“r bottle Sold by a|( |»ru«ists S W P. is the proper kind to use.—King lake Hail a Fam ly Pills for constipation. you on our mailing list. Tillamook 1»«»S and Smith, agents. * County lljiuk. „ Sprains Quickly Cured, A. (f V. Berry is in the cltv and is here lifitlie the pa/1» fm Iv with Chamber­ Mrs. Van Patten met with a had acci in the interest ;«f tire contractors who lain s Pain Balm and give them abeo- dent at her home in this city oil Tuesday are building the railroad. ItH»* refit, end quick cure is certain. For evening She was paltering a room and sale by Clough a Drug Store. Wanted Timber Claims.- I will pay fell, breaking her left leg near the knee cash for Timber. 1»on't sell without first and dislocated the left shoulder As soon Process Barley, sack . ♦ i as NOTICK TO CREDITORS. /f will give you co» seeing me. Ralph Ackler. • as possible, Dr. Boats was called and Shorts, ton / Protection The undersigned has been appointed R if reliable, horn* ............ 35-00 Do not forget the entertainment at the attended to the injuries, and since the and long service highgrade o deceased, bv the You can't afford Acailemy nest Wudncada.v evening. It accident Mrs. Van Patten has Ireen com Bran Cofifitv. vrcizon Oregon if ............ .. • 24.00 ' Çofinty ing machine. . -• Court ---------- of Tillamook •■••nniwB vuuniv. All persons nersona hnving h.irinn CLAIMS aiwa against ___ Ü_ 2 * AH said to buy any other will be n tine evening's enjoyment. gaining ol |>ains in the back. them to the Feed Oats, ton months from thi 36.00 estate are required to si. present STRONGEST GUARANTEE. Every garment Wenqiait anything that can lie repair A meeting ol th" city council was held date at the law office of H T. Botts, Tilla­ guaranteed mook City, Oregon l, tinny and bicycle* repcciallv. Es- on Monday evening, with Mayor Bott* White River Floor, bbl National Sewing Machine C*. 4.60 Dated April It th. 1907. pert mechanic employed. King« South,* i and Councdmcn White, King, Munson ALICE S. COFFEY. I have just opened up the most com­ plete line of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES in Tillamook, all new and Fresh. The prices are no higher than others. We most cordially invite you to come and look at what we have and get our prices, whether you buy or not. W. M. MILLS, New Addition to Till amook City. MISTAKE ; p OILED S A vc Money Executrix SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. factory at