Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 02, 1907, Image 6

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Editorial Snap Shots.
Everybody yell—for rain. The dairy-
men need it in their business.
* * *
We hope the editor of our contempo­
rary won't leel superstitious with a $13
judgment that is against him, for it is a
most unlucky number.
♦ * >
We don't know who was the under
dug in the shaving contest in the barber
shop, but we didn't kn<»w liefye that
barbers went down oil the floor to be
a * #
We don't know but what it i* a good
plan to kill off the old soaks with poison
ed whiskey, and thus nd civilization oi
whiskey gluttons and lhe city ui a close
oi pervons who are pour specimen* <>l
* « »
We do not sav that any of thejuriea
have been “salted.*’ but we do say this
that after n jury is selected to try a case
it should be kept together and in the
charge of lhe bailifl until •< verdict is
brought in.
* * *
Binger Hermann has been acquitted at
Washington, after a long trial, oi de­
stroying what was claimed tube public
records. He will have to stand trial in
Oregon in connection with land frauds,
for when Uncle Sam starts in he is apt
to break a man up before he is through
with him.
M * *
We came near having a duck fit, or a
brain storm, or some other kind of a fit,
oil Friday when we saw so many nice,
lady-like, handsome, well dressed and
buxom Rebekahs trailing behind the Odd
Fellows in the procession.
Whv, cer­
tainly, thev should have been placed in
the front rank.
M * *
In the burning of Mrs. Foster’s house,
which was a fierce fire while it lasted, a
little dog was burned to death, but the
body was only partly burned and easily
recognized as being the trunk of a dog. I••
the Hembree fire, where the heat cou’d
not have been more intense, the bodies ol
two human being* were completely
burned and only the charred bones left.
M * W
If it had been the snap shot mail who
had given the circuit judge a tongue lash­
ing on the street, whv, he would have
been hauled up before the Bench as quick
as lightniig;. If the plutocracy of Tilla­
mook county can be so arrogant and im-
pudent tort circuit judge on the street,
we think we are right in saying that they
ought to be treated like the rest of th*
common people.
* ♦ «
It seems to be the opinion of most peo-
pie that the libel suit against the snai
shot man was the biggest little, little
silliest case to occupy lhe Attention of th<
circuit court lor a whole day, nnd at an
expense to the taxpayers and inconveni
cncc to iieaily thirty jurymen who were
anxious to get home to their farms. But,
then, it is poor business to make the tax
payers pay for such silly little, little silly
efforts to get blood money from the snaj
man. No wonder that jurymen hav<
gone home disgusted, What a boom<-
* « *
Juries don't believe in giving blood
money to | k rsons who sun editors for
libel. There is a little incident in the re­
cent libel suit which is certainly comical.
Si n Earl »tied ns for $.">,(XHt We offered
him $2.50 in settlement, so ns to talie
iidvantHKe of a law, « Inch, it he tailed to
obtain more than that amount from a
jury, the costs would fall upon Earl,
fie obtained a judgment against us lor
$1.00 nnd we have a judgment ngainsi
Earl for $20 40 for costs. Doesn't that
make lilxl suit» look ridiculous? Next,
* * *
It is with much regret that we have to
record the death of Mr. W. N. Vaughn,
one of the first w bite settlers of Tilla­
mook. who came to the county in 1852.
and at a time when the Indians had fall
sway. He beloi ged to that sturdy class
of pioneers w hom we nil take pleasure in
honoring, ami it is only fitting that we
should express the sentiment of the peo­
ple of Tillamook, who regret his death.
He Ims gone to the great beyond, but he
leaves a respected, honored name behind
hilt -a name and reputation which is
linked up with the civilization and devel­
opment of Tillamook county.
Good Words for Chamber­
lain's Cough Remedy.
People everywhere take pleasure in
testifying to the good (lualitieu of Cliatu-
IxeiIain’s Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward
Phillips, of Barclay, Md , writes : ” 1
wish to tell you that I can recommend
Charulierlain’s Cough Remedy. My
little girl. Catherine, whq is two year*
old, ha* I wen taking this 'remedy when­
ever she lias had s cold since she was
two month* old. Alami a month ago 1
contracted a dreadful cold myself, but I
look Climubei Iain's Cough Remedy and
win soon as well as ever.” This remedy
is for sale by Clough s Drug Store.
Ati Open Challenge
I. Charles \V. Tike, openly challenge
nnv man to hung one iota ol prool to
prove that I have ever tried to locate
any mini on an un proved homestead,
thereby contesting the homestead a| p’l
cant s right to the Ian I I also chai,
langc anyone to produce any man who
w ill say that I have ever tried to get him
to contest a homesteader s right. I n-
leva this can he done I request that all
talk to thr lontmrr <».»•• nt one*.
I iiail »» W. I'lKZ
and II T Bott» »nd A W Severance for
CIRCUIT COURT DOINGS. defendant». Motion to »trike out over­
. How The»« Littlj Creatures Cea
etc., used in Tillamook county.
Kept Alive For Years.
In the matter of the nppl><»ti<»i of
Mary Aellin to register lit.e, the ».line
Chameleon» can be kept ally# fw
Another Pioneer of Tillamook October 13, 18.58, Mr Vaughn married
Robinson gets Verdict
Harriet Trask, who was born on the
whs ordered regutered.
years by making a frame to tit overs
County Passes Away.
Clatsop plains. Clatsop county, Dec. 22,
for #945-55-
plant In a flowerpot and covering ft
Other ease« to he pn»»ed on :
1813. being the first child born of white
InthematteroftheeHtale . r hl Good- with mosquito netting, which must be
Death claimed Mr W. N. Vaughn at
William Rv»P vs. Rolliv W. Watson apeed. dceeaaed.
parents in that locality. Her father,
H long enough to tie with a string »boot
nine o’clock on Sunday morning at his
Elbridge Trask, was born in Maine, and wn»H liliel »oil. the defendant having C<M>|»er for adiidiiistruioi’.
the pot. Keep the pot in the Miunlest
home at Bay View, and another pioneer
P McIntosh v» Alex McNnir. Aomn
came to the coast with the American published in the Herald a letter signed
window and water the plant every
ot Tillamook County has passed away.
Fur Company about 1810. He subse­
day through the netting. You will b,
As all hopeof liis recovery had been given
quently settled in .Tillamook Countv, lawlessness, e-hiraiierv ami also ot rob­ Govne lor plaintiff- *•- T |,uUS
»urprlsed to see how eagerly the little
up several days previous, his death did
spending his last years here. He was a bing John McNmner. For tin» R»"11
Mjnaiu Colvin vh Charles MeKilhp, et creatures will drink the running
not come as a suiprise, as it otherwise
I man of prominence, and the Trask river claimed $.">000 damage». Fb* dekiidanl al. ej.elinent. II T Bolt» for plaintiff. I ter after they get over their lev.
would have done, for until about two I
was named in his honor. Of the union failed to prove these allegation», and It R Duuiway for defendant»
get a wire fly trap for flies, which you
weeks ago he appeared to be well and
Ellen Daugherty »» Anna Kunze, et al, can liberate under the netting. The
of Mr ami Mrs. Vaughn fifteen children, when witnesses were about to be put
in Ins usual happy mood. The funeral
chameleons will not he backward
five sons and ten daughters, were born, on the stand to prove Rvnn's chnr.ictei
took place on Tuesday, being the largest
nbout helping themselves.
twelve of whom are living, namely : and rrputalion in the community, the R K Duniway for defendants.
attended in the history of the countv,
In winter they do not require much
Ida Mtrcy, widow of Edward Walker, defence admitted this. The wiitet ol t e ej.-ctin.nt. H 1‘ Botts for pla nt ff and
for Mr. Vaughn was a man who was
food, but will relish a meal worm oc.
of Tillamook ; Amos N., Lydia, wile letter made, the excuse 111' he had R It Duniway for defendant».
well known and respected all over the
caslonally on sunny days. Meal worms
<>f William Hoskins, of Foley, Ore ; Alice, obtained some of his information Irom
Miriam L Colvin vs Grant Mills, et can sometimes be got at the grain
county. The burial was in the Bay View
wife of James Woodard, of Tillamook ; Claude Thayer. The letter in question al. ejectment. 11 I Botts for plaintiff stores for the asking or can be pur
cemetery, where, with relatives and a
Nora, wife of William Bodyfelt, ol Tilla­ was pertaining Io the Wilson river toll and It It DJiii.vav for d fend mis.
chased at the t bird stores, or «man
large concourse of hit lids, they paid the
Ellen Daugherty vs Grant Mil's, et al, spiders can be found In cracks and
mook ; Anpa. wife of Edward |acoby. ol road, and it was through the effort»
last token of respect to the old, honored
Bav City. Ore. ; Clam, w ife of. .Edward of William Ryan and otlieis that the ejectment. 11 T Botts for plaintiff ui.d crannies asleep for the winter. They
It K Diini«ay for defendants.
may be frozen stiff If found out of
Cary, ol Yamhill Countv, Ore ; Warren toll gate was demolished andiniunctious
Miriam LCohm v< Jonas O.sen, et al,
.Mr \V. N. Vaughn was one of the very B , ol Tillamook ; Guv, of Tillamook ; proceeding* were brought which knocked
doors, but they revive In a warm room,
earliest settlers of the county, and pro George, of Tillamook ; Lena, wile of out the illegal trll road contract i«
"Chameleons enjoy a place to sleep In
It R Duniway for defen ¡aula.
bablv the widest known. Coming here Egbert Goodspeed, of- Tillamook ; and which Mr. Thayer was greatly interest­
Miriam L Colvin vs Anna K'i"»e. et nights and winters. Take a piece of
more than a hall a century ago he im­ Miss Mvi lie, who is at home.
ed, lor he had sub let the road to John al, ejectment il I Bolts tor plaintiff red flannel four Inches wide and eight
Inches long: roll ft over a stick ai
proved a good homestead property ly­
Mr. Vaughn has been very prominent McNamer and was to receive a percent and R R Duniway fol defend ini».
ing about four and one ball miles north in countv affairs, having in an official age oi the gate money. The jury was
Ellen Daugherty vs Charles McKillip, large round as your finger and sew ft
west of the city (if Tillamook. A mail capacity helped build the old court out several hours and then brought in a el al. ejectment II I* Bolls f..r •plain­ while on the stick so that it will not
come unwound; then slip off and ran
of thrift and ability, be had Isen an house and county roads and bridges. verdict fur the plaintiff lor $13. who will tiff and R R Duniway for defendants.
a wire through It long enough to im­
active factor in developing this part ol In 1854. 1855 and 1856 he was treasu­ be entitled to that amount also for .1 W Maxwell, action for money. Claude pend It from one of the branches on
the country, and in advancing its mate­ rer of Tillamook county ; for two years costs.
the plant. The chameleon will crawl
Thayer tor plaintiffs.
rial welfare and prosperity, generously was county commissioner ; for three I R. Robinson vs. the R. Robinson
Miriam LC-.lvm vs Grant Mill«, et al, Into this cozy bed and go to sleep.-6t
supporting all beneficial enterprises bv years countv sheriff; was county asses Cheese Company was a suit in which ejectment. II T Botts for plaintiff and Nicholas.
encouragement, time, and money, He sor tight years ; and was again county the plaintiff sued for $1,245,55. 1 he R It Daniway for defendants.
Ellen Daugherty vs Grant Mills, et al
was born June 9, 1823, m Steuben commissioner, the last time serving plaintiff was employed as buyer and sell­
county, N. Y , a son of Constant lour consecutive years. These offices er and had a stipulated monthly salart ejectment. II T it >tls for plaintiff and
R R Duniway for defenoai-ts.
An Interesting Art In Which the Jap*
he accepted, net because he aspired to and was Io receive a percentage of the
Miiiani L Colvin vs R.ley Maxwell,
anese Are Experts.
The descendant of one of • lie early public honors, but that he might be of profits. At the dose of the season and ej'Ctment. 11 T Botts for plaintiff and
Among the many interesting arts In
Holland families to emigrate to the service to his fellow townsman ; and in after Mr. Robinson had succeeded in R R Duniw-ay for defendant.
United States, Constant Vaughn was each of these positions he proved him­ building up a good business, a dissagrec-
Ellen Daugherty vs Rih-v Maxwell, which the Japanese excel is that of the
born, about 1790, in Wickford county, self a man of ability, tact and discrimi­ inent took place between those who ejectment. H T Botts lor plaintiff and making of fish tails. Almost every one
has seen the bush tailed goldfish, with
R. I , and died in St Joseph county, nation. Mr. Vaughn cast his presiden­ were interested in the company, and R It Duniway for defendant.
Pacific Railway & Navigation Com Its four, five and sometimes more long,
Mich., in 1860. Soon alter at aining Ifs tial ballot in favor of the Whig candi­
failing to get what money was owing pany, a corporation, vs
Anna M wavy tails, but it is not generally
majority, he removed to Ne v York date, Gen. Z ichary Taylor, and since the
him, Mr. Robinson commenced suit, vVhitcomb, et al, condemnation. II T known that most of them are not iti
State, where he was engaged as a tiller formation of the Republican party has
employing Ralph Duniway as ¡.is attoi- Botts, Claude Thay er and Wallace Me. own.
ol the soil for many years. In 1836 he been one of its most zealous supporters.
When the little goldfish are very,
ney. The case was continued sevtiol Camant for plaintiff.
started westward with his family,
Pacific Railway & Navigation Com­ very young their flesh is ns clear an
Socially he is a Patron of Husbandry, times, and at this term of court another
pany a corporation, vs Joseph Kodad glass, so that one can see every bone In
journeying to the wikis of Michigan.
belonging to the Fair view Giange.
effort was made to keep the care from etal, condemnation. H T BAts, Wallace their tiny bodies. At this time the few
Locating in St Joseph countv, which
going to trial, the defendants wanting a McCamant. C Thayer and C BSternherg that are bom with two or more tails
was then but sparsely populated, the
In the death ol Mr. W. N. Vaughn the referee appointed. This Judge Galloway tor plaintiff.
are put by themselves, and then a
Indians far outnumbering the whites, he state at large, as well as huinnnitv and
Pacific Railway and Navigation Com. queer looking old Jap, with a great
overruled, and Saturday a jury was se­
cleared and improved a good homestead, the community in which he resided,
cured and part of the evidence taken -t al, condemnation. 11 'I' Botts. Wal­ magnifying glass fastened in front of
on which he and his estimable wile have sustained a heavy loss, for such
when the case was continued until Mon lace McCamant, Cl hayer and C B Stern, his eye and wee sharp tools handy,
passed their remaining years. Before men as he was are unfortunately too
reaches down under the water and
day afternoon, and was not concluded berg for plaintiff.
leaving Rhode Island he married Mercy scarce in this world of ours, which has
cuts off the tails of the plain little fish,
until Tuesday evening. During the
and then three or four of these tails
Bentley, a native of New Port, R. I., ol been made better for his having lived in
Water Company, a corporation, fore,
Scotch ancestry, and she removed with it, where lie so noblv performed life's hearing of the case Judge Galloway closure. H T Botts for pl lintiff ami W. are joined on to the backbone where
criticised the manner in which the
him first into Steuben county, N. Y , as duties and manfully labored to build up
H Cooper, W H Holmes, Webster the one was cut off and fastened there
with tiny bandages until they grow
a pioneer, and then to St. Joseph county, lor future generations. His life was one books of the company were kept, and Holmes for defendant.
when (Jaude Thayer was put on the
M eli , where her death occurred Januar) of usefulness. As a pioneer and state
The Japanese, who are very skillful
title. H
I. 18 40. They became the parents ol builder, whose work out last him stand to prove that Mr. Robinson had T. Fitzpatrick, i t al. to quiet Talmage,
f. Botts for plaintiff ami C W Taimagi in queer things of this kind, grow the
eight children, two sons and six dan through future generations, will thrive not paid for the shares in the company S 8 Johnson, R R Duniway for di finest goldfish in the world, and It la a
^liters, Warren N. being the seventh upon the strong and good work he did he would not allow the evidence as th< f endants.
very good business, for very tine fisbl
other members of the company had not
child in order of birth.
Portland Coal & Development Com of this kind often bring as much ail
in building np a love and respect of kin paid for their shares in the company
pany, a corporation, vs A T Lewis, et al. $300 to $500, and one sold not long ago|
Warren N. Vaughn received
dred and friends, leaving a legacy in the
education in the district school, his remerr.berance ol his many virtues, and either. This had the effect of knocking to reform leases. H T Bolts, Piggott & for $1,000.
Finch for plaintiff and Talmage & John­
first temple ot learning being a rude log honor for w hich our memories hold him out the counterclaim of $»561.40. In son and T II Goyne for defendants.
The Lady of the Lake.
house, in which he was well drilled in grandly dear, for his honesty of purpose, instructing the jury the judge told tin
N P Hansen vs Louis Fhck, et al, to
“In the Days of Scott” there are two]
the three R's. Removing with his par­ bis integrity and true morality, ever
set aside deed. II T Botts for plaintiff
tl» above amount, and Talmage & Johnson for defendants. anecdotes about Sir Walter Scott‘S
ents to Michigan when about fourteen aiming to discharge every duty devolv­ plaintiff
children in connection with his poem,
Samuel G. Reed and W.' S. Cone vr. “The Lady of the Lake.”
years of age, he assisted in the pioneer ed upon him, unselfishly and conscien
labor of clearing and improving a farm tiouslv.liis greatest delight was in aiding
One day his daughter was met bj
hour oil Wednesday when Weatherford and Wvatt lor plaintiff. James Ballantyne, the publisher, ii
from the wilderness, remaining beneath his fellow being by good deeds, govern­ near the
th? p i rental roof until eighteen years ed by motives of justice, right and truth. a verdict was reached, which was a com­ Lumber Company. Injunction and to her father’s library and asked wba
• Id. Subsequently serving a year's ap­ Having worked out lor himself the promise of the $600, giving the plaintifl render accounting. Claude Thayer for she thought of the poem. She replid
that she had not read it and added: j
prenticeship at the cooper’s trade, be problems ol lile, and having triumphed $ ICO of that amount and the $81, mak­ plaintiff.
“Papa says there is nothing so bail
Nellie Eunice Armstrong vs Vinton S
worked as a journeyman cooper until over |H*ijudice, bigotry and ignorance, ing in all a judgment against the com
young people as reading bail
18 46, when lie returned to his early he was no slate to mistaken dogmas,
Sim Earl’s attorneys made an objection plaintiff.
home in New York state, where he re­ antique labels, nor mythological fic­
Scott’s son Walter returned fro»|
Clau-le Thayer vs II C Cooper, to quiet
mained a year. The ensuing two years tions His mind sored into the renl.ns to the costs in the libel suit against Fred title.
school one day with evidences of ha I
Claude I hayer for plaintiff.
he spent jii Michigan, being employed ol truth. His concieiiccnce was his god.
Ing been engaged In a fight. His fij
at his trade in Marshall for about eigh­ Doing good to his fellow man was his Judge Galloway took the matter undti
ther asked him what he had beenfUH
ing about. He replied that he had Ml
teen months, afterwards living in religion. He accepted the teachings of advisement, and after doing so decided
W. D. Glalweli to.»k another trip to called a “lassie” and had resentedItl
St. Joseph county for a short time, nature and rested free Irom the tears and that Earl would have to pay the cost?,
the iuetro(olis the first of the week.
A little questioning showed
rhen, joining the joint stock company missgivings of superstitious belief and amounting to $20.40.
C. A. Smith came up from Cloverdale, young Walter’s scbooolfellows bj
commanding by Frank Brown, he start­ winked for humanity, accepting like all
George W Elliott vs Scott Bozarth, el
ed for the gold regions of California honest men what his reason approved a|, injunction and to redeem. Tal­ Saturday, to get his hogs, chickens, nicknamed him “The Lady of j
Lake,” which name the boy did j
vlarch 4*, 1849. This band oftwenty- His opinions were founded on good com mage & Johnson for plaintiff; II I organ and 8« veral other articles he bad
understand except as a reproach j
Botts, attorney for defendant Scott not moved away from the ranch.
oue men, with their five yoke of oxen,
his manliness.
mon sence. And he spoke just as he Bozirtli and H T Bolts and Buirher,
were six months in crossing the plains,
thought, though be oft gave offence. He Clifford & Correll, attorneys for de
fendant John Waterman.
from Tillam »ok last Saturday.
arriving in Oregon Citv, Ore., October
The Joys of Relic Hunting.
had little use for wliat ministers preach
This is a case where rhe plaintiff is
4, 1849. At Fosters, Ore., the entire
Dr. Smith was summoned last Wed­
Quite apart from the beauty and
ami sometimes was rather quite plain in
outfit, trains and all, were sold for $500,
nesday to | rescribe for Mrs. Alice Mills, trlnslc worth of such things, it is1
hi» speech, bat what he was lacking in
Sand Spit, having dt-eded the same io who has been suffering from a sevc re tonishing on looking back on ones'
which was paid in francs. The company
whole or in part, he was sound ami all
John Waterman, and the property was attack of neuralgia. She is much better periences of collecting to realize X
then took passage on the Huntress oi
right when it came to his heart. Ilav
much pleasure one has got out of ”
since Sold to Scott Boz<»rth, the plaintiff at this date.
New York, and after a sea voyage ol
ing learned how to live, he also learned
n dilettante quest of antiques. TbH
claiming w hen he deeded the property
twenty-seven days landed at San Fran­
how to die, ami when the summons
cisco, Cal.
he thfUiglit he was signing a mortgage boro last w eek oil buuncRs. His friends hllarating joy of this treasure hunt '
came and death laid its icy hand upon
finding of the treasure, the barga*
instead of a wariantv deed. The de­ all are glad that he his nearly recovered
Going direct to Placerville, Mr. Vau
for it and the final bearing’of It *
that warm anil noble heart, he found it
fendants in the case claim that Elliott from his attack of paralysis, a slight In triumph, unwrapping it an<' j
ghn was engaged in mining on the
b »ting with love for all. for he was no
American ri\er f«>r a month, but not be­
first mortgageil his property, and failing hesitation in hie apeech remains as the cussing Its beauties and metltkl
man's enemy, and as he closed his eves
ing successful in finding the golden oar,
to pay principal and interest, he agreed result of the stroke.
things which add zest to life.
in peaceful slumber, the community lost
he embarked in trade in Sacramento,
to sell it to Waterman, with the under­
taste for beautiful old thin»]
Mrs. H. A. Chopard and Master Nor. the
one of its liest citizens, ami humanity a
more or less an acquired one n»U
standing that he could buy the property
remaining there until July, 1950. Think­
man visited 11 Blaine, Friday and
just and faithful friend. And as we lav
be cultivated, this Is a Joy In J
ing that more money could be made in
back, and as Elliott did not do this,
Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Coul. most people who are fortunate
him beneath the sheltering soil, mingling
Oregon than in California, he then pro­
Waterman, wishing to get his money son.
our tears with the bereaved ones left be­
to have a little spare cash and »1
ceeded t>y boat to Portland, thence to
out of the transalion, sold rhe land. The
hind in sympathy with the mourners,
time can share. London
Dayton, Yamhill county, where he loca­
judge, after hearing the evidence and
knowing that with our departed friend
ted or» government land and resided for
the arguments, took the case undet Hughey ranch last Tuesday.
"all is well,'1 for such noble lives as his
Th» Joy of Owning Land-
Mrs. Grace Chopard and son spent
nearly two years. Searching for a favor-
There Is a distinct joy In
have no fear of death.
able place to |»einianently locate, I k
Pacific Railway & Navigation Com­
land, unlike that which you
A. W. M iller , Portland, Or.
pany. a corporation, va Monde V David* N. Sandoz.
left Dayton in 1852, and came by way
money, in houses, in books, Fj
Mrs. Annie Hmton and Mr. and Mrs.
of Astoria to Tillamook county, w alking
Thayer ami Wallace Met’a mant for plain Cady and family visited friends in this or nnything else which men
vised. Personal property brWl
the entire distance from Astoria and
tarrah that contains Mercury. t'ff. Verdict fur $1 fur defendants
neighborhood last Sunday.
Into society with men. But Wj
reaching Tillamook Dec. 10, 18.52. About «* mercury will surely destroy the M»nse of
David D Jones, et al, vs Anna Jones,
Miss Magg e Creecy, of Blaine, has part of God's estate In the gWM
four and one half miles from here he took •melt and completely derange the whole sys­ to set aside deed. Til G »yne and H T
tem when entering it through the mucous sur­
upa donation claim of three hundred face*. SCch Articles .should never I e u>ed ex­ Botts for plaintiff*. A \V Severance for been working for Mr. E. P. Mills, when a parcel of ground is dw 1
you and you walk over it and’l
<»n prescriptions from reputable physicians, defendant. Case is lieing urgued.
during the illness of the latter.
and twenty acres, and has since made cept
a> the damage tliey will do ie ten fold to the
Robinson Ch®ese Company vs R Rob­ L. N. Sandoz went to Beaver Satur­ your own it seems as if you MJJ
thi* his home, having now a well impro­ good v<»u can powituy derive from them Ila I s
into partnership with the orlzUJ
• alrtrrh Cure, manuf*ctiiied by K. J. Cheney *
ved and well-managed farm of three <’o., Toledo, <>., coutain* no mercury, and i* inson. Accounting VV H Holmes S S day with his butter.
prletor of the earth. — Henry 1
Johnson ami C Thayer for plaintiff and
H. A Chopard accompanied his wife
hnndred acres. Clearing a space, Mr an«! mucous surface* of the sys em. In buying R R Duniway for defendant. Coil-
and son home from Blaine Saturday Beecher.
Vaughu built a cabin, returning to Hall’s Catarrh Cura be sure \ou get the genuine linued.
It is taken internally, and mailt in Toledo.
Yamhill county for supplies for his house Ohio, by F. .1 .t'hency A Co. Testimoni.il*free,
11 C Berg*trom vs E Bergstrom, suit
Cause of hi » Joy-
Sold by lb ugi*t*.|pri<'c ; c. per bottle.
for mainteiiance. W II Cooper for plain evening.
and larden, and then liegnn the pioneer
“What are you looking *
Take iiall < Fanuly (*Uis lot ci'iiMipalloti.
tiff and Cail llala rlach an-1 H T Boils
P. R. Coulson has purchased a hack over, old man?”
labor of improving a farm Tnat he
for defendant rhia rase is on trial.
Call For Warrants.
for his mail route and is carrying pas-
‘T am rejoicing over the
was eminently smxessful in hi* work, his
Mattie Mills, vs Eli 0 Mills Divorce.
estate, with ils comfortable residence
All Wiitiants endorsed prior to Nov. H II. T. Butts lor plaintiff. Divorce svnger» and freight between Blaine and
“Great Scott! I congrnbil»*J
Ik aver.
good bam amt out buddings, gives 1905 will lie paid on presentation. In granted
"Don't congratulate me Bo«*
M P. Reading vs Geoige W. Plielpa. I We »ee in the Oregonian that Ed.Haag
visible evidence, the whole having an terest ctascs this 2«5lh day of April 1907.
Evans He's the Io*
Transcript. W. H. t’onpaejor plaintiff arrived at the hovpital in Portland after
air of nettness and prosperity that
P. W Todd. Countv Treasurer.
nnd Talmage ami |«»hiiaon (or defendant. a three days' trip and the Dr», after a I never did like hltn/'-f*^
never fail* to attract attention of th«
Continued by agreement.
thorough examination, pronounced the
passing travler He carried on an tv
Timber Claim for Sale
C R Johnson vs Cynthia D Julinaon,
tensive business in farming stov k-raising
Hi» Attention».
Johnson for plain the disease to be paralysis, and his case
On Nehalem Bar in Sw
ol Sw. '« o. divorce. Talli.age
and dairying fi»r many years, and was sec. 11, N
Nan- How attentive youn$
defaults and decree entirely hfqeless ; as the hospital doe»
of Nw.
and Sw >,of Nw i»ff.
also engaged to umne eittnl in cooper
not receive incurables lie will lie brought fawn Is to bls pretty
■ Estimate 1.955,000 Pik-e $2,< (Mt.
XV»‘stern Oregon Tin t Company vs back home as soon as lie is rested enough | don't wonder you notice ltj,n
age and was exceeding I v prnaprrnu* in Owner peo. F. Hays, Rooms 12, Me-
must --------
hare --------
been ------
William tl Weal, for deed and to quiet to make the return trip. The Sisters I------
a<l his uudvr takings. He made the first Blk, Bellingham, Wash.
•hie. Snow & McCamant for plaintiff Mill care for b.m until fie can go home. |
n<* marrted