TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 2, 1907. The Railway Death Roll. I PLIGHT OF THE ACTOR. NAMES OF FLOWERS. Cure*' Woman’s WeaknwaeB. We ref t to that boon to • uk. inffermg wonn n known us Dr. i'leicaa ^^.nF^e^oi the Editorial SU. — In the April iseue of Every I n d.\ b Mag Behind th» Scene, He la, In a Manner, Whsrs 8om« of Them Come From and What They Mean. azine, Mr. Cail 8i yder discuss s the I a Prisoner. It is interesting to know how certain nt Tin. E clectic M euk ai R eview say» q icgtiun of reuponsibihly for the grow­ Ill a way, behind the scene» is a pris­ which ing death roll of American railroads, on. It Is surely one ot the very few flowers received their names. Mauy ot Unicorn root i Hclonki» For in­ °s one of tho chief Ingredient» of tho ho- presenting facts aixl figures gathered place« where intelligent men and tvo- were named after people. stance, the fuchsias were sa called be vori tv Prescription largely direct from official sources. Mr. men are locked in their place of work -A remedy which invariably acts as autar- cause they were discovered by Leon Snyder says that in the loss of life fioui and where no message from the out- aid Fuchs. Dahlias were named for . ■ ..i./,, ttotr • • • makes for normal *c- ?vi‘y >f lb« <'n,lr'' reproductive «yMern.» side world is allowed to reach them. I "in He onias we have amediea- railway accidents a close comparison LTn^ the &bore There is a tradition that actor folk are Andre Halil, who first brought them shows only two nations in the world of unusually emotional temperament, from Peru. The camellia retelvetl its Buriiwés han ""U "lher ,,ruu with u/ilcli I am in tbe treatment of disease, with worse records than the Unit <1 and if therefore a telegram is received name from a missionary named Ka­ SiShiV'to women it is seldom that a case pe- Is States, namely, Spain and Russia at the stage door it is never delivered mel, who carried specimen» of tills Men which do< » not present some Indication fS- this remedial agent.” Dr. Fyfe further flower from Ju(,in to France. Hie Egypt and New Zealand are alsmt oi until after the performance. The mes­ says: "The following are among the leading our level, while the rest of the world i> sage might be aa Invitation to supper, magnolia was named in honor of Mag- indications for Helunias (Unicorn root). Fain or aching in tbe back, with ¡ leucorrhcen; nol de Montpelier. Other flower names Smiic (wiak) condltiuflvof the «7>“xl“£|tlvj far above us. Roughly speaking, in or it might announce that the actor's nre descriptive. Lady's slipper resem­ organs of Women, mentiH depression and ir- favorite brother has been hanged, or It regard t<» the safety « f pi»B-ei ge»s, » ritLbility laociated wittf chronic diseases of might be an offer in a stock company bles a tiny slipper. The blossoms of tberepridStlve (organs of women; ploie» ami the outside public. Amène­ I to play twelve time3 a week, or it lady’s tresses are twisted like a braid sensation Jt heat fin the region of the klu nevs - menXrrhagii (flooding), due to a weak- ra il roads are about treuil ye»n> behi- might tell the actor that lie was the of hair. The flowers of the foxglove íníd’conífitlon ofjthe reproductive «stem: tliose of England I • nice, G rm.o.} III.I a father of twins or that bls wife ivou’J are like the fingers of a glove. ’Hie • menor/to yisAhrrevsed or «bsent monthly or accompanying an other enlightened countlies In He die without seeing him again unless name foxglove is said to be a corrup­ neriod/AVi,W?*from condition of the digestive organs nineteen year.«» since the Interstate com he came at once to her bedside, but all tion of "folk's glove” or "fairy's glove." and HTi'mlc < thin blood I habit: dragging mission began th»- collection of lac of this Information Is supposed not to Aster means star aud received its name sensfiions in the extreme lower part or toe contain an atom of phos- about accidents, mails 60o0 pa>senur s. be good for the actor’s emotional dis­ from the starlike rays of tills flower. “pmore or lc«s of th« above symptom» 'which is the product of bones position, and the telegram is therefore Daisy is really "day s eye." Dandelion .k.l-Tri>«.'in, jh> mval'd ;vom|?n ran an over 48.000 employes and iiwhi L 9 o ,U(» than take -KaYHrjll? given the same distinction a3 the means lion's tooth. I>o you think the IW-ller PreJfWBtUiñraRl! 7TT t!t0 IMdlbgJngretlt- other persons have been killed < r* t sulphuric acid) or of aium "mash” note and kept until after the name is appropriate for this notched, eiiGórwnií'flis Unicorn root, or Helonlos, American railways, and nearlv l.Otki.lMO performance is finished. It cannot be rather Jagged flower? and the nii’dical pro|>erties of which it one-third sulphuric acid), un- more have been crippl’d or maime«i. said that the actor’s emotional dispo­ Anemone means “wind flower." The most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal rie.it. another prominent 1 substances adopted for other ba- scalded or crushed, disfigured or in sition is very seriously considered be­ anemone is so uelicately poised that it Ingredient of -Favorite Prracrlption,- valided. The conditions are growing yond the cast Iron rule in regard to trembles in the slightest breeze. Frof Fialev Ellingwoud, M. D.. of Ben­ owders because of their cheapness worse year by jear. In 19()5 it was telegrams. His comfort and intelli­ Dutchman's breeches resemble nothing ni tt Medical College. Chicago, says: "It Is an important remedy in disorders ot twice as dangeious to travel on a rail­ gence have been slightly flattered in so much as a baggy pair of trousers. tbe womb. In all catarrhal conditions • a few theaters of very recent date, but and general enfeebiement. it is useful. Morning glories bloom only in the road train or to voik lor a railroad com­ Prof. John M. Scudder. M. I)., late of for the most part the condition of morning and four o'clock« not until pany in the United States as it was in Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root: The Independent Church. iiehind the scenes in most playhouses that hour in the afternoon.—St. Louis "in relation to Its general effects on the with foreign is not calculated to breed particularly 1895. As compared system, then- Lt no medicine in use ahout wMch Republic. TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. there, is such general unanimity of opinion It countries, the statistical tables for 1 9 j 3 high thoughts of any kind. As a matter is universally regarded as the tonic useful in “Have ye received llie Holy (ihost For , show that the number of paBt-engers of fact, he is treated little better than all debilitated states.” since ye believed.” HOISTING DEVICES. Prof. It. Bartholow, M. !>.. of Jefferson There lias been three dispensations of killed for each million carried was in when he was only a “strolling" player Medical College, says of Golden seal: —a gypsy—several centuries ago.— Machinery That Was Used In Building the United St ites 51 lOOths, as against "Valuable in uterine hemorrhage, menor­ God : First, from creation to John, the the Farmers’ Mill ons rhagia (Hooding) and congestive dysmenor- the Un* ted Kingdom, Charles Belmont Davis in Outing Mag­ the Pyramids. forerunner of Chriftt ;»ec<»nd. from John 71()0ths in rbtra (painful menstruation).” azine. much Prof. Bolley, of the North Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription fafth- Hoisting machines were used In both to the Hssension of Christ; and third from 8-lOOtLs in Germany and 21()0ths in fuiiy represents all tlie above named in­ ^agricultural college is accompli-h Assyria and Egypt 6,000 or more years gredients and cures the day of Penticot the coun. of Christ. The Holy Ghost is the end of few days ago an old time farmer said legs, This is made of two great tlm- treatuieiit for smut—has already been prophecy. “ I will D<»«ir out my Spirit try being protected by tbiseafetj device as he took a chew of tobacco: hers tled together In tlie form of a worth'ninny millions of dollars to the “All the difference in the world in capital A, the two ends resting ig on tho upon all flesh,” saith the Lord. If a In England the law aequiies that eveiy agriculturists of the United States and mile of passenger track operating more tobacco. I've tried twenty different ground and a rope being run over and SEWING MACHINE. ntire word. Thirteen years ago he ! man had lived always he would have than a single engine shall be equipp« d kinds, and none is as good as that we attached at the top. seen the changes.¡Frst, we see Daniel per ­ KOLLER BEARING. «jjAthat this hitherto unconquerable With one of these the pryamld b’.'lld- secuted for calling upon the name of wittithe block signal, and the estimate used to make ourselves down on the HIGH GRADE. Q*K3of the grain grower could beef., farm. We would take a maple log ers could have raised large stones step is made that a complete system of such Uf? prevented, by bathing seed in a God, but when we come down to the while ’twas green end bore a dozen by step, which was doubtless their signals on the American roads would bti'ea in it with a two Inch auger. method. We can imagine we see the «, llid inexpensivechemica) solution | age of Christ it was popular to stand on prevent at least three-quarters of the They were our molds. We selected our great A frame leaning over an incline .tde l»y dflsolving I pound of formalde. the street corner ami cull on God, but if collisions that now occur. As an evi choicest tobacco aud soaked it for a of perhaps fifty degrees with n block vde. 46 per cent strength, in 45 gallons a person believed on Christ he was scourged and cast out of the synagogue. i f deuce that most of the accidents and week or more in wild honey, Then of stone tied on. Then a great crowd >f water and using three-fourths of a As soon as (’hrist finished Ins mission on i fatalities are preventable, Mr. Snyder we’d take the leaf to the log. get a of men get hold of the rope on the :allon of this solution to a bushel of earth and the Spirit became ad minis i mentions two American roads, the St goud hickory tamping stick and go to opposite side, perhaps assisted by gome heat, oats or barley and one-half gallon draft oxen, and all strain and pull until trator, llien it became popular to believe Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha and the work. i a bushel of flax. ' A little ball of the honey soaked to- the A frame stands erect and the stone on Christ only to evade »he issue. 1 Dcljwure and Hudson, which have For many 5 ears he could not persuade auger bol ? bacco would be put In the Is swung up Into the air, where it can What God said was to the people of the : records equaling the best of those in anti tamped In with the stick and a >*ingle farmer to adopt his plan. They lie pushed Into the desired place. dispensation of this administration, and foreign countries; the former carrying hammer. We’d pound it in solid. Ball Such a contrivance could be used to ioked upon him a« a scientific dreamer. so with Chrisr. But now the will of about 3,000,000 passengers a year, has after ball would be rammed in and lift stones six or eight feet, which was i impractical experimenter, and not in ten years ki'led a single one. The God is revealed by the Spirit. As soon poiyuled until the whole became a sol sufficient for the construction of the ” - «Chis theories. It was in 1900 Delaware and H tidaon in ten years car- id plug. When the hole was nearly first pyramid. Doubtless better hoist­ A itomttk J ^farmers first began to regard as ( hrist came the Jewish priest (that bad urged the people to hope for the ried 60,000,000 passengers without a full, we would pound in the plug, and ing devices were constructed as more ' I 'V and his ideas seriously. promised Messiah), became the natural fatality. In one yesr, 1903, there «as then the log would be put away to sea pyramids were built.—Circle Magazine. more progressive aiid antagonist of Christ, The priest lost his not even a single injury of any kind sou As the wood dried the moisture who owned tracts of land would be drawn from the tobacco. The Dangerous Age. tithe, and «n :» is with the preacher of to a passenger. ?<>uld afford to exjieri- Ami when it was split the sweetest If a man is going to commit a crime Christ, every man who subscribes to the tobacco ever made was taken from It. .est his*prescription for during his lifetime the chances are Clothes Made Of Wood. Holy Gho't lias no further need of a We called it ‘plug' tobacco, and that’s that be will do It at the age of twenty- Dy buying this nis was the first time preacher and thereby llie preacher who where the name originated.”—Kansas nine. It Is a curious fact that statis­ reliable, honest, d been tried on hii ex- The old saying of giving a man a prays for the outpouring of the Spirit City Star. tics have shown that man Is more dan­ high grade sew­ » uactical agriculturists, “white pine overcoat,” meaning there­ Incomes the greatest foe for he is forever gerous at this period of his life than ing machine. uents proved to be re- by the covering provided by the under­ Cat Laughter? silenced to those who are led by the at any other. The majority of crimi­ ssful. The farmers aud­ Wbat was the origin of the phrase nals In the state of New York have for taker, as a last and outside shell, is STRONGEST GUARANTEE. Spiiit. l lie Independent Church stands io the fact that there was likely to be realized in a more practical “Engugh to make a cat laugh?" some time been of this age. The gen­ exclusively for the administration of the gained by the scientific treat way. an I for the living, for clothing is Dr. Murray's Dictionary notices only eral supposition is that men have at­ National Sewing Machine Co. Holy Ghost. While we look on our "Enough to make a cat speak,” which »»nt diseases. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL former presidents of the U.S as being now bring made from wood, or more is explained as signifying something tained the lighest development of their strictly S|K*aking, wood pulp. The ex mental and physical powers at twenty- FACTORY AT BELVIDERE. ILL. uerlain's Colic, Cholera noble and wise »n»m. we are now living treine cheapness aud durability of cloth extraordinary, especially something nine, and they are supposed to be aide verj good to drink. "Old liquor able to in the administration of Roosevelt, and id Diarrhoea Remedy. ing made from this material is a very make a cat siieak" is quoted from an to distinguish between right and wrong and to realize the consequences •e is probably no medicine made so it is with God the Father of all, and important item, and will solve the early eighteenth century source, and X m . '-»civ upon with mure implicit Jesus Chi ist his son, they both have been liable to follow the indulgence of ei­ question of cheap clothing for the ol k therewith Stephano's remark to Call .eib^et Aban Chamberlain’s Colic, succeed by the Spirit of God. who rules ther. Next to the age of twenty-nine < lera toJtfl Diarrhoea Remedy. During »(‘cording to present circumstances. God logman. Eol a lot g time c dl o- ban Is compared, “Open your mouth; the greatest number of criminals have here 13 that which will give language j third oft m century in which it hat» napkins, tableclothes and other t- 1» i,«. been twenty-one. twenty-seven or for­ When you buy an f i in use, pvtople have learned that it arbitrated peace by obedience, Christ by have been made Iron» the fiber of hen to you, cat." Miss Squeers’ maidserv­ ty-five years of age. The Intervening cone i-rme'dy that never fails \\ lien belief, now men are filled with thw ant Slid that only to see Miss ¿¡queers' though this fiber scarcely to ♦ < de years, in which men do not commit r ce l with w'ater and sweetened it is | Spirit when a man gives away to the friend. Miss Trice, toss her head was ns many crimes, have not been explain­ >Hl Jake For sale by CloUgli’n I inspiration of the Spirit of God. “ For wood, lor H is separated ii- u “enough tn make a tomcat talk French SLICKER ed by expert criminologists who have woody matter of the stalk in uraclicnl grammar.” But even that is not ex­ aa many ns are led h> the Spirit of God made investigations proving the above demand actly laughing. Has it anything to do they are the sons of G<»d ” If the Bible I ' the same manner as is • h« h er li< statements to be true and who are still I flax ; bin, bring Coarse, longer an with the mythical Cheshire animal? — » teaches anything it is that God is a ; working on a solution of the problem. I Spirit Why pray to God away up in j not often used tor any thing but coarse Londe u Chronicle, —New York Herald. cloth, bagging, etc. The material tor Heaven when lie is here in Spirit, un I Pro,» In Old Ma„achu»tt,. wood clothing is a different process, the It's the easiest and She Didn't Accept. less we wish to evade tlie issue ? Theie was an ancient law in Massa wood being ground and macerated to A little episode once greatly delight- only way to get J. C. G ove . chusetls that ladles' dresses should be ed Calve, the famous prlma donna, a pulp, and when ol proper consistent the best made long enough to bide their shoe She was being escorted over a famous tlie mixture is fogred through holes Notice oi Co Pattnersbip Sold everywhere I buckle«. In 1660 an act of the general grotto when she suddenly thought of iron plates, coming out in long slung- court prohibited short sleeves and re­ a zvxiwca co. sa»»o. Notice is hereby given that the under c.-wp.ww eo ro,o«rot*M from one half to one quarter inch n quired garments to be lengthened so ns an opera aud burst into song, to which signed have formed a co-partnership the boy who was her guide listened Qjways flattering under the firm name of Leach < \o have many We propore to furnish the public with very easily broken, but when dried ami gown» to the shoe buckles; “Immod­ with much satisfaction. When she stopped he seriously remarked, if you .. . ... - IIJIIIIIHIBIW® the best qunlitv of meats to lie obtained Liners. Peo- erate great breeches, knots of ribbon, asked the proprietor whether you might from the market, and toward that we tight^ twisted and then woven into I HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE broad shoulder bands, and they be. again and sing in here while the people are being have special and extraordinary facilities. fabric they become strong, elastic nne a tntage of ing g eat boots, but was acquitted. na. entering thoroughly into the spirit quest!.,,, ,.f -Not 11OW bot show they Hte keeping up to the the I k*s from Notice to Debtor« of the adventure. After thinking care­ how g.„,d. ' A pair of (.erfectiv fit­ times. And thus another and a very The Early Worm. fully the boy replied, "About 5 francs ted and properly adjusted glasses .Aimers who ■I Tlie undersigned begs to inform the large use for timber and lumlxr looms Entertaining a children's party at a a day.” should wear you from 2 to 10 U year in and public that he lint fin med n c--„._ co-pnrt- up, but in this case culls and waste certain millionaire's house in New years with satisfactory results. nership with Judge W. W. Condor nod They know Cats and Fish. 1 will fit you wilh g|aMeg that j Jeff I). Wallace, under the firm name of • tufl can tie used, principally pine and York, a woman professional teller of Is are right J Leach Kt Co. This partnership will spruce. stories to Juveniles happened to em­ A sea captain tells of big sailing In 7rn nKi’Jr-»'e*' '* “‘«'"Ctor, from |l..,0 up. Glasses for leaa ploy the old proverb. "Tlie early bird southern seas where flylug fish abound. Y will always succeed to and continue to conduct the than that amount not guaranteed. nieHt market business heretofore con In speaking at the dinner of tbe Chi catches the worm.” A little boy ques­ They would sometimes In their flight le would like i ducted by Maurice F. Leach, nt the c»go Commercial club, James Bryce, the tioned the proverb promptly. "But In the night come aboard the ship and & vettAwe the buyer same stand in Tillamook City, and wasn’t the worm foolish.” lie asked, drop on the deck. He had three cats British ambnasador. Discussed at some 1 under the immediate »uperviaion ol • ■» 1 ,',ea all other sounds. The crew tried to All persons indebted to me nre respect­ lions which are vital ami indiapensable 'f',’ APv»‘."!:r?o»'7’ - NOTIC,! F"« fully requested to pay me as early a« because the individual c’t’ieu can not Imitate It In various ways, but could Girl Friands. practicable. in order that I may liaiunce exercise them for himsell, giving tie I must Stat., Umd om„ pnrtl,nd Orc Nell — Did you tell her I couldn't not deceive the cats. mv books, and that the old business may J (THE RELIA8LE DRUGGIST Notice in herel v Apr11 ’'lh’ maintenance of public safety, or police come? Belle —Yes. and she seemed ) < he merged into into the new. with the y roAinit,,)’, !¡' 1 hat *'• compliance Intuited Him. department, assn instance. The second surprised. Nell—But didn't you ex­ J”"e 3. lí.s. emíTeí " Î' l o!‘«re« ot MAcnica F. L kacii . Ferry—Wbat was tbe matter with tiiu’ei lambin th - Hatmni ?iuifor the of class was that nf function which might plain to her that I’ve got the chicken- Johnson last nlglit that he should g.-t Ne.,d». a„d w,.|>'¿J •"'".rm,. Oregon, pox? Belle — Yea; that's what surpris lie left to individuals or large corpora to «II th, I'ublu 12I„|T»",’<’r\: ’ “«• ed her. She said you were no chicken. Insulteil when 1 asked him to drink? teueM * R —Catholic Standard and Times. I k -companies. These would iuclmle the Wallace—It was the way you put the ™hirxi,oilT:i,’“oo.k.s*«i<: "'«re matters ot water, light transportation, question. He is subject to attacks of 'Worn Ststenieiit So 16. » »! 1,8 O®<*S his Five Indi,pansabl, Drug». the Sw '4sei Sesw i* Pu*h»»eof kleptomania, and when you asked li'n, markets and public education In the “You need five drugs.” said a foolish If h*» “rensn'» 1 , »nd N,.\ Nw* n , 1 Nw U Ne third class, Mr. Brice put matters physician to a patient—“water, food, If lie "wasn’t beginning to fee! te^t t'a. A which might or might not I t given to air, sleep and exercise.” But the pa- taking something" be got hurt, verj •»Is for I • tiff be, ,,r . •’11 »’ mors valua- naturally. ,lld t' »»rF-ullum a public local authority, such as lodging tlcvt sought another doctor, and the -s 2/«-^ -- houses, baths, etc , audit was hie opin­ foolish physician died poor —Saturday Conflicting Emotions, ion that wheie there is a monopoly it is I Evening Post. "How happy a fellow feels when he strongly urged in England that the pro | has really repented of something wrong Tnrn your sorrows outward Into mr be has done!" S N«» ahm. Oregon. fits and increased value which the Hougo Kline, of rents of sympathy »nd deeds of kind "Ten. aud how infernally mad he Rboxe dv'H r"be