Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 25, 1907, Image 3

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A Youth’s Sentiment about Pil
grims Jamestown Trip.
Increases Whiteness and Improves Bread-Making Qualities
of Hard Wheat—Installed by Wasco Warehouse
Milling Company for Making White River Flour-
It is predicted that all the
mills of the northwest which
grind hard wheat flour will in­
stall this new process, the
practical effects of which have
been demonstrated and proven
by the flour itself having been
in actual household use for
months, with results that sur­
passed the highest expectations.
state. As a muscle-builder it
has been without a competitor.
In addition, it now can have that
delicate whiteness of which
housekeepers are so fond and of
which in bread they are so proud
—this by the same process which
increases its digestibility and its
absorptive qualities, or “ bread-
inaking” qualities.
Give White River» Float» a trial
It is sold in this
city by B. O. SHAFFER, txtho is the agent for it
A Store With
It is always flattering
to a store to have many
regular customers. Peo­
ple who come again and
again must have confi­
A large percentage of
our business conies from
regular customers who
trade here year in and
year out
They know
our methods are right
and that they will always
be used as we would like
to be were we the buyer
instead of seller. Why
not make this your reg­
ular trading place for
drugs and medicines.
You Use Them.
We Sell Them.
Next Door to Tillamook County Bank.
Cured of Rheumatism.
Mr. Wm. Henry, of Chattanooga,
Tenn., had rheumatism in his left arm.
” The strength seemed to tiave gore out
of the muscles so that it was useless for
work," lie save. ” I applied Cliamla-r-
lain’s Pain Balin and w rapped i lie arm
in flannel at night, and to my relief 1
found that the pain gradually left me
and the strength returned. In three
weeks the rheumatism had disappeared
ami has not sins? returned.” If troubled
with rheumatism try a few applications
of Pain Balm. You are certain to I e
pleased w ith the relief which it affords
For sale by Clouah’s Drug Store.
Evolution of the Box Business.
All at once the newspapers over the
stale arc knocking J. U. Cooper’s propo.
sition to take the Oregon girls to James­
town, posing as Oregon Minnehaha's,
and are saying all maimer of unkind
They seem to think that
the state would be poorly represented
and illy advertised thereby. Nonsense !
'A hy, bless your hearts, brothers, the
collection ol girls which Cooper could
m ike trom Oregon's best would take the
effete E ist bv storm, no matter how
they were rigged out. And it's when the
girls would start homeward that the
country would experience its first rcaI
car shortage ! 1 lie surprising thing to
us is to see the Oregon pencil pushers.
with their reputation for gallantry and
loyaltv to Oregon products, posing as
sotir-visngctj, carping critics and misan­
thropes. We're ashamed ol the whole
outfit. Here is to Cooper and ms Oregon
Juanitas I—Newberg Graphic.
This community was stricken with
grief to learn of the death lust Saturday
morning of John, the 18 year old son oi
W. A. Gage.
For a number of days John has been
very ill with the men seis and was recov
cling when he took a .elapse which re
suited in pneumonia and caused Ins
sudden death.
John has mnnv friends who mourn
his death and will always remember him
as being a straight forward and highly
respected young man. The funeral was
held Sunday at the I. 0. 0 F cemetary
by Rev. C. H. Way mire, where the body
was laid to rest.
The heartbroken family have the sin­
cere sympathy of the entire community.
—Cloverdale Courier.
The box business on the Coast is
undergoing an evolutionaly stage. The
business is now being considered purely
from an investment standpoint, rather
than as an auxiliary appendage to a
sawmill, where the only consideration
largely, was the ability to work up
material and sell it. often without even
the semblance of a profit. The principal
factors which have brought about the
change liars l>een the rapid advance in
the price of stumpage and the demand
for grades of spruce Hnd pine lumber
To Purify Milk Supply.
A Woman Tells How to Relieve
which formerly could not be sold < n the
The New |ersey state commission on
Rheumatic Pains.
Eastern market at a profit. In Southern tuberculosis in animals is determined
I have l>een h very great sufferer from
Oregon the available pine which can be that the state shall have a supply ol
secured by small mills to supply tire pure raw ntilk pending such times as the dreadful disease. rheumatism, fora
numtier of years, i have tried mail)
--zwx mommv'm
demand for boxes is practically ex state pasteurization of the supply is medicine« but never got much relief
hausted. It is necessary to build rail established. To this end the commis­ from any <»f them until two years ago.
roads, which, of course, adds to the sion has planned to obtain the aid of the when I Itoughl a bottle of Chamt>erlaiii
initial coat. The same conditions are farmers of the state tn its fight by pay Pain Balm. I found relief tiefore I had
used all of one bottle, but kept on apply­
Hur in California, where the bux re ing full value for nil condemned tuber ing it and soon fell like a different
quireinents are probably five hundred
woman Thnaigh my advice many of
I no matter how
cnlosis cows.
my friends here tried it and can te|| you
million feet annually and rapidly grow­
bad the weather
In the township of Howell, containing liow wonderfully it I ihh worked.—.M rs
ing. In the pine belts of Eastern Ore one ol the largest dairies in the rtate.
You cannot
S arah A COLK. HO 8 New St., Dover,
gon, Washington and Idaho and in the twenty cows out of one hetd of forty Del. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is a linl.
afford to be
without a
spruce producing sections of Oregon and examined hy State Inspection E. B ment. The relief from pain which ii
Washington, similar conditions apply Voorhees and Franklin Dye were found afford« is alone worth many times it«
cost. It makes rest and sleep possible.
with equal force
I to be consumptive. The animals were For sale by Clough's Drug Store.
The increased cost of bos lumlx-r is condemned, and the dairyman was
making itself felt in the character of awarded 1680. the full value of the cows.
lumber being utilized in the manufacture
Notice of this award, which is the
of boxes. One Southern Oregon box largest thus (ar made bv the commis­
company baa been experimenting with sion. has been sent to dairies in the state,
an orange box with pine slats and fir nnd the commission hojies that this will
ends It is only a question of time when encournge other dairt men to ask for an
fir will become a common box material. inspection of their herds. The claim
Hemlock, which Inks been used for made by those active in the pnre milk
Beware of Ointments for Ca- several years as a substitute for spruce crusnde, and especially bv those waging
tarrah that contains Mercury, in limited amounts is now being re­
the fight for state pasteurization of the
as mercury will -Orel, deuroy the wnwof
etuell «nd completely dereo.e the wholelye garded with high favor for certain kinds
milk supply, that 40 per cent of milk
teat when enlenns it thronxh the mm-ona ear-
fam »ach articles «hould ne»nr re need ex­ of boxes, where the question of anon
cows are tubercular, is borne out in the
es I OS preecriptio«« from reputable phyMctuon, tartable wood is not a factor. There lisa
*« the demxse they will do in ten fold to the
Howell instance.
rood you can pumtbly derive from them. Hall • been an advance of over 50 per cwtf In
< starrh Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney A
Timber Claim for Sale
Co.. Toledo O . contain, no mercury, and ia
taken internally, acting directly upon the blood mouths. Stick which could formerly lie
On Nehalem Bar m S«v
of Sw M o-
and mucoua surface« of the ayalem. fn buying
Ha<l’a Catarrh Cur. be ante «on g.-t the genuine purchased for *20.00 is now selling at sec. 11. N. H of Nw I, and Sw H ol N v.
Il la taken internally, and made In Toledo.
*30 00 and *32.50, and the end is not Owner Geo. P. Haye, Rooms 1-2, Me-
Ohio, by P . I t henry A C". Te.limoniel.fre*
Sold by Drexl.t* price 73c. per bottle
I yet.—Tiiubertuan.
Bik, Bellingham, Wash.
Take Ball > Family rn>.Jvr conaHpaUon.
I I t
Io ma
The following sensible letter appeared ;
in the Oregonian :
In a discussion of the |amcstowu Ex-
position and the part the West will play |
in it, the question is raised why this j
j band at Oregon girls desires to masquer­
ade in squaw blankets ? Is it because
they think it will be perfectly charming ?
Stireh thev do not wish t< give Eastern
ers the impression that the West is a
wild country—yet to be tamed ?
It puzzles me to know just how these
g'ris will enter Jamestown to attract the
Nutriment More Available.
given to the Bluestem flour, and I
at the same time its bread-mak-j The process in detail is some­ most attention, Will thev swoop down
Real Lightning Does It.
upon tiie town with a blood curdling
ing qualities are so improved as what as follows :
A flaming discharge of electric­
to make it actually the superior ■ The kernels are first scoured war whoop ? Or will they march stolid
behind their chief, with determination
ity. tearing air into ions—
of famous eastern flours, known and milled, by the usual roller ly written
in the very tread oi their nioc
The ionized air being pun>|>ed
the globe over for quality.
patent process. The same puri­ casincd leet ?
into the agitator of a flour mill so
fying currents of air are in If this is the idea to attract attention
Increases Its Digestibility.
it icache-H and treat« every minute
to our state, why not go tn the nearest
particle of flour—
Exhaustive tests have shown motion as in any other modern reservation for 20 or 30 oi the most bux
Tlile new process lias so im­
th it the digestibility of flour is,
om looking squaws aud send them ? The
proved the qualities of hard wheat
increased greatly by this electric' from dust particles and the ma­ real thing is far better than the imita
flour that it bids fair to revolu
treatment. The ionized atmos­ chinery sweet and clean, The tion. Girls never appear so well when
lionize tile milling of Oregon and
Washingion hard wheat.
phere seems to absorb certain complete flour is then blown trying to imitate someone else, nor yet
make intowhat is known as an agita­ so pretty as when they arc their own
I oily properties which
sweet selves
di-1 tor.
First to Be Installed.
Process in Detail.
1 am very proud of our state and wi h
gestive juices.
Experiments [
Hundreds of Tillamook house­
Connected with this agitator is to always show it at its best advantage.
have demonstrated that flour
keepers who have been making thus freeded from these oily sub­ a pump, operated by a dynamo, When could we do this better than now,
bread of White River Flour
while delightful memories ol the Lewis
stances lends itself more readily which forces the f lour into an and
Clark Exposition at * still fresh in
during the last few months will
to assimilation. This is one aeriform fluid, the ionized air. the minds of those Easterners ? And
be interested to learn that every
reason why some health foods
whom could we find better to do it than
particle of that flour has been
have been found easy to digest. but isn’t, comes from a tank, Oregon’s fair daughters of today ? For,
treated by electricity. The im­
through which are constantly who represents the social and home life
Makes Health Food of It.
proved bread-making qualities
playing actual f lashes of light­ it not w omen, and what is more eloquent
of the flour, and its whiteness in
This electric process practi­ ning. The flashes operate upon of civilization and progress than the re
comparison with any other hard cally transforms flour into health purified air, literally tearing it fined ami cultured home ?
wheat flour, are due mainly to food. Not only does extracting to shreds with the force of gal­ More responsibility rests upon the
the installation of a new electric this oil leave the flour lighter in vanic action. The nature of the dainty shoulders of these girls than they
process in the 2,000-barrel mill color, but gives it a liveliness air is ratically altered.
imagine. Therefore, let them not hide
of the Wasco Warehouse Milling and absorbent power which is
their light under a bu-htl, but each one
company, at The Dalles, Oregon, impossible for flour which still Ironized Air Tastes Sweet and Rare individually appear at her best. No girl
where White River Flour is retains its oil. This gain is
This irenized air is so remark­ can afford to do otherwise, and dress as
made. This White River mill without sacrificing anything that able in its properties that breath­ we love to see our mothers and sisters
is the first of the kind to be in­ is a benefit in the wheat.
ing it is a delight. It produces dress. Then, indeed, will they represent
our Oregon in all that is truest and best,
stalled in Oregon.
Rich in gluten—containing a an exhilarating effect akin to and we boys will be so proud of them
Has Whitest Bloom.
higher per cent of this nutritive that produced by the adminis­ that we will toss our hats up in the air
Hard wheat flour, made from substance than any other wheat tration of ozone. It tastes sweet and yell : “Three cheers for our Oregon
Bluestem wheat, has long been —our own Oregon Bluestem and rare, like rich mountain air girls—God bless ’em.”
recognized as superior in bread­ wheat has been the pride of the cf limpid purity.
R. R. H ollingsworth .
making qualities to any other
Pacific Coast flour, and the equal
of Minnesota flour. The Minne­
sota flours, however, have had
the advantage over the coast
hard wheat flours, in that they
have possessed
which the Bluestem flour has
lacked. By this electric treat-
ment, the whitest bloom is
Fouad la New Zealaad.
An official of the Smithsonian insti*
tutiuu was recently speaking of some
of New Zealand.
Robber« Boru aud Kept So by Caste« of the wingless birds
“Those wingless birds have always
They Are Fullte and Modest I util
been of especial Interest to me,” he
tke “Prefsaalon” llrqulre« Them to
said. “Nowhere else than In their
Become Cruel and Ferocious.
native laud could they have survived.
India Is usually spoken of as a land for that Is the only laud lu which no
where life and property have become destructive animals are to be found.
safe under British rule. True, the Being unable to fly, they could uot
bauds of thugs have been broken up, have escaped from swift huutlug ani­
mals, if any there had been. And In
the Pindbaree hordes have been sup­ this connection It Is Interesting to uo!o
pressed, uud the British police system that In all probability the kakapo, or
Is spread over the whole country, but great ground parrot, once had the use
the criminal tribes or castes, those of its wings, but, being a grass seed
whose hereditary "professiou" Is rob­ feeder and finding no enemies on the
bery and nothing else, remain, their ground. It lu u process of evolution lost
lustiucts strong, wanting only opportu­ Its ability to fly, though able to run
nity to practice their traditional call­ very swiftly. These birds are so gen­
ing, which the Indian caste system for­ tle aud so unconscious of having any
enemies that If a person sit down near
bids them to abandon.
These tribes are most numerous and one It will presently tuck Its head un­
most wayward In the united provinces, der Its wing and go to sleep. They
lu which are Cawupur and Lucknow, only breed once in two years, and the
the cities associated forever with the mother bird carefully hides the nest
from her mute, though why is not
Indian mutiny.
Half of the division is Oudli, the na­ known.
tive province last annexed by Britain,
“The weka, or wood hen, is another
many of whose old men vividly re­ specially interesting species of the
member when every “talookdar,” or wingless birds. These birds mate for
feudal chief, lived in a fortified castle life and take tun about In hatching
aud retained a swarm of armed men, and watching the brood. One of the
who received no pay, but lived ou the pair Is never absent from the nest, the
country. They were official robbers, one ou duty being supplied with food
aud their example gave free scope to I by the other. There Is something al­
the “professional” robbers, or, as they most human in the sight of a male
have always been known lu India, the weka leading bls family out for a
criminal tribes.
stroll on the beach when the tide Is
These tribes are the Sauaurlahs,- the low.
Barwars, the Sunslahs, the Dorns, the
“Another is the roa, which is distln-
llahurabs, the Aherlahs, the Buurlabs, gnlshed by a remarkable beak, long.
the Bliatus. Each tribe has its own slender and slightly curved. The roa,
dialect, dress and customs.
like the kakapo. Is a night bird, and Its
A singular feature of Indian life is chief food is earthworms. Its sight Is
that persons who would be considered very poor, and It may often be seen
depraved characters In a European standing In the moonlight with the tip
country and would bear the stamp of of Its beak resting upon the ground,
their uature on their faces are not de­ apparently listening or feeling for the
praved In their own estimation or in vibrations of a worm’s movements.
that of the people at large. A casual The male of the roa does all the hatch­
murderer Is not ashamed of himself ing. nnd the young birds come from
nor abhorred by Ills neighbors, who the shell with all their feathers, mini­
welcome him back among them If be atures of their parents and with ap­
escapes the gallows and is released parently nil tbelr Intelligence, as they
after n term In Jail. The universal be­ nt once start out to search for food
lief that all things are decreed by fate ami rem to require no instruction as
accounts for this amazing state of to the best places to find it.”—New
feeling. Much more, then, are men re
York Herald.
garded with Indifference or even re­
spect whose time honored, hereditary
and natural profession is robbery with
In the number of his titles tue Duke
So the members of these tribes go in of Atholl, with twenty-three, holds the
and out of the towns nml villages with­ record.
out misgivings, and there Is not a sign
The record bean for costliness Is ths
In their faces or manner to Indicate vanilla, which sells at *12 a pound re­
that tlielr business Is robbery and mur­ tail.
The record for ham sandwich making
When a gang encamps outside of a Is a thousand saudwlches lu 11 hours
town the Inhabitants feel uncomforta­ 25 minutes.
ble nnd take precautions, but cherish
The record lodging house Is one fur
no 111 will against the strangers. And
accom mu­
when roblrcries and murders occur al­ pilgrims at Mecca, which
most immediately within a radius of dates 6,000 persons.
The record steam heating apparatus
twenty miles they take more precau­
tions, lmt regard the whole affair as a cost *180,000. It is that which bests
visitation of Providence, like a flood or the 11,000 rooms of the Vatican.
The record soprano voice was Ln-
a fire.
crezla Agujardl’s. This lady, who died
These habitual criminals are not de
proved In any sense understood by the In 1783, could easily strike C In altlssl-
people. They simply have the mis­ mo.
The record for millionaire honesty
fortune to belong to a trade which Is
nupleasnnt for the neighborhood—like was held by the late Charles T.
Yerkes, who, on recovering hlB fortune
a dyer’s or a tanner’s.
They are well satisfied with them­ after Ills failure, repaid the claims of
selves and nrc ns careful as other peo­ all bls old creditors with 6 per cent
ple of tlielr respectability. They have compound interest.
no unusual vices; they do not get drunk
Mr. Howells and the Pool.
or riotous; they are civil, courteous
A person called upon a certain editor
and unassuming. Cruelty and ferocity
are with them neither habits nor pleas­ of the Atlautlc Monthly of the name of
William Denn Howells aud, producing
ures, but simply methods of business.
During the excitement of a sudden a poem and courteous note of declina­
nttack the people If they do not run tion, Indignantly demanded an explana­
away will turn out and aid the police tion.
“Do you mean to intimate that this
In repelling or capturing the robbers.
But If a police Inquiry begins two or Is not a good poem?” he challenged.
“By no means,” hastily remonstrated
three days after the robbers have done
their work unmolested the ireople will Mr. Howells; “1 tulnk It la very good
usually do nothing to help In tracing Indeed."
“Then why”—In a somewhat mollified
them aud will even deny that they
tone—“do you decline It? I consider It
have lost anything.
For many years past the government the best I have ever written.”
“Ab, well,” said Mr. Howells, “after
of India has worked to luduce these
criminal tribes to settle down to a all. we have very few differences of
opinion. Do you know,” he added In
peaceable and industrious life.
But progress Is very slow. Vagabond­ his gentlest voice, "I have long regard­
age Is bred in the bone and marrow of ed It as the liest that Tennyson has
the tribes, and marauding Is tlielr cho­ ever written.” — George Harvey In
sen occupation. From time to time men North American Review.
will suddenly disappear, perpetrate
several daring dakaitls In another dis­
Aseliorlss a Ll<htshl>,
trict and escape over the border luto
A very effective method la employed
one of the Independent native states to keep a lightship always In practl-^
which cluster round three sides of the cally the same position. The ship Is,
united provinces.
moored by three anchors which rest
The word “dakaltl,” also spelled “da
in the sea bed In the form of a triangle.
colty,” means robbery by a gang of When the tide niters Its direction the
armed men, uml a dakalt, or dacolt, is vessel, of course, swings with It, but
only to a limited extent. The ship can­
a member of such a gang.
An assault by robbers In India dif­ not change right over, as It would It
fers from one In Europe or America In only one anchor were used, for the
that It always takes place at night three anchors each Ox It In a different
and Is accompanied by n tremendous position and do not allow It to move
amount of noise. The Indians are a more than a few yards.
noisy people at all times, and In a rob-
Wher. Mrs. Brons Had Bool.
liery with violence tpe robbers’ object
Is to terrify their victims Into a panic;
The Dear Child Oh. Mrs. Brown,
hence whether travelers be waylaid on when <114 you get back? Mrs. Brown—
a lonely road or a wealthy man’s Illes« you dear, I was not away any.
house tie attacked In a village the as­ where! What made you t<)lnk so? Ths
sault Is always made suddenly, with Lear Child—I thought you were. I
loud shouts and yells aud In the case of heard tny mamma say that you w
a village with beating of drums and at loggerheads with your husba
waving of lighted torches.
over a week.—London Answers
The persons attacked bellow for all
All Rlakl.
they are worth, but rarely offer resist­
A man always puts on the )< ,
ance, and the general effect Is so terri­
fying to the cowardly people that the last, and when he puts on tiX
neighbors either fly or else barricade shoe flrot—on ths right foot—he
tlielr doors and lie still till the robbers puts on the left shoe on the right foot.
have got at least a mile away with A man most always puts the right shoe
tbelr plunder. Even the shrieking of wo­ on the left foot and the left shoe on the
men under torture does not put heart light, foot.—Baltimore American.
Into one of them, for the men of a
The Early Bird.
house that la attacked try to bolt for
tbelr Ilves If they can and leave the
Mrs. Homebody (engaging cook)—
women to the mercy of the robbers, Very well, then; you may come tomor-
who apply fire to them and torture them row at 10. Cook OI’<1 sooner com
In more atrocious ways to make them 8. mum. Thin If Ol don't loti
tell where the valuables are kept. Nrw place Ol can lave In tol
York World.
matluay —Puck.
lock .