TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 25. 1007. T. BOTTS, - -L . White Bronze Monuments. Complete set of Abstract Book. Attorney R. Duniway said that the Following yesterday’s adjournment, a judge deserved words of praise, and no further healing of the case was con. I,EG AL AhVEkTINMENTH : occasion did more good than to get to- tiitued indefinitely, pending _ the eon* 10 get her and review lhe life of a man like I venivnee of Judge Burnett and tlie re­ First Insertion, per line I 5 Eachsubm'quenl insertion, line.... If you contemplate the purchase of any Judge Boise, who had been honored covery of George I. j. Davis, one of the Business and professional curds, Cemetery Work, it is wortl. jour while to tn- 1 month ................................... 1 00 through a lung and useful life—a grand, witnesses. who was too ill to appear at vesligale White Bronze, a material that makes Homestead Notices........................ 5 GO noble and inspiiiug life. Nature caused the trial this week. Davis had Been Timber Claims............................... io (Ml him to be born and it was nature which snb|ienaed by the P. R. & N . by which the only durable Monument, and surpass«» 5 I j OC n I s , per line each insertion . .. Marble and Granite in fine, artistic finish. Hi* caused him to pass on, and Mr.Duniway he is employed as an engineer Display advertisement, an inch. Nomos» growing. cracking or crumbling ; 50 closed by praising Judge Boise in glow­ testimony is regarded as material by the 1 month ................................... All KesolutioriH of Condolence and ing torms, which brought forth applause company seeking lhe injunction, for by no cleaning or care required. Better in every Izjdge Notices. 5c. per line. him it is expected to add proof to the way than granite and less expensive.’ Leading from the audience. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Scientists endorse it as being practically indes Mr. Geo. Cohn said that all the people claim that ll e P. It. & N. survey was Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., truclible. Correspondence solicited. minimum rate, 25c. not exceed» g five in Tillamook liked Judge Boise, who were the first survey Io be completed. The.oulcome of the pending suit means sorry to hear of his death. Judge Galloway having spoken a few much to the people of Tillamook mid words, ordered Clerk Lamb to spread Clatsop Counties. But no mutter which ((tie ^illamoob Mjeabligtit. the resolutions upon the court journal. way it may lie decided the people of Tillamook, Oregon. those two coast counties are reasonably certain of a railroad. The I*. R. & N is HINGES ON SURVEY already constructing its line from Hills­ TRIBUTE TO JUDGE BOISE. boro to the town of Tillamook and A. & C. and P. R. & N. Dis desires the outlet at Smith's Point in Bench and Bar of Tillamook Coun pute Right of Way. order to complete its syAeni in’o til* ty Praise the Life and Charac Nehalem district. The same point is From the Oregonian. being contended for by the A. & C. ter of the Late Jurist. Priority Io survey is the real issue in which has completed a survev for an Dealer in There was a meeting of the Bench and the injunction suit brought by the Pacific extension of its system southeily fiom FRESH and CURED MEATS, Bar of Tillamook County at the court Railway 8i Navigation against the As­ Seaside, through the Nehalem Valley to house on Friday evening, which took toria & Columbia River Railroad to re. Tillamook and Bay City. LARD, HIDES, the nature of a public meeting, in token strain the latter company from construct­ Testimony at the hearing discloses that of respect and admiration of lhe late ing its tracks across the right of way both companies completed their surveys WOOL. Etc. Hon.K. P. Boise,which was presided over of the former. Testimony is being taken over the disputed ground practically at l»y judge W. Galloway, who, in calling before Circuit Judge G. II. Burnett, of lhe same time, although the 1*. R. & N. the meeting to order, briefly spoke of the Salem, ¡n the law offices of Snow & Mc- offered evidence in support of its claim “Clean and Wholesome,” our motto. long public service and esteem in which Cainant. Only two witnesses were ex­ that it was first to complete its survey the late Judge Boise was held, lie said amined for the plaintiff company yester­ snd make final location. The principal he had appointed a committee to draw day. It is expected the case will be con. contention urged by the A. & C. against tip suitable resolutions and the time had eluded and submitted today. lhe company asking for the injunction is The witnesses examined yesterday that lhe articles of incorporation of the arrived to hear from the committee. I In the absence of Attorney C. Thayer, wereC. M. ThoipasandT. A. McDougall, P. R. & N. do not authorize building its chairman of the committee,who was not division superintendent and locating en­ line north of the Miami River Smith's gineer, respectively, of the company Point is located north of this stream. feeling well, J. P. AUUEN, Proprietor. asking for lhe injunction. These engi­ Attorney II. T. Botts read the follow­ neers testified on direct examination On lhe other hand, the P. R. & N. ing resolutions and then moved that they that they had completed the final loca- chargee the A & C. with being insincere in its promises to build the line from be adopted : lion of their survey before the A. & C. Seaside that is pro| >posed. As evidence of Special Attention paid to Tourists. Tillamook, Ore., April 19. 1907. We, the Bench and Bar of Tillamook engineers had finished pr< liminary work its good faith in the premises, the P. R. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. County, in solemn session assembled, do over the couise of the proposed roads & N. points to the fact that it is build hereby adopted I lie following resolutions around Smith's Point, near Tillamook, Resolved, that by the death of Hon. which is the point in controversy. They ing its line on which 1400,000 has been This company Reuben Patrick Boise, this body, in com­ also swore that certain maps of the P. expended already, mon with the judiciary and legal frater­ denies the right of the A. 1 service, he was called that territory. upon to decide all kinds of cases, and the day afternoon. Attorney Fulton, for lhe judge decided aldv and impartially. At A AC., offered to compromise lhe We can furnish all kinds of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the time of his death, Mr. Talmage said difference of the two companies by Aids Nature. Gin and Bum at wholesale prices. dividing t qually the 50 foot ledge around that he did not think that anyone liar Medicines that aid nature are always bored any animosity against him He the point, thereby avoiding the necessity mo«t effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Send us your orders. We ship in plain cases and prepay freight. Read over our price list and mail us your orders. Money refunded if goods was an upright, honest judge and consci­ of ehher company crossing the other's Remedy acts on thia plan It allays the right of way. This offer was rejected cough, relieves lhe lung**, aids expecto­ are not satisfactory. All orders will be treated strictly confidential. entious gentleman. We ship all our goods C.O.D , or yon can make remittance with your order. by lhe directors of the I*. R. & N„ who ration. opens lhe secretions, and aid** Attorney T H. Goyne said the judge decided to contest in the com ta ‘the nature in restoring the system to a had done the best he could and no reflec healthy condition. Thousands have WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS : rights of the A. ¿k C.t which they con. testified to its miperior excellence. For lions could be made upon his decisions, 12Qts. Gallon. aider an iuvader of the Tillamook sale by Clough's Drug Store. 12 quarts Sheehan's Private Stock, Rye or Bourbon.... ... $8.00 $3 00 which, tor the most part, had been up 12 quarts Tillamook Rveand Bourbon ............................ ... 8 »50 country, into which (he P. R. & N. is 3 25 held by lhe supreme court. He had a 12 quarts Delaney's Malt Whiskev.................... ................. constructing a railroad via Hillsboro. Notice of Co Partnership. great respect lor the judge. 12 quarts Gordon White Rve Whiskey............................... ... 8 00 3 00 Attorneys Snow and McCamant, who 12 quarts Old Gold Bourbon Whiskey ............................... 7 50 Attorney W. If. Cooper had heard of Notice is hereby given that the under­ are conducting (he case for the P. R. & 12 quarts Crescent Rve Whiskey ..., .................................... 7 50 Judge Boise from a hoy and became first 12 quarts Old Port Wine....................................................... it 50 N., ex|»ect to conclude the introduction signed have formed a co-partnership acquainted with him in Tillamook. To under the firm name of Leach A Co. 12 quarts Old Sherrv Wine ................................................... ... 3 50 1.25 < I testimony early (his morning in sup We propore to furnish the public with meet him was to respect him, to love 12 quarts Old Angelica Wine ................................................ . 3 50 1 25 (Hirt of their application for a perma­ the liest qualitv of meats to lie obtained 12 quarts Old Muscat Wine.................................................. ... 3 50 him and to honor him. Those who hap 1.25 nent injunction against the rival com­ from lhe market, and toward that we 12 quarts Old Madeira Wine................................................. ... 3.50 1 25 pencil to lie on the losing side of a case 12 quarts Sweet Catawba Wine.......................................... ... 450 pany. Attorney Fulton, representing have special and extraordinary facilities, 1.75 when th**judge was on the bench had M aurice F. L each , 12 quarts Sanduskv Port Wine .............................................. ... 4 50 the A At C.. said lust night that he would 1.75 W. W. C onder . the satisfaction ol knowing that they had 12 quarts Old Tom Gin......................................................... " ... 8.00 3.00 have but a few witnesses to examine. J efe D. W allace . 12 quarts French Cognac........................................................ .. 900 hern ghen a square deal, for judge Boise 3 50 He thinks it will lie possible to end the 12 quarts California Grape Brandy .................................. .. 8 00 3.00 knew* no friendship or animosity when 12 quarts Stanford 3A Rye............................................... hearing today. Among the officials cf 4.00 on the bench, where he held lhe scales ol Notice to Debtors. 12 quarts Rainier 3A Bourbon ......................................... .. 11.00 the Astoria road who are attending lhe 4.00 justice impartially in his hand. 12 quarts Monogram O. P. S. Rye or Bourbon ...... .. 12 00 5 00 hearing and may lie called as witnesses 12 quarts Rock and Rye ........................................................ .. 6 00 The undersigned begs tn inform the Rev. P. II. Buineit, pastor of the 2 25 are J. McGuire, general manager and public that he has formed a co-part- 12 quarts Peach and Honey ............................................. .. 6 00 Christian church, said he was glad to 2 25 12 quarts Millview Whiskey, bottled in bond ......... siqierinlendent ; C. W. Root, chief­ nership with Judge W. W. Condor and .. 10.00 3.50 honor Judge Boise, who had many early Jeff It. Wallace, uniter the firm name of engineer. L. S. Miller, assistant engineer, Rememlier. we refund you vour inonev and repav freight both ways if goods recollections of him, being |xrsonallv Leach & Co. Thia partnership will are not satisfaxtorv. We are exclusive wholesale dealers m and F. G Eby, of the right of w iy de­ our goods at acquainted for years.and lie looked hack succeed to and continue to conduct the wholesale prices. Nothing hut the best. partment. meat market business heretofore con ­ with pleasure to that acquaintance. The Smith s Point, on the Coast, near the ducted be Maurice F. Leach, at the Address all Orders to rev gentlrman then spokeut the pioneers same »land in Tillamook City, and ol this country, who were men of extra town of Tillaimtok, is the natural gate under the immediate supervision of ordinary ability, stiength of chaiactev, way for railroad construction into Till Maurice F. Leach. The buyir.g and wiling of stock will lie mi I men ol strong minds. Amongst amook County. It is for lhe |M)asession in charge of and under tire supervision th m was lodge R I’. Boise, who had of this pass that a deteimined contest is ot W. W. Condor and J. D. Wallace gone to appear before the Judge of the I being waged between (lie Pacific Rail All persons indebted to me are respect­ Wholesale Liquor Dealers. war A Navigation Com|Miii) ami the Uni vai se. fully requested tn pav me as carte a« 51 Front Street, Portland, Ore. Attorney C. B. Sternberg, ol Portland. I Astoria A Columbia River Kailroad. practicable. in order that I may balance my Imoka. and that the oldhmtmeaa may Thia contest is lieing lies rd before Cir We assort cases, if desired ; you can take as many bottles of any kind as yon wish had heard Judge Boise spoken of in the i >iist>ih't I have Iiwd_ Chamberlain's _________ Ctanch _____ upon the profession, and it was a sad ing its pro|ios* <| railroad around Smith s Remcdv in my family in canea of wh at med hi ne I have ever iis^d — last word of praise ol Judge Boise. M H. UHRSEN, Pr pfietor. W. F G asto *. Poseo, Ga This remede Attorney S. S. Johnson also spoke in first Further testimony in the suit was i*¡ safe snd sure. »•le by Clough's heard before Judge Burnett yesterdar. Prug Store. a »icndir t ram. Advertising Rates. C. E. REYNOLDS, Agent, A ttorney at in office. aw Taxes paid for noni Residents. Office opposite Post Office. Both phones. COOPER, W.H A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook , O regon . 1 OARL HABERLACH, M. F. LEACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jkittechir ¿Abvohat, Office across the street and north frou the Post Office. A p H. GOYNE, ■ A ttorney - at .L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, W. SEVERANCE, A ttorney - at -L aw , Headquarters for Travelling Men. Fir and Spruce Lumber T illamook Q H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D, - P pysician and S urgeon . Office first door East of F. R." Beals’ office. ■ T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN TILLAMOOK LUMBER COŒPÆNY. A. K. CASE, Tillamook Iron Works Office: Olspn Building. M. JACOB & CO LARSEN HOUSE, OREGON The Best Hotel in the city, No Chinese Employed 1 r I H T di T HOMAS W. ROSS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office : Opposite Post Office. Residence : Allen House, Tillamook, Onj I g F. R. BEALS, 4. 1 t'»l OREGON. We Want Your Business. ' I Residence: Mrs. Walker’s. REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , MAIL ORDER LIQUOR BUSINESS. Buy your Liquors from the Wholesale | House Direct. TILLAMOOK, & SURGEON. TILLAMOOK General Machinists & Blacksmiths. TILLAMOOK, O regon . Tillamook, Oregon. P- J- SHARP RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street from Court House. Dr. Wise's office. SARCHET, J- . The Fashionable Tai Cleaning, Pressing and Re ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photograp Gallery J^OBERT A. MILLER A ttorney - at -L aw , Land Titles, Laud Office B ness and Mining Law. PORTLAND, OR Room, 306 Commercial Buildinf Did You Ever Try HARRIS’S NEW FEED LIVERY BARN, If not, give him a cal*. Everything first-class, block South of P.O. W. G. HARRIS, p«* LATIMER BROS nun in iiiiiiutti SHAVING, HAIR CÎ- SHAMPOOING, ETC Elcetric Baths nicely fitted up.O* persona suffering with rheu Si.