TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 18. 10C6. I tion. The pliers self-treatment should white «nd black laborer« to work »ide A Wonderful Record. by side. The cause of this is conscious not be allowed to spread. As made up by Improved and evaet L egal A dveutikments : or unconscious trade jealousy. Another processes Dr. Pierce’s Favorite I rescrip- First Insertion, per line I 10 In the legal investigation of trusts and { result of the trouble was the complete lion I» a most efficient remedy for regu­ Each subsequent insertion, line.... 5 lating all the womanly functions, correct­ monopolies a system of rebates is almost shutting up of drinking place«, the ob ing displacements, as prolapsus, antever- BuuineHS and professional card«, Dealer in slon and retroversion, overcoming painful 1 month ................. I 00 invariably uncovered. Ami yet giving i ject being to prevent the sale of liquor to periods, toning up the nerves and bring ­ Homestead Notices........................... r> 00 rebates is a crime clearly defined by the all negioes. New licenses will be issued FRESH and CURED MEATS. ing about a perfect state of health. It Timber Claims.................................. 10 00 laws of the country. only to white men, who will not sell to cures the backache, periodical headaches, L-tcal«, per line each insertion ... 5 the dragging-down distress In the pelvic * « » LARD, HIDES, colored men. Display advertisement, an inch. region, the pain and tenderness ovei The democratic radical candidate for 1 month .................................... 50 lower abdominal region, dries up the All Resolutions of Condolence and governor in Massachusetts has a fierce pelvic catarrhal drain, so dlsagreeabh WOOL, Etc. Sam Jones Dies Suddenly. and weakening, and overcomes everj Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. look and a tousled shock ot hair, and form of weakness incident to the organ L ittle K ock , Ark., Oct. 15. — Rev. Card« of Thank«, 5c. per line. feminine. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., the conservative democrats are not as Saiu P. Jones, the well-known evangelist, distinctly "Favorite Prescription” I» the onl) minimum rale, 25c. not exceedn g five yet rushing for buttons. of Cartersville, Ga., died early today of medicine for women, the makers O' “Clean and Wholesome,” our motto. * * * lines. which are not afraid to print thel. The law punishes the guilty; the mob heart failure in a sleeping car on train formula on the bottle wrapper, thu slaughters the innocent and claims that No. 4 of the Reck Island Railroad near taking their patrons into their full con­ It is the only medicine foi ^ilhmook Mjeabligbt. this is the best way to overawe the Perry, Ark. Mr. Jones had been eon- fidence. women, every ingredient of which has successful revival at dueling a most the strongest possible endorsement of criminal. The place for that notion of Fred C. Baker. Publisher. Oklahoma City, Okla., and left there the most eminent medical practitioner justice is the insane asylum. and writers of our day, recommending last night for his home in Georgia. He it for the diseases for which "Favorite * M * On to Tillamook. Prescription" is used. It Is the only decided to attend a family re union, San Francisco is planning to get a put-up medicine for women, sole it being the tifty-niiitli anniversary of water supply for the Sierras. Between through druggists, which does not con­ Some years ago, President A. B. Ham. tain a large percentage of alcohol, sc mond. of the Astoria & Columbia River the mountains and the Pacific ocean his birth. Mrs. Jones and his daughters, harmful in the long run, especially te Railroad Company, made a deliberate the city should escape a waterless con­ Mrs. Annie Pyrou and Miss Julia Jones, delicate women. It has more genuine were with bun when he passed away. cures to its credit than all other medi dition in any future conflagration. statement, in this city, that "that rail­ * * * Mr. Jones arose from his berth about cines tor women combined, havin; way line would be the first to enter the saved thousands of sufferers from tin An artless contemporary says Secre- 5 o'clock this morning and complained of operating table and the surgeon’s knife Tillamook country,’’ and the news of the tary Shaw will not rank liigh as a sickness in his stomach. He drank a It has restored delicate, weak women t< hour is in direct conformity with that strong and vigorous health and virility Up to date Harness Shop The only complete shop of the treasury chief because “ he has bad no glass of hot water and immediately making motherhood possible, where then declaration. cind in Tillamook county. I handle no shoddy goods, hut my serious problems on his hands as score afterward collapsed. Rev. Walt Hol­ was barrenness before, thereby brighten It is good news for Tillamook county, tary ; everything has run along smooth­ comb, who had been associated with Mr. ing and making liappy many thousand: irices will compare with those that do. and as good for Astoria. It means a of homes by the advent of little ones U ly; there have been no panics, and only Jones for a number of years, took the Strengthen tho marital bonds and adc Next door to T illamook C ounty B ank . Local Phone. vast deal for the state and all its north, slight disturbances of the money mar dying man ill his arms and in a few sunshine where gloom and despondencj western coinmuties. since it will o[>en up had reigned before. ket now and then.” This indictment minutes the evangalist expired. Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce. He will sent to quick communication limitless re­ for lack of brilliancy might be adopted The body has been embalmed and was you good, fatherly, professional advice sources hitherto submerged and unap­ In sealed envelope, absolute!; as the paramount issue against the re­ shipped to Cartersville this evening, free. a plain, Address him at Buffalo, N. Y. proachable. There is a vergin ¡world of publican party, “We denounce the re- where interment will be held. The Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets do noi magnificent timber involved in the ex­ publicans for monotonous prosperity funeral services will lie conducted by gripe. They effectually cleanse the sys vein of accumulated impurities. ploitation of that section, aside from and failure to demonstrate in the last Rev. George Stuart, Rev. J. A. Bowen, The People’s Common Sense Medica the establishment ,of daily markets for ten years that they can handle a pan- of Mississippi, and Rev Walt Holcouib. Adviser, by Dr. Pierce, 1008 pages, Is sen the cultivated staples and products o* free on receipt of stamps to pay expense would be a fitting plank to go with of mailing only. Send 21 onc-cent stamp the immense farm districts of Tillamook io,” J. P. ALtbEfi, Proprietor for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamp; the arraignment of Secretary Shaw as Academy Snap Shota. and the intervening country. for the cloth-bound volume. A ldres one who “seems to have little capacity Now that the assurance hasgone forth Die higher class in English at the as above. What, call for real statesmanship.” in this behalf, we, of Clatsop, with a Academy intend to keep their friends Shaw a statesman ! He lias been at warm Tillamookian leaning of the pur; Special Attention paid to Tourists. the head of the treasury for years and well informed of what takes place at pose, hope the inaugeration of the ex­ T. BOTTS, that institution through the columns of A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. hasn’t had 'ary panic! A sad defect tension of the "A. & C.’’ will not be de­ the Headlight. • A ttorney - at -L aw . from the democratic point of view. ferred until the encouraging prospect is Monday morning a few were found to * W * once again lost in the maze of time, in­ Speaker Cannon says the democratic be absent on account of sinkness There Complete set of Abstract Book ertia and silence. We hope the word of cinipaigii text book for 1906 lias “lied'' were, however, three new pupils; this capable man will lie fortified and about him. Of course it lias. It has namely Anna Fitzpatrick and her two in office. Taxes paid for nom proven by the early commencement of lied als-ut the president and nearly brothers, John and Paul, who came back Residents. the work, and that the dawn of the ne-.v every other republican leader whom it from the hop.yards a week ago Sunday. year will see the venture so far along as lias mentioned. This is what Roosevelt, Office opposite Post Office. Rev. Father Le Miller gave the pupils to preclude another instant of doubt or Cannon and the rest of the republican Both phones. of the Academy a very pleasant talk on foreboding. Spruce and Cedar Shingles. chieftains ought to have expected. It Friday last. He suggested that the girp It is an initiative carrying huge possi the democratic text-book told the truth have some games to play during recess Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty. bilities with it, and the period of disap­ it would send hundreds of thousand« of H. COOPER, and the noon hour. He also said it pointment has been so long drawn out democratic voters over to the repub would be nice to have a croquet set, so t tat the first tangible sign of the railway lican party. This was no part of the Orders for Lumber promptly nttended to. the girls are now taking up"a collection, will lie hailed with genuine nnJ unalloy­ plan of the democratic campaign man A ttorney - at -L aw , and will soon have their set ready for ed satisfaction, not only here, but in tigers. The men who compiled the use. Miss Bessie Terwilliger is our Tillamook county, where the hunger and democratic text-book were paid for T illamook , O regon . cashier during the collection. thirst for thnt lively touch of inter com­ misrepresenting republican history and Miss Theresa Durr?r, who has been munication with the outer world is in­ Celling falsehoods about tl.e republican sick for the past week, is back to school *AAAAAA AAA A A A A A A A A A A A AAA* tense. paity's present policy and about the again. arl haberlach Mr. Hammond has said the word, and recold and aims of its leaders. A glance The pupils of the Academy were very that word should mean much and does over the book will show that these glad to hear that Joseph Guptil had re me in much, the only thing now wanted hired prevaricators earned their money. attorney - atlaw , PROPRIETOR turned, but their joy was soon turned is the outward and visible sign of the Whatever pay was promised them by into grief when they heard that he came actual launching of the scheme.—Astur­ Chairman Griggs for lying ought to be to take his mother and sister out. ian. _____________ given to them promptly. The Sisters are having the front yard Office across the street and north iron * * * sown with lawn grass seed. Mr. Collins the Post Office. Can Byes Be Believed ? Prof. C. Mohr, of Hahnemann College, is trimming the trees. Five of the pupils will try to get dip. Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. Piof. Claparede, of a Swiss university Philadelphia, says • Excessive use of to­ recently ask»d a class of fifty.four stu­ bacco,especially in the form of cigarettes, lomas in the Palmer method of business H. GOYNE, Fine Machine Work a Specialty. dents eight simple questions concerning dulls the intellect, impairs nutrition, writing this year. seriously affects the eyes, causes func ­ Last Wednesday, Bessie Terwilliger the rooms they daily visited at the A ttorney - at . L aw . school, “ Are the columns in the vestl. tional and organic heart disease, and in seemed quite worried over the illness of bule round or square T” “ Is there a other ways contributes to physical and one ot her pet kittens. She was in­ window facing the doorkee|>er's box I” mental degeneracy. Boys who smoke quiring among the girls as to who was Office : Opposite Court House, *' Is the ceiling in the large amphitheater cigarettes much are prodigious liars and a good cat-doctor, and spoke of sending thieves, have been found unmanageable tor some medicine. The kitten is better T illamook , O regon . plain or decorated?" and so on. Forty-five of the fifty-four students ut home anil at school, the judges ot the now, and so are Miss Bessie's spirits, Some of the girls think a good deal declared there was no window at all; juvenile courts have declared that “ot eight remembered that there wa» a win­ the incorrigible and criminal class of of their dolls, for they bring them to W. SEVERANCE, dow, but each and all attributed a wrong boys, not a bov has been found who did school with them. not use cigarettes. ” During tile past de ­ Friday, we had quite an enthusiastic situation to it ; one; more sincere than Ilia fellows, candidly owned that he had cade the habit of cigarette smoking, spelling match. School closed with a A ttorney - at -L aw , not the least idea whether there was a especially by boys and young men belore visit from Rev. Father Le Miller. window or not. As regards the shape the age of maturity, has given rise to so T illamook NEHALEM. of the columns in the vi stibule. only six many cases of chronic tobacco poison­ O regon We can furnish all kinds of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, answers were correct, declares a writer ing as to cause legislatures to enact Gin and Hunt at wholesale prices. Born,Oct. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank laws preventing their sale to the youth­ in the Grand Magazine. Crane, a girl. By way of continuing the experiment, ful Usually and unfortunately, many H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D., Send us your orders. We ship in plain cases and prepay freight The fishermen'are on a limit and are Read oyer our price list and mail ns your orders. Money refunded if goo* one day a man conspicuously costumed young adults »house tobacco excessive­ ire not satisfactory. All orders will be treated strictly confidential. suddenly burst into the clsssrismi, where ly also indulge in alcohol, and in these obliged to throw lots of fine fish over­ \\ e ship all our goods C.O.D , or you can make remittance with your order. P hysician and S urgeon . he performed cctain antics and uttered subjects the use of both poisons often board. Private ownership exemplified. Hammond's railroad surveyors moved produces atrophy of the optic nerve or certain emphatic phrasei prearranged WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS in and camped at E. H. Lane's place Office first door East of F. R. w ith the professor, lie was then thrust retiim and other evils. 12 Qts. Gallon. * * * Thursday, $3.00 12 quarts Sheehan's Private Stock, Rye or Bourbon . $8.00 out of the door as if had lievn an ordi­ Letters and dispatches from Atlanta, 3.25 Gus. Ludtke has gone to California for 12 quarts Tillamook Rve and Bourbon ....................... . 8 50 Beals’ office. nary unauthorized intruder. Here was Ga.. all indicate that the better class of 3.00 12 quarts Delaney's Malt Whiskey................................. . 8.00 his health, having come down with con­ a acene eminently calculated by reason 300 12 quarts Gordon White Rie Whiskey............. . 8 00 citizens are thoroughly aroused to the sumption. 2.75 of its strangeness and unexpectedness enormity of the offense against law and 12 quarts Old Gold Bourbon Whiskey .......................... . 7 50 R. BEALS, School started up in the Sandhill dis 2 75 12 quarts Crescent Rve Whiskey ........................... . 7 50 to impress the imagination of the stu humanity contained in the recent negro 1.25 12 quarts Old Port Wine................................ trict, Oct. 15, with Miss Nordhousen the . 3 50 dents. 12 quarts Old Slierrv Wine........... 1 25 masaacse. Sam Jones, leader of the citi­ teacher. . 3 50 REAL ESTATE, A few days later, on some pretext or zens' committee, says the people are 1.25 12 quarts Old Angelica Wine........................................ . 3.50 W. Redds way is home from the Col­ 1.25 12 quarts Old Muscat Wine.................. other, Prof. Claparede asked his pupils condemning in unmeasured terms the . 3 50 F inancial A gent , umbia river. 1 25 12 quarts Old Madeira Wine............... , 3 50 to describe to the beat of their recoilec murdering of innocent negroes. At the 1.75 12 quints S.vcct Catawba Wine It would be very little trouble for the . 4 50 tiona the person and acts of the masked Chamber of Commerce meeting resolu Tillamook, Oregon. 1.75 12 quarts Sanduskv Port Wine......................... . 4 50 man. Out of the twenty-four students lions condemning ths mob's acts were Della or any other boat that would 3 00 12 quarts Old Tom Gin ............................................ . 8 00 carrv freight to Nehalem to get a two 3 50 who had been present on the occasion unanimously adopted. And step« were 12 quarts French Cognac................. . 9 00 p- J- SHARP, 3 00 12 quarts California Grape Brandy ...... 8 00 only four described the man accurately. taken to relieved the bereaved. Governor, year's contract. Nehalem is feeling the +.00 12 quarts Stanford 3A Rye........................'..'.'.....'.'.'...'"L.L . 11 00 The rest either admitted that their recol­ elect Smith says that the Assaults by the iron band of private ownership and 4 00 12 quarts Rainier 3A Bourbon ....... . 11 00 lection of the acene was abeolutely at negroes were exaggerated, as were also oppression in having to haul its goods to RESIDENT DENTIST, 5 00 12 quarts Monogram O. P. S. Rye ¿r Buurbon .'".'”.7 . 12 00 fault or gave such a description that it the stories of the massacre. Editor How­ and from Bay City at an enormous ex. 2 25 12 quarts Rock and Rye ................................... . « 00 pense and then ship on the company's Office across the street from the 2 25 12 quarts Peach and Hr.nev ............ 6 00 might have applied to anybody rather ell of the Constitution declare« that mob 3 50 12 quarts Millview Whiskey, bottled in bond .'...7......' boat that is supposed to be carrying . 10.00 than the correct pet son. Court House. law ia never justifiable. The grand jury freight to and from Nehalem. The head Remember, wc refund you vour monev and repav freight both wavs if - „ goo* are not satufuctorv. We are exclusive wholesale dealers and sell our goods •« Dr. Wise’s office. A divorced Illinois woman has la- made a presentiment, declaring that the of the boat company is a devout Metho, wholesale prices. Nothing hut the liest. come the cook of the woman who suc- manner in which the afternoon newspa­ dist. [Cheer up, Nehalem, Lytle and S ARCH ET, cecde I her as a wife. Now find the boas pers of Atlanta had presented the various Hammond will queer this state of af­ Address all Orders to criminal acta of negroes was largeli re- fairs in a year or so, then watch Ne- in the family. . The Fashionable Tailor. sponsible for the mob outburst, mention, halein grow and crow.—Ed.] « * « Many things may happen in politics ing particularly the Atlanta News. A Cleauing, Pressing and Repair­ before 19*>, aud t»> laid away on the suppression of such methods iaauggested. Wounds, Bruises and Burns. shelf tieside the Bailey boom, which has The fact remain« that the Atlanta uioba ing a Specialty. By applying an antiseptic dressing to suddenly collapsed. did not kill one of the perpetrators of she Wholesale Liquor Dealers, wound«, bruise*. burn« and like injuries • * * alleged crimes, and most of those who before inflammation sets in, they mar Store in Heins Photographic 404 Washington Street, Portland, Ore. Several American towns tins year were killed were colored men of good he healed without maturation and in " e assort cases, if desired ; you can take as many bottles of any kind as y°« **** hare had a plague of fleas, but thia is reputation. The commercial aspect of the about one third the lime required by the Gallery. not what the trade journals mean when colored workmen stayed at home or left old treatment. This is the greatest dis­ covery and triumph of modern surgery they say things are on the jump. the city in large numbers. Factories Chamberlain« Pain Balm acta on th I. • « • s ere shut down and many commercial Mine principle. It is an anti septic fend J^OBERT A. MILLER, It takes the world a long time to Centrally Uoeated. Rates, $1 Per houses were seriously handicapped. when applied to such injurie«, causes learn that the vapor of benzine and Thus it txouglit a realisation of the them to heal very quickly. It also allay« A ttorney - at -L aw , the pain and surenee« and prevents ariy gasoline la as dangerous and deadly as large power the negro ia now playing io >»"Rerof Mood poisoning. Keep , bot­ gunpowder. southern industries. It was noticeable, tle of Pain Balm in your home an.I is will Land Titles, Land Office Busi­ * * * time and money, not to men ness and Mining Law. M- H. LARSEN* Proprietor. A man in New York who pulled one however, that the mol« were composed ■aveyou lion th« incoa venienc« ami suffering of hie own teeth with a pair of plier* almost entirely of working class whites, •uch injuries entail. For sale br Ch*. PORTLAND. OREGON, haadied from the effects of the opera notwithstanding that it ia customary for I Clough'» Drug Slur« Room, 306 (Commercial Building. The Beat Hotel in the city. Ko Chinese Employed. Advertising Rates. M. F. LEACH, * * » Over 30 Years experience in the Businei HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, fc, Everything Needed in the Harness Line' you .will find at W. A. WILLIAMS The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. H Fir and Spruce Lumber. TILLAMOOK LUMBER. COfDP/INY. C , r j Tillamook Iron Works I 3 > A. K. CASE, > General Machinists & Blacksmiths. T. I A- TILLAMOOK, OREGON. > MAIL ORDER LIQUOR BUSINESS. Buy your Liquors from the Wholesale House Direct. We Want Your Business. c. R. p M. JAGOB & GO* LARSEN HOUSE, TILLAMOOK. OREGON