TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 7, 1905 HEALTH OF THE ARMY. ' g The Best Place to Get Useful CHRISTMAS 1 New Year’s Presents JENKINS’S New Stock Silver Wear. ~ OF » WATCHES - They make a nice present and you cannot buy a better watch for tbe money, for I guarantee them first class. LOCKETS, RINGS, CHAINS, etc.—A fine assorted stock of Jewelrd to select from. Call and see it before buying else­ where. SILVER WEAR—I am receiv­ ing a new stock of useful Silver Wear, and those want­ ing anything in that line I shall be glad to show them the latest patterns. FOUNTAIN PENS — They make a nice present, and I carry the best makes. and J SLOW PHILADELPHIA m« Meileal ceede» The Funny Flings at the Quaker City Not All Well Founded. ( Ueparta*e«< )' DISLIKED BY NATUKE i Town* That Seem to Be Chocen Marks of the Elementa. Ha, Eradlrall»» <••• ®‘ *ke Most Deadly of Diseases. The strenuous efforts of the medical department of the army have resulted apparently in the practical eradication of that trying disease, dysentery, which has caused the American troops in the Philippine, ,o much suffering and so many death», »ays a Washing­ ton report. During the campaigning in the Philippines, as ha, been the case in every war, hundreds of men have died from this disease, and others have been discharged because of total dis­ ability. Dysentery is more prevalent and severe in the Philippines than in this country, but the enforcement of strict sanitary measure», including the boiling of all drinking water, rules for bathing and especially the washing of the hands before handling food, has caused the disease almost to disap- pear. The “adobe itch,” another disease ________ ____ w which caused the army great annoy- ance, has also been successfully dealt with, While this disease is not fatal, it attacks men. women and1 children Microscopic alike. 1- ----------r— examinations and study of this disease developed that it was caused by a parasite, as in dysen­ tery, and it appeared that it was com­ municated by the careless methods em­ ployed by the Chinese in doing laundry work. They were in the habit of dry­ ing the clothes by spreading them on bushes and on the grass, and ironing them with a cold iron. Under the be­ lief that the parasite came from the vegetation, and was communicated to the clothes from the bushes, order» were issued that the clothes would be hung on lines to dry, and ironed with hot irons instead of cold. As a»result of this practice the disease disap­ peared. According to reports received by Surgeon General Forward, typhoid fever is on the decrease in the Philip­ pines, and when the heavy rains come on a complete eradication of this dis­ ease is expected. ; Where Rain Falla Heaviest, Snow Lie« Thickest and Thunder and Lightning Exhibit the Greatest Violence. There is more than one town against which Dame Nature seems to harbor Those who have grown accustomed a curious spite, as if she would say: to the almost proverbial expression, “This site is not meant to build upon.” “As slow as a l’hiladelphian.” have Langtoft, a little place of some 600 I never gone beyond the humorous con­ people in the East Riding of Yorkshire. sideration of tl.e matter, writes Dr. England, is one of these. Over and William Ellis Tring,, in the Chicago over again baa the weather all round American. been fine and clear, yet the valley hi The ne»spai»ers have made it the which Jjangtoft stands has been brunt brunt of humorous thrusts, the shrouded in heavy clouds and drenched IS AT theme lias furnishedi food for carica­ with rain. The snow in winter always turist, on occasions when more mo­ •eems to lie thickest on the wold« mentous problems have lain in slum­ above the town, and to cause floods bering quiescence, lecturers have more or less disastrous aa it melts iu scored introductory points about it. the spring. and knights of the “heel and elog The climax came on a Sunday even­ have come to resort to it as a vindica­ ing two summers ago, says the Chicago tion when old' ansi memorable gray­ Tribune. haired jokes have failed to find market After a hot day a violent thunder­ a in the playhouses of the beautiful city ’I- storm broke. Then there appeared in of homes. the west an inky cloud, from which So far has this over-indulgence of a hung four long, twisting black col­ well-taken criticism extended', that one umns. may hear in England and as far away Schooner Abbie Arrives Oddfellows’ Notice. Suddenly, just after six o’clock, a wall T. BOTTS, as the orient, stories invested with rid­ of water came roaring down the hill­ Captain Schrader was able to get out • A ttorney - at -L aw . On Tuesday, December 12th, 1905, all icule for patient Philadelphia, the long- side above the village. When it struck this morning after a long tie up and was are requested to attend, as we suffering anti never-complaining home the upper end of the street it was seven Complete set of Abstract Books able to tow in the schooner Abbie, which Oddfellows of as lovely and loving a community of have work in the iniatory, and the 3rd feet high. In a twinklingit had demol­ i people as God ever made. is to load lumber from the Tillamook brothers are welcome. ished a number of houses, and torn par­ A certain lecturer in Scotland, com­ in office. Taxes paid for non­ Lumbering Co.’s saw mill. There is a deg. Visiting tition* from others, and swept away S. A. B rodhead , Secretary. memorating the disposition of his fam­ schooner outside for the Hadley Lumber everything in its path. What was left Residents. ily said: “I have three children liv­ Company. It is expected that the lum­ was so plastered with mud and earth BLAINE. ing. and one in Philadelphia, Pa. A as to be almost useless. Office opposite Post Office. ber schooner Marion will be towed out M. Curl is building a new house this well known long distance walker ath­ No one was killed, but the destruc­ tomorrow and the Sue H. Elmore will Both phones. lete, losing the championship in a fall. tion of domestic animals, of house«, be able to resume her trips to Astoria. time walk from Washington to New Miss Carlotta Boche and Miss Lorena property and roads was complete. Gar­ York, consoled his defeat and amused Moon were visiting Mr. aud Mrs. Will his admirers by declaring that he was dens and grazing lands were ruined. COOPER, Even the parish well was utterly HAVE YOUR PICTURES j Bay Saturday »nd Sunday. far ahead of bis old-time record, when, choked with mud and dead animals. Ollie Woods, of Blaine, was the cham­ on arriving in the city of Philadelphia, TAKEN AT Southboiirne-on-Sea, four miles on pion base ball player at Spruce last his feet went to sleep, and he was un­ the east of Bournemouth, has far bet­ A ttorney - at -L aw , able to proceed- further with hi, ac­ Sunday. ter air than the latter town, and looks Forest Ayer and Ollie Curl were hunt­ customed agility. as if it ought to be just the site for n The members of a flourishing base­ ing cattle last Monday. T illamook , O regon . health resort. Tens of thousands have PRINCE CHEN WAS JARRED. Jim Woods and family were visiting ball teami, on alighting from the train, been spent in the effort to make it so, each appeared armed with a gigantic Mr. Kinnaman.of Beaver, last Saturday yet nature had said no, and man’s ef­ Was Greeted with the “Chlneaa Na­ alarm clock which they proceeded to and Sunday. forts have proved unavailing. tional Anthem” Until He carry about the town to keep them arl haberlach The literary was well attended last awake. A handsome pier was built, support­ Got Tired of It. Opposite 1 lie Post Office, in (Juy Friday evening. The question chosen ed on the shore by immense cement A still more unfortunate, but actual for debate was •• Resolved, that water occurrence is the one recorded in the Prince Chen, the Chinese prince im­ walls. The pier is now only ap­ ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Reynold’s Gallery. perial. who lately visited President proached by a single plank. It«center is more destructive than fire.” R. O. undertakers’ journals that Philadel­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. gkutachcr ¿^bvahnt, Richards and N. R. Moon were the chief phia is the only city in the world en­ Roosevelt at his country place at Oy­ supports are gone, and it is the resort ster Bay. was recently extensively en­ only of two or there fishermen. The debaters. Mr. Richards took the affir­ joying the distinction of having bad Office across the street and north from tertained in Brussels by the city fa­ cement wall looks like a wave-eaten mative, with Miss Creccy and Mr. one of its citizen« run over and killed thers, says the San Francisco Argo­ cliff. Further along the shore a neat the Post Office. by an undertaker's hearse. Welsh as assistants, and Mr. Moon took naut. But the pleasure of his stay there row of houses was built in a great re­ Actors anpease the fancy’s fickle foi­ the negative, with Ralph Bunday and bles by informing us that they come to was marred by the monotonous music cess, cut hack at vast expense in the Sidney Moon assistants. The affirma­ Philadelphia and tell jokes one season, which was played in his honor every­ cliff. The sea cut in below them, and tive won the debate. where he went, whether visiting build­ the owner was forced to raze them returning the next to find they have H. GOYNE, L. P. Gray and daughter Ruth are just penetrated the slumbering per­ ings, monuments, museums or dining and carry the material away. and reviewing. After awhile, it is There is no great city in Europe ceptions of the easy-going citizens. visiting friends across the river. said, it jarred so on his nerves that which nature so evidently wishes to A ttorney - at .L aw . And thus. Philadelphia becomes the poet's theme, the joker's jest, the he asked his interpreter to inquire be rid of as St. Petersburg. Built in NEHALEM. what the composition was. “The Chi­ the first place on a how-lying swamp, caricaturist's hope, while its unaveng- Office : Opposite Court House, nese National Anthem,” was tbe re­ which was filled in at a cost of hun­ F. R. Steinhauer, his mother and sister, mg millions are born. live and die in nre enjoying a visit from their friend, E the deepest affection for the place, un­ ply of the somewhat surprised burgo­ i dreds of lives and hundreds of thou­ T illamook , O regon . P. Moran, from Illinois. mindful of the thrusts, end not infre­ master of Brussels, Mr. De Mot. “But sands of pounds, fevers reduced its we have none.” was the response made population and gave it a death rate Wm. Oliver has moved the Post-office quently enjoying them. into the York building. 1 have seen consumptives deliber­ by the royal guest to the embarrass­ higher than any other European cap­ The cannery closed Tuesday, having ately ref use the offer of home and com­ ment of the entourage. It seems that ital. Failing so to oust its builders, na­ W. SEVERANCE, packed about 15,000 cases of salmon. fort. with an almost indisputable as­ a wily European some years ago com­ ture used a new weapon. The icecaine rpHE NEW HOME OF THE HOLME» BUBI- posed a sort of tum-tum. with an ac­ down in spring out of Lake Ladoga, The Grange Hall was crowded Thanks­ surance nf restoration to health and * MSB College, Tenth and Washington 8ts., Portland, Or., now under construction, will be giving day to listen to a good program ertainly a longer life, in the mountain!" companiment. and called it the “Chi­ and, piling agninst the new wharves splendidly lighted nnd will hare every conven­ A ttorney - at -L aw , and to taste the turkey and pumpkin of the south, southwest anil Colorado nese National Anthem.” This the gull­ and bridges, dammed the Neva and ience for the accommodation of 500 students. pie. There will be 12 offices for business nractlce, that they might remain in the city of ible city fathers have used on all occa­ Hooded the city. Every spring saw a equipped with department telephones, adding The Fraternal Union gave a barket their love nnd die tfiere—seemingly sions when Chinese dignitaries were repetition of these disastrous floods, T illamook O regon . machines, loose-leaf ledgers, card files and ap­ pliances necessary to the modern business office. social thanksgiving evening, which neted perfectly contented. Tn two cases par­ being entertained. It remained, how­ which, even after they dried away, left We placed 614 graduates In positions last year. them about $40.00. ticularly I know that each could have ever, for Prince Chen to expose the the streets mere quagmires. The St. The many friends of Wm. Oliver and had every luxury that wealthy and composer, who had already made a Petersburgers now defeat the flood wife gathered as a surprised party neet little sum out of hi» composition. by setting to work thousands of men Saturday evening with gifts and good anxious friends and relatives would at the first spring thaw, who cut and wishes, it being the occasion of their have tendered to go away into the THE OYSTER INDUSTRY. land of oxygenous air and balmy sun­ blast the river ice, and leave free jwm - crystal wedding. P pysician and S urgeon . ages for the lake ice to sail down At the road meeting Saturday a 10 shine. but they refused to leave—the For catalog write to temporary address! stream unhindered. mill tax was levied for road purposes, one dying when tlie w inter came, and the oth'r lingering to-day, held by the Yet still the struggle goes on. For 50 votes were cast. Office first door East of F. R. some years past it has been apparent The Gerald C has become an old barest thread of existence that is that St. Petersburg is becoming a city settler, having been bar bound about a worse than death. Beals’ office. Nineteen states and Canada have of toothless people. Dentists ascribe Now. there is a serious and a scien­ month. within a few years, boosted the oys ­ tific side to the fact of Philadelphia's this curious fact to the effluvia from J. Whitney went to Tillamook the ter industry from something over five the rotten vegetation deep buried un­ first of the week as his arm which was slowness as a body of people. J~^\OR ABSTRACTS billion bivalves annually to a produc ­ broken, is not doing very well. It is noticeable that the men who der the new suburbs of the city. So The Portland Journal says that John control wealth, who handle great cor­ tion of over twelve billion. At the serious is the matter becoming that GO TO D Rockefeller’s income for 1905, will he porations and engage in vast business average retail price of one-half cent there is a strong agitation in favor of $40,000 000. This would be $109.589 enterprises therein, are alive to their per oyster, it will be seen that it prob­ once more removing the capital of Rus­ TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT income per dav. 365 days in the year. business’ best interests, and comprise ably costs 11» at least $60.(XX).000 per sia to some other site. Gee, but wouldn’t it be jolly to “ divide as wakeful a set of men as one wishes year to indulge in the luscious sea TRUST CO. . Russia has another town against up” with the old man if it was only for to find in any municipality in the world. fruit, particularly when most of us natural forces are waging a terrible one day’s income. T hor . C oater , Pres. This is particularly noticeable in the have to pay 25 cents for a “stew” or war. This is Schemacha, in the Cau­ political affairs of Philadelphia. “shell” of six oysters, says Harper’s casus. When Schemacha founded Real Estate Transfers. Those who engage in the actual con­ Weekly. it was for long impossible to get a sup­ trol of the vast city's interests take oc ­ Delaware bay, by the way, ha, appar ­ Furnished by ||. T. Botts ply of drinking water. The difficulty S. STEPHENS, casional opportunity to assure the ently wrested the oyster champion­ was overcome by bringing water from U.S. Patent Io Herman A. lilies. 160 • Real Estate and Fire, Life, world that there is nothing-slow about ship for production from Chesapeake a distance. Next came a series of ter­ acres in section 7, tp. 4 south, range the politicians of that town. The voters bay. Therein the oyster grounds cover 10 west. W.M. rible epidemica—first smallpox, then I Health, Accident, Insurance. are just the contrary — let a man in over 220 square miles, engage over cholera, and then smallpox again. Yet U.S. Patent to Isaac W. Hiner. 120* authority betray every sense of honor Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ 600 vessels and employs over 7.000 men. the city grew, helped to prosperity by acres in section 20, Ip. 8 south, range E WANT every out-door man or boy to know I and fidelity to his constituency, and Every acre of Delaware oysters Is es­ ture Co. mid Oigmis mul Pianos, 9 west. W.M. all aKmt the ¿.mo.,» NTEVE.44 Rirtea. the petroleum trade, and began this Notary Public. they Will re-elect him as long a» he Ptatulaan.I Shotguns. We therefore have com­ timated to pay an annual profit of $60 U.S. Patent tn Shelley M. Bayley. 160 piled a valuable 140-page Illustrated book, Office : Southwest from the Court House, 'shows his allegiance to the rowers that so your Delaware oyster farmer sniffj year with 35.000 people. telling n<>t only all about STEVENS arms, but cun- acres in section 13, tp. 1 south, range •Mining useful and Interesting Information on hunting, In February last th* town was hum­ in the building occupied ns n music store. be. This signifies subserviency-ser- contemptuously at his brother of the 9 west. W.M, shooting, sights, ammunition, how to handle and car« ming with industry, when one dull but for fire arms, etc. This we will send you FREE for vile submission - whether it be good or —--- ------- —■ -- --- ox and the hay. The capital of this in ­ Joseph Wilson and wife to Robert B. four cents in stamps for postage. ¡n business. dustry is fitly called Bivalve, with warm morning came suddenly a terrific Fat ley. Tract in section 27, tp. 4. 1 tv.''.', Th.e snme iR Hav« you tried our CLEVER RIFLE PUZZLHt crash of thunder. The solid ground be- Sent FREE, postpaid, if you ask for it. R. BEALS, south, range 10 west. W M $5000. W hile it is not done. 1 add. to the honor Venetian streets, all debouching on gmn to vibrate. A few seconds later ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE STEVENS. Of 1 hilndelphia business men vet a water fronts, wharf , nd POT . William R Illingworth ai d wife to Blod­ there was a horrible cracking sound, gett to., l.iniilid. 160 acres in business man who desired could exact ered with steel rails by railways which section 36, tp. 2 not th, range 7 nest. almost any honest condition of em- wrest what traffic they can from the and the whole of the Mohammedan REAL ESTATE, quarter was thrust upwards bubble­ I ployment from his hard-worked nrti- s-ail and steam craft. $1200.011. like. till its houses were reared high F inancial A gent , John H. Donaldson and wife to Well, sans, nnd the,. W(„1)d humiliatingly upon a hill. The bubble burst, and in­ Gilbert. Timber claim of said John submit to it rather than run the risk Value of a Hole, II. Donaldson. W Sw and lots 19 and dread of a lost position. This is Tillamook, Oregon. The allurement of the bargain-coun­ stead of a town there lay a form Iff® heap of ruins, from which red flames and80, section 3. Ip. 1 south, range | ’»id in no dispsragament—it is «¡ra. ter works its spell not upon the well-to 8 west. W.M. $900.00. pie truth. do shopper alone. In a Salvation Army leaped and crackled toward the gig»n' Sister Servants’ of tbe Immaculate Heart tic pall nf dust which hid the sky. Dome.tie Pn|wt Bf V|ew rummage store a certain sign rends- OBERT A. MILLER, of Mary to ihe Sisters of the Con­ I Within a week .Schemacha’ssurvivors “ Shoes with hole in sole, five cents .' If there was anything upon which gregation < fill? Moat Precious Blood determined to rebuild their ruined city. shoes without holes, ten cents Wrap Mrs. I njohn prided herself it , vn , Blicb 34, Thajer’a addition to Tills, They had hardly reached the decision A TTORN K Y- AT- L AW, mock City ; also block 4. A. A. I her coffee. It was always rich, black pers. -voth-eaten. ten cents; not moth- Millet's addition to town of Tills-1 I and strong, and she trusted the mak- eaten. 15 cents. Stockings with­ I when once more the ground began to ▼cu enn nnko your han Land Titles, I.ami Office Busi­ n«’M iv, eutt «a u giovs mi ok. m w known as Tillamook ’ng of it to none but her own fair out holes, two pairs for five cents- tremble and the night sky grew ruddy •nd •« touch r.iwhxi I y City. $1000.00. with holes, three pairs for five cents " with flame. News came that a ne^v ness and Mining Law. n»sn ; KLK V llnr. WM Oil. Yow on George Kiger and wife to O. J. Painter This i, why the visitors in the par­ Could even the champion golfer tabu- volcano had burst out in the moun­ lengthen its Eib-rrnko it PORTLAND, OREGON. Nolan, Q I'. One half interest in lor. from whose presence she hnd^x- “hoeie"°re *CCUr,,teljr the l >*t twice »• < i>»ux us it nt a tain* nearby. No plainer warning ordinarily noulj. tract in etclion 14 and 15. tp 1 N, e used herseif for a few moments, dis- could be given. Extinct volcanoes have Room. 306 Commercial Building often burst out afresh, and with shock­ range 10 west. W.M. $1.00. Wew Interpr.t.sinn pia< George W. Thelps ft wife to Phelps door the loud, horrified voice ing and terrible results, as in the case Rabbi Isidore Myers, of San Francis nt the Mercantile Co. Lots 12. 13. 14, ft kitchen girl: of the recent disaster at St. Pierre, pHOS. COATES, co, m addressing a meeting of 15 block 1 Miller's Add to Tillamook a whose thousands of inhabitants have IBI 22___ - ?>'• sake. m.'.m, To ,,. r , City. Lots 1 to 8 Idk. 4 Park Add., , Federation of Zionists, gave a new in- Agent for Fireman’s entirely perished. to Tillamook City, and a portion ol not gnin tn feed the compc.nv ---- . . . , • on the terpretation of the design of the «’keen port look»•»< bar. the homestead claim of Pat Moor horrld black stuff you Fund and London and Lanca­ drink yourielf, American flag. Most of hi, hearers Lon« Lit I gat Ion. • vm Ilk« iww. X lm U« of »•• ye.’"- Chicago Tribune. $6000.00. puro. heory oil. re- were Jewish immigrants, largely Kas­ A firm nf London wine merchants has pertally premoM to with, shire Fire Insurance . 8. Land Office to John Donaldson, dan». He said: "Do you know why just received from the court ° •laini tho weather. 1» the MaaMalo«. 16O,acrcs mc . 3. tp. 1 S range 8 U Bohl every where " are in the flag? I chancery a cheek for £95 for wine sup­ Companies. iu can«-alt auaa. William F. Campbell & wife to F. L. Will tell yon why. They show that plied to a customer In the year ls^ Buell. Tract in sec. 4 tp. 2 S, range Tillamook .. Oregon. the litigation lasting 88 year».—X. »• MM c kj STANQMO OIL CO. 9 W. W. XI. iu Ore. $550.00. Xdonot,.- M,n‘1 StriP'* fOrtho*« Sun. w _____ Jewelry Store. H w . h - E, F, SEIFERT'S C 1 , 'nr A. c HOLMES I I BUSINESS COLLEGE J BookonFIREARMS-Free! W JO Harness i Harness 1