™¿AMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1905. Thanksgiving Sermon. Another cause for gratitude which ap- peals to every man, woman and child in ■ Thank«'’'"»-',I1V Tillamook passed this audience is this . 1„ a short ,jn)e f kssantly i" •l|is «-''V last Thursday, you will sit down before a table spread ■ itwithstandiog that it was somewhat with such luxuries and comforts askings B uupleasnnt day owing to the rain, and rulers would have envied a few ■ vhich continued nil day. The day was centuries ago. Andas you sit at this sotgenernliy observed by the business table think lor one moment of ten thou­ B M<1helore purt of the day. The usual sand homes in other lands where the ■ (tiled Thanksgiving service was held in gaunt form of hunger and famine hold and ii i; there ■ thelniled Brethren church, where the I . their ceaseless vigil ; -••J ■ pastor, Rev. .1 E. Connor, preached a •prings forth no response Iroin vour B Knr.on that was in every way suitable dead, empty soul, of gratitude to your w the occasion. Amongst other things Creator, itis because ye- you are out of ■ * “id : harmony with this national day and “Oh! That men would praise the God as well. B Lord for his goodness, and for his Then it's worthy of great praise to our ■ wonderful works to the children of God (nt least so thought our father.), ■ men"'-P». 107.21. that we have religious liberty. Theie ■ Let us note the emphasis the inspired is set before this nation an "open door" B p itman places upon praise and thunks. lor the worship of hi. God, that no foul ||| firing. The language of the text is the demon has been able to close since the ■ outflow of a grateful heart; out of the birth of this republic. It is worth some­ H abundance of the heart Itis mouth thing to live in America, to stand under B speaks, and expresses itself in a longing the folds of a flag that represents liberty, ■ Jesire for this gratitude that lie himself enlightenment and protects you in your B feels to flow forth as fragrance from home and duties to your God. Where B humanity to its Creator. It is still fur. the iron heel of autocrasy grinds not out B tflcr (emphasised, that five times in your life's blood and feeds not upon SiiUMimi"- ■ this same chapter this language is re- your children. Where the voice of the people, high, low, rich or poor is heard pealed. ■ One of our greatest sins is our base in the enactment of such laws as make H ingratitude to our Creator. We feast for his well being, highest happiness here Ml upon the bounty of our God, who and eternal welfare hereafter. And loadeth us daily with benefits, but there though there may not flow through all B is no acknowledgment of the Giver. our veins the blood of the Anglo Saxon, COPYRIGHTED 1904 BY CROUSE & BRANOEGEE. UTICA. NEW YO RK M The language of this text is also sug. that is conquering tile world for truth B gestive of a deep heart love ; there can i and liberty, but as you left your father- lie but little thanksgiving where there is i land and sought a home with us, the B only a small measure of love—and where . first sight as you gazed upon this new Hl thanksgiving is lacking love is lacking. world was the Statue of American Lib- A Real thanksgiving to God is deejier ■ erty with outstretched arms welcoming ■ than feasting, dancing and revelry, you to a home, a place in the heart of B which too frequently is its leading ex- this great nation as a son or daughter S pression on this national day. One of of a great family. A home where you Il thefirstthingsthatsuggeststous acause can do your own thinking, your own jfl lor real thanksgiving, is because it is a praying and your own voting. Bat how can we best show our grati­ g national day. The noble words of our ill chief magistrate declares it to be " em- tude? Shall it be most fitting that onr ■ inently fitting that once a year our gratitude shall only.beexpressed in sacred H people should set apart a day for and soul thrilling music ? Shall it be that I ■ thanksgiving and praise to the giver of its highest expression be found in pam- I all good," and while they express peritig our appetite and feasting on that | thanksgiving and praise for abundant which his rain, his sunshine, his seasons, I mercies received, they should “ man- his wisdom and beneficence lias provided I fully acknowledge their shortcomings —The vilest wretch, the most savage ■ and pledge themselyes solemnly and in cannibal could do the same. Surely a true and noble manhood can i good faith to strive to overcome them.” Defends the Jury and Judge I I These words of our chief are not mere bring a better sacrifice. A sacrifice that I empty words, but spring from the heart we owe to ourselves, our home our TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. of a noble soul, that in the north and country and our God is, right living, S ir ,— Having noticed an article in each and right living brings happiness — and | south has endeared himself to his people, GO TO of the last two issues of your paper in “ Righteousness cxaltetli a nation but sin | and again in this man’s life has been reference to the poor industrious farmer verified before a nation the divine is a reproach to any people." The highest note of thanksgiving is who set a fire and was sent to jail for it promise, ‘‘Them that honor me I will FOR not praise of one's country, our valiant and also about the poor fisherman being honor.” fined, we would like to explain a little heroes, our splendid statesmen, our fertil President Roosevelt has also demon­ which we think will put a little different strated to the young men of this nation, soil, our glorious climate, our magnifi. light on them from what the Headlight I and the civilized wotld as well, the pos­ cent scenery, our intellectual progress, sheds. In the first ease the man Belitz We solicit yottr patronage and will give you satisfaction. sibility of leading a clean life while our happy homes, our loaded tables, our had absolutely refused to get a permit, standing at the head of a great nation, milion churches with spires pointing and when asked by the fire warden to surrounded with all the attractions and heavenward, our care for the needy and obtain one, said he did not need it. He corruption of earthly courts and public helpless, our humane and educational just wanted to test the law and see if it lie. As a servant of Itis country he can institutions, our beautiful cities, our art. was any good, he said. The fact that becleiin, and we honor him today and our culture and our refinement. But the fire did not spread or do any dam­ the nations of the world do him honor above and beyond all these true grati­ age made no difference in the case, and I tude sees the Giver—and looks above the because we believe he is clean. with such evidence by two witnesses we creature to the Creator. And his message emphasises “clean­ can hardly see how the grand jury could and "Render unto God Thanksgiving ness’ to his people, as he asks that while do otherwise than to return an indict, we pay tribute to the day, by thanks­ pay thy yo a - s unto the most high ” inent, nor could we see how the Judge giving and praise, we also “ consecrate could fail to pass sentence. When a man A Word of Praise. ourselves to a life of cleanliness and will get up and plead that lie set the fire honor," And we call your attention as 1 TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. but is not guilty, we can rendilv see that another reason for thanksgiving today, ’ D ear S ir ,— It may be thought pre­ there is something wrong, but don't to the spirit of reform so manifest every sumptuous in an octogenarian and a think it is with either judge or jury, and where—in government, in state, in muni­ ' nonresident of the town to sav anything for one we don't think he deserved much cipalities, incorporations, in public and about town matters ; but as no word of sympathy, except for not snowing better Private life. Everywhere gigantic frauds approval or sympathy has, as far as I than to be so stubborn. As to the poor fisherman being fined, are being exposed. These false guardians know, been uttered by any of the resi­ of our welfare are being punished, and dent ministers to aid or encourage you we are told by a person living in the vici. the public consience is being aroused and in your fight against the wrongs of the nity at the time, that he positively said quickened into new life. county and town, I, as a humble follower he would not pay a license. If so, he cer. Another reason for great thankfullness ol ’’ Him who went about doing good," tainlv deserved all he got. If not, we to God is that, ns a nation, we are and who is an admirer of your course in have been misinformed. But one thing living in a time of peace. Our ears are opposing the doings of the gamblers, is sure, and that is the law abiding peo­ not shocked with the murderous thun- the saloonists, et al, wish to let you ple get very tired of the class that won’t t mountain peaks with waving banners for some people will praise a newspaper man for one thing while other will abuse press upon the minds of our readers was, of progress, where no man or woman him for the same thing. Such is life in a owing to the laws not being equally en- has ever had theopportunity of standing forced, the men with money who com Begins its 24lh year Sep tern l>er 26th liefore, with the rising sun of a Christian country newspaper office ] mit wrong were not sent to jail, and T hree C ocbses or S tudy v,vilization glowing in such splendor as Iowa miswd 30,000 of her people and in that way drew a comparison with the Preparing for County and State Cer past generations have never beheld. 1 liticate. Higher courses recognized in thought for ;a while that her farmer, poor men, who, alter they found they know there are a thousand things to Washington and other States. were being drained to the Canadian had done wrong, took the most honora­ mar our peace and happiness, I know D emand por N ormal T rained Northwest. The alarm, however, soon ble course in pleading guilty.] there are a thousand things that ought T rachee ., subsided when it was found that they be righted in our national civic and Longer term., higher wages and better were all there, only the census enumer­ Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- opportunities for promotion award the I’ersonal life. I am not ignornnt as a Normal graduate for hi. enterprise. enced dentist is located in minister of my Lord and Master of these ators had failed to count them. School director, appreciate the superior we | Indiana seem, to have beat email m Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and tilings, but on jbis national day we ability of Monmouth graduate, and the the the matter of corn crop percentage th . is prepared to do nothing but want to turn cur faces front I— demand far exceed, the supply. • , fall The government crop report se t »hadows, uncover <>u, our heads in ...... -»• - and ”iu uncover t on October 10 rated Indiana jj , first class work and give the Special attention given to method, work in graded and ungraded schools. Kratitude to our maker for the dawn of i j(|ft OIK point below perfection and best of satisfaction If your Cntalog.ies containing full information will lie sent t on application. 'he Correepondence invited. Address E. D. K f . MLR■, President ; ' !><• brightest Iirightrst day in human progress «„«-ral points^Ehea {Vhat's ^he matter teeth need fixing call upon Or J. B. V. B utleb , Secretai y. and civilisation that the world has ever with Iowa, Missouri and Illinois? him. known. B B CLOTHINC I NEW ARRIVALS, Just form Factory B B A nice line of CROUSE and BRONDEGEE CLOTHING B The Neatest, Nobbiest Suits, Overcoats and Rain Coats ever brought to Tillamook B B d'.ani a nv fai lor ©r W® & Bettet Mi feaMatiaWtaeskSewaiY asAfes l®ss »wity, âilwe^L&e tarait® coassai. eee I®s r®n®®,f. a1"1 etitee. Tsy a salt astice lew 0 fttc la caweitaa jt« farmer suits, I I I l$e haje tfeg T0D0 & CO "J tfei SStMSC« 3 • wf J The Clothiers. NEW MEAT MARKET., A. H. BEATY PRIME BEEF, MUTTON PORK, VEAL AND SAUSAGE MEAT. Main Street, Tillamook. The Red Front Shoe Has reduced prices on all his BOOTS and SHOES All my goods are first class, I will not be under sold by any other House in Till- mook City. RESIDENT piano TUNER, I am a graduate of the celebrated Niles Bryant Piano Tuning School at Battle Creek, Mich. Expert work guaranteed. C. G. ZIPF. A t W atch T ower H ouse . A-& C. R.R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER Leave 18 Arrive. PORTLAND 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p in. | Portland Union ! (depot for Astoria. I 1120 a.m. 9:50 p.m. Arrive. ASTORIA Leave 7:45 a.m. 6:10 p.m. (for Portland and / t way points. J 1905. 11:35 a.m. 10:35 p in. SEASIDE DIVISION. ASTORIA Leave Arrive. 11:35 a.m. 4 for Seaside Direct > 5:20 p.m. ASTORIA Leave Arrive. f 8:15 a.m. < for Warrenton, ) • 10:45 a.m \ Hammond. Ft. > 7:40 a.m 5:50 p.m ’ Stevens, Seaside.) SEASIDE Leave 4:30 p tn. { for Astoria Direct ) 12:30 p.m SEASIDE Leave Arrive. i for Warrenton Ft » < Stevens, Ham- > »9:30 a.m. f mond, Astoria. ) 6:15 a.m. Arrive. 9:25 a.m. 7:20 p.m. Additional train leaven Astoria daily at 11:30 a.m. for all points on Ft. Stevens branch, arriving Pt. Stevens 12:30 p.m re­ turning, leaves Pt. Stevens at 2:00 p.m., ar­ riving Astoria 2:45 p.m. • Sunday only. J Through tickets and close connection via N. I*. Ry. at Portland and Goble and O. H & N. Co., via Portland. J. C. Mayo, G. P. A. My Goods are all Warranted All SHOES purchased of me will be RE- PAIRED at REDUCED RATES. CALL and get BARGAINS. MONMOUTH SEWING MACHINE. BOLLE E BEARINO. HIGH GRADC. STATE NORMAL Automatic S 2k VC Money by buying this reliable, honert, high grade lev- Ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. FACTORY AT BHLVIDeEE. ILL