acknowledged to be the best made. Clough carries a full line. The revival meetings -- at I the x.iiuotidu Christian church still continue with good attend­ ance and good interest.---------- __ 1, is .„ Everybody cordially welcomed to these services On next Sunday morning the subject of the revival sermon will be "The Christ Spirit.” In the evening the subject will lie "The Greatest Sin in Tillamook." A good song service and solo at each ser­ vice. LAND THE BEST LIFE INSURANCE. The best provision you can make for your heirs is LAND—land in Tillamook. It insures a living. It increases in value every year and pays big in­ terest on the investment. Its product gradually increases without imparing the capital. There are opportunities today that wiirbe’gone to-morrow—gone for ever. Land will never be cheaper. There will be other opportunities, but none with the same’margin of possibilities as those today. GET A HOME AND MAKE MONEY IN TILLAMOOK. Some very special opportunities are now offered in RALPH ACKLEY’S MUTUAL EXCHANGE. Write today if you want to take advantage’of the upward trend of business and land. All letters promptly answered. Let me list your land or sell or exchange whatever yotfliave to sell or exchange. Quick returns and satisfactory deals. Office at Eugene Jenkins’ Jewelry Store. 1 foei HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Clough's line of Celluloid goods is the largest, best and cheapest it ever has been. » I I ¡¡t Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, The public and high school will give an entertainment and social to morrow (Friday) evening at the opera house and 3 Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window a good time for everybody is the pro­ Sashes, mise made by theyour.g people, withan invitation to all to participate in the I evening's amusement. As there is still a I debt on the school piano, and the pupils I haviug adopted this means of paying for it, it is to be hoped that a large crowd will turn out. The high school's "spring uj poet’’ has thrown out a gentle invita tion, which should not be lost sight of, Agents for the Great Western Saw thus : Little girls, big girls, wives and mothers, Bring baskets otgoodies for sweethearts and others, The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County Clough has had his Holiday Goods J in for nearly two months. He is not 5 1 it TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS. ] ^;l Shells make a very appropriate depending on the boat this year. • gift. Clough’s assortment will please you and the prices are very low. • H. T. Botts, for abstracts. poor in Tillamook to subscribe for the , tion. On account of the factional fight Editorial Snap Shots. City Election Headlight the editor will he glad to send ill the republican party, Mr. Eddy went G. H. Ward was in from Hebo on Fri­ The Telephone-Register says ; Miss Apparently there was little interest We wonder whether Rollie feels like the paper free to them There probably] down to defeat ior circuit judge, but he Clara Delsman went to Hillsboro Wed- day. taken in the city election on Monday, leaving the country ? are a few persons situated that wav in [ has lieen elevated and honored by a pr<- Judge W. W. Conder was in the city , nesday to attend the wedding of her which was somewhat unusual for Tilla­ * * * this county, but not many, and rather; sident who is putting clean and capable sister, Miss Agness Delsman. on Monday. mook, for in previous years more or less A study of the votes cast at the city than see them deprived of the home news. ! men into public office. Sidney S. Johnson, of Portland, who strife and friction have engendered into election does not show any change in the paper, which is always a welcome visi. A. E. Shirley and wife, of San Fran- took the government industrial census in city politics. As is usual, but it came local option sentiment in this city. cisco, came in on Friday. tor once a week to most every home in Stray Calf. this county in the fall, has accepted a somewhat ns a surprise, when it was * It ☆ Money to loan on improved farm pro­ the county, we want to be seen and read I A stray calf has been on Hy. Leach's position i>i Claude Thayer’s law office. There wasn't any whooping or yelling, known that another ticket was in the perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals. * in the homes of the poor as well as those place since August, a red short horn. C, E. Donaldson has received a check, field, with H.T. Botts placed in nomina­ crackers or bombs, on Monday evening who are comfortably fixed. F. R. Beals has sold the Horace Wes. Owner will plenBe call for it. amounting to $2,760, to cover the loss tion for mayor in opposition to RollieW. What a contrast to last year. What was M * * ton ranch on Trask river to Robert B. by fire of his saw mill. He was insured Watson, who was nominated more as a the matter with your lungs, gentlemen ? The city election is over and everybody Farley. Property to Exchange. in the Liverpool, London & Globe, of joke than any thing else at the citizens' Did the blacksmith have them under re­ is feeling good and satisfied, and we are Get into the habit of trading at Patz- which J. S. Stephens is the agent. caucus. W. C. Wolfe was up against W. pair ? glad to sav with no hard feelings. This j Wanted, to exchange, good Portland « * * laff's and receive a 5 per cent discount is as it should be. Now let everybody , property for deeded timber land. Ad­ There was a spirited game of football, H. Eberman for marshal and E. Jenkins We beg to differ with the majority of for cash. * notwithstanding that it poured ill rain, against J. P. Allen in the second ward voters in Tillamook City. They made a turn in and help the newly elected offi I dress, Gladstone, No,512M, Savier street, Drop into Clough's and look over on Thanksgiving afternoon between the and Goran Munson against T. Coates mistake when they failed to elect W. C. cials, for what the people want isasquare Portland, Or. * his line of 'Xmas goods. You won't be high school and Tillamook Citv, and the in the third ward. The result was as Wolfe city marshal a year ago, and time deal, no special privileges to anybody to Notice. violate the law, and the tax money to urged to buy. . . honors were divided, each side making follows : will tell whether they have not made a be expended for the benefit of the city For Mayor—H. T. Botts, 71 ; Rollie like mistake this year. All persons who took out permits to If you need underwear, shawls, fascin­ five points. and not individuals. If that is done in tnp the Tillamook Citv water system, W. Watson, 59. » * * ators, hoods, etc,, call on Mrs. Sturgeon The weather remains stormy and th; the future there will be little or no fric­ prior to October 1st, 1905, must do so For Recorder — J. C. Holden, 115. We must congratulate Rollie W. Wat. and get them at cost. * lumber schooner Marion, which came in For Treasurer—J. S. Stephens. 117. son on his defeat, although he may not tion in citv politics. Tillamook is a good before the 15th of December, 1905, after on the 26th October, and the steamer Sue Bear in mind that Mrs. Scurgeon is For Marshal—W. H. Eberman, 73; W. agree with us now. it is the best thing business city and the business of the city which no rebates will he allowed. giving extra values during removal sale. H. Elmore, which Ims not been able to C. Wolfe, 51. ■ hat could happen him after taking his should be conducted along business lines, By Order of the Water Commission. get out for oyer a month, are still bar­ Call and compare prices. * For Councilmen : first dose of city politics. And it is the not in the interest of this or that busi­ H. C renshaw , See L. R. Maynard, agent for Liquid bound. 1st Ward—A. K. Case, 13. ___________ Manager. best thing for the city, anyway. Shake, ness or faction. All that we ask of the It is with much regret that we have to newly elected city council is a business Electricity for Tillamook County. Also 2nd Ward-J. P. Allen, 25 ; E. Jenkins. Bro. Rollie. announce the serious illness of Attorney 16. Notice and economical administration with no * * * on sale nt McNair's store. * The Washington Wholesale and Re­ special privileges and a square deal. 3rd Ward—Goran Munson, 17 ; Thos. Black Minarcas for Sale from a fine T. B. Handley, and his death is expected All personsowing, or holding claims tail Liquor Dcalerc’Association has com­ * * * laying strain. Cockerals and pullets $1 at any moment. He has been failing in Coates, 10. against, the estate of MAGNUS MUN* There is one thing in connection with menced a crusade against gambling in 4th Ward—A. T. White, 17. each. L. McFee, Nehalem, Or. ’ health for several months, and at the SON, deceased, are hereby requested to saloons. Thnt is a good move oil their the city election that we did not exactly call at his late residence in Tillamook last term of the circuit court it was plain 5th Ward—W. C. King, 19. Joseph Buttz, who is employed on the part, and they are evidently getting next appreciate, and that was to see a news­ City. Oregon, and settle the same with he was far from well. His sister Mrs. For Water Commissioners : government work in Coos county, came to where the greatest objection is raised paper man go down to defeat, and Robinson came in this morning. Commissioner at large, A. L Cohn, 67 ; in on a visit to his family this morning, beaten bv an attorney. It is not often the undersigned. against saloons. Mrs. Agnes Matejeck died on Tuesday 1st ward, Oak Nolan, 8. A melia G. M inson , * * * that they get the best of a newspaper Anything in the book line von can of last week, and the funeral took place Widow and sole heir-at-law of The H eadlight i .?« ui didn’t get an in­ man, and if Bro. Botts bad been running not get at Clough's he will gladly order on Thursday afternoon, the religious City Council Meeting Magnus Munson, deceased. vitation to attend Rollie’s hallelujah, against the Headlight man he wouldn’t it by mail and have it in by Christmas.* service being in the Catholic church. She A meeting of the city council was held high old time in the old town when he have stood a ghost of a show He can A new stock of Crouse & Brondegee was of German descent and was born in Notice to the Public. on Monday evening, with Mayor Geo. was to be heralded, branded aud tatooed just thank his lucky stars that he had suits, overcoats, raincoats, just arrived the province of Baheman, Austria, in Cohn presiding. The bills allowed were : the High Mogul and Chief Muck a Muck 1 only Rollie to beat. Oh, so easv. We at Todd's. Call and see them before 1849, being 56 years of age. The undersigned have gone into busi­ King & Mills, rope ..................... 0 60 of Tillamook City, to the music of “See ! are glad, however, that he is the mayor­ buying. * Deputy Fish Warden H, A. Webster F. B. Buttz, labor......................... 3 38 the Conquering Hero, Come." It came elect and not the Headlight man, for ness with the purpose of handling real and personal property of all kinds, rent- Clough has the largest assortment of came in on Thursday to inquire into the L. Harman,; labor......................... 6 00 off, however, but the invited guests felt we are going to critise the city officials ng houses, lands and other property, books he has ever carried ; almost violation of the fishing law in Tillamook Fred Arthur, labor........................ 4 7 00 — well, they were at Rollie ’ s political 50 the coming year to lieat the band if thev Geo. Wilt, piling............................. and will run a general information twice as many as last year at popular bay, and on Tuesday swore out two Geo. Wilt, labor............................. 3 OO funeral. do not enforce the law and make the citv * * * prices. • complaints, one against the Elmore A. K. Case, repairs,etc................... 8 70 marshal earn his salary. And should bureau also. 00 2 They will be pleased to do any business It is no place in the Pulpit nor in the Take vour hides to M. F. Leach's meat Packing Company and the other against Eli Olds, labor................................ 8 50 the newly elected city dads get fighting Eli Olds, gravel ............................. you mav have in their line and will en­ Press to discuss the allegation that doc W. W. Ridelagh, manager of the cannery market and get the highest price. He is mad with us, we'll call upon Rollie to Emmett Quick, labor...................... 5 00 paying 6c. per pound for well trimmed at Garibaldi. Nick Job, labor ............................. 3 50 tors are murdering unborn children. Let help us, for we are sure he is just aching deavor to tient you right. T. H. G ovne . the Deputy District Attorney constitute green hides. * to wade in and knock the stuffin’ out of Come and let us show yon some of C. W. Talmage, drawing deeds, 38 OO J. (J. B ewlev . himself a grand jury and sift the matter ordinances, etc......................... M the "crowd," as he calls them, that put 30 Born, at Fowler. Indiana, on the 22nd our Fountain Pens. They are all filled Cohn 8r Co., merchandise............ to the bottom. However, the Pulpit has Nov., to G. A. Hoover and wife (nee ready to use aud Clough guarantees Recorder's salary......................... 15 00 thrown down the gnuntlet, which has, up a ticket and opposed him. A Few Thing» you Ought to Know MX* Marshal’s salary.................... ••••• 45 00 Nina Norton), a son ; mother and child them. that King & Mill» can Furniah you. brought forth a reply that is highly libel. ] Tom Coates, making certified After a long delay President Roosevelt doing well. A large rock, the size of a fist, smashed copies of proceedings relating ons to the writer and the publisher if the has appointed Mr B. L. Eddv register of The New Century Farm Gale. to issuance of water bonds...... 10 00 accusations can be proven Let there be 1 Fairview has made arrangements to through one of the windows in Attorney The Quick Meal Range. 2 00 the Roseburg land office, and in doing so have a neighborhood Christmas tree on T. H. Goyne's office between Saturday W. 0. Chase, judge of election ... 2 00 an investigation by all means. A splendid new Set of Harness for little B. F. Durfee, judge of election ... he has put into office a clean, capable Saturday evening, Dec. 23rd, at the and Monday morning. That's not to be J. Dawson, judge of election......... 2 00 * » * money. person, and one whom the president can wondered at, for Dr. Mills had a bullet H. F. Goodspeed, clerk of election 2 iff) The Eugene Guard, wh-ch for years Grange hall. Harness oil for the old one. 2 00 was one of the strongest democratic place implicit confidence in, for Mr. Eddy Fairview Grunge will meet in their hall fired through one of his windows not E. D. Hoag, clerk of election......... Those 101b. lard buckets for your lard. is possessed of plenty of ability and with The water commission handed in its newspapers in the Willamette valley, has o 1 Saturday. All members are request, long since. It it about time for the city The best prepared paint on earth. report,! which, amongst other things quit that party and in future it will be a clean record. In selecting persons for The Three in One Oil that you can't ed to be present, as it is the annual elec­ to put the brakes on the hoodlums. public office, the president is looking into You can find almost any thing you reported that all water rights had been published as an independent newspaper. their characters, and those who do not ; get along without. tion of officers. are looking for in Leather Purses and deeded to the city by property owners The country newspapers are becoming And you ought to let them talk I have 50 acres of land on the Nehalem through whose land the new system more independent, and this probably is a come up to the standard are turned about riverì want to have cleared, will con- Money Bags of all kinds at Clough s. down. This is right. We are sure that passed with the exception of two. The good thing, for politicians and those who Farm implements, wagons aud car­ Our old friend, Mr. I. T. Manlsby.who trace the entire tract or anv part there­ city council did not grant the request of want their private interests aired in the Mr. Eddy's Tillamook triends will be i. now at the Soldiers' Home, writes : "I riages, etc. glad to bear of his appointment, and can of.—F. R. Beals. * the marshal for a special policeman. press will find they are up against a dif­ are doing read in vour paper with great gnef the coincide with Special Prosecutor Heney j Thev ----- ---------- - a sort ol , give and take The Tillamook County Bank has the death of poor Joseph Whiting. He and Councilmen Leach. Mason and Chase ferent proposition in future. when he said at Washington that Mr. ] business, and if you don't believe it see * M * latest improved Manganese Burglar I ha ve been acquainted for a number of were appointed a committee in regard If there are anv persons who are too Eddv was eminently fitted for the posi-1 them about it. Proof safe. No safe of this kind has ever years. I tried hard to induce him to join to bringing suit against the Tillamook _______ been cracked by burglars. the Soldiers'Home here, but he did not Water Company. The special tax levies must be filed in determine so to do. Poor fei.ow. I hope Bottom Laud to be Sold Cheap. the County Clerk's office before the 1st he is now in heaven at rest. God bless I have 36.68 acres of bottom land less January. The school districts that have than two miles from Tillamonk for sale reported special taxes are; No. 5, 5 cheap. No money required down. See mills; No. 12, 3 mills; No. 31, 8Jj J. R. H aeter ._____________ ers who remain. ’ mills ; No. 33, 10 mills ; No. 35, 4 mills. DEALERS IN Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES I ALEX. McNAIR CO., • M « « • [ Farm and 30 Cow» for Sale. Chas. I. Clough, I The offer you ; . Quality, freshness, HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES. 160 acres of land, 60 of which is bot­ tom land, and 30 head of cows, on the Wilson river, four mile» North of town. Will sale with or without cows. Ad­ dress Mrs. W. Iscolis, Tillamook, Or. Notice I have opened a fish market in part of the building now occupied by Mr. A. H. Beaty, and will keep on ht nd smoked salmon, salt salmom, salmon bellies, clams, crabs and fresh fish in season. F. N. E lliott . trade with KING & MILLS CO ■ : Hardware, Tinware, Implements ! and Sporting Goods : Whenyou Want a Cook Stove, Range or Heatei we have exactly what you want. Our Prices are down low. We want your trade We are Agents for the New Century Farm Gate. STORE : NEXT TO POST OFFICE