Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 30, 1905, Image 7

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    ----------- —
^ill Connect Hill Line8 at
Portland with Santa Fe
at Eureka.
EXCEEDING one per cent .
Short Route via Cornelius Gap
Gives Exclusive Northern
Pacific Connections.
The promoters of the Portland OreJ
gon Sencost Kailway company are said
to have laid out a program for n line of
effort, which, if carried to its objective,
will make the shortest line to Tillamook
the shortest also between Portland and
toast bathing resorts, and will form a
connecting link between the Hill lines at
Portland and the Santa Fe at Eureka,
California. In the entire system project»
ed bv the new company, it is said, there
isnot a grade exceeding 1 per cent.
The short route via Cornelius gap
gives the road ail exclusive Northern
Pacific connection at Portland, while
the Lytle road via Buxton to Hillsboro
provides an exclusive Southern Pacific
connection, thus again drawing the line
of competition sharply between
Harriman and Hill companies.
Was Surveyed Years Ago.
The Cornelius gap route to Nehalem
and Tillamook long has been a Northern
Pacific proposition. The route was sur­
veyed by Engineer Cooper 15 years ago,
and approved by President Oakes of the
Northern Pacific, who abandoned the
Hillsboro route as too long, and because
it has a 2'4 per cent grade between Bux­
ton and the summit of Nehalem divide.
Work was commenced, under direction
of William Keid, and several miles of
grade was completed on the Astoria
spur. The panic of 1883 sent the North­
ern Pacific and Mr. Reid into bankruptcy
and work was stopped.
Presiilent Mellen of the Northern Paci-
fi: next tried in 1901 to get from Sea >•
poose to Tillamook, via Pittsburg, but
the Hill-Harriman fight came on and te
tarried the project. It was found that
three tunnels on Scappoose summit and
a grade of more than 2 per cent would
be necessary, and the project was drop,
ped the following year.
Portlanders Subscribed.
Then it was suggested by local peo­
ple that a road should be laid out that
would give joint nud equal connections
to both the Northern and Southern Fa
cific. and satisfy the Hill and Harriman
rivals by effecting with each a traffic
arrnngement. The Hillsboro-Glenco fork-
ed route consequently was adopted and
50 Portland men subscribed $5,000 in
1902 to promote the enterprise, with no
purpose to profit themselves, but for the
benefit of the entire city and the coast
region. It was named the Portland,
Nehalem & Tillamook railway and.Wm,
Keid was made secretary and counsel
of the company.
Propositions were made to the Hill
and Harriman people to carry out this
scheme, and in 1903 Mr. Reid went to
New York and met both factions. The
Atlantic Securities company, a Rockefell­
er financial corporation, made the di
rectors of the Portland Nehalem & Till­
amook company a written proposition
not only to finance, but also to con­
struct 100 miles, from Portland to Till
amook and Nehalem, on a joint owner
ship basis.
Failed to Persuade Harriman.
Four months' option was given by
the securities company ill which the
Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook direc­
tors were to put the project through
They were unable |to effect the desired
arrangement with Mr. Harriman. Presi­
dent Mellen was willing to go into the
scheme, although the route proposed
was 18 miles farther between Tillamook
and the Glenco connection with the
Northern Pacific than is the route now
to be followed by the Portland Oregon
Feacost railway to its connection with
the Northern Pacific at North Portland.
The Portland company kept on work­
ing, nnd when the Killingsworth joint
traffic law passed the Oregon legislature
negotiations were resumed with the
London Share & Debenture company
and concluded at Portland last June
with a contract that the London svn-
d cute supply money to build 100 miles,
with a connection with the Southern
Pacific at Hillsboro and another with
the Northern Pacific at Glencoe. Then
followed the beginning of construction
company, its failure and the turning ov­
er of the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook
franchises and rights of way to E. E.
London Company Objected.
tion is backed by the London owners
of the majority stock of the Santa Fe covering the intervening country with
that follow heavily tlmliered
railway-a fact that wa,' published ex
ex i
clusively by The Journal several days' streams and penetrnte good agricultural I
country. The Wilson river route wdl. !
it is expected, became a favorite road i
Claims many Advantages.
to the sea beach.
Mr. Reid claims the following advan­
tages of the proposed Northern Pacific
Santa Fe link over any other projected
coast line : That the toute is 18 miles
shorter bet ween Portland and Tillamook
the grade is lower, living 1 per cent for Will Connect Tillamook with San
Francisco and Portland.
the first 34 miles out of Portland, with
Instop Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla i's Rain Coats.
1'4 miles on the summit of the Nehalem
Exlusively to Measure.
S an F rancisco , N ov . 22.—An im
divide having a grade of 90 feet to the
pression prevails among „ railroad
t ,
mile, and thereafter a 1 per cent maxi­ here that the hand oi Santa Fe Rail,
Come early and secure first choice.
mum to Nehalem nnd Tillamook bavs ; road will be found in the management
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
that the road will run through non. of the affairs of the railroad company
co npetitive local territory from 15 to 20 incorporated in Oregon yesterday. It is
miles removed from the Lytle road, cros. believed that the line proposed to be
sing its track but once, and meeting it constructed from Portland to Eureka
only at their joint ocean terminals ; and is intended as a connecting link in a ,
that the seacost road will make ail ex- chain of roads to operate between San
clnsive.Iliil connection ut Portland, while Francisco and Portland under Santa Fe
Mr. Lytle's road will make an exclusive ma nagement.
Harriman connection here. The original
President Ripley of the Santa Fe, in an I
diretcors of the Portland & Nehalem interview here, said that rumors of the
feel that their investment ol $5,000 for cessation of construction of the liar from
a promotion fund was well spent and Eureka south to the northern terminus
has more than accomplished the pur­ of the California Northwestern were
pose they set out to attain.
Denies Connection With Hill.
W e are at work on the road,” lie
Up to date Harness Shop The only complete shop of the
Mr. Reid was asked if the Portland said, ” and it will be completed within
Oregon Seacoast railway is being backed a year and a half. That will give rail
prices will compare with those that do.
by Mr. Hill, and if it had anything to do road connection between San Francisco
Next door to T illamook C ounty B ank . Local Phone.
with his sudden-* departure a few days and Eureka, and the run may be made
ago for London. He denied that the in 11 hours.”
new company is directly or indirectly
As the line from Eureka to Portland
connected with the Hill companies. A is to be finished in about 18 months,
favorable traffic arrangements could be a new through line from this city to
effected with the hill roads, he said, on Portland seems assured.
western shipments via Portland, and
Facts brought out yesterday through
the proposed Northern Pacific bridge
over the Willamette would be a decided the incorporation of the Portland-Ore
J. P. ALiUEN. Proprietor»
advautage to the new road in the mat­ gon Seaconst Railway Company, so far
ns they pertain to a connection with
ter of grade as well as traffic.
Explaining the object of the company's tile Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe at
proposed line from East Portland to the Eureka, are but a confirmation of the
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
southwest, Mr. Reid was noncommittal. exclusive story published bv The Tele
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
This is the route of the proposed main gram Wednesday, September 20. of the
line to a coast connection with the Santa activity of the Rockefeller interests^
Fe. He said he had surveyed this route and that the Coast territorv and that
a distance of 87 miles in 1888. It had included in Northwestern Oregon was
a 1 percent grade from Portland to the being mapped out for an invasion by
sen, via McMinnville. A good route the Santa Fe. F. M. Brisbce, chief
was found tip Panther creek. The (tim­ engineer of the Western grand divis-
ber has been largely burned on the Nes. ion of the system, has been corre­
Repairs (»uns. Locks. Typewriters, Keys, Bicycles mid
tucea, but the route runs through a sponding with local men lor some
Sewing Machines. Makes a Specialty of Plumbing.
good dairying and farming region, and, months with reference to that section of
as Nestucea beach is 87 miles from Port­
The GenuiiaTOWERi
For Gentlemen's Garments to Order
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts,
It is made of the best
iwten&ls. in blsck or yellow,
fully guaranteed, and sold by
reliable dealers everywhere
the Tailor, Tillamook.
Over 30 Years experience in the Business
Everything Needed in the Harness Line
you will find at
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Repair Shop, Opposite McIntosh
land, it would form the shortest rail line
to sea bathing resorts, Seaside being
118 from the Portland main station
Mr,Reid says the new arrangement with
the London syndicate provides that con.
structionwvork shall begin next March.—
Terminus in Astoria Wanted.
It was foreseen by strategists fol
lowing the play of the steel rail ma­
nipulators that the Santa Fe could ill
afford to make its Western terminus at
Eureka. Humboldt Bay was not the
sort of harbor that would fill the re
quireinents of the sjstem, and it was
generally understood the plans for
WILL BUILD THE TILLAMOOK Western development included the con­
Spruce and Cedar Shingles.
struction of a line north on the Coast,
tapping Coos Bov nnd such other ports
Cheese and Butter Boxes specialty.
E E- Lytle to Finish Twenty as would eventually provide outlets
Miles of Pacific Line by July. to the Orient. Anticipating such a
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
move, the Harriman system is credited
Bv resorting to every resource that with having arranged for the Coos
determined railroad men employ when Bay Drain feeder and the binding of
pushed by conditions of an unusual con­ the local road front Marshfield to
struction contract, E. E. Lytle, presi­ Mvrtle Point so that Santa Fe might
dent ot the Pacific Railway & Naviga­ not take that over to serve as a link
tion company, will complete 20 miles of in the Coast end,
railroad in eight months. On Monday
A. B. Hammond's private prediction I
he had 250 men at work on the that Astoria would soon be on the |
grade, and the first five miles will be map of a transcontinental system was
completed by December 31.
remembered when the new movements
Tbe contract under which he took became known, and his connection with
over tbe Hillsboro franchise and right of the Astoria & Columbia River road
wav requires that 10 miles shall be com­ gave rise to the lielief the Santa Fe
pleted by May 1, and 10 additional might find it an admirable property to
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging.
miles bv July 1. Mr- Lytle has suc­ acquire. Harriman's option on the
ceeded in getting enough 60 pound rails road expired in Septemlier. The friend,
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
from the mills immediately to carry the ly feeling existing between Messrs.
work through to the 20 mile point. The Hill and Rockefeller paves the way for
first consignment will airive over the the tranfer of the A. & C., and the
r w w w w v v wvw v w w v
Northern Pacific from Duluth rolling Northern Pacific branch from Portland
to Goble with the completion of the
mills tomorrow.
There are two miles of the grade to­ Northern Pacific and Great Northern
day ready for the rail». A construction line down the Columbia, or at least the
force of 150 men has been at work for entering into of an understanding I
the last week on the right of way. The whereby the Northern Pacific right of
force will be increased Monday. Chinese wav might be utilized without interfer­
laborers are being drafted to aid in the ence.
A few days after the publication in , ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI,
Contractshave been let to Willis E. The Telegram of the part Mr. Brisbee
Potter, of Portland, for the timbers and had assigned to him. it became known
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co, and
lumber mill products, including ties.
also the Astoria & Columbia River K. It. foi San Francisco, Portland
Coast who were not connected with
The disadvantages of working on rail- the
and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to
road construction in the winter season ally |oc0| road. The engmeer rn charge
are not to be allowed to interfere.
|ater forwarded a report to the New
B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon.
, (O. R & N. It. It. Co , Portland.
"The published statement that the yorll headquarters of Mr. Rockefeller,
Agents |A & c J{ R Co j»orl|an<l.
complete, designating
Pacific Railway* Navigation company which was most
exclusive Harriman rail ; grades, altitudes, curvetures and such Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Express
will make an t------
road connection at Hillsboro or Port-, othrr data as would prove a value to
laud is incorrect.” says Mr. Lytle,'2 and j ,trengthcn the effort made to finance
will build
If you nre in want of Good Trees, g tut ran teed true to name,
this company v...
----- to Scappoose i theextension.
Santa Fe Now Unfettered,
and there connect with the
’ a
While it has been given out there
cific. The spur will branch off from
the main line at Pittsburg, about 38 was an agreement existing between the
miles from Hillsboro, nnd it will lie built Santa Fe and the now defunct Port,
ns soon ns construction on the main land Nehalem & Tillamook, whereby
it was stipulated that if the Oregon
line reaches Pittsburg.
Mr. Lytle says the road will not end corporation carried its line south it Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines.
at Hillsboro, but will be built on mto would be met by the Rockefeller road,
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
Portland. The rente of the suney since that time the understanding lie­
Send us list of trees wanted mid prices will lie quoted by return mail.
showsan entrance into South Portland tween the Southern Pacific and Santa
Fe regarding the conduct of each in
on tht west side of the river.
Thin i« to certify, that I have this 27th rlay of December, 1904. inspected and
The road is being surveyed by a force that territory was betrayed bv the
the Nursery Stock of Mr B. P. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres­
under direction of Chief Engineer W an Harnman line and the Santa Fe n free examined
ham. Oregon, and so far as I am able to ascertain, have found it in good, market-
The route follow, the Nehalem
able’condition and clear of anv serious insect pest or disease Their methods of
river to Nehalem, continue, down the mation gi«n out ioday that the con- handling and’growing stock are first class.
. .
WILBL'R K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District.
coa,t to Tillamook, and form, a loop. nection between Eureka and the Cali­
Returning ea,tward via the Wi^nnver fornia Northwestern would be started
to a connection with the main .tern at once nnd completed withtn a year
Rates, $1 Per day
‘ear Buxton. Another branch leave, and a half is taken to indicate the Centrally Lioeated.
the line at Humbug creek and proceed»
northwest over the divide to the Lewi, the Oregon project -Portland Telegram.
□ Clark river, which it foliow. to
It was proposed by the old directors
0 the company that .Mr. Ly tie take also
the financing contract with the London
Share & Debenture company, which
guaranteed to sell the bonds at 85 cents
net for the company , but Mr. Lytle for
some unexplained reason declined to
have anything to do with the old com­
pany's arrangements or contrncts. Th»
London people ol jecied to the change of
local ownership, declined to cancel its
contract with the .local company and
'ns sled upon proceeding with conrtrnc
tion of a coast line. As a result, the
Portland Oregon Sea Const Railway
company has been incorporated in Lon­ A’Mr'Mt!e's proposition embrace, lo«r
don nn,j Salem, to build an independent
water harbors-at Portland A,-
coast system that will aggregate 500 toria. Nehalem Bay and Tillamook bny or tre~P«»ing i. allowed on my farm at
" Hwmt.
Or i>oo miles of tracks. There is a we 1 ‘ nd fink. a!l ol them together, nl^ Sandia«.
■ ut iei, tic »ted ripjrt that the propos J
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
Tillamook Iron Works i
General Machinists & Blacksmiths. <
Pacific N avigation Co.
Gresham, Oregon,
M. H. LARSEN, Proprietor.
The Best Hotel in tbe city, No Chinese Employed,
T imber L and A ct , J une 3 I878 — N otice for
P ublic AT1ON.
United States ljuid Office,
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 26, I005.
Notice is hereby given that in compliant
with the provisions of the act of Congress o(
June 3, 1X78, entiled “ An act for the sale of tim­
ber lauds in the States of California. Oiegoii,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as ex­
tended to all the Public Land Slates by act ot
August 4 I892,
Of Republic, County of Ferry, State of Wash­
ington, has this day filed in this office her
sworn statement No. 6673, for the parchase of
the Sw V* of Section No. 32, in Township
No. 5 South. Range 10 West, and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and ;<» establish her
claim to said Iniid before the County Clerk,
of Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook
City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day < f
December, 1905- She imines as witnesses .
Maud Oliver, Walter C. Bailey and John H.
Oliver of Tillamook. Oregon ; and James C.
Cox, of Republic Wash.
Any Mid all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on 01 before said 6th day
of December, 1905.
A lgernon S. D resser , Register.
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States Laud Office,
Portland, Oregon,
Sept. 26th, 1005
Notice 18 hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3rd, 1878, entitled ‘ An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of Califonia,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo­
ry ” as extended to all Public I«and States by
act of August 4, 18o2,
Of Republic, conn y of Ferry, State of Wash
iugton, 1ms this day filed In this office his
sworn statement No. 6675, for the purchase
of the Ne *4 of Section No. 11, in Township
No. 6 S, Range No. 10 W. and will offer proof to"
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish his claim to »aid land
before the County C erk ot Tillamook County,
at lillamook City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
6th day of December, 1905. He names as wit­
nesses :
Walter C. Bailey, John H. Oliver, Maud
Oliver, of Tillamook, Oregon ; Kate Cox, 01
Republic, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are reqnrstad to file their
claims in this office on or before said 6th day of
December. I905.
A lgernon S. D resser , Register.
T imber L and A ct , J une 3 i ^B.-N otice F or
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
Portland, Ore.
Aug. 2»th, I905.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tie sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada anti Washington Territorv," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4. 1892.
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, has this day filed ill thia office his
sworn statement No. 6665, for the purchase
of the S
of Se 11 of Section 31 , tp. 2 north,
range 9 west and N L, of Ne *4, sec. No. 6, in
township 1 North, Range No. 9 West, and will
offer pi oof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber orstone than for
agricultural purposes.and to establish his claim
to said land before the County Clerk of Tilla­
mook County, at Tillamook City, Oregon, on
Thursday, the7th day of December, 1905- ¡Ho
names an witnesses :
John Hathaway, of Tillamook, Ore. ; Lewis
Smit , of Hobsonville, Ore. , Frank Cram*, of
HoliNonville, Ore.; George Williams, of Tilla­
mook, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in thia office on or before said 7th day of
December, 1905.
A lgernons . D resser , Register.
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3. 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon,
.October 9th, 1905.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
witli the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, I878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada ami Washington Teiritory,” as
extended to all the Public Land Slates by act
of Ai gust 4, ¡89’1
Of Hobsonville, county of lillamook, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office her
sworn statement No. 6688, for the purchase of
the N % of Sw W; Mw '4 of Hw
sec. 84, and
of He %. «»f section No. 33, in tp. No. 2 W ,
riiiigr- No 10 VV , and will offer proofto show
that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish tier claim to said land
before the County Cleik, at Tillamook City,
Oiegon, on Satuiday, the 6th day of January,
1906. She names as witnesses:
Louis I.. Smith, Andrew Peterson,of Hobson­
ville. Ore.; Robeit Watt, of Bay City, Ore.;
jjan > Crane, ot Hobsonville, Oie
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 6th day
of January, >9o6.
AuiERNON S. D rkhser , Register.
T imber L and ,
act J unk 3. I87«.—N otick for
P ublication .
United Stales Land Office.
Portland, Oiegon.
October 231 d, 1005.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Htat< s of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Wa hliigton Territory,” as
extrmh d to all the Pub ic Ijind Stales by act ot
August 4. «892,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of
Oregon, has this day filed In thia office his
sworn statement. No. 6692. for the purchase
ol the E
of Nw *4 and E ’» <4 Sw# of sec No.
12, in 'fownship No. 1 nouth, Range 7 W,
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver, at Portland,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 9th day of January,
ioi)6. He names as witnesses
Alexander McDonald, < - R. Shepherd. C. H.
Osborn, and W. H Petrie all of Portland.Or.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before said yth day
of January, I906
A lgernon ft . D resser . Register.
T imber L and . A ct J une 3. 187® — N cticr for
United Hahs Lund Office,
Portland. O egon.
November aotn, 190s.
Notice js hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3rd. iK,M, entitled "An act for »he Hale of
timber mnas in’he H ales «,f California Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,” aw ex-
«tided to all the Public land SlaUs by act of
Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook. State of
Oregon, baa thia nay filed in Ithia office
his «worn statement No, 6712. for the pur-
rheae of the E H of gw « and W H • f S« H
sec. No 74, In tp No. 1 A, Range 8 W, ami
will offer proof to show that the land
aonght ia more valuable for its timber or atoce
than Io agricultaral purpoeee, and toeatab mb
hl* claim to »aid land before the Register and
Receiver of thia office at Portlaml, Oregon,
on Tueaday, the 13th day of February, iyb.
lie names «« witnesses
Uayne W Wiley, Charles A. Johnson, of
Tillamook, Or . Fr.-d Mump, of Trask, Or;
Ches. I. Clough, of Tillamook. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lamia are requested to file their
claimain this office on or before ssid 13th day
of Februatjr. 1906
ALGERNON D bisber , Register.