Vol. XVIII. I No. 29. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, REMNANT SALE! * i Í : < NOVEMBER 16, 1905 Entire Stock of Millinery at about Half Price. Entire Stock of Cloaks, Skirts, Suits and Raincoats at about Half Price. Men’s $2.50 and $3.00 all wool sweaters for $1.65. Boy’s $1.50 and $1.75 all wool sweaters, ,98c. Women’s 12^>c stockings for 9c. Children’s heavy 13c stockings, 9c. 10c and 15c handkerchiefs for 5c. Men’s heavy gray cotton socks for 6c. Our Complete Stock of Christmas Holiday Goods are on display. You can make your selection now while stocks are unbroken, and call for the goods later. * I This is the Place “HALTOM’S” The Store that cuts the Price in Tillamook -»*«*«*****♦*♦♦**♦***♦***♦♦ ■»♦**♦*♦♦*♦*♦**♦*♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦*• C. Mills has removed to Beaver to his A stray Jersey calf is at N. Coulson's place east of lillamook City. Owner farm, where he will engage in the real will please call for it and pay expenses.• estate business and do what he can to H. T. Botts, for abstracts. get new settlers into the south part of For sale, light buck hoard, single har­ the county. Fresh Steel Heads.—W. O. Chase. * ness and good small single horse, price Your friends and neighbors are using Miss Sadie Watt will teach the Gari­ I $30 for the outfit. Address Headlight the bank and laying up their money for office. baldi school. a special purpose. Why not you? We A new stock of Crouse & Brandeger offer every convenience possible, and will Miss Eacie Oliver will teach in the suits, overcoats, raincoats, just arrived assist yon in any way we can.—The Reading district. at Todd s. Call and see them before Tillamook County Bank. * New millinery and enps just received at buying. Mrs. Sturgeon's. The Ladies’ Guild of the Presbyterian J. A. Todd came in on Tuesday from Money to loan on improved farm pro- Salem to find the citv still making some church will meet at the home of Mrs. Frankie Wiley next Wednesday at two perty.—Apply to F. R. Beale. improvement after his absence in Cali- , o’clock All memliers are requested to fornia. Miss Anna Fitzgerald h^s been em­ be present, also those interested in the ployed to teach in the Otis school. Take your hides to M. F. Leach's meat work are cordially invited. G. M. Watkins was raising a big A. D. Leach, of Salem, began teaching market and get the highest price. He is paying 6c. |ier pound for well trimmed squash for Christmas, but the frost in the Castle Rock school on Monday. hides. came somewhat earlier than usual at Get into the habit of trading at Patz- Tillamook Citv and Hohsonville had a Netarts this vear and killed it while it laff’s and receive a 5 per cent discount game of football on Sunday, resulting was green. It weighed 72 pounds, and for cash. * in a victory for the home team with a had it not been killed l>v the frost .Mr. Preaching service nt Fairview Grange Watkins says it would have leached score of 5 to 6 hall next Sabbath at 2 p.m. by Rev. J. E 10O pounds. Wanted, to rent, river bottom dairy Connor. Captain Mahler, keeper of Cape Mears The school house in district No 36 was ranch, stocked with 15 cows or more light station, reported a big four-masted improved last week by being sealed on for three or fiveyears.—Address Box 1+0, vessel in the breakers and flying distress Tillamook, Or. the inside signals on Sunday. 'The weather was I have 50 acres of land on the Nehalem thick, but her anchors held her from If you need anything in millinery,caps, fascinators, underwear, etc., call on Mrs. river I want to have cleared, will con- drifting ashore, and she mauagrd to get trace the entire tract or anv part there­ out of her perilous position when the fog Sturgeon. * lifted and a favorable wind came to her of.—F. R. Beals. The steamer Sue H. Elmore and the Dr W. | Mnv is in the city and attend­ rescue. The name of the vessel could not lumber schooner Million is bar bound ing the circuit court in connection with lx ascertained. in the bay. the injunction suit against the Tillamook A surprise party was given on Mr. Climax. Horse Shoe. Sawlog Chewing Water Commission. Mills at their home at Fairview. Satur Tobacco. 45cts lit« ; 21b«, H5cts., at F. R. Beals has sol-* Steave Hill’s dairy day evening. Games, music and singing Todd’s while it lasts. * made the evening a most enjoyable one ranch and personal Pr“Per,v o,’T“'g See L. R. Maxnard, agent for Liquid tocc.1 river to Fred Briody The price to al! in the party. The merriment con Electricity for Tillamoi k County. Also lor this property was $3.7ov. tinned till close to the midnight hour, on silent McNair's store. * when all took their wav homeward Attorney W. H. Muir, who represents after pronouncing Mr. Mills excellent Vincenz Jacob, who went to Russia on the bond fmicrs of the new city wao Those present were: I business, has returned to this country system, came 111 on Monday to look alter entertainers Grandma Mills, the Messrs. Mills. Mrs. »•n 1 isex|>ected home soon. its interest in the injunction suit. Crawlord. Ethelyn Crawford, the Misses Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mrschnud left for I Smoking Tobacco. Red Bell, Ume Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Holden. Mr. and Portland last week, where the latter is Kiln flub. Cream ol Carolina. Hum Mrs. Maddux, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell. to undergo an operation. Cempnss and Sun Cured. 20 |>er cent Mr. and Mrs. Billings. Mr. and Mrs. les. than regular prices at Todd s while Kunze, Miss Leonora Knnze. Mr. and Black Minarcas for Sale from a fine Mrs. Beals, Mr and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. 1 iving strain. Cockernls and pullets $1 it lasts, We’ « understand an attorney Iins bee» and Mrs. Carlson. Mr. amt Mrs Me each. L. McFee, Nehalem, Or. * 1 | “ \Ve 1 --nloved by those living or. the Wll«>" Killip, Mr. Randall. Mr. Fishbocker, King & Mills have the new farm gate H ( I cmp 'river above the toll gate to quash the Mrs Babi. Mr. Center, Miss Clara Tin on exhibition. Don't fail to see it. • I;, illegal contract the toll road company nrrstett, Mr. Bowlbv, Mr. Ellison, Mr. and Mrs. Buel, Mr. R. Kunze. toos the gold medal at the fair. has with the county. Sunday services at the Christian i Lost, a bunch of keys on ring. Where Tillamook county lost a good, upright Church, preaching both morning and 1 lost between Tillamook City and Fair citizen on Wednesday morning when evening. Subject of morning sermon : '"wonXnightof.Xto.xr21 nndare death suddenly claimed Joseph Whiting as its victim. He was taken with faint, “The Four Years’ Crusade;’’ evening valuable <»nlv to <>«"*• J. p • sermon : " The Words ol Ti is Life ' A return to the Headlight office and receive ing spells in Todd’s store on Tuesday ¡evening, when he almost collaps-d. but cordial invitation is extended to all to rewar I. managed to pull through and was fed- attend these serviers mg a great deal lietter on Wednesday. He went from Todd's store to his room at tlx back of Browne’s store between ten and eleven o’clock, after which he was heard to groan. When assistance went to him and a doctor summoned he RKI I ABLE DRUGGIST. . , The fivees entials oVsriisfactory Drug Store trading which I was pronounced dead. Whiting was 62 tears of age. and came Io Ins county in offer you ; . 18«t) from California. He served in th« war of the rebellion and was in receipt of Quality, freshness, equipment, skill, hones p a tension, Iieiug « member of the G A K. He had no relatives in this county, but has a brother living in Eastern Oregon. The cause ol death was heart fmlure. The remains were buried in the Vnughn * cemetery on Thursday afternoon. The * am Headquarters for the au> deceased was well liked by most every- Huifr« Copy RO k"» imdv. and his sadden death was a great _____ , KH,pr ' n’lf >0, („ l>c to his frauds. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES. T.blH."«d^ °01 1 ijuired in ,hP «»»<• Sfb St*®® Si.50 ner year i. ■ a k a a a .a a a a a * * a * a a: a. a * a a a a a a a a * * a a. a a a TRADE WITH KING & MILLS CO •9 OPENED WEDNESDAY MORNING ____ _ ___________ _ 5 Our Ten Days Gigantic Sale just closed left hundreds of Rem- 1 nants in every department in the Store— broken assortments, one to a dozen or more articles of a kind Such as: — Furs Suits Corsets Shoes Cloaks Ribbons « « Hats Capes * Notions Caps Suits Handkerchiefs « « Hosiery Petticoats Lace Curtains Underwear Outing Garments Boy’s Clothing Sweaters Dress Goods Table Linens Overcoats Knit Goods Infants wear All of these broken assortments have been collected together and a Clearance Price put on them, that’s Less Than The Cost of the raw material that’s in them. : llcaölW DEALERS IN Hardware, Tinware, Implements and Sporting Goods When you Want a Cook Stove, Range or Heater we have exactly what you want. Our Prices are down low. We want your trade. We are Agents for the New Century Farm Gate. « STORE : NEXT TO POST OFFICE. ■ at ai ■ ■ a a ■ a. a a a • •■.a Roasting for the Editor and Judge, “jumped upon a newly organized Grange so roughly and so determined to pick TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. fiews,” by asking a simple question that All that B rother B aker ,—I noticed in your no one should take offense at. Bro. Commons need have replied was editorials of Nov. 9th the question : “No”to the query, and that would have "Has the Oretown Griinge.turned into been satisfactory. We are perfectly a political organization ?” aware that if the fundamental principles 1 will quote you from the quarterly of the Grange were carried out some of the affairs of the county would not be Grange Bulletin, the following : in the shape they are today, and to ex­ "We emphatically and sincerely assert press an opinion, we think there ought the oft repeated truth taught in our or­ to l>e a vigilance committee of taxpayers ganic law that the Grange—national, to get the county out of the muss, some state or subordinate—is not a political of the past and some of the present offi­ or party organization. No Grange, if cials, have got the county into. That is true to Ils obligations, can discuss parti, plain talk and to the point, but we sin­ san or sectarian questions, nor call poli. cerely trust Bro. Commons won’t roast cal conventions, nor nominate candi. us lor that. As to Judge Conder, we fail dates, nor even discuss their merits in its to see wherein he slurred anyone if he meetings. Yet the principles we teach can prove that the knockers are those underlie all true politics, all true states­ who don’t like work and allowed their manship, and, if properly carried out. farms to run down. We are sorry now will tend to purify the whole political that we did not mention the names of atmosphere of our country. For we seek I the parties the judge referred to at the the greatest good to the greatest num­ time, for then it would have been a fight ber. We must always bear in mind that between tb-judgeand the knockers, with no one, bv becoming a Patron of Hus no room for Bro. Commons to jump in bandry, gives up that inalienable right and flay the editor, for we simply gave it and duty which belongs to every Ameri [ as an item of news.—E d ] can citizen to take a proper interest in the politics of his country. On the con­ BOULDER CRhEK. trary, it is right for every member to do all in liis power legitimately to influence Mr. R. Y. Blalock has been getting out for good the action of anv politick limber at O. W. Kinnuman's to finish party to put down bribery, corruption his barn and tiickery, to see that none but com­ Mr. and Mrs. John Borba visited Mr. petent. faithful and honest men, who and Mrs. Charles Ba vs Sui day. will unflinchingly stand bv our interests, Mr. Frank Dje and Miss iVlary Tuck­ are nominated lor all positions of trust, er were up at O. W. Kinna man's the and to have carried out the principal first of the week. which should always characterize every Rev. C. Mills, of Tillamook, preached patron, that "The office should seek the at Blaine school bouse last Sunday even­ mull and not the man tile office." We ing. He informs us of his intention to acknowledge the broad principle that move back to his ranch at Beaver. Mrs. difference of opinion is no crime, and hold E. O Mills accompanied him back to that “progress toward truth is made bv Tillamook. difference of opinion,’’ w hile "the truth K. M. DingeM took a trip to the me­ lies in bitterness of controversy.’’ He tropolis last week. Mis. Dingess visited desire a pro|ier equality, equity and fair her mother during his absence. ness ; protection lor lhe weak, restraint Three ' Boulder belies’’ went out in upon the strong, in short justly distri search of adventure, one moonlight eve bated burdens and justly distributed last week, and s iw a "bona fide” ghost. power. These are American ideas, the verv essence of American independence, “In deadly white it upward rose, and stood before them there, ami to advocate to the contrary is un worthy of the sons and daughters of the And stretched its gaslly arms across to catch them by the hair. American Republic." After many thrilling accidents and hair- And now as to the County Judge. I breadth escapes they finally reached will quote from the Headlight of Nov 9: home, having had enough excitement to “County Judge Conder told the board satisfy most any one, lor one evening at of commissioners Inst week that the big. least gesi lot of knockers in the south part ol Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Poland and lhe county were those whose farms were children, spent last Sunday at the home not worth today what they were fifteen of Mrs. Poland's parents. Mr. and Mrs. years ago, for they had allowed the Jacob Nicklaus. Mr Ralph Moor was called to Tilla­ brush to grow up and were not making the money off their larins-Urey could it mook last Wednesdey by the deuth of they would only turn in and work." his grandfather. He returned to his Truly we arc surprised that a county school duties Thursday. Mr. Maurice Bats spent last Sunday judge should Ire so degrading as to slur with his sister, Mrs. H. L. Jensen. the people in such n manner, who have We have been asked to state that helped to place him in the high position Messrs. Ernest and Arthur Haag, Daye he now holds and lias held. The degrad Hess and Ralph Bundy are all desirous of entering lhe matrimonial state, and ing slur will fall more heavily on him are therefore looking diligently for wives. than it does on the people of the south No particular choice except that Arthur end, whether knockers or not. wants a red headed one. Cali on, or We are surprised, Brother Baker, that address either ol the above named gentleman for further particulars. you, a man that holds your head so Mr. and Mrs H A Chopard and high in journalism, should jump upon a Master Norman and Misses Dora and newly organized Grange so roughly and Jessie Parmer, were guests at Mr. W. so determined to pick flaws Hope you N. Buts’ last Sunday. H. A. Chopard is busy getting out- will in the future give us a fair show and lend us a helping hand. timber for a new wood shed. Please assign me space in your paper Wild cats seem to be quite plentiful for lhe above and oblige, here this fall. A. M. C ommons . Mr. Bays and sons have killed several [We fail to see how Brother Baker has in the past two weeks. -------------- 'S’ ■ ■ I1 i i■ ■ J Mr. H. L. Jensen tells 11s he intends to paint his house as soon as the carpenter work is done. Mr. Wdl Bays butchered a fine beef last Thursday. We understand that Mr. Jim Tomp­ kins intends to haul the lumber and finish the house-on Mrs. Hughey's rancn, where he is living in the near future. Mr. Maurice Bays returned last week after a week's visit with his biolherat Long Prairie. NEUAU.M Claus Christensen is building a new barn on Ins place. l he Gerald C came in Friday and loaded with salmon. Kob Crawford went to Astoria Mon­ day and returned Thursday. F. K. Steinhauer, with his mother and sister, have moved into the Christ Lar­ sen house in upper town. L. M Biggs and wile have moved to Hobsonville, where Mr. Biggs will work in lhe mill. H. H. Tubbesing went to Tillamook the latter part of the week, he says tile price of horses is skyward. Miss Clara Gray has gone to work for Mrs. Ida Ailey, at Balm. The Grange is preparing a program for thanksgiving, also pumpkin pie. We are informed that a doctor will come to Nehalem next week to vacci­ nate the school children. And still the barbaric customs of the dark ages cling to us. Mrs. Ketche), who has been staying with her sister, Mis. Whitney, lelt fur her home at Greswell, Saturday. SOUTH PRAIRIB. Fine weather for Tillamook. Isaac Quick and family gave a party last Saturday evening to their many friends and neighbors, which was en­ joyed by all, especially the tine refresh, meats. Our school is progressing nicely under the instruction of Miss Snelling. lack Latimer and Cliff Hiner were out last week hunting with Charlie Wells and Ed Leach. Charlie thought they had struck a warm trail the way u large panther done up one of his dogs, while Jack’s dog had not yet put in ail appearance, supposed to be running yet. W . B. Powell had one of his horse’s feet cut on a barb wire last week. Fred Christenson is making cheese every third day now. Mr. Brooks has rented a dairy ranch near Nehalem. Guy Vaughn is hauling cord wood to Tillamook. Mrs. Green is visiting her mother, Mrs. Powell, this week. Butler Eley spent last Sunday visiting Lloyd Powell. Some of the horses on the prairie have been having the distemper which was caught in lillamook. Notice. This is to give notice, that no hunting or tresspassing is allowed on my farm at bandlakc. A. H f . mhkeb . Card of Thanks. Mr». Margaret Campbell and children detire to expreta their heartfelt thanka to their neighbors and friends who so kindly helped in the care of their husband and lather during his sickness and in laying him away to rest in the graye. 'ft V» V ' V V • V » V *i HEADQUARTERS FOR I DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANGES $ We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX The Most McNAIR CO •» Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County 1 j