Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 31, 1905, Image 3

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Claude Thayer, C. E. Hadley,
M. F. Leach. T. Coates, W.
j. Smith and J E. Tuttle
Indicted by the United
States Grand Jury.
uey for Oregou and undertook tbe
huge teak of protectiting the Oregon
*“n<1 ffButls- Becoming adviaetl of the The recent rain wi4. very _ beneficial
__ _
history of the Tillamook
---------- j case, be ,l,e P"»1 urea and in laying the dust nnd
. directed Mr. Greene
to send for the d'«l*l|ing the smoke.
I papers aud use all diligence to prepare' Howard Brooks met with a serious
| a case for submission to the grand accident last Munday while working at
i jury. This was impossible at the last I j the logging camp, getting caught be.
I term, owing to the volume ot other ' tween two logs, injuring him internally.
tiusiness, and when tbe present grand
Guy Vaughn is moving out from Till-
jury wus conviened there remained I amook onto his ran« h.
just tour days before tbe statute of
Llovd Powell leaves this week fur
limitations would intervene to prevant McMinnville to nail relatives and friends.
a piosecutiou.
Alvin JobiMiou ia uu Hie sick list this
Ed. Leach wid commence the erection
Seeing tbe importance of the case
and Ihe urgency in point of time, Mr. of Charies Weils’ new modern residence
Heney laid aside other matteis and as soon as they can get the lumber on
concentrated bis forces on this one, the ground from the Tillamook Lumber
with the result stated.
Butler Ely, of California, visited his
ibis case involves more money value
iu its tiintei lauds tban ail tbe cases old home and friends last week.
Pat* Wells and family are moving in­
which have been tried so far.
Bench warrants were issued for Ito Tillamook Citv.
Bell Johnson, our popular road super,
Walter J. Smith and John Tuttle, and
the bonds of the other defendants j visor, has bail a f<‘*ceof men grubbing
were fixed at 82,900.
| and dealing up and grading the stumpy
(Portland Oregonian.)
The dragnet of the Oregon land
frauds investigation
brought up
another "big fish” yesteiday, when
the Federal grand jnry returned true
bills against Claude F. Thayer, the
Tillamoak capitalist, son of former
(Jovernoi Thayer of this state, together
«¡th several other operators indicted
„¡th him.
At 6 o’clock last evening the Fed-
eral grand jury returned a true bill
against Claude Tbayer, Clarke E.
Hadley, O. O. Nolan, Maurice Leach,
Tbonias Coates, Walter J. Smith,
John Tuttle, Charles E. Hays, John
Doe and Richard Roe for conspiracy
to defraud the United States of a
[ strip of road by Mr. Lowry’s place,
portion of its lands in Tillamook
making a fine improvement.
The significance of this
action is emphasized by the fact that
when tbe indictment was returned Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook
Bays and hi« son-in-law R.
tbere^remained but six hours until the
Dinge«« have gone to the Valley with a
law would have been powerless to
"Financial arrangements have been drove of cattle.
reach the crime alleged.
It was a
made in Loudon for connection of the
Mr. and Mrs N J. Myers were out
close call, but District Attorney
Portland, Nehaleui & Tillamook load | from town Friday and made a visit with
Heney and his trained corps of assis­ with
both the Northern Pacific and M im . Myers’ parents. Mr. and Mrs.
tants working with the method wbioh
Southern Pacific tracks,” said William Tompkins. They were on their way to
characterizes succesful prosecutor,
Reid, secretary of the company, yester- Oretown.
and the juiy dispatching business in
dav, when abked a., to w bethel* anv re-
The hop and prune pickers have com­
the examination of witnesses and tbe
lations existed between that company menced to wend their wayvalley wards
sifting of evidence, like skillful law­
and the Oregon Traction Company,
M ish Ida Nicklaus visited friends at
yers, easily accompisbed their duty
which is having «orne inisunder«tanding Blaine from Satutday until Friday.
and saved the day.
with the contract«*rs and on which con­
Messrs. Henry Smith and John Nick-
struction work ha« stopped. Mi. Reid iau« have each invested in a new buggy
After years of unnecessary d<Jay, said tuither in answer to questions :
and harness. Won’t (he girls get 1 »ts of
characterized by feints and quibbles
“Propositions for consolidation of the buggy rides now ?
on the part of officers cbaiged with interests of these hues were never fur a
H. A. Chopard came in from the log­
the duty of probing this fraud, make­ moment entertained for the reason that i ging camp Saturday and went hackSuu-
shift examinations, investigations that the financial arrangement mentioned has I 1 day.
did not investigate and a disregard of been made. Such a double connection
H. L. Jensen expects to start to the
instructions from their superior officers can be made under provisions of the valley this (Tuesday) morning after a
which have furnished the grounds for I [ Killings worth law. The representative load of fruit.
several peremptory dismissals from of the London bondholders wlnhi in Port­
Fred Nicklaus has gone to work at
the service, tbe notorious Tillamook land. the latter part of June, ratified the Hadley’s logging camp. While at home
land frauds are about to feel the heavy construction contract, with the Atlas he went hunting and killed two bear, an
baud of justioo.
Company and the directors of ti e Port . old one and a cub.
Readers of Tbe Oregonian are famil­ land, Nehalem & Tillamook have found ; Mrs E. Mills returned from the valley
iar with the history of tbe case, which these contractors strictly honorable gen­ Saturday after several da\s absence.
has filled many pages of printed mat­ tlemen who have rigidly carried out
Mr. and Mrs. C. B .ys visited friends
across die river Sunday.
ter in this paper, as well as in tire their contract.
Mrs. Grace Chopard, Mrs. ( atrie
recoids of tbe Laud Office, which has
“The money is already pledged the
recently been removed from Oiegon contractors from the sale of bond« of I he McDivit, Miss Edna Getchell and Mas­
City to Portland.
railway company, fur the first 20 miles, ter Norman Chopard, visited at Mr.
In Septembet, 1899, approximately and is guaranteed payable to the com- ■ Nicklaus’ last JMonday.
100 persons made filings at the Oregon pany in I^ondon in November next, after I R. Y. Blalock went, to Cloverdale
City laud office to enter timber lands the first 20 miles are completed. If the | Monday td make arranginenis to take
in Tillamook County. The lands are •contractors complete the first 20 miles out a Io «<1 of salmon.
situated in tbe famous Nehalem Valley satisfactorily they have the remaining ' C. A. Smith and childien and Mrs. R.
and are among tbe most valuable tim­ 80 miles to construct both to Tillamook A. Hardin spent last Sunday at the
ber lauds in tbe state. It is alleged and Nehalem Bays during 1906, and Nicklaus home.
that Ulaudo Thayer, a banker iu Till­ after November the London syndicate !
amook City, engineered tbe scheme will have in the treasury the money, re­
by which tbe entrymen were to be alized from bond sales, to pay for each
District No. L8 has added a number of
supplied with tbe money to make the section of ten miles as completed.
up w
to date _____
books ___
to ... its _______
scimol _____
necessary payments for the lands, and
’•There is no connection whatever be- ironl (jæ proceeds oi the late school en-
that when Thayer and his associates tween the two companies, beyond the ( lertainiuent.
had secured a purchaser tbe net profits fact that the same contractors chance to
The Gerald C came in Tuesday and
were to be divided, deeds being in tbe be doing the construction work, and the took a load of box shook« to Nestucca.
meantime signed in blank and placed 8team road w ill never consider any pro­
News reaches n?« that Geo. Pj e, who
in escrow awaiting the result, It is position to do other than is now deter was so badly in jure« I in the Vancouver
further alleged that to make the actual mined upon, which will give two excel­ saw mill as to i«B»>e one of hi-« eyes last
cash payments as light as possible, lent connections into Portland and afford spring,has recovered hii <1 was married a
contests were to be initiated and shippers choice of routing on through short time ago.
i Arthur Lewis of San Francisco, lec­
maintained by every shift and device business.”—Oregonian.
that pettifogging could suggest, until
tured al Baltersoii’s hall
such time as tbe lands could be dis­
evening, sociaii.-m uemg the theme.
Pendleton is Choked by Dust.
Ernest W«»’’tliii:Kion and Miss Lillie
posed of, when the contests could be
withdrawn, and lands relinquished and
P endleton . Or . Aug. 27.—The worst Told w ere m.«r« tr<l at the home of the
the desired result realized. Unfortun­ wind Mild dust storm ever experienced in bride’s parem-», Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lohl,
ately for the success of this scheme, P *iidleton «truck the city at 4 o’clock Aug. 25, Rev. W. J. U«>elm.er tied the
Thayer, it is alleged, is a writer of tin» afternoon and the damage done, knot that made th*- happy couple one.
many compromising letter B. These though large, cannot be yet ascertained.
W. 8. Lmkhait visited the lair last
letters are believed to be in the posees- Toe storm came from the north and week. He Calls II great.
sion of the Government officials; like­ seemed to be general, Pendleton being
Mis. Clara Pw*-g".v is quite sick. Dr.
wise the deeds from the eutryinen to the heart of the hurricane.
[ Smith was in uttcu'ia.ice Sumiay.
an unknown and unnamed grantee,
Miss Minnie bhoiimeyer is on the sick
The city was shrouded in complete
likewise many other equally damaging
il.tikne««, and for ten minutes it was
L<»u York and Ge«.. Ludtke came in
papers and records to substantiate the
impossible to distinguish objects five
allegations of conspiracy and fraud.
from tne CoL.uioit river where (hey
f»tt distant, even in houses well pro­
The tilings had no sooner been made tect« «1 from the dust. For over an hour have been finhing. they report a poor
than tbe proposed contests began to the storm raged, leaving a trail of devas- catch this sea.*"u.
Tiie driukiog men of «»in town boast
appear, ami they have been appealing fiition Ihe plategJass fronts of stores of
with mechanical regularity, so that R Ucxander, Sullivan & Bond, and C. that there 1« mu««- ui u .k. nneMs uuder
the public was led to believe that the C. Sharp were shattered while glass prohibition tii.m wh.-n ihesal<»on« were
see th» inselvesas
various contestants actually were con­ f.-mis of other stores were broken. Awn- running. C«»uid l<
Others see them tl.e) w«.uJ.l have theil
tending for the lands.
tng« Wt-re turn from the buildings and
Tbe allegations of fraud in the affi­ swept a way like chaff The scaffolding heads in shame. l,..w breaker« are ali-
davits of contest led to an Older for around the new Eagle's bull ling was I archists. It pru'«>*, ii .w<#\er, to the
average mind that Ine oal system is too
an investigation.
Special Agent wrecked.
rotten to hold the p<..hi’.itimi patch and
Loomis was detained for tbe purpose,
Nearly all dry goods merchants will
' calls for the liasteoing of the new social
fie evmlcd trie issue by leportiug that ).i->e heavily, as the
collected a
tbe facts would all be brought out at qn nter «»f an inch thick in the «tores, order.
the bearings of the contests, and when «.tiling merchandise. Many homes in
Intimacy with i-'n* lerick ?.. Kril*. th.*
pushed foi definite action by Assistant the city will suffer greatly from the on­ Oregon laud operator, who was "go.. I
Commissioner Richards, reported no slaught of llie terrible storm.
to .Senator Mitchell, " lia. Cott »pecial
»rounds for challenging tbe good faith
The air was clone ami stifling and (he Agent George F. iV'l-" i ilia job in tl.e
•of the entries. Special Agent Strat­ dm»t entered homes several people nar general 1 md nffi
Wila .n lia» been on
ford was directed to investigate, but lowly escaped suffocation. It has been dutv in Oregon 'or -ome tune and. while
disregarded his instructions and made iit.iisually dry this Summer, having l»een there, formed tin* eqil .l.itaiiceof Ki ller
oo report.
The two becamr ipn’e friendly and in
no rain since the middle of June.
Unh <i vested wheat which was in the time W i I mhi le.imwe.l >LW from life
In April. 19U2, Special inspector trad ot the storm has lieen almost total­ laud ofieralor tor «»w object unknown.
dreen. ot tbe Interior Department, ly destroyed Farmers who arrived in Krlb. had confidence that Wllaori would
-was directed to make a thorough the cit.v state that grain was badly shat­ return tin* money, lari in tld» he appear,
investigation, but these inter uctious tered, that surely nothing more than to bave been m IM a «eti. for. although the
■were taken from the postoffice by some straw remain«. Many stacks of wheat h.an waa mad** imoiy n.oi.tha ago, Wíl­
pel son in tbe iuteiest of tbe fraud and as vet unlhr**hed were blown down and eon ha. not a. j**’* — ' ^*r
'he depart
kept ont of bis hands for near!) three th«’ grain scattered alnrut the fields. ment and an li.veMyalioii « aa made
months, when they were reloaded and Farmers w ill l<*e thousand« of dollars. which aatiafled I land ..fié e that W il.
sent ¡back to Washington, reaching
Telegrtpli and telephone wires are ton bed l»irri»el t'>e money and had
tim in Angnet of that year. He drop­ down in many places and forces of men not re.urne.1 II ill" d auoaaal. h .w.vei,
ped other assignments and started in
M nut made <•>
amt of in* failure to
|,..\e lieen at work repairing them.
*o lay tbe case before the grand jury
return Kill»
'■ !«•*«>• '•» placed
of that Fall, and did so, bat through
himself on lot.male term« with a man
Tire < ’hicago chief of police has broken whow* operatl'ina he ’>»• elpe. lad to 111.
<be handling of tbe cases iu^tbe grand
jury room tbe facts were uever up gxmbling »nd hi* only prescription I veMigHta and l< * '"ail with whom,
«Tougnt out and no bill was found. 1«: "Keep »ft** them." It 1» «n old pie- above all other«. h • i .ull enter into no
to he alw»y« new in |
"Then the papers were returned to icription. but
entangling allien-
and to whom he
Washington and remained there until times when officials »re paid big money I ,hould not bee ene •> .llge I.
brands J. Heney became U. S. Attor- I f.r not keeping after them.
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware. Tinware,
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
Fine Line of Choice
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
J. I>. Run\an. <>!’ Ibith i \ i!' • O. ,l-i<l
the peculiar disappearance* «»1 In* pain­
ful symptoms, of imhge -ti.•»» .->»••! bili­
ousness, to Dr. King*.*
He «ays: ‘ They are a p«*rL*«l lenmtly,
for <lizziiif‘KN. «our stomach, heM.lach»».
constipation, etc.” (tiiniantc».<i at t I.as.
I Clough’« drug store, price 2 ic
For Gentlemen’s Garments to Order
Vk Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring
0 Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts,
PCI 12
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla i's Rain Coats.
Exlusively to Measure.
Tailor, Tillamook.
i« SARCHET, the
Come earlv «nd secure first choice.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
i'i i*«** is V’ i * Vl i«* ii
¿end uj the names of dealers in
your town who do not sell our
goods, and we will send you a
collection of pictures, in colors, of
famous towers of the world, sra
The Best Hotel
J. P. flbLiEft, Proprietor
A-& C. R.R
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
M:OO a.in.
7:00 p in.
7:4-5 a.m.
6:10 p.m.
11:10 a.m.
( Portland Union
9:40 p.m.
» depot for Astoria. (
(for For L’.antl and ( 1 1:3O a.m.
way points.
( 1 0:30 p.m.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
11:35 a.m. ■( for Seaside Direct / 5:20 p.m.
f 8:15 a.m. i for Warrenton.
■ Hamm >nd J t. /
5:50 p.m f Stevens. easide.’
4:30 p.m.
• 10.45 a.m.
A prive
\ for Astoria Direct ’ 12:30 p.m
6:15 a.ni. i for Warrenton Ft )
) Stevens. Ham-
(9:30 a.m. f mond, Astoria.
If you are in want of Good Trees, guarantoul true to name,
7:40 a.m.
Gresham, Oregon.
9:25 a.m.
> p.m.
Additional train leave* Astoria daily at
11:30 a.m. for nil point* on Ft. Steven*
branch, arriving Ft. - tevens 1 2
p m re­
turning, leave* Pt. Stevens at 2:<iO p.m. nr-
riving Astoria 2:45 p m.
• Sunday only.
Through ticket* and clos«<- connection via
N. F. Ry. at Porthind nnd Goble ; rd O. F
& N. Co., via I’ortlnnd.
J C. Mayo, G P
?ruit and Ornamental Trees, Small l-iuits. Vines
Fine Assortment of Rose Bush s.
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted hv return mail.
This is to certify, that I have this 27th da\ «»» Dweinlirr. 19<i|, in-pt(iv«l and
xamined the Nursery Stock ol Mr E. P. Smith, of 'I lie E-»*l w omt Nnt -cri< «, (ires*
• ••». Oregon, and so far as I a in able to ascertain, hue ton ml it in good, market-
condition and clear of anv serious insect pest or <1.*<;•-<
Ilan methods of
nulling and growing stock .'ire first cln»*.
WILBER K. NE' ELL, < ’om«ni*>*ionvr f-’ir*t District.
Spruce and Cedar
Cheese and Butter Boxes
Orders for
Au*. matte
LH m
Tillamook Iron Works
fcifcb K*
National Sewing Machine Co.
Boiler Work. I.ogiter’« Work and Hr»" lorain
Fine Machine Work a Npeeloll'.