| Sheriff’s Sale RED FRONT SHOE STORE. chances he stands to lose and to compare September Lippincott’s Magazine. In the Circuit Court of the Stat« of Oregon, . this with the infinitesimal chance he has for TilUunook County. Th* Septemlier number of ^ippineptt's Fred C. Balter. Publisher to win. Such a demonstration, from Albert Marolf. Plaintiff. is fiction full. Its opening novelette. "The I anybody "in the know" will appeal to v* . , .. William Easom, Mattie Easoin. Fortress," comes from the pen of an ex- Jennie Builcy Claude Thayer Grafting and Publicity. [ many who can not be influenced bv the and Estelle Thayer, war correspondent, Wil! Levpigtop Com­ | common sense which goes intioh straight­ Defendents. . , . j In view of the developments of the fort, who tells a tale of love amid sterr- 3y virtue of an execution, judgment, or<’5r 1 Is now located in the Store year to date, tha averai’e clean-min constantly kept stock. per cent per annum, for the sum oi $loo.oo as boding that appears to prevail in most playing against stacked cards or loaded the harbor is closed. Her experiences an attorney’s fee. and judgment against de­ dice until one or more of the manipula ­ fendants William E. Easoin and Milttie M\ cxperiancc in the shoe gatherings where the subject is dis­ there, while her lover is moving heaven Etisoin for the sum of $1102.50, with interest cussed. fhe United States is not going tors makes open confession of how the and earth to effect her release ; the vital, from that date at the rate ot 7 per Per business t'T 3<> yeaix .give me annum, and against defendants tor the fur­ to the dogs because a few thieves have j cards are stacked and the dice loaded. but not long-drawn out, war scenes ; ther sum of $100.00, anil further judgment the advantage in selecting bools been discovered in high places. On the ' These revelations contribute some- the escape and jubilant return to the against said defendants for the further sum of $1923.22. with interest at the rate ot < contrary, the revelation and accompany­ ! thing to the reaction against race track metropolis with a splendid “scoop’’ for per cent per annum from date of udgment. The public said last sum recovered for the benefit of mook trade. gambling. It is not likely, however, that ing execration of wrongdoing that are a her paper, make an unforgettable story, plaintiff and defendants Claude and Estelle cordially invited to examine my these alone could account for the force Thayer and Jennie Bailey, in their respective part and parcel of our recent history which the author may be proud to have order, and for thecosts and disbursments ol. goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. afford the stongest evidence that to the of the reaction, widespread as it is. It produced suit 1 axed at $1 7.»’>U. also the expense ot sale commanding and requiring me to make sale national spirit the thief is still as obnoxi is not only in Missouri that the author The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Till», In the confusion incident to a girl’s of the following described real property, to- ous and repugnant as at any time in ities are finding themselves forced to put taking the wrong train and running wit: Situated in Tillamook County, Oregon. ______ Beginning seventy-two (72) rods west of the tnook county. our career as n nation. If public con­ a stop to evil conditions which have short of monev, a would-be lover grasps south east corner of the C. H. Haynes Dona­ Land Claim in said county and state ; science had been hardened to a tolera­ flourished so long that thev can nqw be the opportunity to ingratiate himself. tion thence north 137.72 r«»l estate of ANDREW committee of Galesburg citizens meet* and incidentally visits are to be made to J KEATON ilccraml. CHARLES E BISCONKR, lune 3. 187«. entiled “ An act for the sale of tini- All persons having claims against said well being. Thousands ot men are in ing him at a railway station the most certain German ports. This is made H E. No. 15255 for the Nw ‘4 of Ne *4 of sec r>er)and/» in the States of California. Oregon, estate are hereby ’ required present the ip 5 south. Hinge lowest. Nevada, and Washington Territory ’ as ex- same to me properly verified, to incendiary opinions touching the policy the occasion of attacks on England by the psvltim for the insane for living in 25. lie as by law re­ nni.ies the following witnesses to prove ended to all the Public Land States by act ot quired. at the office ofH.T. Botts, attorney- seclusion. Love and friendship are both his eoiitinu Migiist 4. 18g2, ns residence upon and cultivation oi the tn HiAgrinent of a certain rail some ot the Berlin and Hamburg papers. at-law, in Tillamook City, Oregon, within of said land, viz : CHAS. |( G0YNF; way, and the punishment due its oth Projects tor fetes for the British officers mutual and reciprocal, and the same gilt Leonard II lones, Silas H. Jones, Harry >f Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of six months from the date hereof Dated this 17th day of August, 1905. )regon, has this day file.l in this offi. < his cers. Il Mr. La Follette ever expressed in some cases have been declared off on might be a token of either friendship or Beckwith, Frank Yacll, of Dolph. Oregon CHARLES EASOM, A lgernon S. D resser Register. 'Worn statement No. 6583, for the perduise «>1 love. Il is impossible to befriend a per­ Administrator of the Estate of Andrew such sentiments it is clear that they account of the local hostility to them. he Ne of Section No. 25. in Township J. Keaton, deceased. | No 2 North, Range 7 Uest. and will offer son who cannot discern between friend H. T. Botts. Attorney for Administrator. were not expressed in public, and it One oi the papers tills the German gov­ T imber i . and A ct . J i nk 3 1878.—N otice Vol ol’.'o! to show that fhe land sought is Pl Bl.lCA l ION. ship and love. Most young women in note valuable for its timber-n-stone than for would be unfair to quote them here. ernment that it ought to have given a United States Land Office, igriculturjd purposes, and .«> .-stublish his SII ERI II- ’,H SA I. E the asvluin would regard an act ot Portland, Ore. Other views touching the manner in hint to the British authorities that this ■I.'«nn to said bmd before the Coiintv Clerk July 11 th, I905. triendship as an imposition of love, >f lillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon which the privileges of railway cor time was decidedly inopportune for a notice is hereby given that in compliance ity. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 26th «lav f for Tillamook County. with the provisions of the act of Congress of porations are abused, as well as the visit of a British squadron to German hence they never have a friend. To be a June 3 1-7.S, entitled ‘An art for the sale 'epteniber. 1905 He names as witnesses Yellow Fir Lumber Company, L Rotts, ot Tillamook. Oregon a corporation, friend does not place ones sell under ob­ of timber Linds in the States of California people who have granted such corpora waters. ,'i'r W"’ I1" ««orlh. raniuei Plaintiff, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory,-’ as -»«I'lth.ot ligations of love. A jealous lover is very Wilson, Oregon. VS. tions the privileges upon which their But the hostile talk is not confined to exleixlf «1 t«> all the Public Land States by act o’ Any and all persons claiming adversely the Carrie A. Bailev and Walter C. Aiigust 4. 1 >92. different to a true friend. The greatest existence grows, may be mor«* fairly «•ne side. London and other British Ibove-descrihed lands are requested to file'their Bailey. I.UELI.A I.. NELSON, claims in this office 011 01 before said 20th dav Defendants. quoted. The great Wisconsonia 11 told oi I papers for some months past have been obstacle is in being|misundersto.)d,'for il or 11,1V City, county of l illani.h.k. Stale of of September, 1905. By virtue of an execution issued out of and Orccon ha. this il.iy til,., ’ , this office lie. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. under the seal of the - Above entitled court in long journcxs on which he had seen indulging in occasional attacks on the one seeks »o make love, he would not snoi n staleiiie.il No. 11( ( ,,h dated the 12th day of August. 19Ô5. upona judgment rendered in said court on the 1+th P ublication . without conscience or hesitation. His In general, the German papers have hp.d desires to he a friend, as a lover, It has Nonli. Ranee No. ,o We>t „nd «ill ¿(fcr d;;y of November. 19O4-. in favor of said United States Land Office, . 'll"«’ that the laud sought i- handling of Mr. Rockefeller, in Ins pub nothing derogatory to sav about Ed- been iiiv experience that men who do more »al.ial.le Tor 1.« timber or stone than io, plaintiff' and against said defendants and Portland, Oiegoa, not each of them, for the sum oi $4-5 47. and the agricultural :mr|K,ses..,ml to establish |„ r claim cultivate friendship or love do . April 2 1st. Tons. lie address, was without either gloves ward \ II. The British king has hosts further sum of $25.00. attorney’s fie. and to said land bef.'ie the < ountv Clerk of Tilla- »id?th’’.” ere’y F,VI" '•'inplniii« for the sum of $10.00 costs and disburse­ or merci. ol friends in Germany as well as in all wor e, so that either should be cn. mo.-k County, nt Tillamook City, Oregon, on »itll the provision, ol tile n.-t oi l.n 'nne 3rd .8-8 entitkxl -An net r. i'he ” ?e ments, with interest on said sum of $45.47 Wmiieslas the 27th day ol September I qos sh. cour.aged. There is no aristocracy in .1 names a- wiineases ; Men like Roosevelt, La Follette, I le­ the rest oi the world. England has >t tnnl,er lain » in the States of . .,h... a from December 31st. 1903, at the rate of six church w here the per cent, per annum. I did. on the 12th day IL u,Iliums. Ifolmr W aft. t.o,ii« Reil« n renoo. Nevada, and Washii.Bton le'iito- Spirit of God dwells, nten, Bryan, and one or two others oi never had a more popular monarch than b’l'R. "! K.iy < ity. luegou : Ge,,. \v. Kiger, " 'y »»extended to nil Pul.lle 1,.,„| st b, of August. 1905, levy upon the following act of August 4, lXa2. described real property situated in Tillamook their class, strong, comagenus and in its picsent sovereign. But the British lo\ e or triendship knows no distintion. lillaiimok Oregon. County, Oregon, to-wit : The N.K. <»f the Ally and .til persona claiming a.lrersele the ,r Ttn , e,RKI’ AKTIIl’k. curruptii»le in their enunciations of press has not sp.ord the kaiser. Of A lover pleads his merit, a friend his need, ah..vt-described lamia are reqiiesmd t,, tile their '11 1' hauinok (jty, county ol Ti;i.i mk State N-E.'4 of sec. 27, in Tp. 1 South of Range We pi tv a friend, 'Oregon, ha. It,i, day tiled In ......... .dice I," . l.nma m tins office beh.ie.aid 2-th day of IO West. W.M., and in pursuance of said admire a lover. The public right against private wrong, sue c«»nrsv, William II. is a man who has to September. T9« 5 ‘ judgment arid execution I will on Thursday cred because there is a constantly ne I be liked or disliked with* a good deal old adage " we reap what we tow,"is A lgernons D resser , Register. |.2 V Hof Sec. No 3.8 ,1,1..«..,, .. the 28th day of September. 1905. nt 10 . Hauge No. ; W, »nd win ,,ffe, ......f . o’clock a.m. at the Court Hour« door in cumulating force behind them Thev ’ ot emphasis. He is by far the most applicable in friendship andlove.lt we , '*■ b"1'1 ’""K'lt ta in.,re 'alui.bl. Tillamook City, in said county ar.d State, T imber L and . Art J vsk 3. i S78.- notke fob to-wit : at the door of the Sheriffs office, 1.» lliuber or slont th... lor ngrit-.iltllral , i.r- are symptoms. Die people are not law ’ «•nginal. dashing and angular of the old are false hearted we may exjiect disap. PtHIJCATlON. ¡>-e-. and .. e.tablisl, his clai,n t.," nd ?.„d sell the above described real property at fr ted State» Und Offne. less. Thev never are lawless The rights I "••rids rulers ■et..re the c.u.ntt . „ k .0 Tillamook Co,mt, public auction to the highest bidder for cash, Nobody can have am point mints, or if we try to befriend, or Purllaiitl. < >1 vgoii, .. ; ! JP,1’!’ Oregon, on Mond.c . lhe ;tf|, to satisfy said judgment, execution, interest, ot the |M-ople are sate with the people, n ugwumpish atlitu« e toward linn, flic low a |H-rson that in unable or unfit to , . bily 5th 1005 " " c I' e,........ 1905 ’te names »in,,.«;,... costs and accruing costs. Nut ic* , 1- . hereby gnen that ,n compliance C. H WOOLFE but no > • < r than are the rights of all man who is not for him is against Inin. reciprocate our affections. with i . piovisitnjM Of thv act ofCongVesR of Sheriff'of Tillamook County. Oregon. W.ldfiebi I C, (»OVE. ,1 » - . ,' Yuln,e’» An act fur the sale of the great ami varied interests they Most of the British newspapers seem to Dated this 12th day of August, It’D-». uni..-. .1. the st .tr. ,.fc.lilorni., Ilr“. have create«’, ami ol which all they ask ' be against him. b.-.i. i.n.l «„.hingt,.,, |,,rlt n » such a thing in this country sides influence public opinion, thev are *d Ihu curative merit* of that great A lgernon s . D resker , Register. O lo ti.«ml. county Ai gus! 2i.th. i‘/’5 o.uinv of of Muituii Multuomah. State of icinal tunic Electric Bitters, for sick OEKX'Ui. has t‘ ’? :z J J “ l,ed * * b"* office hi! to-dav as hostility toward nnv corp.'r ' mischievous. There is not the faintest Notice is hereby given that he loL«-wi»f stomach, liver I and kidneys. Marv H • •>: n -tateiaent No. — t.V>-,, ,ta. , ...S ...S,. named bctllei has tiled notice ol liis ii')»’:l,oa !"r fl‘e l’Mr‘ h«“«- Ot ate interest, with an existence guaran- ic.ison tor am batted lx tween Germanv A alters, of 346 St. ihv to make final proof in support ol 1 .. ( Ian Ave.. Coium* N E. S Pl BLICAT1GN ’¿Ìn“' J1’’ ’ s<>«th. Range No 7 Wat....... 1 . Lh» an«l that said proof will b- made helotTy* *oiTtr ,,roof 10 !,h°* teed 1». I 1 a The people will not break I and Etigland. At a critical time in the Ims, ().. writes : ” For swuial months. I th.«! I lilted States Land Office, the 'aixl County Cleik of Tillamook Uouuti. -t I’1.1** 'Ri't ih ni. re valualile fur Portland, Ore.. the l.«w It thev change it. it will be seven years’ war George HI. of England was given Upjto «lie. I ha«l fever*and US timber mook Citv, Oregon, on October 6th. vW• ' ■ oi von, (nan f.n ¡«ffriCll tilt«! Di Mtone (bau for i«riculturRl ptir Notice I, hereby given tl.i.t“.';'. J.3"'’ I9"5’ ' p*»ses. hi "•I IO , hi. Claim to W1 "t ». ft agn.*, mv nerves were wrecked . I coil id JOHN U ( REKCY. — land only under the stress of great provocn forced Frederick the Great** old ally, Iwluie th, K. -- „„d K. ’ 1 " '•«. Georg« V. Greetima; sa < land, vix. : , 0 '■«■"G Itaniel C meat which eoul<* not be solved at once land which lasted, with occasional inter Euciiic Bitters, 1 olitained rehvf, ami llow.-l S. 41 4. ” "i''uo*)"v. Oregon. Sein e Muon. Jot» Hollett, Perl Conlon. J J Miv rtml •1 ' 1 peisoHMclai.i mg «dver«e|y thè m a short time I was entirely cure.I. by a prompt and conscientious dis­ ruptions, for generations Howser, • f Blaine. Oregon But the d ivs (inn. nt ('»ma. I Cl.mgh’s drug alwivc drsc >l..l »Bd. „re re,,ne~t,d loffie ¡Ilei' A lgernons . D rksser i.‘ uns,r ?! Multnomah, state 1 ims in I tb-^ffieeot, or bel,.re Ml,| Mh' charge ol its charter duties In every ol Frederick ar.d George are lai in the -’ Oiegon has ,r,'c N.‘ . price. 59c. "i’’ c *>” »«f'M '.tri. -"««in statement 't Nn. '«nit K ol t I s 1 1 *1 I • ' ‘ • s 1 eor|H»rnti«in which insists upoti the rec background. M am different sorts of is • Ior ,he l'-nhaw, Al.tE.xotr H ItBEME,. •1 1 he Lot 8, in se.' '"d 2. and Se ■i Nr t • ’r"" ' '' ; ,o‘" 1 ognition and enjoyment ot its charter sue* and alignments have conn- up in Catarrh Cmnot be Cured N otick is H erkhy G iven —-That 3. Hl Tewtisliip dersigned. administratrix of the cut» tt County Court of the State ofOre;*'« von must lake uterual remedies. H h II s The AntinambHng CruHHdr ìuii I rik ] o< n the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall s think this is 1760 instead ot 1905. A C Hart h Cure is not a qu ck medicine It was with the provisions ot the the forenoon, at the office of the r n,PhHnct A part of the awakening period thro- I • Clerk of said county, has been A , r r ' ."»rtlio>ieelw. ot final settlement of SELINA mrmmgly nobody has told them any rectiv on the mu«x>us surfaces The perfect AOgdst 4. iSw. 1 h > act of J. I-ETRE. gambling in worst of its forms, and in combination of the two ingrtshrnts is whatpr«»- I.« T.H.mo..k.P«»;jvVni.Ky Administratrix ot the hstÿ thing a Iron I it ' «lun s such wonderful res dir incurina Catarrh particular against that form ot it which Henry Petre, decta. ' ' im- in Ihi. -ffi, , to Air their Send f*»r testimonials ftev Orrtton i . d . il.,. ,|K, Bled ,u TCta ' f oitieioher, T. H. G oyne . Attorney for Admirustn* )k^ " <>r t-fcre .»„t ,2Ib expresses itself in race track Iwttiiig F J 1’HKNHV 1» CO. Prop... To rd«. 0 • «o.n »’».ri.irnt x,. to- tïi. The permanent prosperity of a Repub Sold by druggisrs price'sc. o. lhe I , ol X. I 7, ,|l.llrcll«., alombbow „ I,,,,,,, R. >n.| Nw X ÔI -e*. of ' • the game.' iMeing that it is up, for the 1 •lepen*!» upon the honesty, intergritx. u. in Toun.l.tp No . Ltit't N otick is H ereby G itex . — TJ«1 ' IICK or »1N MJUtTTI.1:HEM. • nd will off., proof .„ 2 ,C ’ ’ , n *f “ « . undersigned has been duly appointed r and patriotism of present at least, have been giving the [ ¡’’J’ Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- kiuhl » xiorr olH.We for Ita .'¿'i ,""d ee nndrral^. County Court of Tillamook County »»• flf j t hr individual citizens which compose it; •tone th.n ior •mi.nltan.l Oregon. administratrix of the entaw^ piblic s<idc liettnr has to vtin 'the ratorerment «4 all I iws liecausc thev is prepared to do nothing but ofoctobe«. 1 ' tl'” 3”! dm final account a* H-iate and «hM --f -ni.S verified, as by law required, at the u® "•Iter Itaker Walt,? t is being plainly shown, and as the great i are made for his lienefit and their en- first class work and give the > ptember l-si", th_ . 1'th dav <»f Carl Haberlach. Att*>rney.at-Law. I„»W1 U m ,,, h Bela,,., o, THtaZ,’^. '> at the ..»« rftii*,- “r * »»loci A mook City. Oregon, within six montn toiccnent |.iffects him either directly or mass of Indtora is always on , the oat-* If your the date hereof. - indirectly, just as their violation al wax a best of satisfaction Lco',r< n- the Dated thin 31 st dav of August- 1 9< •» side it is an ensv thing for the outsider injure* him individually, either directly teeth need fixing call upon Ciabns lu thi.ollo’ ,,,. n. , ,****•’»''fib- |j»Hr «'inc and place f "r hl-, C .ROLINR PELZ Ol Ovtobvr. I m »5 » ’ tore MtR! jnl day to tigu e. if lie c.«n tigucr anything, what | «»r indirectly.—Heney. Administratrix of the Estate ot *- him. AM'.t-BNuNS D rummb MeuiMtr Pel«, decease«! 1 C aul H ahebuch , Attorney for a «»—— Gr.>rKe Hunt deee.2rt. trntrix. 3; I k d^ilLiniook gjeabligbt. MMgg ^3; kll goods purchased of me will be repaired at the following rates : Men’s Shoes, half soled 60c Ladies’ „ „ 40c Misses’ „ „ 35 c. I P. F BROWNE,Salesman Pacific Navigation Co. STEAMERS—SUE II. ELMORE, W. II. IIAHRlSuN ONLY LINE—ASTOT1A TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI BAY CITY, HOBSON VILLE. ’ I LARSEN I HOUSE,