TILLAMOOK, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS. OREGON, AUGUST 31, 1905 A light thunder shower Sunday caused a change in the weather and strange to relate, while W. E. Page was on the hill north ot the city, it snowed up there when a heavy cloud passed over, Ano-1 thrr shower of rain on Monday night j did some little good. 11-50 per year and s«»n, H. Lowry. R. Watt. Mrs. Hard- 1 h<4d on Wednesday evening to talk the Mark L. Volin and wife Co Margaret No- man. Misses N.J. and N. Kainan, Mrs. | matter over with the business men, and Ian Q. 0 tract in sec. 3 tp. 1 8 range Walkover Shoe» nt Todd’». David, Misses V"sse, Mrs. Munson anil j other meetings are to be held. io W. $1. C Mill» lor linrgains in renl estate son and the McCowell-Pyle Dramatic John Zurcher ami wife to Herman and S. D. Vincent and A. V. Bet sly. who I The steamer just in brought Company, Gordon Hat» and Glove» at Todd's.* Arnold Han*»wirth. agreement for are merchandise brokers of Portland, t our mamoth stock of Fall right of w iy through lot 4 sec. 12 tp. > and Winter Dress Goods, (kill 's Furnishing Goods at Todd's.* The force of labor will be strengthened met with an accident on the Wilson ? Hosiery, Underwear, Shoes I 8 range 10 W. $50. River Toll Road on their way in on Fri­ Go to Fred Forslund’s lor Bicycle Sun­ { and the advanced styles in Mrs. K. Edwards, the well-know«, ac by Elder F S. Bunch, President of the day. While driving over the bridge at Charles Brown and wife to Fred A, Hunt Western Oregon Conference, and G. W. ? early Fall Millinery. complished and successful music teacher, dries 160 acres tp. 2 8 R 10 W. $10. Falls Creek it gave wav. but held toge­ ? We invite your inspection. ...u _ and who recently returned to this cite, Pettitt, missionary secretary and direc Crouse * Brnndigec Clothing at ther long enough for the occupants to John VV. Fishburn and wife to Portland | HALTOM’S Dept; Store. torv of the educational department of has decided to tench music again, and Todil's. leap from the buggv, which was fortu- Trust Co. 160 acres sec. 24 tp. 28 R will lie prepared to take pupils about tile Seventh Dav Adventist, will be here 7 W. $IIK' Three cans of Fine Tomatoes for 25c. natethnt they did. for the next moment some time this week. Meetings com ­ The Iver Johnson Truss Frame Bicvcle. Sth September, For terms, etc., apply to the bridge went down into the creek the Albert W. Mills and wife to John Ro- Bt Colin's mence each evening at 8 p.m. in the S.D. • with two speed gear brake, will climb a or write Mrs. Edwards. boggy turning over and the horses fall­ nietsch lota I & 2 sec. 5 Ip. 3 N R 10 A. church. All are cordially invited. [ir Upton lias moved his office next to steeper hill than any other bicvcle. For The replevin suit to decide the owner west. $50. ing in a heap. It was a wonder that the p. R. Beals' office Tillamook public and high school will sale at Mason & Acklev's. • ship ol a cow was tried io lustice Haber- team escaped injury, but it did so, but Zerelda E. Dunn to Darius J. Dunn tract | K. Craven was in the citv on Mon open on the 11th September, the teachers in tp. 5 S iange 10 W $140 J. F. Rteher, so we are informed, made lach's court on Wednesday, and was de­ the buggv did not fare so well, for th* (jnT from Oictown. being Prt»l. E. H. Whitney, principal, singletree, pole and top were smashed up James A H irmaii and wile and Lonnie it tropical for one of the toll gates on the cided in favor of Geo. W. Phelps, and the M rs. Ella Havs, Tillamook. Forssle, full blooded Shropshire bucks. Wilson river road a little over a week case against Elmer Hall, who was It seems that the parties asked John Me- Harmon to Nils O. Glad tract in tp. 1 Apply to J. J Rupp. charged with stealing the cow, was dis. . Mrs. Harrison, Tillamook. 8 range 9 W. $2982.60. Namer to make good the damages ami ago, by chopping it down. missed, as there was nothing to show I Miss Mildred Lister. Eugene. J M. Epperson, of Portlnnd, was in one dav's time they were out by the ac­ Margaret E. Nolan to Emmett Jenkins Messrs. N P. Wheeler. R. Wheeler and Miss Hazel Gregg, Red Oak, Iowa. the cite on Tuesday. 13.20 acres secs. 23 and 24 tp. 1 S cident as thev had paid toll, but as this W. R. Wheeler, of Endeavor, Pa., who that he intended stealing the animal. Miss Bertha Herman. Woodburn. range hi W. $1COO. was refused, we understand they wall Cohn sells a fine grade of Spider Leg are large timber owners in this countv, We made a mistake in our last issue . M rs. Edna Mason, Tillamook. now claim damages from the county. Tea at 25c. a pound. were in the city last week. when we stilted thnt the Hadlevs hnd a The steamer Sue H. Elmore came in on RAILROAD NEWS. For sale, Shouts and Pigs Enquire of Prof. E. E. Finley, a member of the controlling interest in the saw mill at ! Wednesday, her passengers being Mrs. The New Water System. Mrs. A. L. Donaldson. faculty of Philomath College, is in the Hobson We should have said that the | R. Watt. Miss E. Watt. Mrs. Thomp­ A meeting will be held on The new city water system, which Timber claims tire now assessed at city visitiug his brother and looking Truckee Lumber Company of S F. hold son, R. Moore. Miss Vinn, Mrs. A. K. Friday Evening, at 8 p.m., an equal interest with the Hadleys and | after the interests of the college. was completed this week, being con- bv Assessor Hare. are as much interested in the manage- i Case, A. D. Case, A Nolan, Charles structed by Wakefield & Jacobson, is no at the City Hall, and at the Captain Cary has sold tlie steamer Call and see the Rncvcle Bicvcle at W. ment and development of the concern as ■ Kunze son and daughter, Nellie Arendolf, doubt a first-class system and fully Opera House on Saturday Marie to the Tillamook Logging Com­ H. Cary’s before buying. Chas. Hoy, J. B. Brown, P. T. Brown, formerly. Afternoon, at 2.30. to discuss VV. Oliver Chas. Osser, L. G. Fray, M. comes up to the expectation of every­ a railroad proposition by G.F. Mrs. Tuttle left on Monday with her pany, but not the engine anil boiler, ns body, and will give the city fine fire pro ­ M. W, Harrison lias about completed ! I atling. \V. H. White, J. C. Hathaway a new gasoline engine will be put in. son for Vancouver, Wash. tection and furnish it with tirst-class Livesley and R McDonald. H. D. Mahler, keeper of Cape Meares the work bv which he intends to over­ ami wile, J. Barrecklow. two Sisteis E. D. Severance left on Monday even, flow the low places in his meadow with ¡maculate Heart, W. W. Curtiss, F. R. water for domestic purposes iron» Everybody interested invited. light station, left this week to take ¡ng for his home nt Haines. Killiin Creek. In round figures, the charge of the government light house water from the Trask river whenever Olin and several fishermen. Fine Organ for Sale. cost of the system will be $47.590, Wasco Flour leads them all. It's Blue there is high water. He has bridged the exhibit at the fair during September William Christensen, of Illinois, and which includes $1350 1 tor the first nix Stem Wheat. Colin sells it, county road and made a cut from the For sale, a <'base Organ, almost new, Miss Nellie Younger, formerly with the river so that Ed. Christensen, of Humbolt county. months interest on the bonds Warrants which c<>st $1 10. and which will be sold |. C. Dudley, a merchant of Conway the water can get through, Whitehouse Dry Goods Company of Cal., are visiting their brothers. James already isnued by the Water Commis* for $75, and will take part payment in and in this wav he expect to get one or Kan , is visiting B F. Durfee. Spokane, and a thorough dry goods, suit and Andrew Christensen,whom they had sion are as follows ; trade tor good cow. Chase organs took Money to loan on improved farm pro- and corset sales ladv, is now employed two inches of sediment on his meadow not seen for 17 and 25 rears. In one VV. B. Chase, engineer’s services the first prize at the World’s fair. Ap. everv time there is high water. petty.—Apply to F. R. Beals. at Haltom's Department Store. particular they were disappointed with and blue prints............................ s| $328 0.5 ply at the Headlight office. In constructing the new water system, Tillbmook, on account of t<»ll roads, and VV. O. Chase, liverv team .......... A!l Laundry work; must be paid for Arthur M. Lewis, a socialist lecturer, . 3 00 when delivered.—M. J. Burra stumped the county. He was in this city but two accidents occurred. The first the way | they "heeled’’ about them to Otto Heins, copying specifica­ Found. was a man injuriug his foot when clear ­ the Headlight man was certainly not tions .............................................. Our Diamond C Coffee nt 20c. a pound I on Friday and Saturday and made seve­ 9 80 Found, on the road from Dolph to the can’t lie equalled. At Cohn’s. ral talks, to one of which T. B. Handley ing brush and the second was on Satur verv creditable to the county, for one ol S. J. Stephens, premium oil day when Ed. Curtiss, a pipe layer, was them had been in many parts of the treasurer’s l»on expenditures and receipts can be easily » Store. works.............................................. 48 00 William Jennings Bryan where art thou? dealers IN kept and all checks issued.when returned * * * The schooner Oakland sailed on Friday Handlej & Thaver, defending with pass book, will serve as a receipt Nobody will doubt the patriotism or Beef, and with a cargo of lumber from the Truckee city in law suit............................ 100 oo Your account is solicited by Tillamook Republicanism of Senator Cullom, but saw mill. Wakefield & Jacobson, con­ always on hand. 1 his opinion that some sort of tariff re. County Bank. struction of water works...4,593 27 Willard Craven and Mrs. Craven are vision is now imperative is open to Mr. W. S. Hawk and his friend. Mr. All Orders promptlv attended to. We solicit vonr trade and will treat von well D. B. Lamar, superintending visitiug an uncle of the former at Inde­ question. It may stem imtensable to Hackney, of Kansas, who have been work .. .................................... 78 00 resist revision .|bs16 tp. 3 S rsuge roads. John D. Edwards was in the city on - W. $1" In the County Court <»f th« State of Oregon Cohn's large stock of Seasonable Dry for Tillamook County. Tuesday and brought in the news that Charles W. Brown and wife to Fred A N. I* H.nwn, and Fancy Goods will arrive shortly. work on the first 20 miles of the Port­ PlMintiff, Hunt, tract in sec. 22 tp. 2 8 range We are closing out our Summer Goods.at land Nehalem 4 Tillamook Railroad vn 10 W $10. A. J. Hembree a rut Louis less than cost. Up to date Harness Shop The only complete shop of the U. S. L. O. to David I). Jones 160 acres, Fleck was stopped and that the checks of the kind in Tillamook county. I handle no shoddy goods, but my When you want a new rubber tire on company were dishonored in Portland. N otice ib H emkhy O ivkm ,—That by vir­ secs. 1 and 2 tp. 3 8 R 9 W. $6. tue of an execution fluty ixxtied out of find your hike, Fred Forslund's is the best Farm for sale. 159 acres, near Sand­ prices will compare with those that do. Helmer Springer and wife to William under the weal ol the above entitled court and the above entitled caune, ami to me di­ place to get a good tire. Bicvcle repair lake ; good house and barn ; 40 acres Next door to T illamook C ounty B ank . Local Phone. R om 160 acres in sec- 1 tp. 3 N R 8 in rected, dated the 41 at day of August, 1905, work a specialty. upon a jmlgment rendered and docketed in tide land and 30 acres of bottom and W. $1000. ■ aid court on the Uh «lay of May, 1903, In John Harrison is quite seriously sick in meadow land ; raise 40 tons of hsv »nd Geo. W. Latnband wife and Cyrus Lamb favor <»f plaintiff and agaiiint dt-fcrwlants above-named, for the «urn of $1 49 "<> and this city and it is expected that he wi STATE to b M. Lamb 160 acre«* in aec. 21. the will easily support 25 cows. To be sold further «um ol $7.ÔO, conta and dia- tiumcinrntM of the •< tion I have duly levied betaken to Portland and placed in a cheap if »«Id at once. Inqmre at this tp. 2 8 range 9 W. JUJOO Begins its 24th year Septem1»cr 26th. upon the folloMing described real « -»talc, hospital tor treatment. F. M. and I*. F.I«»uth Haut quarter <»f the South Hunt quarter of Section 2* ami the liant fa tificate*. Higher courses recognized in $21fiu. at Netarts-have been notified to nPPiar of Countv Judge W. W. Conder. County of the North Kant '< and the North East Washington and other States Nelson P. Wlieeler ami wife to William of the S‘»iitli Hunt of Section 33 in Town- before the federal grand jurv and will Clerk G. B. Hare and Assessor A. M. ■ hip 4 South of Raiixt- lo Went of Willamette D en amp for N ormal T it aimed D Merie-reau (J. C. 160 acres sec 21. Meridian Hnre,convened on Monday, but it hn leave on Friday morning for Pottland. T SACHEM. And in compliance with nakl levy of nald also all sec. 36 and all tp. 3 N range very little to do. as most people appear The steamer Sue H Elmore leaves to- rs<-< ution I will, on Saturday, the 7th «lav Longer terms, higher wages and l»ettrr 8 W. $1 of October. 1 90.", at the hour of IO o'<-lock to be satisfied with Mr. Hares as- dav direct for Astona. where she wi opport uni lie* for promotion award the Nelson P. Wlieeler ami wife and William A. M at the eoort houardoov, to-wit: at the sessment. floor of the ■herifFa office in Tillamook Citv, load for Umpqua, and on that account Normal »graduate for his enterpriM-. E Whwe|»*rand wife to William B Tillamook County. Oregon, aell, at public School diret-|ors appreiiate the superior Everv man owes it to himself and his may be several days late on her next auction to the highest bidder for rath in Mersereau Q. C H. tract in tp. 7 3 hand all the right, title and interest which ability nf Monmouth graduates and tbe fam.lv to master a trade or profe.s.on trip. above named defendant, Eic k, hail on demand far exceeds the supply. N, range 7 W, also tract in tp. 3 N the the 4th flay of May, 1903, <;f since hail, in Read the display advertisement of the Walt. J. Smith was brought to the city range s W. containing 11.943 56 arwi to the above rleacrilied real pr >|»rrty, to Special attention given to methods work in graded and ungraded schools. ■atisly said execution, juil^inen . i h inter- on Wednesday by a Deputy U S Marshal s.x Morse Schools oj Telegraphs, m this Catalogues containing full itiformat»-