TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 24. 190b. | jy WOMAN A PESSIMIST. T. BOTTS, Persistency in Advertising it will be able to do so in face of BUILDS OWN HOME. AN.r • c.rt.i. A«« Th«*r ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the changed conditions which What will land be worth in scientific farming is bring about i It is the f ersistent adviser that does the business. S|WH(nodic advertising - W ’ ,rr Complete set of Abstract Books Tillamook county if the boring in the ¡»¡gated districts of East­ streaks are all right so long as they last Plucky Woman Constructs Hous« tc for oil, which is now underweigh, ern Oregon, where they will be but as a rule they do not last long. Live In at Auburn, N. Y. The average woman i» a dyed-in- in office. Taxes paid for non- strikes a “gusher ?” able to raise two and three crops If you are going to the city to make the-wool pessimist. Almo»t every Residents. * « « of alfalfa every year. All of the some purchases your first impulse is to woman over 30 year» of age look» Harina rialahe« the Hons« It««H. distressed. Her brows are bent, her Everybody in the county is in experiment stations claim that scan the columns of the paj»er. If the Office opposite Post Office. Sb« I« Sinkt»« a W«ll In H«r mouth drawn into a tight line, and hopes that the enterprise and per­ alfalfa is the best fodder for milch publication is not con venient, you recall Both phones. Kltahan and Ha« Y«l Io there are deep furrows down her Halid a Bara. severance of those who are now cows. How, then, is Tillamook that Brown lias a large assortment of cheeks. She looks exactly as if sh© Smith carries a complete line boring for oil in Tillamook will dairymen going to compete with clothing, were considering how to provide a of dry goods while Jones is the leading Without the aid of any one Mr». dinner for 25 cents that will satisfy be rewarded by striking a good the irrigated districts of Eastern shoe dealer, etc. Why do these names James H. COOPER, Place, an elderly woman, has small children, when in “ gusher.” And there are pros­ Oregon, where enormous crops suggest themselves to you ? Because the built a house at Auburn, N. Y. There twenty-five reality she may have nothing more of the best and cheapest feed can dealers aie constant advertisers. Their are three rooms below stairs and serious on her mind than buying ft pects of doing so. be raised ? Meadows of yellow names are constantly before the public. two above. She now occupies it with pair of socks for George. No wonder a » * A ttorney - at -L aw , her husband, who is a wounded vet­ women grow old faster than men, Several of the parties who are weed will never Ire able to, and They believe in advertising and by con­ eran of the civil war. for they hug their worries to them T illamook , known to have sold liquor have the dairymen in this county who tinually patronizing printer’s ink, their O regon . The house is plain, but is well let them show’ in their faces. taken their departure from the fail to bestir themselves to im­ names have become familiar with every' built and well finished in the inte- and There was once an elderly servant city. That may be a good move prove their meadows with per­ household in (he section from which their rior. Mrs. Place's special joy is the who was superstitious to a degree winding oak staircase, which she con and who always expected the worst on their part to get out of the manent grasses will soon find trade is drawn. C arl haberlach , The secret of success in advertising strutted with much hard labor. The to happen. Did she find a needle on way, but a bad thing for the themselves lagging behind in rests walls are all ceiled with fine matched the floor, did a picture fall in the largely with the advertiser. Kaep county to allow them to slip out this age of progress and scientific your name Isjfore the public whose busi. hardwood, because Mrs. Place does house or a bird fly into one of the ATTORNEY AT-LAW, when there were prospects of big dairying. Tillamook county has ness acquaintance you must ’nave, Do not believe in plaster. rooms, she was instantly plunged “My husband is not strong, and into woe. “We’re going to have a ^etttechev ¿\bvolictt, fines in sight. But what is the made wonderful strides in dairy­ this and you will sell your goods. for years hasn’t been able to do hard heap of bad luck!” she would say, Office across the street and north from county or the government going ing, and it has prided itself on work,” she said. “We needed a per­ and then she’d be lachrymose until the Post Office. to do with those who violated the being able to raise an abundance Enforcing the Law. manent home, but we saw no way some one had the toothache or the law and still remain in the city ? of cheap feed and without dairy­ “ Give the people an honest adminis­ of having one until I went at it cows got into the corn, when «he men having to buy mill feed, but myself. We bought this building lot * « » tration and enforce the laws. Give them in West Auburn and I put up the would consider the demon luck ex- H* H. GOYNE, this county will have competition good government. VX hen a man is in house. It contains 3,000 feet of lum­ orcised or satisfied for a time and The kid who is running the in the near future, which may grow as cheerful ns it was her habit newspaper at Cloverdale might seriously affect the price of butter office, don’t let him be a thief, but an ber, and by the time I have built to be. Some one once asked her if A ttorney - at .L aw . the piazza and a few outside im ­ honest man. Let him be economical. ask ex-CommissionerC. Ray, w ho and cheese. Whatever benefits provements it will require another she did not have any good-luck signs. Oppose everything that robs the people. rightly objected to the “graft,”if irrigation may bring to Eastern “Why, certainly,’’ she rpplied, “but Office : Opposite Court House, .1,000 feet. they don’t count—T don’t believe in it was not the Signal man who Oregon it will never be able to Let the Democratic party stand for “ I used 50 pounds of large nails, ” The above is said to be the the good-luck ones,” which, by the “grafted” the county 30c. a line obtain the ideal dairying weather that. T illamook , O regon . language of Slieriff Word of Multnomah 15 pounds of spikes, and 20 pounds by, is thoroughly characteristic of of shingle nails. I drove every one for publish the delinquent tax of Tillamook county. County. The time is not far distant of them myself, and I didn’t hit my the sex. list when he was commissioner, Here is a woman who suffers—suf­ I H. UPTON, Ph. G..M.D., when such sentiment will be put into thumb as many times as you might » * * the highest figure ever paid for fers is the word from insomnia. “I effect. The party lash age is fast dis­ expect. Poor Rollie has again become appearing as shown by the increase of publishing a tax list. Because “I have a great deal to do yet. can’t imagine why T don’t sleep,” she PPYSICIAN AND SURGEON. the Signal man was up against the “medinm” for the gam­ the independent vote. It has already Just now I am sinking a well in the says to her friends. “I’m sleepy ns anything when I go upstairs, but Office one block west of the competition and could not elect blers who ran gambling joints in outlived its usefulness and the better kitchen so as not to be dependent then I begin to wonder if my son upon my neighbors for water. Then county official, he could “graft” this city and who robbed citizens element of society realizes it Honesty after Arthur, who travels for a drug firm, Allen House, Tillamook City. my verandas and steps and he pulled his freight. We have and deprived homes of comforts and capability should be the only quali­ walks are added I must grade the is on a train, and in a minute I see Calls answered promptly. no objection to criticism, if it is by their system of gambling. fications required of any candidate for lot. It is 160 by 120 feet, and will him just as plainly bleeding and office. Oregon has had enough of party mangled in a wreck. When T decide require lots of work. fair and truthful, but we do ob­ It was the voters of Tillamook, boss rule as evinced bv what is going on “After that I shall paint the house, that he is really dead, T think of ject to the kid disgracing himself who saw what the low down in R. BEALS, the Federal courts.—Record. and then—then I’ve got to build a John, and worry because he hasn’t a so early in his newspaper career saloon dives and gambling joints barn. Do you see that fine, English better position. Then Molly comes by publishing that which is not were doing who put them out of A dispatch from Yankton. S. D., says bred colt out there” she said, point­ into my mind, and I feel sure that REAL ESTATE, ’ business by their votes—not the arrangements are practically completed ing to a sleek young horse in the one of her children must be ill, I feel true about the Headlight man. so blue about her. I fret over Lucy ’ s next lot. “ Well, that ’ s Kitty. She F inancial A gent , Headlight man. And of the 566 for the purchase of South Dakota land * * * is a valuable colt, and we think the throat a bit then, and by this time There is a strong sentiment in voters who voted for local option worth from $300,000 to $500,000 by the world of her. She has got to have T’m wide awake. It’s the strangest Tillamook, Oregon. favor of the county court build­ not more than 50 were prohibi­ Ancient Order of Hibernians for worthy a home, too, and I must build it.” thing! I don’t understand why I poor of that order who desire to farm. should be so wakeful! ” tionists, but citizens and fathers In one of her tiny front rooms Mrs. ing a bridge across the south fork Her physician does, however, and Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Place has opened a little store. It ^pHOS. COATES, of the Nehalem river. Will the of families who saw that some­ The has offered free transportation, and contains a stock of candy, confec­ now he’s prescribing for her a course thing had to be done with these court, which meets next month, -4- Agent for Fireman’s of cheerfulness and of “ looking for several linndied |>ersons will probably tions and notions, which she will try decide to construct this long felt law breakers and “grafters” who be sent from the East soon. Father Den to sell to the neighboring trade. the best.” It’s a medicine that most Fund and London and Lanca­ want and urgent improvement, ran things with high hand and nady, of Aberdeen, Father Martyr of “Then,” she says, cheerfully, “I women need—their faces show it— shire Fire Insurance but. there are few who are sensible or will it still procrastinate ? It who made citizens drunk and Flandreau, and Monsignor Flynn, of guess we’ll be as comfortable as enough to take it. most folks.” then robbed them at the gamb ­ Companies. Madison, are leaders in tho movement. is up to Commissioner Loerpabel. ling tables. That is the kind of Drffith Canard by MnaqnMA. M » * Tillamook .. Oregon. If he comes down from Nehalem BALLOONING AS A TONIC. Mosquitoes are now charged with determined to make a strong men, who, having no one else to It does one’s heart good to set» a merry, communicating erysipelas as well as round.faced farmer. So independent, fight for a bridge, he can rest as­ jump on, jumps onto the Head­ and malaria and yellow fever. A New OR ABSTRACTS OF TITL x ., yet so free from vanities and pride light man and blames him for sured that he has the public to York physician has issued a death rich, and yet so induetrioua ; so pa So CO TO certificate in the case of a 14 months’ back him. But we do not think “knocking” the gambling joint tient and preserving in his calling, and that the county court will put proprietors out of their “graft." vet so kind, and obliging. There are a Dr. Nangier aaterted at the latest old babe, in which he says “Death TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND of the academy of medicine was caused by erysipelas due to the itself in the unpopular predica­ And poor Rollie is soft and green thousand noble traits aliout Inra which meeting at Paris that experiments he has bite of a mosquito." It is only fair TRUST CO. ment of opposing Commissioner enough to aHow himself to be­ light up hie character. He is generally made demonstrate that a balloon to the mosquito to record that the the “medium" for that hospitable : eat and drink with him, Ascension acts on the human system board of health officers refused to Loerpabel’s effort to secure a come ' T hos . C oates . Pres. accept the certificate until a coro­ bridge for the south fork of the kind of gambling “grafter” to and lie wont set a mark on you, and as the most powerful tonic known. “ roast ” the Headlight man, for A two hours ’ voyage in the air, he ner ’ s physician had investigated and sweat it out of you with a double com. Nehalem river. Watch Nehalem declared, caused astonishing multi­ that there was no other grow—when the bridge is built. Rollie has it in for the 566 voters pound interest at another time. You plication of the red corpuscles in the concluded W. SEVERANCE, who voted for local option, are welcome. He will do you a kind, blood and that condition persists for apparent cause for the death than mosquito bite.—Youth’s Compan­ * * * and like the gamblers, he has ness without expecting a return by ten days after an ascension. Five the ion. It looks as though there will 1 not the courage to attack the way of compensation ; it is not so with such excursions, he averred, are more A ttorney - at -L aw , “Coffee Hear«" I, the Lataat. be one, if not more aspirants, ' voters who put the law into everybody. He is generally more beneficial to an anaemic—that is, a Medical examiners for life insur­ honest and sincere — less disposed to deal person whose blood is thin and wa ­ for congress in every county in < effect, but bangs away at the O regon T illamook in a low and underhand cunning, than tery. or a consumptive—than a so­ ance societies have added the term this district with the exception 1 Headlight man every time he can some other people who might lie men­ journ of three months in the moun­ “coffee heart” to tlieir regular classi­ fication of the functional derange­ of Tillamook. Under these con- | get someone else to load his tioned. He gives to society its best sup. tains. S. STEPHENS, of that organ. Its effect is in ditions, with the direct primary “ ' popgun” for him. What does port—he is the edifice of government and Dr. Naugier believes that the good ments shortening the long beat of the the lord of nature. Look at him in effect begins to be felt immediately, • Real Estate and Fire, Life, law, small counties like Tilla- 1 Rollie think of a man, a gamb­ hotneepun gray and black, gentlemen , heart. Coffee topers, they say, are and that a lengthened stay in the mook stand very small prospects 1 ling “grafter” we should have laugh if you will, but. believe me. he air Health, Accident, Insurance. plentiful, and are as much tied to ■ is only detrimental in causing their cups as the whisky toper. The of getting their favored sons on said, who, ordering liquor and can laugh back if he pleases. Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ nervous irritation. The municipal effect of the coffee upon the heart is ture Co. and Oignns and Pianos, the state or district republican other articles from wholesale council will be asked to provide a more lasting, and consequently Notary Public. large balloon, one capable of taking tickets, for Multnomah and Mar­ dealers, disposes of it in his worse, than that of liquor.—Dietetic Office : Southwest from the Court Houfe, up in the upper air daily 50 patients, ion counties will be the big toads saloon gambling dive, pockets the in the building occupied as a music »tore. Rain an.I sweat or children who are too poor to af­ and Hygienic Gazette, London. have no etiect on in the political puddle in future, money and then takes a short harness treated ford a change of climate. with Eureka IIar- so it will be the Portland “ring” cut through the bankruptcy court ness Oil BUEKIFF'B SAI.lt sists the damp. politicians vs. the Salem “ring” and pays his creditors, perhaps POINTS FOR A BARBER. keeps the leath­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon er soft and pli­ for Tillamook County. politicians who will be sparring not 25c. on the dollar ? It is a arness able. Stitches Yellow’ Fir Lumber Company, do not break. from now on to control the re­ fact also that of the five bank­ a corporation, No rough sair- Plaintiff, BARBER IND HAIRDRESSER. publican party, yet we are told ruptcy cases in Tillamook in re­ face to chafe ▼ 9. and cut 1 he Carrie A. Bailey and Walter C. that the direct primary law cent years four of them were harnrsa not SHAVING, IIAIR CUTTING Bailey, only keeps Defendants. At the meeting of the New York will take the control out of saloons with gambling dives in By virtue of an execution issued out of and State Barbers’ association in Brook shampooing , etc under the seal of the above entitled court in the hands of the political» and connection, and it is just as well the aboveentitled cause, to me duly directed, Ijrn the other day, Mr. Prinz delivered as long by the political bosses. We hope that to mention that C. A. Vogler dated the 12th day of August, 1905, upon a a course of instruction, and among Electric Baths nicely fitted up Goodfor judgment rendered in saia court on the 14th Harness Oil. 4 it may, but we do not believe was one of those who went into other things «id: “When you get day of November, 1904. in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendants and persons suffering with rheumatism. that it will an apprentice see that he has a fair bankruptcy and deprived the each of them, for the sum oi $45 47, and the * « a education and the actions of a gentle­ further sum of $25.00, attorney’s fee. a«d wholesale liquor dealers of money for the sum of $10.00 costs and disburse­ man. nnd don’t let him chew tobacco It is to be hoped, now that the that rightly belonged to them, ments, with interest on said sum of $43.47 or vue it in any form during business from December 31st, 1903, at the rate of six Hadley Lumber Company is in­ and it was gambling joints like percent, per annum, I did, on the 12th day honrs. -Don’t let him get too fresh of August, 1905, levy upon the following corporated and ready to do busi­ that which Vogler aud others wifh the customers. And another described real property situated in Tillamook thffig. should a customer make a con­ County, Oregon, to-wit : The N.R. U of the ness on a fairly large scale, that conducted which, as every sane N.B. of «cc. 27, in Tp. 1 South, of Range fidant of a barber the barber should it will induce some of the timber- aud fair minded persons will ad­ 10 West. W.M., and in pursuance of «aid SEWING MACHINE. not violate that confidence, but con­ judgment and execution I will, on Thursday men and others to embark in the mit, was the real cause of the the 2Rth day of September. 1905. at 10 ROLLER BEARINQ, sider it a professional secret.” There o’clock a.tn.. at the Court House door in lumber business. Once a good county going dry—not the Head­ are said to be 81.000 barber» in N high GRADE. Tillamook City, in said County and State, York stats. to-wit : at the door of the Sheriffs office, start is made, and more saw mills light man. We predicted what sell the above described real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the better it will be for those would take place some few years TEST OF NEW GUN. to satisfy said judgment, execution, interest, who are running them, it will a.oif the saloon keejiers would costs and accruing costs. C. H WOOLFB. DU.»e.,l. ( c.nn Carel««.. not be much trouble to obtain not comply with the law and offi- Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. Monnt. on Fl.eher’. I,lul Dated thia 12th day of August, 1BO5. schooners now that there is a tow cials would not enforce it. If Work anll.taetorlly. boat on the bay ready for service the Headlight man is to be made at any time. Heretofore this the “scape goat” for those who The board of which Col Randolph I. telegraphers president, appointed to test and re was a great drawback to the port voted for local option, he can J UU NEEDED port upon the disappearing g UD car . and enough to cripple any saw stand it and smile at the silly nages, returned from Fischer’, i,land mill, therefore, with brighter things the gambling “grafters” where the t..t. of the twelve, ten and Annually, to fill the new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want prospects in view for the future, are publishing about him, and if •ix-ineh gun» mounted on di.api.ear YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good ing carriage, were made The teat, it is to be hoped that with the new we are compelled to come back habits, to ware very satisfactory, especially with Automatic enterprise that is now put into at them they must blame them­ the larger gOn,. Thirty ,hot.‘ were the lumber industry that the selves. Now, Rollie, tell us fired from the ten-inch ,„n with an HI l.l lltlHTII Hadley Lumber Company will what you think of the gambling interval of 53 ,ee..ndt between I average We furnish 75 per cent, of the Operator* each .hoc Ten abut, were firedT”: and Station Agents in America. Our six be able to lift it out of its long w , “grafters” who are using your school» art the largest exclusive Telegraph the U-inch gun. wlth an average int.e School« |N THE WORLD Established 20 stagnation aud be the means of sheet to roast the Headlight man, valof 59 »eeoods be. ween each?”.' an<* endorsed bv all leading Railway starting up other saw mills. And and what do you think of the Officials. Thia broke the record in the firing of by buying We execute a 8230 Bond to every student this then watch Tillamook grow’ ! guna of ,uch aiae. ” you are up to furnish him or her a position paying from 1 “grafters • . . against „ reliable, he __ „ honest, 340 to $500 a month in States east of the a « • , yourself?___________ Rocky Mountains, or from $75 to $1