TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 24. 190b A WILD AMERICAN.! Eccentric Millionaire Shocks Japan with His Queer Ways. In a paper on defectives, read by Dr. Martin W. Barr, chief physician of the Pennsylvania school for feeble mind­ ed children, before the summer school of philanthropy at the charities build­ ing, a remarkable instance was men­ tioned by him of eccentricity that has caused comment in scientific circles. It was the case of an American mul­ timillionaire who is living in far east­ ern countries and leading a life of such peculiarity as to be almost incredible, says a New York report. According to Dr. Barr, this man is a neurotic. It is estimated that his for­ tune is in the neighborhood of $10,- 000,000, but no attempt has been made to have him declared incompetent; he is left free to run his course. His family are refined and socially promi­ nent. Whenever they speak of the son’s course, they refer to it as his “nervousness.” They will not admit that he has a deranged intellect, though he has left friends and posi­ tion here to take up a life among the “Hanins,” the grave diggers and so­ cial’ outcasts of the far east. “He was a physician, rich, handsome, cultured, of aesthetic tastes,” said Dr. Barr in his paper, “a graduate of one of the most prominent medical colleges in America, and a man who had made a pronounced hit as a specialist. His fortune enabled him to secure every medical appliance known to science and for some years he en­ joyed phenomenal success. Wine and women proved his bane. He sank lower and lower. His peculiarities no longer tolerated at home, he drifted from capital to capital of Eu­ rope, and finally established himself in Japan. With an appetite still un­ satisfied, he exhibited new phases of moral degeneration, causing his body to be tattooed with wonderful skill, every picture a work of art. His back bore a huge dragon, the shading of every scale showing per­ fection of detail. This, on revisiting America, with utmost vanity he shamelessly exposed. He was turned out of the clubs. Returning to Japan, he bought a performing bear and wandered from place to place clad in the garb of Ilanin, exhibiting himself and his bear, and distributing photographs of each and all in endless variety. “This master of eccentricity,” said Dr. Barr, “shocking both Europe and America, and astounding even Jap­ anese next hired a squad of Japan­ ese boys, practically buying them outright from their parents, who, at­ tired in full uniform, are trained in military exercises. To these are op­ posed an equal number of monkeys, dressed as Chinese soldiers, and the war of China and Japan is const ntly renewed for the entertainment of him­ self and his satélites, who watch in the ecstacy of delight the suffering of the poor brutes. Rewards are of­ fered, and the more bloody the con­ test and the greater the atrocities, the more intense the gratification.” > AN EXTRAORDINARY COW. “It doe« me good to ride downtown with Slick in the morning,” remarked a middle-aged citizen, according to a story in the Detroit Free Pre*«. “He lives out in the suburbs and there is always something doing out there, llefore Dick left town his wife and baby were the smarteet on earth, and now that he has become a country jake his horses, cows, dogs and chick­ ens are the smartest on earth. There he is now; just you go and sit by him and start him on his cow.” “Hello, Dick, how are ycu? How's the farm? How's your cow?" asked the mean man, who went over to sit by the farm novice. "Oh, the farm's all right; and the . cow—" replied Dick; "well, she ought to be teaching school—that's a fact, j She's the smartest cow I ever saw. Last night, sir, when she came up to be milked—she's not one of these silly, feeble-minded cow» that have to have somebody drive them up to ■ret their feed—no, sir, when Joseph­ ine came up she was alone—tbe little Jersey heifer. Daisy, that we bought to keep her compenv in the pasture, was not With her e didn't worry, for we thought Daisy had loitered and would come along soon. “But Josephine acted strangely. We couldn't get her in the barn at all- she stood in the lane looking to­ ward the pasture and bawled and bawled and bawled. We thought she was only calling Daisy to »P and come home. Still she wotildn I go in and «till she kept on bawling. Then s<>mebe death, living at Friedrichsruhe. Med­ ical professors of a number of uni versifies are circulating a protest tc the government against the appoint­ ment. asserting that Dr. Schweninget has never written or taught on UM subject of medical discovery. Preach Water Power Projeet. A prominent electrical concern ot Paris, which ia closely connecter with the General Electric company of New York, is now. securing all th« water power available in the depart­ ment of the Alpes Maritimes, with the object of supplying light and power to towns on the southeastern coast of France. The company alsc hopes to supply power for the elec trie locomotives which the I aria- Lyons-Mediterranean railway pro­ poses to test on the Cannes-Monaco railway during the winter. Prefer While al "eel Time Experimenters at the I ni.cr.ity of Chicago have found that mosquito« hale a strong preference for dark red and blue. say. the f hicago Hee onl-Herald. They still seem to be able, however, to And the white spot, now and the«.____________ _ « ratal Wl.»«ke. Prince William made a fatal ml«- 1 take when he offered to renounce I title for the girl. That, says the Chicaro Beeord Herald, left ou in* ducement for the latter. Sheriff’s Sale. In the Circi’!t Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County. After a Vl*l* to Gloaeeater a Peraoa I .Albert Marolf. Plpintiff, v*. la Likely to Have laertaaH I William Eason\, Mattie Easom, Meapeet for IL Jennie Bailey. Claude Thayer and Estelle Thay’er, Defendents. Tt is all interesting to the last de- I Bv virtue of an execution, judgment, order gree to watch and see how the in- ' and decree, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court in the above genuous cod, which a few weeks ag<> ’ entitled cause and to me directed dated the swam happily in his native waters off 5th day of August, ;19O5, upon a judgment ■ and decree rendered and entered in said Court the banks of Newfoundland, is I on the 27th dav of July, 1905, in favor of plaintiff and against the defendant Jennie transformed before your very eyes I 1 the Bailey, for the sums of $335.82 ami $479.67, —some of him into codfish cakes . with interest from that date at the rate of (they call ths little squares, which 8 per cent per annum the sum of $' ' with interest from that date at the rate of 6 are cut to fit the small boxes, per cent per annum, for the sum of$loo.oo as “cakes”) and the rest of him care- an attorney’s fee. and judgment against de­ fendants William E. Easom and Mattie fully preserved to make oil, glue Easom for the sum of.$l 102.50, with interest from that date at the rate of 7 per cent per and fish guano. Verily, as a witty annum, and against defendants for the fur- summer boarder remarked, 'every ther sum of $100.00, and further judgment part of the cod is used except the against said defendants for the further sum of $1923.22, with interest at the rate of 7 smell.” per cent per annum from date of udgment, last sum recovered for the benefit of Certainly, after a visit to Glouces- said plaintiff and defendants Claude and Estelle ter you have increased respect for Thayer ami Jennie Bailey, in their respective and for the costs and disbursments of the fish cake. You realize the part order, suit taxed at $17.60, also the expense of sale it has played in the world’s history; commanding and requiring me to make sale the following described real property, to- how, it has brought about treaties of wit: Situated in Tillamook County, Oregon. between great nations—for Ameri­ Beginning seventy-two (72) rods west of the east corner of the C. H. Uaynes Dona­ can fishermen had to get from Eng­ south tion Land Claim in said county and state ; land the right to fish off the banks— thence north 137.72 rods; thence West 49.03 ; thence south 137.72 rod* ami thence how it has erected lighthouses and rods east 49.03 rods to place of beginning, con­ placed buoys all along the cruel taining 41.50 acres more or less. Together shore, says Leslie’s Weekly. You with certain personal property therein des­ cribed. realize, too, the tragedies it has Now therefore, by virtue of said execution, caused, the widows and orphans it judgment, order and decree, I have duly levied upon, and in compliance with the de­ has made, the loving hearts it has mands of said writ, I wilt on Saturday, the broken—for the cruel reef of Nor­ 9th dav of September, 1905, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the court house door, man’s Woe, where the wreck of the to-wit, at the door of the Sheriff's office in Tillamook City, in said county and state, sell Hesperus occurred, lies in plain sight at public auction to the highest bidder for just at the entrance to the harbor: cash in hanci, all the right, title and interest and you hear heartbreaking stories which the above named defendants or .either of them had on the 2nd day of February. of boats that have gone down with 1903, or since had in and to the above des­ all on board, in the very harbor it­ cribed real property to satisfy said execution, judgment, order and decree, interest and self, before the eyes of loving ones costs and all accruing costs. C. H. WOOI.FK, on shore. Truly, the romance of the Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. codfish cake is no idle sound—after By T hos . C oates , Deputy. Dated this 7th day of August, 1905. you have been to Gloucester. But all Mme. la Comtesye de Loignes still keeps up the only great political salon in Paris. She has a gorgeous home ir the Avenue de Champs Elyseesand her political power is as great to-day as ever was that of Mme. de Maintenon. Count de Mun is the only member of the chamber of deputies who can af­ ford not to attend her receptions. La­ dies leave her severely alone, but men of power are forced to file before her every Thursday from four to seven and to offer incense to this political goddess. Mme. Adam’ once wielded a similar power, but she has been politically de­ serted since Gambetta said he could not be seen in her salons again, and yet she retained her power for years. But Mme. d*e Loignes controls them all. Waldeck-Rousseau consulted her before retiring; she told Paul Descha­ nel not to contest the presidency of the chamber of deputies. She advised the three Castellane brothers to stand for the chamber. Such is her power that President Loubet calls upon her. to the great chagrin of Mme. Loubet, who is an ex­ cellent housewife but not a politician. Frenchmen are superstitious «bout the political power of womeji. says the Detroit News-Tribune. White-haired senators fear her. with the possible exception of Mr. C lemenceau. With her will die the political influence of the French salon. NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Jesse W. Carey, deceased, has filed in the county court of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, her final account as administratrix of said estate, and that Monday,the 25th day ofSeptember. 1905, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M.. at the office of the County Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, has been fixed by said court as the time and place for hearing of objec­ tions to said account and the settlement thereof. Lucy Carey. Administratrix of the Estate of Jesse W. Carey, Deceased NOTICE. FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Portland. Ore., July 22nd, I905. Notice in hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intentinn to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made befoie the Couuty Clerk of Tillamook Co., at Tillamook City, Oregon, on September 7th, 1905, vis. : DAVID F. COULMiN, H E. No. 12678, for the Ne of Section 22, tp. 3 south, range 9 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivât on of said land, viz. : Har ey Poland, Jos. Bixby, Norman Dye. Chas. Johnson, of Beaver, Oregon. A lgernon s D resser , Registe-. RED FRONT SHOE STORE Is now located in the Store formerly used as the Model Restaurant, where LADIES’ GENTLEMEN and MISSES’ CHILDREN FOOT WEAR of the latest and best quality will be constantly kept in stock. My experiance in the shoe business for 30 years give me the advantage in selecting boots and shoes suitable for the Tilla­ mook trade. The public are cordially invited to examine my goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Tilla­ mook county. All goods purchased of me will be repaired at the following rates : Men’s Shoes, half soled 60c Ladies’ „ 40c »? Misses’ „ 35c - M P. F BROWNE,Salesman Pacific Navigation Co. STEAMERS-SUE II. ELMORE, W. II. HARRISON. ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI, BAY CITY, IIOBSONVILLE. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. fol San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. General Agents, ASTORIA. OR B C. LAMB, Agent, Tillamook Oregon. IO. R. & N. R. R. Co . Portland. AgenU JA. & C. IL R. Co.. Portland. Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Express Rates, $1 Per Day Centrally boeated. LARSEN HOUSE, M. H. bflRSEN, Proprietor. TILLAMOOK, OREGON The Best Hotel in the. city. No Chinese Employed NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the In'erior, Land Office at Portland, Ore , July 22nd, 1905. T imber L and A ct , J unk 3 I878 —N otice F ur ADMINISTRATOR’* NOTICE. P ublication . Notice i* hereby given that the following United Btate* Land Office, named settler lias filed notice of his intention t<- N otick is H krkiiy G ivkn ,—That the un­ Portland, Oregon, miike final profit in support of hin claim, and dersigned has been duly appointed by tl e April 2i«t, I905. that nai<> a.m. 1 Portland Union | more than 65.000.000 in the money in Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of 9 40 p in Oregon, has this day filed in this office hl* T imber L and . A ct . J unk 3. 1*78 — N oticb F ob 7:oo p 111. t depot for Astoria, i circulation. So you see you are bet­ 1 sworn statement No. 6618, for the pun base of PUBI.ICATK.N United States Land Office, ter off than you were a year ago—if N E % of se<- No. 12, in tp. I South. Range Arrive ASTORIA Portland, Ore., Leave I No 7 West, and will offer proof to show you get your dues. July l3th. I90*- 1 1 that the land »ought i* more «valuable foi Notice is hereby given that in com liuiice In fact, you are getting better off its timlN»r or stone than for agriciiltiifal our ifor Portland and t 11:3O a.m pose*, and to establish his claim to said land with the provisions of the act ofcongr»>« of 1 7 45 n m way points. | 10:30 p m all of the time. What has happened before the Regi*ter and Receiver of till* office June 3. 1M7A, entitled “An art for the side of 1 <» p.m. 1 since 187»? The population has In­ at Portland, Oregon, o*i Friday, the 6th timber lauds in th«- states of Cahfoi ill*. Oregon Ne\ ado and Waahliigton TrrriUiry “ as extended of <>«-tol»er, »905. He names a* witnesses SEASIDE DIVISION. creased 5« per cent., and the money i I day John W Boals, t harlns F. Ehman. George W to a 1 the Public Land Stairs by net of August 4 in circulation has Increneed 17« per Greenman, of Portland, 0 rgon; Daniel (. Hl'KrlU V HOI.1ISWOK1 H. of Sunnyside, Oregon. ASTORIA Arrive Leave cent., and more than one-half <.f that I Bowers, Any and all persons claiming adversely th* Of Portend, county of Multnomah, State increase in circulation has been in above de«crilmd and* are ieque*t«*d Io file theh of Oregon has this day filed in this office her rUiin* in this office on or before »aid 6th da» sworn statement No. C626. lor the nunhiuw 11:35 a.m . < for Heaslfle Direct > 5 20 p.n gold or in gold certificate«. of the Lol 8, tn *ca. 84 tp 4 N, raiTge S W lota I of October, i*>5. AM.EaNON 8. D memkr , Register. wild 2, and Se K Ne %, of *eection No Arrlv« 3, in Tewnshlp No 3 N»-rOi. Range No Leave ASTORIA SmeM ibe Ws.to«.,«. S West «nd will offer proof to show tliat the I A correspondent writing to the T imbeb L and , A ct J une 3, IB7K.—XoricE fos lan-i sought is more vHluable for if» timber r P ublication . or «tune than for agricultural piirp<»*'a and Io > 1 h 1 5 a in. i for Warrenton, ( •10,4.5 a t Chicago Tribune says: “A numlier United States Mud office Ifiimmond Ft / fstnloish her claim Io »awl bind before the • i Portland Oirgon 7:40 a.r 5 50 p.m. » Strvens, ? easide.J of years ago the bones of a mastodon Ifegistei Slid Rt Oh er of his office al Pot tin nd , Inly 1th, iyr>5 if rgon, on Thiir»d»i' , the 1 /th day of <><■ ol»er were found in a swampy farm near Notice Is hereby given that iu r«.inpliaiM» She nam< a a* wiliicMH * Arrivi SEASIDE Three Oaks. Mich. The university with the provisions of the act of < ofigre»* of W. n . Hrya it. of Portland Oregon; Timothy , Leave 3 1*7*. entitled An act for the sale ot Corcoran, of Jr well Oregon W A heeler. was notified, and some men came to Juue tiro’»er lands 111 the States of California, oh of Portland, Ojegon . Cora E Wheeler, of * 4 30 p m. 2 for Astoria Direct >12:30 p. 5 disinter the 'remains.' I was stand­ gun, Nevada and Ha hlngtoii lemtory a* Portland. Oregon exteru1e«| to all the Pub ic Land Mate* by act of Any anil all nerson* c aiming adversely th ing nest to the old farmer who August 4. >892, at»o\r <|r«< rtb» d land* are requrnled to file their ’ Leave Arrivi SEASIDE PERCY J WILE). owned the land, when it suddenly oc­ < i»ini- 111 this -iflir c on or I m -fore said 12th da) > Tillamook, county ot Tillamook. 8t»U ol of October curred to him that he could throw (if Oregon has thia day filed tn this office ln> 0«. A miebbo N 8 D bf . bsfb , Register. 6.15 it.ni. i for Warrenton Ft light marked: 'Waal, naouw, I thought Ï ol NOTILK <>r FIN MF.TTLF.MF.NT. U and Nw W of *4 8r<-ti«m No smelt somethin’ last winmer when 1 U. in Township No 5 sovth Range 10 W, Notice in hereby given that the undersign ' and Wil! offer proof to »how that the land A.lilitl. >nal train leaves Ast» irin dully was daoun here plowin . sought is more raluable for Its timl>er 01 ed. Hdmini*trat»M of the Estate of Georg« :e •tone than f<»r agricultural pur|Hwe»^ and to Hunt. I>ecea*r<“, h.i" filed in the County Court tll 30 a in. fi»r nil points on Pt. fitey* brnneh. arriving Ft. Stevens 12:30 p m , of I illnmook County, Mate of Oregon, her establish his els I tn to *«id land before th* 4 Mfa*l*ter’s B**r Life. I’ounty clerk of Tillamook County. Orf., at final account a* administratrix of «aid An Ohio mlni.ter traveled 300 miles Tillamook City, Ore , on Tuesday, th»* 3»d day E«tate and that Monday, the 11th day of turning, lefivea Ft Stevens Mt 2 OO p m., fieptemlier 1**5, at the hour of IO o’clock A. riving Astoria 2:45 p m. 1^)5. He names as wiliiesse« to get home to vote at the local op- *ftxtol>rr, • Bunday only, Walter H*ke? waiter < lteen fixed by said court a* the Through tickets «nd close connection Any «nd all persons «laimiBg «Mjvetaely the time ami place, for hearing of objection* to mile.-by rail. IT mile* by carriage. N. I’ Fy at Port bind and (koble and <> above describe'« land* are requested to file their ■aid account and the settlement thereof. 130 miles on a bicycle a ml 7 miles , claims In this office on or before said 3rd day Augusta Hunt. Ac N. Co , via Portland. Administratrix of the Estate of l9i»S ~ afoot. He led the prayer meeting of (jetolwr. AtxiFKWnw« j c. M.yo, g . r. f George Hunt deceased. naRsswB Register Around the World TIME CARD. jollifying over the result.