Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 24, 1905, Image 2

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    ____ ______
_ _ * poor
___ ________
’ niant,
where the
of that order
mar Sweden to do then will be to accept the |
find self-supporting home», with the situation, make it» peace with Norway,
accompanying offer of free tran»porta I and try to enter into some sort of an
tioi by the railroad »»»tern which alliance which will keep these two bran-
traverses the territory ; the purchase ' che» of the Scandinavian race in har-
Embalmed Beef Once More.
of 164.000 acre» of Western land for mony. By the display of a little wisdom
The Beef Trait is threatened by other $1,800,000 by the Co operative ChrU- J on both »ide» there can easily be estab
lungers than those arising from prose- tian Federation, giving a ranch sixty lished an era of better feeling between
ution for violations of the Interstate m les long and twenty five miles wide I Norway and Sweden ns separate nation»
Commerce act. At the ti«»e of the formore »ell supporting homes, and than ha» existed in recent year» between
Spanish War the country was greatly other similar instances show that the [them a» partners in their ill assorted
rxcited over the charge that beef pack.
movement has taken a deep hold on union.
?rs had used chemical preservatives on widely separated classes of people, and
After Sweden recognize« Norway« in-
the meat sent to the soldiers. This was is in a fair way toward being worked dependence, formally or tacitly, recogni-
denied, and, while it was shown some out in a satisfactory manner. Thee- tion bv the rest of the world will come
beef had been experimentally treated, a «emi private undertakings, the action of quickly. It is possible, indeed, that
or <111 pn*3ir uimri vns iii^n, mu avuvii vi -i----- -
-- — r
long investigation failed to prove that the government in continuing as fast as ■ King Oscar will allow one of his sons to
the regular supply sent out under con­ possible the opening of lands heretofore take the Norwegian throne, if the offer
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
tract from the packing houses was ’’em rwaovod the rush which follows every >" ‘hat direction still holds good. It
reserved, the rush which follow« every
balmed.” Now, however, comes the
announcement of drawing« for home
State Dairy and Food Commissioner of
steads, and even for short term lease, Norway become a republic, but the pres­
Pennsylvania with the discovery that
h >lda like the Uintah reservation open­ sure from the outside is likely to prevent
beef sold in that State has been made
ing an<l the Kiowa and Comanche this, at least at the outset. Russia, Ger­
unwholesome bv drugs.
leases in Oklahoma, and the increase in many, Sweden, Austria-Hungary, Den­
Dr. Warren and his subordinateshave
value of the irrigated land« in the North mark and Italy wonld naturally be
examined meat sent out from the six
West, nil indicate the force of this latest against a republic. Probably a majority
greatest packing concerns. The chemists
development of the idea that the man- of the Norwegian people would prefer
found samples which had been colored
leas land is the proper place for the that sort ol a government, but they are
with aniline dyes, dipped in formaldehyde
Agents for the Great Western Saw
likely to be swayed by their enyiron.
solution, dusted with sulphites and
The work should lie encouraged and ment to a considerable degree. It would
washed in strong boracic acid. The in­
aided. It means the reclamation of a I be easier for Norway as a kingdom to
vestigations lead to the belief that the
large part of the present human waste of put herselfin political accord with Swe­
packers regularly treat such part of
the great cities, the building up of a den and Denmark, the other branches of
Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
their product as is not conveniently
sturdy American citizenship having a the Scandinavian race, than it would as
placed on the market in a natural con.
real stake in the country, and a moral,
dition with these chemicals, and work
I mental and physical uplifting of which people may be nearer at hand for the
of! meat as Iresh which had been chemi­
the materia) benefit to the nation at Norwegians than the world realizes.
cally saved from taint or in which actual
large as well as to the individual cannot
weighing 900 pounds will eat and make |
taint is artfully concealed.
lie measured by the standard of dollars
Live Stock Note*.
g >od use of more feet than other cows «*«.ae V.WssWsVMWWWua » L vjm
In view of these discoveries it might lie
and cents.
well for the proper authorities to find
Fattening hogs on pinon nuts is the weighing 1,000 It pays to give a dairy
out wlmt sort of meat is being worked
latest money-making method in Colo­ cow all the feed she will eat. provided
Dairying As a Diversion.
off on our people. Of course, it is possi­
rado. Half a dozen hog farms have she returns a proper equivalent at the
This thing of fashionable society wo been started in Conejew county this milk pail. Otherwise it is better to re-1
ble that the chemicals found in Pennsyl­
vania have been applied by local butch men going into the dairy business as a year, with the pinon nut as the staple place her with one that will do so.
ers or by delivery agents of packing diversion from dissipation seems to be feed, A quarter a pound for bacon is
The fact that less farmers engage in (
agents of packing houses who were getting epidemic. The latest announce­ the net result.
fall dairying than in the summer sea­
loaded up with stock in danger of deter­ ment is that a Miss Chanler, ’’member
High, dry land makes the best sheep son convinces us that they have not
ioration. In that case the “ embalm­ of an old Knickerbocker family of New j pasture, especially for the lighter yet gained the knowledge that the
ing" may be purely local, though if York,’’ has embarked in the business on breeds, sheep that can climb easily. most profit arises from following the
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Raglan’s Rain Coats.
Pennsylvania handlers of meat indulge a large scale. She is running a “model" The heavy mutton breeds do better on I dairy business with cows coming fresh
Exlusively to Measure.
in this practice there is no reason to sup­ dairy, creamery and stock farm, and as comparatively level land, but no breed in the fall. When butterfat brings 25 ,
pose that all of their brethren in other she.enjovs an annual income of |30,000, of sheep will do well on low, wet to 32 cents a pound it is the time it.
parts are more virtuous. If, on the it is hoped she may make both ends ground. An occasional day on a low pa vs big money to produce cream. It!
Come early and secure first choice.
other hand, the preserving is done in meet. It is perhaps l>etter that she should pasture may be all right for a change is safe to say it v^jll never reach that ,
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Chicago and Kansas City, there is every spend her income paying dairy help and if they are permitted to find higher price in any season other than late fall
reason to suppose that it affects the encouraging cattle raisers than in giving ground at night.
and winter.
supply of the whole country. It is to be late suppers and buying Hash haberdash­
Never milk with the thumb and fin
Excessive heat, where ample shade
hoped that the Pennsylvania authorities ery. The wealth of the idle rich can not and plenty of water are not provided, ger. Never pull down upon the teat.
will vigorously prosecute all offences of be better spent than in encouraging may prove more detrimental to hogs Never strip. You get less milk. You
which they have evidence and let us agriculture, hut perhaps if the owners than severe cold. At this time of the ruin the elasticity of the milk duct,
know how far this sort of deception in undertake to follow their capita) into the year shade and water are very impor­ and you make her a hard milker or a
and manipulation of food products is business they may do more harm than tant.
“ gurgler.’’ Some one mav say ’* strip
good. There is danger that these high­
The importation of live stock from ’em” and “ strip’em clean,” but this is
No doubt, if proof of ’’ embalming" is flyers may demoralize the markets, in­ Argentina for slaughter at British nonsense, and, the practice should not
over-whelming, the packers, like the troduce extravagant methods and turn ports is prohibited, but the South be tolerated, much less cultivated
J. P. AbbEfi, Proprietor
vegetable and fruit canners, will protest the whole agricultural world topsy-turvy American shippers get around this by Milk properly. Milk until each quar­
that they are being persecuted, and But, if our society leaders are determin­ sending live sheep to Antwerp, where ter is emptied, and when vou get all
make excuse that the public demands ed to try their hands at dairying it will they are slaughtered and the fresh mut­ the milk quit. But your task is not
boracic acid and will not be satisfied to be well for them to go to school awhile ton re-exported to England.
done until you have called the cow by
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
eat meat not so flavored
If that is before embarking The first thing for
It is estimated that there are about name and gentlv patted her side and
of caUlo iu the wor|j The made sure you have left her in a friendly
true, and natural beef and mutton are them to do is to unlearn about all they I 3l9 t)00
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation
no longer marketable, by all means let have learned l»efore ar.d acquire an en greatest producing countries per capita mood.
us have the “ embalmed" article, but let tirely new stock of knowledge.
are Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.
The Independent Church.
To start with, “ my Indy’’ will linve These countries have 7
us enjoy a conscious indulgence of our
and 41^
taste. Don’t fool us. Chemical preser­ to contract new habits Instead of stay­ catlie per capita in the order named, TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.
vatives may be not merely harmless, but ing up all night and retiring about 4 The United States is crediteli with
The Independent Church holds that
actually beneficial—the medicine which o’clock, she will have to exactly re­ almut three-quarters of an animal |>er whatever obligations were incurred by
we all need for the ills of our modern verse the custom by retiring nt sun. capita.
the law of God, orthe precepts of Christ,
life. The point nt issue is not one of down and rising with tbe lark. Nor
In their primeval slate, swine sub- were satisfied by Christ on the cross. | Repairs Guns, Locks, Typewriters, Keys, Bicycles and
can she leave everything to the help, listed on grass, roots, nuts and water That neither God or Christ have any
preservatives, but of honesty.
Sewing Machines. Makes a Specialty of Plumbing.
but will have to take hold herself, at That swine raiser of to-day who uti­ jurisdiction, that the Holy Ghost is the
— m
Shop, Opposite McIntosh .McNair's.
" Back to the Soil ”
lizes the largest possible amount of only God we are answerable to, and un-
AA ,
A - —.A CLA —
. .
v v v
0~ O 0 ft AAAA ft ft ffftfrdYft
ence. A Saratoga beauty sitting under pasturage will make more money and like the law ol God that was given on JkAAA
When the announcement was made
a cow may fascinate a poet at first have healthier hogs than the one who tables of stone, or the precepts of Christ
some time ago by the lenders pf the
on paper, the will of the Hcly Ghost is
view, but all the poetrv is apt to be furnishes corn, water and a dry lot.
Salvation Army that to place ” the
revealed through the conscience.
knocked out by “ Old Brindle’s" first
landless man on the mnnlcss land" was
2nd—That with our increased know
kick. Then the proprietress will find ' be well fed with the proper kind of
leg< has come the art and science of' If you are in want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
one of the principal causes for which the
that it is harder to get satisfactory feed. Cora is not the right kind, and adulteration.
uriny was working, a step was taken help Ilian it was when »he lived in her jbould
be fod exoluMv’el'y to "the
3rd —The importance of the future;
toward relieving the dangerous con-
city palace. The hired man can't be i working or growing horse. If you want generations.
gestion among the poor of the big cities
depended on, as he hate» milking on horses that are able to do work feed
The government is powerless to deal
and bringing into clearer view a solution
general principles, and aims to torn them on oats and you will soon see that with these questions, for it cannot com- |
of the problem of civic betterment. The
the cow dry as soon as possible for there is a difference.
pel a man to respect his conscience, or
slogan, ** Back to the soil !’’ became
the purpose of getting rid of his extra
prevent him from using spurious goods,
something more than a sentimental
job. The awkward and inexperienced
nor inculcate the love of prostenty. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines,
Dairy Dots.
watchword, aqd methods for carrying
girls destroy more than they save, and
These principles belong strictly to the
out the idea Ixgan to command practical
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
A cow is decidedly a creature ot habit, work of a church.
the rich venturer in tbe business is
J. C. G ove .
Send us hat of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
apt to find that there are leaks every­ and care should be taken in all ways to
That individual initiative would never
Public is Aroused.
where in the business that will soon conform to her peculiar habits.
accomplish any lasting result was fore make the large outside income look I Milk when fresh is a thin emulsion
The public is aroused to a knowledge
T?"s is certify. that I have this 27th day of December, 1904, inspected and
seen early in the struggle, if the initia­
like 30 cents. We don’t think any of of fat in a very watery solution of of the curative merits of iliat great med. 7arn,"ed the NurseryStock of Mr E. P. Smith, of Tile Eastwood Nurseries, Gres-
tive were to be left in the hands of the
icinal tonic Electric Bitters, for sick ■’¡’¡"■OrcRon, and so far as I am able to ascertain, have found it in good, market.
these rich women will be acting the albuminous matter.
Moniaeh, liver and kidneys. Mary H ,
nnd clear °[ »"T serious insect pest or disease. Their methods of
individual most to l>e benefited. When
part of dairy maid very long before
Often a good cow fails to manifest Walters, of ,46 St. Clair Ave., Colum- ,lai|dling and growing stock are first class
Mayor I’ingrec started his ’* potato they are heard sighing for their old [ her goodness until she gets into the
bus, 0., writes. "For several months. I
WILBUR K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District,
patches" in Detroit’s vacant lots the
life of idleness and late hours, swell j hands ot a painstaking, intelligent was given.up(to die. I had fever and
plan was received with laughter, in
ague, my nerves were wrecked : I could L.
dressing and champagne suppers. j breeder.
not sleep, and my stomach was so weak,
which those whom he sought to aid
Still, if they have the money to throw
I" making good butter there is al- from useless doctors' drugs, that I could
joined heartilv ; but the plan had
nwav nobody will object to their in- ways plenty <»f time to do everything not eat. 8oon after beginning to take
merits, not the least ot which was that
vesting in a lot of fancy cows and ex- just right; if you find there is not Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and
it pointed a way out of a serious muncii
inn short time I was entirely cured."!
pensive stables.
But dairying is a time, then you are oot making good Guaranteed
at Chas. I. Cloughs drug
pal difficulty. Other cities took it, modi,
mighty serious business, besides being butter,
, price, 50c.
tied and improved it, until now small
Cow pea hay is the refinement of
of the huntdrum order and requiring
gardens, where the young idea is taught
Peculiar Dissappearance.
lots of work, to say nothing of the ex. feeding Like silage, the more one has
how to grow thiugs good to eat and
J. D. Runyan, of Butlerville. 0... laid
pert skill and life.long experience re­ of it the happier he is, and when it
to appreciate the value ot land, are part
the peculiar disappearance of his pain-!
gives out the greater the consterna- ful
symptoms, of indigestion and bili-
Spruce and Cedar Shingles.
of the public school equipment in several
tion. Cows do best on what they like ousness. to Dr. King's New Life Pills !
cities. The science of Agriculture, which Norway Cuts Loose from Sweden.
Cheese and Butter Boxes specialty
has developed amazingly in the last
Beet pulp probably is about equal to tor dizziness, sour stomach, headache
decade and has been brought by agri,
All that any Norweign ever said about corn salage if led to dairy cows. A ton constipation, etc." Guaranteed at Chas
I. Clough's drug store, price 2 ic.
cultural colleges and schools to a point the unpopularity of the Swedish con­
of beet pulp and a ton ot silage when
where the graciousness and beauty ot a nection has been more than borne out
fed alternately are worth much more
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
thoroughly tilled farm are made as ap. bv the referendum on that wane which
than two tons of pulp or two tens of with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a. they cannot
reaeh the neftt of the disease. Catarrh in a blood 1
parent as its practical utility, has been has just been had. Out of more than
silage, because cows like to hare a or constitutional di«eaae and in order to cure it -
placed w ithin the reach of thousands to 321,1X10 votes cast by the people of Nor­
must take internal remedies. Hall «
I change of feed and variety increases the ( you
starrh Care is tsken internally, and sets di­
whom it was u sealed book not many way on the questionof the dissolution of
rectly on the blood and nincoui* urfaces. Hall ■
How of milk.
years ago. One result of all these efforts the tie with Sweden, all except 161 were
»• no* ■
medicine It was
Consumers of butter at Springfield, prescribe by onset
the be«t phyMciana in this i
and tendencies is seen to-day in the for dissolution. Among all the world's
Mass, who have recently noticed the Tt is compel of the best tonics pn
known com
demand of dwellers in overcrowded cities plebiacitums on any issues, this vote by
A aa A A3p
with me
the bvq Dioo.1 purifier*,
purift.r-, actin«
lu-ting di
unwonted golden hue of the article, Hurl wnn
iwtly ou the mutaua ffurfocn
The perfect
for homes of their own where there are the iwople of Norway comes nearest to
are pun led over one denier's state- com bi nation of the two ineredlenf is wh!tpr?
plenty of fresh air and room to grow absolute unanimity. There will be no
duevs «»vh wonderful res dis in curing Catarrh
ment that an unusual crop of dande­ Scud
foe testimonial« free
and expand and live a rational life
uncertainty hereafter in Sweeden or any­ lions in Vermont and western Mnssa-
F J CHHNKY ft CO Prop... To Mo 0
Sold by druffxts(<« price
Brom the efforts of individuals have where else regarding Norway's sentiment
l chusetts is responsible lor it, and the
Hall's Famih Pills are the bes
developed movements by organised on this important question.
explanation of a less poetic dealer that
bodies, and the current news tells plain
This will be the next move in the mat- it is probably due to a greater use of
Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre-
Iv to those who read understanding!? ter of separation f Probably this will
coloring matter by the dairyman
enced dentist is located in
that the tide of human life is setting be taken at the meeting of Norway's
In feeding dairy cows for a large Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and
landward with a strong and steady storthing on August 21. Sweden is not
milk yield individuality must be stud­ is prepared to do nothing but
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Hoary Forging
flow. The purchase of South Dakota likely to do anything until Norway's
ied to obtain maximum results because first class work and give the
lands worth upward of half a million pailiment acts officially, at its meeting
cost differ. It is customary to esti best of satisfaction
Fine Machine Work a Nperialty.
■ _ , — If your
dollars by the great Irish benevolent next week, on tbe popular mandate tor
mate a certain amount ot feed for a teeth need fixing call opon
association, the Ancient Order of Hiber- separation. All that will be left for thoussnd pound cow, but some cows him.
Tillamook Ijeabliglit.
Fie<i C. Kaker. Pnbllalier.
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Fine Line of Choice
K new summer
For Gentlemen’s Garments to Order.
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts,
SARCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook.
The Best Hotel.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
pFRED FORSLUND, the Tinner & Plnmber.
Gresham, Oregon,
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
Tillamook Iron Works
General Machinists & Blacksmiths.