TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 17. 190b Editorial Snap Shots. may boycot us, but the young American can make use of some of our surplus and grow to bless the land. J. C. G ove . The Curse of Parentage. SLOW PHILADELPHIA' T. BOTTS, FRANCE’S BURIED CITY. A ttorney - at -L aw . Is the government officials going to TO Till EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Complete set of Abstract Books The Funny Flings st the Quaker take a hand in running down those who “ Visiting the iniquity of the fathers are known to have sold liquor without upon the children, and upon the chil Robber Soots to Hit. City Not All Well Founded. in office. Taxes paid for non­ a government license ? It looks that ! dren, unto the third and to the fourth Interesting ruins which point to E ccenk , Or., Aug. 16 — A daring hold ­ Residents. way. generation.’’ the existence of a buried city have 4 M * the woods of Charben The curse of parentage is contrasted up occurred on Main street ol this city been found in Did the earth open up and swallow by the blessing of parentage. “ That in at 1:40 o'clock this morning. A masked Office opposite Post Office. nierre, near the chateau of that down two of the witnesses who were re­ blessing I will bless thee.’’ “ And in thy man entered the Hoffman House, one ol Both phones. name, some miles distant from Or­ quired in the gambling case today ? How seed shall all the nations of the earth be the principal hotels, demanded that the leans. Two tombs composed of mon­ awfallv funny. Well, they will come blessed.’’ My grand ¡parents had large night clerk open the cash register and olith stones, in one of which the re­ Those who have grown accustomed back to earth, by-and by. families, their children reduced their hand him the contents of the till quick. to the almost proverbial expression, mains of a skeleton were reposing ^^7 H- COOPER, have been found under ancient oaks. * M The clerk hedged by saying he had not What the Headlight has contended for families one-half, my generation are the possession of the key. With an oath, “As slow as a Philadelphian,” have They were at a depth of 30 centi­ and still contends, that if the peace offi­ either barren or have only one or two the man left the office and ran down the never gone beyond the humorous con- meters below the soil. It is esti­ A ttorney - at -L aw , cers would swoop down upon and ar. children, it appears that the next genera street. The clerk gave the alarm and of­ sideration of tie matter, write» Dr. mated from the nature of the stones, William Ellis Tring», in the Chicago their dimensions and form, that the rest those who violate the law it would , tion will exterminate us entirely. The ficers Croner and Farrington gave chase tombs data from the sixth, seventh soon put a stop to gambling and selling curse of parentage is hard thing to over­ The latter, overtaking the despe rado American. T illamook , O regon The newspaper» have made it the liquor, and which would l>e a saving to come and unless counteracted by the near the court house, ordered him *.o brunt of humorous thrusts, tho or eighth century. According to a local tradition on blessing of God, inevitably results in the taxpayers as well. Wouldn’t it be the death of a race in from three to throw up his hands and suirender. The theme has furnished* food for carica­ this siie. which was formerly crossed surprise if they did ? hold up's response was three shots from turists on occasion» when more mo­ by a great Roman way, many cen­ four generations. 4 * » haberlach a big revolver in quick succession at the mentous problems have lain in »lum­ turies ago an important city stood, Our ideas are moulded largely by our The beaches in Tillamook are not only bering quiescence, lecturer» have of which the ruins still exist, though officer, the first shot taking effect in the parents ’ teachings and parents take one attractions for outsiders, but for citizens scored introductory points about it, crowded and crushed under the earth ATTORNEY AT-LAW, of this county as well, and it is a great or two sides, either that children are a fleshy part of the left leg, incapacitating and knights of the “heel and clog long «»go by wood cutters and exca­ the officer for further pursuit, and the Jleittecher ¿tbvokiit, have come to reaort to it as a vindica­ vators. pity that the roads are not kept in better natural result of God’s blessing to be condition for the summer travel. The entrusted to his providential care, or an hold-up escaped. The officer is not se­ tion when old- and memorable gray­ This tradition attributes to this Office across Hie street and north from haired joke» hare failed to find market buried city the name of Sergy. It Netarts road ought to be resurveyed so encumberance and expense, in which riously injured. the Post Office. in the playhouse» of the beautiful city is probable that these tombs are not as to make it easy driving from Tilla- , the curse ol God is exemplified. I never E. L. Mitchell, ofKnappa, was arrest of homes. the only relics in this place, and that mook City as well as fixing the road heard but one side of the question and ed by Constable Utzinger on an informa So far ha» this over-indulgence of a a well-condudcted search would re­ that was a barren life for happiness, H. GOYNE, from Garibaldi to the beach. well-taken criticism extended-, that one charging him with wife-beating veal an entire cemetery, whose ex­ that those who had children had want, lion * * 4r Before the case was called in Justke may hear in England and as far away tent would give an idea of the impor­ “Graft!” That is a matter which is and a thankless task. I can't help but Goodman's court. Mrs. Mitchell agreed as the orient, stories invested with rid­ A ttorney - at .L aw . causing newspaper comment all over the think that those children born under the to have the information changed to a icule for patient Philadelphia, the long- tance of the buried city. country. It need cause no surprise in 1 parental curse might as well have never complaint charging assault and battery, suffering and never-complaining home A BLIND GIRL’S POWER. Office : Opposite Court House, condition that the delendent openly of as lovely and loving a community of Tillamook, for the system of toll roads been born, but there is no excuse for on acknowledge his guilt, promise never to is nothing but a ______ graft, anyway, for they „__ . . ' this condition, parents are responsible, strike her again and also agree to sup­ people as God ever made. .............. Sh» D»«»«.« Abecnc» of Flo»v»r» from T illamook , O regon . A certain lecturer in Scotland, com­ Dlalntf Room the Moiu»nt sav to every home seeker who travels the God is disposed to bless those who trust port his wife and family. Mitchell prom memorating the disposition of his fam ­ ised all these things and was released She Enters. public highway into this county, “Dig up | in him. It is only those who hate him upon paying the court costs. The case ily said: “I have three children liv­ Q H. UPTON, Ph. G.,M.D., there, you can’t get into this man's that have to suffer the curse. My i is an especially aggravated one, as the ing. and one in Philadelphia, Pa.” A There Is a wealthy young woman country unless you pungle up ! The few socialist friends tell me that their plan woman has eight small children, two of well known long distance walker ath­ living m Philadelphia, says the Times, mossbacks don’t want any more people will correct this evil by destroying them being twins only six months old, lete, losing the championship in a who has the misfortune to be blind. P pysician and S urgeon . in the county. ” poverty. If that were true those above anti, according to the statement of wit time walk from Washington to New When traveling as a young girl she ness, has been brutally treated by her York, condoled his defeat and amused * * * Office cne block west of the want would be the most prolific, but it husband. ____________ ___ contracted Roman fever in Italy and The yellow weed is going to be perma­ his admirers by declaring that he was lost her sight. She is the only living is the reverse. The man who waits Allen House, Tillamook City. nent in this county. The question for the far ahead of his old-time record, when, member of her immediate family now. untd be can afford to raise children is PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. farmers to decide is whether they want on arriving in the city of Philadelphia, Calls answered promptly. and occupies a handsome house in the either too old or finds something more —Harry—“You »ay Maude sings like his feet went to sleep, and he was un­ a permanent weed or a permanent grass profitable or entertaining. Sinclair savs: an angel. Why, I never heard her sing able to proceed- further with hi» ac­ residence part of the city. She has a growing in their meadows. They can ' companion who seldom leaves her, but “ The sinful interference of hypocritical at all!” Penelope—“True; but did you customed agility. the ability she shows for conducting have either. Some few persons think R. BEALS, relatives, in homes which would other­ ever hear an angel sing?”—Harlem The members of a flourishing base ­ her own affairs in spite of her misfor­ that if once brome grass is allowed to wise be heavens upon earth, cries out for Life. ball te«m. on alighting from the train, tune is wonderful. Her remaining get a foolhold it will be hard to get rid REAL ESTATE, every uteraucc and influence for its sup­ —Mrs. Dahlgren—“Ah, Mr. Phipps, I each appeared armed with a giganrtic senses are marvelously acute, and it of it. We hope it will, for grass is what pression.” A case authentically reported saw you in church last Sunday.” Mr. alarm cLock which they proceeded to , seems to people who are not well ac­ is required and the making of the county F inancial A gent , to me is as follows. After the clergyman Phipps—“Yes, it rained, you know. carry about the town to keep them | quainted w ith her almost uncanny her —not yellow weed. cognizance of everything going on had pronounced a happy couple man Was that the reason you were there, awake. Tillamook, Oregon. * * 4 too?”—Cleveland Leader. A still more unfortunate, but actual around her. On one occasion recently, The proper system for the water com­ and wife, and the new made husband —Reason to Be Thankful.—“Was your occurrence is the one recorded in the when her companion was away at din­ mission to adopt in selling water for had brought his youthful and innocent office-seeking trip to Washington a suc­ undertakers’ journals that Philadel­ ner time, the butler, either by intent HOS. COATES, power is by meter. That is the best and , bride to his father’s home, his mother cess?” “Yes; in a way.” “You got a phia is the only city in the world en­ or carelessness, failed to place flowers fairest way, for then everybody pays for crushed the trembling heart of the new place?” “No. But my present em­ joying the distinction of having had on the dining table, according to hi*, Agent for Fireman’s the amount of water they use and will made w‘ife as she stood upon the thres­ ployers didn’t dock me for the time it on« of its citizen» run over and killed custom. If he expected to evade the took to make the journey. ” — Washing ­ Fund and London and Lanca by an undertaker ’ s hearse. hold of her new home with word worthy duty he was mistaken. The mistress not allow it to run to waste, in fact, ton Star. Actors «»ppeawe the fancy’s fickle foi­ of the house had hardly entered the sliire Fire Insurance they pay for the actual power they con­ of a Lucrecid Borgia. The satanic edict —“I may have bitten off more than I bles by informing us that they come to dining-room when she discovered the sume, no matter whether they use it on was. “Now mind you! there are to be can chew,” remarked the boa constrictor Philadelphia ami tell jokes one season, omission. “.James,” she said, “you Companies. week days, Sundays or nights. By the no children in vour family ” May God as the young gazelle disappeared with­ returning the next to find they have Ikave forgotten the flowers to-night.” Tillamook .. Oregon. nozzle system a person has to pay for direct to all such hearts the convicting in its capacious jaws, “but, thank for­ just penetrated the slumbering per­ power whether he is using it or not. All truth, that such an utterance is a sin tune, I don’t have to chew!” And it ceptions of the easy-going citizens. IT IS KNOWN AS SOLANINE. And thus, Philadelphia becomes the gas and electric light companies charge against God, a crime against humanity, curled itself up for a six weeks’ nap.— OR abstracts of title , Chicago Tribune. in short murder. poet ’ s theme, the joker ’ s jest, the by meter. — “ Thou art fairer than the day! ” * * * What must the next generation be, if caricaturist’s hope, while its unaveng­ GO TO The saloons in this city, which the citi­ they are the descendants of parents who he cried, with a poet’s fervor. The ing millions are born, live and die in warm color suffused her cheek. “ Fairer the deepest affection for the place, un­ zens put out of business last November, speak to them as “ accidents,’’ whose TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND were responsible for the downfall of »eye. mothers looked forward to their birth than the eight-hour day?” she asked mindful of the thrusts, and not infre­ Chemical examination has revealed TRUST CO. ral bright young men. Deprived of all with sorrow, and who regarded that eagerly; for she had been taught to quently enjoying them. the fa-t that a poisonous alkaloid think that very fair indeed to all parties I have seen consumptives deliber­ known as solanine is contained in po­ sense of honor and ambition, they are sequence of natural and divine law which concerned.—Detroit Journal. T hos . C oates , Pres. ately refuse the offer of home and com­ tatoes. Little of this poison is found the product of the saloon keepers. To brought them into being, as an incon­ —In Doubt.—“I have strong sus­ fort, with an almost indisputable as­ in new potatoes, but even fresh po­ pnll a young man down to the low level venience, an imposition ? picions,” said the very susceptible surance of restoration to health and, tatoes which have grown about the of a saloon bum is horrible for any par­ What must be the physical character­ young woman, “that he is a nobleman.” ertainly a longer life, in the mount a inh surface of the soil and have a green W. SEVERANCE, ent to contemplate, and no home is safe istics ol a generation of children whose "Where’s his title?” asked her father, of the south, southwest and Colorado, skin ire generally known to be poi­ when men don’t care one iota what unnatural mothers regarded them as in accents of suspicion. “He is travel­ that they might remain in the city of sonous, says a scientific authority. temptations they beset young men with “ things,*’ rather than human beings, ing incognito.” “Perhaps so. It’s either their love and die tfiere—seemingly When potatoes are kept a long time A ttorney - at -L aw , as long as they can grow rich ruining before birth ? And who can wonder at a case of ‘incognito’ or ‘alias,’ I can’t perfectly contented. Tn two cases par­ they contain a large amount of this quite make out which.”—Washington ticularly I know that each could have them, as a number have been hope filial impiety, crime and murder, in a Star. poison, and many cases of serious O regon T illamook had every luxury that wealthy and poisoning have occurred in late sum­ lessly ruined in this city. child whose very soul has been steeped —“I think,” said the man who had anxious friends and relatives would mer from eating old potatoes. About * * * in hatred and murder by the mother, bought a season ticket to the opera, have tendered to go away into the The Headlight rooster was packed over who, previous to his birth has in every whispering to his neighbor, “that I’ll land of oxygenous air and balmy sun­ ten years ago many soldiers in the S. STEPHENS, to Happy Camp on Thursday by the way hated and endeavored to circum­ try to have my seat changed. Every shine, but they refused to leave—the German army were ill from an un­ Real Estate and Fire, Life, known cause. They suffered with Herald bantam, where the cock-n-lortims vent his existence ? As surely as like night that girl sits in front of me one dying when the winter came, and Health, Accident, Insurance. enjoyed a few days of camp life, enjoying l»egets like, as absolutely certain as the with that same huge hat on and—” the other lingering to-day, held by the headache, colic, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness and slight stupor, and in the balmy breezes of the Pacific Ocean, law of prenatal heredity, is it an un­ “Excuse me,” said the girl, turning barest thread of existence that is some cases dilation of the pupils. Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ ture Co. «and Oigans and Pianos, driving Father Neptune and courting the deniable fact, acknow (edged by the round indignantly, “it’s a different hat worse than death. Notary Public. Now. there is a serious and a scien­ The matter was investigated and it Mcrinaidens. The next time the bantam medical profession, and apparent to all every night.”—Truth. was discovered that the men had Office : Southwest from the Court House» tific aide to the fact of Philadelphia ’ s — In a Glasgow car was an aged Irish ­ packs the rooster over the Netarts road observers, that a child conceived in such been eating potatoes which had been in the building occupied «ns a music store* man, who held a pipe in his mouth. The ( slowness as a body of people. he had better get the latter to do the pack­ iniquity and brought forth in such cruel conductor told him he could not smoke It is noticeable that the men who kept for a long time in a dam / place ing. for as the conveyance struck some sin, will fall below the high standard of but he paid no heed. Presently the control wealth, who handle great cor­ until they had begun to sprout. of the chuck holes or descended the hill it mental and moral qualities, even if in guard caine into the car and said, with porations and engngp in vast business These potatoes, a chemical analysis showed contained as much solanine looked as if the bed springs were several the paradox of nature it may be so for­ a show of irritation: “Didn’t I tell you enterprises therein, are alive to their as is found in new potatoes. you couldn't smoke in this car?’* “Well. business’ best interest», and comprise jMiints too much to windward and when tunate as to develop a symmetrical and Oi’m not smoking.” “You’ve got a pipe as wakeful a set of men as one wishes the driver dropped the hind wheeler into robust physique. The imbecile asylums in your mouth.” “So Oi have me feet to find in any municipality in the world. HAD A CHINESE NAME. position, which the rooster clung to like SEWING MACHINE. of America contain many unfortunates in me boots," replied Pat. “but Oi’m not This is particularly noticeable in the grim death for fear it mightgettoo much ROLLER BEARING. political affairs of Philadelphia. j ¿refclbal* Wi* Calleé Archie and the who might well serve as models for the walking.”—Scottish Nights. out of position, it was not long before HIGH GRADI. Mongolian ThoufflH It Waa Those who engage in the actual con­ chisel of the sculptor, or the brush of the the trail in llappv Camp was reached. “Ah Ciee? trol of the vast city’s interests take oc­ 'naga la the Mlaaoarl. painter, vet whose mental and moral « * « The Missouri river will have to keep casional opportunity to assure the The republicans of the state, to avoid natures are but the unerring fruition of its snags or employ some other den­ world that there is nothing slow about In the hou»ehold of a prominent Bos­ parental effort to prevent their being ; further factional fights, are advising the tist, says the Chicago Tribune. Uncle the politicians of that town. The voters tonian is a Chinese servant who was and of that state of mind which, instead are just the contrary—let a man in brought east by the family several party to “Get together’’ to prevent fur­ Sam gives up the job. betrR-T evei7 sense of honor years ago from California, where he ther democratic victories. Republicans of regarding offspring with love and Are Feared, and fidelity to his constituency, and had ingratiated himself during a win­ who stayed with their party have noth­ solitude, is filled with vexation, con­ A portion of the cone of Mount Ve­ ter sojourn st Pasadena. ing to harmonize. It is different, how­ fusion and mortification, in view of the suvius has fallen in and precautions they will re-elert him as long as he shows his alleriance to the powers that Recently a young man named Archi­ ever, with those lenders who have used false tenets of a polluted social “set,” are being taken against possible land be. I his signifies subserviency ser­ bald has been visiting the family, and the "knife’’ to disrupt the party, for they which regards child-birth as “bad form!’’ abides. vile submission - whether it be good or the Chinaman seemed to take a strange And shall we not also, in this wav ex­ are the fellows who feel awfully uneasy e U true in h«’iness. fancy to him. He is called Archie for and want to “harmonize,” “get toge­ plain much of the deformity, the mon 1 "dd',o 'h* honor short, and every time the name of of 1 hiladelphia borine«« men yet a Archie was mentioned the Mongolian ther.” “bury the hatchet," etc. Oh, sav, strosity, which in the physical, as in the mental offspring, is otherwise unac ­ b'i.ine.» man who de.ired could would grin and beam at the guest with that is a very easy way of getting back a mo«« any hone.t condition of em- a pride thnt seemed little less than into the republican party after acting countable ? ployment from hi, hand worked anti- Not once or twice, bnt many times paternal. That it was at least frat the part ol a "bolter.” We say it empha­ wn« and they w.,„id humiliatinirlr nal was disclosed one day, when tically, do not harmonize with any of' have conversations been heard in draw­ I"1? "/•”’»r »han run the riak said: "Why for yon have name al the “bolting” republican leaders, for they ' ing rooms hi this civilized and Christian and drend of a lo,t position. Th i» i, samee like Chinaman?” Archibald will only “bolt” again at the next elec­ land, when a woman who is a wife in pie truth.” H 1» Mm wa, rather taken back. "What do von tion if the nominations are not accord­ the eve of the law, and a mother by mean?" he asked. "Why. yon namr," by buying this God ’ s or dinance, has introduced her ing to their dictation. Now that thev , replied the ( hinaman. according to the »»■»».tie r» Philadelphia Record. "When they If there was anything upon which high grade sew­ remark, aside. “ This is my little disap. talkee to you they callee you Ah Chee! " Mrs. I pjohn prided herself it republican party that they remain there, ing machine. hercoffes. It alw,y, rjfh. b|i” lor it will get along quite smoothly with pointinent.” «wwt.V.leeri K.a... This is a national issue.Our forefathers and strong, .nd «he trust«! the mak out them. The republicans who staved STRONGEST GUARANTEE. ing of It to non. hut her ownV¿ Following . the unique advertising with tlie party have nothing tn compro­ fought and died for a nation, and unless letter of a Eudora (Kan.) hog farni: National Sewing Machine Co., the public conscience is aroused their mise. To our friends, the farmersand stock This i. why the risitor. in the . p»r- effort is in vain. There is no question of SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. ?tt«r",We"e: You are in'ited to m:e,1rb7r.:thf7:rr:’;7:m.:h'h’d- If the recommendation of Attorney this country being inhabited, but who I ««■ attend our free open air concerts FACTORY AT BeLVOeae ILL. General Moody is adhered to by Brest by ? Must we look to immigration or tinctly hesnl through the d" ia- ffiven every evening nt five p. D1 , , ‘ ’ dent Roosevelt, Judge R. S. Benn, of the ignorant mullatoes of the South, is pen the direction of Mr E. W. MelriM, w, Catarrh Cannot be Cured of th» guarantee tn you that we have 200 ,,f » Hh LOCAL APPLICATIONS a» they Salem, now on the Oregon Supreme it not time to begin to educate the rising reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a bl”«*» I the sweetest voiced squealers in the Bench, will l»e appointed federal judge generation of their sacred obligations to “Fer goodness' sake or constitutional disease, and in order to cure ■ it country. No ,ueh an aggregaten not join- f„(1 ,he rnmp(< ' -To" yon must take internal remedies. Hall» for the district of Oregon to succeed the need of encouraging the fruitful catarrh Cure ia taken internally, and acta di­ <>n the male and female voice, was ever got horrid Wark «toff you drink Judge Cotton, resigned. It is not certain home ? A man cannot raise a family bn rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces« H»“ • your»«lf. together under one management Catarrh Cure is not a qusck medicine. It •re ye?" Chicago ’ Tribune. that the President will abide by the nothing There was a time when a prescribed by one of the best physician» »’ ,hl* Attorney-general’s opinion in the mat- poor man had to educate his own chil­ country for years an I is a regular prescription- pleased if yon will attend " Ii is composed of the best tonics known, com »•’ N»nM.IM, ter. but it is reasonably certain that he bine,* with the best blood puriflers, actin« <«' Reserved that we ar. engaged won'. concerts. ~ will, and. if all signs hold good, fudge dren, now they are educated at the rectly on the mucous surfaces. The pertacx you kiss me. sweetheart" • nrybodv Special pr> Benn's appointment will be announced public expense, ill is only a step to pro­ I * iC-" ^'h'-rnMÏfy';'’.1 combination of the two ingredient» is what pro­ sh^ i ki„id a mau .............. duce» such wonderful results in curing Catarrn. from Oyster Bay tomorrow. viding food aud raiment. The Chinaman *»r I -X T Herald. J ’ "nd hear n. Semi for testimonials free CARI* , F. S c\ VC Money I —1 We will you. Yuur* F. J. CHKNEY & CO , Prop«.. To edo”. Sold by dm«ie(s price 73c. Hali t Family Hills are th« baa