SANDLAKE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 17. 190b. H. L. Jensen has been hauling bark] to Tillamook lately. Mr. and Mrs. Nicklaus and three little sons visited their daughter Mrs. Livenie foland at Blaine last Sunday. Mr. John Borba and family and his sister and children, also Mrs. Roxie Coulson of Blaine, left here last Sunday morning for Netarts on a camping trip. D. B. Coulson and family spent Sun. day up th© river. Grandma Jenuen came up from Hebo and stayed Sunday night at the home of her son, H. L. Jensen, on Boulder Creek. | The closing exercises given by the . pupils of tbe Sandlake school were as ! iollows : Flag salute, by School. Inotations, by Individual Students. Duet, “ Only Friends,” by Merle and Hazel Webb. Recitation, “ Vacation Time,’1 Pearl Dimond. Dec.," Like Washington,” Willie Webb. Recitation, ” Sunshine and Showers,” Mary Edwards. Recitation. “ Two Girls,’’ Gladys Webb. l)ec., “Little bv Little,” Lester Edwards. Recitation, “ Wheu Mamma Was a Littl- Miss Bessie Bays has gone back to Girl." Maude Webb. Long Prairie to stay awhile with her Dec., “ Little Ah Sid,’’ Loyd Kays. brother’s family. Recitation, ’’ The Cowboy,’’ Ulysses Mrs. R. A. Harding and grandchildren Edwards. hive gone to Netarts for an outing, and Recitation, ” The House Keeper,” Hazel C. A. Smith is consequently batching Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDivit, Mr. A. J. Recitation, “ Land of Any How,” Roy Getchell, Miss Edna Getchell, Mr John Hembree. Kumm, Mrs. Grace Chopard and Master Recitation, ” Pictures of Memory,” Norman and Mrs. Sophia Jeusen were Minnie Hoyt. guests Sunday at H. L. Jensen s, Recitation, “Just Tell Them So, ’’ Jean \V. N. Bays and R. M. Dingess went to Sbillingla w. Dec., ” Look Pleasant," Lawson Hem­ the little burg of Beavar last Monday. H. L. Jensen has been hanling gravel bree. Recitation. “ The Examination,” Merle on the road below Beaver the last week. Webb. Mrs H. A. Chopard and her guests Dec., “ The Inch-Cape Rock,’’Joel At­ spent last Monday at Hezel Bend factory kinson. to watch the process of cheese making. Recitation, “ Tbe Wreck of the Hes- They congratulated Mr. McIntyre on the perue,” Mabel Dimond. neatness of everything. All his cheese Recitation. ” The Flag That Betsy utensils are beautifully clean, and it Made," Burnice Dimond. makes one cheese hungry to see the care Recitation, “ The Washington Elm,” with which he attends to all the smallest Orie Hembree. details of his work. He keeps the vat Recitation, Miss Myrtle Owens. as bright inside as a silver dollar and the Duet, by the Misses Webb. ladies were unable to find a.single thing Solo, by Mr. E. Webb. to find fault with. NETARTS. NEHALEM. Miss Mabie Baker and Miss Hallie Mrs. Lon Alley is in from Portland Baker, of Portland, are camping on the visiting relatives and friends. beach a:id visiting with friends for a Miss May Wilson and daughter Della, week. from Kalamnth Falls, are visiting rela Mr. Pearmine and family, of Salem, tires i liis week. are camping on the Saud Spit at the While working in the gravel pit last Wiley ca np. week Fred Kabba had his wrist thrown Fred F irslund and family and Rollie out of place and his ankle bruised by the W. Watson and family came over on gravel caving in unexpectedly. Mrs. Hall and daughter, of Forest Thursday and camped at Happy Camp. Emmett Quick came over Sunday after Grove, are camping near the cheese factory. a loa I of c impers. J. Whitney, of Eugene, has rented the Dr. Br. o ;e, of Portland, was on the Beals ranch and moved on last week. beach Sunday and Monday. L. Sanders has rented the Krebs house C. V. Beaty and family, of Salem, and and will work his teams on the road for an old resident of Netarts, are camping a while. on the bay and enjoying themselves. Mis« Mary Schollmeyer is home from Jacob Vorhees, of Woodburn, who the Portland Sanatariurn ¡to spend her camped at Happy Camp for the last vacation w’ith her parents. month, went out to Fairview Friday to visit the Grange Saturday, and returned Lewis and Clarke Exhibit. to camp Sunday evening. All who contemplate making an Wnde Everest, of Cornelius, is among exhibit of cheese or other articles at the campers on the beach. tbe Lewis and Clark fair will please F, Martin and family, of Long Prairie, ' send nothing but tbe finest. Although are among tbe many that are rusticating 11 have been appointed tc look after on the beach and enjoying themselves. I the exhibit from this county, yet it is I Mr. and Mrs. Brown, W. C. O’Hara’s under tbe care and direction of tbe son-in-law and daughter, left for their state. About September 25th arrange­ home in Portland last Sunday morning. ments have been made for Dairymen’s Mis. C. Groce, of Fortland, is visiting Day, all cheese and butter on exhibition with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara, will be judged by two or three expert of this place. judgee from Wisconsin and New Fork. All who send exhibits to tbe fair Ralph Ackley and wife are visiting with Mrs. Ackley's parents, Mr. and shall have my best attention. 1 shall see they are ail properly cared for. Mrs. Geo. W. Phelps. Peter McIntosh. Respectfully, Mr. Fry and party, of North Yamhill, (Mark each box Ship exhibits thus: are camping at Happy Camp, and are Tillamook County very busy catching crabs, clams and 01 package. ) I Exhibit. Agricultural Building, Lewie fish. and Clark State Commiaeon. Send The schooner Gerald C. came into the Bill of Ladiug to W. S. Johnson, bay Sunday and discharged a cargo ot Oregon Bldg., Portland, Ore. oil for the light house. She left Mun­ day noon for Astoria. Notice to Water Consumers. John Barber and family, of Blaine, The new water system is now ready landed on the beach Sunday evening. to make connections. All desiring to All are glnd to see the smiling fuce of be connected will make application to W. H. Cary or B. C. Lamb. All mak­ happy John. ing application before the 1st of Sep­ Mrs. Walt Smith and daughter left tember will bare <2.50 refunded in Sunday morning for their home on Wil­ water rent. Tillamook Water Commission. son river. 0. Crane and family were on the Notice. beach. Notice is hereby given that the Howard Carv came over from Tilla­ directors of the McIntosh and McNair mook Sunday morning on his wheel. Company have filed supplementary Elmer Hoag and family and Mrs. 1 articles of incorporation changing the Foland and family left for their homes name of said Company to “Alex Mc­ in Tillamook Sunday evening, after a Nair and Company,” in pursuance of a resolution adopted by tbe stock­ stay of 10 days on the beach. holders of said Company July 19th, Mr. and Mrs. T. Sarchet returned to 1905. Dated this 31st day of July, 1905. the city on Sunday. Alex McNair, President. Ye Headlight men strn«k tents and Attest: Almeda J. McNair, Secretary. with his family returned to tbe city on Sundav. Dissolution of Partnership. J. Young and family, of Hillsboro, This is to give notice that tbe arrived at Netarts Monday to spend a pjrtnersbip heretofore existing be­ tween McIntosh A McNair has been lew weeks on the beach. Mr. John Packet, of Hoquarton, drove dissolved by mutual consent. McNair will continue tbe buienessa over a band of cattle from Fairview to and all accounts aie payable at tbe pasture. stote, and be will pay all bills against Al Wilson brought over a load of I tbe firm. We wish to thank our many friends and customers foi their libeial campers Monday. patronage in the pn«t and hope for John Harter has been spending several the continuation of your trade. days on the beach. Alex McNair, Proprietor. P. McIntosh, Retiring. John Kutcher left for Portland on Monday last. Miss Mary Spindler was visiting on Notice. the bay Saturday and Sunday. Notice is hereby given that on Mon­ day, August 28th, 1905, tbe County BOULDER CREEK. Boatd of Equalization will meet at tbe A. O Foland otjBUine. commenced to office of tbe County Cletk of Tillamook County, Oiegon, and continue in ses­ haul milk to Hazel Bend cheese factory sion from day to day, not to exceed Monday morning. six days, and publicly examine tbe R. Y. Blalock ,is at home again after aseesment toll, and correct all errors a short stay at Tillamook, and little in valuations, description of lands or other property. All persons interested Belle Lunn has gone hack to Beaver. in the aseesemeDt of tbeir property are Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. McDivitof Seattle, requested to appear at said t'me and cousins of Mrs. Grace Chopard, also her place, as no change can fie made after father, A. 8. (fetched and her sister. Miss ’ tbe adjournment of tbe board. Dated at Tilamook, Or., July 31, Edna, of Hebo, hare been visiting at I he 1905. Chopard home the past week. A. M. Hare, County Asse»«or. Notice. Sheriff's Sale. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the Yellow Fir Lumber Com pany are requested to call and settle all accounts at the office of Carl Haberlach. Attorneyat-Law, Tillamook, Oregon, as the company it» desirous ofclosing up all accounts. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County. I Albert Marolf, Plaintiff, ▼s. William Easom, Mattie E a mo in, Jennie Bailey. Claude Thayer and Ksielle Thayer, Dctendents. ’ 'iv virtue of an execution, judgment, order | ana decree, duly issued out of aad under the seal of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause and to me directed dated the 5th day of Angust, jl9O5. upon a judgment and decree rendered and entered in said Court on the 27th day of July, 1905, in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant Jennie Bailey, for the sums of >335.N2 und >479.67, with intercut from that date at the rate of H per cent per annum, the sum of >60.24, with interest from that date at the rate of 6 per cent j»er annum, for the sum of>loo.oo as an attorney's fee. and judgment against de­ fendants William E. Easom and Mattie Easom for the sum of.>l 102.50, with interest from that date at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and against defendants for the fur­ ther sum of >100.00, and further judgment against said defendants for the further sum of >19^3.22, with interest at the rate of 7 l»er cent per annum from date of udgmejit, said last sum recovered for the benefit of plaintiff and defendants Claude and Estelle Thayer and Jennie Bailey, in their respective order, and for the costs and disbursments of suit taxed at >17.60, also the expense of sale commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following described real property, to- wit: Situated in Tillamook County, Oregon. Beginning seventy-two (72) rotis west of the south east corner of the C. H. Haynes Dona­ tion Land Claim in said county and state ; thence north 137.72 rods ; thence West 49.03 rods ; thence south 137.72 rods and thence east 49.03 rods to place of beginning, con­ taining 41.50 acres more or less. Together with certain personal property therein des­ cribed, Now therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment, order and decree, I have duly levied upon, and in compliance with the de­ mands of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1905, at the hour of IO o'clock A. M. at the court house door, to-wit, at the door of the Sheriffs office in Tillamook City, in said county and state, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the above named defendants or .either of them had on the 2nd day of February, 1903, or since had in and to the above des­ cribed real property to satisfy said execution, judgment, order and decree, interest and costs and all accruing costs. C. H. W oolfe , Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. By T hos . C oates , Deiaitv. Dated this 7th day of August, 1905. Real Estate Transfers. Reported by H. T. Botts. I S.A. to John W. Fishburn, 160 acres in sec. 24, T 2 S, R 7 W. Lawrence Schiller to Jessie C. and James Taggart, lots 1 and 2, sec. 1, T 6 S, R 11 W.and lot 4, sec. 6, T 6 S, R 10 W. »550. The Title Guarantee A Trust Co. to Jes. sie Cutler Taggart and James Tag. gart, 443 acres in sec. 36, T 5 S, R 11 W and sec. 6, T 6 S, R 10 W, $1,500 Albert and Emil T. Schiller to fessie C. and James Taggart, E Vi, sec. 36, T 5 S, R 11 W. $1. State of Oregon to Earl Stnnley, 160 acres in sec. 36. T 1 N, R 8 W, $200. U.S. to Janies Christenson, 160 acres iu secs. 11 and 2. T 3 S. R 9 W, $6. Rollie Watson and wife to the Whitnev Co., Limited, 320 acres in sec. 4, T 3 S, R 10 W, $2000. Clemence F. Groce to Margaretta Groce, 159.78 acres in sec. 5, T 2 S. R 10 W, $1. Margaretta A. Groce and husband to 1. H. Cook, 159.78 acres in sec. 5, T 2 S, R 10 W. $1,150. I.O.O.F. to Henry Petre, lot 69, block 3, cemetery, $1. I.O.O.F. toG. Munson, lot 62, block 1, cemetery, $10. NOTICIOr FINAL HETTLÏMKNT. F. W. Brooke and wife to the Tillamook Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Logging Co., tract in sec. 11, T 2 S, administratrix of the estate of Jesse W. Carey, deceased, has filed in the county court R 10 W, $900. of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, her F. W. Brooke and wife to the Tillamook final account as administratrix of said estate, that Monday.the 25th day of September, Logging Co , all timber on sec 11. T and 1905, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M., at the of the County Clerk of Tillamook 2 S. R 10 W, and right of way over office County, Oregon, has'been fixed by said court N Vi Sw and S Vi Nw, sec 12, said tp as the time and place for hearing of objec­ tions to said account and the settlement and range, $300. thereof. Lucy Carey. Jennie I’errv to C. N. Illingsworth. tract Administratrix of the Estate of in sec. 14. T 1 N, R 10 W, lying be­ Jesse W. Carey, Deceased. tween county road and Miami river, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. $1. Department of the Interior, Andrew Williams and wife to George H. Land Office at Portland. Ore., 22nd. I905. Williams, lot 4, block 11, Cone & Notice is hereby given that July the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention McCoy’s add. to Bay City, $1. to make final proof in support of his claim, B. F. Durfee and wile to Maggie C. War Hnd that said proof arili be made befoie the Clerk of Tillamook Co., at Tillamook lick, 60 acres, in sec. 5, T 2 S, R 9 W, County City, Oregon, on September 7th, 1905, vix. : OAVIl) F. COUL-ON, $300. H E. No. 12678, for the Ne % of Section 22, tp. 3 Four mortgages executed to secure south, range 9 west. He name» the following witnesses to prove $2,787.17.________________ his continuous residence upon and cultivat od Peculiar Dissappearance. J. 1). Runyan, of Butlerville, 0... laid the peculiar disappearance of his pain­ ful symptoms, of indigestion and bili­ ousness. to Dr. King’s New Life Pills, He says: • They are a perfect remedy, for dizziness, sour stomach, headache, constipation, etc.” Guaranteed at ChaB. I. Clough’s drug store, price 2 ic. In every town and village may be had, the Mica Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. C. B. LEEP, BontH Bnd ShoHB Nearly Repaired. First Class Work Guaranteed. Give me a trial. Next to the Headlight Office. LATIMER, BROS., of said land, viz. : Bar ey Poland, Jos. Bixby, Norman Dye. Chas. Johnson, of Beaver, Oregon. A lgernon S D resser , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the In erior, Land Office at Portland, Ore., July 22nd, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Count) Clerk of Tillamook Co., at Tillamook City, Ore., on September 6th, 1905, viz. : CHARLES E BISCONER, HE. No. 15255 for the Nw of Ne % of sec 25, tp. 5 south, range lowest. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz : Leonard H. Jones, Silas H. Jones, Harry Beckwith, Frank Yach, of Dolph. Oregon. A lcbunon S. D resser Register. T imber L and A ct , J une 3 1878.—N otick F or P ublication . United State« Laud Office, Poitlaud, Ore. July 11th, loos- Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 3, i.'"Q, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1^92. LUELI.A L. NELSON, Of Bay City, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 6603, for the purchase of the N % of Sw # of section 9, E % of Se % of section 8, in township 1 North, Range No. 10 West, and will offer pi oof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,and to establish her claim to said laml before the Countv Clerk of Tilla­ mook County, at Tillamook City, Oregon, on Wednesday. the 27th day of September. I905. She names as witnesses : Geo H. Williams, Robert Watt, Louis Reifen- burg, of Bay City, Oregon ; Geo. W. Kiger, of Tillamook. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descril>ed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 27th day of September, 1905- A lgernon S D resser , Register. T imses L amd , A ct Juna j. i878 — N otice ron PVBLICATIOM. United State* I aik I Office, Portland. Oregon, July 5th loos Notice 1« hereby given that in compliance with the provision, of the act of Cougre»« ol June J, 1878. entitled “An act for (lie aule of timber laud» in the Statea of California, Ore­ gon. Nevada and Washington Territory,*' aa eateuded to all tbe Public land Statea by act of Ar gust 4, 189a, AKCHIR C. OKHKNMAN, Of Toetland, comity of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has thia day filed in lliia office hla sworn atslement No. *618, for the purchase ot N.B. X 1,1 **c No. 1», 1« tp. 1 South, Mange No 7 West, and will offer proof lo show that tbe land «ought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural pur-, and to establish hi* claim to said laud .fore tbe kegister and Receiver ot thia office at Portland, Oregon, 0» Friday, the 6th day ofOrtolrer. 1905, lie names as taUueasea: John W. Boals, Charles F, Khman, George W. Greenman, of Portland, O egou; lianiel C, Howers, of Suunyal'le, Oregon Any and all persona claiming adversely the above deacrllmd land« are requested to Ale their claims in this office on or before said sth day of October, iSofi- AuinaitoM S VanMgn, Register RED FRONT SHOE STORE Is now located in the Store formerly used as the Model Restaurant, where LADIES’, GENTLEMEN and MISSES’, CHILDREN FOOT WEAR of the latest and best quality will be constantly kept in stock. My experiance in the shoe business for 30 years give me the advantage in selecting boots and shoes suitable for the Tilla­ mook trade. The public are cordially invited to examine my goods and get prices before purchasiug"elsewhere. The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Tilla­ mook county. All goods purchased of me will be repaired at the following rates : Men’s Shoes, half soled 60c Ladies’ „ 40c Misses’ „ 35c », • M P. F- BROWNE,Salesman Pacific Navigation Co. STEAMERS—SUE II. ELMORE, W. II. HARRISON. ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI, BAY CITY, 1IOBSONVILLE. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Kailroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. General Agents, ASTORIA. OR B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon. & K N- R R Co R- Co • , Portland. Agents 1° R & c Por )and Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Express Centrally Ltoeated. Rates, $1 Per Day LARSEN HOUSE, M. H. LiARSEfl, Proprietor. TILLAMOOK, OREGON The Best Hotel in the city. T imber L and A ct , J unk 8 I878 —N otice F or P ublication . United State» I«Aiid Office, Portland, Oregon, April 2ist, 1909. Notice is hereby given that in complltince with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entiled "Au act for tbe sale of tim­ ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex­ tended to all the Public Land States by act ot August 4, I892, CHAS. II GOYNE; Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6583, for the purchase of the Ne % of Section No. 25, in Township NO. 2 Not th, Range 7 WtHt. and will offbl proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to sab! land before the County Clerk, of Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 26th day of September, 1905. He names as witnesses Hosea T. Botts, of Tllltimook, Oregon; Walter J. Smith, Wm. llHi gworth, Samuel Smith, of Wilson, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-deecribed lands are requested to file their claims in thisofficeon 01 before said 26th day of September, 1905. A lgernon 8. D resser , Kegister. T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878.—N otick for P ublication . United Slates Land Office, Portland, Oiegon, April 21 si, 1005. Notice is hereby riven that in compliance with the provisions of the set of Congtessol June 3rd, 1878. entitled An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Califo’nla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territo­ ry." as extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 18 q 2. FRED ARTHUR, Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook, State of OregoU, has this day filed lu this office his sworn s ateniciil No. 656M, for the purchase of the W % of E % of Sec. No 28, in T ownship No. 2 S, Range No. 7 W. and will offer proof to show that Die land sought is more valuable for its timlier or stone than for agricultural pur- Cj«es, hik I to establish his claim to »aid land •fore the County Uierk ot Tillamook County, at Tillamook <’ity, Oregon, on Monday, the 25th day of September, 1905 He names as witnesses: W. C. Trombley, of Tllllamook, Oiegon ; George Williams Win. Reifenburg, Winlfield S Cone, of Bay City, Oiegon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above descrined lands are requestad to file their claims in this office on or before said 2ftlli day of September. I905. A lgernon S. D kbshkr , Register. No Chinese Employed. AlrMINlHTKtTOK’H NOTICE, N otick is H rikby G ivkn ,—That the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed by tl e County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County. administrator of the estate of ANDREW J K BATON, deceased. All persons having claims against Raid estate are hereby required to present the name to me properly verified, an by law re­ quired, at the office ofH. T. Botts, attorney- at-law, in Tillamook Citv, Oregon, within nix months from the date hereof. Dated thin 17th day of Augunt, 1905. CHARLES EASOM. Administrator of the Estate of Andrew J. Keaton, deceased. H. T. BottR. Attorney for Administrator. THE I I GRAND PRIZE THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR _____ WA» OIVUN TO WATERPROOF . OILED CLOTNINtf SLICRERS. HATS' POMMEL SLICKERS A J.TOWM CO . ESTABLISH» 1434 aoSTon npwvoan cmcaco rowta canamah co lmm Toaowro. can TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 Leave M-06 a.m. 7:00 p m. PORTLAND J Portland Union ' J depot for Astoria.i 1804 Arrive. Il io a.m. 9:40 p.m. T imber L and , A ct , J unk 3, 1M78 — N otick F or P ublication United States Land Office, Portland, Ore., Arriva. ASTORIA Leave SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING July l3ti’, lyos Notice is hereby given that in com liance 1 1 :3O a.m. with the provisions of the act of congress of ! 7:45 (for Portland und 1 SHAMPOOING, ETC way points. | 1O;3O p m. June 3, 1M7H, entitled "An act for the sale of 6:10 p.m. 1 timber lands iu the statea of California, Oregon. Nexadu and Washington Territory’ as » xb nded SEASIDE DIVISION. Electric Baths nicely fitteti up. Goodfor to a I the Public Land States by act of August 4. 189», persons suffering with rheumatism. BERTHA V. IIOLIMWORTH, Arriva. ASTORIA Of Port and, comity of Multnomah, State Leave of Oregon has this day filed in thia office her sworn statement No. 6626, lor the pur< hase 11:35 a m < for Beasiffe Direct > 5:20 p.m. of the I a H 8, in sec 34. tp 4 N, range 8 W . Iota I and 2, and Se % Ne K, of »Section No 3, in Tewnshlp Nn. 3 Narth. Mange No. Leave Arrive. ASTORIA M W<-at. and will offer proof to show that the T1MSBB I.AFO, ACT Jr MX 3, l«7A.— N0TICB TO. lan>i sought is more valuable for its timber P ublication . or stone than for agricultural plirpoa« a and to ♦ 8:15 a.m < for Warrenton, / IO 45 «.in. Uuited States Land Office. establish her claim to said land l>rforc the ’ Hammond, Ft. / a Portland, Oiegoa. Register and Receiver of his office al P01 Hand, 1 5:50 p.m » Stevens, -«aside.) 7:40 a.m. Annually, to fill the new positions created by • uiy llth- iyt>5. O rgoii? on Thurwdav, the 12th day ol O<’ot>er, Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want Notice Is hereby given that in compliance 1905. She names as witnesses YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good with the proviaions of the act of Congress of W. m Bryant, of Portland Oregon ; Timothy Leave Arrive SEASIDE habits, to June j, 1878, entitled "An act for the *ale of J Corcoran, of Jewell Oregon , W A, Wheeler, tlm »er lands in the States of California, Ore of Portland, Oiegon , Cora F. Wheeler, ot 4:30 p m. < for Astoria Direct > 12 30 p m gon, Nevada and W'a hlngton Territory,” «» ! Portland. Oregon extended to all the Pub ic Land Htates by act of | Any and all persona claiming adversely the mb August 4. >*??■ atxue dewrilied lands are requested to file their Arrive SEASIDE PERCY J WILEY, ; claims in this nffi<-c on or I m -fore ssld 12th day Leave We furnish 75 per cent, of the Operators Tillamook county of Tillamook, Stale of ■ of October, 1905. and Station Agents in America. Our six <»f Oregon, has this day filed iu thia office hi« A m . krnon 8. D kessk *. Register. 9.25 a.m. r for Warrenton Ft * schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph ■ worn statement. No. 6609. for the purchase 6:15 a.m. ) Htrvrnw Ham- j Schools IN THE WORLD Established 20 of Nw >4 and Ne 'z< of sw 7 20 p.m . » mon75 to >1OO a r establish his claim to said land befoie the <*f I illamook County, fttate of Oregon, het . branch. ■ rrivlng Ft. Stevens 12 30 p.m , re- month in States west of the Rockies, im­ 1 County Clerk of Tillamook County, Ore., at final account a* administratrix of said 00 p.m., ar mediately upon graduation. Tillamook City, Ore , rm Tu**sday, th47 3rd day Estate hw I that Monday, the 11th dar ol f turning, eaves Ft. Btevrna at 2 Students can enter at any time. No vaca­ I of October, 19IO5. He rames as witnesses riving As torta 2:46 p m. HeptemtxT 1905, at the hour of IO o’clock A tions, For full particulars regarding any Builey, Ji limn M . at the office of the County < lerk of said Walter Hakr-r. Walter < Bailey, • Bunday only. our Schools writ« direct to our executive Leword, Louis County haa l>rrn fixed by eaid court as th< ..___ __ H - Z*imer. _____ of Tillamook - lsmook <>r Ore Through ticket« uiul close connection >1* ,ffice at Cindannti. O. Catalogue free Any and all persona claiming adversely the time and place* for hearing of objections to N. P. Hy. at Portland and Goble und O. k. The Morae Nehool ofTelotraplij above dew ri tied lands are requested to file their eaid account and the settlement thereof. Augusta Hunt. — - ■ — Buffalo. N.Y claims In this office on or before said 3rd