Z Ä^s-sUl'WV..A.I... ENLIGHTENING WENTWORTH mg more diMennfited than he car«! to admit to himself, did his best to obey I mp . SILO INSIDE THE BARN ionvenle»«-«- of IVrn sev dislodged, so that they fall Into the lilo doors as near the feeding alley as back and tell her that he had recon­ Ills appreciation of the delightful milk pail. This kind of contamination possible, as that will save considerable eriil considerations, of which the prin­ T illamook , O regon sidered; that he feared, after all, that homines* and ease led him into his can be very easily reduced. Fraser labor in feeding, and in these times la cipal one Is the color. It Is important the rooms wouldn’t do. He slacken«! second blunder. It was a blustering has found that merely cleaning the bur on the farm menus dollars. that they should be bright and not pre­ his ¡nice, turned, then went on. Per­ night in November. On her couch cow’s udder will reduce contamination The cheapest, liest and most eon ven sent streaks or s|H>ts alternating witli haps things would Is» all right, but a Mrs. Ma nice, who hail been less well from that source even more than '.MJ lent bam is tin* round or circular bam, uneolored substance. The most valua­ haberlach fellow did bo hate household discom- than usual, lay sleeping, while Ethel, per cent. ble are those which have red tires or with tlie silo lu tlie center. Tlie silo ex­ forl. The air of the stable and in other mixtures of red and yellow, blue and who had been playing Schubert with tends from the ground up to the |>eak. On the second morning after his ar­ dreamy unconsciousness, wandered off places where milk is exposed is an ini- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, greeu. Opals of a single tint are of lit­ rival, when he sat like a bewildered Into some improvisations of her own. portant source of contamination. Move­ thirty to forty or more feet high. Such tle valve unless the tint is particularly Pvutochcr momircb among a piled up, shapeless 1 Presently Wentworth laid down the ment of dry fodder and bedding ami a barn is compact, roomy, light lu all striking ami tlie figure beautiful. In­ mass of books, pictures, tables and book that he was reading with an al­ currents of air which disturb dust that the stalls, convenient to fill and also deed one of tlie essential qualities of Office across the street and north fro« chairs wondering why under heaven most suffocating sense of the dearness has lodged in various places keep many to “du tlie chores." After studying tlie opal is the arrangement of the fig­ the Post Office. he had ever ac(|iiired them—there came of it all. Then suddenly Ethel stopped bacteria in the air, and these are con­ tlie merits of both circular and rec­ ure. which sets off strikingly the line of a knock at his door. At the moment | playing am? rose from the piano. The stantly falling like raindrops in a show­ stone. he was perched upon a stepladder, action seemed significant. Wentworth er. It Is found that the number of bac­ tangular bams I am fully convinced tlie When tlie figure 11 quite regular and H. GOYNE smoking a short pipe and taking a rest ! was Jarred by the thought that just as teria or clusters of bacteria falling in­ tliat tlie circular form Is preferable lu distinct it is tlie more valuable, much before he fatigued himself by begin I abruptly might the slender thread by to a four and a half inch opening ex­ every way, and personally 1 should less so when tlie grain is quite small bulkl uo other were 1 to build again. ning to arrange things. which he held this utterly delightful posed In a barnyard may vary from If we wish to feed forty ¡louiids of and irregular. Sometimes the color ap­ A ttorney - at . L aw . “(’nine in!” he roared, without mov­ I home be snapped. Mrs. Manice might nothing to almost 100. si luge to each cow per day, and that Is pears ns a single blaze or witli figures ing, expecting to see n servant. Then, 1 grow worse; Ethel might— The best way to keep dirt and bacte­ regularly spneed. It may then be of a Office : Opposite Court House, at a slight hesitation on the part of ■ He gave a sharp sigh. He would not ria from falling into the milk is to re­ a fair ration, we may for practical the person—a hesitation that he felt suffer the thought, and again from the move the sources of this contamination work call that amount a cubic foot, fine ruby red and is much sought after, averaging from top to bottom of silo, but oftenest tlie uniform tint Is only rather than saw he turned toward the fullness of his heart he spoke. T illamook , O regon . so far as possible, but even after that and thus to feed fifteen animals would green or reddish and lias but little bril­ door. ' “Ethel,” he pleaded, “Is it so impos­ has been done still further protection “Oh! Ah! I beg your pardon!” lie sible? I can’t tell you what all this is can be had by use of a small top milk require fifteen cubic feet per day and liancy. H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D., apologized with alacrity, laying down to me. IIow could I ever get along pail. It lias been shown that 63 per for eight mouths 3,(MX) cubic feet. But J The cutting is very important for the the silage will settle quite considerably opal. Tims a thick stone will lie much his pipe and Jumping from his perch. without you?” cent of the dirt that would fall into an after filling the silo, depending, of less beautiful than a thin stone, which, "Yon see I’m a bit floored. I’m”— But again he was stopped by that ordinary milk pall can be easily exclud­ P pysician and S urgeon . He paused rather helplessly, waiting (sld. impenetrable glance. Again witli ed by the use of a pail that is partially course, on bow fast it is tilled, how fine on losing part of its volume, loses also cut, etc., but we must make some al­ the figure. Tlie foundation tint contrib­ for bls caller to explain herself, though a smile, half kind, half mocking, she covered. Office one block west of the lowance, usually one-fourth. Then it is | utes much to the beauty. It ought to he felt vaguely that she was welcome, looked up at him and answered, “You The advantage of this method of re­ t>e transparent, slightly milky anil har ­ well to have some silage left over for I thought she had dropped from the want a companion, not a wife.” Again ducing milk contamination is empha­ Allen House, Tillatnook City. monize fully with the different reflec­ clouds, so frank was her gaze, so fas­ they gravely agreed not to remember. sised when we are reminded that all the August drought, so we might add , tions of the opal, which, when it is real­ Calls answered promptly cinating the way the thick hair rippled And soon after the illness of a mar­ dirt cannot be successfully removed 1,000 cubic feet to the above, milking ly bemitlfnl. presents n variety of lines away from the low, broad forehead, so ried sister called her away. The weeks by straining. Some carefully conduct­ it 4,000 cubic feet capacity. Infinitely pleasing to tlie eye.—Jewelers' utterly womanly her face. came and went, and her stay prolonged ■ ed experiments show that only about j A round silo to contain tills might lie R. BEALS, “Mamma sent me.” she explained. itself dismally, it seemed to Went­ 47 per cent of dirt falling into milk fifteen feet in diameter and thirty feet Circular-Weekly. “I’m Miss Manice, and she* thought worth, though under Mrs. Manice’s di­ was taken out by straining, the remain- high, or, if we could go up higher, we perhaps the maid and I might be able rection things went on as smoothly as dor being in solution or so finely divid­ might reduce the diameter accordingly, HE HATED MUSEUMS. REAL ESTATE, to help you out.” usual. Apparently everything was the ed that it passed through the strainer, . and that might lie desirable, as we She looked about the room inquiring­ same, and yet he smarted under an in­ should remove from the surface for Thoreau Catalogued Them an the F inancial A gent , Catacomb« of Nature. ly; then, as her eyes came back to the tolerable» sense of difference. All the best results about l>/4 inches daily, To Profit and L onn In Dairying. new lodger’s blank, helpless face, she creature comforts were there and pleas­ I hate museums. There is nothing so One of the remarkable things observ­ do this where but fifteen head of cat- Tillamook, Oregon. caught her lower lip between her teeth, ant companionship, yet the soul of ed at Ohio farmers’ institutes the past tie are fed the inside diameter of the weigli« upon my spirits. They are tlie thus holding hack the smile that strug­ things had fled, And then suddenly he winter is the variations in the profits silo should not he above 12*i feet. catacombs of nature. One green bud of gled to escape. understood, and the knowledge made derived from the different kinds of Then to contain 4,600 cubic feet that spring, one willow catkin, one faint “Have you ever moved?” he asked him strong and humble. thrill from a migrating sparrow, would 'T-AHOS. COATES, stock as brought out at the discussions, silo should be thirty-eight feet high. ruefully, surviving his belter skelter set the world on its legs again. The life It was on the evening of Ethel’s re- says E. i*. Snyder in National Stock­ -I- Agent for Fireman's possessions with fresli aversion, and turn that he found himself alone with man. that is in a single green weed is of Milk For Calf Feeding. Fund and London and Lanca­ at tin» question she laugh«l out a her for a few moments. Stale, cold sKlm milk Is a fruitful more worth tlian all this death. They One man reported that his cows gave laugh so girlish and infectious that “Dear little girl.” he said brokenly. him $47 each gross receipts, while an­ cause of scours in calves, and removal are dead nature collected by dead men. shire Fire Insurance Wentworth laughed, too, catching for “I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m other living in the same township re­ of the froth Is a secondary considera­ I know not whether I muse most nt the a moment the point of view from not mad enoui^i to do that again. But Companies. ported that his gross receipts from each tion where such milk is used, says bodies stuffed with cotton and sawdust which his dilemma was funny. I want to tell you this—that I love you of a herd of eight cows were $82. This Hoard’s Dairyman. Milk for calf feed­ or those stuffed with bowels and flashy Tillamook .. Oregon. “W hat the world needs," he went on with my whole heart; that I shall al­ dairyman liad the largest and finest ing should be warm, fresh and clean, fiber outside the eases. plaintively. “Is automatic, self arrnng- I ways love you; tliat I would rather Where is the proper herbarium, the Jersey cows he could find, selected fed from clean pails. If dirty pails are ing furniture furniture that, placed in have loved you In vain than”— used and cold, stale milk fed, scours al­ true cabinet of shells and museum of with especial reference to both high OR ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, the room, will adjust itself and save Two slender arms were about Ills test and quantity of milk. most invariably follow, and when the skeletons, but in the meadow where tlie Its owner all trouble.” neck, and a soft voice was saying: GO TO A comparison of the profits of those scours are not fatal a stunted calf is flower bloomed, by the seaside where “That’s what we will have when the “At last, you darling, I really believe two dairymen shows the value of care­ the usual result. It is also not an un- the tide cast up the fish, and on the millennium comes.” answered Miss that you want a wife.” TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND ful selection, good care and correct common error to feed too much skim hills and in tlie valleys where the beast Manic«» gayly, "but meanwhile. If you business methods. Every one of these milk, trying to make up in quantity laid down its life and the skeleton of really loathe the task of arranging A Willful Genina. TRUST CO. eighty-two dollar cows had been care­ for the abstracted fat. the traveler reposes on the grass? Wliat your things and will leave It to me”— Mallbran, the singer, was an artist fully tested for a year, the milk weigh­ right have mortals to parade these She paused «|ii<»stloningly, while who deserved her success, for her great­ T hos . C oates , Pres. ---- —---------------------------------- --------- 4 things on tbeir legs again, with their Wentworth gnz«l nt her very much as est triumphs came from the hardest ed so there was definite knowledge as to her actual butter production. No wires, and. when lieaven has decreed If she were the straw and he the work. Her voice was not a miracle of Foods For Milk Making that they shall return to dust again, to drowning man. Again her face dim- nature. It was gold, says one of her cow was kept In the herd that would not make more than 300 pounds In -a W. SEVERANCE return them to sawdust? Would you pled. biographers, but it was gold that had have a dried specimen of a world or a "You wouldn't not really?” doubt* to be dug from the earth, smelted and year. Such a careful and systematic During his address before tile lute «1 he. with the shamefaced air of a made pliable under the hammer. One method means the difference between meeting of the Vermont Dairymen's as- pickled one? Embalming is a sin against lieaven person who him taken n palpable Jest day she was overheard at her practic­ a profit and a 1 »ss. In these days of soclation Professor Hills spoke of the A ttorney - at -L aw sharp competition only careful, syste­ and earth—against heaven, who has in earnest. ing in gusts of angry apostrophe. fact that It is lielug found, as one of matic methods in dairying, as In other recalled the soul and set free tlie servile "I’d Just love It that Is, If you think "I’ll see whether 1 cannot make you farm industries, will win. the results of scientific research, tliat elements, and against the earth, which O regon , T illamook 1 can arrange tlu* room to suit you. obey me.” she was saying to her voice less protein Is required in the com­ Is thus robbed of her dust. I have liail You might give me a general idea of "I’ll set» whether you will obey’ me.” pounding of feeding rations for milk my right perceiving senses so disturbed A Great Cnnadlan Cow. how you like things, and”- For her the word "Impossible” did Tidy Abbekerk, the greatest cow ever cows than had hitherto been consider­ in these haunts as to mistake a verita­ S. STEPHENS, W’enl worth cut her short. not exist. If her voice was out of or­ ed necessary. As protein is an expen­ ble living man for a stuffed specimen "If you can give It something of the der or her throat refused to obey she bred in Canada and one of the best • Real Estate and Fire, Life, sive ingredient in feed formulas this and surveyed him with dumb wonder l(M»k of that little drawing room of accomplished amazing effects by sheer Holstein-Friesians in America, was conclusion will lead to a reduction in bred, reared and is owned by II. Health, Accident, Insurance. Bol yours." he said warmly. "I shall be force of will. Perhaps it was fortunate as the strangest of tlie whole collection, cost and hence be of more or less value Agent for the Northwest School Furni- mon» than satisfl«!. The fact is. you that her career was not a long one. lert of Cassel, Ont. She was born for the strangest is tliat which, being sired by Colanthus Ab- to farmers. ture Co. and Oigans and Pianos, have saved my life.” he finished can No human powers could have endured March In many particulars most like, is in Alfnlfa as n Grain Substitute, Notary Public. dldly. some essential particular most unlike.— the strain she placed hnbitually upon A Tennessee experiment station has Office : South west from the Court House, "Walt until you s«»e the rooms,” she this gift of hers. Thoreau's Journal in Atlantic. in the building occupied as a music store. recently concluded a series of expert- cautioned as they part«l. he to go to One day she executed a shake upon ments showing that alfalfa hay can lie his office with a burden off his shoul­ the highest notes of her register, She Robert Burns* Unite. substituted for grain In dairy rations to ders and she t » confide to her mother laughed then at the amazement of her Robert Burns, though be had tlie marked advantage. In the conclusion choice of such works as the Spectator, as slit» got into a great apron that cov­ listeners. touching on this point tlie station says. ered her from neck to ankles. “Locke on the Human Understanding” "That brute of a note has given me “In substituting alfalfa bay for wheat and Pope, together with odd plays of “He seems a nice, grateful lodger no end of trouble," said she. "1 have SUBER 110 H1IBÖBESSEB. bran It will bo best to allow one and a Shakespeare, which fori, it I tie staple man. mother mine. Perhaps it won’t been trying to get it lor the last month. half pounds of alfalfa to every pound SHAVING, HAIR CT'TTlNß I m » so hideous to have a stranger in the I tried it while dressing and while I of wheat bran, and the result will like- reading of his home, nevertheless owed house nfter all. And think of the inon- was doing my hair. I tried it when I ly prove more satisfactory tf tlie al- most to an old collection of songs. SHAMPOOING. ETC ey!” was taking my walks and while 1 was falfa is fed in a finely chopped condi- “Tills. ’ be says, “was my vade mecum! When W’entworth onem»d the door riding. At last I got hold of it this I pored over them during tny rest or tion.” of his sitting room t ..i evening quick morning while I was tying tny shoe walking to labor, song by song, verse Electric Baths nicely fitted up. Goodfor Corn nn<« Altalfn. approval flashed Into his eyes. Ail the Firings.’’ persons suffering with rheumatism. The experiments conducted nt the by verse, carefully noting the true, ten­ inanimate obj«»ts that had huddled "And where did you find it, New Jersey station show that tlie av­ der and sublime from affectation and together so incongruously In tin» morn dame?” erage cost per ton of dry alfalfa hay fustian. I am convinced I owe to this Ing. as if then» wasn’t an ounce of TELEGRAPHERS "There!” she answered, laughing and for five years, even witli heavy manur­ practice much of m,v critic craft, such self respect among them, now faced putting her finger to her forehead. as it is!*—AU the Year Bound. ing. was but »5.20 and that tlie feed him with servile dignity, on«* mon» HOtSTEXX COW TIDY AB11KKEKK. value of this hay compares favorably cloth«! in the beauty for which he 4n Exrluaht* ItTnlr. bekerk. and for dam lias Tidy of Dow- «Itli the protein feeds, which at pres Robert Loniw Stevennon. had bought them. “It was settled some time ago th:W nie, with a record of seven,y-two Here is a pen portrait of Robert Lou­ Annually, to fill the new positions created by ent cost »22 or more a ton. This crop Awestruck at such Insight, ho pussed he was to nmrry my daughter.’’ said pounds in a day. Tidy Abbekerk's is Stevenson, written by Dr. Alexander Railroad find Telegraph Companies. Wew< Into his bedroom, half fearing that the father of a girl of the period, ‘‘but crowning record was made during the more than any other fulfills that very II. Jlipp: "Not so tall probably as lie YOUNG MEN and LADIES <>'I”** important requirement, a cheap source habits, to tier»» the charm would be broken, that it yet remained for the young man to extreme cold weather of January, liKM, seems nt first sight from his extreme convenience would haw been sacri get my consent. It was merely a for when 111 official test she gave SI pounds of protein for balancing other home LEARN TELEGRAPHY thinness, but the pose and nlrcoulT not fi«*d to "looks" and that he would nullity, however, ns my girl had ar 3 ounces of milk In one day. 551 grown products. ‘ Its growth cannot be otherwise ilescrilied than ns distin­ haw to dive Into a pocket naJl«! to the ranged matters to suit herself without pounds In seven days and 25.4S pounds l>e too strongly recommended. An AND R.R ACCOUNTING ideal situation would be where the guished. Head of tine type, carried well We furnish 75 per cent, of the closet door for on«» slipper and then consulting me or my wishes. butter, S5.7 per cent fat. or 27.28 farm is growing on tlie shoulders, and. in walking, with and Station Agents in America. y0£- . dive again for th«» other. \t the sight com and alfalfa to "Now. I remembered with what trej>- pounds SO per cent fat. file largest rec­ tlie Impression of |>elng a little thrown schools arc the largest exclusive Telegr p of them standing openly and demun»ly ida.ion I hail approached my wife’s ord ever made iy any cow of any breed supply the entire needs of the herd.- Schoob IN THE WORLD Estab,£h back: long brown hair, falling from un- years and endorsed by all leading Kail J Holstein-Frlesian «Register. Rei b«»slde the fireplace Wentworth voiced father when I asked him for her hand, In Canada.—Holstein Friesian Record. Officials. I'.er a brondlsh brhntnel Spanish form A Mninp Ration. tlie lilglu’st praise to h«» spok«»n of wo and I made up my mind that when that We execute a $250 Bond to ever) furnish him or her a position paying The kind of feed that has given me of soft felt lint, Reinbrandtesque; loose to man. young man show«! up to ask me for' $40 to $5«»o a month ip States east « 1 Flavor, tn Batter. kind of Iverness cape when walking the best results for the last eight or "Bless her heart!” he said softly. my daughter’s hand I would have re Rocky Mountains, or from $75 to >1 The different flavors we And In but­ nnu invariable velvet Jacket inside the month in States west of the Rockies, “Siu» ought to be a bachelor’s wife!” vengv not only for what 1 had to pass ter that may be traced back to the ten years has been rljie yellow coni house." mediately upon graduation. During the thr«» months that fol through when I urged my suit, but also Students can enter at any time. •l0 patron are about as follow s; A metallic cut and put Into the silo. I can get tions. For full particulars regarding a . . lowed this conviction grew more and for being relegated to the background or rusty flavor due to milk or cream good results from dairy cows with two our Schools write direct to our e»c The Gain From Others. feeds dally of that, one of hay and a more fervent. His admiration for the during the present pro**eedings. office at Cincinnati. O. Catalogue tree- living held in old cans that are more or • A a man is ls strong in proportion to the skill with which Ethel Manic«» (at oth ‘ Well, he cnl!t*d at my office the oth­ less rusty; an unclean flavor due to ration of cottonseed meal and no other quantity, the quality and the variety The Morse School of TelegopW er tinn*s a merry, companionable girl) er day. and I told my otthv bo.v to ad grain. — Maine Cor. American Cnltf- Ohio. Buffalo. uuwaslied separators or milk cans that vator. of for™ winch lie ........ absorbs from others. Cincinnati. *iuiu viuvrs. Atlanta, Ga. l ac'os9®Acak ran th«» household, rvducliig friction to in It 1dm and leave us alone and see TexarKana.Tex- San Francisco. were not properly washed with a brush lie is a power In proportion to the ex ­ the minimum, making lif«» a continual that we wen» not disturbed Bee, rnlp „num o( ONE she marry him. slder yourself Invited without further fashioned deep wttiug system prac­ sugar factory and the farmers feedina Junior Partner—I never suspected LARS for each and every case of cannot be cured by the use of H all h u * She looked at him oddly for a mo notice. Good day.’ ticed among many farmers It should too much beet pulp Bn ii bis Before I could catch my breath he 1 FRANK J. be churned at a temperature of 0D to gram ration. ,,r, „oanF, Dalrvtn.n o n oT1.'! dl1’w"’ “ "ttle simmlnr Sworn to before me and subscriDeu arm and said half kindly, half mock was gone and when I complained to It Is much with the wet lwt pnll) I",™ U”’t he shouM nble to pav presence, this 6th da} ofl»ecember. A u- G8 degree« In winter and 58 to 00 in 1y: tny dn light er atnnit his treatment •'* lumnier. If the separator is used thia X pt U Wl'h ,b* Wrt bn'wprs' (trains- 4 - A. W GLEAN«»> li ™ \TCa v'’”” "”t of “■ LT a ?; SoUryM** What yon want la a lionsekeepe:' ni* all the comfort I got was that temperature can tw reduced materially, they vetr .con ferment and become ♦ L.4X).—New \orlt Press. Wentworth, not a wife,” Then, a could consider myself fortunate In get Hall « Catarrh Core is lake Mr Curler, the Illinois dairy expert, -nor and the feeling mangers are a more earnestly. ‘'Please let Uo- ting an inv’tatlon. ss It was to bo a reek ng mass „f half act. directly on the blood and tnneoa ■ fl a»! Ing 55 degree« or below satisfacto­ Wh° not of the system. Send for lesinnoniais. q < member ” And Wentworth. feel very exclusive affair." A this puys the mischief with tbs ".Huctvi« IT11 F. J CHKNKY A CO . Toledo.u ry.—American Agricultnriat. hope or fear beyond the lim Sold by HniRirists. 73c. Rs tf saber probablll;,-.- Johnson. Hall's Family Pills are the best- r W.H CARI* jlbvohat, 0 *— --------------------- 4 J LATIMER, BROS M NEEDED