V TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 3, IGO** NEHALEM MAMED BY CHICAGO THUGS. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sweeney and daugh­ ter left for Portland Thursday to visit Eye« Gouged Out Prevent« Identi­ fication. the fair. ’ C. C. Clark came in from Seaside C hicago . July 30.—Outlawry in Chi Thursday. cugo has reached the stage where a W. W. Ridelaugh was in Saturday grand jury has demanded that the police ' looking things over at the cannery. sweep the city clean of thugs, burglars G. M. Cobb left for Dallas last Mon- and crook that haye made it a Sum­ THE WEATHER MAN. PLAGUE OF LUXURY The investigation which hat just been started by the grand jury of the District How It Has Fallen Upon the People of Columbia in the cotton scandal is the How He Knows When It Is Going with Prosperous Times. first of a series of investigations into the to Storm or Clear. recent irregularities or crookedness in the departments. The examination in Hep—■«« the cotton case is, of course, under the aa.tal Map Ma*« I» from Okserv»«“» Mallo»» •“ direction of the attorney general’s office. CBBlaa a»a Towes ot «*• It is necessary to keep this fact in mind, mer haven. Oaalrr. Mr. and Mr«. Klein and daughter, because of the recent loud talk by the The growth of luxurious living in ra. Eflenliurger and Mr«. Koehiner ■ Since the first of the year 65 persons Southern cotton association that it had Strictly speaking, our weather bu- America was very slow during the nrst went to Portland laat week to visit the have been murdered in cold-blooded fash- incited the inquiry and was going to neas is made up of a greet many build­ 50 year, of the republic. Indeed, up to ' ion. This number is exclusive of the 20 fair. have a prominent part in it. Persots ings scattered all over th* Lnited the breaking out of our civil war the Seighfred Christensen went to, the deaths growing out of the teamsters’ who may have anything to reveal which States, and the one at Washinton is the inequalities of fortune were not ao strike. It is the forfeit which orderly valley Tuiaday to work. will throw light on the recent cotton central station that governs and di­ marked as to make those who lived citizenship has paid to thugs and bur ­ The cheeae factory haa fat hogs aglorr rects the smaller ones, and to which glars who reckoned human life a cheap leaks will l>e summoned, but they will they send in their daily reports; for sumptuously according to the stand­ for aale. ards of those days seem so far removed appear as witnesses only. The investi ­ commodity when it stood in the way of it is by getting reports from all the from the merely well-to-do as to be al­ gation is being carried on bv the depart ­ 8OUTH PRAIRIE ill-gotten loot. different sections of the country that ment of justice. Consequently it will be Uncle Sam's weether-maker» are able most in another world. In the earlier Never before|in Chicago was the crime davs, any sober and industrious man Haying is a thing of the past. An rigid. It will aim to get at the truth. average crop was harvested, also a good i record of the Summer months so black There will be no lads to exploit and no tx> make their predictions. There are could prosper, even though he did not i 180 town* and cities in the U nited perforin merely manual labor. There crop of yellow weed was cut on some of that afgrand jury felt called upon to cliques in the cotton market to defend. States where there are ob»ervation was work for every one to do. and no call the authorities to special action. the dairv ranches. stations, haring the same instruments Apparently it is the purpose to investi­ one was more in demand than Mr. Jack- Harry (¿nick ia the proud father of a The Chief of Police is besought to let the gate all the divisions of the department and apparatus a« the Washington bu­ of-all-trades. who now walks superflu­ gamblers and the underworld alone for son. of agriculture, through the statistical reau. .Now. the observer» at the«* ous in the dusty highway, with no one Charles Wells and family are camped a time, if need be, so that adequate atten­ branch will come in for the first and 180 stations do not spend their time to applaud his adaptability, none to tion may be given to the floodtide of waiting for spiders to crawl out of need his ingenious services. Food was at Sand Lake. possibly the fullest examination. An er. their hole» or looking at the skjrtosee There is not as much milk received at murder. ror has been discovered, according to whether it is red or gray in the even­ plenty, land was cheap, rents were low. The situation is considered grave Secretary Wilson, in the tobacco crop the factory, as earlier in the season. Be honest and you will be happy, was ing. They look at their thermome­ Mrs. Willis Powell spent a week camp­ enough to call for the highest ability lor June, in which an increase of 20 per ters, barometers, anemometers, and not mere cant; it was the solemn and ing at Natarts with her son and daugh­ and the greatest possible vigilance on cent in the acerage was reported, but it so on, which are far better guides than the grateful truth. Pretty nearly every one lived well, but pretty nearly the part of the police force. ters. ought to have been a 20 per cent de all the other signs put together. all lived plainly. With better houses, Dwight West and family spent a conple The invasion by the criminal element crease. It was an error in arithmetic, At 8 o’clock in the morning and at 8 with better water supplies, with im­ of days at the Netarts beach. began in earnest soon after the police however, as the secretary says. Specu­ o’clock in the evening of every day proved lamps for illumination and Mrs. Pike, of Netarts, visited her went on strike duty and left their beats lative interests had nothing to do with the observer at each one of these then with the introduction of illum­ sinter, Mrs. Alvin Johnson, last week. and posts to travel with caravans of the mistake in the figuring. Since the weather stations from Maine to Cali­ inating gas. and most of all with the Some members of Mr. Isaac Quick's merchants’ wagons. With the eight Holmes, irregularities were brought to fornia looks at his different instru­ greater wealth which came at the end ments. and carefully notes what each of the civil war, the growth of luxuri­ family have been on the sick list, hut are hundred and forty patrolmen withdrawn light two weeks ago there has been of them marks. Then he takes a look improving.! from the streets entirely, Chicago became some distrust regarding the reliability at the sky, to see whether it is fair ous living began taking tremendous Mr. Christensen, our popular cheese a paradise for burglars, porch climbers and honesty of crop reports, and this or raining or snowing, and to see what strides. Luxury with poor light after sunset, luxury with few. of the means maker, has purchased an up to date and highwaymen. error in the tobacco acerage will tend to sort of clouds may be sailing about. of personal cleanliness, does not mean rubber tire buggy. According to the weather bureau there Hold-ups were of frequent occurrence increase this feeling, although there ap­ much to us nowadays. Why. a man in in broad daylight in crowded thorough­ pears to have been no suspicion of cor- are seven different kinds of clouds, a Harlem flat at $600 a year can com­ and it is important that the observer SPRUCE. fares. A street car conductor never knew rupt dealing in the tobacco matter, should see what particular kind is hov­ mand more of the kind of luxury just Hnying is about over in our neighbor­ when he was safe from pillage from Holmes, the assistant statistician, was ering around, for each kind means mentioned than say the dissolute hood, and nearly every one is wishing armed thugs. Hardly a day passed in dismissed, and Hyde, the chief statisti. some special kind of weather or some Charles II. ever dreamed of. Rut the for a good rain as the gardens need it June or July without the reporting of cian, has resigned, and is now on his particular state of the atmosphere. wealth that comes with new fortunes began one or more of these sensational hold­ way to England. It is the intention of W’hen he has finished his observation to new people was reallv what the bad. Mil- the race which may be called ups, typical of the wildest of wild west the department of justice to get those and noted all the indications, he tele­ lioiraire Stakes for all ages, says a W. West went to town Monday* graph« his report to Washington. countries. Mrs. E. Hoag and daughter, and a liersonages before the grand jury, it In that way, then, the Washington writer in Ainslee’s Magazine. opened lady friend from Tillamook, visited Mr». The foregoing figures at the top of possible. Everybody else who has any­ station receives an account of the Refore these stakes were Hoag smother, Mrs. Folund Saturday this column do not begin to tell the whole thing of value to reveal, or who thinks weather at all parts of the country there were a few fortunes in this coun­ and Sunday. story. It is estimated that not more he has will be brought before the grand at the same time, and, as you may eas­ try. Some were made in the trade with N J Dye and wife passed bv on their than one-fourth of the whole number of jury. The investigation will be thorough ily believe, it keeps the four telegraph the east, some were made in strictly domestic commerce, some were found­ way to at.d from town Monday. burglaries and hold-ups were reported enough to reveal the working of the de­ operators busy receiving the messages ed in piracy, and other adventures by­ J. P. Tucker and wife and son, Johnnie, to the police. partment of agriculture, particularly in that come pouring in soon aft­ sea, but the greatest number and the er eight o ’ clock. As each mes ­ and Mrs. Savage, of Beaver, went to Cases are on record of business houses its bureau for the collection of data on sage is received in the telegraph most stable were those which came the city. being plundered three times a week, and which it bases 4its estimates of acerage room it is carried by a messen­ from the shrewd investments in land N. J. Dye and wife passed through our finally forced out of business . There is and crops. ger across the hall to the forecast which was enhanced in value by the vicinity Wednesday on their way to a record of one family being robbed 15 Attorney General Moodv has been di­ room, or room where predictions are growth of cities. Even up to the time Pleasant Valley to visit their brother, S. times in two years. rected by the President to use all the made, and handed to the translator. that the newly rich began to splurge, the owners of the fortunes just Men­ C. Woods Wanton brutality is the prime charac­ resources of the department of justice to As the translator reads aloud the tioned were pretty generally tolerably Clyde Kinnaman is working at the teristic of the thuggery. Women are expose and punish all the crookedness cipher reports from the different sta­ plain people, who lived very quietly Bea ver creek sa w mill again. held up, terribly beaten and disfigured ; in connection with the cotton and other tions, other men in the room mark and looked upon those who made un­ Jennie Woole is taking music lessons of men are not only robbed,but cruely mu scandals which he can get at. Unques­ what he reads upon a map of the United usual display as too vulgar to come in States, so that when the last message Miss Tessa Bixby. side the sacred pale which called itself tilated. It secures no mctcv to submit tionably the order will be obeyed. H. Poland took bis mother and sisters tamely to being held up; the footpads Wherever it exists guilt will be exposed. has been translated the map shows society. In New York, this class of just what the weather is' at each one to town Friday, where they will visit argue that a victim who has been beat­ No guilty person will i>e allowed to es of the 180 stations. The map is then people at the time mentioned lived in awhile. en into insensibility or whose eyes are cape. It is in the statistical division of turned over to the official who is to the neighborhood of Washington Pete Anderson went to the city, Satur. gouged out, will not be so likely to iden­ the department of agriculture that the make the predictions. In order to get Square: in Philadelphia, toward the foot of Walnut street, and in Boaton. in day. tify them, so almost every case of high­ investigation has stated. That bureau his bearings, he traces across the map Mrs. C. Woole and son Charley went way robbery is marked by extreme bru has been under fire pretty constantly for the different places throughout the that ever sacred Reacon street. They were slow but sure. They had no to town Friday and returned Saturday. tality. the past two or three weeks, and it is ' country where the temperature is the doubt about their position, or the pro­ same and the places where thr barom­ proper that the inquiry into the recent priety with which thev maintained Under the Harrison regime, the Mayor Rear-Admiral Rojestvensky's condition scandals of all sorts should begin there. eter is the same. The one he marks haa made satisfactory progress aiaaM the argued that cold weather was respon But the statistical bureau will not be with red lines and the other with black their dignity. They did what they pleased, but they did not please to be operation that was performed on his sible for crime, but this Summer the abolished. Nor will the Southern cotton Mnes. and if you will look at the weath­ in the least fantastic, theatric, os­ forehead. He was able to leave his bed reign of terrior has been worse than association or an>' other private body er map you will see these red and tentations or conspicuous. And until an hear * * * section, thence in a southerly direction for the country A b what was being said. The llosl Celebrati«« «t host and Th« relation. -- ---- Iwtwm — --- — — — th« . States ««»»sw of I toward the mineral ground north ot 1« friends had been compelled >»«•«»» la Ike HUB. of Tksle Public is Aroused. c----—J to Louisiana and Mississippi hare reached Washougal. , down to the Columbia ask emphatically for ReaervatlvB. 'very accom- The public is aroused to a know ledge an acute stage, and, from indication« it I River, and through Washougal, Camas. paniment of the’ meal even down to the curative merit* <>f that gr*ai. me<|. will change from interviews a lout the Fishers and Vancouver, back to Port of The annual green-corn dance of the knives, forks L • icinal tonic Flievtnc BiUcrt, for sick . and spoons, so by the Seneca Indians was recently held tn concealment of eases to a much morel land. The estimHted cost of construe, Htomacli, liver and kidney». Mary ^.,h:.t,.f7“nd Ch— had been serious matter. From information that tion and placing in operation of this 200 Waiter», of 54fl St. Clair Ave.. Colum­ the hills of their reservation, 25 bnt'r’Dr’ide .'h;y anything The hut Pleasant frams fr’am. of mind. mind Still has come to hand, the dignity of the I miles of track is, according to Dr. Coc, bus, ()., write« : •• Foraeveral month* I I miles east of Vinita, I. T. blit a pleasant waa given up]to die. I had fev r and ; Senecas numlier about 200 people State of Louisians haa been offeuded by $4,0O0,lMX»_____________ ague, my nerve« were a recked . 1 could j and tuey hold many different cele- was doing the honors retained hi. an armed invasion from the sister stale, not aleep, and my atomrch was m > weak, br.tions during the year, among S1OO Reward. $1OO. from usUeaa doolora* drug«, that I could whk-h are the strawberry feaat. sup­ M™tPOwi,trh,.hnd dW n°‘ and thia Tuesday Governor Blanchard j The rrader« of thin paper will b* pleeead to [ »»<4 Wit. Soon after beginning to take per for the dead, dance for rain, war taint With the waiter in the latter's communicated with the Captain of the presence. R„t he w„ reserving hU '"T. T dreaded .liwaw | Electric Bitlera, I obtained relief, and ecicuce haa bsen able to cure in all ite | • _ . ,, dances and the green-corn dance. naval brigade, which haa a full; i I that Mtaaea ai>e n ’ ’ A " 1 hy S * net '« lect Ixiuiaiana citiaena from further in- incut HaH'a Catarrh Cute ia tn ken internally, with e ThPn ,he h<”‘ •rose acting directly upon the tdou<1 and m net hi * counciL The chief and six members digmtiea Miaaiarippi haa five armed suifacefiof the ay stem, thereby deatro) lug the ;_______________________________ . in M u'e difrnHy' and' r^h- of the council meet and make prep- fog foundation of the dieeaae and giving the patient ing in his pocket, extracted a quar- bouts patrolling th» eoaat ’ •* to ’ preveut | Birt»nglh aretiona for the green-corn dance ...... * ’ ’ " by building up the con»litution and - -v -1“. ualure ingoing its work, lhe ptoprie- fishermen f fnxu breaking through the | by appointing a medicine man and pl - .. . . Iot» have *i_much faith in ir» curative power«. quarantine linen Theae vessels are also th.* they ..it" __rr on-» Hundred IXillam tor inv • number of hunters to secure wild that it fails to cure, eend for liac of teati- assisted by the Voiled Slates revenue oa>e meat for the occasion. A hunt is Nioulals made and when the hunter, return cutler Winona The Miaaiapippi boats A.ldreea, F. J. CHKNKV A CO . Toledo.O 'h "k you would remember me if Sold by broggiatf. 75c. the dance takes place I will not allow Louauana fiahermen lo' Hail » F abji T v Fill» are th» bent. 1 TV- ___ ‘ The Indiana meet under their large came in here again?” enter Miaaiaaippi Sound, east of 81. j “0. yea, «Jr, ves T. ' mJ th' îrbïr "i e,r,V in m I Joseph Light, hat, from reports received, |™< ’ha I..der of the band ,.r medi- would," replied the waiter wHh a it appears that one of then« patrol boata suave smile of satisfaction c--^, ;, .landing th i •ine _ .. man makes -------- 4 a «peech. rgne, which is dis. I n th« center of the 'shed ANO CURE TNI LUNC8 ‘ ' «nd talk« tinctly Louisiana territory, and one re­ • " • «<<”» «nd solemn voice At in- Take one m r,'m'-"'h<-r me. terv.l, he put. small hit. ,,f -„.„„a VO w"n m.r ’°"d ,OO,t a‘ *' port aaya it came up to the mouth of leave, from a p l.„ t ,. ( . rrd K ,nd .vou will make no mistake. And If lake Horgue canal, which extends from to the you ever see me in this pl.c« in the Senecas on a slow burnir. Hre. and the lake lo the Mississippi River, a die- uture you win keep i(„t ", ¿/"J*' •a the smoke and the fi tanee of only 4H mi lea The naval I he -’ p — ........ believing raise he make, k his r,y„. that vLT r >7,he wai1’wni a||,,w M brigade veaeel Stranger draw» too much the smoke convey, the words t„ th ariln i’"rt ’“‘‘"’P' wait on me rnn P<>«UBFTlOg prtM prest Spirt* After tl^e p^.^ waler for service in that vicinity, but a FQH I OUGNS.M HtaAtt M that lings are dinner is readyP.7d th« hghlulrafl boat will be impressed into off the top Of v.,ur head*- 'b'*" sarvice. armed with a howitzer or two I 81 reat and Quickest Cura for all Ir-^ gue^w^eTeS m°d and manned by ortfe-era from the liri. THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ Itaile. and will be aent out to prevent LES, or MOMMY RACK. walked briskly from 'the Abaolutaly Bur» further aggression. •etera! .«-r dM not mor„ { dart. KILL . COUCH "" Dr. King's New Discovery T. BOTTS, I Rooting Crookedness Oat. huciN® POWDER 7»«f/5A»S«$77n/TE A ttorney - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract Books Taxes paid for non Residents. Office opposite Post Office. in office. Both phones. H. COOPER, A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook , O regon . CARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Cent echer .Abvoliot, Office across the street and north from the Post Office. /JA H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at .L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon Q H. UPTON, Ph. G..M.D., P pysician and S urgeon . Office one block west of the Allen House, Tillamook City. Calls answered promptly. pA R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. hos . coates , T Agent for Fireman’s Fund and London and Lanca shire Fire Insurance Companies. Tillamook .. Oregon. OF TITLE, OR ABSTRACTS GO TO TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. T hos . C oates , Pres. W. SEVERANCE, A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook O regon S. STEPHENS, • Real Estate and Fire, Life, Health, Accident, Insurance. J Agent for the Northwest School Furni­ ture Co. and Oigans and Pianos, Notary Public. Office : Southwest from the Court House, in the building occupied as a music store. LATIMER, BROS., B1RBER IBB BlIBBBESSEB. 8HAVING, HAIR CUTTING SHAMPOOING, ETC Electric Baths nicely fitted up. Goodfor persons suffering with rheumatism. MOJasgR Annually, to fill the new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want YOUNQ MEN and LADIES of good habits, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY MS I B UCIVBTIBB b »»^“ We furnish 75 per cent, of the Operator» and Station Agents in America. Out -»tx schools arc the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN THE WORLD Bstablished .V years and endorsed bv all leading Railway Officials. * We execute a S25O Bond to every student to furnish him or her a position paying from 940 to $5OO a month in States east oft Rocky Mountains, or from $75 to • month in States west of the Rockies, mediately upon graduation. Students can enter at any time. No vac»« tions, For full particulars regarding any or our Schools write direct to bur executive office at Cincinnati. O. Catalogue free. The Nome School ofTelegraphy Cincinnati. Ohio. Buffalo. N V- Atlanta. Ca. L aCi osse, Wla- TexavKana.Tax- San Francisco, W’’ S tate of O hio . C ity of T oledo . » g g L ucas C ounty , ’ ' / . .. _ F maxk j . C henkv make» oath that be it in« senior partnei of the firm of F J* < ® <’o., doing buaineM in the €Hv of 1 Countj and State aforesaid, and that «aui firm w.ll nay the sum of ONB HMMW I*’«; E ars for each and every case of Catarrh cannot be cured by the use of H all '» C atabmh Ct Bi. FRANK J. CHhNKY Sworn to before me and eubucribed presence, thisbth day of December, A.D- r**1- * — ( A W. GL1AS4» jsBAt. | Solar) Fublm Hall s Catarrh Cure is take totornally acts directly on the blood and « bcour surfa«» of the system. Send for testinioniata. freeL. F. J. CHKNKY A CO , Toledo.1? nurgist». 7jc- miTy Pills «re the best.