TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 3, 190b. good old army beams . UPHELD AFTER A TEST. I Notice of Dissolution. I The Partnership heretofore existing Or«plte Mark <>»»o«lt|UB, -- fhfurAaaes Edmunds __ VX- . ’ . » dny . ’dis* ~ ewrluK Ou„ Larrto«.. 1 D. T Edmunds continues the business and pays all liabilities against said firn». “Beans are the soldiers’ mainstay.” After mature deliberation and thor G. A. Edmunds retains all book ac- rath Tboiu«» *’• IBlliin. a retired I nit- ough tests, the geueral carriage boarc I counts, notes anil mortgages of said ,d States fatalrj officer, according to has adopted a report favornble to th. firm prior to this date the Philadelphia Record. “The Anier- disappearing guu carriage system at Dated July 19th, 1905. iean soldier, at a pinch, can equal the E dminds B ros ., compared with the barbette type I performance of an Arab on a handful 1 his report will be finished in a few I D. T. E dmunds . G. A. E dmunds . ,,f dried date»—he can ride and fight days and presented to Acting Seere all day on a mere handful of beans, tary Sanger. Should the report . be ap­ properly prepared. There is nothing proved by Secretary Bool Boot upt... up„n h]. Notice. t«> equal the army baked bean. Your return from Europe it finally will dis celebrated ‘Boston baked’ are but a I erson are notified not to haul any poor imitation of the succulent article fi^ e firing of the ten-inch gun on bar­ the way 1 cook them, and many a time bettes at Sandy Hook, when a base­ I’ve been atked for the recipe, but ball and football detachment fired ten that’s a thing I don’t give away to shots in about 12 minutes, was beaten everyone. You see, people enjoy a O the ten-inch gun on a disappearing dish all the better when they know it’s I carriage at Fort Wright. The lowest something* that not everybody can get interval between shots with the ten- up. It might take some of the zest inch barbette was 104 seconds, while away if they could say of my beans: with ten-inch disappearing the lowest 'I know how to make them.’ ” interval was 47 1-5 seconds, and the Automatic mean interval in the firing of 30 shots KNOWLEDGE WAS POWER. was 53 seconds. After the firing of the fifth shot the How Familiarity with the Chlaeae primer stuck and caused a delay of I Laasuage Made a Woman 129 1-5 seconds. a Countess. The record --- - with the wie 12-inch 14-iijcn gun at | One of the unmarried women in dip­ Port Wright was equally remarkable, by buying this lomatic circle« at Washington is the mean interval of ten shots being reliable, honest, l-lo seconds, second., much lower than Countess Marguerite Cassini, the ac­ only 58 1-10 high grade sew­ complished niece of the Russian am­ the record made with the ten-inch gun ing machine. bassador, who is a countess in her on barbette. The mean interval of fir- own right, not by heredity, but by spe­ ing with the six-inch gun as shown STRONGEST GUARANTEE. cial grace of the czar, and a curious by the report was 20 seconds. National Sewing Machine Co., By comparing the records of the fir ­ story is told of the manner in which SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. she won her title. It was when Count ing of the guns by the two systems, Cassini had his fateful conference with the board concluded that the disap­ FACTORY AT BELVIDERE. IU. pearing presented greater advantages Li Hung Chang at Peking, long before NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. and that the firing at extreme eleva ­ the Boxer trouble. The count’s inter­ Department of the interior. preter was away, for Li’s call was un­ tion of the 12 and 10-inch guns on Laud Office at Portland. Ore., July 22nd, I905. expected, and as the Chinese states­ disappearing carriages had no bad ef­ Notice is hereby given that tne following- fect upon the carriages. named settler has tiled notice of his intention man could not speak Russian and the to make final proof in support of his claim, rhe importance of the board's deci­ and Russian diplomat did not understand that said proof will be made before the Chinese the conference came to a sion is shown by the fact that congress County Clerk of Tillamook Co., at Tillamook on September 7th, 1905, viz. : deadlock. The count’s niece, who had in appropriating money for coast de­ City, Oregon, DAVID F. COUI48ON, picked up something of the language, fense provided that no more disap­ H E. No. 12678, for the Ne % of Section 22, tp. 3 range 9 west. stepped into the breach and the affair pearing carriages should be purchased south, He names the following witnesses to prove was arranged to the satisfaction of until a board of officers of high rank his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : made a complete test and reported both parties. The Chinese empress Har ey Poland, Jos. Bixby, Norman Dye. loaded her with presents, the czar’s on their comparative value with the Chas. Johnson, of Beaver, Oregon. A lgernon S D resser , Register. barbette type. government made a note of the service performed, and when there was a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. A FAST COLOR WANTED. Department of the In erior, question a couple of years ago of the Land Office at Portland, Ore., young lady’s precedence at Washing­ July 22nd, 1905. y I'nJformi Notice is hereby given that the following ton, where the count was then ambas­ named settler has tiled notice of his intention to Little sador, the czar himself counfounded make final proof in support of his claim, and -J that said proof«ill be made before the County her rivals by making her oountesa. Clerk of Tillamook Co., at Tillamook City, Ore., This was something like rapid promo­ 6th, 1905. viz. : Official information has reached the on September CHARLES E BISCONEK, tion for the lady. war department respecting the color H.E- No. 15255 for the Nw *4 of Ne *4 of sec tp. 5 south, range lowest. of the trimmings in the new uniforms 25, He CHINESE ARMY ROLLS. names the following witnesses to prove to be worn by the infantry. At pres­ his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz : ent the blue of the cloth is of that light They Inelude with the Saldiere, Their Leonard H. Jones, Silas H. Jones, Harry order which is known to the trade as Beckwith, Frank Yach, of Dolph. Oregon. Horeeo aad Every Artiele ei A lgernon S. D resser Register. “ciel.” This, literally translated, means Equipment. “sky,” but the color of the infantry T imber L amo A ct , J une 3 1878.—N otice F or P ublication . Now that Chins has Russia for a near trimmings is not, strictly speaking, United States Land Office, neighbor, it remains to be seen bow the "sky blue” of the ribbon counter. Portland, Ore. July 11 th, I905. successfully, or otherwise, the middle The question seems to be in the di­ Notice is hereby given that iii compliance kingdom will continue to practice ita rection of getting a blue of this shade with the provisions of the act of Congress oi June 3, 1878, entitled ‘An act for the sale favorite game of bluff. How it has that is solid or fast. It is doubtful of timber lands in the States of California, reenforced ita army is shown by the whether the dyes can be so applied as Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terrilorv," as Swedish explorer, Herdin, »ays Youth’s to retain the shade and preserve it extended to all the Public Land States by act ol Au trust 4, 1892, Companion. LUELI.A L NELSON. from fading into a green. Of Bay City, county of Tillamook, State of The Chinese have a most extraor­ The effect, however, of this lighter has this day filed in this office her dinary way of enumerating troop«. blue of the trimmings on the dark Oregon, sworn statement No. 6603, for the purchase They are not content with counting the blue of the body cloth is not at all of the N H of 8w % of section 9. E % of Se of section 8, in township 1 soldiers only, but reckon in also their disagreeable, as might be supposed North, Range No. 10 West, and will offer hor«ea, rifle*, shoe», breeches and so from a mere description of the com­ proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than foi forth, so that the resultant total is a bination. It really harmonizes, and if agricultural purj>oses,and to establish her claim o said land before the County Clerk oi 1 ilia- long way above w hat it ought to be. that color will ••.land” it will be quite ..100k Countv, at Tillamook Citv. Oregon, on They apparently go on the supposi­ acceptable. The difficulty, a« already Wednesday, the 27th day of September, J905. She . „ tion that the rifle is at least as valuable stated, is in keeping it from turning names as witnesses : Geo H. Williams, Robert Watt, Louis Reifen- ar the man, and by ar. analogous train to a shade which will be decidedly jarr- burg. of Bay City, Oregon ; Geo. W. Kiger, of of reasoning they argue that a mania ring and esthetically offensive. It is Tillamook, Oregon. , . . . . .. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the of little use if he has to travel on foot, possible that there may be a return above-descrilied lands are requested Io file their claim« in this office on or before said 2;th day of that he cannot go about naked, and so to the white trimmings. September, 1905. on. Hence they count the whole kit, A lgernons D resser , Register. horse, rifle, breeches and all. DOG SWALLOWS DIAMONDS. T imber L and , A ct J u . nk 3. i878.—N otice for By this peculiar process of arith­ PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, metic they fancy they deceive the Rus­ Portland, Oregon. sians into believing their garrison» July 5th 1005 Notice is hereby given that in compliance much stronger than they are. S ftve Money NEGROES DON’T MIGRATE. The value of the Engliah bulldog Sport, owned by Mrs. McMaster Mills, wife of the president of the Plaza bank of .New York, ia not known, although it ■needed jg COlawrwr —-- -- that ---- he is worth at least There were 6.500,000 colored perron» $1,000 more now than he wai. That is in the United State»in. I860. 7.500.000 in owing to the fact that the dog has se­ 1890, and S.bOO.OOO in 1900. A "general creted aomewhere in its interior three movement” of colored inhabitant« from diamond rings which have adorned <»ne »tat« to another or from one sec- the handa of ita mistreat, but which tion of the country to-«nother, d«e to the dog took a fancy to and swallowed. economic, political or hygienic reason*, Mrs. Mills, who is summering at Green­ ha« been declared to be in progress at wich, Conn., went in bathing, and be­ intervals of two or three years since fore doing »0 took off the three dia­ the close of the civil war. mond rings and laid them on the But the figures of each succeeding dresser in her room. When she re­ cenaus prove that the colored popula­ turned an hour after she missed the tion of the United ■State» is by no means rings. Sport was curled up on the bed migratory; it changes little year by and appeared to be breathing hard. year except as the result of the ordi­ Mrs. Mills saw dog footmarks on the nary increase in population. Various dresser and suspected him. ambitiou» projects of leaders to “col­ Q.eea Marla En.barras.v4. onize” certain states have failed entire­ ly In Kansas, for instance, there are Ear!) ma»« at Madeleine was attend­ °nly 9.000 more colored inhabitants ed by Queen Maria Christiana and the than there were 20 years ago, though Infanta Maria Theresia. During the Kansas has long been the meeca of collection the priest officiating pre- aented the plate to the queen, but she nwiny colored colonizer». -arried no money and her embarrass- Th* Philosopher's Rtene. mfnt was only relieved by Duchess de An Italian having written a book Oba slipping a coin into the queen a upon the art of making gold, dedi- band Queen Maria Phia an. her s«.n, rated it to Pope Leo X.. expecting a the duke of Oporto, and suite, hare ar­ g'»od reward. ...... ........... ...... , ...... Hia _......... holiness, finding rived from England and are procesd Pat the man constantly followed ing to Ai> abortly. kim, at length gave him a large, emp­ Parlas Waepa. ty purse, saying: “Sir. sines you Cambridgeshire (Enfflsnd) fruit- know h,,w |O make gold. you can „.r, are pet inff ehili'ren ■ la If- e <«f anything but a purv .. ... . « I . » » : ni U re. with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. I878 entitled An act for the sale of limber laad« tn the SUte« of California, Ctre- sott Nevada and Waahitifton Teiritory, a. extended to all the Public Laud Slate« b> act of Avguat c qkken MAN, Of Portland, county of Multnotnali, Mats of Oregon, has thia day filed in thi« office hla sworn statement No. 66i8. for the parch»« ol \ E. U ol see. So. is. nt tp. r South, Kanxe So 7 West, and will offer proof to show Ithat the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural pnr- noae« »nd to establish hia claim to «aid iatid before the Register and Receiver of this office at rortland. Oregon, o" Friday, the 6th dav of Oetol-er, 1905 He name» as wltne««» John W. Boals, t bailee F. Ehman. George W. Greenntan, of Portland, O egon; Daniel C. Bowers, of Sunnysl.le, Oregon . ,h. Any and all persons claiming adversely the sbove de«rilted ands are requested to die their claims in this office on or before said o«h day of October, J*£EalgwgB, Register. RED FRONT SHOE STORE Is now located iu the Store formerly used as the Model Restaurant, where LADIES’, GENTLEMEN and MISSES’, CHILDREN FOOT WEAR of the latest and best quality will be constantly kept iu stock. In the County Court of the State of Orego for Tillamook County. ! In the matter of the Estate of Herman Brown, deeeased. N otice is H ereby G iven .—That the un­ dersigned, administrator of the Estate of HERMAN BROWN, deceased, has filed in the above entitled court his final account as such administrator, and said court has .set Monday, the 7th day of August, 190ft, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. at the office of the County Clerk of said County in Tilla­ mook City in said County and State, as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, and the final settling of said estate. Dated this 3Oth day of June, 1905. FRANK SEVERANCE, Administrator of the Estate of Herman Brown, deceased. H. T. BOTTS, Attorney for Administrator. My experiance in the shoe business for 30 years give me the advantage in selecting boots and shoes suitable for the Tilla­ mook trade. The public are cordially invited to examine my goods and get prices before pure has ng elsewhere. The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Tilla­ mook countv. All goods purchased of me will be repaired at the following rates Men’s Shoes, half soled 60c. Ladies 40c. 35c. Misses’ Pacific Navigation Co STEAMERS—SUE H. ELMORE, W. H. HARRISON. ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI, BAY CITY, HOBSON VILLE. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. General Agent«, ASTORIA. OR B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon. » a |O. R & N. R. R. Co , Portland. AKenU 1A & C. H. R. Co., Portland. Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Express Rates, $1 Per Day Centrally Ltoeated. M. H. LiARSEN, Proprietor. TILLAMOOK, OREGON No Chinese Employed, Headlight Oregonian, $2.25 a year. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. (INCUR PORATBD), ORE. TILLAMOOK CITY, PAID UP CAPITAL, |10,000. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. DirectorsM. W. H arrison , W. W C vrtim , B. L. E ddy . Cashier M. W. H arrison . Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securi ties of all kinds. Every m«->, woman a healthiest . f pastime STEVENS “Hi* ftrrarwn f*-«t inviteprrfe t be ««M tbey ne >r i. i’ll .»«I «rm» In e -ry *■»*— I >,i.t in »It » <1 ■ > si e«nn 1 **■ 'hta. AXA Y' »UR DLALi R F »K Till ST I V1.S*L A rres* t '905. Notice !• her’-br t|v<’n ‘"I i0"1’™’*, »ith the provivions ol the set of ton«re»s oi 3 1»78. entitled An set for he s.le of Uni te? lend, in the HUte. of t-slitornin Ore io™ Neesd. sod W. hit-ton Terrilorv. •« »tended to all the Pub K land Mates by act of J WILEY. r of Tillamook, county of Tillamook. Stale or Oreson. ba« this day filed In thia oftce hi. .worn statement. No. «6«9- ,or ,b< , nt the K t. of Xsr !« .nd Ne !, "I nw J and Xw X "I ** '« ?* •eet*''“ iu Township No « Booth, **■*« » *■ I Hid will offer proof to show that the land 1 woalit is more valuable for IU timber or ZtSe’lban for agricultural purptnes and to e.ul'fi«!' his claim to said land Iw-fore the County < lerk of Tillamook tonaty. Ore . al nluuook City, ore . on To—lay th- 3-1 day ..f tictober n/K He t ames at nitneaae. am<* Walter B«ker Walter <- B«ll»*y, Jam*« . iJn. B of Tillamook. Ore Any and all per«o«B claimiux •dve’l*,y.lke .»oJd**rib«iUmi. are ¿J? claim« in ’hi- office on or before ««»o jra 'lay *» ? DkC-«> R Stexibr- BEST BY TEST “| have trxd .11 kinds of waterproof clothin, and haw never found anything ar any price io compare with yow Fidt Brand for protection front all Lndi of weather." (Th- n««M e44r»ee erf writer of 'EM >-««♦» ma« had ■‘V'- »i.pltaart-«) Hirb«t hirl WerM'i Fair. 1X4. A. J. TOWER CQ Ro«*. USA. TOWCT CANADIAN CO. UNITED Tor»w>. Cttds Kamn tf W« IMS». W« I»««»*« CSsSSfo» Ml . j Portland Union I i depot for Astoria.i ASTORIA (for Portland and f | way point«. f ASTORIA Leeve Eureka Harness Oil not only makrwtM hM»* Bn*! borne b» * better, mo»*« J»-atLer aoft .... an 5:20 p.tn. ♦ R 15 a.m < for Warrenton, » ’ Hammond Ft / 5:50 p.m t Rteven«, beaaftde.) A r»x>4 Inokfnc arid poor kg IttK har ne«» 1« the worrt klu»l ot a com­ bination. ulve Your Horse a Chance! PORTLAND SEASIDE DIVISION. 11:85 a.m P. <). Lo« Ut>4 CHIC »PKF. FAI a LA. MAM. U.l 1 notice . N otick is H ereby G iven ,—That the un­ dersigned have been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook Countv, executors of the last will and testament of HENRY >1. DOWNING, deceased, and of his estate. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to us properly verified as by law required at the office of H. T. Botts, in Tillamook City, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 13th day of July, 1905, HARRY SWRENBY Ar FRANK R. STKINHAUER, Executors of the last will and testament of Henry H. Downing, deceased. H. T. BOTTS, Attorney for Executors. T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878.—N otich for P ublication . United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, April 21 nt, 1005. Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol June 3rd, 1878. entitled ‘ An act for the »ale of timber land» in Hie Stutes of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo­ ry." as extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 18 q 2, FRED ARTHUR, Of Tillamook City, county ot Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day Hied iu this office his sworn siHtenicnl No. 6568, for the purchase of the W % of E % of Sec. No. 28, in 1 ownship No. 2 S, Range No. 7 W. ami will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber