19CÒ. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST t i 1 t i I I •J i < i? I Electric Power for Farms. the United States. By levying war on American imports the Shanghai mischief makers are .playing into the hands of San Francisco's handful of anti-Chinese conspirators. NEW ROAD STARTED. ------------- Work Regnm OU Portland, Nehalem 8c Tillamook Íá¿3Í5Í3í5Í’SÍ'2Í‘ * DAIRYMEN’S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES Edward Records, president of the Atlas Construction & Supply Company, of San The possibility of the introduction of Circuit Court Cases. Francisco, having the contract for con. electricity on the farm for power and Judge W. Galloway held the adjourned struction of the Portland, Nehalem & lighting has been occasion« )y discussed a si in connection with observation as to the I term of the circuit court on Thursday, i Tillamook Railroad, has informed Stere- Á1 development of the efficiency of wind­ I when only a few unimportant cases : tarv William Reid, of the company, that 1 were on the docket. No further action ! the contract has been let for 2000 tons of mills and as to the large amount of pow­ We carry a Large Stock of er that can lie derived from the air. But will be taken to defeat the local option 60 pound steel rails to be delivered at winds are variable in strength as well as law in this county, for J. S Lamar, who Hillsboro before the fitst of Septemlier, direction, and they cannot lie relied upon attacked the law on a writ of review, for laying the first 20 miles of track. to provide steady electrical currents, un­ moved that the case be dismissed, which George L. Davis, in charge of the work, is chief engineer of the Atlas Company less they are supplemented with storage was done, with costs. Fred Lange, plaintiff, vs. Nicholas for building the road and not of the batteries for the conservation of the elec lOils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window tricity, for use during periods of calm. Droat off, Carl P. Fuchs and Henry Tohl. company, and acting under direction of And, as storage batteries are expensive defendants. Action for money. 3ale con­ Mr. Records has awarded the contract Sashes, for clearing the right of way to Clark and require a great deal of labor and firmed. C. W. Talmage for plaintiff. E. M. Porter, plaintiff, vs. Arabella & Dixon, of Forest Grove, and to attention, the prospect of electric power generated by windmillsis not promising, Tone and David Fitzpatrick, administra­ Thompson Brothers the contract for tor of the estate of John Tone, deceased, grading the first three miles from Hills­ for the present at least. However, theie are other ways of get­ defendants. Foreclosure. Sale confirm­ boro. Owing to the fact that there will be very little heavy work in the first 20 ting electricity on the farm, and a num- ed. W. H. Cooper for plaintiff. Tillamook County, plaintiff, vs Edith I miles the company decided to sublet the ber of farmers and dairymen along the electric railway between Aurora, Elgin M. Aiderman. Suit to set aside title. grading instead of transferring outfits and Chicago have been using electricity Motion to make the complaint moresj>e- from San Francisco since it is the pur­ Agents for the Great Western Saw furnished by the rail way company. These cific was disallowed and defendant was pose to complete this section and leave farmers have small galvanized iron allowed 60 days in which to answer. the larger part of the construction to be motor houses, from which shafting runs Handlev & Thayer for plaintiff; Ralph completed during 1906. It was deemed much more expeditious to let sub con- to the barns or other buildings, to fur. R. Dunniway for defendant. The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County Geo. E. Chamberlain et al, constituting I tracts and have work started promptly. nish power for threshing, for the cutting of feed, and for other purposes. Of course the State Land Board, plaintiff,vs. H. B. ' Right of way to Banks, ten miles from hght is another advantage, and the Moore, defendant. Foreclosure. Default Hillsboro, has been turned over to the electric lights are not as dangerous as and decree as prayed for. H. T. Botts constructors free of charge by the Hills­ boro Board of Trade. the lanterns which farmers use going for plaintiff Augusta Hunt, adm. of the estate of The Old World’s Portents. It is known that the Atlas Company about at night. The motor plants, shafting, etc., cost less than $800, and Geo. Hunt, deceased, plaintiff, vs. Carrie and the London bondholders control 70 China’s demand that Manchuria be the railway company furnishes current A. Bailey, W. C. Bailey and the Yellow percent of the stock, and Mr. Records handed back to her, and her declaration at the rate of 4 cents per 100 kilowatts. Fir Lumber Co., defendants. Foreclo­ desires it positively denied that the that she will not recognize and adjust­ One farmer’s bill for current at this rate sure. Sale confirmed. H. T. Botts for company is controlled by the Southern ment in which she has not been consult­ plaintiff. Pacific or any other .company. It is ranged from $5 24 to $6.40 a month, F. R. Beals, plaintiff, vs. Vance Nodine organized an entirely independent com­ ed, may give some trouble to the peace­ according to the amount of work he had makers at Washington. The movement accomplished. The total cost for five and the Allen-Gilbert Ramaker Co. and pany, he declares, and will eventually of Japanese armies in the direction of Tillamook County, defendants. Fore months, during which the fiirmer had make connections with both the North­ Vladivostok means that that stronghold husked his corn, ground his meal, cut closure. Sale confirmed. A. W. Sever­ ern Pacific and Southern Pacific tracks, will soon be beseiged unless an armistic his firewood and ground his farm tools ance for plaintift. giving shippers the choice of either. Re­ Albert Marolf, plaintiff, vs. William E. cently there has been circulated a report is ordered, and an armistic is not looked was $28.08. Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Raglan’» Rain Coats. With electric railways spreading out Easom et al, defendants. Foreclosure. that the company was controlled by for until after the peace conferees meet in Exlusively to Measure. in all directions from the leading centers Decree for plaintiff as prayed for in com. Harriman interests which is emphati­ August, and possibly not then. The ap­ pearance of a Japanese fleet around the of population, thousand of farmers plaint, and for defendants, Thayer and cally refuted by President Records. ought to be able to make arrangements Thayer, as prayed for in their answer, as The first section of 20 miles Mr. Re- mouth of the Amur river would seem Come early and secure first choice. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. for power that will further lighten their stipulated by counsel in open court. H c rds declares in his letter will be com- indicate that the mikado was about I attack Russia on her own ground burden of labor, and make them inde­ T Botts for plaintiff. pletet by November 1 and rolling stock B. J. Stephens, plaintiff, vs. Nellie B. and power will be delivered by that date Siberia, and attack her where she pendent of the erraticelement from which labor has to lie chosen during the grow­ Stephens, defendant. Suit for divorce, when through train service will be estab­ weakest. Japan virtually promised, at the be­ which was granted. C. W. Talmage for lished between the terminus of the road ing and harvest seasons. plaintiff. ginning of the war, if successful, to re­ anJ Portland, as provided for in the Nels. Thompsan, plaintiff, vs. A E. contracts entered into and which Mr. store Manchuria to China. Recently China’s Boycott Folley. Imbler and wife, defendants. Decree as Records has assured Mr. Reid will be she made a guarded promise of the same sort. Russia’s retention of Man­ China is making a serious mistake if per complaint, with $100 attorney’s fulfilled. churia, after she had repeatedly set a day she intends to make a general war on fees. Handley & Thayer for plaintifi ; H illsboro , Or., July 26,—The Atlas for her evacuation of the province, was American importations. A boycott has II. T. Botts for defendants. McIntosh & McNair Co., plaintiff, vs. Supply & Contract Company today ac­ one of the causes of the war. Almost been started in Shanghai and Canton. Action for cepted the bids of Wakefield & Jacobson, all of the war has been waged in the J. P. ALtUEjM, Proprietor There are rumors that it will spread all H. E. Gibson, defendant. H. T. of the Portland Bridge Company, for waters or on the soil of Manchuria. The over the empire. If it does China will money. Settled and dismissed. construction of all the bridge work be­ military operations in Korea were com suffer as much as America. She will suf­ Botts for plaintiff. John S. Lamar vs. Tillamook County. tween this city and Banks on the Port peratively insignificant. All along, China fer in proportion to the extent in which Special Attention paid to Tourists. she carries this war Shanghai and Can­ Writ of review in connection with the land, Nehalem & Tillamook Railway, has had nearly as much interest in the A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation ton are the first and the second ports, local option election. C. W. Talmage, and the chief engineer this evening for­ war as had either of the belligerents. It respectively, in the empire. Nearly two- who appeared for Lamar, moved that warded the contracts to San Francisco is decidedly natural that she should de­ thirds of Uh'na’s foreign trade goes the case be dismissed, which the judge for the signature of the officials of the mand a voice in the settlement of the statutes of Manchuria. Her demand is through Shanghai. The boycott in that ordeted, Lamar having to pay the costs. company. The right of way committee this after­ a notification to the world, as well as port, if it should be kept up many weeks Real Estate Transfers. noon compromised with M. S. Wood­ to the belligerents, that she has never would mean a considerable loss to man for the rights across his farm at the recognized the alienation of that prov­ American exporters, especially in cotton Reported by H. T. Botts. goods. It would, likewise, mean a large U.S. to Henry N. Nagel, 16') acres, sec. 1 edge of Banksand this gives the company ince, Report has it that China has ex­ I clearance into the village of Banks. pressed confidence in Japan’s promises 1 >ss to China, for the goods which the 15, tp 6 S, R 9 W. to restore Manchuria, but she is taking ? Repairs Guns, Locks, Typewriters, Keys, Bicyclesand United States sends to that country are U.S. to Alfred L. Biglow, 160 acres, sec. Sewing Machines. Makes a Specialty of Plumbing. The dandelion has been in some locali­ precautions to enlist, if needed, the I siqieriorin quality to those purchased 9, tp 2 N, R 8 W. I Repair Shop, Opposite McIntosh Sf McJVair's. elsewhere, and are lower in price. This Frank L and Angie Gunn to Corn ties voted the yellow plague of plant life. United States on her side in defense of The despair of the gardener, the vexation the doctrine laid down by Secretary Hay has been the reason of the large increase 6. Edstrom, sheriff s deed to tract in of the owners of fine lawns, it flaunts its at the beginningof the war for the main­ in recent years in China's importation of lot 3. sec 23, tp 3 N, R 10 W. Con gold, scatters its silver-winged seeds and tenance of the “territorial and adminis­ American products, especially in cotton sideration $2,500. I strikes its sturdy tap root down deep in trative entity of China.” fabrics. Mogens Sommer and wile to James L. the soil, defying ordinary means of de­ Probably America’s trade rivals in There are chances for trouble over the Lawrence. 34.10 acres in lot 10, sec. struction. The Common Council of Hel­ Manchurian issue Undoubtedly Japan if jou are in want ot Good Trees, guaranteed true to name, Germany, England and elsewhere are 28, tp 4 S, R 10 W, |600. try largely responsible for the boycott. The C. W. Brown, by sheriff, to A. and H. G. ena, the capital of Montana, has voted will insist on retaining possession of it a nuisance, and will seek to make effec- Port Arthur. After her heavy expendi­ guilds of importers in the two big ports Davies, tract in sec 27, tp 2 S, R 10 I tive this vote by an ordinance requiring ture of blood and money in two wars in in China are making the war, but it is W, $350. sale to say that they are aided by the E. H. Sloan and wifeto Mrs.E. D. Byers, I all persons employed by the city on the the capture of that stronghold, she will streets and parks to fight the pest wher- be likely to retain it this time. The Europeans whom the United States has V, interest in Se of Sw Jj, sec 9, tp i ever it appears, while property owners United States, too, which is anxious to ' lieaten, in quality and price of goods, 6 S, R 10 W, containing 40 acres,$1. in recent years The exclusion of Amer­ Robert Burch to Alierdeen Manulactur , who allow it to grow* unchecked and see the whole of Manchuria restored to Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines seed upon their premises will be subject China, will make an exception of Port ican products from the Chinese market ing Company, tract in sec 6, tp 3 N, Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes. to a fine of $50 for their carelessness. It Arthur and the territory immediately in­ would offer larger opportunities for R 10 W, $250. Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail. German. British and French exporters T. S. Townsend and wile to Helen R. remains to lie seen whether this hnrdv. land from it. But Russia will object, cheerful vagrant will yield its hold upon and she will probably be aided by China, The United States’ recent heavy gains Card, tract in sec 18, tp 1 S, R 9 W, street and lawn at the behest of muni­ which will want to get the whole of the rxflmL'ed’.h-N.rtify' ‘J?.“1.1 h“Letl,is 27th day of December. 1904, inspected and 111 the Chinese trade have aroused the $1. °> Mr. E.P. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres- jealousy of our European rivals. They M. Sooerstler to E. D. Hoag, 70lt off the cipal ordinance, even vigorously enforced. province back, even though she lacked ham Grecnn - u™er> If so, we would be glad to see the Port­ the power or the intelligence to keep it able condi,;/.. " ao [i'r as J a,n a*’1e to ascertain, have found it in good, market, are playing on the prejudices aroused north end ot lots 3 and 4, block 2, and C ear °f anv serions insect pest or disease Their methods of land City Council copy the Helena ordi­ out of Russia's hands when she had it. handling in cert 1111 elements in China against the nantlliiig and growing stock are first class. town of Tillamook, $75. nance, with its requirements and penal, United States on account of the anti Mrs. E. A. Phillips toJuhn K. Sampson, WILBUR K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District. Meanwhile Japan's menace to Vladivo. 1 tie«.—Oregoninn. Chinese attitude of the labor unions ot stok and to Russian’s Siberian territory 160 acres in sec 6, tp 1 N, R 9 W, $1. San Francisco and other places, and be­ Isaac Sampson and wife to John K. further to the north, is calculated to ex. cause of the stupidity, harsh and sweep­ Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- cite grave fears in St. Petersburg, if that Sampson, 160 in sec 6, tplN, R 9 I ing manner in which some of our immi­ W, $1, enced dentist is located in capital’s succession of panics in the past gration officials have enforced the Chin­ A.W Bunn and wife, G. W. Wallace and Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and eight or ten months have not destroyed ese exclusion laws. Report has it that wife, Theodore Steinhilber and wife is prepared to do nothing but all capacity for feeling fear for anything. Wu Ting Fang, a former Chinese minis to John K. Sampson, 160 acres in first class work and give the By getting a grip on Vladivostok and ter at Washington, is engineering this ( sec 6, tp 1 N, R 9 W, $1. best of satisfaction If yonr on the Siberian coast Japan will be in a anti American crusade in order to fright- i U.S. to Ethel Gladys Newell, 160 acres in teeth need fixing call upon position to make demands in the Wash en the United States into repealing its him. secs 9. 10 and 15, tp 2 N. R 10 W ington conference which may be far more coolie laws altogether. Spruce and Cedar Shingles. H. G. Davies and wife and A. Davies to onerous than Commissioner Witte had Notice The United States will not refieal the in mind when he warned Japan that Geo. W. Kiger. 80 acres in sec 27, tp. anticoolie laws. There is a strong senti­ 2 S, R 10 W, $200. All those who are indebted to John Russia would prolong the war if the Cheese and Butter Boxes specialty ment in this country in (aver of making Henry Tohl to Jacob Kamm and wife, Svenson on account of the auction sale, peace terms were found to be excessive the laws a little less sweeping. A still 1 lots 4 and 5, block 9, Tohl's addition art requested to pay np without delay. It is safe to sav that this aspect of stronger sentiment insists on allowing | to Nehalem City, $75. things were canvassed pretty thorugh- 1 full liberty to Chinese merchants, stu- ■ I’aulus D Newell and wife to Wright- Orders for Lumber promptly attended to. Iv by the czar and the kaiser at their Peculiar Disappearance dents, travelers, scientists and other ex. J. D. Runyan, of Butlerville. O laid recent meeting The maneuvering by Blodgett Co , 160 acres in sec 9, tp. the peculiar disappearance of his pain­ both sides for the capture of strategic empt classes to enter the country, and 2 N. R 10 W. $700. to read the same sort of treatment while Ethel Gladys Newell to Wright.Blodgett ful symptoms, of indigestion and liili- positions in the Washington conference oustiewi. to Dr. King's New Life Pills. here that is accorded the same elements Co., 160 acres in sec 9, 10 and 15, tp He says: ' They are a perfect rem.dyi isjvery actively under wav in Europe from England, Germanv, France, and all ' for diumeiM. sour stomach, headache, and Asia. 2 N, R 10 W. $900. other nations. This sentiment has (wen lames Ferry to Rollie W. Watson. 160 constipation, etc.” Guaranteed al Chas. I Clough's drug store, twice 2 ic. working in favor of the negotiation of a AAAAA A 4. A-ft. A A A A acres, sec 4, tp 3 S, R 10 W. $1. Public is Aroused. new treaty with China, tinder which A. K. CASE, Catarrh Cannot be Cured Claude Thaver and wile to Ed. Burke, The public is aroused to a knowledge J some of the barriers here could be lowered Local trrin ations .. the. «not of the curative merits of that great med 15 acres iu sec. 35, tp. 1 S, R 10 W, with reach the seat of the disease. < atanh k a Mood somewh it. The Shanghai boycott, how • __ . FkOPBKTOB $600. or OonetitatM»i«al tbseese. ami in order to cure it Mind tonic Electric Bitters, for sick ever, is intelligently calculated to kill must take ‘nternal remedies Hall's stomach, liver and kidney«. Marv H Anna M. Hathaway and husband to you Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ami acta di- Walters. Of 04« St. Clair Ave , Columi this sentiment. President Roosevelt has | reetly on the bh>o.1 and mucous surfaces. Halt's School District No. 38, tract in sec. Catarrh 'For several mouths I Cure is uot a quack medicine It was bus, 0. »nt« shown that he favors a policy of leniency , preAribml by one of the best physicians in this was glTen,up«o die. 12. tp 1 S, R 10 W, $150. I had fever ar d to China, and in this he is supported country fi»r years an t is a regular prescription ague my nerves were wrecked I could C. P Knudson and wife to E D. Hoag, II ts the best tonics known, com w-ak a large majority of his countrymen ( Hued with the best blood purifiers, acting di­ not sleep, and mv stomach was part block 2, Tillamook, $75. rectly on th« iuuco «« surfaces The perfect from useless dockrr» drugs, tliut 1 could But if the boycott on America extends loseph Sander to Clara Sander, tract in combination Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging of the two Hi«redients is what pro- noteat. Soon after t» ginning to take wich wonderful msali« tn curing Catarrh this attitude will swiftly change. The E eciric Bitters, I obtained rel .f, an I sec fl, tp 2 S, and sec 31, tp 1 S, R 9 dwee« Send for testimonials free Itolwy of coercion, neither by China nor Fine Machine Work a Specialty. F J CHKNhY * CO Props.. To edo O in a short tune I wm entirely cu e I " W. $1 Sold by drudcuus price -jc- any other country, will prevail against Three mortgages tiled to secure $1400. Guaranty «t CU 1. Clough . dr. g Halt • Family Flits ar« tie best store . price, 56c. " 8 Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES McNAIR CO., ALEX » t Ì H new I summer fabrics . Í» For Gentlemen’s Garments to Order Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring, Dress and W alking Suits, Dress Skirts, SARCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men mu ruKSLUHi), me Tinner & Plamber. The EASTWOOD NURSERIES Gresham, Oregon, Fir and Spruce Lumber TILLAMOOK LUMBER. COCDPflJiY j Tillamook Iron Works I 4 General Machinists & Blacksmiths 4 4 4 4 TILLAMOOK, OREGON ir F W Wwwnrv-tr w vvv