_____ Vol. XVIII. I w JOTTINGS. H. T. Botts, for abstracts. Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. • • c. Mills for bargains in real estate • Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd’s? Gent.'s Furnishing Goods at Todd’s.* Go to Fred Forslund’s lor Bicycle Sun­ dries. * Mr. G. E. Payne, of Shetidan, is in the city. Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at Todd’s. J. A. Reeher was down from Wilson on i Sunday. H. V. Welsh was in from Blaine 011 Friday. Three cans of Fine Tomatoes for 25c. at Cohn's. William Engelking was in from Blaine on Tuesday. W. A. Snyder was down from Nehalem on Tuesday. H. A. Smith has bought out O. Crane's barber shop. Carl P. Knudson was down from Balm on Saturday. Mrs. N. J. Hull, of Kansas, was in the city on Sunday. C. Ben Riesland came in from Portland on Wednesday. T. S. Everson, of Hillsboro, was in the city on fnenday. , H. L. Rittenhouse was down from Ne­ halem on Monday. S. M, Patterson was down from Ne­ halem on Tuesday. W. J. Gilbert and wife were in from Spruce on Tuesday. R. C. Miller, of Seattle, Wash., was in the city on Tuesday. Money to loan on improved farm pro­ la.e ; good house and barn ; 40 acres perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals. * tide land and 30 acres of bottom and All Laundry work must be paid for meadow land ; raise 40 tons of hay and will easily support 25 cows. To be sold when delivered.—M. J, B ittz . * Our Diamond U Coffee at 20c. a pound cheap if sold at once. Inquire at this office. * can’t be equalled. At Cohn’s. * Every man owes it to himself and his M. S. Allen and family, of North Yam­ family to master a trade or profession. hill, were in the citv on Friday. Read the display advertisement of the Go to Mason & Ackley for new second six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this hand Bicycles—the price is right. * issue and learn how easily a young man A large New Stock of Shoes and Rub­ or lady may learn telegraphy and he ber Boots just received at Cohn’s. * assured a position. Lawrence Buel, of Sheridan, was in the Tillamook City is to have another city on Tuesday ; also Ross Neely. meat market. Powell Bros, having rent­ Mr. E. T. Haltom returned to the city ed the store next to Beals' office for that purpose and will open up next week. On Wednesday from a business trip. Mr and Mrs. C. I. Clough returned to The boys npjiear to have plenty of back­ ing and a large number of persons have the city on Saturday from Portland. promised to give them their patronage. The Tillamook Lumber Company is County Clerk Lamb and his deputy are having a zinc roof put on the saw mill. kept busy issuing fi-e permits, at the Mr. P. W. Todd and family went out rate of 300 a dav, and to save so much to Portland ou Saturday to visit the fair. red tape and inconvenience, the settlers Mr. Claude Thayer went out to Port­ ask for permitr for three month, so the land on Saturday and returned on Wed- county clerk and bis deputy won’t be day. kept so busy after they get everybody The fine weather continues, with the loaded up with permits. hay crop nearly al) harvested in good Attorney C. W. Talmage had his nose shape. broken in Hadley’s saloon building on Mrs. Munro and son, mother and sis Friday, by Charley Handley, who was ter of Mrs. E. T. Haltom, are in on a undvr the influence of liquor, and it was while he was swinging his arms about, fisit. Mr. and Mrs. B. M Bulliad, parents of as he usually does when in that condi­ Mrs. C. H. Upton, are in on a visit from tion, that be accidentally hit Mr. Tai. mage on the nose and dislocated the Illinois. Father Le Miller, who was outside for nasal organ. The visitors to the city who registered several weeks, returned to the city on at the Allen house on Wednesday were Saturday. Editor R. J- Hendricks, of Salem ; A. B. " anted, to borrow, $300, with good Clominger. of Canby : G. Coffins and A. security at 8 per cent interest. Apply at Olson, of Astoria ; G. T. Taylor of Seat- this office. * tie • A Fauson, of Dansville. Ill.; H. L. Dry slabwood, $2.00; green, $1.40, Sprints, R. McDonald, G. F. Linsfey. C. dshvered. per load.—At the Tillamook R CoIler, C. Ben Riesland. E. W Ding- Lumber Co. * man. Grant O’Don.ld, A. L. Anderwin, A fine line of Mason 8c Ackley’s hand, H. V. Eva, W. F. Backus and H. r. "ade flies just in from the factory. Tied Gust of Portland. Dom special designs. ’ C A Vogler, Who was a saloon keeper Mr. P. McIntosh, who will have charge and gambler in this city previous to the of the Tillamook exhibit at the fair, left vote on local option, returned tc.the city on Friday and left again on Monday. for Portland on Monday. •'lew and Second Hand Bicycles at Fred Hi „ill he back again.to open up • jmnt. Forslund’s. Now is the time to get a if the people would only vote to allov joints of that character to run w-.n Mood bike for little money. * The county is better off w.thout a lo^of J*ff Pieck has a complaint filed against „amblers, who will not work, hut f»>r nwing oliftc^ne language at a ;iin nw, „. H ti.:” fl iup , 1905 AUGUST 3, The .learner Sue H. Elmore will leave The | on Friday afternoon for the bay and nla-tin nCW ? Ster ,vsteni's nearmg com- | What came near being a serious shoot- a*x>nt t',ree weeks the ing affair occurred at the post office at W.ll leave for Altona the next morning. wat " * turne<1 Ol>- Connecting up Woods on Thursday of last week. It ap- Leave your order, for Awnlem Brome ' .e new system is going to take pears that A. B. Pollard got into an Grass seed,the grass that will crowd out the yellow weed, at McIntosh & McNair f .* l,ne'anc* which will be expensive, altercation and became very abusive to tim h ’ reCk°ned that il wiU «*». «»«•» W. R. Robedee, and the latter thinking nC,.'C '"ai" 's tapped, $7. So as to that Pollard had a slug in his hand did The Racycle is a totally J' 'a S.e,*xnse' -he water commis- not proposed to take any chances of wheel. It will climb hills that no ' as ecided that the owners of pro- being knock out in that way, so he grab. other bicycle can. For sale at , BL H pertv are to pay $5, halt of which will be j lard Pollard and backed him out of the re mice in water rent, provided applica. store, nnd as he did so he closed the Vincenz Jacob left on Saturdny^M| bon is made before the 1st September. i< n door. Pollard ran to his wagon to get his old - home in ixuMui, Russia, having lef^TOe -------- naving left rnFre J- S. Stephens met with a bad accident his revolver, and taking aim at the door 1+ years ago, and will not return until on Sunday evening in a runaway. . fired two shots. Both bullets went thro- Christmas. had just returned to the citv with Carl ■ ugh the me and place, aa no change can Ire made after the adjournment of the board. Dated at Tilamook, Or., July 31, 1905. A. M. flare, County Assessor. Peculiar Dissappearance. J. 1). Runyan, of Butlerville, O.., laid the peculiar disappearance of his pain­ ful symptoms, of indigestion and bili­ ousness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills, He says: ’ They are a |>erfect remedy, for diuinesB. sour stomach, headache, constipation, etc.” Guaranteed at Chas. I. Clough’s drug store, price 2 ic. GLOU^? payers MAKEA VAPOR LIKE THIS. FOUR STYLES. One Jet Two Jets Three Jets, galvanized. Three Jets. brass ......... Z?c 85c _ SI 09 I 25 CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND Keeps the Flies off Stock One Quart, at 5Oc ma«,, IO / *. Galione CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. If after using C arbolic C ompound you are not satisfied come and get your money back. Over 30 Years experience in the Business. HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, Ac, Everything Needed in the Harness Line you will find at w. A WILLIAMS Up to date Harness Shop The only complete »hop of the kind in Tillamook county. I handle no shoddy good», but my prices will compare with those that do. F Next door to T illamook C ounty R ank . Local Phone. >1.50 per year, Editorial Snap Shots. that he was neglecting his duties. The people soon see through such flimsy at. Watch the yellow weed grow next year tacks, but as Dr. Withycombe is the most if something is not done to preveut it. formidable aspirant they have to con­ * * M tend with, it must be expected from Now that most of the hay is cut, some this on that the politicians will throw all of the farmers find that they have not the political mud at him they can scrape the heavy crops they had in previous together. years, which have set them to thinking * * * There is a wide difference of opinion as upon different methods of pasturing. how best to cope with the yellow weed, * * * There is some difference of opinion as and which is the best grass to sow in to the value of manure to cope with the this county, so much so that a number yellow weed. We have been told that of persons hold to a theory or even with several parties say by spreading manure practical experience which next year's on their meadows that it causes the yel­ conditions may knock in the head. The low weed to grow. rapid spread of the yellow weed thia year and the outlook for next year is a matter The only persons doing a land office of much concern to everybody, even to business is the county clerk and deputy— those who have bottom lands nnd who issuing tire permits. They haven’t time have an idea now that the yellow weed to play ball with their ink stands at the will never trouble them. It is easy eno­ Headlight man's head for this rush of ugh to be deceived, for it will not sur- business, though the deputy claims she | prise us much to see some of the bottom can pitch a curve. lands affected next year. Therefore, it * * * ' is not so much theory that is wanted nt Mr. Henry Kunze says that the yellow weed is a blessing in one particular, for the present time as it is to know how to those who do not know how to look cultivate the prairie land so as to get rid alter their farms will have to quit farm­ of the yellow weed and raise a crop of ing and those who do will eventually get hay and provide pasture. We are per­ hold of them, and in that way the county fectly aware that some advocate one will lie better ofl with a better class oi thing and others another thing, but the point to arrive at is, Which is the best farmers. and which will prove most effective over * * * The Pacific Ocean on the west of us, 6 space oi a number of years. * * * toll roads on the south of us, the Coast Cardinal Gibbons thinks that the Press range and toll roads on the east of us, and a bridgeless river on the north of us. will become the most potent factor in ex Is there any wonder, with these condi­ posing public men who use their offices tions, that Tillamook is not attracting to “graft.” This ’’grafting” system has any of the thousands of home seekers become so rotten that it has become a national abuse. It is found in the big who are pouring into Oregon ? corporations, in the national congress, * * * Attorney T. B. Handley, who is thoro­ in state and county, in corporated cities ughly familiar with the country over and school districts ; in fact, the body which the Portland, Nehalem & Tilla­ politic of the whole country is impreg­ mook Railway Company is building its nated with "grafting.” And as a solu­ road from Hillsboro, cannot understand tion of the problem, Cardinal Gibbons why it should be building away from looks to the Press to expose the persons and not towards Tillamook. Yet this is who “graft,” for, he claims, but few pub­ only one of the mysteries connected with lic men would care to be mixed up with that company. “graft” if they knew that the searchlight * * * of the Press was going to delve into and The Cloverdale Courier is the name of expose it to public view. This is what a a new paper that made its appearance number of newspapers are doing and last week, no doubt, to boom the busi­ there is uneasiness amongst the "graft­ ness of the Cloverdale Mercantile Com­ ers,” not that the Press like to or want pany. We predict it will be up hill work to expose public men. It has become a and small pay to itseditbr, who is Merle j necessity, as Cardinal Gibbons views it, D. Nelson, but if it can do anything to ; to stop "grafting” in the future. Most build up the south end of the county it ¡every municipality, no matter how large will do some good. jor how small, has to suffer on account of * * * The Headlight man, in writing a brief ■ it. But what is the worse kind of “graft” I description of Tillamook for the pam is judges and peace officers taking bribes, phlets which are to be sent to the Lewis and we don’t have to go outside of Tilla­ and Clark fair, and which appeared in mook county to see the pernicious effect this week’s Herald, was confined to a of bribery and corruption, for it was by limited number of words, hence it was that means the peace officers allowed necessary to boil it down, so much so gambling to flourish, because, at the that it does not do the county justice, same time, they worked a monthly yet for a pamphlet to lie used in that “graft.” That is the class of men Cardi­ nal Gibbons wants the Press to show up. wav, brevity is what is required. * * » M * * Rollie has butted in on the yellow weed question and has turned “knocker”— “knocking’’ the manure pile and brome grass before it is demonstrated whether that grass is suitable or not. But, then, Rollie knows all about it in his own mind, so it will be almost impossible for the Headlight man to get in a word edge ways now that Rollie has lieen wound up with yellow wheels in his head. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the directors of the Molntoah and McNair Company have filed autqilemeutaiy article» changing the - of incorporation “ name of aaid Company to “Alex Mc­ Nair an• they cannot Rome, the ancient empire of the world, reach the wat of the diaeate. Catarrh I m a blood or constitutional fliaesMe, and hi order to cure it and, unless the juries of the Nation sus­ you muat take tntrriial remedies. H m II' n iit.irih • nr» is taken internally, and acted! tain the laws of the United States, graft • rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'« will ruin this country.” Those high in ( utarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It whh prescribed by oneof the best physicians tn this public life who used their offices for pri­ country for years an i is a regular preset Iption. is composed of the best tonics known, com vate gain and for the practice of illegal Ji tiined with the best blood purifiers, acting di­ business were held up before the jury as rectly on the mucous surfaces The peifoct combination of the two itigrcdicitla is whatpro men worse than thieves and robbers. duces such wondeiful res tlis in curing Catarrh. Bend for test I mon is Is free * * * F J CHENEY Sc CO , Props., To ado. O. Mr. R. J. Hendricks, of Salem, editor of Bold by druggists, price 75c. Hairs Faintly I'llls are the best the Statesman, came in on Wednesday to get rid of some of the “hot air” he has generated oyer in the Willamette valley, in fact, he has made it so hot there that he had to come to the little kingdom of Tillamook to cool off. The Statman’s staff can rest easy, for Host Allen, of the 1 have on fyand four claims of 160 Allen house, has the pencil pusher in acres each ; qjl ha ve good cabins, some hand, and we arc glad to say that all his grass. None very far from school or main road f one has 50 acres of creek “hot air” has evaporated, that he is now bottom , ane’has good box house, four as cool as a refrigerator, and with an rooms , all have plenty of water and appetite as big as—as—well, it is fright saw timber for fence and fuel. Real ening the natives and liuble to give them Strap. a duck fit. We sincerely hope that Bro. I have at least three or four places of Hendricks will enjoy his visit to the gar- first-class sediment bottom, all well | den spot of Oregon, and that the Salem- located ; one has plenty of food on it, in present condition to support dairy of 25 I ites, when he returns,will see that it was cows and team Value, according to , a good thing that he came to Tillamook price selling near by, <11,(MM). Stock, tepm, hay, garden. Every thin« to “cool off.” M » 9 goes for $7,000 Half cash balanct It was to lie anticipated that the poli 5 to 10 years. ticians would endeavor to clip the aspi- ! 240 acres, alwnit 95 of it lieing best rations of Dr. James Withycombe. who bottom, balance mostly second bottom. is an aspirant for governor on the repub­ A snap at >5,250. Look this up lican ticket and is the farmer’s candidate. I have one place of 258 acre in all, Before entering the race he laid the mat­ 149 deeded, balance adjoining home­ ter before the regents of Corvallis Agri­ stead relinquishment. Deeded land has cultural College and a large numkr of fifty acres in grass. Good comfortable buildings, other has good box house, five them advised him to remain as director acres grass thrown in. 10 cows, all feed, I of the experiment station. Now the poli­ two growing gardens, four stands of ticians, with the assistance of four of the liees, farm machinery, hogsand chickens. regents, started in to do Dr. Withy- Cascary bark, one year's peel would bring $6,(MM) prices two years ago All combe political dirt by trying to create yours for $2,