TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 29, 190b Notice. MITCHELL IS SENTENCED. The Biggest Dredger. The Poor Man’s Cow. FRANCE’S BURIED CITY Want« “Wide Open’’ Town. The Astoria Herald says that some of So br n on account of the auction sale, ized for the purpose of advocating R Orlo«««. Fine. German navy, its duty being mainly to animal industries that in many merits are requested to pay up without delay. "wide open" town. If they are onto th, John H. Mitchell, senior Senator of remove the deposits of silt in the haibor justify. Until the Angora made its ap­ ruina which point tn drift of public opinion they won’t do Interesting Oregon, has beard from the court of of Wilhelmshaven. This service is per­ pearance in the community the goat was For 8ale. the existence of a buried city havt anything ot the kind, for it is those who the United States the penalty to be formed for the benefit of the larger liners the emblem ol the dump and poverty been found in the wood* of Charbvn- advocate "wide open" towns who turn Span of sorrel mares. 7 and 8 years ‘ inflicted upon him for violating the i flats, despised and ridiculed. With the nierre, near the chateau I of thaï the drift of public opinion against the old, weight about 950 each, good travel Federal statute which forbade him to which frequent that port. This vessel dissemination of a ptoper knowledge of some u... miles distant from Or- name, some —------- saloons and make it possible, with the ers, sound and true to pull. Also two ’ receive pay from private individuals is 262.4 feet in length by 47.5 feet beam. the value of the Angora and the distri­ leans. Two tombs composed of mon local option law, to make a county dry seated spring rig and harness. Will sell 1 for public services. Six months of his Her machinery is npward of 2.000 olith stones, in one of which the re ­ bution of some 2,000,900 specimens, in cheap for cash. Enquire, Smith's ranch. age must be jaissed behind the bars of horsepower, and she has a capacity of mains of a skeleton were reposing, Anyway, the best way to make Astoria 4,500 tuns. After a short stay in Dan- many flocks, throughout the states, a Bar View. Multnomah County prison and a fíne of zic, she was taken round to Wilhelms feeling of tolerance has replaced the for­ have been found under ancient oaks. and Clatsop county dry is to boost a $1000 must be paid. Moreover, be is haven and completed her trials in the mer unwarranted contempt and disfavor They were at a depth of 30 centi­ free for all, “wide open" town. meters below the soil. It is e«ti- Notice of Dissolution. barred forever from office of trust and latter part of December. Though only I So widespread has become the demand Fred Jennings, a farmer and earpen- The Partnership heretofore existing position of honor or of profit in the gift intended to raise 123,000 cubic feet of ' for authoritative information in regard niated from the nature of the stones, their dimensions and form, that the ter living near Zillah, committed suicide between Edmunds Bros, is this day dis. of the people of the county he has served to the goat that the government, tombs date from the sixth, seventh sand an hour, she readily lifted 176,000 solved Saturday night by hanging hiiuselt t0 D. T. Edmunds continues the business for many years. cubic feet of light silt hourly, and when through the department of agriculture, or eighth century. “ This is the time fixed for pronounc­ set to dredge compact sand her output has felt impelled to supplement its nu- and pays all liabilities against said firm. According to a local tradition on rafters in bis workshop. IHe had be. G. A. Edmunds retains all book ac­ ing judgment 111 lhe case of the United was 123,000 cubic feet an hour. Her | merous previous publications on the this site, which was formerly crossed come meliincholly over sickness and counts, notes and mortgages of said States against Mitchell. Has the de­ sjjecified speed was to be eight knots an j subject of Angora goats with a bulletin by a great Roman way, many cen­ financial troubles, he owned a 40-acre firm prior to this date. turies ago an important city stood, farm, and owed $2>0 on it. This both- fendant anything to say why judgment hour, but her average speed on a trip devoted entirely to the milch goat. Dated July 19th, 1905. of which the ruins still exist, though ered him. He carried |3o00 insurance in E dmunds B ros .. should not be pronounced?” Judge De extending over several hours was ten A keen interest may be aroused in be- D. T. E dmunds . Haven opened the morning session of knots, which involved a greatly increased ball ol this much maligned animal by a crowded and crushed under the earth the Woodmen and Forester orders. He long ago by wood cutters and exca­ left a will, by which he gives all his G. A. E dmunds . the Federal Court with these words efficiency. Her coal consumption on momentary consideration of the position property to his wife. Tuesday, and the eyes of the close trial averaged 1.87 pounds of horse­ it occupies in European.countries Switz­ vators. Thia tradition attributes to this NETARTS. packed courtroom turned with one ac power hourly. The dredger is thus erland, France, Germany, Austria, Nor. buried city the name of Sergy. It Clubbed into insensibility and until A. McNair and wife were at Netart9 cord to the convicted Senator sitting capable of raising 847,000 cubic feet of way and Spain are all committed to the is probable that these tombs are not the lower portion of his body was beside his attorney within the rail. on Sundav last. sand in the working day, or, taking iftilch goat industry. Statistics are not the only relies in this place, and that paralyzed, Edward Marshall, timber Flushed of face and trembling with 250 working days in the year, she could available for all these countries, but a well-condudcted search would re­ locator and the man who three months Frank Easter brought some horses over to turn out on pasture last Friday. emotion, though striving with the old- remove about 212,000.000 cubic feet those of Germanv, which may be con­ veal an entire cemetery, whose ex­ ago drove Miss Birdie McCarty, of M. B. Green and wife, and Mrs. W. B time spirit to retain his self control, annually at an estimated cost of less sidered typical, and in view of the tent would give an idea of the impor­ Hervford breach of promise fame, from a Powell, nre at Happy Camp enjoying Senator Mitchell arose and faced the than l-10c. a cubic foot, including all generally recognized position of Ger­ tance of the buried city. claim in the Big Basin country, lay 30 court. The ring and power had gone capitalization and other charges. themselves. many's animal industries, worthy of hours in the brush half a mile from A BLIND GIRL ’ S POWER. Emmett Quick and family were on the from his voice, the droop of his shoul­ more than casual consideration, disclose Stevenson and is now there, with slim Radium and Magnetism. ders denoted defeat and loss of hope, beach last Sunday. a relative prominence that is astonish­ Sbe Detect» Absence oí Flow«« iron» chances of recovery. Marshall was Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ackley were visit- but in his eyes still shone the defiant Dinin« Room the Moment found .last Friday night. He was un­ From a German scientific periodical ing. It is estimated that the annual ingon the bav Sunday. mind that has often struggled and con­ She Enters. doubtedly left for dead by his assailant, “The London Electrician” oblaines an value of the products of the goat indus­ Fred Beals and family and Arthur quered against heavy odds. and was in a pitiable condition when account of an experiment by a man tries of Germany, after due allowance is There It a wealthy young woman “ May it please the court, ” the de Beals and family are camping at the named Petri, in which photographs were made for the value of the foundation of living in Philadelphia, says the Times, found. Maxwell place for a few days. Russ fendant said, “I am represented here made in an unusual way. The radia­ stocks, representing capital invested, is who ha* the misfortune to be blind. The irrigation project, involving an ex. Johnson brought them over. by counsel, who represent mg and will When traveling as a young girl she penditure of about »20,000,000, au­ tions of radium performed the work, the not far from $50,000,000. Ed. Snodgrass and family were on the speak for me. What they say will be objects (certain coins) having bfeen inter­ In comparing the milk cow and milch contracted Roman fever in Italy and thorized by the secretary of state for beach Sunday taking in the sights. precisely what I would say had I no posed so as to barely contact with the goat the latter appears to outclass the lost her sight. She i« the only living India, will command hy its canals an H. Brown and family, of Portland, counsel and were I to appear in propria sensitive plate. The coins were of sil­ former in almost every point, especially member of her immediate family now, area of about 6250 square miles, are visiting with Mrs. Brown’s parents, liersona before the court.” For the and occupies a handsome house in the ver, nickel and copper, and were adjust­ in small units. The goat to-day is being residence part of the city. She has a though only a small part of it will be Mr. and Mrs. W. U. O'Hara, of this first time since the beginning of the heralded as the poor man's cow, and ed so that only a narrow space was left companion who seldom leaves her, but completed for a number of years to place. trial the voice of the Senator was heard not without good reason. It is hardier, the ability she shows for conducting come. The water will be taken from W. J. Wall and family left for their in these few words, which gave place to tietween them. Near them Herr Petri more easily housed, a more efficient milk her own affairs in spite of her misfor­ the Ihelum river, in which there is now home in Hillsboro, after camping on the the argument and pleading for his placed a bar magnet, pointing toward producer and the product is richer. tune is wonderful. Her remaining unappropriated at the site of the head- the coins. Three other magnets were beach for several days. counsel. Senator Thurston. It has been determined in Europe that senses are marvelously acute, and it waters a flow laid on this, each one projecting further of 5000 to as much as Senator Thurston, after the defend, toward the coins, and on the topmost a good, thoroughbred milch goat will seems to people who are not well ac­ 8000 cubic feet per second, and theesti- NEHALEM. ant had been seated, addressed the quainted with her almost uncanny her produce annually ten times her body one was placed an oblong preparation Mrs. D. S. Boyakin is enjoying a visit court in behalf of his client. He pre. of radium bromide, weighing ten mill­ weight of milk. Extraordinary cases cognizance of everything going on mated return for a project of this around her. On one occasion recently, kind is put down at 10 per cent. One of from her friends. Mrs Alice Myers and Rented what lie considered to be the grammes. arc on record where this production has when her companion was'away at din­ the objects of this project is to afforj rights of the convicted man under the Miss Edith Peirce, from Toledo, Ohio. The negative, when developed after been equivalent to eighteen times the ner time, the butler, either by intent relief work in case of famine. Rev. W. J. Roehmer went to Portland law and the Constitution of the United body weight. To make this a little more an hour's exposure, showed an impres- or carelessness, failed to place flowers States, and the reasons why judgment Friday to visit the fair. siou of the three coins and the nearest impressive, it maybe repeated in another on the dining table, according to his H T Botts. E. H. Whitney and F. R. should not be entered by the court at Notice. magnet pole. The impression was nor­ way, hy saying that a good grade goat custom. If he expected to evade the Beals came up from Tillamook Thurs the present time. mal, except that the rays, had not pene­ will produce each month an amount of duty he was mistaken. The mistress day to the latter’s farm, returned the Person are notified not to haul any This was the sentence of the court : next day. trated into the narrow channel sepa­ milk equivalent to its body weight. A of the house had hardly entered the more gravel from the bar in Trask river “ It wilt be sufficient to say that in dining-room when she discovered the belonging to Mrs. Pesterfield, and should C. L. Alley went to Tillamook Satur­ rating the coins, the negative showing a cow for instance, will not produce, even reaching a conclusion as to the proper omission. “James," she said, ‘‘you day. kind of bridge between them, giving when an exceptional milker, more than have forgotten the flowers to-night.” they do so they will be prosecuted to the full extcntof the law. Cut-worms are making their ap­ judgment to be given I have given the appearance of the coin* having be five times Iler body weight per annum. M rs . A. P esterfield . pearance and doii g damage in gardens consideration to the age of the defend The goat is such an abundant milker come fused together. In addition, a and pastures. IT IS KNOWN AS SOLANINE. ant which may be properly taken into that it requires milking three times a rudimentary bridge appeared to start 1). S. Bovakin went to Portland Fri account in mitigation of punishment, S tate of O hio , C ity oe T oledo , i „ q day. producing, in the,aggregate, any­ day to meet his sister. L ucas C ounty , ( ° and to the fact that the offense is de from the magnet pole toward the near­ F rank J. C heney makes oath that he is the Two men came up from Tillamook fined in the statute as a misdemeanor est coin. On repeating the experiment where from three quarts to a gallon. senior partnei of the firm of F. J. ( hknev & Saturday to clear land for Mr. Beals. Co., doing business in the C’ty of Toledo. without the magnets, no bridges were The period of lactation is such, it can and not as a felony, and to the further County and State aforesaid, and that said firm readily be managed that two goats will snen, thus showing that the coins had will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL­ fact that the legal effect of the judg­ Teachers’ Examination. LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that Chemical examination haa revealed keep a family supplied with milk not boen effected themselves. cannot ment is to forever disqualify the de. the fact that a poisonous alkaloid C uke . be cured by the use of H all ’ s C atarrh throughout the entire year. Notice is hereby given that the fendant from holding any office un. FRANK J. CHENEY. Abroad, where the experience has been known as solanine is contained in po­ County Supeiintendant of lillamook der the Government of the United Kneeling at the foot of his bed with Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv tatoes. Little of thia poison is found this 6th day ofDecember, A.D. i8$6. County will hold the regular exaniin States. In view of this fact and con. hands clasped over his breast, and his greatest, goat’s milk is in great favor, in new potatoes, but even fresh po­ presence, i > AW. GLEASON, Notary Public. atiou of appllcanta for state and sidering siso the nature of lhe de head bowed in prayer, George Steadman, being at a premium compared with tatoes which have grown about the J seai . | cow ’ s milk. It is universally indorsed county paper» in the High School fendant’s offense, as disclosed by the an aged resident of Sumpter, Or., surface of the soil and have a green Hall’s Catarrh Cure is take internally and 1 acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Building at Tillamook, Otegou, as evidence, the judgment of the court is passed from life to death. In this posi­ as superior for infants' nourishment and akin vre generally known to be poi­ of ' the system. Send for testimonials, free. sonous, says a scientific authority. is preferred for invalids of mature years. follows: F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. tion the stiffening form of the old gentle ­ that the defendant tie imprisoned for Sold by Druggists, 75c. When potatoes are kept a long time There is one other feature of goat's FOR STATE PAPERS, Hall’s Family Pills are the best. the term of six months in the county man was found bv members of his O. loniiueucing Wednesday, August, jail of Multnomah Count?, in Portland, family, the body being still warm, show­ milk that appears to have much weight they contain a large amount of this 1 poison, and many cases of serious 9, at nine o'clock a. tn., and oontinu and pay a tine in the sum of 11000.” ing that he had passed to his long rest with the European medical fraternity poisoning have occurred in late sum­ Bent Her Double. and that is the natural immunity ot ing until »Satinday, August 12, uutil hut a short time before. Mr. Stead “ I knew no one, for four weeks, when mer from eating old potatoes. About four o’clock p. m. man was 87 years ot age, and leaves goats from tuberculosis. In these days, ten years ago many soldiers in the I was sick w»th typhoid and kidney Emperors Meet. Wednesday, a. m. Wilting, history, five sons and two daughters, the latter when so much attenntion is directed to German army were ill from an un­ trouble,” writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of spelling. p. in. Algebra, leading, S t . P ktkrsbvro , July 24.—The Mar. residing at Walla Walla. Deceased was the possible danger of human infection known cause. They suffered with Pittsburg Pa., “ and when I got better, school laws. slial of the Court. Couut Benkendorff, born in England, coming to America from the milk of tuberculosis cows, that headache, colic, diarrhea, vomiting, although I bad one of the best doctors Thursday, a. in. Written Aiithmetic, has sent the following from the Island of with his parents when he was still an the economic importance of this rational weakness and slight stupor, and in I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest iny hands on my knees when I theory of teaching, grammar. p. in. Bjoerkee : infa nt in arms. A large concourse at- method of fighting the white plague some cases dilation of the pupils. walked. From this terrible affliction I The matter was investigated and it Book keeping, physics, civil govern must be given equal consideration with “At 10 o’clock in the evening of July tended tlie funeral. was discovered that the men ' had was rescued by Electric Bitters, which meat. the medicinal and commercial value of 23 the German piiqierml yacht Hohen- restored my health and strength, and M * * been eating potatoes which had been now I can walk as straight as ever. Friday, a. m. Physiology, geography, zollerii dropped anchor near the anchor­ “ No power on earth can prevent a the milk. kept for a long time in a dam / place They are simply wonderful.” Guaranteed mental aiithmetic. p. m. Composition age of the Russian imperial yacht Polar jackass from braving, This court is A German authority declares that until they had begun to sprout, to cure stomach, liver and kidney dis­ and rhetoric, physical geogiaphj’. Star. Emperor William, accompanied powerless to afford relief in this case and boiled and used in coffee goat's milk is These potatoes, a chemical analysis orders; at Chas I. Clough, drugstore; Satuiday, a. iu. Botany, Geometry, by Prince Albert of Schleswig-Holstein the injunction is dissolved,” said Judge delicious, giving the infusion of a rich, showed contained as much ■olaniue price 50c. general histoiy. p. m. English and .Ilia suit, was rowed to lhe Polar Dana in dismissing a suit brought by creamy appearance, while a few drops in as is found in new potatoes. liteiature, physicology. Star. Euiperor William was received the postmistress of Richland. Kan., | a cup of tea are more than equivalent to Forced to Starve. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. HAD A CHINESE NAME. at the head of the leader by Euiperor against the owners of a number of jack­ I a teaspoonfol of cow's milk. When used B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., says : Commencing Wednesday, August 9, Nicholas aud Grand Duke Michael, and asses to prevent their braving. Tiboetts in cakes and puddings it imparts a rich “ For 20 years I suffered agonies, with at nine o'clock a. m. and continuing cordial greetinga were exchanged. The & Hotz own a livery stable in Richland J'rilow color and pleasant flavor, a sore on my upjier lip, so painful, until Friday, August 11, at four o'clock German Enqieror reviewed the guard of anditisthe next door neighbor to the The superiority of the goat milk is sometimes, that I could not eat After p. m. honor and the yaelit'a crew and the two postoflice. The postmistress resides in based on its composition, which in gen- vainly trying everything else. I cured For First Second and Third Giade suite* were preeenteii, alter which their the apartments over the post office and '■'ral show s a slightly greater percentage In the household of «prominent Bos­ it, with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.” It® Certificates. majeatiea retired to the saloon. she has been sorelv annoyed during the ■ °* ,at ‘b«" cow’s milk, being fully 25 tonian is a Chinese servant who was great for burns, cuts and wound«.At Wednesday, 9 a. m. Writing; 10 a. “At 11 o'clock at night Emperor Nicho­ night by the raucous braying of the dis- |Wr cent better in this particular, al. brought east by the family several Chas I Clough, drugstore ; only 25c. in. U. S. History; 1 p. ui. Orthog­ las and Grand Duke Michael aeeuuipan contented jacks in the livery barn, i though the total contents is. of course. years ago from California, where he raphy; 2:30 p. m. Reading. ied Emperor William to the Hohenzol. Whenever she sought to while away the so,netb'nR *ban 5 per cent. The had ingratiated himself during a win­ Thursday, 9 a. m. Written Arithme leru, where they remained until 1 30 in tedious hours by singing softly to her- iaw,n- albumen and sugar constituents ter sojourn at Pasadena. Recently a young man named Archi­ tic; 10:30 a. in. Theory of teaching; the morning." self, the jacks would break in and digitate are Prncticallr identical. It is asserted 1 p. m. Giammar. 2:30 p. m. Phyaicolj the atmosphere with their distracting t*lnt ^e proportions are much more bald has been visiting the family, and the Chinaman seemed to take a strange ogy. noise At night, when she raised her ' "iar'y those ot human milk than cow’s fancy to him. He is called Archie for Woman Fight« For Life. Friday, 9 a. m. Geography ;10 :30 a. windows to get a breath of fresh air, ,n,'l< and it •• on this ground that goat's short, and every time the name of SEWING MACHINE. m. Mental arithmetic; 1 p. m. School 8 al «M. Or., July 28.—J. M. Milner, her ears would lie benumbed by the hre- ,n’lbisso universally recommended for Archie was mentioned the Mongolian BOLLER BEARING. laws; 2:30 p. m. Civil government. formerly a successful buainem man. but haw ot lhe jacks. young children. It posseses another would grin and beam at the guest with HIGH GRADE« For Pilmary Certificates. now a drunkard r.nd gambler, tried to st st st Peculiarity that may have something to a pride that seemed little less than Wednesday, a. m. Penmanship, murder his wife today and was prevent­ Commander Lucien Young's last log do with its assimilibihtv and that is paternal. That it was at least frater­ oithography. p.m. Arithmetic, read ed from doing so only by her courageous letter to Comniander-in.t ’liief Goodrich, that lhe fat globules are much more nal was disclosed one day. when he self defense. The refusal of Ills wife to of the Pacific, has been picked up on minute than those occurring in cow s said: "Why for you have'name alle- ing. samee like Chinaman?" Archibald Thuiaday, a. m. Art of questioning, give him money she needed to purchase lhe deck of the gunboat Bennington. In milk. was rather taken back “What do yon theory of teaching, p. iu. Physiology. food and clothing for hereelf ami it is the following paragraph about the The body of an unidentified man mean he asked. “Why, yon name.” All applicants must be present and dren led to the attack. condition of lhe ship, which shows that about 60 years tf age who had commit­ replied the Chinaman, according to the ready for work at the commencement Milner is in the county jail and will lhe Commander knew the boilers were ted suicide by poison, was found in Philadelphia Record. "When they ot each examination, be prosecuted to the limit. Milner and defective: “The engines and everything Forest Park at St. Louis. In his pocket talkee to you they callee you Ah Chee! " atnook, Oregon, thia Ills wife came here from Chicago, where worked beautifully on the trip from was a note saying he heartily agreed Iwoot-Voleoa Kansas ««naalera. July, 190ft. Miller was tn buaiueea. Both had con­ Honolulu, as the result of the overhaul- with Dr. Osler. and a — "An —.. old man MIH Following is the unique advertising Wayne W. Wiley, County siderable money, but Millner took to ing alongside the dock at Honolulu, and i poor man haa no business on ---------- earth ’’ ’ A letter of a Eudora (Kan.) hog farm. School Superintendent. drink and gaming, and after spending everything is now in excellent <-ondi laundry mark on Ins collar bore the "To our friends, the farmers and stock hi* own money, secured that belonging men everywhere: You are invited to Mr and Mrs. John Svenson.wbo came to his wife and squandered it. Unable tion, with the exception ot the boilera, muie of I. M. Booth, attend our free open-air concerts in from California on a visit will leave to support him and her children, the w hich although tested tor a water pres­ Blue grass seems to thrive on rich, roll sure of 228 pounds I find will not l>e lands where other kinds are more on the steamer on Saturday. wife finally told hiiu they must separate safe to be subjected to a stealn pressure mg difficult to seenre. I. holds on for a the direction of Mr. E W MsJeiHe We guarantee to yon that w( h„, ,,f The steamer Sue H. Elmore came in on until such urns as l.e could straighten over l«0 to IM pound», but that will long time during dry It season»” . . , _ —------------------maintain« the sweetest voiced «quasier. ¡n tb„ Wednesday, bringing in the following up. enable us to make fault ll to 12 knots itself fairly well, and grows ranidlv .1. mil"1"’ a ?° T1’ •" of passengers Wm. Richardton, I. Hols, Milner then drew ■ knife and sprang full apo*d. In every other respict the ——1 J------ male and female voice, by buying thia man, F. W. Haynes and wile, J. Morton, upon her, exclaiming that he would kill vessel w in a very high Mate of efficiency in cool.damp weather It i, lfs, injort(1 together under one management and reliable, honest, (• D. Boy, W E, Street. D. T. Boynton her, but she dashed the knife aside, and in excellent condition.'' This will | by tramping than many other grasses, >ou will be highly entertained am high grade **“ and wife and child, R. Mour, Mr. Mon- broke from his clutches and after a form the plan of the evidence before lhe and on lime-stone soils it will crowd pleaser! if you will MUnd rn, ' Bn'’ ¡Dg ynarhine. roe, M I,. Young, J. F. Hkixhn, Misses terrific struggle escaped to the house of board of inquiry. It >■ understood that not all other kinds and remain for years eoneerta Rs.snwl Blue grass seed >, nearly always added everybody Rperi.! Rogr.mme, Huntsinger, Blake and Annie Waldvogrl, a neighbor. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. under the conditions it was not unpru F Tavlor, U. S. Booth and wile, A. L, Mr. Milner is a women of r-finement dent for t'oniiuaudcr Young to go loses to that selected for pastures, as it •«. bv arranged if y„u wfl| hllt National Sewing Machine Co. mats m making » heavy ,w ar d and th, Come out and hear George end wife and M. Pair. and catue of a highly respected family. under orders. take special painsti L.:—.. . . v grass IS highly relished bv slock SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. i tUl dead.__ -/• »■*••** yon. 1 our. S ftvc Money FACTORY AT BtLVIDeME ILL >