Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 27, 1905, Image 2

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quests and benevolences among rich men
who have never had a thought of fight­
ing the dragon, but who will grow
Fred C. Maker. Publisher.
ashamed of acknowledging themselves
whipped when other men ofequal wealth
The Meaning of Witte.
can prevail against him Gov. Mickey
The selection of M. Witte as a mem­ may have provoked a golden avalanche,
ber of the Russian peace commission to but there are as yet no signs of educa­
Washington, in place of M Muravieff, is tional or eleemosynary institutions get­
a change of considerable consequence ting ready to stand from under.
Witte was one of the original peace
men. He was against the policy which ' HORRIBLE EXPLOSION
goaded Japan into striking Russia. Mur-
aYieff, like Alexieff and others, was a On Board the U.S. Gunboat
warhawk in 1903-4. The displacement
of Muravieff by Witte means that Nicho
las IL, despite the pressure brought on
S an D ieho , Cal., July 22.—The Ben­
him by the grand dukes to continue the nington horror, which yesterday shock­
fighting, is really disposed to accept ed an entire nation by its long roster of
casualties, grew with each passing hour
But Witte’s selection means more than of the day. Even the wildest early esti­
this. It means that at last Nicholas has mates of the terrible results of the ex­
come under the way of the liberal ele­ ploding boilers upon the gunboat have
ment of the Russian population. Witte not been exaggerated and, instead of les­
would make some concession to the Rus­ sening the extent of the catastrophe,
sian populace’s demand for a national I later and completer details have ended
assembly. He is in favor of the aboli­ to it. The death list may be swelled to
tion of the bureaucracy. Nicholas, it the appalling total of four score before
used to be supposed, also leaned toward the last word shall have been written
liberalism. He has been swinging from and one of the darkest pages in Ameri­
progress to reaction ever since the war ca’s naval history.
began, and it is possible that an oscilla-
These figures, which at first glance ap­
tion toward the maintenance of the pear exaggerated, are made up of the
oligarchy will take place today or to known dead, the probable victims among
morrow. For the time, at least, the lib­ the injured now in the various ¡hospitals
eral tendencies are in the ascendant, and and the total number missing, and are
Witte, who is president of the council, summarized as follows:
will probably he able to give some sort
Dead at morgues, 53;dead in the flood­
of expression to those aspirations.
ed fireroom of the ill-fated warship 7 ;
What swift changes, however, come injured who may die, 10 ; missing, 15.
in the fortunes of Russian favorities Total 81.
these davs! Alexieff, .Kuropatkin, Stoes-
The total of probable deaths of injured
sei, Alexis, Kruger, and now .Muravieff! men is based upon the opinion of Dr. M.
All have strutted and fretted their little 11 Foster, of the United States Marine
hour on the stage, and will be heard nf Hospital service, in charge of the medi-
no more. Kuropatkin and Stoessel, it is cal staff, and the number missing upon
probable, did all that anybody could the statement of Commander Young.
have done with the materials at their The commander believes the missing men
hands. But they went down in obedence were drowned and that the waters of the
to the Russian populace's demand for bay will give up the number of dead.
victims in their calamities. Witte is the
Goodrich will ilnyastigate.
sort of a man that the United States
The day brought other developments
will like to receive. Ilis appointment and news of the most intense interest
gives satisfaction in this country, but, of and importance to naval officers. From
course, our attitude will have to be neu­ Washington came information that Rear-
tral in any case. Any one whom Rus Admiral Goodrich, commanding the Pa­
sia or Japan sends here to the peace con cific squadron, had been ordered to San
ference will be sure of a cordial welcome. Diego forthwith. This is taken to mean
But the czar's mood in dictating the a naval investigation into the causes of
latest shake tip in the peace commission the explosion aboard 1 he Bennington
may change. It will lie wise for Witte, and the fixing of the blame therefore.
ns well as Muravieff, Alexieff and the
Captain Drake and Surgeon Smith,
rest of the deposed dignitaries, to re both from Mare Island Navy-yard, are
niemb r Wo ilsey’s words about the upon the scene, the formtr to direct op
wretchedness of the poor men that hang eratioi.s on the wrecked vessel, and the
on princes’ favores.
latter to assist in caring for the injured
and direct the burying of the dead With
A Golden Avalanche
Surgeon Smith came four hospital stew­
When I >ov. Mickey of Nebraska told ards, whose assistance will be welcomed
Tom Lawsoil to sell what lie has und by ihe overworked medical corps now
give to the poor, or, to be more literal, in charge.
The Bennington tonight lies deeper
advised him to give away as large a per­
centage of his personal fortune as Rocke­ than ever in the mud and shallow water
feller is giving, he may have spoken on the shore of the bay and no apparent
words of a greater import than be knew. progress was made in the work of
For Mr. Lawson is giving evidence of pumping out her flooded compartments.
having taken the case under advisement. Until this is accomplished, the secrets of
Mr. Lawson is reported to have said in her horror chambers will not be discov­
an address at a banquet given by the ered. This much is known however :
commercial club of Minneapolis : “I have Seven bodies are wedged beneath collaps­
several millions mvself, and wronged the ed crown sheets and bursted bulkheads
American people in getting »t. But I did of the fireroom. How many more may
no know it nt the time. When the time lie found in|the compartments, now for­
comes I will give the money back to bidden ground, is entirely conjecture.
Boiler, Not Explosives, the Cause.
Commander Lucien Young was seen in
This, of course, is rather indefinite, it
leaves too much option in the hands nf his quarters aboard the Bennington this
Lawson as to determining “when the afternoon. He was asked to make a
time comes.’’Gov. Mickey might again statement as to the cause of the explo­
quote Scripture to Lawson and advise sion and its effects upon the machinery.
him that “now is the accepted time"; He said :
“As to the cause of the explosion, I
hut the governor may congratulate him­
self upon being the first to wring a public cannot say anything, because 1 do not
avowal from Lawson that he considers know. What 1 do know is that the
it necessary to trump the Rockefeller damage whs caused by exploding boiler
trick of giving away money. There are or boilers. The crownsheet of boiler B
many men of large wealth in the country collapsed and the boiler head blew out,
who are joining in the hue and cry breaking through the steel bulkhead sep­
against Rockefeller who have never giv­ arating it from boiler I), the other main
en the least evidence of his desire to make port boiler immediately aft. Boiler D
restitution. Il they wage any war with was |forced back, the crownsheet col­
the money lust, it is the lust which is lapsing and breaking down the steel
always victor, since they never give the bulkhead separating it frotn^ the fire­
least evidence of having prevailed. Mr room. Every one in the fireroom at the
L iwsonjs one of this class. He has for time was killed. Three bodies are now
many years been accumulating wealth pinioned down by the collapsed crown­
in speculations, his lines being some sheet of boiler D, and four more by the
times those of the Standatd oil company bursted bulkhead. These bodies we arc
and sometimes opposite ones, but al­ now trying to release. In order to do
ways and every where parallel with the this it will be necessary to cut the steel
interest of Lawsoil and expressing the bulkhead in two places. Oneof the bodies
idea of “the public be damned.”
is wedged in such shape that it may be
It is a part of the faith of all Chris necessary to dismember it in order to
tian lands that men can hear voices at take it out. We are hindered, of course,
noonday and be so overcome by a sense by the water in the boiler and firerooms
of their own un worthiness that they turn and are taking measures to pump this
off from the road to Damascus and take out as rapidly as possible. I cannot ex
t he road to heaven. Wherefore, it is im­ press an opinion as to when we will re­
possible to condemn Lawson utterly. cover the bodies.”
• The Associated Press has a dispatch
He ruay have heard such a voice and
seen such a light as came to Saul of from Washington,quoting Rear-Admiral
Tarsus. It so, we shall soon be hearing C W. Rae, chief engineer of the Navy,
of Lawson bequests, it lie really values to the effect that he can only account
that public opinion to which he is ap­ for the damage to the Beiitiingtou by the
pealing. .It .there are no Lawson tic- explosion of high explosives,” was sug
quests within a reasonable time, there g» sted.
“That is entirely wrong. There wen*
will lie no more Lawson audiences or
rushes for Lawson editions of anybody’s no high explosives in the part of the ship
magazine. In vulgar parlance, Lawson w here the explosion occurred, and I am
must soon “put up or shut up.” That positive that it will I* found that ail the
he is reluctant to “put up” is shown in damage was caused by the boilers.'
another part of his Minneapolis speech
“What wa* the condition of the boil­
when, after admitting his possessions of ers. Captain ♦” w as asked.
millions won at stock jobbing he adds a
“Ho far as I kuow. they were in first
little pathetically ; “But 1 haven’t any class condition. They had been recently
more than I am entitled to, the way the tested to 22 » pounds pressure. At the
game is played.’’ It is much to be doubt­ lime of the cxplosioo we carried but 120
ed whether Mr. Lawson will ever tie able pounds.**
to see “when the time comes” tor him to
“When were the boilers last inspect­
let go. If he ever does, his actian is ed f*
likely to bring on au epidemic of be j
“I cannot answer as to tire exact date,
but it was within the past few months.'
The arrival of Captain Drake, of Mare
Island was announced at this point, and
the commander hastened to the gang­
plank to greet him. He then declined to
make any further statement.
Commander Young stated that 18 men
are miseing besides those accounted for
at the morgues, hospitsls and in the fire­
room. He believed that these 18 men
were drowned and that their bodies will
be found on the shores of the bay from
time to time.
“I am quite satisfied,*’ he said, “that
more men were blow’ii into the water
than were picked up by the rescue boats.
Th^se men, I believe, wer« too seriously
injured to keep afloat any length of time
and were drowned. No one could have
been on the gundeck, especially amid­
ships, and escaped death or injury.”
There was lessening of the strain at
the various hospitals where were wit
nessed such terrible scenes of suffering
and death during the previous 24 hours.
There was still work to do, however, but
willing hands were always ready to take
the burden off those who had borne it so
nobly during the hours following the dis­
aster. At Agnew sanitarium, where a
large majority of the victims have been
treated, there are still 34 sufferers, al­
most a dozen of whom are expected to
die of their terrible injuries.
190 ¿
We carry a Large Stock of
‘ da
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Fine Line of Choice
ife. J’®?
w w
Agents for the Great Western Saw
M c I ntosh & M c N air
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
“ Choose you this day whom ye will
serve.” “ His servants ye are to whom
ye yield yourselves servants to obey.”
• A ttorney - at -L aw .
“ Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.”
We either subscribe to the will of God, Complete set of Abstract Books
or the adversary, there is no other al­
in office.. Taxes paid for non -
ternate. After creation God blessed the
man and the woman, and said unto
them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and re­
Office opposite Post Office.
plenish the eaith.” The first thing after
Both phones.
the flood “ God blessed Noah and his
sons, and said unto them, be fruitful and
multiply and replenish the earth.’’
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla i’s Rain Coats.
Whenever a people have turned toward ^2^7" H-
Exlusively to Measure.
God, posterity has received the first
consideration and just as they have left
Come early and secure first choice.
him they become sterile through the
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
abuse of the sexual functions, or false
ambitions. If the American people had
O regon
T illamook ,
always entertained our present ideas we
would have been exterminated long ago.
Every boy or girl is forming their mind
and heart whether to serve God or I
mammon, when they come to maturity.
It is the work of a church to teach the
ways of the world. God savs “ Be fruit­
genteclter ¿Abvohiit,
ful.” Mammon says, "you must wait
until you have wealth.” “ The earth is Office across the street and north from
the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” It
the Post Office.
J. P. flüLiEN» Proprietor
is his by right of creation, and he has
never failed to provide for those who
recognise his will. The righteous are
never forsaken, nor does his seed have
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
to beg bread. The most insignificant
A ttorney - at . L aw .
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
man of all is the preacher who fails to
set forth the sovereign will of God, how
Office : Opposite Court House,
a man can stand before his congregation
and palaver when his church is dying
T illamook , O regon .
for want of the natural increase without
saying one word against the infamous
practices of prevention or fetside, a pA H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D.,
mere compromise for a paltry collection,
is beyond my comprehension. No church,
Repairs Guns, Locks, Typewriters, Keys, Bicycles and
P pysician and S urgeon .
goyernment, or neighborhood can sur­
Sewing Machines. Makes a Specialty of Plumbing.
Office one block west of the
vive without a natural birth rate, and
Shop, Opposite McIntosh
there is no one who has mure influence
Allen House, Tillamook City.
than the minister for God or for mam­
Calls answered promptly.
The greatest question that confronts
the American people is whether the
youth are to be encouraged to serve God
If you are in want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
or to waste their seed in folly.
The days of grace are limited with a
woman and it matters not whether
F inancial A gent ,
she wastes her virtue in vise or masculine
employment, she thwarts the purpose of
Tillamook, Oregon.
God, just the same. The man of God
and the woman of God have no more
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines,
sacred obligations than to conceive and
bring forth the images of God, and there
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
Agent for Fireman’s
are thousonds of homes in our land that
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
are suffering for want of wholesome ad­ Fund and London and Lanca­
vise. The prolific home that enjoys the
shire Fire Insurance
that I have this 27th day of December, 1904, inspected and
blessing of God is the home of peace and
,he N»rt«ry Stock of Mr. E. I>. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres-
plenty, the barreu home never satisfies,
r?"' n"ri
!”r as nm a,),e to
have found it in good, market,
it lacks the greatest treasures, and ever
Tillamook .. Oregon.
handhne^ ?" and C iar °* anv scrious '"»«Ct pest or disease Their methods of
stands a monument of the curse of God.
\MLBIR K. NEWELL. Commissioner First District.
There is no property qualification re
abstracts of title ,
quired. God placed life first, and as we
look to him the resourses of the earth
are for the home, but as we neglect his
will they are absorbed by mammon. As
we look to God there is a general
equality, as mammon rules, few become
extremely ridi at the expense of the T hus . C oates . Pres.
It is self evident that it is the will of
God that men marry, raise natuial
families, build homes and trust Ins
J. C. G ove .
H new
fabrics .
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
Dress and W alking Suits, Dress Skirts, 77
SARCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook, Ji
ct »
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Gresham, Oregon,
and Spruce Lumber.
and Cedar
Bent Her Double.
“ I knew no one, for four weeks, when
T illamook
O regon .
I was sick with typhoid and kidney
trouble,” wiites Mrs. Annie Hunter, of
Pittsburg, Pa.. “ and when I gut better,
although I had uiie of the In-st doctors
1 could get, I was bent double, and had
Estate and Fire, Life,
to rest my hands on my knees when I
walked. From this terrible affliction I
Health, Accident, Insurance,
was rescued bjr Electric Bitters, which Agent for^ the Northwest School Furni­
restored my health and strength, and
ture lo. and Oigans and Pianos
now I cau walk as straight as ever.
Notary Public.
They are simply wonderful. * Guaranteed Office : Southwest from the Court Hou«e
to cure stomach, liver and kidney dis
tn the building occupied as a music store’
orders . at Chas I. Clough, drug store;
price 50c. _________________
Forced to Starve.
Cheese and Butter Boxes specialty.
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
B F Leek, of Concord. Ky., says
• « For 20 years 1 suffered agonies, with
a •ore on my upper lip, so painful,
sometimes, that 1 could not eat After
vainly trying everything else, I cured
it. with Buekleu's Arnica Salve.’’ It s
great tor burn», cut. and wounds. At Electric Rath, nicely fltM up. Goodfor
Chas 1. Clough, drug store . only 43c.
persons suffering with rheumatism
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
4 General Machinists ic Blacksmiths
Tillamook Iron Works 4 4
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.