• »w» ■I .4 illamnok Vol. XVIII TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY 37, 1905 >1.50 per year McIntosh & McNair Co. have moved I their goods from their warehouse to the Cracks at the Yellow Weed. I sometime this fall. Will advise you later H. T. Botts, for abstracts. • are advanced. Only the counsel of cooler Editorial Snap Shots. »tore budding next to Sturgeon’s drug as to the date.” heads prevented certain parties from Walkover Shoes at Todd's. * How much is yellow weed hay worth * * * Gravel at two bits a load. Wouldn't »tore, as thev will pull down and erect a lynched. Suspicion bore heavily on cer­ per ton ? We have noticed this the past few C. Mills for bargains in real estate • new warehouse. 400 loads, a month's salary of the road * * M weeks. Some meadows on the prairie boss, look good upon some of the roads tain persons and there were the wildest Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd's.* The boiler and the remainder of the The manure heap is a valuable weapon excitement. Some men to say the word, Gent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd's.* machinery for the oil boring plant came when it comes to fighting yellow weed. have little or no yellow weed, while the that have never seen a load of gravel 1 and one or two men would have gone ■ medows adjoining are covered with it. * * * C. F. Franklin was in the city on Sun. in on the steamer on Wednesday, and * * * I That is proof enough that some of the I Mr. Eddyuscd’to’bc’blamed fora good ( Up a Pole on the end °f a roPe ” Then Those who haveexperimented with the ■t wdl not be long now before opera- day. many things which appeared in the there was the attending the English meadow grasses in this county farmershave adopted the right methods, Headlight, with which he had nothing '»“H house hre, no doubt set by fire bugs Go to Fred Forslund's lor Bicycle Sun­ tions are commenced. while others have done the opposite to The Hadley s have bought a logging claim that they run out so soon. dries. • cope with it. It seems as though those ■ to do. We are wondering who is now | who had an object in view, and the sus­ * * * picion of partie; who left the county. It engine from the Tillamook Logging Com Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at Mr L. S Maynard thinks he has some who have not plowed up their meadows getting the credit for the editor's work ? is just as well to keep a watch out for pany for the purpose of logging their * * * Todd's. • brome grass in his front yard which he and have well manured them are not timber on the Wilson river, and they Persons who applv to the county clerk fire bugs who get other people to fire has been unable to get rid of for several troubled with the weed,while those who Dr. and Mrs. Mills have returned to expect to start up a camp soon. for permission to set out fire feel some­ buildings. ha ye used no fertilizers have been unable i vears. the city. what disgusted when they find they can- Mr. F. S. Whitehouse has chartered * * * j to stop the encroachment of the weed, Dr. Oregon is a republican state by 12,000 E. H. Campbell, of Alla Vista, Ks„ is 1 not do so until after ten days from the to 20,000 votes and has a democratic three lumber schooners to load at the Withycombe ’ s remedy is cultivation, and 1 It is called "Hypochoeris Radicata. ” in the city. saw mill in this city. They will have a The uglv weed has an ugly name, and is if plenty of manure can be obtained, no date of the permit. governor. Portland the metropolis, is a R. V. Moore, of Corvallis, was in the * * * carrying capacity of 600,000 feet and one liable to make one's face look ugly in try. doubt but what that will have a good republican city and yet has a democratic Who don't be a road boss this nice fine city on Tuesday. of them is expected in at any time. ing to pronounce it. effect, for the prairie land that is not fer. mayor, district attorney and sheriff. weather, drawing down $100 a month, D. H. Smith, of Newberg, was in the tilized is getting play out. To prevent The republican party has to face about * * ik Mr. and Mrs. V. A. W. Schlappi were while the other fellow, early and late, city on Tuesday. Some of the farmers were scared at the this in future, not a few farmers think a in from Foley on Tuesday. Mr. Schlappi pumps the cows to pay the salary of an in Oregon.—West Side Enterprise, Born, on Saturday, to the wife of H. was navigating an crutches, for while inroads the vellow weed was making, grass can be found that would be suita­ additional county official, which could be And we may add that Tillamook is Quick, a daughter. overwhelming republican by a vote of doing some slashing on his place, the ax but since they have found out how to ble for this climate and the loose, porous done away with. prairie soil. This, in our judgment, will cope with it they feel more contented. 729 to 136 democrats, yet it has a demo­ Fred Weber, of Ferndale, Cal., was in missed its mark and slashed his foot. * * * ultimately be the solution of the local * * * We heard a person speculating what | cratic treasurer, sheriff and county judge. the city on Monday. Mrs. N. J Hull, sister of Mr. John Har­ Some people call it the Dawson weed condition. As to which is the l>est per­ the next levy in Tillamook City would But it is the republicans who deserted Mrs. Mary Revnolds, ot Portland,was ter, came in last week on a visit, and will Wonder whether the captain admires his manent grass suitable for Tillamook, be. Don’t meet trouble half way, it will the party candidates and presented these remain here two weeks. She was one in the city on Tuesday. yellow posy ? W e guess dozens of the that is something that will have to be be high enough, anyway, and would not offices to the democrats who are now B. E. McAvinney, of Portland, was in of the early settlers of Kansas, and it is farmers don’t like the yellow nosegay demonstrated by experiment. surprise us much if it is 60 mills. Some doing the most beefing and kicking. It 16 years since she saw her brother. the city on Wednesday. that has been forced under their nose. * * * people will be foolish enough to attribute is a good thing for republicans to stay Thomas Paulson, James Burns, U. S. with their party, which, no doubt, they Born, on the 17th inst., to the wife of We addressed a letter to Dr. James this to local option. * * * Booth and wife, W. B. Chase, Franklin George tfodgdon, a son. will do in this county for a number of * * * From what Mr. Mitchell said about Withycombe, of the State Agricultural Taylor, F. W. Haynes and wife. James Dr. Withycombe is the farmer's candi. years to come, seeing that they get it Call and see the Racvcle Bicycle at W. brome grass doing well in North Dakota College, and asked him if he thought that M. Davis and I. Holsman were Portland H. Cary’s before buying. • and his opinion that it was just the biome grass wonld be suitable for this date for governor. The politicians will where the thicken got the nx for claim, people who registered at the Allen house grass for Tillamook, we may mention climate and would crowd out the yellow butt in and endeavor to defeat his nomi­ ing to be republicans and then voting C. T. Herrick aad M. E. Tool, of Salem, on Wednesday. nation, but we do not think they can for democrats. that for two seasons the weather was weed, to which he replied as follows ; were in the city on Tuesday, * * * The county court has appointed Mr. wet in that state beat him. We have had too many poli Oregon Agricultural College and A bevy of gentlemen in Oregon’s First Money to loan on improved farm pro­ P McIntosh to take charge of the ex­ * M * ticians at the head of the state, so a Experiment Station, Congressional District desire the Repub­ perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals. • hibit from Tillamook county at the Lewis Other sections of the country have been Corvallis, July 19, 1905. change for a practical and experienced publican nomination far Representative. All Laundry work must be paid for and Clark fair. All the exhibits should successful in finding a permanent grass Mr. Fred C Baker, Tillamook, Or. farmer is desirable. They are all very fine gentlemen, and when delivered.—M. J. B uttz . • * * * be ready to he shipped so as to at the suitable to local conditions, and we see D ear S ir , — Have your fayor of the Some people pretend to think that known afar as such. Doubtless they hnve no reason why a permanent grass, suit­ 15th, with specimen of the weed enclosed, S McCargar returned to the city on fair by the 15th of next month. ideas on public questions, and will con­ Tuesday from visiting the fair. Farm for sale, 159 acres, near Sand­ able for Tillamook, cannot lie found also. which is Hypochoeris Radicata This is Senator Mitchell has committed a terri sent to take the people into their opin­ ble sin. So he has in the sight of the Go to Mason & Ackley for new second lake ; good house and barn ; 40 acres The trouble with most grasses, on the a pernicious, perennial weed and nothing law. But it is not one twentieth part as ions, of high interest, is whether eight ot short of thorough cultivation seems to tide land and 30 acres of bottom and prairie land, is that thev play out. hand Bicycles—the price is right. bad as the wholesale and retail liquor the nine aspirants now in the field, after have anv effect in its subjection. * M * meadow land ; raise 40 tons of hay and Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Snuffer and son dealers ’ associations spending $14-0,000, the primaries, should support of "knife” will easily support 25 cows. To be sold "You must be trying to kill off some of I scarcely think that brome grass will returned to the city on Saturday. so it was reported when the state legis the nominee. Another opinion of interest cheap if sold at once. Inquire at this county officials,” saiil one of our sub-i prove successful in yonr section. This is lature was in session, to defeat the local is whether the candidatis should each The steamer Sue H. Elmore will leave office. » scribers a few days ago. The Headlight. practically a failure in the Willamette option law, a measure passed by a direct reserve their answer until after the pri- on Saturday morning at ten o’clock. valley, it really being a grass adapted The fine weather continues and hay. man has a bigger jobthan that on hand, I rnaries, to see if the “other fellow” is to Mrs. Bowers, a sister of Mrs. L. L. making goes on without any interrup­ for he's up again the vellow weed killing | for semi-arid conditio* s There is a bare vote of the people of Oregon. he the nominee instead of themselves.— M * * Stillwell, came in on Tuesday on a visit tion this year, although the nights have problem that is a sticker. When we get possibility that some of the vigorous There is one thing you want to hold Oregonian. growing grasses, such as the festucas. Born, on the 13th inst., at Garibaldi, been somewhat thick with fog. Every ready to pav our respects to the politi­ The "knife,” in the hands of some poli. your whist about, when talking to a indication now is that the weather will cians, that will be easy work, for we have for example, the English meadow fescue prospective settler, and that is you don’t ticians, who fail to secure a nomination to the wife of Wm. Richardson, a girl. i or Festuca arundinacea may be able to R. M. Stevens and Robert Niil, of For­ remain fine and that the entire hay crop no end of ammunition stored up for the want to tell him that the county is bot­ for themselves or their friends, is a new will be harvested in good shape. fray — but it is the wrong kind of powder , resist the inroads of this weed. How- tled-up with toll roads, for it would only kind of republicanism in the republican est Grove, were in the citv on Tuesday. ' ever, this is verv doubtful. I am strongly But the men who The Tillamook Water Commission will to kill yellow weed. bring this query : “Do they tap you to party of Oregon. Born, on Friday, at Pleasant Valley, ' of the opinion that these grasses would * * V use the "knife” to kill the candidates of cl harge $5 to make connections with the get into the county and then tap you to to the wife ofMr. Hall, a boy and a girl, Mr. F. N. Wilson informs us that he be excellent for your section, but could get out of the county ? I guess I don't his own party only digs his own political new water system, half of which will be An A No. Road Cart for sale, at a bar. experimented wiih brome grass seed ten not recommend them for smothering want to locate in that county, so I’ll go grave. refunded in water rent if the connections * * * gain if sold at once. Inquire at this are ordered before the 1st of September. years ago and it was a failure, for the this tenatious weed. where there’s free roads and fewer moss- If Commissioner Bodyfelt would take Very truly yours, office. The rate that will be charged for motors reason that it failed to grow. He also backs.” n tumble to himself, and is anxious to J ames W ithycombe . Dr. J. P. Sharp returned on Saturday and saw mills will be 50c. for every 1000 tried a number of other grasses, but the M * It will be noticed that Dr. Withycombe. from attending the Dental Congress in gallons. If the Headlight man was clearing up do that for which there is a crying de­ trouble with most of them they played although he does not think the brome land and wanted to burn it, to save a mand, he will join hands with Commis­ Portland. The steamer Sue H. Elmore left Satur­ i out in a year or so. Some of the older Dry slab wood, $2 00; green, $1.40, day, her passengers being Mrs. Butts. I settlers say that some kinds ol clover grass will prove a success here because it lot ot trouble the law has put one to in sioner Loerpabel and call for bids at the delivered, per load.—At the Tillamook A. D. Case, A. Williams and wife, A. M. would not grow in the county years ago, is a failure in the Willamette valley, is setting out fire, he would apply to the next term of court for a bridge across not positive on that point. There is a county clerk for a permit for every day the south fork of the Nehalem river. For Lumber Co. • Switzger and wife, C. Carlton, George while today they will. That may be the ti good many years considerable money Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jones and son and Goslin, John Galagher, George Boyle, case with bromegrass Mr. Wilson, like possibility that it may do well this side for the next three months. What is the of the mountains, where the soil on the use of wasting so much time in haying to has been diverted to improve roads and Miss Elsie Oliver will leave on Friday to G. Davidson, F.W. Reader, Geo. Reegan, most of the farmers, is anxious to get build bridges in the south part of the Tillamook prairies is totally different visit the fair. Pauline, Carry and Nancy Hathaway, hold of a permanent grass that will not from the soil in the Willamette valley. come to town every few days for a fire county, and for that reason it is time permit when you can get a whole bunch play out on the prairie land. Mis. Lee M. Travis and child and Miss H. Radford and E. T. Haltom. There are those who believe it is just the of them in one trip ? If the county clerk that the Nehalem |>eople were given a * * * Emma Travis, of Eugene, came in Tues, F. E. Huntsinger had a hearing before grass tor this country and will crowd and his deputy should hap|>en to pitch way out, especially as they built a bridge Thinking probably that the Agricul­ day on a visit. Justice Haberlach on Wednesday on a out the weed, while others are skeptical. their ink stands at the Headlight man’s across the north fork by taxation. We tural Department at Washington may A fine line of Mason & Ackley’s hand­ charge of tresspassing upon the land of The only way to determine is to experi­ head for this b t of advice, we have no consider that it is more to the interest be able to furnish some information that made flies just in from the factory. Tied Ben Jacobs near Fairview. He was ment, and keep on experimenting until fear, for neither of them can pitch a curve. of the county to give the Nehalem peo- may prove valuable, we have explained I pie a bridge than it is to build a new found guilty, but the justice remitted the from special designs. * the problem is solved. We must not lose * ☆ * fully the situation here to the depart­ Tillamook City has had some myster­ court house. Therefore, we repeat, Com­ The faculty of the state Agricultural fine as tliete was a dispute between the ment, also to a reliable seed establish­ sight of the advice of the parties from College will bold a Farmers' Institute in parties as to a road out, and that Hunt­ ment in New York, which makes a spe­ Dakota who have had exjierience fight ious fires, in which fire bugs have played missioner Bodyfelt should join hands singer claimed that owing to the fence ing the yellow weed and the remedy they a conspicuous part. This is what the with Commissioner I.oerpnliel and hnve Tillamook Citv this fall. cialty of grass seed suitable for different being down a heifer strayed onto Jacob's advise, and until some other method is Headlight published regarding the fire the bridge built, and in that way they Mr. and Mrs. A. L. George and wife, soils and climates, lor it is more likely land and he went after it. suggested, it looks to us that the brome some few years ago which wiped out the would receive the thanks of a long hot. ot Portland, were registered at the Lar they have been appealed to for advice grass is the best thing recommended up business portion : “The origin of the fire tied up people and would satisfy the pub- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morton expect to sen house on Wednesday. where the yellow weed has taken posses­ is a perfect mystery, and many theories 1 lie demand for n bridge across the south leave for Portland on Saturday. It was sion. Our object now is to obtain all the to the present time. New and Second Hand Bicycles at Fred fork of the Nehalem river. arranged that he should meet his five information we can, and if any of the Forslund’s. Now is the time to get a » * 9 brother in that city, one of whom he has farmers can throw any light on the sub. Senator John H. Mitchell has been sen­ good bike for little money. not seen since 1862 and another of whom I ject, the columns of the Headlight are at tenced to six months’ imprisonment and Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Patzlaff have he has only seen once since 1856. The their disposal. a fine of for what may lie termed gone to Portland to visit the fair and to reunion of the brothers will not lie so en­ * * * a techical wrong, and thereby deprived lay in a new stock of goods. joyable, for one of the brothers, while on Mr. John Hickey is a wide awake relia­ of holding office again. Railroad com­ E. M. Harvey and family will leave on his way to the Coast was taken down blecitizen and we have never doubted but panies have gobbled up public hinds in the steamer for Portland, where Mr. Har- with fever and died at Ontario, Or. One what he is a good road man, but that is wholesale style, yet never u word is said vey has a position in a drug store. of Mr. Morton's brothers came in on not what we want to discuss in this about that. The whole trouble grows column. John is authority on brome the steamer on Wednesday. Mr. W. W. Ridehalgh came in on the out of the fact that most Westerners are steamer to make preparations to start George Brooks has his arm in a sling, grass and has experimented with it and of the opinion that there is too much up the salmon canners at Garibaldi. the result of a bad accident. He was says it is one of the best things that ever red ta|« business in disposing ol govern, Upto date Harness Shop The only complete shop of the ment timlier land, lor it is none of the Leave your orders for Awnless Brome driving Dr. Sharp's horse on the race struck this country and one of the best kind in Tillamook county. I handle no shoddy goods, but my government's business to be inquiring Grass seed.the grass tha t will crowd out track, when the animal stepped into a grasses he ever saw. He sowned some prices will compare with those that do. brome seed on his place which grew fine, where a fierson gets the money to buy the yellow weed, at McIntosh & McNair gopher hole on Tuesday morning, and Next door to T illamook C ounty B ank . Local Phone. Co.'s. * j in an instant the driver and sulky were and which made him come to the opinion a claim or what he is going to do with thrown into the air and landed the other that it is a fine thing for the county. We it. .Most very person who takes up a The Racycle is a totally different side of the horse, breaking Brooks' right hope John Hickey will attend the Farm­ claim expects to speculate with it, either wheel. It will climb hills that no arm close up to the shoulder, which is a ers' Institute this fall, for successful ex­ , to sell it at a profit or manulacture the other bicycle can. For sale at W. H. bad break. Dr. Smith attended to the periments with a grnss seed that will timlier, but they have not all followed Cary's. * crowd out the yellow weed will have the strict letter of the law, but becuuse man’s injuries. The I ver Johnson Truss Frame Bicycle, more weight then a hundred theories. they have not done so we fail to see where Judge Wm. Galloway came in on the with two speed gear brake, will climb a they havecommitted any great wrong, stage this morning and is holding court steeper hill than any other bicycle. For yet technically it is a grievious crime in The Headlight man, at the suggestion today, taking up the few cases which sale at Mason & Ackley's. the sight of the law. The same applies were continued from the last term, as of several farmers, asked Dr. Withy- D. G. Bushy. H.C.Smith,W.C. Barker, well as four new cases, viz , Albert combe to hold a Farmers’ Institnte in FOUR STYLES. to Senator Mitchell. The railroads and 75c E. E. Morgan, John Rasled, H. Lind, J. Marolf vs W. E. Easom, foreclosure ; Tillamook this tall, so that the farmers One Jet big corporations can control legislation, Two Jets 85c and pay big sums of money in doing so, Howe and Lloyd Bales, of Portland, Nels. Thompson vs. A. E. Imbler and can get together and after discussing the Three Jets, galvanized. • 1 03 in the national legislature, and nothing were in the city on Monday. wile, action for money ; B. J. Stephens matter with the professors of the state Three Jets, 1 25 braes is done to stop that system of graft, yet agricultural college, adopt some scienti ­ Franklin Taylor, who came in from ys. Nellie Stephens, divorce ; McIntosh w hen it comes to Semi tor Mitchell com. Portland on Wednesday on business, re­ A NcNair Co vs. H E. Gibson, action fic method in fighting the weed. The mittiuga technical wrong he is prosecut­ ceived word that his mother died and he for money. There are seven hold over newspaperswill furnish plenty of infor­ ed, found guilty and sentenced. Let the mation from time to time, but if the left for that city this morning. cases on the docket. government go after the big sinners who farmers would make it a point to attend J. W. Hobbs, of Eugene, war in the When you want a new rubber tire on have grown rich by buying up legislators a Farmers' Institute, they would obtain your bike, Fred Forslund's is the best city on Tuesday. It is Mr. Hobbs' duty mid not so much after the little sinners, valuable information along scientific place to get a good tire. Bicycle repair to look alter the government's interest for herein is the fountain of all our politi­ in the collection of taxes, andas some tew lines. About five years ago Dr. Withv- work a specialty. cal corruption. Because the railroads combe and the faculty of the Corvallis Misses Jennie and Bella Gilliland, of persons have licen violating the law. he College held an institute here, but only a mid big corporations don't want any came over to take items If he had been Carivals. Manitoba, and Miss Annie one else to get hold of public lands, as limited number of farmers took an inter, One Quart, at SOc maKaa IO Gallons Waldvogel, ol Brandon, Or., are visiting here a lew weeks ago he might have done eat in it. Yesterday we received another soon as the individual or little man tries a land office business, but. of course, they with Mr. Alex. Watts' family. to get 11 whack a* it land office inspectors have gone out of business, for those who letter from Dr. Withycomhe, in which he Mrs. S. J. Petre, of Arlington, Ore., a and government detectives are oil their sell whiskey without having first obtain- savs : ’’Replying to roar favor of the, If after using C arbolic C ompound you are uot satisfied come track just as though they were a lot ol 22nd. beg to say that we will endeavor former resident of this county, came in ed a government license are hable to he on Wednesday, and left the same morn pm ked off to the federal c-urt in fnt»re. to arrange for an Institute nt Tillamook and get your money back. > criminals. ’ g • n«i» frien Is it Bav City. * * « Over 30 Years experience in the Business. HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, &c. Everything Needed in the Harness Line you will find at W. A- WILLIAMS » » * GLOUIl^ MAKEA VAPOR LIKE THIS. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND Keeps the Flies off Stock CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. »MBA .«