TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY 20, 1905 New Trial Refused Mitchell ' entitled also to believe that, in such a I General News. '‘The motion in arrest of judgment I case, the officers of the Equitable would I lave continued their favors to him after will be denied. Engineer Wallace savs he was not act­ "The motion for a new trial will be he had declared a severance hetwero uated by money considerations. Still a the lawyer and the senator. Whether denied. rise of $30,000 has a sordid look. he held this privilege merely as a mental "Is the defendant in court ?’• * M M Lawson expects to put the Standard Senator John H Mitchell was not in reservation or whether lie had it denomi­ Is now located in the Store court when Judge De Haven pronounc­ nated in the bond, it would be very in­ Oil Company in the hands of a receiver. teresting to know. There will be an awful fight for the job. formerly used as ed the words quoted from his decision in the Model Mr.Hyde.it appeared from the same * * * answer to the motions made last week Restaurant, where LADIES’, testimony, was interested in eight dif­ It is with airships as with men. A by his attorneys Senator Mitchell was I ferent syndicates, ths stocks of which steering apparatus which worksail right GENTLEMEN and MISSES’, represented by |ndge Bennett and ex­ on the ground gets out ol order when it CHILDREN FOOT WEAR Senator Thurston, and while ludge De were sold to the Equitable at large of the latest and best quality will gets too high. profits to everybody in on the ground Haven did not say that he would have * * * be constantly kept in stock. *h*or. The great financial strength and rendered judgment upon the Senator, Major,W. C. Langfitt, who for more solidity ot the Equitable is clearly re­ had he been in court, it is believed from My expenance in the shoe vealed in the fact that it has survived than six years has been in charge of the fact that he asked if "the defendant river and harbor improvements in Ore­ business for 30 years give me years of such mismanagement as this was in court,that he would have done The story recalls that of the man who gon and along the Columbia River, has I the advantage in selecting boots so. Senator Thurston, when Judge De survived a long illness under the treat­ been ordered to duty in the office of Chief and shoes suitable for the Tilla­ Haven put his query, rose and stated The public are ment of a notoriously incompetent of Engineers in Washington, and will be mook trade. that he wished further time iu which to physician. When he regained a degree succeeded at Portland by Major S. W. cordially invited to examine my draw up a bill of exceptions, and he was of consciousness enabling him to un Roessler. goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. * ¥ * given until a week from Monday morn I derstand that he had lived against odds ill and Coot Bird, brothers, engaged The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Tilla­ ing to present them. I bis only comment was: "Doc, if you in a pistol duel on their farm near Troy, This means another ten days before j couldn't kill me, nobody can,” Since Ala. The former was shot to death and mook county. Senator Mitchell will have judgment the Equitable is still solvent, after a the latter was wounded in the leg. Ac­ pronounced upon him. I long time in the hands of wreckeis, it cording to the report of the shooting, is not an inquest for which Mr. Morton Coot was beating his sister unmercifully Kansas’ Oil War. and his associates are to draw their and Will went to her assistance. The One of the peculiar features of the Kan great salaries. tragedy was the result, Will falling dead sas war on the Standard oil company is at bis sister’s feet. The Department Scandies. that almost everybody seems to have * * * n expected that adverse decision bv the Owing to dilatory methods of paying state's supreme court on the refinery law j The post office department, the __ de. laborers, a general exodus of workmen and the decision is not going to make partment of the interior and the agri­ is taking place among the employes of that war any less resolute. The court cultural department have, in succession, the canal. Reports from Culebra indi­ holds that the refinery authorized by the been uuder fire. The attack on the de­ cate that, because they cannot get paid, Kansas legislature last winter, for which partment of agriculture has come throu­ laborers are quitting in scores, and have an appropriation of $ HO,(JOO was made gh the revelations of crookedness con­ taken to the woods for bananas and conies in conflict with the ¡provision of nected with the reports of the cotton other tropical fruits to ward off starva­ her constitution which declares that crop. An officer ot the Southern cotton tion. Unless a speedy change is made in “the state shall never be a party in car­ association recently charged that .the re­ the method of paying wages, the canal/ rying on any works of internal improve ports of the department of agriculture will be without laborers. * * * ment.” An evasion of the constitution always made the crop larger than the The Roosevelt, in which Captain Rob­ was attempted by making the refinery a final figures at the end of the crop sea­ STEAMERS—SUE II. ELMORE, W. II. IIARRISoN. branch of the penitentiary, but this was son warranted. As experience showed ert E. Peary hopes to reach the north ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDT, that the opposite was generally the case, pole, started on her long voyage Sunday. an afterthought and was not sufficient BAY CITY, HOBSON VILLE. this accusation attracted no attention Captain Peary and a party of guests to save the law from annulment. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and Gov. Hoch says that if he had been at the outset. Usually the department’s were on board at the start, and remain, also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. fol San Francisco, Portland the supreme court he would have strain­ crop figures have been below rather than ed w ith the ship on her trip down the and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to ed a point to declare the law constitu­ above the mark. The inquiry,' however, bay, but they left her at the narrows, re­ SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. General Agents, ASTORIA. OR tional. In fact, the governor seems to which was started by these charges |has turning to the citv on a Navy »ug. Cap! B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon. revealed crookedness it the department Pearv started the same night by rail for be about the only person in high station . JO. R & N. R. R. Co . Portland. Age,,t8 }A & C. R. R. Co.. Portland. in Kansas who was surprised at the de­ bv some of the minor officials, ¡w hereby Sydney, Cape Breton, where he will join cision. He, however, although surpris the reports were given out it advance to the ship. Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Express * * # ed and disappointed, is not discouraged. Wall street operators, who were thus Governor Joseph W. Folk, of Missouri, enabled to make large sums .in specula ­ He is in favor of continuing the „war on has in a recent issue of the Independent the Standard oil trust to the end. Some tion. One of these officials, Edwin S. Rates, $1 Per Day a brief and timely article on the above Centrally Lioeated. Holmes, Jr., has just been dissmissed of the independent refiners in Kansas are topic. The keynote of his presentment from the department. not only saying that they expected this President Rooseyelt h is ordered an is: “ No official has a right to ignore adverse decision, but they are expressing immediate investigation into the man­ any law. It is nut for him to say pleasure thereat. They say they can M. H. LifiRSEfl, Proprietor. agement of affairs in the department of whether the law is good or bad, but to fight the Standard oil better now than if enforce it as he finds it upon the books. ” TILLAMOOK, OREGON the state refinery had stood. The decis­ agriculture. Thoss who remember what It is suggestive of things out of joint took place by the President ’ s order in The Best Hotel in the city. No Chinese Employed, ion. therefore, does not ¡alter the situa­ the post office department, andjwhat is that any official finds it necessary to tion in any material degree. exploit this theory in words. His acts It is fortunate that the matter was under wav tuow in the department of should be sufficient evidence that he un brought to a legal test promptly, so the interior, will not need to be told derstands (his simple fact—that he un that the law’s fate would be determined that the inquiry wilUbe thorough. The derstood and subscribed to it in taking b.fore the bonds were signed. Thus the workings of the entire department will his official oath. Good or bad the laws taxpayers of the state are saved a big i be overhauled before the investigation should be enforced without regard to outlay which would bave been made if | ends. Attorney General Moody will wealth or title or position, If bad, the the case had been delayed in getting be­ have charge of the investigation. The way to prove them so and to secure fore the courts. The Standard oil trust success which his department has had their modification or repeal is to enforce is not doing any rejoicing over the de­ in overthrowing the Northern securi­ them rigorously and persistently.—Ore- cision. That corporation foresaw the ties company and in defeating the beef gonian. * * M attitude which the court would take. trust will show what the country may The story of the loss of the Japanese Possibly, too, it is looking for the main­ expect as a result of this inquisition. It is not at all certain that the graft is cruiser Takasago in December last, only tenance of the war which the independ as widespread in the department of published since the destruction of Ro- ent refiners promise. It is an interest­ agriculture as some persons imagine. jestvensky’s fleet, is a military classic. ing situation, and the country will give Carelessness, and not crookedness, is After the Takasago struck a mine and its attention to the developments in the all that if charged against the head began to sink, the irew assembled in per- contest from this time onward. If the statistician, Hyde. No accusations of feet order on the upper deck there to refinery law had successfully run the any sort are made against the secretary wait the battle with a stormy sea and gauntlet of the courts other states would of agriculture. Wilson. But the in­ death Captain Ishibashi ordered every have followed the Kansas example vestigation will cover all the bureaus man to use a life belt, and directed that Nevertheless, the subsequent features in and all the activities of the department. no one jump overboard until the ship the oil fight will be of national interest. Guilt, when proven, will be followed by actually sank. The crew then joined in prompt punishment. The work which singing the National anthem, cheering A Good Thing I was done in cleaning out the post office the Emperor and lastly they sang, According to testimony taken before d.partment will be repeated in the case Gallant Sailors,” their voices ringing the state insurance commissioner of of the department of agriculture, if out above the storm, After that, as a New York in his investigation of the | crime is shown. relaxation, the men were allowed to affairs of the Equitable life assurance ' All these revelations of irregularities in smoke, and thus they went calmly to (INCOK l-OKATKIl), society, that society has been, for several departments do not mean that their deaths. Of 500 men who went TILLAMOOK CITY, ORE. numbcf of years past ” a good thing” 1 there is more graft in the government to­ down with the Takasago only 133 were to everybody carrying duplicate keys to ' day than in the past. The government rescued. PA1IX I’P CAPITAL, 110,000. « * * its ground-floor doors. Everybody with 1 officials are more vigilant in traciug out A GENERAL BANKING If a battle takes place in Manchuria of crime now when it is committed than a pull in politics or finance appears to have had a pull with the Equitable. A they were formerly. The press is more any considerable importance before tbe BUSINESS. man armed with a pull, and also loaded a tive in detecting it and in pointing out final treaty of peace between Russia Directors :—M. W. H arrison , W. W up with stocks with which he did nut its extent and its enormity than it was and Japan, it will be far the greatest in C urti ««, B. L. E dby . caretopart at the maiket price, could h ilf a centurv ago or earlier. Wars the history of the world, discarding as Cashier ;—M. W. H arrison . get more than the market price from always incite graft. The Mexican war legendary the wild Greek tales ofXerxe's Liltcrnl Prices Paid for gilt edge »ecuri the Equitable. People with properties furnished a host of tricksters who made army, millions strong. The | a pa nese to­ ties of all kinds. on which they desired to borrow much money dishonestly ont of contracts. This day have six armies in the field, compos­ more than the properties would bring story was repeated in the rebellion on a ed of twenty six divisions. and totaling at a forced «ale have had only to call far bigger scale. The Spanish war had a a force of at least 600,060 men. Five ol C. B. LEEP, on the Equitable, provided, al wavs, that like tale to tell For years afterward these great armies are ¡understood as Boat« and ShoBB Nearly they were in an official or financial po­ wars’ demoralizing effects on the public operating against Lmievitch. so that the sition to do something for the inside service are seen We had no right in the forces immediately opposed to him will Repaired. management of the Equitable in return present day toexpect exemption from the be at least 500.000 strong, and it may lor the favor. ” Tickle us and we’ll operation of this rule. But the malefac­ be even larger. The Japanese force of First Class Work Guaranteed, tickle you” would have been an appro­ tors are being hunted down a little more artillery is estimated at 1800 guns. Give me a trial, priate expression of the ground floor vigorously than was done in the past. Figures even approximately correct of Next to the Headlight Office. the Russian army are more difficult to management of the Equitable, if all of Neither high station nor wealth will save get at. It is reliably given ont and any official who transgresses today The these revelations are to be believed. known that the Russian army has been \ V A United States senator who is said credit of President Roosevelt s adminis. A re-enforced since Mukden, but it is believ­ tration depends, in a considerable de ­ Rain and tsvest to have been drawing, for a number ot h«v« no «ff«. I »»•» ed that it does not greatly exceed 350,- harness »»rated years, a salary of $20,000 per annum gree, on the record for honesty and effi- 000 men, with 1200 guns If each side with Eureka Har­ as consulting attorney, and who had cienev by his subordinates, and he is not ne«« Oil. Jt re- - should bring into the battle its toll likely to overlook this truth. The cotton aistS the damp, borrowed |25<1,000 on propertv said keep« the leath­ quota, therefore, nearly 1.000,000 men er «oft and pH- to be not worth half of that amount, report irregularities, despite the motives and close to 3000 cannon will lie engag­ abte. Stitches has admitted that he, as one of the of the persons who made the original do not Weak. ed. The front of the Japanese armies No ro«ghMir complaint against them, will incite an executive board of the society voted to fa< e to chafe covers about 100 miles, «tending in and r st 1 raise the salary of Mr. Hyde to $100.« i ivestigation which will enlist all the re. one vast semicircle from the Liao river hern ”» not 0i)0 a year, and later voted tn place sources at the command of the President to the mountains sooth of Kirin, the only keep« Irx,Lag I ha and the legal department of tbe govern, the salary of Mr. Alexander at the same new. iut two flanks being advanced toward the «ear« twit« — h gh figure What he would have done, me u t. a« lo»g by t Russians.________________ U«» of Eurel or what he may have done as senator, Harne«« < M Forced to Starve. in exchange for the* favors he received Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- B F Leek. Concord, Ky , tty*: enced dentist is located in »• not vet developed and perhaps never For 20 year» I Buffered agonie», with Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and w>ll be. He may have considered him A. J. TOWER CO *lf capable, at any time, of patting a gore is prepared to do nothing but ---- on my upper lip. - "o - painful •OSTO«. V.« A. Fat After first class work and give the on a toga and looking at any question scmHioirt, tlmt 1 00,1111 cured TOWER CANADIAN CO., L imited . vainlv trying everything elre. I < best of satisfaction If your coming before the Senate in which the TOaoWTO. CAMA0A. ’ It» teeth need fixing call upon Equitable might have had a vital in it with Buckieu’s Arnie* Salve At tcrest, 'rom the lofty point of view of great for bun», cute «nd wound». ■' n 'RcGrruptible public officer. He is iW I. Clough, drug »tore onh^Ogj RED FRONT SHOE STORE All goods purchased of me will be repaired at the following rates Men’s Shoes, half soled 60c. Ladies’ » 40c. Misses’ 35c. P. F BROWNE,Salesman Pacific Navigation Co LARSEN HOUSE, Headlight Oregonian, $2.25 a year TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. HARNESS In the County Court of the State of Ort for Tillamook County. In the matter of the Estate of Herman Brown, deceased. N otick is H ereby G ivkn .—That tht d er signed, administrator of the Estat HERMAN BROWN, deceased, has til«! in above entitled court his final accounl such administrator, and said court hat Monday, the 7th day of August, 1905 the hour of IO o'clock a.m. at the offic the County Clerk of said County in T mook City in said County and State, as time and place for the hearing of object! thereto, and the final settling of said est. Dated this 3Oth day of June. 1905. FRANK SEVERANCE. Administrator of the Estate Herman Brown, deceased. H. T. BOTTS, Attorney for Administratoi In the County Court of the State of Oreg for Tillamook County. In the matter of the Estate of ■lohn Tone, deceased. N otick is H krkhy G iven ,—That the 1 dersigned, administrator of the Estate JOHN TONE, deceased, has filed in t above entitled court his final account such admistrator, and- said Court has > Monday the 7th day of August, 1903, the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., at the Office the County Clerk of said county in Till mook City in said County and State, as t time and place for the hearing of objectio thereto, and the final settling of said estat Dated this 30th day of June. 1905. DAVID FITZPATRICK. Administrator of the Estate of Joi Tone, deceased. II. T. BOTTS. Attorney for Administrator. KXmTOIDi' NOTICE. N otick is H ereby G iven ,—That the ur dersigned have been duly appointed by th County Court of the State of Oregon, fo Tillamook County, executor^ of the last wi. and testament of HENRY H. DOWNING deceased, and of his estate. All person having claims against said estate are heretr required to present the same to us properl; verified as by law required at the office of H T. Botts, in Tillamook City, Oregon, withii six months from the date hereof. Dated this 13 th day of July, 1905, HARRY SWEENEY & FRANK K STFINHAUKR, Executors of the last will and testament of Henry H. Downing, deceased. 11 1 BOTTS. Attorney for Executors. T imber L and A ct , J unk 3 I878 —N otice F or P ublication . United State.-» 141 nd Office, Portland, Oregon, * April 2 mt, IQ05. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entiled “ An act for the sale of tim­ ber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as ex­ tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, I892, CHAS II GOYNK; Of Tillamook, county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6583. for the psrehase of the Ne % of Section No. 25, in Township No. 2 North, Range 7 West, and will otter proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to sale! land before the County Clerk, of Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2bth day of September, I905. He names as witnesses Hosea T. Botts, of Tillamook, Oregon; Walter J. Smith. Win. Illingworth, Samuel Smith, of Wilson, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above -described lands are requested to file their claims in tliiNoffice on 01 before said 26th day of September, 1905. A lgernon S. D resser , Register. T imbkr L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878.—N otice for P ublication . United Stutrs Land Office, Portland, Oregon, April 21st, 1005. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions or the net <•( Congress of June 3rd, 1878, entitled ' An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Califo'iiia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo­ ry.’’as extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 18qa. FRED ARTHUR, Of Tillamook City, county of Tillamook. State of Oregon, has this day fifed In this office Ills sworn s atemenl No. 656H, for the purchase of the \V % of E % <»f Sec. No. 28, in Township No. aS, Range No. 7 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ poses, and to establish his claim to «aid land before the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook City, Oregon, oil Monday, the 25th p m. n | Portland Union { i drpot for Astoria. 1 Arrive. Ilio a in. 9:40 p.m. ASTORIA Leave 7 45 a m. 6:1U p.m. 1804 (for Portland and 1 i way point«. ( Arrive. 1 1 ?'• .t III 10:30 p m. SEASIDE DIVISION. ASTORIA Leave 113» a.m Arrive. < for Seaside Direct > ft:20 p.m. ASTORIA Leave Arrive. for Warrenton, f • 10:45 a tn. II ammond . Ft. z 5:50 p.m * Htevcn«. heawidr.) 7:40 a.m. f H: 1 5 a m. i Leave 4 30 p m. Leave 0 15 a.m. SEASIDE Arrive < for Astoria Direr* > 1 2 30 p m SEASIDE ( for Warrenton Ft . ' Htrvrn«. Ham- ! »9 30 a m. f mond Aetoria. ’ Arrive 9 2ft a m Additional train leave« Astoria 1 1 30 a.m. for all point« on Ft branch, arriving Pt. Nteven« 12 30 turning, leave« Ft. Hteven« at 2:00 riving Astoria 2 45 p m. * Munday only. Through ticket« 7 20 p m daily at Htrven* p.m., re p.m., ar