Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 20, 1905, Image 2

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    Faw r-
warfare. If a large proportion of the
ïjeabligbt. officers of the court and supposed guar­
dians of law set themselves the task of
Fr«d C. Baker. PublUher.
beating the law they will succeed. But
Settlers and the Fire Wardens. such a success is unworthy of the tra­
dition of the bar, and the leaders of that
The law which prevents farmers from
profession should arouse themselves to
burning brush without a permit from
inculcate a different spirit.
the county clerk is bound to become ex-
ceedinglv oxnoxious to the farmers in a
The Flying Russian
county like Tillamook. Although there
is no disposition on the part of the set.
Sometimes truth is stranger than fic
tiers to endanger the timber, yet for ail tion, and sometimes nearly as strange.
that it is not well to antagonize the The superstition of “The Flying Dutch-
settlers by curtailing their liberties, for it ! »nan’’ has always been thought to be
is a well known fact that it is the hunt- nothing more than a superstition. That
ters and campers who are the greatest story has had many variations, nearly
menace to the timber, for they set out every nation grafting on the original
fire and then leave it. One of the worse tree. But the old story telling of the
things that could happen would be to s|>ectral ship which sailors see as they
antagonize the settlers, which will be the round the Cape of Good Hope, which is
case if the fire wardens arrest them on less fantastical than newer versions, is
account of setting out a little fire when nearly equaled in its dramatic features
clearing up their land. The law is un­ I by this story of the Kniaz Potemkin,
popular in Tillamook, and if the fiie the mutinied Russian vessel which is now
wardens would confine themselves to the at the bottom in the Black sea. The
bu iters and campers the settlerscan be “Flying Dutchman’* could never enter
relied upon not to do anything bad, but a port, but it xvas an unseen power re­
they do want the right, after they have training it. In the case of the Potemkin,
cleared up some land, to burn the i no effort was made to enter a port until
brush and logs, without having to go supplies are needed. Then the appear­
through so much red tape and annoy ance is made, and always, up to date,
ance. Anyway, it is going to be a hard the supplies have been forthcoming
matter to convict a settler w ith such an under the shadow of the guus the
unjust law in a county like Tillamook, Potemkin more fratastic and more dra­
where he has used good judgment and matic than that of the ship commanded
taken proper precautiou to prevent it by old Vanderdecken. But it appears
from "spreading ; therefore, it is to be less fantastic, and less dramatic, be­
hoped that the timber men will not in- cause each day brings new assurance
sist upon the strict letter of the law that it is real. What is real is never so
being complied with in regard to settlers, dramatic as what is unreal.
for it is for the best interest of the coun
There is one thing, however, in which
ty that the timber men and settlers get the Potemkin clearly has the “ Flying
along as amicably as possible and pro­ Dutchman’’ distanced. In all the an
tect one another’s property. There is a nals touching the ship ’of shadows none
kindly disposition amongst the settlers • relate that it was ever seen in more
towards the timber owners, and it is to than one place at one time, and often
be hoped the new law will not cause bad there are long intervals between its
blood, for every settlei realizes what alleged appearances. Months and often
havoc a forest fire is liable do once it years will pass before a superstitious
gets started and fanned by a strong east sailor, doubling the Cape of Storms,
wind. It behooves every settler to use will think he sees the old vessel, always
the utmost precaution, and in doing so under full sail, come far within the line
they not onlylprotect their own, but the of his vision before it dissolves into
property of their neighbors and the tim­ thin air. But even the specter ship
ber men. This is a matter of much im­ I seems to lack that quality of omni-
portance, for the foolish act or indiscrea. I presence belonging to the Potemkin, if
tion of one person might cause a big | we are to credit the reports coming
conflagration and wipe out many homes • to the outside world from nearly every
and much timber, so it is to the interest I port around the Black sea. The Potem­
of the settlers as well ns the timber men kin was seen everywhere at once, and,
to join hands for mutual protection.
like the“Flying Dutchman,” disappeared
ing between 22,000 and 23.000 horse­
power, This, it is ex|xxted, will give the
speed ot 20Vi to 21 knots, a rate which,
in view of the enormous gun power-
ten guns of twelve-inch calibre—and the
adequacy of the armor protection, is ex-
ccptionally satisfactory In addition to
the four go ahead turbins, there will be
astern turbines on each of the shafts.
In order to secure high economy at
low power this battleship will have a
similar arrangement of cruising tur­
bines to that which proved so satis­
factory in the third-class cruiser Ame­
thyst ; that is to say. there will bean
independent high and low pressure
system of turbines for low speeds, and
these will exhaust into the high pressure
main turbin. For intermediate speeds
the high pressure cruising turbine will
be cut out and steam passed from the
boilers into the second cruising turbine
and thence into the high pressure main
turbine system. This, as in the Ame­
thyst, will give a very considerable
range of expansion at almost any
power. The boilers to be used will be
of the Babcock and Wilcox water tube
type, working to a much higher tpres­
sure than has hitherto been the case in
steam turbine machinery, excepting only
the Manxman, the Midland Railway
5l S 515> 5i 5» 5» 5»
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Fine Line of Choice
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
No Lawyer to Defend Him.
C orvallis , Or., July 13.—Because no
Corvallis lawyer would defend him, Jake
Blumberg, a local Hebrew, had an Al­
bany lawyer for his counsel in a trial in
• A ttorney - at -L aw .
which the state was his prosecut or yes­
terday afternoon. The case against Complete set of Abstract Books
Blumberg was violation of the local
in office. Taxes paid for non­
option law.
Several weeks ago Blumberg pleaded
guilty before Justice Holgate to the same
offense and was fined $50. By that
Office opposite Post Office.
token local attorneys, from the stand­
Both phones.
point of good citizenship partly, if not
wholly, refused to have anything to do
with his defense, and for that reason
when his case originally came up last
Saturday morning it had to be post­
poned in order to give the defendent time
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
to go to another town for a lawyer.
Yesterday’s trial was by jury and the
O regon
conviction was speedy. The man xvhom T illamook
the state alleged bought the liquor of
him swore that he got it of another
but officer Osburn and Fred Overlander C a
swore they saw Blumberg pass the bot
tie to the buyer and saw the latter pass
attorney at - law ,
as suddenly and mysteriously as she something in return to Blumberg which
thev took to be a coin. The fine was
The President and the Lawyer». appeared to the sight.
But that the flying Russian was not a $50 and the costs $25 or $30. In the Office across the street and north from
President Roosevelt may not add to
former instance though he had no license,
the Post Office.
his popularity with that extremely con­ shadow, a dream or a superstition of
Blumberg avoided payment of a fine to
servative class of society, the bar, by
the Federal Government.
some of the things which he said in his run into port for supplies is evidence
Havard speech, who dearly love old i enough. Spectral seamen on spectral
The Praying Mother.
abuses and are fertile inventors of new ships do not have to make requisitions
ones, and the President has doubtless for supplies. If they did, they could TO TUK EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.
A ttorney - at .L aw .
found such members of the profession get them easier thin the flying Rus
The time comes when a mother’s care
ready at every turn to hamper his ef­ si an was getting them, even though she and watchfulness ceases to be a virtue, Office : Opposite Court House,
forts to make corporations obey the carried a fine assortment of heayy guns when her boy or girl needs to be given
law. If he did speak from the depth of and had shown a disposition to use oyer to the guidance of the Spirit of God.
T illamook , O regon .
personal experience with the difficulties them in case of need. The men on the Tlwit time begins at puberity, the imagi­
of accomplishing any reform which
nations rob a bov or girl of their vi­
H. UPTON, Ph. G.,M.D.,
touches vested wrongs defended by able is no telling when theve may cease to tality, just as definately as though they
legal talent, he had good reason to do be. Of one thing we may be sure, and were in the vilest society. Their body,
so. He is perfectly right when he de that is that the superstition of the sea­ brain and heart are robbed of their
P pysician and S urgeon .
faring man will hereafter haunt the natural secretions. They are starving
dares ;
one block west of the
“Everv man of great wealth who runs Black sea with a flying Russian. And for the society of the opposite sex
his business with cynical contempt for the story of the Potemkin is a better How can a mother who is Godforsaken Allen House, Tillamook City.
those prohibitions of the law which hv basis for a yarn of that kind than the her own self expect her children to be
Calls answered promptly.
hired cunning he can escape or evade is story of old Vanderdecken and his pen guided through the delicate period of
a menace to our community ; and the ance of sailing forever around a stormy life, or from childhood to manhood or
community is not to be excused if it cape.
womanhood ? These troubles are un­
does not develop a spirit which actively
known in the savage world for they are
Turbine» For Battleships.
frowns on and discountenances him.’’
given in marriage at puberity. I ack-
Pew men will dispute this as an ah-
The first application of the Pearsons knowlege my infidelity toward the
struct proposition. Yet when it comes steam turbine to navigation was made popular prayer, but if there is one thing
F inancial A gent ,
to obeying in good faith the spirit of to the smallest of all war vessels, the I hold sacred it is my mother’s prayers.
the law in business enterprises it ii too torpedo destroyer. A large number of
The mother who never prays for a
Tillamook, Oregon.
common for captains of industry to say such craft are now ¡equipped with such more substantial watchfulness than her
that whatever the law has left a tech­ engines. The next trip was to try them own takes desperate chances for God
nical loophole for is permissible ; while on passenger boats, and the third to in­ only knows the hearts of men, the ^pHOS. COATES,
some even defend positive violation of troduce them on a light cruiser. The mother is a poor judge, for the most
Agent for Fireman’s
both in letter and spirit on the ground Amethyst, of the British navy, is proba­ promising men are the most unreliable.
of practical necessity in the face of busi- bly the only ship of that type in com­ Prostitution is no relief and is not xvorth Fund and London and Lanca­
ess rivalry.
The doctrine which the mission .provided with one, but they a consideration. God never intended
shire Fire Insurance
President enunciates is familiar, but lie have been (ordered for others, both in for his people to seek relief in that way,
cannot impress it too often upon a 1 the British service and that of Germany. nor is there any reason why a boy or
Tillamook .. Oregon.
people with whom the idea of law’ is so i‘he American government has practical, girl should be lost.
little sacred that whole communities ly determined to try them, too, on
It is the unguarded moment that we
tolerate the habitual and contemptuous scouting cruisers. Nowit has been de­ are led into temptation. God the Spirit
disregard of the interstate commerce cided to make a venture with a battle­ never leaves those who are entrusted to
and anti-trust laws and reputable men ship. the heavest of all war vessels, and his care. The woman of Canaan who
defend such conduct as a matter of the experiment will be made with the plead for mercy for her daughter that
ordinary and praiseworthy business latest and finest specimen of that type. xvas vexed of a devil was rewarded for
common sense. He docs well also thus Great Britain is now’ building at her her faith. The prospects of the youth
to put the matter squarely up to the own yarJ nt Portsmouth a battleship of our land for xveel or woe depends
lawyers, who, more than any other which is to have ten guns of twelve-inch upoiFthe efficacv of the praying mother. Titos. C oates , Pres.
class in the community, are in a position calibre — a much larger num tier of such He who undertakes to help a boy or
to make lawlessness possible :
cannon that have ever before been car­ girl willjfind himself handicaped unless he
“ We all know that, as things actually ried by a single vessel—and displacing has the silent partnership of a praying I
are, many of the most influential and IS,000 tons, whereas the heaxest ship mother.
J C. G ove .
most highly recommended members of now jn .service displaces only 16,000
Bent Her Double.
the bar in every centre of wealth make tons.
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
" I knew no one, for four weeks, xvhen
it their special task to work out bold
According to “Engineering,” the Ad­
and ingenious schemes by which their miralty has decided kto place the order I xvas sick w»th typhoid and kidney
T illamook .. O regon .
very wealthy clients individual or cor for the ¡propelling machinery for .this trouble,” writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of
porate, can evade the laws which are I giant with the well known firm Vickers.
although 1 had one of the Inst doct<»n* !
made to regulate in the interest of the ' Sons & Maxim. The work is to lie ex­ I could get, 1 xvas bent double, ami bail
public the use of great wealth Now, ecuted in record time, as it is hoped that to rest my hands on my knees w hen I
• Real Estate and Fire, Life,
the great lawver who employs his talent the vessel will be on trial before the end I walked. From thia terrible affliction I
Health, Accident, Insurance.
and his learning in the highly remunera­ of next year. The Admirality in placing was rescued by Electric Bitters, which
restored my health and strength, and
tive task of enabling a very wealthy the contract with the Vickers company now I can walk as straight as ever Agent for the Northwest School Furni­
ture Co. and Oigans and Pianos
client to override or circumvent the law 1 had, no doubt, in their mind the ¡success They are simply wonderfulGuaranteed
Notary Public.
is doing all that in him lies to encourage . of the company, alike as regards rapidity to cure stomach, liver and kidney dis Office Southwest from the Court House
the grow th in this country of a spirit of of construction and realization of speed orders; at Chas I. Clough, drugstore; tn the building occupied as a music store’
price 50c.
dumb anger against all laws and of dis results.
belief in their efficacy.’*
In design these engines will differ a lit­
Can Edward H Harriman dominate
The administration of the law* is i tle from those of the Amethyst. On the the Empire State? This is the erv that 1
largely in the hands of the lawyers. The cruiser there are three shafts (and three 1 echoes throughout the commonwealth, '
practice is what they make it. If thev pro|<lliug screws), the two outermost , on the heels of a public uprising that
give themselves up, as experts on w hat being actuated by low pressure cylinder, j clamors at the doors of the Legislature
the law* is, to discovering wavs to get it is understood that the new battle- * fcr an investigation into the scandalous
around it, thev can probably find laws ship will baxc four sets of turbinsj for graft in the Equitable Life Assurance '
in anv statute which can be devised. It going ahead, each mounted on aseperate Society that plundered widows and or- I
is the old case of the balance between shaft, so that there will !>e four shafts phatis of $15,000,000 to $20,000.000 Electric Raths nicely fitteti up. Good for
offensive and defensive instruments of and four propellers, the total power be- * w ithin three ycats.
persons subring with rheumatism
K new summer fabrics . 8
¡H ft For Gentlemen'
s Garments to Order, i
------------------ hi
U Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring, V
iJ Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts, $ '
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Raglan’s Rain Coats.
Exlusively to Measure.
V SARCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook. J!
Come early and secure first choice.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
The Best Hotel.
J. P. PLiLtEjM, Proprietor.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
Repairs Guns, Locks, Typewriters, Keys, Bicycles and
Sewing Machines. .Makes a Specialty of Plumbing.
Repair Shop, Opposite McIntosh $ McNair's.
If you are in want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
Gresham, Oregon,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines,
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
Sena us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
„ rtifv’ that I have this 27th day of December, 190+, inspected and
h-ini Iir'.. e ' "’?ery S,ocl< °f Mr. E. P. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres-
?;,• 1 aiK s,° ar as 1 arn al,le to ascertain, have found it in good, market.
handling 'T iln<1- C ear °! an» «non» insect pest or disease Their methods of
Handling and growing stock are first class.
WILBUR K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District.
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
Spruce and Cedar Shingles.
Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty.
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
— — «
■ -
A A A A A a q
Tillamook Iron Works J
General Machinists & Blacksmiths. »
Boiler Work, Loggers Work and Heavy Forging.
» ►
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.