Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 20, 1905, Image 1

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No. 6
JULY 20, 1905
♦1.50 per year.
Our Great Semi - Annual
The Store that put the mail­
order traffic out of business in
The Store that made Prices
Cheaper and Values Better in
Commencing SATURDAY, JULY 22nd, and Lasting
Until SATURDAY, August 5th.
Saturday morning, July ¿2nd, we inaugurate the greatest bargain event that has taken place at this corner in many a
day. Its oui k emi-Annual ( learance Sale to close out all odds and ends, broken line assortments and to reduce the stock to the
lowest possible point before our big fall stock arrives. Every department has been thoroughly gone through, every item of
summer meichandise brought to the front and a price put on them that will mean their immediate sale.
It’s a MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY that you cannot afford to
Very Important Reduetions in
The time when you can buy almost two pairs of hose or two suits of underwear for the
price of one. You’ll find some medium weights suitable for fall wear, among the lots adver­
tised. Their season will soon be here. Get them now.
Women’s fine bleached ribbed U11-
Children’s heavy ribbed school Hose,
dervest, taped neck.
triple knee, three thread heel and
Sale price only 8c-
toe, size 6 to 9^. The best hose ever
35c. Underwear at 19c.—One big sold at 20c. a pair.
lot of Men’s Grey French Balbriggan Sale price, while they last per pr. 13c.
Shirts and Drawers.
Women’s black lisle thread Hose,
Sale price per garment 19c.
extra fine medium weight thread,
45c. Underwear at 25c.—One lot of some have white soles.
Men’s Balbriggan Shirts andDrawers,
Sale price per pair only 19c
drawers have double seat, shirt heav­
ily taped neck.
Sale price 25c.
Men’s fancy silk and silk embroid­
Tape Girdles, in plain white, pink ered half Hose in black and colored
and light blue, regular 50c., 65c. and patterns, values up to 50c.
At 35c. and 20c.
75c girdles.
Sale price 39c.
Men’s and Boy’s Grey Cotton
Socks, of medium weight.
At 5c. a pair or 50c. a dozen.
Men’s Heavy All Wool Socks, also
medium weight in Tan, Black and
natural colors, 35c. value.
At pair 25c.
Men’s fancy Negligee Shirts,
fast colored patterns, all sizes
of shirts that sell in a regular
way at 50c., 65c. and 75c.
Sale Price,
Women’s and Misses Black Lace effect and Tan
Hose, in a big variety of patterns, all sizes for
both women and misses, values up to 35c. to close.
Per pair, 18e.
Men’s Fast Black Cotton Half Hose, firm weight,
well shaped and our regular 18c. and 20c. grades.
Sale price, 2 pair tor 25c.
10 dozen bleached ready
made sheets, full bed size, 72
by 90 inches, with seam, a
good 55c. value.
Sale Priee,
China Silks.
China Silks, in about 20 different
shades of regular 33c. quality.
At per yard, 19c.
Wash Goods.
All our cotton and silk finished
voiles, also fancy crepes, linen lawns,
linens, dimities and batiste worth
regular 18c to 25c. a yard.
• At per yard, 12c.
Dress Goods.
Our entire stock of Wool Dress
Goods, in all the seasonable fabrics
and colorings, 60c. to 75c. values, 36
to 44 inches wide, placed on bargain
At price per yard, 49c.
Linen Laces,
2000 yards of Linen and Torchon
Laces and Insertions, a large variety
of patterns in all widths up to 3 in.
wide, worth up to ioc. a yard to close
At per yard, 4 C.
India Linon.
Fine white India Linon, worth
regular ioc. ayaid Sale price, 6c.
Another lot of better quality of
India Linon—a fine sheer fabric—
worth 15c. a yard. Sale price, lOc.
Bed Ticking.
A standard brand of blue stripe
straw ticking worth regular i2Lc- a
Sale price per yard, 9c.
Cotton Towls
Cctton Honey Comb Towels,
bleached, fringed ends, size 15x34
inches, while they last.
At each, 5c.
Shoe Sale.
Onr entire stock of Women s.
Men’s and Children’s Oxfords, in
Tan and Black, in a big variety of
leathers and styles, most all sizes, on
sale at very special prices.
Also all Tan and Patent Kid Shoes
on sale at a big cut in prices.
Women’s side hose support­
ers, in lavender, red and
black, of fancy elastic ; reg-
ular 25c. value.
Sale Priee,
Nocu Comes the Clearance Sale of
CUaists and All Ready-to
Wear Garments.
Tillamook’s foremost sale of its kind—a time when prices tinques-»
tiona’Jy reach the lowest point during the entire season. Every gar­
ment offered is up to the recognized standard of style and quality
carried by ns.
White Linen Lawn, linen colors, and black
and white waists that sold up to $1.65.
Sale Price, 69c.
White imported Persian lawn, and a big
assortment of fancy colored waists that sold up
to $2.00.
Sale Price, 99c.
About five dozen linen lawn, and colored
waists, all beautifully trimmed with either
fancy insertion, headings or val-laces, waists
that have sold up to $4.00.
Sale Price, £1-75.
Dress Skirts, made of all-wool cheviots,
venitians and home-spuns, in plain colors
and fancy mixtures that sold up to $6.00.
Sale Price, $3.39.
One Lot of fast colored gingham petticoat
that sold up to $1.25. Sale Price, only 50c.
20 pieces of fancy lawns, in
dots, stripes and figured de­
signs, 29 inches wide, worth
regular 10c.
Sale Priee,
Shirt-Waist Suits, in shepherd plaids and
dots, also in plain blue and pink wash
materials. Values up to $3.00.
Sale Price, $1.98.
Shirt-Waist Suits, of fancy imported wash
materials, elegantly trimmed and finished,
in six distinct patterns and styles, suits that
are marked to sell up to $5.95.
Sale Price, $2.48.
All $20.00, $22 50 aud $25.00 Tailor-
Made Suits, to close out at
One Price, $lo.oo.
‘ Dresses.
Misses and Children’s fancy white dresses,
also colored wash dresses. Sizes, 2 to 14
years, that sold up to $2.25.
Sale Price, 99c.
The best quality of Zephyr
Ginghams, in checks and
stripes, all colors and worth
joc. yard.
Sale Priee.
July Clearance Sale
It’s a rather unusual time to inaugurate such a sweep-
g price reduction ; but, as with all other sales at our
store, there is a reason. The backward season leaves us
with more Clothing than we like to carry. We will be
compelled to sacrifice some of them sooner or later any­
how, so we have decided to close them all out now, right
in the midst of thé season,and give you the benefit of the
discounts just when you really need them.
A 20 per cent DISCOUNT ON ALL
CLOTHING for Men, Boys and Children.
You know the kind of Clothing we sell—Clothes that
•ire madTwell and wear well—Clothes with an individual style that sets them far
above 1 the ordinary run of ready-to-wear garments. These are the garments we
oiler now rat One-Fifth Less than Regular Prices.
French dress ginghams, in a
choice line of new patterns and
colorings, our regular I2j£c,
Sale Priee,
Table Linen.
Good linen, half bleached table
Damask, 72 inches wide, assoited
patterns, good value at 65c. a yard.
Sale price 43c.
Pillow Cases.
20 dozen bleached pillow cases, 42
by 36 inches, regular 13c.
Sale price ioc.
Table Damask.
A good quality of Turkey Red
Table Damask, worth regular 35c. a
Sale price only 17c.
Silk Ribbons.
Taffeta All Silk Ribbons, in a big
variety of shades, up to 6 inches wide
values up to 25c. a yard.«
Sale price 14c.
Silk and Satin Ribbons, regular
15c. a yard values.
Sale price 9c.
Women's fancy figured Kimona
Dressing Saqucs that sold at $i.oo
and $1.25.
Sale price 69c.
All our $1.25 and $i.39ieady made
Percale Wrappers in all colors and
Sale price 98c.
Boy's Knee Pant Suits, 7 to 15 years, in Norfolk,
Men's Suits that were sold at $.8^
One lot Men’s Suspenders, assort­
bouble breasted and 3-piece Suits, remarkable values at
styles and colors, broken lines of
Men’s Suits that were bargains at Sale
Price, $11.20
Boy’s Knee Pant Suits, 7 to 15 years, in Norfolk, suspenders that sold at 35c., 40c. and
Sale price only 25c.
double breasted and 3-piece suits that were $3.00.
Men’s Suits that were sold at $10^
♦ 8.00.
Sale Price, $2.40.
Men’s Neck Wear,
Young Men’s stylish Suits that werMio.«,.
Little Fellows Suits, 2) to 7 years, Russian Blouse,
silk Ixiw Ties, Wash Four-
Sale Price, ♦ 8 OO.
Norfolk and double breasted styles, were good value at in-Hands, string Ties aud wash Bows,
Sale Price, $3.20.
Young Men's Suits that were
_ .
values up to 35c.
Sale price 5c.
Sale Price, 6-40-
Boy's Wash Suits, 3 to 14 years. Regularly sold at
Boy’s Knee Pants,
Sale Price, $140.
Boy’s Wash Suits, 3 to 10 >ears, longJ^e prjce qqc .
Knee Pants in Worsteds, Scotch
Mixtures and Cheviots, 4 to 15 years,
r- x-
cmrinf MEN’S, YOUTH’S and BOY’S SINGLE PANTS on special
Entire Stock of Mt in a,
50c., 6oe. and 65c. values.
Sale price 39c.
We are paying
stcck of Men's & Boy’s Straw and Crash Hats on sale at about One-half Price.
a cloz for Eggs—Haltom keeps the price of Eggs up
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