TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY 13. 1905 Count Shuvaloff owes his death to his l MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. Hi* horse became fractious and the driver was unable to manage the animal, custom of freely granting audiences and Cast iron articles were first made Sha—“Why do they call it ‘an arm of receiving petitions from all classes. Commissioner Loerpaltel is making a As soon as Mayor Weaver completes which backed the vehicle over the rocky the »ear” Hs— "Becsil.e it hug» the in England in the year 1700. One bullet wounded the Count in the ttroug pull to get a bridge built across the reformation of Philadelphia the czar embankment. The horse fell upon the Four persons cross the Atlantic in the south fork of the Nehalem liver this pericardium, another pierced his aldo, shore. I guess."—Jndisnapolir News. ought to engage him to straighten out dr.ver, who was crushed to death in­ A Thespian Catastrophe. "So your the steerage to each cabin passenger. I nil. We hope he will succeed. If the men, a third struck him in the arm. and the municapal tangle at St. Petersburg. stantly, the buggy lieing entirely de­ Hamlet made a great hit '.” "Well, bar • The number of ships in the American people of the county had a voiee in the * * * molished. Coroner Holman took charge the fourth in the shoulder, while the lv The aurUence made the I it; I »a. whaling fleet has fallen in the past 12 matter, every mother’s son would say ; fifth bullet of the assassin struck the leg If the plenipotentiaries meet aboard of the remains but will not hold an in- the target.- Detroit Free Press. years from 07 to 40, and much the sam« “Give those people a bridge for they are the President’s yacht, the President will of a women who was standing near. "What kind of a stove tilt! the pre­ u the case with the Scotch whaling quest. lieserving of it after being bottled up for as a delicate courtesy to the Russians, According to the physicians, the bullets historic man u.e?" asked ahe little industry. * * o At Salem, Ore ,the Justice of the Peace, were poisoned. The victim speedly lost Ostend "Probably he used a moun­ so many years.’’ The Nehalemitee levied lie careful to keep his bearskin rugs out In water of 12 fathoms or under a H. H. Turner and A. T. Kelliher, of consciousness and never spoke after­ tain range."—Philadelphia Record. a tax to more than pay for the bridge of sight. large ship of 20 knots loses about Chicago, were arrested upon indictments ward. across the north fork, so it is only fair “They caught a man robbing the pub- three-quarter» knot speed compared * * * with her pace when traveling in water and just to a class of people that is as A great crowd gathered in front of the lie library till in a Xew England town. Great as are already the difficulties in i charging them with the forgery of ap- Made 30 fathoms or over. enterprising as that to give them a wav building the er.teroceanic canal, they can i plications for the purchase of state house of Count.' Shuvaloff, and made a ••How did they punish him. Henri Houriet, a Swiss watchmaker, out And to settle the matter how the still be borne if Senator Morgan of I school land. The indictments were pre­ determined show of its indignation and him read all the historical novels. — has recently completed a watch made people want it settled, the county court Alabama will only keep on not saying: sented by the grand jury three months sorrow at the assassination ¿of the Pre­ Cle’.'and Plain Dealer. "How sw eet it w ould be to live alone entirely out of the ivory taken from a should call for bids and get the bridge “I told you so.” ago, but the arrests were not made fect, who was very popular. with you in yonder lighthouse!” he billiard ball—works and case com­ until Tuesday, for the reason that Kelli­ built this fall. * * * Grand Duchess Elizabeth, widow of Engineer Wallace is frankness itself. her has been out of the state. The two Grand Duke Seigius (assassinated in whispered, tenderly. “Yes." she mur­ plete. It keeps good time. mured. abstractedly, "and do light The middle colonies, New York, New Wants the Headlight Man. He savs he has left the Panama canal I men were arraigned on Tuesday after­ Moscow February 17.) attended the first housekeeping.”—Smart Set. Jersey. Pennsylvania and Delaware, in such excellent shape that anybody noon and were given until Thursday to requim for Count Shuvaloff tonight. Beryl—“Well, all I've got to say is were really conquered aoil, taken from TO TUB EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. can do the engineering, the digging and plead to the two joint indictments filed that Ethel is a two-faced creature.” the Dutch. Neither of the two great Say, Mr. Editor, if you keep on talk- the incidental details. against them. Sibyl—“Yes, and she’d look better if companies attempted to colonize this Bad Men With Harvesters. ing as you did in the last Headlight you * * * * * * she’d use the other face instead of part of the coast, and it only came into will get to be one of our number. You lapan is to float a loan of $150,000, Field Marshal Lord Roberts created P endleton ,Ore., July 11.—Last bight, the present one!”-—Baltimore Her­ English posseaaion in 1664. say our whole system of government is 000. The obvious answer to the ques­ a sensation in the House of Lords when thieves broke into five box cars at the ald. The South Kensington museum, impregnated with bribery ami corrup­ tion of “what has posterity done for us?’’ in a lengthy and well considered speech O. R AN. depot and helped themselves fteetem—“Pshaw! I must have $!0 London, has l>een presented with the tion. Us Socialists have known that is “what will they have to do for us he deliberately expressed his opinion as to articles ranging from toilet soap to by noon to-day. and I left all my money famous XValsingham collection of for a long time, and we are glad that when they get here ?” a practical soldier that the military force liquor. The value.of the k < mm I s stolen is at home in my other clothes. Can’t micro-lepidoptera. consisting of 200,- you are finding it out. We want to * * * of Great Britain was inadequate, im- estimated from $250 to $3ssession of the state politi here, returned home Thursday. C. Wooley, who has been working for many miles away. We eloned with last fiscal year the soldiers of the W. H. Parish to Mvrtam F. Borneman. whales, amounting to 10,000 pounds of cally. The land in question consists C. Ray, is home now making hay, but our outfit, guitars and gaudy ward­ government deposited with the war Lot 2, block 16. Bar View addition bone ; the whaling steamer Jeanette of about 2,500,000 acres, practically he will return to his work after haying robes one day, and had no trouble department upward of $4.000.000, and to Bay City. Consideration, $1.00 with four whales, or 6500 pounds of all of which can be occupied and accom­ is over. in getting together a pretty fair au­ that money is now drawing four per William B. Mersereau and wile to Wil bone ; the steamer Narwhal with one modate a population out of which can dience that night, nt ten cents each. cent, interest. Mrs. F. Wallace and Mrs. V. Kinna ­ The smgs. dances and dialogues went At the time that this law was son River, Lumber Co. Tract in whale, or 2600 pounds of bone, and the (redrawn, in the course of a few year-, man, of this vicinity, were trading in off all right. They were really fun­ passed there were many desertions sections 19, 30 and 31, tp. 1 north, steamer Belvedere from St. Michael, as many ns lO.OuO voters, There la Beaver Saturday. ny, I believe, even now; but at the from the army, and it was provided range 6 west ; also tract in sections with her machinery disabled and no said to have been found a circular let Mrs. George Smith closed a very suc­ close of the entertainment I met that if a soldier deserted he should ter issued to some of the Mormons in 24 and 36, tp. 1 north, range 7 catch reported. lose all the savings he had on ac- * * * which they are told that arrangements cessful term of school at Pleasant with bad luck. west, W.M., containing 1189.48 Valley Friday, “Tn going nut to announce another count. Hence when an enlisted man have been completed with the land of ­ Ten deaths and more than a score acres, more or less. Consideration, Miss Mary Phillips has returned home apnea rance the next week T clumsily gets an amount of money on de- prostrations resulted Monday from the fice at Washington through which $10,000.00. from Philomath, where she has been caught my foot in the folds of our posit with the government he be- A. E. Imbler and wite to Ellia Imbler. intense heat wave which visited New Mormons, by taking the necessary impromptu dron-curtain. and pulled comes a better soldier and never de- attending school tor the past vear. Lots 3 and 4. block 9, Park addi­ York. A greatful breeze from the sea steps, can get first entry upon the lands. the heavy curtain pole or roller down serta. served in a measure to temper the tor ­ on my straight Grecian nose—the * * * tion to Tillamook Citv ; also tract His independence and interest in KXKCUTOKS NOTICK. pride of my mother’s family, and his work increase in proportion with St. Petersburg can give good reasons in block 4, McDermott’s addition to rid temperature and excessive humidity, None b is H bbbbv GiVBx.-That the un- mine by inheritance. his savings account, and the govern­ Tillamook City. Consideration, bnt the suffering, especially in the for the terror that is in it. A foe which dersigneelago and to the United Stntes'are with Nicholas IL The mutiny in the This is the season of the vear when Having talked themselves nearly fleet may nut extend far. Possibly the the wife of the Italian labourer begins to a standstill about the achievement west. Consideration, $400 00, TiM.1t» L and A ct . J i s , 3 - no I1 ce hu K to lie looked alter. These include the to think of laying in her winter stock of ( apt. ( lark in bringing the bat­ U.S. Land Office to Edwin G. Stearns workings of the interi.al revenue sys­ disloyalty which is shown by some of P ublication . United State» lAiid Office. of conserva. Conserva is a dish with­ tleship Oregon through the Straits Sw V4, sec*tion 29, tp. 5 south, range tem in the islands; the retention or dis­ the soldiers may tie checked before it Portland, Oregon, out which no Italian family would of Magellan (not around the involves any considerable portion of the wüh'lhî'î h'.rehy «'X™ 10 west. Consideration, $40000. co’np'lmnce bandment of the Filipino constabulary; think of passing the winter. Every Captain J. J. Dawson to Wesley G. Dav the matter of the construction of rail army. There is not the faintest doubt, With me provisions of the act of Congress ol year about this time the average'ltal- Horn, as it was published countless June J. mA entiled “An act for the sale’of tin times), and putting her into action and wife. Lots 2 and 3, section 1 ; ways ; the settlement of the claims of the however, that the sailors who have NeV.*;.44.^ inn housewife mav be seen buying at the battle of Santiago, the emo­ lots 2 «nd 3, sec 2. tp. 1 south, Roman Catholic church for the use of its joined the populace of Odessa in fight­ I large quantities of tomatoes. The tionalists for the first time should s***" by" "i range 10 west. Containing 179 churches nnd convents by the American ing against the czar’s troeps, and the a 1^1,4“Î^." î tomatoes need not be overehoice and pause to consider by what means the < HAS. B. GOY NF unwillingness evinced there by many of acres. Consideration, $1500.00. . sometimes the softer they are the bet- gallant captain was enabled to ac­ soldiers during the Philippine insurrec­ | ter conserva they make. The tomato,, complish that wonderful feat. A be­ Ruth Bewley to Oak Nolan, 160 acres tion, and the adjustment of the friar the soldiers U» fire on the sailors or the JhL d"”“- n"' a Pre” »"d lief is growing in the navy that her pipulace represent a feeling which is in sections 23 and 26, tp. 1 north, lands controversy. then squeezed until every drop of i„iPe widespread througliout Nicholas navy range 10 west. Consideration, engines brought the Oregon around. « it « more valuable for its timber or Monî tlfÎr fm ha. been eg,meted The p„ip which re- $1000.00. If the pessimists who a few year, ago and army. Thia is a peril which may agncultur.l purposes, and to est.h ih hu ™ "»U spread upon, herd and placed Who controlled the engines, kept them going, prevented journals from 1.""d < o«*dy Cleîk Edmund F. Lyster and wife to Arm­ predicted the doom of the horse should at any moment render Nicholas' pt »si. . ’r'n'0 t.i»ed Jb" ‘n "hfn if h” »'■ getting hot, governed their speed, ¡•¿’fen. o^esd1» strong 11. Lvster. Tract in sections go into the country oreven to the whole­ Cien as dangerous as that of Louis XVI tamed the consistency of putt,. ¡, and made sure that they did not suf­ 17 and 18, tp. 3 south, range 9 sale markets and try tobuy a good com. after Louis, finding the army and the iamf'r in airtight fer the usual break-down? I guess populace against him fled from Paris "rs for the Winter. It is used for m.k- west. Consideration, $1 00. mercial animal they would find prices ng sandwiches and sometime, form. that genius was Robert Wiley Milli­ Four mortgages executed to secure around the record mark. Good horses and was intercepted at Varennes. gan. says a writer in the New. York 1593.83. are high and hard to find. The theory Press. ofTI;e,mtü;".;B^o■, 01 *,,kinR-«»»kward cers in the navy who could hare the court listened to the arguments of one ot the most profitable branches of the petitioners drew a revolver and fired Oregon. S. v.da .„d n »11 his movements and had little of “commanded” such a ship on such a a.ellended to mail P.hll, err1!» . ««extended «Il p u|,|lc I lAa au.'f ’ ’ a.J. s.¿errit u° five times at the Pi •feet, who fell dead. . ry. ex Senaror Thurston, Judge Bennett and husbandry. •ct ol Augu*t 4. l.Nu. uc ua’“1 »Ut« bv voyage. I doubt, however, if there Toe aaasaain was arrested. He was dree, rw rm. ol Mr. Hcnev, contended for and against Cat r.'S - lives an engineer in the service who « O « >.X*KU ARTHÏ R ■ O/ Ti¡1«mnaT ( reereus '1o°u on his face. • TerV»?*' 'r°!Ain,r hor” ,h' ’«'¿d ligan, the perfection of mechanism. Meg„ltr Is there no reward for the engine­ • ^•i’lpetl being killed.** room? — Give Nehalem a Bridge. General News. *