Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 13, 1905, Image 2

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German Food Adulteration
Love, capacity for friendship, every
kindly emotion, every humane desire,
Dr. H. Matthes, of the University of
have long since died out. He trusts
nobody, not even h;sconfidential business Jena, Germany, is the director of a
agent, not one of those with whom bureau for the examinations of foods.
he has acted in the past. The very wife In a recent rejs»rt he remarked on the
of his bosom is an object of suspicion. ¡□differences of the masses to a lack of
Friendless, alone in his big mansion, he purity and reliability in such articles,
awaits his end, that most miserable of a state of things which is only too com­
all ends that can come to any human ¡ mon in other lands as well. Dr. Mat­
being. One passion alone remains. His thes examined over 500 samples in 1903
ap|ietites are gone, his food has ceased and 1,364 in 1904, These figures do not
to nourish him, he can-take r.o pleasure include milk, of which he looked at 116
in anything tangible or mental, but his samples.
It was found that apricots contained
avarice grows stionger with the length­
ening years. It is a characteristic of this sulphurods acid ; effervescent lemon­
trait that it becomes stronger and ades did not contain a trace of pure fruit
stronger the more it is indulged. Like juices; butter contained too little fat and
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
the green eyed monster, it makes the too much water; so-called baking butter
meat it feeds on. A veritable Franken consists of oleomargarine; egg noodles
stein, it eventually devours th* one who contained no yolk of eggs, or at least
has created and nursed it. It is a pitia­ only very small quantities; huckleberry
ble spectacle, from which we turn with juice was spilled completely; raspberry
disgust and loathing and, like one in­ juice was greatly diluted, and some
oculated bv a poisonous bite we has­ samples contained glucose and coal tar
dye stuffs; mincemeat contained sul.
ten to seek an antidote.
Here on the Pacific coast we find a phurous acid; ground mace contained
man to contrast with this miser, His flour, ground toasted bread, Bombay
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
name is Burbank. Couple these two mace and nutmeg; marmalades were
names. Sage and Burbank. And they mixed witli glucose and colored with
arc well worth the coupling. The one, coal tar dyes; milk was watered, skim­
as we have shown, has spent a long med and often very dirty; pepper con.
life for self alone in the most sordid tained lime, sand and a good deal of
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
of all pursuits. The other has lived shell; sausages contained flour, boracic
for humanity. He has taught the agri­ acid and coloring matter; and preserv.
cultural world how to obtain great re. ing salts contained sulphurous, boracic,
suits by the application of science to flouric and benzoic acid.
He has produced new
Gen. Linievitch’s present desire is t
fruits. He has discovered new flow
ers. Not an orchard, but will be en. fight, A week hence he will probably
A ttorney - at -L aw .
riched as the outcome of his work, not want to leaye Manchuria on the Siber­
Complete set of Abstract Books
a garden that will not be more beau, ian limited.
tsful because of his diecoveriee. While
As soon as Carrie Nation and her in office. Taxes paid for non­
Page was hunting for a new dollar,
Burbank has been searching for new hatchet left Kansas on another of their
tarries,* apples, plums and plants, He national tours, Mr. Rockefeller tele,
Office opposite Post Office.
has shown us how to improve old graphed to Btart his pumps to pumping
Both phones.
species and create new ones. He gives oil again.
* * *
us an edible cactus to feed man and
The characterization of Preeident
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Raglan’s Rain Coats.
animals in the desert, a blackberry Roosevelt as an international bully
without thorns, frost proof fruit trees, shows that Mr. Carnegie occasionally ^2^7 H.
Exlusively to Measure.
plums without pits, a fragrant dahlia, gets some very inferior material in hit*
an improved prune and many other corner atones.
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
rare and valuable forms. Burbank has
* ★ *
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
If Mr. Wallace will own up that he
taught every farmer and gardener in
. ik-
the land the value of applied science
O regon
T illamook ,
and has enriched beyond measure the was afraid of getting the yellow fever,
whole floral and vegetable worlds. Nor all will be forgiven by an administra­
has lie done all this fol money or made tion which has suffered something
money as the result of hie magical pro from men with yellow fever contracted OARL HABERLACH,
The Best Hotel
cesses. The financial benefit of his near the equator.
* * *
discoveries will not enure to him, but to
Il is announced that this year there
mankind at large. In fact, he carries
on his experimental work at a loss, and will be no curtailment of output in the
this reason it was found necessary to iron and tjteel nulls of the Pittsburg Office across the street and north from
the Post Office.
vote him a large annual appropriation district «luring the summer months
J. P. flbLtEjM, Proprietor
from the Cernegie fund, established to This will be an innovation. Always
aid in all kinds of original research. In
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
this age of graft and greed it is well to of production for from four to eight
emphasize the difference tat ween types weeks in the middle of the year at
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
for the benefit of the rising generation. that center. This has been the case
Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation
Which would you rather be, Rissel I even when business activity was at its
Sage, dying of gangrenous greed, and
Office : Opposite Court House,
leaving a vast hoard of gold, or Luther tion to this rule. There will be no
Burbank, laboring for the world in his shutting down of the iron and steel
T illamook , O regon .
enchanted gardens by the shores of the mills this year, even for repairs of ma
shores of the Pacific ?—The American
* * *
H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D.,
According to the report of the Good
headquarters For
Fred C. Baker, Publisher
Thia peculiarly modern word has been
invented to describe a peculiarly modern
disease which threatens the ruin of the
world by eating the very heart out of
civilization, says, truthfully, American
Farmer. It is found more or less
everywhere, but has attacked our own
Country ami Russia with especial viru­
lence. Usually it is applied to official
corruption but it by no means stops
here. It permeates every branch ot bust
uess, ruling the merchant as well as the
manufacturer, the contractor as well as i
the promoter, the lawyer, the preacher
and the captain of induatry. A very
comprehensive term in the word graft,
embodying as it does greed, peculation,
bribeay, unlawful gain of all kind, the
root of the evil being love of money. It
was graft more Chau all things else that
defeated Russia. This vice corrupted
liwr administration, sapped her resour,
cew, demoralised her army and navy,
and exposed the whole empire as a mass
of festering sores. In this country it is
not quite so bad, but bad enough. It
was graft that caused those postal scan-
dais last winter. It was graft that brought
about the impeachment of a Unite«!
Stales ju«lge. Graft is at the bottom of
the beef trust scandal, the Standard Oil
robberies, the rebate rascalities and the
criminal features of the big labor strikes.
The labor leader frequently thrive by
graft and the business firms they op|x»se
indulge in the same game. Farmers suf-
fer most from this insidious enemy of
honesty and thrift, and they, of all'
classes of our people, should unite for
its extermi nation, The swindling town
ship trustees who pay school supply men
unlawful prices for all sorts of goods
are grafters from way back, ami as this
is a country office, farmers have to foot
the bills. The graft micro pe of this
species is at woik more or less iri all the
states, but has been especially active in
Indiana of late. Scores of trustees are
under suspicion or investigation for
wasting the township funds and accept
ing bribes from school supply men. The
latter are frequently no better that “green
goods’* dealers, lightning-rod ami hay­
fork peddlers and similar scoundrels
who prey on farmers.
The saddest feature a taut the infam­
ous business is its invation of the judi-
ical bench. Recently it w’as ascertained
in Indiana that a number of the Circuit
Court Judges, when called as specials to
try cases on change of venue, had not
hesitated to commit perjury in order to
make live or ten dollars extra. The
State allows them $ » a day while actu.
ally engaged, and in several instances
they swore to three days, when they had
only worked on one. The state auditor
was compelled to disallow hundreds of
dollars of t liese fraudulent bills, hut the
dishonest judges go on holding their offi­
ces an«l drawing their salaries. These
are only a few samples, but if all the
wblespreading operations of graft were
made known it would take many vol­
umes to describe its poi*oiiouH transac­
tions. It is not battleships or more
soldiers Hint we need, hut an uprising
against graft ill all its forms. This
country is in no danger from a foreign
foe, but it is in the most deadly danger
from the intrenched demon of graft.
Japan has shown us—alas, that we had
to go to pagan country to find out—
that a nation may accomplish the great­
est things both in war and peace with
entire freedom from graft. There is no
graft in the Japanese army or navy.
Every «iollar appropriated for the sol
diers goes right to the spot intended. No
officer has been getting rich by peculat
ing in the supplies. Not a breath of
scandal has twun heard ataut the mighty
host while engaged in the most terrible
of ware and *|»vnditig hundreds of mil
lions of dollars. No embalmed t>eef 1
scandals, no chargee of incompetency or
dishonesty, no skulking, no pilfering. |
I n it any wonder that such a force as
this should gain victory after victory I
over graft ridden Russia T But it is our I
especial budnew to reform abuses at
home and not hunt for evidences of vioes
in other countries. All the people can
nsNist, of course, but it is upon the'
millions of holiest farmers that we must j
• lejanid to drive the money changes from '
the temple and the dishonest trustees,
judges and other officials from office.
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring, i
Dress and W alking Suits, Dress Skirts, J.
Another Dash for the Pole.
Lieutenant Commander Robert E.
Peary started for the far North on July
4, in the steamer Roosevelt, which has
been built expressly for Arctic explo­
ration from plans suggested by Perry
from his experience in former trips to
the Northern regions. Peary's aim is
to establish his headquarters at as high
a latitude as he can reach with his
ship, and then, seizing the most fa
vorable time, which will probably be
May or June next, make a dash for
the pole with his dog sledges. This
time he will attempt to get a base far­
ther north than he had in previous ex-
peditions, and thus be in a tatter posi­
tion to reach the goal.
In the 300 years of Arctic explora­
tion, in which such navigators as Hud­
son Cook, Sir John Franklin, Parry,
Kane, Nares, l>e Long, Nansen and
Abruzzi have figured, discoveries have
been made which have enabled geog­
raphers to map the globe to latitude 86
degrees north, or four degrees from
the pole. Abruzzi, an Italian, who at­
tained the farthest point north reached
by any explorer to the present day,
went to within 237 statute miles ot
the pole in 1900. In Antarctic explo­
ration the obstructions are far greater
than they are in Arctic voyaging, fewer
persons have participated in it, and
the popular interest in it is much
smaller. The nearest point in the south
A Miser and a Man.
pole reached by anybody to this lime
Russell Sage is dying at the age • of was by Capt. Scott, a British navi­
ninety of Ncnility and imliecihty. 1 He, gator, who touched a spot within 670
has devoted all the years of his long miles of that pole in 1902.
hie to one object, and it success consists ! What are the incentives for the at­
in attaining one's ambition, Russell Sage tempts to discover the north pole P New
may ta pronounced successful. He made light will be gained on the question
a god ol the dollar, labored incessantly of ocean currents and terrestrial mag­
to accumulate money, and on the eve of netism. All doubt as to whether there
his enforced departure can show an is an open sea or a new island or con
enormous hoard ot some hundreds of tinent around the earth’s apex will he
millions. But he has gained his money removed. The big blank spot on the
nt the sacrifice of every thing else. His maps of the higher Arctic regions will
only enjoyment (or years has consisted j be filled up. The glory of succeeding
in counting his gold, but even this was I where other explorers and counties
not without alloy, ns it is the nature of for three centuries have failed will
the miser to live in dread of loss. ta attained. The successful explorer,
Though Coo decrepit to leave his house, whatever his nationality, will gain the
his mind still dwells on his ruling world’s plaudits. For his little hour
(Mission, and he grata for the miserable of triumph be will ta the largest per.
pitta nee allowed him each week as a aonage on the planet.
director in vario« corporations. The
An alliance of Gaul. Briton and lap
love of money has eaten out of his
would ta one of the strangest things
heart every human trait and made im under the nun until it forced an alli­
possible all those things which are ance of Teuton and Tartar, which would
usually sup(H)scd to coulcr happiness. be stranger still.
Fine Line of Choice
Roads Commission the people of Illi
nois have spent approximately $75,-
000,000 on their wagon roads during
Office one block west of the
the last twenty five years and yet these
roads are in little better condition now Allen House, Tillamook City.
than they were twenty.five years ago.
Calls answered promptly.
Obviously there has been a great waste,
which is ascribed to the makeshift
methods and a neglect of (a scintific
study of the road problem. The old
Romans knew how to make roads “ for
keeps,” and some of those constructed
by them two thousand years ago, are
F inancial A gent ,
still in good condition.
* * *
Tillamook, Oregon.
Not long ago an order was placed with
one of the Carnegie mills in Pittsburg
for enough steel ties to equip ten miles of '"pHOS. COATES,
track on the Bessemer and Lake Erie
Agent for Fireman’s
road, that runs from Pittsburg north­
London and Lanca­
ward. If follows a test made for six
shire Fire Insurance
months on a half mile section of that
line. The Pennsylvania road has also
ordered a few for experimental use near
.. Oregon.
Emsworth. The New York Central
Company already has a lot of them in
service near Castleton, and others have
OR abstracts of TITLE, I
been tried for months on the Lake Shore
road. Some of these ties are said to
have been in constant use for two years,
* * *
The supreme court of Mississippi
has affirmed a sentence of life impris
ontnent upon a white man proved guil­ T hos . C oates , Pres.
ty of a criminal assault upon a black
woman. ’The Memphis News-Scimitar
concludes that this is the first in '
stance on record anywhere in the South,
and certainly in the state of Mississippi,
where a white man has gone to prison
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
for such an offense The fact that not
a few men of the white race have been
T illamook
O regon .
arraigned on such a charge only to be
promptly acquitted, and the other tact
that, because of the certainty in results 1
of all such trials but a small percentage
Estate and Fire, Life,
of such outrtiges are reported, make the
Health, Accident, Insurance.
action in Mississippi all the more inter
esting and important.
Agent for the Northwest School Furni­
ture Co. nnd Oignns and Pianos.
Notary Public.
S tats of O hio , C ity of T olkdo ♦ q
L vcas C ovmty ,
»' !
Office Southwest from the Court House,
J C hknk \ make* oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of F J. U hknks x in the building occupied n» a music »tore.'
Co., .loiutt basinets in the C.»tv of Toledo
County au<i State aforesaid, and that Mid firm
will pay the mm of ONE Hl NliK^D Doi..
LAKS for ea< h and every case of Catarrh tost
cannot be cured by the use of H all s C atakrh
Sworn to before me and subsetibsd in my
presence, thiaoth day oflkvember \ 0. itSo
Rotary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure ia take internally and
acts directly on the blooti and rencous surfaces
of the system. Send lor testimomsla free
F J CHENEY A CO. Toledo, O
Sold by Orufxitts. -jc
Hall s Fam J) Pills are the best
——::i"lnoiu;-i|.||n,,, iiiiiif—.........................
II you are in want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
Gresham, Oregon,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines,
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
Mrt'fy' ‘£at J hav<’ this 27th ’’"J’ of December, 1904. inspected and
tl'e Nursery Stock ot Mr E. P. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres-
,.i 1 ’
?• . ’ nilri
far as 1 aln "Me to ascertain, have found it in good, market,
l’" "nd d'ar °.f a"V wrio,,s 'nsect pest or disease Their methods of
handling and growing stock are first class.
WJLBLR K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District.
and Spruce Lumber.
Spruce and Cedar Shingles.
Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty.
Orders tor Lumber promptly attended to.
Repair Shop, Opposite McIntosh fy McNair's.
J __ t
Repairs Guns, Locks, Typewriters, Keys, Bicycles and
Sewing Machines. Makes a Specialty of Plumbing.
Tillamook Iron Works
4 General Machinists & Blacksmiths.
Electric Baths nicely fitted up Goodfor
persons suTering with rheumatism
Holler Work, logger’s Work and Heavy Forging
Fine Machine Work a Npeeialty.