TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 6. 1905^ The Guide. 11.00 Claim of Truckee Lumber Co., for ! August .......................................... 64.20 There is a difference of trying to per JobnJohnaou ................................ NETARTS. COMMISSIONERS’ COURT 90 cents was continued. Editorial Snap Shots. suade a person to follow the true guide, I Harry Mitchell........................... 18.00 and assuming to be the guide our own- Claim of J. Sander and Frank H. D. Mahler and family and Mrs. 8. 20.00 seif. It is written. “ I will p00 comparative to making a stagger at try- without fear and without favor, espe­ Cbrie Hansen............................. 42.40 iug to follow the guiding influence of moved to Netarts to make their future Olds & Harris.......................... 1,784.74 Dr. J. E. Bartel, examining cially the laws against gambling?' 28.7C home, having purchased a half interest with approaches $2,1.5 per lin. foot. Lee McFall .................................. the Holy Ghost. J. C. G ove . 5.00 * » « insane...................................... 80.60 N estucca B rioce If anyone has obtained a wrong im in the Coffman place. K. Mills, salary as deputy clerk 50.00 W. S. Haie................................. 122.20 William Wood ............................. $500.00 Forced to Starve. Emmett Quick and family, of Tilla 21.30 Martin Ripley........................ —• pression from what we have said about B. F Leek, of Concord, Ky., says; 30.40 Olds & Harris............................. 380.00 G. B. Lamb, stamps for offices 3.4G Nels Anderson...................-...... Judge Conder receiving witness fees in mook, and his father and uncle For 20 years I suffered agonies, with Nelson & Co., merchandise ...... 29.40 provided there is only 16 M. feet, which upper lip, so painful. ... the Turner case, we did not say that he from Yamhill county, were on the beach M. F. Leach, county poor.......... 1.75 John Alegg.................................. 22.00 a sore on my will take over that amount of timber. sometimes, that I could not eat After 17.53 Ed Jacoby................................... was not legally entitled to them. In last Sunday. Tillamook Herald, printing ...... Reports of P. W. Todd, treasurer, and 13.80 vainly trying everything else. I cured Ralph Ackley and wife were visiting 9.50 Abe Summonds.......................... justice to ourself and Judge Conder we it, with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.” It's John Hickey,road master,were placed on D. S. Boyakin, merchandise.... Work in District No. 3. 2.00 think it just to correct any wrong opin with Mr and Mrs. Geo. W. Phelps the great for burns, cuts and wounds. At Emmett Quick, hauling gravel file. last of tho week. Erickson and team ............ C. Chas I. Clough, drug store , only 25c. ion that may have gained ground. Petition of Arae Roenicke for tax re- W. E. Southwick, work on Miss Mildred Phelps went to Till«, 41 * 41 3.75 c. MoKillip.................................. bridge..; ....................................... Some people seem to gloat over the mook Tuesday to visit with her sister, bate was rejected. A. Holden.................................. In the Count}’ Court of the State of Oregon, Frank Severance, salary as road Petition of N. McMillan for rebate for Tillamook County. downfall of Senator Mitchell. But he is Mrs. Ralph Ackley and with friends, supervisor................................... 58.75 D. Billings................................... In the matter of the Estate of taxes was continued. Campers aie getting quite numerous no worse than city officials who take Carlson .................................... Herman Brown, deceased. A. Report of Handley & Thaver on H. T. Botts, professional N otice is H ereby G iven .—That the un­ money from gamblers and saloon keep­ on the beach the last few day and the delinquent taxes was continued. dersigned, administrator of the Estate of service...................................... - 5.00 W m. Easom......... HERMAN BROWN, deceased, has filed in the ers to privilege them to run gambling t>each has ls*gan to present quite a lively In the matter of the taxes upon the John Iler salary as supervisor 46.25 Henry Diehl........ above entitled court his final account as joints. That was done in Tillamook City appearance. Bud Witbrow ...... such administrator, and said court has set N>2 of NwVi and Swl4 of N*!, of sec. S. A. Brodhead, table..............•• 2.00 Monday, the 7th day of August, 1905. at Hull Johnson and wife, of South 10, and the SwVi of SwV4 of sec. 3 tp 2 for a long time. First put a stop to the 6.00 Geo. Davis.......... the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. at the office of B. F. Durfee, rent.................... bribery and corruption right at home, Prairie, are camping on the beach en­ N 7 west, it was ordered that assess­ P. W. Todd, salary as treasurer 91.67 M. Davis.............. the County Clerk of said County in Tilla­ mook City in said County and State, us the breeze and fine ments levied and tax sale be cancelled ; but until then no city nr community joying tile balmy M. J. Todhunter time and place for the hearing of objections Glass A Prudhomme, 100 sheets thereto, and the final settling of said estate. should lie too ready to cast the first scenery. Wm. Jolly ............ the same order was made in regard to 4.15 Dated this 3Oth'day of June, 1905. carbon........................................ J. Voorhees and family, of Wood, taxes on the NeVk of sec. 10 tp. 10 2 N stone at Senator Mitchell. FRANK SEVERANCE. E. Erickson......... John Hickey, salary as road Administrator of the Bstate of burn, are camping at Happy Camp and * * * 7 west. Herman Brown, deceased. master....................................... - 200.00 A. Weiss............... If Rollie will please tell who wrote or enjoying the beautiful scenery and the H. T. BOTTS, In the matter of a road of public eas- William Woods, county poor 50.001 Lee Forester......... Attorney for Administrator. helped him “roast” Alva Finley, one of clams, crabs and fish that are to be had ment for Geo. N. Hodgdon, it was order­ A. M. Hare, salary as^asaersor 100.00 P. Jacobs............. . the most respected young men in Tilla in bountiful supplies. In the County Court of the State of Oregon Eddie Fishbockei ed that F. L. Sappington, John Hickey .Mason A Ackley, plow and for Tillamook County. mook, it would be greatly to the point. In the matter of the Bstate of J. E. Mattoon. ... and M. D. Reading be appointed viewers 41.60 scrapers.. ..................................... •lohn Tone, deceased. Just fancy, in this 20th century, with all NEHALEM. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the un­ E. Hunsinger....... to meet Saturday, July 22. F. L. Sappington, establishing our boasted liberty of free speech and dersigned, administrator of the Bstate of The Effenburger mill is making boxes In the matter of a road of public eas. JOHN TONE, deceased, has filed in the corners........................................ 6.00 J. Forester........... free press, when the whiskey press of this for the Elmore Co. above entitled court his final account as ment for C. N. Illingsworth, it appear F. L. Sappington, surveying Geo. Tinnerstet.... such admistrator, and said Court has set citv has to jump onto a person for ex­ Bro. Harvey (we mean the Oregonian, ingto the court that the petitioner had Monday the 7th day of August, 1905, at C. Plaski ............. . 20.00 road .............................................. pressing their views upon a matter of no doubt) has done the only wise thing the hour of IO o’clock a.m., at the Office of not complied with the law, the same Chas. Jensen, services as chain­ Guy Forester....... the County Clerk of said county in Tilla­ public policy when asked to do so for to do. Left the old decayed and fast mook City in said County and State, as the falling to pieces ship Republican-Demo­ was dismissed. man .............................................. 6 00 George Edgar....... time and place for the hearing of objections publication. crat ami took passage on the new sound In the matter of the bond of f. H. John Weiss, lumber.................... 300.00 Ray Woolfe................................. thereto, and the final settling of said estate. 4 * Dated this 30th day of June. 1905. ship Focialism. Bro. Headlight, wel Oliverand James Christensen, road peti­ Tom Hushbeck, services as ax- It is plain to see that the promoters of E. W. Stanley.................... . DAVID FITZPATRICK. come is inscribed on our banner and our Administrator of the Estate of John the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook gang plank is out. and unless you are a tioners, it appearing to the court that — Hanis and team .................. man............................................ .. 2.00 Tone, deceased. Railway intend giving Tillamook City trust magnate or a multimillionaire the bond is sufficient and in due form in Forrest Gist, services as axmau 2.00 Work in District No. 4. H. T. BOTTS. Attorney for Administrator. you will find our coiiqiany congenial. the sum of $1000, it was approved. the cold shake, wit h the purpose of estab, 6.30 Archie Gist, services as axmau 6.00 Cbas. Blum......... I read in your issue, June 29th, Claim of B. |. Stephens for $3 and J. A. Jos. Etfenberger, lumber......... fishing a manufacturing town elsewhere. John Simmons ... 77.00 7.00 This is what most everybody expected a ” Knocking the cheese market,” anil Dawson for $1.00 was reconsidered and J. W. Thompson, salary as James Simmons . 39.50 " Toll roads are a curse to the county.” allowed. railroad would do directly it tapped the There is one remedy, and one only, the 13.00 deputy road supervisor........ 66.25 I Henry Simmons. In the matter of the appointment of Fred Zaddacb, salary as toad country, so on that account no one need co-operative com men-wealth, iu other Riley Simmons.... 33.50 (INCORPORATED), road supervisor tor district No 6, it was be surprised to hear that Tillamook City words, Socialism. 38.50 supervisor. ................................. 52.50 Charley Desmond F. R. Beals and his father in-law came ordered that A. Arstell be appointed to W. W. Conder, salary ascounty is liable to be sidetracked. But that is Ben Turner.......... 37.50 TILLAMOOK CITY, ORE. too bad for the city, after almost bury up from Tillamook Friday for a few davs fill the vacancy to take effect Augusc 1. judge ........................................ 50 OO Adolph Scbields.......................... 37.00 on Ins ranch. It appearing to the court that I. M. George Loerpabel, salary as ing itself with a mortgage plaster. PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. D. B. Darby................................. 56.00 The Gerald C stopped in anther way up * * ♦ commissioner and mileage..... 24 00 Pete Norberg...................... Friday and took on a few cases of Smith, M. I)., is a competent and duly 35.50 A GENERAL BANKING The gamblers think themselves awfully cheese. She was loaded with chittem licensed physician, it was ordered that G. W. Bodyfelt, ditto ............... 34 00 Henry Zurflub............................. 36 59 smart in being able to run games in this bark. lie be appointed secretary of the Board BUSINESS. Work in District No. 5. Henry Benton................... 48.00 city and without any interference from D. H. Vedder's sister, with her family, of Health for Tillamook County. I. W. Hiller ................................... 35 70 John Thieler................. 8.00 Directors M. W. H arrison , W. W peace officers who are paid to enforce the is in from Portland on a visit. In the matter of the appointment of A. Wells........................................ 36 40 Russ Johnson....................... 32.00 I.ewis Ludtke and wife returned from fire wardens, on petition of the Ham­ Wm. New...................................... C urti « s , B. L. E ddy . law. One of these days they will run up 34 90 Nick .Inhß 27.50 against a fine and imprisonment, and a three week's visit at the fair Saturday. mond Lumber Co., William Riefenberg, G. Bodyfelt................................ Cashier M. W. H arrison . 3 40 Boss Turner................... Mr. Barber is doing Nehalem this week then they won’t feel so smart doing time. of Bav City,was appointed forest ranger Geo. Kellow ................................ 79 20 Ike Mnor Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge securij representing the Woodburn nursery. Sheriff Word, of Multnomah county, is ties of all kinds. 70 40 M. D. Reading... Oscar Bergman and C. Preston came on the lands of above companv in the John Tucker ................. a right kind of an officer, even if he is a home from Woods Saturday, where they Trask district, and George H. Williams, Ira Spencer ................................... 61 80 Frank Eklnf democrat, for whenever there is gambling have had a job dykeing. of Bay City, forest ranger on the lands Frank Dye ................................ 73 80 going on in Portland he swoops down G. Williams and family are up from of above company in the Nehalem dis. Ralph Welsh ............................... 81 40 Work on Little Nestucca upon it and arrests tbe whole shooting Bay City visiting friends. trict, to enter upon their duties upon S. B. Hill....................................... 58 80 Toll Road. Mrs. Freece, sister of Mrs. Claus filing the oath of office. On petition of match. That is the kind of sheriff the Jim Sherwood ........................ . A gooa looking 24 30 0. Red berg borae nnd poor look- people of this county will elect before Christenson, canieinSunday from Iowa. the Blodgett Lumber Company, William D. F. Coulson ............................ Ing hurnesfi Is th« 36 60 A. Coffey. Miss Leider closed the Sand Hill another year rolls round, and when they wor t kind of a com­ R. Illingsworth was appointed forest Will Sherwood............................ 10 40 C. A. Dunn....................... school Friday. bination. 14.00 do that it will soon put a stop to gamb­ ranger in the Wilson River district. Win. Hiatt ............. ........ 65 20 J. C. Bonn 14.00 ling, “blind pigs,” etc., and which will In the matter ol the petition of G. H, L. C. Ring ................................ 62 00 Wm. Penter........... SOUTH PRAIRIE 19.00 keep a lot of dead lieats away from the Ward for rebate of taxes, the same was Wm. Sailing............................. 46 80 A. Hess................... This is fine w est her for haying. Several rejected. city and county. 22.00 Edd Kellow. 31 not only makei tho bornem and « * « have commenced Haying this week. G. W. Murphy............... 17.00 horse lor k boi>»r. but makes the In the matter of the taxes on the Se Fred Mills ... Senator John H. Mitchell has been 23 This Prairie was well represented at leather soft and pliable, puts It In con- Thomas Willson..................... 20.50 V* of Sw % and Sw l 4 of Se V4 of sec. 1. O. Kellow.... tried and found guilty, and hh a public Tillamook on the Fourth. 35 Guy Mattoon........................ ns it ordinarily would. 17.00 «r«rr»h»r» In ean»—all Chas. Wells returned from Portland tp. 6 south, range 9 west, for the year C. Jenson.... aervant his doom is sealed. There is no 30 Chas. Ray, team.................. had« by 36.00 and the fair last week minus a few 1894, the same having been paid, it was W. Sappington .. denying the fact that a very large num­ 6 STANDARD Wert Sappington ................. dollars and gainer of sotua experience. 10.00 ordered that the same be entered on the Clyde Kisnaman OIL CO. ber of his constitutenls feel exceeding 37 L. Whiteman ........................ The logging camp shut down during delinquent tax roll. 6.00 I F. J. Yates........... pained at his downfall, for he has been the Fourth. They have their logging 11 A. Gage......... ............. 4.00 It appearing to the court upon the | Edd Bailey......... made the victim of circumstances and road in o|>eraiion. 1 7 John Craven.......................... 7.00 political spleen in his declining years. 57 Miss Mary Weblier and Howard written petition of County Assessor A. F. Wotrhington............. ....... 3.00 Work in District No. 1, He has been hounded to death, betrayed Brooks were married at Tillanusik on M. Hare that an extension of time is ne­ I Slab Creek Work June 27ih. They were given a reception cessary for returning the 1905 assess ­ Fred Kabba ............................ by friendsand the land sharks, who, to R. Aflolter ............................. in the evening, at the home of the bride's 18.75 save themselves, turned state's evidence. father. Mr. Webber, where many of ment roll to the county clerk, it was Wm. Crawford ........................ J. T. Weckert....................... 21.75 Our whole system of government is im­ their friends met to wish them well on ordered that the time lie extended until Bud Steel.................. .................. C. Weckert............................ 18.75 Alvin Thompson................... pregnated with hriliery and corruption. life’s journey. The happy couple were the first Monday in October 1905 F. C. Varner........................ recipients of a number of useful and In the matter of the taxes on the 8.25 Wm. Norris ............................... It is rauqiant in most cities, in county Paul Kingston...... ............. ornamental presents. town lots in Liverpool and lots 10. 11, Emil Anderson ........................ 15. 75 and state, as well as national affairs, and Stephen Bauer........... 12 and 15 in sec. 36, tp. 3 N 10 west, it Fred Kabba and team............. 5.25 if reports are correct, the United Stat«*« was ordered that upon the payment of John Ek ..................................... Senate needs pqrifymg. Now that Pre- , Bent Her Double. $200 all taxes due or delinquent lie can­ J. H. Hicks................................. sident Roosevelt has made a start al ' I knew no one, for four weeks, when celled. A. A. Handy .................... „........ putting a stop to bribery and corruption, I ' was --- ' sick ‘ with typhoid ai. I w»^r as .K bt ‘n* le AT THE ST. LOVIS WORLDS PAUL ,T F i' ,,,da >n “ ^«heiri vacancy. W. corruption than he is. The verdict that Derby...... ¿end us the names of dealers in acme (in all) 149 scree deeded In the matter of the commitment ol M. Beeman.... was rJL„FI > 1?!‘8 affliction I was rendered in Portland on Monday is your town who do not sell our re« .LT d 7 Bitter«, which far reaching, for it is a staggering blow land, li>9 acres adjoining (relinquish D C. Case to the nsvlum for insane, the H Rittenhouse and team.. goods, and we will send you a, at u system of bribery and corruption ment with good cabin, five scree in t he order was suspended until further G. M. Knight .... collection of pictures, in colors, of I een allowed to prevail and Win. Hartzell..... -irires In the matter of the petition of James W. E. Agers......... A J TOWER CO. ESTABLISHED IMA with but few public men with ths deeded land ha* .» acres in grass, good BOSTON. MW YOWL CJWCAOO courage to cuiue out openly and tight it. comfortable buildings, bearing orchard, Christensen for the location of a county John Larsen....... towvb canamah co . lww roaowro can all kinds small fruits, an excellent road, it was ordered F. L. Sappington. Although we feel grieved al the down­ 8am Lunberg...... fall of Senator Mitchell, it is to la* I m ' jhx I granery. garden 30 ton* of new hay in John Hicky and Henry Ely be appointed D. 3. Boyakin..... l*arn finest of water 7 extra giNxi viewers and proceeded to lay out. alter Gus Davidson .... Ina error will have something to do with □1.60 putting a stop to so much brit»e giving cows, 3 two year old heifers. 4 aland of and straighten the road, to meet July 26. Fiank Wakely.... 43.50 hers 2 gixxl hogs, one goixl mowing Claim of John Iler for $6.00 for and bribe Ubmg, but justice will not l>e Henry Christensen.................... 50.30 served if the bn I a» giver is allowed to go machine, hors, axes, ahsia, line flock of sei vices as chainman, continued. 11 red Witte............................... ’ 46.90 Claim of Joe. Effeuberger for Wm. Snyder............................ \v hatever the doctor prescribes or fiec and the bribe takt r is convicted. chickens, cross cut eawe, 15 tone of 4.00 Uhittim Itsrk pealed al present, leaving 8527.37 for lumber «as rejected Senator Mitchell sin mid step aside and s uggests, is what I specially try to Ray Thompson........... 31 20 Claim of H. J. Stephens, nursing H K. Thompson and team allow Oregon to have another represen­ thousands of small growing trees, kds of supply, aud succeed as well that I 72.40 cedar timber. This is only one of my I). C. Case for $3.00 was continued. tative m the senate. C. Christensen and team.......... 77.80 an known as Headquarters for all cracker jack snap bargains. Best of1 Claim of J. A. Dawson, musing D. W. B Smith ..................... 35.50 SICK ROOM GOODS. title and the making of very profitabk C. Case, foi 81 was continued. John Gray...................... Permitting Gambling. 3.80 cattle or sheep ranch. summer Claim of J. H. Oliver for oread and Kendel Scored................... 2.30 W. C. Trombley and H. Morton have rew»rt in Tillamook county. Good cooklee for $1 36 was continued i Wotk in District Me. 2. tier it arrested for permitting gam “X. cixinty road to it. All for |l000 |l,S0O Claim of CTovetdale Mercantile Co., Grant Marshal .................. . baiaaoa, 3 years time, (I per cent. hav ng a preliminary hearing tod ly. Reliable Druggist. for merchandise waa continued. 1 Otto Shearer TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. Eureka Harness Oil Give Your Horse a Chance! 1 WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING wceive» Tiie For the Sick. Chas. I. Clough,