f FREE ROAD ADVOCATES TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY 6. 1905 W C. Bailey, N. McMillon. and her greatest pleasure is a smart gal. W II H. Caijr. I. M. Smith. Want the Wilson River Toll M. Melchoir. lop ot a Saturday afternoon or Sunday Dee Tomlison. morning in the park. By nothing in her Road Thrown Open. F. N. Elliott. Otto Heins. true femininity more truely expressed The question ol free roads in Tillamook Jonas Olson. S A. Brodhead. however, than in her love for pretty county is no new subject nor will it re­ W. T. West. C Mills. clothes. Miss Amendt is always well quire much exeitionon our part to simile S dlie Smith. Wm. lllingsworth. and appropriately dressed, and this has a strong public sentiment ngninst toll Axel Nelson, 1Î. H. Whitney. probably been no unimportant factor in roads, for thnt already exists. All that j 0 Gladwill, E her amazing success. it required was lor someone to set the H. F. Weston. W. C. Morton. One of the highest paid and hardest ball rolling, and we are glad to know | F. D Bester. H E. Weston, worked woman in the United States is that we did that last week and that the J Johnson. E. T. Haltoin. Miss Florence Moson Rhett, household Headlight's article on toll roads meet M R Hannenkrat Grant Mills. secretary to J. Pierpoint Morgan. Miss «ith commendation in all parts of the Morrison Mills. W. S. Ha vs. Rhett is credited with an annual salary county. In the spriug of 1904 a petition J. J. Rupp. B. G. Rändel. * ot $10,000, but in sharp distinction tc was circulation to make the Wilson river los Sander. M T. Chance. Miss Amendt, who is supposed to know road tree on account of the illegal lease J. C. Wilson. Erick Glad. as much about Mr. Tarbell's business as , for 50 years of that road. It was on the C. A. Svenson. Wesley Rush. Mr. larbell himself, Miss Rhett k nows ‘ presentation of that petition tothecourt S. V. Anderson. T»_, .New stock of the Latest Varieties in Neck Wear, in L Marolf. only so much of Mr. Morgan s Wall VV llle Latest colorings and Shapes. that Judge Conder had an er.trv made in Fred Lang. W. B. Elliott. Street affairs as her friends tell her or I the journal that the lease was null and P. Luthe. Sam Downs. any one may read in the papers. Her void. We have,however, thought it wise L F. Tomlinson. C. J. Blanchard. interests do not lie along that direction . c,ailn tlle lar8est a,1(I newest stock of Hats ever shown in the city. to resurrect and publish that petition W. B. Powell. G. A. Edmunds. at all. ■*•'*'** Straw Hats, new patterns and styles. tor the purpose of showing the prayer of Eli Olds. Geo. C Davis. It is an axiom with business men that j the petitioners nnd who were free road L S. Davis. L W. Maxwell. the employe must be worth more than advocates at that time, which is as fol W. A. Casey. ] fA V7’C Twenty Dozen Men’s Gloves just received. We have the largest H L. Fowler. he costs or out he goes. How does Miss ! 11 v V7O assortment in the city. lows: B. W. Turney. F. D. Vincent. Rhett make herself worth over $10,000 To the Honorable County Court of Fie l Tomlinson. Chas. McKillip. a year as “household secretary’’ ? Miss I Tillamook County, Oregon. B. S Thompson. A. Larson. In Ladies Summer Goods Rhett’s position is unique. There is The undersigned citizens and tax Frank Fowler. Louis Blyback. probably not another women iti the I our stock is larger and payers ot your county owning property George Brooks. D. W Jones. country who is filling so peculiar, com- I variety greater than ever you know Our prices are right. on or near the Wilson River Road would E. W. Knight. W. Aiderman. prehensive, responsible and delicate an respectfully represent that in their G. W. Hodgdon. M A. Hodgdon. office as she. In brief, her business is to | opinion it would be for the best interests Arthur F. -McKay 0. Randall. act as general agent in the manifold I of the county in genera! that the Wilson M. Petz. social, domestic and philanthropic in- ' J. A. Berkhalter. River Road should be made a free road ; E Jenkins. J. Erickson. terests of Mr. Morgan and his family.) T?T Have you tried a sack of the Famous Wasco Flour ? If not, do that there is nlone nnd near said road J. N. Simmons. W. H. Simmons. As both Mrs. Morgan and Miss Morgan I A V» Av, uot forget it. It is the best that Bluestem Wheat can make. sufficient property and a sufficient number W. H. Easter. K. Schlappi. dislike domestic responsibility, Miss ol persons subject to the payment of a John B. Paquet. Frank Kutcher. This boat has 1,000 sacks of it on board for Cohn & Co. Rhett relieves them of all the details poll tax, to justify the county in making M. Alplanalp. Joe Dürrer. connected with their three great estab­ said road a free road, nnd understand L M. Morgan. P. Heisel. lishments, such as the purchase of sup­ x-x-P-Pz-x Ollr Diamond C Coffee is much better than any for the price. Only ing that the lease under which said road A. Erickson. W. E. Page. plies, and engaging and discharging of 20 cents a pound. ' is now Iteing operated as a toll road is W. H. Leach. Dan Murphy. servants and the care of the Morgan void, by reason of being executed for a F. Arthur. James Murphy. town and country houses and their term of fifty vears. when such a lease Gust Wicklund. N. G. Boquist. home in London. | -pi i i 4 c We have just received a large assortment of Fancy could be legally made for no longer than Win. Squires. L. H. Riefenberg. It was Miss Rhett who personally Av/Vl A. X Ulla Dried Fruits : Prunes, Apricots, Peaches and Fancy ten vears, we would respectfully ask Charles Kunze. H. C. Kunze. supervised the renovating of Mr. Mor­ Evaporated Apples. Choice Dried Prunes 20 cents for one dollar. that your Honorable Body cause said A. Christenson. gan's house at Madison ave. and 36th- Frank Berns. road to be operated and maintained as Charles Lee. st., who will see that all is in readiness Wm. Maxwell. a free public road. John Conklin. there and at the country place, near G. Kunze. And as inour opinion, thetimber lands Henry Rogers. West Point, when the family returns Alfred Carlson. Our stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed is larger than ever and our prices defy of the county, in general, are assessed at E. A. Fitzpatrick. H. Lowry. from Europe, and who herself will sail for Europe next month to superintend competition. We are the leaders of low prices. a far too low valuation, we would Wm. Tinnerstet. Rollie W. Watson. some business connected with their further ask that the assessment of tim­ E. J. G'enger. Jim Tone. Tea Garden Drips our specialty. M.J. B. Coffee our best. London house. ber lands be raised so that the same George Watt. John E. Tuttle, Wyandotte Cleanser is indispensable for the dairy. It is Miss Rhett who manages Mr. may bear fair proportion of the burdens J. C. Childers. Silas Morton. New Olives just in. Powerine will almost clean without rubbing. Morgan’s voluminous correspondence, of taxation as compared with the other besides acting as social secretary for property in the county, believing that Spider Leg Tea reduced to 25 cents a pound. HIGH SALARIED WOMEN Mrs. and Miss Morgan. All the details should said timber lands be taxed in a fair proportion with the other property Miss Amendt with $12,000 a Year, of the multifarious charitable enterpris­ es in which the Morgans are concerned, Bring us your Dry Hides, Butter and Eggs and get in the county sufficient money might be Has Several Close Seconds. Mr. Morgan’s personal art concerns, his raised, without excessive taxation, so the Highest Market Price for them When it was first noised abroad in relations with his clubs, the Metropoli­ that the county could maintain free ronds into the county and thus promote New York that a women, the private tan Art Museum and a hundred other its dev-lopment and prosperity and we secretary of Gage E. Tarbell, w ho resign­ affairs tall upon her. She represents the ed recently as second vice-president ol family in the charitable affairs of St. will ever pray, etc. the Equitable Life Assurance Socieety. George’s parish, where Mr. Al organ is a , Vincenz Jacob. Albert Marolf. was getting a salary of $12,000 a year, warden and a member of the property Jn. Pesterfield. John A. Biggs. there are a good many people who said committee of the corporation, and Miss | G Hanenkrat. James Hughey. they didea’t believe it. Remembering the Morgan is a member of the committee1 F. N. Wilson. A. M. Hare. gratitude with which most women ac­ on church decorations. At the Lying In A W. Severance. Gust Nelson. cept $25 a week position, they declared Hospital in 2d ave., Miss Rhett, as the D. Fitzpatrick H. C. Gessner. that it was impossible that any women personal representative of the Morgans, F L. Sappington. J. D. Wallace. could make herself worth $230 a week is a constant visitor. Mr. Morgan asks F. M Davidson. G. B Alley. her ‘judgment upon many of his adyen- ( to any employer. W. E. Southwick. H. F. Young. Large salaries, however, are by no tures in the field of art and she docs no S. McCargar. G. C. Vaughn. means so rare among women as is com- little slumming in connection with the Frank Fitzpatrick. Frank Long tnotilv supposed. There are several busi­ almost numberless appeals for charity M. C. Tow bridge. Wm. E. Easom. ness women in New York and Boston which are left by thepotaman every day. Frank Tone A. C. Hunt. TIME CARD. Miss Katharine Harrison is another who are known to be in receipt of salar C. R. Ostrander. P. J. Sharp. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 1904 New York business women whose salary ies ranging from $8,0*10 to $10 000 a R. D. Peckham. B. L. Eddy. year, although Miss Anna Amendt and is $10,000 a year. She is private secre­ Leave M. W. Harrison. J. C. Bewley. PORTLAND Arrive. Is now located in the Store Iter $12,000 a year salary appeared to tary to H. H. Rogers, the Standard Oil Win. A Shaw. Jess Earl. 8:00 a.m. ) Portland Union ? 11:10 a.m. the Model have touched high, water mark up to magnate, and. her duties follow the formerly used as F. \y. Christenson. 7:00 p in. J depot for A»toria.( 0:40 p.m. W. S. Randall. more conventional and strictly business Restaurant, where LADIES’, date. S. W. Elliott. Ernst Beelitz. Leave Miss Amendt’s career is typically hues followed by other private secretar 'GENTLEMEN and MISSES’, ASTORIA Arrive. W. H. Eberman. L. Slurvenga. American. Like young Lochinvar, she ies. Miss Elizabeth Altman, private CHILDREN FOOT WEAR Julius Erickson. J. E. Bartel. 7:4ft a.m. ifor Portland and 1 1 1 30 a.ni. came out of the west, having been born secreterv to Miss Hellen Gould, is said i of the latest and best quality will 0:1 o p.m. 1 I. F. Larsen. D. Billings. wiiy point». J 10:30 p.m. in Logan, Ohio. When Iter father lost by those who know to receive a yearly be constantly kept in stock. F. S. Whitehouse. T. W. Lvster SEASIDE DIVISION. his money she took to school teaching, salary of 8,000, but her office is to Goran Munson. A, B Allison. My experiance in the shoe like so many girls thrown on their own superentend M»ss Gould's abounding C. N Drew. W. S. Cone. Leave ASTORIA Arrive. resources, but she hated the life of a charities and look after her voluminous business for 30 years give me H T. Botts. Wm Ryan. correspondence, and she has nothing the advantage in selecting boots schoolma'am, and when she had saved 11:8ft a.m. < for Seaside IHrcct < ft:20 p.m. E. M. Harvey. A. Benschidt. up $300 quit the hateful business and whatever to do with the management of and shoes suitable for the Tilla­ J. R. Harter. F. W. Todd. Miss Gould ’ s household affairs. went to Chicago to learn stenography. Leave ASTORIA Arrive. Malphus Johnson. mook trade. The public are W. C. Smith. Mrs. Florence E. Shaal, manager of I About the time Anna Amendt received C. H. Woolfe. cordially invited to examine my Frank Trout. f 8:15 a.m. i for Warrenton, . • 10:45 a.ni. I her diploma in stenography and type the Massachusetts woman’s department goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. < Hammond. Ft. > C. F. Franklin. J.S. Lamar. I of the Equitable, seems to be Boston’s p.m. * Steven», Seaside.) 7:40 a.m. writing the Chicago branch advertised J. H. Whiting. W. H. Cary. woman “ top notcher'' as regards salary. The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Tilla ­ fora stenographer. Miss Amendt got E. D. Snodgrass. Fred C. Baker. Leave SEASIDE Arrive the position, at $15 a week. Presently Her annual salary is reported to be mook county. ___ D >vid Reddaway. Wm. Woods. $11.000. Life insurance is without she was advised to the place of secretary 4:30 p.m. < for Astoria Direct > 12:30 p.m J. W. Latiiner. L. Hiner. to Mr. Tarbell, then general agent for doubt woman's happy hunting ground W, T. Newcomb. E. D. Hoag. Leave SEASIDE Arrive the Northwestern territorv, with head, so far us big salaries are concerned, for Eugene Jenkins. M H. Larsen. quarters in Chicago. Later, when Mr. I next to Mrs. Shaal comes Mrs. Stella Nels Hanson. J. L. Jones 6:1 ft a.m. i fnr Warrenton Ft . 0:25 a.m. Tarbell was made second vice-president ; E. P. Drake, who hasjeharge of the < Stevens. Ham- ? J. S Diehl. E. G. E. Wist. fô:30 a m. ' inoad, Astoria. ) 7:20 p.m. woman's department of the Mutual and came to New York, Miss Amendt - ----------- L. W. Glaser. John Weiss. became his chief assistant, with a salary Life Insurance Company. Mrs. Drake is Additional train leaven Astoria dally at W. H. Easom. Geo. P. Wilt. that advanced by leaps and bounds from a Michigan women, who went to Boston 11:30 a.m. for all points on Et. Stevens Chas. I. Clough. J D. Morris. ____ _ * i . about eight yearn years ago, worked forsever- for «ver ­ branch, arriving Ft. Steven» 12 30 p.m .re­ <15 a week paid sixteen years ago to the F. A Paul. A. T. White. turning, leave» Ft. Htevcifti at 2.00 p.m., ar stenographer to . al . publishing houses, then took up _ in- il V inexpei ienced little ---- riving Astoria 2:4ft p m. D J. Wiley. J. M. Mapes. I $12,000 a year. Next to the executive .urance. I'poa the ret.rement of Mr.. • Sunday only. L G. Freeman. I. C. Quick. is - the A. F. Potts, the first , manager of the Through ticket» and clone connection via I officials. Miss Amendt — — - highest c Andrew Anderson. J. C. Hunter. she ,al*.ried employe of the Equitable. Mutual . woman . department, N. P. Ry. at Fortland and Goble and <>. R. Homer Mason. John Morgan. At N. Co., via Portland. I -A romance of businew hie," it ha. succeeded to that portion H. McDermott. F. Crane. J. C. Mayo, 0. P A. ' been called. Nor is this salary, represent ­ S tate of O hio , C ity of T oledo , * Robert Eichinger. C. N. Johnson. ab C ourt *. ing though it does an increase of 185.7 F kank Luc J C henf . v make« oath that he is the John Sheets. E. W. Stanley. per cent within the last five years, all senior partnet ”< the firm of F J < HSXSV Ik A. A. Apsley. D D. West. <;c doing business In the C’ty of roledo. ' that falls into the paltns of the lucky County and State aforesaid, and that said firm P. J. Brown. B O'Hara. BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. pay the num of ONK HI'NI j RF.D Miss Amendt. This remarkable womnn will LARS for each and every ch *»- of ' ntarrh t>*at T. W. Morgan. W. N. Vaughn. 1 is credited with turning more than cannot be cured by the use of H all ' s C atarrh SHAVING, HAIR Cl 111 NG W. D lllingsworth P. lllingsworth STEAMERS—SUE H. ELMORE, W. H. HARRISuK. $200.000 worth of business into the Ct7llB • FRANK J. CHFNHY T. H McCormick. John Earl. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my SHAMPOOING, ETC I Equitable every year, from which she presence, ONLY LINE-A8TOTLA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI, thisMh day ofl»ccember AD. J. Williams. D Curtis. A. S- GLr. AS, | realizes in commissions almost as much BAY CITY, IIOBHONVILLE. Notary. Public. G. M. Watkins. C. H. Blake. Electric Bath* nicely fitted up. Good for i again as her salary Connecting «1 Astoria with the Oregon Kailrond A Navigation Co anil T. P. Johnson. N. Jones. lull < Catarrh Cure ia take internally and One of Miss Amendt's chief functions art« also the Astoria A Columbia River K It. for Han Frnnciaco, Portland person« Miiffkring with rheuniHtfani directly on the blond and mneott. aurftecs John Murphv. Nick Jobe. and all p >ints east For freight and )»uwnger rates apply to i, to assist Mr. Terbell, who. as head of of the -vtlrin Send for leatimoniala tree Dave Trowbridge. ’ r 1 CHUMMY dt CO., Toledo,O. Fred Maurer. th- agencies in the United States and Bold by l>rupn«U. 7« SAMUEL ELMORE A CO- General Agents. AHTORIA. OR C. B. LEEP, 0 W, Parrish. Peter Nelson. B C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon, Canada, with 600.000 policyholders, Half aFamll, Fill« »re th« !<-»< 0 Goldstrum. J. A Harmon. , , IO K A N. R R. Co . Portland. has an enormous volume of correspon- Boats and BhoHB Nös'ily Agents A G K K Co Portland. W.O Chase. Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- Frank Eklnf. deuce Nearly »11 this pa»»»» through Repaired. J H Ellison. enced dentist i ocated in J M Lesley. Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Express M,s. Amendt's hands before it reaches Dr. Wise ’ s dental patr rs, and George Williams. 9. Dailev. h-r chief, and soms of it never reaches Roger Mahoney. is prepared to do nothing but Theo. Kingslev. him at all. Yet all this mult.fartoo. Rates, $1 Per Day G. T. Jenkins. Carl Haherlach. bnsines«. th« detail, of whith wo.ld first class work and give the Centrally Lioeated best of satisfaction If your Amos Vaughn. Frank Alientier. swamp a »m*’»« *ornen' lr,,v" T. P. Bowlby. L. B Ziemer. Tarbell'* weretary with her grip on life teeth need fixing cal upon E Bnttz. D Nicklas u .imparted. I" her handsome »part, him.___________ Gold has been discovered in one of H. UflRSEN, Proprietor. B D. Limar. M V Stillwell mental No. 71 Central Park «et*. she The Standard oil company will re the Nebraska baseball parks Col D. M. Oliver. R. Robbins. entertain, as any other wemen mtght some pipe laving in th« Kansas dis Bryan is gradually getting u little F. E. Peterson. S. Earl. She I. fond of horses and own. one that trict. and the people will resume pipe c'oser to first base. The Best Hotel in the city. Vo Chinese Employed. Henry Crenshaw. Fred II. D.vis. 1 won □ red ribbon at the Horse Show. dreaming. C. E. Reynolds. P. F. Browne. COHN & CO.’S Big Stock of SUMMER GOODS! JUST RECEIVED Ladies’ Summer Goods New Lawns, New Calicoes, New Dimities, New Cambras. Groceries, Flour and Feed COHN & CO THE LEADING MERCHANTS RED FRONT SHOE A-&C.R.R. STORE I i VII goods purchased of me will be repaired at the following rates Men’s Shoes, half soled 60c. 40c. Ladies’ » 35c. Misses’ i I P. F BRO WNE,Salesman Pacific Navigation Co. LARSEN HOUSE, M. TILLAMOOK, OREGON LATIMER, BROS I I I I