Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 06, 1905, Image 2

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& Tillamook Railway.
B <> DS ARE SOLD AND line, the Nehalem Valiev branch wou'd Nehalem
: terminate at or near Grand Rapids, 1 right of way has been secured from this
ROAD TO BE BUILT. i about 50 miles from the starting point, place to Banks, except through two or
while the Tillamook line would be built
Portland, Nehalem & Tilla­ north to Nehalem.
These details are to be decided by the
mook Railway Will Soon , . company
while work is under wav on
be Under Way.
the first section of the road, however,
and the important feature alike to busi­
CONTRACTS ALREADY MADE. ness interests of both Portland and the
headquarters FOi
three small tracts of land, and proceed­
ings will be commenced at once so as to
cause no delay in the construction of the
road. The surveying crew commenced
work yesterday, and Engineer Davis
stated that construction would com­
mence as soon as he could get his part of ,
the work in readiness, which would not
exceed ten days.
i Coast is contained in the authoritative
Work Will Begin as Soon as Right 1 announcement that rail transportation
facilities will soon be supplied to that
The work on the new railroad h: s
of Way Is Cleared —Bonds have , rich region tributary to this city, but so
held the attention of the citizens of Hills­
Been Sold and Proceeds
long closed to development.
boro, during the week, and everyone is
Are Now Available.
Having succeeded in financing the pio
pleased with the progress that has lieen
ject independent of either the Northern
made. President McCracken, and Engi­
(From the Oregonian.)
Varnish, Doors, Window
neer Davis came out Monday to confer
and protected by provision of the Ore­
»000»0»00000O < ^ »♦♦ i
with the board of trade of this city, and
gon law enacted by the last Legislature,
drove out to inspect the proposed right
the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook
of way. Engineer Davis has established
S an F rancisco ,Cal., July 1—The
will probably have connections with
his offices in the front rooms, on
Oregonian, Portland, Ore. : Con­
both roads, so that shippers may elect
tract for construction Portland,
second floor of Union block.
Nehalem ¿C Tillamook Railway
Engineer Davis brought but one
Com pa n v has been signed. Work
veyor with him, and the other men
will begin as soon as right of wav
the Southern Pacific, but surveys already
ployed by him to make the surveys,
is cleared up from Hillsboro to
made show that by constructing from a
Banks. We understand this is com­
men from this city. The survey which
pleted, and our engineers are locat­
was begun Wednesday morning, starts
nection a junction can l>e made with the
ing* • nd cross sectioning and getting
at the railroad track near the loot of
ready for tne laborers to go to
Northern Pacific at Scappoose by build­
Second street, and runs northwest to
work. Entire road should be built
ing 13 miles of track. Bv either rou:e
within one year. The bonds have
Base line street, and thence on west to
the road will be the short line from
all been sold and proceeds are now
the city limits to the old grade of the
The Most Reliable
in Tillamook
Portland to the sea, not exceeding 100
available to complete the work.
Astoria and South Coast road. It is
miles, which may be reduced considerably
A tlas C ontract A S upply C o .
expected that the road will be completed
when engineers complete cross-section­
as far as Banks, bv October 1st, and in I
ing and checking up of the entire line.
all probability finished as far as Buxton
Rail communication between Portland
Granding was started in 1^92 on a
and the rich valleys lying west of the projected road to the Coast from Hills­ before the bad weather sets in. The sur­
night and day at their prtaent capacity |
Coast divide, watered by streams that boro, when grading was done over con­ veys from the coast,started at Tillamook could not saw up the timber in the Ne |
flow into Nehalem and Tillamook Bays, siderable of the first 20 miles. Title to and Nehalem, will be finished rapidly.
halem belt in less than sixty.nine years.
now seems assured as rapidly as contrac­ the grade was forfeited within five years That from Nehalem was commenced
When it is remembered that the pres j
tors can build the grades, tunnel through thereafter, under operation of the law’,
ent output of our mills has made this1
the divide and la v bands of steel. As ail but portions of this grade are now in­ pendent.
city famous the world over, the result- ,
nounced in the above dispatch to the cluded in the surveyed line and will be
Tillamook a Rich Field.
ant benefits when the mills begin on the
Oregonian, contracts for building the made use of. Chief Engineer Davis,
The following editorial appeared in the Nehalem timber belt, can ba understood.
road and also with London capitalists who has charge of the work under way,
Oregonian :
Fortunately for Portland, the traffic out
who have taken the entire bond issue has built 11 railroads in Michigan,
Again there is a prospect for the con. of that region lying right at Portladd’s
have been signed. Both contracts bear Florida and New Mexico, mostly lumber
struct ion of the long overdue Nehalem doors, cannot be diverted to any other
date of June 22, that with the Atlas Con­ roads in timber and mountainous dis­
railroad. Since far back in the days of port. Oregon is on the eve of a great
tract & Supply Company having been tricts. He came to Portland some
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla.i’s Rain Coats.
the proposed Astoria and Winnemucca awakening and one of its first surprises
signed bv President Edward Records the three months ago to accept |his present
Exlusively to Measure.
line, the light of that rich region has will be the richness that will become
following day. On the mime date the situation, soon thereafter taking up the
made occasional gleams through the visible in the Nehalem, as soon as the
agent of the bondholders affixed his sig­ initial work.
bushel under which it has been bidden railroad is built.
Come early and secure first choice.
nature to the contract with the London
Figures compiled by United States In­ by the railroad community of interests.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
bankers, and this was also signed in du­ spector Batter disclose that the territory
Secretary Hitchcock's retirement is
Viewed from the standpoint of distance,
plicate by the investors, who after ex­ between Portland and the sea comprises
it seems amazing that such a rich terri­ again predicted. He has just unearthed
haustive investigation pronounced the 1.884,000 acres of first quality timber,
tory has been so long neglected. Cen­ another scandal in the Indian Territory.
project the most promising American containing within a circuit of 36 to 80
tral Oregon, the Wallowa country, and
railway enterprise that has hern brought miles 38.000,000,000 feet. About 15,.
Clearwater with all their wealth of
to their attention. Control will rest en­ 120.000,000 feet are tributary to the
natural resources, can make no such
tirely with the Portland stockholders Wilson, Trask, Kilchis, Tilllamook and
showing as is offered by that almost un­
’ A ttorney - at -L aw .
und English investors.
Miami Rivers, the territory to be reached explored country, bordering the Pacific
Right of Way Pledged.
by the route of the southern line pro­ Ocean west and southwest of ,Portland. Complete set of Abstract Books
Right of way for the first section of jected. Tributary to the Nehalem valley And yet'the greater number of Oregon­
the road, from Hillsboro to Banks, has is 18,360,000,000 feet, while that on the ians have overlooked its richness while in office. Taxes paid for non­
been pledged to the company free of east slope of the divide in Washington observing that which has trickled out of
J. P. ñLiüEjM, Proprietor
cost by the Hillsboro Board of Trade, and Columbia counties is estimated at remote districts four or five* times as
engineers having announced that con­ 4,500,000,000 feet. Some quarter-sec­ niany miles distant.
Office opposite Post Office.
nection with the Southern Pacific could tions in the heart of this region have
Out of that land of magnificent dis­
Both phones.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
be advantageously made either at a been cruised that will produce in excess tances, Southern Oregon, long wagon
point about one mile east of Hillsboro of 9,000,000 feet ol lumber. Estimates trains laden with wool, Lave rolled into
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation
or at a point near Forest Grove. Chief compiled for information of stockholders The Dalles, Shaniko and other points
Engineer George L. Davis is now engag­ and capitalists reveal that the timber where rail connections with the o itside
ed in cross sectioning the lOVa miles of supply is sufficient to supply Portland world coil'd be reached, and the vast
survey from the Southern Pacific track mills at their present enormous output I herds and flocks of livestock that have
< »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»o»»»»»»»»»»»»x o PC o. 0.» », c
» ,o c e
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
to Banks, right of way to which is to for 40 vears with only half of the stand­ I , been driven out to civilization, have
be checked up and title verified. Here ing timber.
attracted the wonder of thousands of
O regon .
Agricultural districts of exceptional people. Similar evidence of great rich­ T illamook ,
the route is in a northwestern direction
through an agricultural district highly productive power have been developed ness beyond the railroad'has been notice,
Repairs Guns, Locks, Typewriters, Keys, Bicycles and
developed under intensive faririiiig, with in the valleys of the larger rivers and able in the Wallowa country. The
Sewing Machines. Makes a Specialty of Plumbing.
land values ranging from $70 to $100 their numerous tributaries of the Pacific Clearwater branch of the Northern
arl haberlach
per acre. Continuing beyond Banks up slope of the divide, while adjacent to the I Pacific skirting the edge of the great
<$■ McNair's.
through the narrowing valley in Central Coast are the tidelands anil marshes not Idaho grain districts, has supplied all the
Washington County, along the course of surpassed for dairy farming any place proof needed as to the product ivenesa of
the county road connecting through in the world with fresh vegetation the that region.
cute dur
from Forest Grove to Clatskanie, at a year around, upon which milch cows
But the Nehalem country to a greater Office across the street and north from
distance of about IB miles from the teed, and it is rarely necessary to teed extent than any of the other of these
the Post Office.
stnrting point, the road begins travers­ grain or forage from granaries or barns. isolated regions, has remained sealed.
if you are in want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
ing forests of fir, covering the divide and This area will be rapidly increased as Into the rich valleys through which
embracing one of the largest bodies of spruce timber of the first 10 miles back trickle numerous small streams, a few
choice timber in the United Stales that iroin the coast is removed and fir timber settlers have followed the hunteis and
has not lieeii disturlied bv the timber- cut from higher lands toward the in­ trappers of an earlier day and they have
A ttorney - at . L aw .
men. litre the ascent of the divide is terior, steadily increasing the area pro­ hewed out homes, wlwre, owing to the
begun, the one per cent grade from Hills- ductive of tonnage of grain, cereal, fruit prodigality of Nature, means for a bare
boro, where the altitude is 215feet above and dairy products. One creamery com­ existence are available with less effort Office : Opposite Court House, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines.
sen, being succeeded bv gradients of two pany has assured the official of the rail­ than in any other portion of the state.
T illamook , O regon .
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
per cent in attaining an altitude of about road that it will guarantee traffic ag­
Indians seeking the “ ultima tliule” of
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
8(H) feet nt u point five miles beyond gregating earnings of from $12 000 to praise, christened a section along the
Buxton. Here will lie driven a tunnel $15,000 annually from the region.
H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D. I
Upper Columbia as the Horse Heaven
Additional io the sources of traffic it is country, ami the name was suggestive
’ t^at 1 have l'lis 27th day of December, 1904, inspected and
through the divide, thus saving a climb
ham O
’ , Smit,
K( ot
’f ,T i l lie
- E
-‘«(.od Nurseries,
of 300 leet, and owing to the rugged the purpose of the company to open to in high degree of a land favored by Na.
........ ... ..... 'h'
u. r
Nurseries, Gres-
P pysician and S urgeon .
bk ™ n ' a"d
i6r as ! ”n al,le
have t found
-- to
lUUllll it
11 in
111 good,
gUOtl, market-
character of the divide the bore will be production the upper Nehalem coal ture. The Indian's Horse Heaven coun­
<ible condition and • clear
' tu . _____
C eaf . a,,v JW'oos insect pest or disease Their methods of
Office one block west of the
comparatively short.
fields, having a mean length ol about 13 try is now coining to the front as a rich
Handling and growing stock are first class.
Beyond the tunnel a distance of eight miles ami from one to two miles wide ( agricultural district, but the true
" 1LB1 R K. NEW ELL, Commissioner First District.
Allen House, Tillamook City.
miles will bring the road to the upper where occur two coal beds, nine and six “ llorse Heaven" or any other kind of
Calls answered promptly.
Nehalem Valley, and at an altitude of feet in thickness and conveniently situat­ ! ‘ animal heaven” country is to be found
700 feet. On the western slope the de­ ed for mining. In another locallitv oc­ in the rich bottom lands of the Nehalem
scent to the sea will lie made with about curs bituminous coal that has been and Tillamook Valleys. Sheltered by
50 miles of track, and a maximum grade found by tests to be of good cooking the Coast Rrnge, from the biting winds
of one |»er cent. Boundary lietwcen quality. Not «¡nite so conveniently lo­ of the east and north. and with atm«»,
counties of the Willamette Valiev and cated with relation to the line of the phere tempered by the breath of the
the coast being formed by the range, the road are also iron ore deposits, limonite ocean, stock of all kinds will wade knee
F inancial A gent ,
road traverses in its course to tidew ater in character, with a greater percentage deep in rich grasses in midwinter,
Clatsop and Tillamook Counties, the of iron than in the ore used for manu i The rich soil, when cultivated, makes
Tillamook, Oregon.
surveyed route being through the popu- fncturing ot pij^iron and other raw iron astonishing 3 ields, and fru:tsof all kinds
Ions sections centering at Grand Rapids, products bv the Oregon Iron and Steel thrive.
Vinrinaple, Mishawaka and Elsie, in the Company, and which it is believet! may
Agricultural and stock raising possi. ^pHOS. COATES,
Cheese and Butter Boxes
former country, ami Barbra and Nehalem ** made the source of large traffic,
billties, however, have failed hitherto
Agent for Fireman’s
in Tillamook. Thence lines have been ■ Officialsuf the Portland, Nehalem Nr 13 attract a railroad, and it is the forest
un southwest to a point on Tillamook Tillamook ate extremely reticent con­ wealth which has paved the way tor bund and London and Lanca­
cerning details of their plans. President the transportation facilities which will
lav, 20 miles in length.
Orders for Ltimlxr promptly attended to.
shire Fire Insurance
The Tillamook line of the road ns sur­ .h'hn McCracken declared it to be their make possible the development of the
veyed branches from the above described purpose to sav little until actual work agricultural resources.
The proposed
Tillamook .. Oregon.
line nt n point between Hillsboro ami is under wav, leaving it for such demon­ road will tap a timber district which
Buxton, near the inland post office shown ’•(ration to prove their good faith and contains nearly 2 (MX). (MX) acres oi the
on the map at Greencastle; crows the that the new short line to the coast, finest timin'run earth.
range to the bend of Wilson Creek, opening a new trade territory to Port-
Wbat this means for Portland can lie
through Wilson, thence following the land, will soon be realized. President understood when we consider the lum­
Sup­ ber industry of our city as it now stands.
west sule of the valley of the stream to Records, of the Atlas Contract
Tillamook Bay, some distance north of ply Company, it is understood, will The big mills of Portland have in. i TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT
Tillamook Citv, This route would pass reach Portland about July 12. when it creased their capacity so rapidly (hat
iscxi<cted actual work will be ordered the output .last year made this city the
a tew miles west of lllingsworth.
I commenced.
Main Vine Not Determined.
greatest lumtw»r port in the world. To Tilo». C oates . Pres.
It has not been fullv determine«! which
To Condemn Right of Way.
meet the re«|uiremenU of the Portland ‘
shall become the main line and which
II iilshoro , Or., July 1.—Judge Mc­ nulls, it is tieevasary that eighty acres 1
the branch Should it tie the Neb.Jem Bride has ordered a jury drawn for the of our best timber land be stripped every
line, that track would then be extended term of court which convenes the third day. Enormous m this demand seems,
Boiler Work. Logger’s Work and Heavy Forgiag
to Tillamook Bay. and the other would Monday in July. This is an equity term, it could t»e maintained for nearly three
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
become the branch, and stop at a point hut Judge McBride was requested to call quarters of a century befu.v it had ex. *
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
in the Witeon Creek Valiev. Should the a jury to dispose of proceedings to con hausted the Nehalem timber supply. In *
»uuiheru survey be sc levied as the main denin the right of wav fur the Portland, other worth, the Portland mills running
T illamook
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Fine Line of Choice
for the Great
M c I ntosh Merchants
a M c N air co
K new
summer fabrics
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
Dress and W alking Suits, Dress Skirts,
SARCHETj the Tailor, Tillamook
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Gresham, Oregon,
and Spruce Lumber.
and Cedar
Tillamook Iron \Aforks
General Machinists & Blacksmiths
O regon .