illanwk ’.O' Vol. XVIII. No. 4. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS * H. T. Botts, for abstracts. » Walkover Shoes at Todd’s. W. J. Smith is down from Wilson. Gordon Hats and Gloves at Todd’s.* * Gent.’s Furnishing Goods at Todd’s. * Go to Fred Forslund’s lor Bicycle Sun­ dries. * Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at Todd’s. * • L. Jarvev, of Portland, was in the city on Tuesday. John Gabel, of Astoria, was in the city on Wednesday. For sale. Folin China Pigs. Apply to Jacob Blum, Spruce. Alfred C. Beebe, of Portland, was in the city on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Clough will leave this week for Portland. Born, to the wife of Erwin Harrison, on the 24-th ult., a son. C. Carlson, of Fairfield, la., was in the city on Wednesday. Mrs. H. Trcsee, of Malcom, Iowa, was in the city on Saturday. T. A. Ramsey, of San Jo^e, Cal., wa- in the city on Saturday. Cali and see the Racvcle Bicycle at W. H. Cary’s before buying. • I. N. and G. R. Ridgeway, of Salem, were in the city Monday. W. H. Maxwell, of Buffalo, N. Dakota, was in the city on Saturday. Money to loan on improved farm pro­ perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals. * Go to Mason & Ackley for new second hand Bicycles—the price is right. Mr. Painter, of Walla Walla, brother of Mrs. G. O. Nolan, came in on Thurs. day. T. A. Turner, of McMinnville, was in the city on Saturday; also Carl Ma- hony. Mrs. Mary Swanson and son came in to visit her father, Mr. Peter Brant, on Tuesday. Mrs. J. P. Allen and Elmer returned to the city on Saturday from their visit to California. School District No. 2 wants a teacher. Wages $55. Apply by August 1st. T. W. L yster , clerk. * A. P. Wagner, wife and daughter and J. H McKinney, of Hebo, were in the city on Monda y. Mrs. Tuttle and sons will leave shortly for Vancouver, where they will make their future home. • A fine line of Mason & Ackley’s hand made flies just in from the factory. Tied from special designs. * Justice G. B. Alleyand wife returned to the city Saturday after a trip outside and a visit to the fair. New and Second Hand Bicycles at Fred Forslund’s. Now is the time to got a ’ good bike for little money. * Attorney T. |B. Handley returned to the city after being outside for two weeks ou business and pleasure. The Racycle is a totally different wheel. It will climb hills that no other bicycle can. For sale at W. H. « Cary’s. When you want a new rubber tire on your bike, Fred Forslund’s is the best place to get a good tire. Bicycle repair work a specialty. * The steamer Sue II. Elmore came in on Wednesday, her passengers being J. M. Harthy, P. Gabel, J. K. Johnson, Mrs E. Hollender and J. Slohn. The Iver Johnson Truss Frame Bicycle, with two speed gear brake, will climb a steeper hill than any other bicycle. For sale at Mason & Ackley's. We are sorry to hear of the death of John Wise, at Lodi. Ohio, father of Drs. W. A. and T P. Wise, from which place Dr. W. A. Wise has just returned, D. 0. Quick, of Halsey, Or., and Alien Quick, of Indiana, father and uncle of Emmett and Fred Quick, were in the city last week. They had not seen one ano. ther for 47 years. Married, on Monday, at the M.E. par­ sonage in this city, bv the Rev. C. A. Stockwell, Mr. John H. McKinney, of Douglas county, and Miss Jessie G. Wag­ ner, of this county. Farm for sale, 159 acres, near Saud- lake ; good house and barn ; 40 acres tide land and 30 acres of bottom and meadow land ; raise 4-0 tons of hay and will easily support 25 cows. To be sold cheap if sold at once. Inquire at this office. * Rev. A. S. Foster will preach at Bay City on Sunday morning and in this city in the evening. As Mr. Foster will leave for Oregon Citv on Monday and will be away three weeks, there will be no more preaching service in the Presbyterian church this month after Sunday. The verdict in the Mitchell trial was rendered on Monday, and was as fol lo vs : "In the case of the United States against John H Mitchell, we, the jury, find the defendant guilty as charged in the indictment and recommend him to the mercy of these curt for leniency." JtaÒliflljt TILLAMOOK, JÏREGON, JULY 6, 1905 >1.50 per year Rollie W. Watson expects a visit from | his mother, whom he has not seen for 16 years. If interested in a highgrade piano at a very reasonable price, better investi­ gate the one for sale at PatzlafFs store. • Grant Marshall was riding down the lull the other side of Hobsonville on a bicycle, mid when going nt a fast gait, the fork on his front wheel broke and 1 threw him with much force on the road, and landing face downward it was cut up considerable as he slid along the road. I Mr. and Mrs. H. Hursh, of Henning Minn., and Mrs. Mary Fuller, of Manis hqne. Mich., uncle and aunts of Supt.W. W. Wiley, came in last week on a visit and to be present at his marriage with Miss Frankie Drew, •Miss Muriel Gris. I sen came over from McMinnville for the same purpose. The steamer Sue H. Elmore left on Friday, her passeugers being Hattie Marolf, John Gray and wife, W. H. H. Cary, Maggie Bernard, Bessie and Louis Terwilliger, N. A Barrett, M. L. Gordon, H. Parsons, A. K. Hill. John Quigley, Patrick Morgan and five Sister from St. Alphonsus Academy. V Claude Thayer, the Tillamook banker and lawyer, is in the city. Mr. Thayer is at the head of a number of large enter­ ROAD SEEMS SURE. ALDERMAN’S SHORTAGE ing be, and the same is hereby sustained and fined with the other gamblers and prises in Tillamook, among which is the and said proceeding is hereby dismissed. those who allowed gambling in their Robinson Cheese Company which does a Portland to Tillamook in Near The County Lost its Case and It is further ordered and adjudged by places of business, the judge told them Future. large business here, and yesterday he in­ the Court that said administratrix Edith distinctly that if the gamblers and Has to Pay the Cost. terviewed a number of firms who handle Interest in the beginning of the Port­ M. Aiderman have and iecover of and gambling house proprietors came lieiore their product. Mr. Thayer is trying to land, Nehalem & Tillamook Railroad No one was much surprised to hear from said Tillamook county the cod' him again they might expect a severe interest our merchants in handling all Company, aud the manner in which it that the case of Tillamook County vs. and disbursements of this complaint, sentence, forjudge Burnett is a man of kinds of Tillamook root crops which are was organized and brought to the pres­ the estate of II. H. Aiderman was decid­ taxed at the sum of......dollais. his word. grown down there better than any place ent stage, where the actual building of ed against the county, for the reason Done in chambers in the city of Salem, The complaints against Edmunds and else, and as this country is directly tribu the road seems assured, has been aroused that County Judge VV. W. Conder had in Marion county, State of Oregon, July Bosley will be held against them should tary to Astoria, merchants should handle by the publication of authentic details taken the wrong course to recover the 19th, 1905. they return, and a good many cases G eorge H. B urnett , them instead of going to California for of construction plans. What a few zeal- shortage in the late sheriff’s acounts, will cone out of the fact that Larson has Judge of this Court. their supplies. Mr. Thayer will leave for ous citizens can accomplish is demon­ which, with interest, is alleged to amount " squealed" again after getting the The cost bill has been filed, but the Portland today, where he has some legal strated by what has been done in this to $8,034.67. A claim for that amount worse of the deal with a lot of gam­ items are not entered up, pending ap­ case. business to attend to.—Astorian. blers. was filed against the estate, which Mrs. proval by the court. George T. Myers is deemed the real Aiderman, the administratrix, refused to The Supreme Court handed down a *Where the county made a mistake was Fashionable Wedding decision sustaining the validity of the author of the movement that is now pav, and upon the claim of the county in filing a claim against the esi.ite in about to result in linking the coast coming before Judge Conder, as probate probate, which cannot be done unde local option liquor law adopted by the Another fashionable wedding took * people in .lune, 1904. The opinion writ, valleys to Portland by a short line of judge, he allowed it, as the following such circumstances, whereas the county place in Tillamook on Wednesday * ten by the Chief Justi.-e Wolverton holds steel rails. William Reid, who is attor, proceedings will show : should cither have sued the estate for the evening. Julv 5th, at the home of Mr. that there is nothing in the constitution ney, secretary of the company and act Judge Conder Allowed the Claim. amount or Alderman’s bondsmen, but as and Mrs. C. N. Drew, in Tillamook Citv, inggeneral manager for the construction which prevents the adoption of a liquor "On this 6tliday of October, 1904, this the limit of six months has expired all when their daughter, .Miss Frances M. law to take effect bically upon a vote of period, declares that credit for organiza­ cause'com ing on to be heard, the claim- claims filed will take precedence of Drew and County School Superinten­ the people of the district effected. This tion is due to »Mr. Myers, who one dav ant appearing bv Handlev & Thayer, its that of the county should that course dent Wayne W. Wiley were married in decision was rendered in the suit brou. four years ago met him in the Oregonian attorneys, and the administratrix ap- be resorted to. the presence of some 80 guests. The gilt by P. F. Fouts to recover him from building and urged that the time was , pearing by Ralph R Duniway, her attor- residence bad been tastefully decorated the city of Hood River the saloon license ripe to resuscitate his enterprise having , ney, and the court being fully advised, ANOTHER GAMLBING FRACAS for the occasion with flowers and ever­ fee he had paid |in advance before Hie the valleys of Nehalem and tributary to ! finds : * I. F. Larson Again Turns “Squeal greens, and it was under a arch of local option law became effective. The Tillamook Bay as its objective. During, ' "That the verified claim of Tillamook flowers that the ceremony was per­ er’*—The Gamblers Are Given city refused to pay on the ground that the panic of 1893 the project had col-» , Countv was duly presented to Edith M. formed. While Miss Grace Whitehouse the Tip to Leave Town. lapsed after the 18 miles of the Seaside ! the local option law if unconstitutional was playing the Wedding March the ' Alderman, administratrix of the above Again the peopleware able to see what road from Astoria had been built and | and that there is nothing to prevent the named estate for approval or rejection is going on behind the scenes in this groom and his best men. Mr. Howard was in operation and 17 miles of grad­ eale of liquor under the license The | on the 1st day of August, 1904, and by city and which the city and county Drew, a brother of the bride, and Prof. ing from Astoria toward the Nehalem, Circuit Court upheld the local option ; her rejected, that said claim was there- authorities have done nothing to pre. E. S. Evenden, of the Weston State with eight miles of grading done also law and this decision is sustained. | upon duly filed herein, and presented to vent, but I. F. Larson has again ap Normal School, matched into the parlor near Hillsboro. ' the court for allowance, and the Court peared in a gambling fracas and for the preceded bv Rev. A. 8. Foster, pastor of Fine weather on the Fourth brought a With an investment of $166,000 sunk large crowd to the city to celebrate the in the enterprise, Mr. Reid was, perhaps ! having heard the evidence offered and the third time "squealed.” It whs well the Presbyterian Church, and took up their positions They were followed bv national holiday, which passed off plea­ a little enclined to be pessimistic, and arguments of counsel, finds : known when a number of the gamblers ‘‘That the aforesaid decedent, H. H. returned to the city a week or so ago, the bride leaning on the arm of her santly. ¡The band boys arranged the responded to Mr. Myers’ suggestion celebration and everything passed off that the people of Portland could not Aiderman, was sheriff and ex officio tax that they shipped in a large quantity of father, i\nd her bridesmaids, Miss Bessie smoothly. There were one or two fea­ appreciate that territory, notwithstand collector of Tillamook County, Oregon, liquor, no doubt-, for the purpose of Wiley, sister of the groom, and Miss tures in the parade worth mentioning, ing that he then had the grades referred from September 7th. 1897, to January making men the worse for drink and Grissen, of McMinnville, and two little viz , W. H. Evans as "Parson Johnson,’’ to completed and surveys made, com 24th, lb04 ; that as such officer decedent them get them to go into a gambling flower girls, Miss Elizabeth Whitehouse and C. E. Reynolds as “Mossback" both piled and ready for construction repre­ received large sums of money for taxes game. Thia is the method that and Lelia Drew. After the ceremony had been impressively performed by the of whom gave an oration. Bryan Snuf­ senting an additional value of $41,000. due said Tillamook County, and turned the Tillamook City gamblers resorted rev. gentleman, the flower girls strewed over and accounted for a part thereof, to in, previous years when fer as Uncle Sam and .MissDorethy Cohn they "What money do you need?’’ asked land that of such money lie received in did a land office business in this the bride with beautiful roses. The as Columbia made a pretty little pair in Mr. Myers. I excess of the amounts accounted for and bride was dressed in a white silk thecart.drawn by a Shetland pony and city under the protection of the city au "Five thousand dollars to make neces- wedding gown trimmed with white dressed and trimmed with the national sary additional surveys, pay prelimi­ turned over on the delinquent tax roll thorities, and which they did again last appliquades and carried a boquet of colors. Lloyd Jones looked cute dressed nary expences and float bonds in New for 1897, the sum of $748.42, which be­ week without being arrested. Il ap. white roses. The happy couple then up anti on his little bicycle and won the York or Europe,’’ was Mr Reid’s reply/ came due and payable on and before pears that 1. F. I^araon, H. R. Edmunds, August 1st, 1899. and upon the tax roll W. Bosley and W. J. »Stephens met in received the congratulation and best prize for the best dressed bicycle. The and he was taken at his word. wishes of their friends. The bride is the for the year 1898 the sum of $328.79, Hadley s saloon. Larson was taken into prize for the best plug ugly was awarded In company with C. F. Pearson, Mr. which lx *came due and payable on and a bock room and given two or three pretty and accomplished daughter of to W. H. Evans, who divided it and Myers promptly started out to raise the Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Drew and is greatly before Octolier 1st. 1900, and upon the gave a half to Bryan Snufferand his best necessary money on 5 per cent preferred drinks of whiskey out of a bottle and r<-8[>ecte(l by a large numlier of friends. tax roll for 1899, the sum of $887.01, then a game was proposed, when Larson She had recently returned home from the girl, Miss Dorethy Cohn. Prof. E. H. stock, ranking as a security next to the which became due and payable on and wanted to know where they could go State Normal School, where she gradu­ Whitney made a capital oration, and bonds, and repayable on90 days’notice. before January 1st, 1902, and upon the It was suggented over Morton & Trom ated a Week or so ago. Supt. W. VV. the two other features which caused in­ Among the stockholders they secured tax roll for the year 1900, and the sum bley’s store, for which place the four terest were the base ball game between were about 50 of the most substantial of $5033.16, which became due and pay­ started, but before doing so Stephens \\ iley is highly respected in the county Tillamook vs. Bav City, won bv the for. men of Portland. and the union of this couple will prove able, as follows, to wit ; said to Edmunds, “ Give him the to lie a happy one, for they have both mer, and the bicycle race won by Walter Then began attempts to obtain traffic “$2,656 on and before April 1, 1901 ; counter sign," which was three raps on the esteem of a large acquaintance. »Mr. Petteys. A large crowd attended the agreements with either the Northern Pa­ $1,769.16 which became due and paya. cific or the Southern Pacific, which.prov- hie on and before January 1st, 1903 ; and the door Larson was taken to the side and Mrs. Drew entertained the guests to dance in the evening. George Bennett’s horse strayeJ away ed fruitless for three years, while at the $608 which became due and payable on door and Edmunds went and got the a delicious wedding siip|>er, and the from him and came to the city and was same time negotiations were carried for­ or before January 1st, 1902 ; that the key to let him upstairs. It was here happy couple were the recipients of a taken up and placed in the barn. As ward in London and New York for said decedent converted all of said sums where the gamblers had a lot of liquor, large numl/er of useful and valuable soon as he could get away from his work placing the bonds. The new famous to his own use and no part thereof has and Larson was given some more to wedding presents. Those present were : Mr. nnd Mr *. C. N. Drew. Mr. and Mr«. I). he started out after it, and althongh it "gentlemen’s agreement” stood in the been paid, and the whole thereof is now drink. They then gambled until the il. flur«h, Minn. , Mr«. Mary Ptiilrr, Mich.; had only been in the barn nbout half n way of making any satisfactory arrange­ due and owing from the estate of said lights went out and Larson claims he Mr. and Mrs. M. E I.cach, Mr. and Mrs. J. L Jones and «on Mr. ami Mrs. W. S. day, $5 was demanded of him. Bennett ment with either of the railroads for a I decedent to the said claimant, with in lost between $70 vnd $80, when Stephens Cone, Mrs. Amanda McBratnie. Bessie Wiley, went away. After that he played seven connection into Portland, although a Howard Drew. Mr. E. H. Wenden, Mfs« balked at that, and paying 15c., took terest thereon from the dates hereinbefore Muriel Grissen, Drew, Mrs Whitehouse, his horse and drove off. What new graft market was found for the bonds, pend­ set forth, to wit : The sum of $1.037 29 up with Edmunds, when the latter Mr. Solomon Whitehouse, Miss Grace White­ helped him down stairs and out into the house, Miss Elizabeth Whitehouse, Mr. and is this that is being worked upon people ing such an agreement with either road. 1 interest to this date, and thereupon it is Mrs. E C. Baker Mr. and Mrs E. W Todd, Last winter appeal wns taken to the ordered, adjudged and decreed that the street. It seems that Edmunds and Mr. ami Mrs Kollie Watson, Mr. and Mrs. whom the business men invite to trade G B Lamb, .Mr ami Mrs. It. T Botts, Mr. Bosley were advised leave town by Legislature, and the law was enacted and Mrs. C. I. Clough, Mr. and Mrs. I). E. here ? The gambling joints gave the city aforesaid claim lx allowed in the sum of the city marshel, when it was surmised GoodsjM-ed, Miss Elisabeth Gobar, Mr. Geo. a bad reputation, for people in the coun. compelling any railroad to permit anv $8.034.67, as of this date and paid by Gobar Mr. and Mrs. Carl Habrrlach, Mr. that Larson would * squeal,” which and Mrs. G. B Alley, Miss Alice Bogart, Mr. try often made the remark that we were new line or branch road to makea track- , the said administratrix in due course of Bogart, Mr. and Mrs. E McIntosh ami Ibev did the next «lay, walking out of John son, Mr. S McCargar, Rev Ales. E. Foster, a lol of grafters in allowing people who age connection at any station ol rail, administration.” Mr an»l Mrs. II Mason, Mr. ami Mrs. Carl town as far as Fairview on Sunday and came here to trade to be robbed bv a lot roads already having lines in this state, Appeal from Decision Lower Court Mr and Mrs. W II Cooper, Miss taking the stage that evening. They PatslafT, and also compelling the establishment Ruth Cooper. Mr. Herbert Co<»|>er, Miss of gamblers and saloon keepers, hence and Change of Venue Granted. Winnifrcd Goyne, Misses Margaret and boasted at the toll gate that they had I Sadie of rates lor transporting freight between Watt, i r J. Harter, Mr I,. B Zlemer, Tillamook City lost considerable busi­ Attorney Duniway appealed from the made a raise of about $80. Oil Mon.lav ■ .Mr E. H Whitney, Mr. and Mrs T. Sarchrt, state points jointly over lines so con , ness. So it is just as well to look out for Misses Blanch ami Hasel McNair, Miss Ellen decision ol Judge Conder, which placed Larson went before Deputy District At I Bewley, Mr ami Mrs. Tinnerstet, Miss the interest of the city, and if grafters necting. This bill wm opposed by the ' the case in the circuit court, where a »no­ Clara Tinnerstct, I>r. and Mrs Upton, Mrs. torney Cooper and swore out a coni 1 E k Have, Robert Hays. Mr. Egbert Good- again injure the reputation of the citv, railroad interests, but became a law tion for a change of venue was argued plaint against H. R. Edmunds, W. ' speed, Miss Paisy Goodspeed. the business men will be the sufferers bv and thereupon the bonds were placed before Judge W. Galloway and allowed Bosley and W. J. Stephens for gambling, doing less business, for it is human na- without further difficulty and construe- and transferred to Yamhill county. It School Report. and W. C. Trombley & H, Morton for tore if a person is bilked out of money >n tion contracts entered into That is a ■ was at the last term of the circuit court allowing gambling upon their premises. Report of School District No. 21, for brief history of the mantier in which the the city, and citv authorities make no in that countv that the case came up and Stephens had a hearing before Justice G. the month ending June Both, 1906. effort to prevent, person is not going project has been developed to its was decided against the county, the B. Alley on Thursday, but as there was Whole number of students enrolled. present stage, where the men who have to trade there again if he can get what ! no witness to co-oberate Larson’s state­ 23 ; average daily h (tendance. 21 ; placed their faith in the enterprise, seem jndge’s findings firing as follows : he wants elsewhere.________ ment as far as Stephens was concerned, whole No. * of days absence, 12 , whole The Case is Knocked Out assured of compensation for their effort. The court, Imving heard the argu­ which is required in the case of an in. number <>f times late, IL Notice to Hunters The names of those that were neither Notice ments of count * I, reserved its judgment, formant, the justice, on motion, dis­ We the undersigned hereby give notice Person are notified not to haul any and now, being fully advised, it is missed the case. This was a close shave Hlmenl nor late : Merle Webb, Willie *ster Edwards, Mary Edwards, that we will not allow any hunting or more gravel from the bar in Trask river ordered and adjudged by the court that lor Stephens, who was one of the lead­ Webb, Ix belonging tn Mrs. Pesterfield. and should the motion of raid administratrix to sum ing gamblers in this citv for a long (Jlysses Edwards. Joel Atkinson, shooting on our ranches. they do so they will be prosecuted to the John Kays Minnie Hoyt, Jean J ack fEMNtxc.s. tain objections heretofore filed to this time, for when he was up before fudge full extent of the law. W. 8. B vxl , Teacher. W arkem V acghm . proceeding and to dismiss this proceed- i Burnett at the November term of court 1 shillinglaw. Mas. A. P esterfield . A mos V aiohi «. JULY CLEARANCE SALE ! A la Lt SUMMER GOODS iDUST GO I First Cost utill not be recognized—-not even thought of. The whole stock will be re-arranged. Thousands of Dollars worth of High Grade Merchandise will be piled high on bargain Tables with price tickets of (le­ struction attached—In a word, and to the point, we say, if you want to economize, if you want to make your hard-earned money do double duty, do your trading at this store during the month of July—and we will expect you “Hnlbnm’Q ” ^ie ^^ore ma^e Prices Cheaper and ’ values better in Tillamook. I “Haltom’s.” I