Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 29, 1905, Image 3

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Development of the Yukon.
liile the rest of the world is‘intent
Alva Finley Gives a Correct Account of the Situation in
upon the pros|iect» of peace in the Far
Tillamook City.
| East, the Ottawa Parliament has been
t.?ril~lg it"
In the Far North.
The following letter appeared in the Pacific Searchlight, which gives a correct Dr. Thompson, of the Yukon territory,
account of the situation in Tillamook Citv :
in his speech the other day upou terri.
torial affairs
j(r B E. Emerick, 793 Daw»o 1 Street. Portland, Oregon.
---- —
„j some interesting
as to the brief historical past
Dear Sir,—In reply to yours of the 23rd of May in which you state that the statements
und *1.,, ..ti_ ■
report is being circulated that drinking in Tillamook is worse than when they had and the alluring future of that laud of
........ is ; that there is more drunkenness ; that the city is dull and dead in a gold. It was as recently as 1896 that
I,u-iiiess way and that the loss of saloon revenue has put the citv hopelessly in " Bob” Henderson, of Pictou, discovered
d.bt will si«)’, ‘bat such reports are not true. Drinking is not wore gold in the region since known as the
here than it was when we had saloons. There is not more drunkenness I Klondike, and the statement of Dr.
Some liquor is being shipped in to individuals and occasionally some of these Thompson that the Yukon •• should do
become drunk, but the number is not as great as was the number of those drunk
while saloons were here. The saloon people give ns great publicity as possible to tion to the aid extended by the Dominion
each case of drunkenness in the endeavor to make the situation worse than it is. i in giving him a situation shows that
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Again, the drunks now. when they nre drunk, are seen on the streets while they lie failed to profit substantially from a
were kept in the back rooms and out of sight by the saloon keepers while they I discovery which sent thousands of eager
Wfre running saloon» But it is a fact that a number of those who were chronic goldseekers northward to the valley of
the modern Pactolus. The greatest gold
soaks while the saloons were running, are shut off from their supply of liquor mid
rush of recent times was in 1897 and
as a result do not become intoxicated. It is also a fact that a number of persons
1898, when “ Klondike” became a house«
who drank to excess while thesaloons were running in Tillamook, and who were
hold word throughout the civilized
unable as n consequence, to pay their debts, are now habitually sober and are
world. It is comparable only to that of
paying up their bills. A number of the frequenters of the saloons have left Tilla­
49 in California, or to that which made
mook since they closed.
South Africa the goal for seekers of
•• Tillamook City is not dull and dead in a business way. It is true that busi.
buried wealth, and disturbed and finally
Agents for the Great Western Saw
ness is not as brisk here as it has been at some other times, but the causes of this banished the Boers’ peaceful dreams of
are to be found in something else than the matter of saloons. The business situa. an agricultural life upon the Transvaal
tion has been about the same for more than a year past, and this is owing to the Veldt. As in all other cases of the dis­
f ,¡lowing among other reasons : First, the logging enmps have not been in covery of gold in great quantities, the
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
operation, except to a very slight extent. The larger mills of the conntv have not opening up of the Klondike left its own
been run. except slightly, and means of employment hare been closed. Second, indelible stamp upon the literature of
the price of dairy produce during the year of 1904 was low, and as butter and adventure and heroism, and ¿possibly on
cheese are the principal produce of this county, there was, as a consequence, less that of politics ; for among the causes to
inonev being circulated among the farmers, and as the city has been dependent which William Jennings Bryan attri-
upon the farm« rs and the lumber industries, to a great extent, for its properity butes his second Waterloo and the oh-
tlie business has been, as liefore stated, not as brisk as it has been, but this fact scuration of his famous •* cross of gold”
existed before the saloons were closed as well as afterwards.
is the discovery of the precious yellow
A ttorneys - at -L aw .
•• The loss of the saloon revenue has been felt by the city as a matter of course metal in the Far North.
in its operations, but this has been owing to a great extent to the fact that the
As to the amount of gold which has Complete set of Abstract Books ’
saloon administration of last year anticipated the revenue of the city in rather a come out of the Yukon since 1896, it is
reckless manner and left the city without any means at the opening of the new only necessary to quote Dr. Thompson’s in office. Taxes paid for nou-
a vi
uumiviuvu u uuimvmu iv viuuii
year, and as the city was obliged to refund license money to saloons which were statement that it amounts to *120,000,«
closed, the city was by that means put in debt. At the same time the saloon 000. To employ his still more graphic
people interfered to prevent the city from being able to raise more money by tax estimate, the amount of virgin gold that
Office opposite. Post Office.
ation, anil the city will for sometime for that reason be running behind The in­ has been added from the Yukon to the
Both phones.
come from taxation .is limited to two mills on the dollar, and as a matter of world’s stock since 1896 is equal to 240
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Raglan's Rain Coats.
course the loss of revenue is felt to a certain extent and will be felt, but I can say tons, sufficient to load twelve freight
Exlusively to Measure.
¡ <
that the city will survive and I believe conditions are getting better.
cars carrying twenty tonB each, or, at
cooper >
” Yours very rul •,
one grain a foot, to encircle the globe
Conic early and secure first choice.
“ A lva F inley ”
twenty times. As a representative in
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Parliament of this great gold region, Dr.
y B
\ - ■^/"i t-'jrry Airr-y.wri.
LkCO f Wi _
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
THE YELLOW WEED. I down, or mas be they get special con Thompson made a plea for the better­
cessions from the tactoties fiom whom ment of the terms imposed upon the
O regon
purchase, but as long as they miners by the Dominion government. T illamook ,
A Few Suggestions Offered they
continue making those low prices to Among other things, his constituents
retail trade, we will he obliged to buy
by the Headlight.
ourCbeese from the manufacturei at a were, he thought, entitled to an abolí
price that will justity us in meeting tion of the gold royalty of 2la percent, OARL HABERLACH,
Something should be done to prevent competition.
or if the royalty were not abolished it
the yellow wteil spreading, which is tak­
Your» vety truly,
should, in the interests of the govern,
Wad hams & Kerr Bros.
ing possession of a large stretch of coun­
ment desirous of developing that rich
try, ami the conditions are getting worse
region, be remitted for three or five
The Christian Religion.
every year. Different method» will have
J. P. ñüüEjM, Proprietor.
years. Thus stimulated, he thinks, the Office across the street and north from
to lie adopted and scientific and systt- TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. production of gold would soon grow to
the Post Office.
matic farming resorted to befoieitcan
There has never been but one Christian 1100,600,000. when the royalty could b«
be eradicated. The situation is alarming, religion, the difference is between the reimposed and not be felt as a bar to
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
as anyone can see who have watched the interpreters of it. The Jewish priest- increased development.
inroad the weed is making in the county.' hood have always adheared to the law
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
In the Yukon also, it appears, the
It should not be trifled with any longer, of God. The disciples of Christ to his pre speculator abounds and flourishes, and
A ttorney - at . L aw .
for some farms which produced enor­ cepts. The Christian minister to the promptly enters upon the process of ex­
mous grass cropsin previous years are in inspiration of the Holy Ghost. The ploiting finds made by the prospector
a sorry plight today, with scarcely one word Christian was coined expressly without capital sufficient for develop­ Office : Opposite Court House,
third oi a crop. In these days of scienti for believers in the Holy Ghost. But ment. To such an extent has this pro.
illamook , O regon .
tic farming there is no reason why this few people are aware of what the bible cess gone on that the Yukon is no longer
state of affairs should continue. There says about the Holy Ghost,for the popu­ a field where the poor man with pluck
is something wrong somewhere, and it is lar preacher finds many things less diffi and heroism can wrest fortune from ad­ J^OBERT a . MILLER,
Repairs (<uns, Locks, Typewriters, Keys, Bicycles and
just as well to ascertain the cause and cult to talk about.
verse circumstances; but he is, perforce,
Sewing MachineH. Makes a Specially of Plumbing.
There is plenty of scripture to support made tributary to the man more fort­
apply a remedy before it is allowed to
ttorney - at -L aw .
damage other farms. It may be that the doctrine that the Holy Ghost is the unate in the possession of means for
Oregon City, Oregon.
meadows are pastured too long, and in Christian's guide, and there is bound to development. Read between the lines,
that way the grass is not given a fair be a general agreement between those Dr. Thompsons address to the l’arlia Land Titles and Land Office
chance, and instead of the grass choking who follow the same guide.
ment was an arraignment of it for being
Business a Specialty.
The 19th verse of the 6th chapter of kinder to the speculator than to the men
out the weeds the yellow w<e 1 is chok­
ing out the grass. Whatever is the real 1st Cor, reads ; What ? Know ye not who seek and find new gold mines, and
if you are in want of Good Trees, guaranteed true to name,
cause, it should be ascertained and the that your body is the temple of the Premier Laurier, as is evident from his £5 H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D.,
proper remedy applied. To get at this Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye commentg on i)r. Thompson’» speech,
we would suggest that the officers of the have of God. and ye are not your own ? sympathizes with that point of view.
P pysician and S urgeon .
Grange in this county write to Dr. Matt 1-18. Now the birth of Jesus
Perhaps the point of greatest interest
Withycombe, of the State Agricultural
as respects the future development of the
Office one block west of the
Collage, and have him and his assistants 1 Mary was espoused to Joseph, before I Yukon lies in the proposed Canadian
House, Tillamook City.
come to Tillamook *• and
the | ; they T came together,
she was found with ' I1III1L.
mint. When
that IO
is • fully
• »» investivate
■ w.
,1 I1C11 IIIUV
tj realized and
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines,
answered promptly.
cause and prescribe a remedy, which we child of the Holy Ghost, part of 20th
atJ8ay office established at Dawson, it
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
feel sure he wonld gladly do as soon as rerse, for that which ia conceived in her is wj|| i^, possible for the government to
((U^ the g
O|d which will be a great con
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
* ' | i buy
advised of the conditions by the local of the Holy Ghost. Luke 1, 35.
Grange. By doing this the dairymen the angel answered and said unto her. veujence ,o .'he miners and profitable to
This is to certify, that I have this 27th day of December, 1904, inspected and
may be able more intelligently able to the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, j the government as well Another signi­
examined the Nursery Stock of Mr. E. P. Smith, of The East wood Nurseries, Gres­
cope with the serious situation before and the power of the Highest shall over ficant suggestion is that there is a possi­
Oregon, and so far as I am able to ascertain, have found it in good, market­
another season. The yellow weed.when­ shadow thee : therefor also that holy | bility that wheat may fie grown iu the
able condition and clear of any serious insect pest or disease. Their methods of
ever it has taken hold on any farm, ha« thing which shall be born of thee shall be I Yukon V»Iley, and that, like California,
handling and growing stock are first class.
WILBUR K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District.
its agricultural wealth may eventually
decreased its value, and to prevent its called the Son of God.
The Christian religion is the Holy bs even more important than its mineral
spreading to other farms, something
output. Growing wheat is less romantic
ought to be done right away to grapple Ghost Gal. v., 16-25 ;
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye
than digging gold from the frozen Klon '"I’MIOS. COATES,
with it so as to prevent it from taking »hall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
th ecountry.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and Hite, but, as shown by statistics, it is on
Agent for Fireman’s
the Spirit against the flesh : and these are the whole immensely more piofitable
Fund and London and Lanca­
Knocking the Cheese Market. contrary the one to the other : so that ye I iu the long run.
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Fine Line of Choice
M c I ntosh &
mcnair co .,
--------------------- -
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
Dress and W alking Suits, Dress Skirts,
SARCHE , the Tailor, Tillamook.
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Repair Shop, Opposite McIntosh
A numher of business men of this city,
as well as cheese manufacturéis, are in
receipt of letters similor to the following:
cannotdo the things that ye would.
But If ye be led of the Spirt, ye are not
under the law.
Now the work» of the fleeh are manifest,
which are these; Adultery, fornication, un-
clcanness, la«civlou»ness.
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emu­
lation». wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings. murder». drunMennes». revelling»,
and such like : of the which I tell you before,
as 1 I have also .....
told - you
in time pa»t. that
, ! as
Portland, Oregon, 6-23-05.
McIntosh 4 McNair,
Tillamook, Oregon.
Gentlemen:—There seems to be a
great ucai
deal of dissatisfaction auiuug
t1— Cheese
S’*__ _ shippers lln
as to the price of they which do such things shall not in e
C kingyum
kingdom vi
°f Go«.
Cheese at the present time - in ~
Port • ­ ,J
But the fruit of the Spirit is love. joy.
land market.
We wish to stste to
gentle«»», goodne.s
Jon that these conditions are not
by ourslves—we faith,
attribute the fault to the Hazelwood Meekness, temperance : against such there
Creamery Company who are offering **A«f'they that are Christs have crucified,
beese to the retail trade as low as 11
She flesh with the affection, and lu»t».
vents per pound.
If we live in the Spirit, let us al.o walk in
Their idea seems tc he to keep the
price of Cbeese at the very lowest the Spirit.
Rom.-9-L I say the truth in Christ, I
Point, and as they flooded our trade
*>th circulars and very low quotations, lie not my conscience also bearing me
•e. of course, are compelled to meet witness in the Holv Ghost.
‘heir prices or lose our Cbeese trade,
AU 1 ask of any man is to respect the
»nd as long as tbe Hazelwood people
vontinue this course we see very little gentle influence of the Holy Ghost to be­
prospect or encouragement for tbe come immune against the ravages of in
l Deese maker.
sanitv, and the craziest man 1 could
A« far as we are personally con-
«rned we would prefer to see Cheese ever imagine is the one who is crying for
*01'1 in this market so as to «bow the ‘ rocks and mountains to fall on him to
"Jwr, as well as ourselves, a fair ! hide him from the face of his creator.
Ultimate profit, a« we think it would
J. C. G ovb .
to the best interest of all coucern-
Admiral Togo wen » battle in thirty­
()f course, the Hazelwood ¡»eople may
minutes which Bussi» will hardly
an object in view in making.tl ee • seven
price« and forcing the market Recover from in tliirtyseven reara
Person are notified not to haul any
more gravel from the bar in Trask river
belonging to Mrs. Pesterfield, anil should
they do so they will be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
Mas. A. P estereielu .
shire Fire Insurance
Tillamook .. Oregon.
Gresham, Oregon,
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
Spruce and Cedar Shingles.
Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty.
Notice to Hunters.
We the undersigned hereby give notice
that we will not allow any hunting or
shooting on our ranches.
J ack J ennings .
W arren V aughn .
A mos V aughn .
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
T ho «. C oates . Pres.
Tillamook, Or.. June 20. 1905.
rents due the Tillamook Water
All -----
Company will in future be payable in
T illa moor W ater C ompart .
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
T illamook
O regon .
Tillamook Iron Woks >
General Machinists & Blacksmiths ►►
Boiler Work, LoRner'a Work and Heavy Forging.
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
No matter what may be the interests |
of France and Englund in Barope and
• Real Estate and Fire, Life, 4
Airies, there sre some things as to which |
Japan mnst "stand pat" in Asia And as
Health, Accident, Insurance.
■he has had a number of her brightest Agent for the Northwest School Purni 4
men in this country, studying our insli- i
ture Co. and Oignns and 1'ianoa,
Notary Public.
tutions, she must have learned that one ,
: Southwest from the Court Howe,
of the best hands to stand pat on is a (
in the building occupied ns a music store. irwwvwnr
full han't.