ib í TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 29. TlhbfllVIOOK TOLL ROADS. To be Submitted to a Vote of the People. 1905. Huge Task. of E Thomas’ D.L.C. and thence running up the Wilson river in an easterly Il was a huge task. to underteke the direction to the eastern boundary of the county line between Tillamook and W ash­ cure of such s bad case of klll,,<>J1' ington counties, and ending according to the survey at a stake marked X. from »ease. as that of U F. Collier, of Chero­ which ft fir 36 bears South deg. W., is at present a great public burden kee I»., but Electric Bitters did it. lie upon Tillamook County and will requires the expenditure upon the part of the writes . " My kidneys were so far gone [ could not sit on a chair without a county of a large sum of money to maintain the same in a condition fit for cushion ; and suffered from dreadful hackache, headache and depression. In travel, and Whereas, the said Wilson River Road Company is desirous of appropriating all Electric Bittrrs, however, I found a cure, and by them was restored to per­ that part of said public road above described and the said part ot said road is fect health. I recommend this great necessary and convenient in the location of the toll road which the said corpora­ runic medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by Clias. tion was organized to construct ; Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed that in consideration, that the said \\ ilson I. Clough, druggist; price50c. River Road Company shall proceed to repair, operate, maintain and keep in good =--- ARE A CURSE TO THE COUNTY Illegally Holding Citizens up and Robbing them on the Wilson Riven County Road. « I The right and the proper, as well as the most peaceable, way to settle the toll road question is to submit it to a vote of the peo­ ple. A scheme to that end was concocted in the Headlight office last week, and the editor has taken off his coat, rolled up his sleeves and does not propose to quit until Tillamook County is relieved of one of the curses which has retarded its progress, kept home seekers from coining here and is gradually depopulating the ounty, for there are less people in Tillamook today than there were five years ago, and it is more difficult to sell property or cat­ tle, because peapie do not want to tied-up behind toll roads or be subjected to unjust toll. —-- - Deafness Cannot be Cured repair and condition for travel, a nd maintain safe bridges upon the line of its road, and to hold the county harmless from any accident or liability incurred by reason of accident upon the said county court of the State of Oregon for I ilia- mook County, setting as a commissioner’s court, hereby agrees with the said corporation that all of the above described portion of the said road as the corporation desires to use, may be appropriated, used and occupied by said bv local application», a» they cannot resell ths dlwaw'il portion of the ear. I here is only one way to cure deaftieaa. and that '* byeolistitu- tioiial reniedka. Peainca» 1» c»“«'1 >y £ fla.lied condition nt the nrncoua lining >r the puaUchiau Tube When thia tube gel.» uinjiii- cd rou have a runihling sound or ,I"I’,,^'Y* hearing and when It 1» entirely eloaeil. deafness the result, mid un eas the inllamniatrniran corporation as a part of the toll road and said corporation may place gates is betaken out and tin» lube restored to >1« tor mal condition, hearing will be deatio>ed Io thereon and charge and receive tolls thereat as follows : e.*r nine cases out of ten ale eau-.'d by The basis or unit of toll being the sum of five cents charged for a sheep or hog Catarrh which is nothing hut an iiitiamed coll- (litioii of the mucous services. to be known as a single toll, to wit ; We will give One Hundred Hollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) For each vehicle with two horses ........................................................................ 1 $1.50 not be cured by Hall s Catarrh Lure, bend for To each wagon or conveyance drawn by four horses............................... 2 00 circulars. free. CHgKKY & co , Teledo, o. For each vehicle drawn by one horse.................................................................... 1.00 12Hc. Sold by Diuggist». 75c. For each head of cattle or horses driven loose............................................... Hall s Family Pills are the best. 5c. For each head of sheep, goats or hogs .............................................................. 50c. For each horse or rider ................................................................................................. 25c. For each traveller on a bicycle ................................................................................ A Bad Scare. For each occupant of a vehicle in excess of a driver —. Some day you will get a bad scare, In consideration of this agreement this corporation agrees to proceed at once when you feel a pain in our bowels, Safety lies in to repair said road and to repair or re-construct bridges upon said road wherever and fear appendicitis. Dr. King's New Life Pill, a sure cure, the same may be necessary and to use all due deligence and energy in keeping the for all boweland stomach diseases, such said road safe, open and convenient for public travel thereon. as headache, biliousness; costiveness, etc. Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough, This contract to be and remain in operation for fiftv years from date hereof. In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals and the drug store, only 25c. Try them. seal of said county affixed the day and date aforesaid. T illamook C ounty , by G. \V. S appington , County Judge. C has . K ay , Commissioner. L. P arrish , Commissioner. W ilson R iver R oad C ompany . B y G. 0. N olan , Manager. The words following, to wit : “The basis or unit of toll being the sum of five cents charged fora sheep or hog to be known as a single toll |o wit : Having been added to said contract or inserted therein at this time by the mutual consent of the said court now in session and the said corporation in open court said ratification and confirmation of said contract as aforesaid extending to and in­ cluding the said addition inserted or amendment as aforesaid I Joi KSAL K ntrt , M ay 8. 1902. " Now at this time tt npiieiiring to the court that on the 29th day ot July, 1901, the court contracted with the Wilson River Road Company, a corporation pro­ viding for the use by said corporation of that portion of the county road being between the north bank of Wilson river easterly and the eastern boundary of Tillamook County, familiarly known as the Wilson nver. and that no journal entry has ever been made. It is now ordered and adjudged that the said contract lie and the same hereby is formally ratified and the same is ordered to lie entered outlie journal of this county as follows This agreement made and entered into this 29th day of July. 1901. between the county of Tillamook, State of Oregon, and the Wilson River Road Company, a ; corporation, witnesaeth . Whereas, that certain county road known as the Wilson River Toll Road, being countv Road No —, commencing according to the survey thereof nt terminus of w hat is known as the Bester Ford road and described as " Com. at stake marked \ O. ' fire miles and seven chains in center of county road cast from N.E. corner i First Class Work Guaranteed. Give me a trial. Next to the Headlight Office. Now subscribe for the HEAD- LIGHT, the Boss County Newspaper, which is Opposed to the Toll Roads and the Road Boss. F VER Y BQT SHOUL D IHm TO SHOOT *’ 00 «o»I SO 00 Jrem 2 '",0 5000 •• ,rom 7 SO to 3S00 - ’ KT.,-» Pl'sTo?« ‘ «lioTnii« •• miotoins v J STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO. Best Home Necuspapers. DirectorsM. W. H akbison , Ct'RTias, B. L. E ddy . • CHICoSEE FALLS, MASS, U.S. A. / * W. \V Cashier ;—M. W. H arrison . Liberal Prices Paid for gilt edge seeurij ties of all kinds. “All Signs Fall in a Dry Time” THE SIGN OF THE FISH NEVER FAILS IN A WET TIME In ordering Tower’s Slickers, a customer writes: “I know they will l>e all right If they hare the ‘FISH* on them.’’ This confidence Is the out­ growth of sixty-nine years of careful manufacturing. Highest Award World’s Fair. 1904. ............... - ■ A. J. TOWER CO. Tb.BUnofUuFtih Boston, U. S. A. ROWERS Tower Canadian Co. Limited ’ Toronto, Canada ~ Maker» of Warranted Wet Weather Clothing EUREKA Where are the Taxpayers at, anyway, after being Taxed to Death for years for Toll Roads ? AND WHAT HAVE THE TAXPAYERS GOT TO SHOW FOR THIS DOUBLE TAXATION ? SIMPLY THIS : BAD ROADS AND MORE TAXA TION TO FIX THEM ! Headlight and Oregonian, $2.25 a year. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. A.& C. R.R TO GET THROUGH THEM J TAXATION TO PURCHASE THEM. ORE. PAID UP CAPITAL, «10,000. Harness LATIMER, BROS., As to the Wilson River Toll Road, we will now take that up and show how the people is humbugged, lield-up and robbed in ’ open dav light and how they innocently submit. First, who > is it that forms theWilson River Toll Road Co. ? Where does it get , its right to own the road ? And who are its officers, legally authorized to transact business for the company ? Has the Wil- son River Toll Road Company paid the corporation tax ? On May Sth, 190a, the county court, contrary to law and ex­ ceeding its power, leased this road to what appears to be a bogus concern for fifty years. Here is the document which the toll road advocates worked through to bcttle-up that road : ( incorporated ), TILLAMOOK CITY, Dr. P. J. Sharp, the expre- enced dentist is located in Dr. Wise’s dental patr rs, and is prepared to do nothing but first class work and give the best of satisfaction If your teeth need fixing call upon him. . Nestucca Toll Roads a Hoodoo to the County. It is the opinion of the Headlight that every toll road in the county could be knocked out in the courts, for the reason there is Sheridan flour at Sheridan sufficent taxable property in the neighborhoods to keep up the prices. See Snuffer. roads and it is an injustice to people living in those localities to be The County Court can lease a road for teu years, but not for subjected to double taxation for road improvements. Law is fifty, consequently the lease is not worth the paper it is writtenon based on justice, and we believe if it were tried out in the and no one has any right to collect toll. The attention of the courts the people would win out, and could even knock out the court having been drawn to these facts, Judge Conder caused an illegal 50 years’ lease of the Wilson river road and the purchase entry to be made thus on the 2nd March, 1904 : TIME CARD. by Judge Conder for the county of the two Nestucca toll roads and “In the matter of the lease of the Wilson River Toll Road, on examination of EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 4 1904. their subsequent lease for eleven months to L. L. Shortridge. the records, the court finds that the lease of the Wilson River Toll Road Leave PORTLAND Arrive. be null and void ; it is, therefore, ordered that the District Attorney take A fight could be made along these lines. This would probably be to the proper action in the matter to vacate said lease.” 8:00 a.m. ( Portland Union I 11:10 a.m. a long drawn out legal and expensive fight, unless Prosecuting Nothing has been done by the District Attorney, although 7:00 p.m. f depot for Astoria.! 9:40 p.m. Attorney McNary could be induced to move in the matter to put several terms of court have intervened and the pirates are in pos­ Leave ASTORIA Arrive. a nail in the coffins of these iniquitous toll road octopuses. But session of the road holding-up and robbing people, the collectors a.m. |for Portland and 1 11:30 a.m. we believe in submitting the matter to the will of the people along being armed with a document, so we are informed, signed by Mr. 7:45 6:10 p.m. | way points. j 10:30 p.m. these line : Do you want free roads or toll roads ? Do you ap­ Claude Thayer, as attorney for the company, giving them, as they SEASIDE DIVISION. prove of the County Court leasing the Wilson river road to a suppose, authority to rob people traveling over a county road. Leave ASTORIA Arrive. bogus company for 50 years ? Do you approve of the County No one has any right to collect toll nor can anyone be forced Court buying the Nestucca toll roads ? to pay it. There are two weapons in the hands of the people that 11:3.5 a.m •( for Seaside Direct 5:20 p.m. We understand from Commissioner Bodyfelt that it is the in­ I this bogus toll road company will not dare interfere with, and it Leave ASTORIA Arrive. tention of the County Court to throw the Nestucca toll roads open is these : f 8:15 a.m ( for Warrenton, > 10:45 a.m. as soon as the county can get enough money by leasing them to Hammond, Ft. > F irst —If the toll gate keeper will not allow you through, 5:50 p.m v I Stevens, Seaside.) 7:40 a.m. put the roads in condition for travel. The intention is a good one chop the gate down and go through, for he has no right to put if carried out, but it is just a well not to take any chances, for the Leave SEASIDE Arrive. obstructions in a county road and interfere with the public travel ; people have been humbugged too long. For years these roads 4:30 p.m. 4 for Astoria Direct 12:30 p.m S econd .—Demand of the gate keeper that he allow you to have been leased and the public subjected to heavy toll, and from pass through, and if he persists in holding you up and robbing Leave SEASIOE Arrive the large amount of motley collected the two Nestucca toll roads you while traveling on a county road, pay the blood money to get 6:15 a.m. i for XX ’ arrenton Ft 1 9:25 a.m. ought to be the best kept roads in the county if bleeding the Ham- > in or out of Tillamook county under protest and then come to th« (9:30 a.m. < ’ Stevens, mond, Astoria. ) 7 :20 p.m. people for taxes for road purposes and bleeding them at the toll city and swear out a com pl uti agiinst the gate keeper and the gates are criterion« to go by. As most everybody is aware the toll Additional train leaves Astoria daily at officers of the company—if it is possible to locate them—and have 11:30 a.tn. for all points on Ft. Stevens roads were the worse kept up in the county. But to keep up the them all arrested right away. branch, arriving Ft. Stevens 12:30 p.tn., re­ turning, leaves Ft. Stevens at 2:00 p.m., ar­ bleeding process Judge Conder has paid $1500 for these two roads, You do not have to pay toll to travel over the Wilson River riving Astoria 2:45 p.m. which the people would never have sanctioned had they been given Sunday only. county road, and you need not be buncoed out of your money be­ * Through tickets and close connection via an opportunity to vote upon it. To buy the toll roads was bad cause a few bunco men have succeeded in buncoing people directly N. I’. Ry. at Portland and Goble and O. R. enough, but to turn round and lease them again so as to get more & N. Co., via Portland. they come into the county in previous years. This must stop, anil J. C. Mayo, G. P. A. money to fix them so that they can be made fit tor travel is worse | the first place to stop it is by killing the toll roads at the polls, still, and shows conclusively that the toll roads were not kept up, and then county officials and the toll road schemers who want thè and which the taxpayersand traveling public will have to pay for I county bottled-up until doomsday will be deprived of continuing and which they have paid for many times in previous years. As that state of affairs. BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. to the future, as we have said before, it is well not to take any We are reliably informed there is enough taxable property in SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING chances or rely upon the promises of those who advocate and are the vicinity of the toll roads to keep them in fair condition if it SHAMPOOING, ETC married to toll roads. There is one little incident which must not be lost sight of that looks significant. The lease of the Nestucca was expended upon them, hence there is no necessity for toll roads, nor was it necessary to buy toll roads and then lease Electric Baths nicely fitted up. Goodfor toll roads was for eleven months, which expires before Judge Con­ them again, for it is an unjust taxation to do so. persons suffering with rheumatism. der goes out of office. It may be the intention of the court ( T he . T axpayers have paid toll and taxes for years to throw open the roads at that time, but it could also lease them TO KEEP THE TOLL ROADS UP. C. B. LEEP, THBY HAVE NOT BEEN KEPT tor ten years. Therefore, we say, it is best for the citizens to de-1 UP AS THE LAW REQUIRED. WHY ? NOW IT IS THE SAME OLD B doíb and ShoBH Ne^ly cide the matter and avoid all possible chances of the county being THING : T axation to K eep the toll roads up ; taxation Repaired. bottled-up for another ten years. Hold-ups and Robbery on the Wilson River Road. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. You can mnke your har­ ness as sole as u p.love and ns tough ns wire by using El R EKA Hnr- nesn Oil. You can lengthen its life—make it list twice a i long as it ordinarily would. Harness Oil | I mikes a poor looking har- / ness like new. Made of / pure, heavy bodied oil, es- I pecially prepared to with- I / Bland the weather. Sold everywhere in cans—all sizes. Mid« bj STANDARD OIL CO. HHKKIFF’S HA1.E. In the Circuit Court of the State ofjOregon for Tillamook County. Augusta Hunt, as administra­ trix of the estate of George Hunt, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. Carrie A. Fai ey. XX’. C. Bailey and the Yellow Fir Lumber Co., a Corporation. Defendants. By virtue of an excution and order of sale duly issued out of and under the Seal of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause to me duly directed, dated the 31st day of May, 1905, upon a judgment and decree entered in said Court on the 17th day of April, 1905, in favor of Augusta Hunt, as administratrix of the estate of George Hunt, deceased, plaintiff, and in favor of the Yellow Fir Lumber Co., a corporation de­ fendant, and against Carrie A. Bailey and XV. C. Bailey, defendants, commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wit; Lots 1 and 2, in Block 1, in R. R. Hays’ addition to the town of Tillamook (now Tillamook City» situated in Tillamook County, State of Oregon. Now therefore, by virtue of said execu­ tion, judgment, order and decree, and in compliance with the command of said writ, I will on Friday, the 30th day of June. l£05, at the hour of ten o’clock a.m.. at the front door of the Court House of said County, in Tillamook City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redeption, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the above named defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage of plaintiff herein, to-wit: On September 11th, 1901, or since had in and to the above described real pro­ perty to satisfy said execution, judgment, order and decree, interest and costs, and all accruing costs and expenses of sale. Said property will be sold to satisfy the following sums due plaintiff, to-wit: $290.00, with interest from date of decree at the rate of ten percent, per annum ; $50.00 as attorney’s fee due plaintiff and $11.20 costs and disbursements with interest at six percent, per annum from date of decree and the following sums due the Yellow Fir Lum­ ber Co., a corporation, to-wit : $84.89. judgment recovered, and the further sum of $s.r>(>, costs and disbursements,-all bearing interest at the rate of six per cent., per annum from date of judgment. Dated this 1st dav of June, 1905. C. H. WOOLFE. Sheriff of Tillamook < ounty, Oregon. SHERIFF’S SALE. B y V irtue of an E xecution and order of sale duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook, dated the 25th day of May, 1905. in a certain suit in the Circuit Court of said county and state, wherein F. K. Beals was plaintiff, and Vance Nodine. Allen & Gilbert-Rainaker Co., a corporation, and Tillamook County were defendants, in which said suit, said F. R. Beals, as plaintiff, re­ covered a judgment on the 15th day of No- vemoer, 1904, against the above named de­ fendants for the sum of $621.25 with in­ terest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 29th day of November. 1903. and the further sum of $115.00 as a reasonable attorney's fee and the costs of said suit taxed at $42.2.5, ordering, adjudg­ ing and decreeing that the real property described in plaintiff’s mortgage and com­ plaint, to-wit : Beginning at the South XVest comer of the South East quarter of section eleven, tn township two South of Range 10 West <>« Willamette Meridian, and running thence North along the M est line of said South East quarter twenty rods ; thence East at right angles to said West line eighty rods: thence South at right angles to said last course given twenty rods ; thence XVest along the South line of said section eighty rods to the place of beginning, containing ten acre? more or less. Also, the East half of lot two in block four of McDermott’s addition to Tillamook City, in Tillamook County. State of Oregon. ’< sold to satisfy said judgment, attorney • fees and all costs. ... Therefore notice is hereby given that I«-’11 on Satuaday. the 1st dav <»f July. 19<'-». a‘ the hour of 10 o’clock In the forenoon o> said day at the door of the Court House, m Tillamook City Tillawwok County. Ore«©* offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the real propertv m «aid order and decree and herein before des cribed to satisfy said judgment and decree The proceeds arising from such sale real property to be applied as follows rir« to the costs and disbursements of this su taxed nt $42.25 together with $115’»” At­ torneys fee and the costs, charges and ex- l»ense of making such sale Second t payment of the sum of $621.25 with intej*» at eight per cent t»er annum from day of November. 1903. to F. K Beal - Third, that the balance if there be any. 1 paid to the clerk of said court C. H. WOOLFE. Sheriff of Tillamook County. Oreg»»«.