Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 29, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. Xvííl. No. 4
A n’ oto ;r pher from A’cMinnville hr-»
rei ed th: st> dio prev'ously occupied by
Guv Remolds and Attorney Cooper will
moie his office over the store occupied by
Fred Forslund.
Lost, part of a fishing rod, the second
a id fluid joints, between Hannenkrat’s
| and the South Prairie road. Will the
| finder | le isgcommunicate with or leave
I the same at the Allen house for Captain
J. B. Wetherell.
W. C. Snell and C. H. Webber, from
Michigan, were in they citv on Saturday,
and have since left for Nehalem and Sea.
side. They are wealthy timbermen in
thnt state and are out visiting the tiin.
her land in Oregon.
H. T. Botts, for abstracts.
Walkover Shoes at Todd's.
(Jordon Hats and Gloves at Todd’s.*
Gent.'s Furnishing Goods at Todd's.*
H. L. Jones was in from Blaine Tues,
c. B. Hadley took a trip outside last
Go to Fred Forslund's for Bicycle Sun­
il ies.
Crouse & Brandigee Clothing at
A. W. Bunn was in from Beaver on
Farm for sale, 159 acres, near Scud,
J. S. Ward was in from Ocean Park on
lake ; good house and barn ; 40 acres
tide land and 30 acres of bottom and
For sale. Polin China Pigs. Apply to
meadow land ; raise 40 tons of hav and
Jacob Blum, Spruce.
will easily support 25 cows. To be sold
.Mrs. J. J. Howser, of Blaine, was in cheap if sold at once. Inquire at this
the city on Saturday.
Peter Schoppert, of Sheridan, was in
Two foreclosure suits have been filed in
the city on Saturday.
the circuit court, viz., Albert Marolfvs.
Howard Drew is back again in F. R. William E. Easom and Nels. Thompson
Beals' real estate office.
vs. A. E. and Mattie S. Imbler. H. T.
Ralph G. Gunn, of San Francisco, was Botts is attorney for plaintiff in the first
case and T. B. Handley for the plaintiff
in the city on Tuesday.
Call and see the Racvcle Bicycle at W. in the latter case.
Don’t drink water before it is filtered,
H. Cary's before buying.
can be done bv buying a neat little
Is there anything doing ? A lot of
device from Mrs. Lynch which is attach,
gamblers are in the citv.
ed to any faucet and which purifies the
A. W. Mumphreys, of Portland, was
water. Every house should have one of
in the city on Wednesday.
these filters. They only cost $2, and
The board of county commissioners Mrs. Lynch is the agent for them in this
will meet next Wednesday.
Money to loan on improved farm pro­
Miss Frances Drew returned home from
perty.—Apply to F. R. Beals.
Monmouth on Sundav. She graduated
Go to Mason & Ackley for new second from the college with high honors, and
is the first student from this county who
hand Bicycles—the price is right.
0. L. Chapel an I Jam s Hilliard, o^ has completed the course there in one
year. She was accompanied home by
Portland, were in the city on Sunday.
Supt. W. W. Wiley and Howard Drew,
Chas. Ray has bought the 'Dependent
who attended the commencement at the
plant, which is being removed to Clover,
state normal college.
The suit filed in the federal court by
Claude Thayer,accompanied by George
the Tillamook Water Company against
Washington Kiger, went ro Portland on
Tillamook City, is set for next Monday,
when the city will be represented by
Prof. E. H. Whitney will be the orator Handlev & Thayer, assisted by the at
at the 4th July celebration in this city torneys for the bond buyers and conlrac
next week.
tors. The company seeks to enjoin the
A fine line of Mason & Ackley's hand city from expending any more money up
made flies just in from the factory. Tied on the new water system and restrain it
from special designs.
from selling water.
School district No. 2 wants a teacher
P. S. Brumby, representing the Blod­
Apply, by July 5th, 1905, to T. W. Lvs- gett Lumber Co., was in tl e citv Friday
ter, clerk, Tillamook.
lor the purpose of having Wm. IHin^s
New and Second Hand Bicycles at Fred worth appointed fire warden on the Wil­
Forslund’s. Now is the time to got a son river road this summer, in which
capacity he acted last year. He is of the
good bike for little money.
opinion, after talking with the engineer
E. D. Snodgrass has quit the barber
business and gone to work for Mason & of the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook
Railroad Company, that the road will
Ackley Co. in their repair shop.
be built, a branch of which will first
If interested in a highgrade piano at come down the Wilson river route.
a very reasonable price, better investi­
A divorce suit has been filed in the cir­
gate the one for sale at PatzlafTs store. *
cuit court by B. J. Stephens against his
The Racycle is a totally different wife, Nellie B. Stephens, the cause being
wheel. It will climb hills that no desertion. These parties were married
other bicycle can. For sale at W. H. at Spokane.Wash., on the 10th January,
1899, and in his complaint the plaintiff
Married, at the Catholic church, is this sets out that on the 16th October, 1903,
city, on Tuesday, by Father L. A Le his wife deserted him without his cohsent
Miller, Mr, H. Brooks and Miss Marie and remained awav from him ever since
One child was horn of the marriage, Vida
When you want a new rubber tire on G. N. Stephens, now five years old, and
your bike, Fred Forslund's is the best with its mother. C. W. Talmage is the
place to get a good tire. Bicvcle repair attorney for plaintiff.
work a specialty.
Captain J. B. Wetherell and E. S. Mc­
D. A Bailey and wife have sold their Coy, the men who are going to bore for
place at Nestuccato John Pesterfield and oil an the Hannenkrat place, are in the
wife for $11.500, and deal being made city, and feel confident they are going to
strike oil. Five hundred feet of pipe wns
through F R. Beals.
brought in last week and the rest of the
We printed several hundred extra copies
machinery came in on thesteamer yester.
of the Headlight this week so that every­
day. Seme little trouble is being experi­
body in the countv can hear the first gun
enced in getting the timber sawed out
fired at the toll roads
and the plant hauled out right away,
A number of persons who own timber which will be overcome as soon as possi-
are putting it into a pool with a view of ble, when work will begin and the fact
selling it in a lump and thereby getting a demonstrated whether Tillamook coun­
good price for the land.
tv hns undeveloped oil resources in the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boreland, and bowels ot the earth, which, if found, will
fonily, of Pennsylvania, are in on a mean untold wealth to the countv. It is
visit, Mrs. Boreland being a daughter of I the hope of everybody that the expen
Coroner C. E. Reynolds.
meat in boring for oil in this county will
Guv Vaughn's right hand, the fingers of prove successful, for Mr. Hannenkrat has
which were nearly severed bv the wood kept the matter going and will not lie
saw at Beaver last week, is healing up satisfied until the experiment is over.
as well as can be expected.
There was a meeting ot the directors of
W. High returned to the citv on Satur­ the co-operative factories and dairymen
day after two weeks' vacation in Port­ in this city on Monday to devise means
land, and while there took the first ex­ to prevent the R. Robinson Cheese Com-
pany and tbe Hazelwood Cream Com­
amination for a druggist.
pany forcing down the price of cheese,
The I ver Johnson Truss Frame Bicvcle,
which it was plainly pointed out they
with two speed gear brake, will climb a
were doing. There appears to be con-
steeper hill than any other bicycle. For
: siderable indignation amongst the co.
Sale at Mason & Acklev's.
operative factories, hut what they in­
The steamer Sue H. Elmore left Satur­ tend doing to prevent this cut and slum
day, her passengers being ClaudeThayer. in me cheese market by these two com­
W. Kiger, F. Allender, Ella Harmon, panies the co operative people have not
Rev E. M. Patterson and wife.
given anything out for publication. It
The rain, which commenced on Satur­ h.s been intimated, if no other wav out
day and continued for several days, was of the situation can be found, a boycott
what was needed, although several of will be started against the factones and
those who have anything to do with
the farmers had commenced having.
The invitations are out for the wed knocking down the price of cheese. Har­
ding of Superintendent W. W. Wiley and ing obtained control of a large quantity
Mrs. Frankie Drew next Wednesday at of cheese from Tillamook county it looks
as though the R Robinson Cheese Com-
the residence of N. C. Drew in this city.
panv and the Hazelwood Cream Com-
F. S. Whitehouse, president of the Till­
panv are wanting to control the market,
amook Lumbering Co., has gone to San
.nd in their attempt to k"«kout th*
Francisco tor the purpose of chartering
commission merchant, from handi ng
vessels or buying if be can find one that chiem they have cut tac pr« and tbe
is suitable.
adges of Red-White and Blue Ribbon, and Bunting at Modest Prices
If you make your purchases at this store this meek and next Monday, you uiill
enough money to have a Grand " Blom Out ” on the Glorious Fourth
book at out» CUindouis
this UUeek.
See the new styles in Shoes and MADE FOR US
Observe the Rich
Patent Kid for Desss—the Soft
Lustrious Black Kid tor general
wear and the smooth, Mellow
Tans of Russia Calf.
Note the big assortment of
styles and weights. See these
and tell us : Have you ever seen
quite so tasteful an array of foot­
wear—with Style So Smart-
Prices so Moderate.
; Big Sale of Shoes and Oxfords.
Discontinued lots and odd sizes—a few pair each of a kind—and this
season’s best sellers, or the stock wouldn’t be so badly broken. For
easy selections these bargain shoes are bulked in wooden boxes,
and marked to sell at such little prices, that it should be a finable offense
for anyone to go without new shoes now. There are shoes in the lot
for the whole family—Look for the Bargain Boxes.
A Good Suit is known by
the Shape it Keeps.
The Kirschbautn Clothes
stay right outside, because
they are properly “Stayed”
inside. They are hand made
and well made. And there’s
individuality about clothes
made by A. B. Kirschbaum
Co. The reason is that their
competent Cutters exercise
care in cutting each garment
—We are heavily stocked
with these good clothes in all
the wanted faeries, in single
and double breast, round and
square cut coats.
$10.00 to $19.50
Values up to $8.00
Special Price at Suit, $5 00
Our u Cash Getting” Sale that closed 24th inst., was a phenomonal success,
and like all successful sales, it left small assortments of goods ail over the store, and
ail of these small lots and broken assortments have been gathered together for a
grand) final clean-up. It is not a question of price or value now, it is the space
wanted, and the smallest possible price will get the goods— These are some
Several Hundred Yards SILK and SATIN RIBBONS
all widths. Women’s NECK WEAR, BELTS, about
Several dozen American Lady Corsets.
All MILLINERY. All Wash Dress Goods, All Fabric
GLOVES, All Dress Skirts, All Sattine Petticoats, All
Coats and Jackets, All MUSLIN WEAR.
More business means more remnants.
We like the business, but don’t like the
remnants at the moment, we have quite
an accumulation of Wash and Wool Dress
Goods Remnants. All lengths from 1%
to 10 yards. The collection includes the
most desirable fabrics of the Season. Now
marked your choice about Half-Price.
A big shipment of Men’s soft bosom
Dress Shirts, in the very latest effects, re­
ceived on the last boat,
---------- -3^
Our Stocks of Men’s Hats, Collars and
Cuffs, Neck Wear and Hosiery i.j the
most complete we’ve ever carried.
We mill pay 22e. a Dozen for Eggs up to July Fourth
dairymen of this countv will have to suf­ both the freight engines jumped after companist; following which was a string Samuel Eluiore and wife to Astoria Co.
fer, for they are simply in the hands of reversing the levers. V\ hen the first en quartette.
Tract of tide land in section 8, tp. 2
The dramatic club gave three short
the strangers whom they lately took up ' gine of the passenger train struck the
north, range 1() west, W.M. Con­
with and now see the bitter pill they freight train, the second passenger en- sketches during the evening, which were
sideration, $1.00.
have to swallow by entrusting the man I gine piled on top of it, sending wreck a credit to the performers and amusing U.S. Land Office to William R. Illinga.
tdacture and disposal of their products to I age and steam in all directions. 1 Engi- to the audience.
worth. 100 acres in section 2», tp.
The graduates were Misses Anna Fitz­
j neer Tom Milner, of Dunsmuir, was
— < north, range 7 west.
middlemen and “knockers.’’
The cases of Charles J. Rust, John E. pinned between the top of the • first patrick and Bessie Terwilliger and Rob. Ernest Barton to Hammond Lumber
Co. 160 acres in section 21, tp. 3
DuBois and C. H. W heeler and other I engine cab and the coal box and was ert Maxwell, fosepli Gnptill and Pius
north, range 10 west. Consideru-
owners of timber lands in Clatsop, suits I badly crushed. Milner's fireman was i Jacob, and in presenting the diplomas,
tion, $1468 94
having been brought last year to enjoin ' hurled against the pilot of the freight Father Le Miller made a few, but appro­
the countv horn collecting the taxes j engine with sufficient force to rebound. priate remarks to the pupils. It was Elmer D Smith to Mildrwl C. Smith.
during the valedictory,
which is
his life
80 acre tract. Comuderntiun. $IU.UU.
assessed against them, on the claim that i which saved
always one of the pleasing features of The Whitney Co.. Limited, to State of
the assessments were excessive, will not
Oregon. Quit claim to 81 28 acres
be for trial, as was announced in the cir­ Commencement at St. Alphonsns ' such occasions, the electric lights blinked
I and there was an exodus of a large part
in sect. 19 and 20, tp 2 south, range
cuit court at Astoria last week. The tim­
There was a fairly good attendance at 1 ' of the audience, and despite the interrup
9 west. Consideration, $101,60.
ber owners will pay the taxes. The tim­
St. Alphonsns Academy commencement, > tion. Miss Anna Fitzpatrick kept to her The Whitney Co., Limited., to State of
ber lands in Clatsop countv were assess­
which were up to the average of pre­ piece and deserve considerable praise.
Oregon. Quit claim to 40 acres, in
ed at eight dollars an acre, but the own­
vious years. The stage had a gav ap­
sec 30, tp. 2 south, range 8 west.
ers refused to pay the assessments. The
pearance, the front being nicely arranged
Real Estate Transfers.
Consideration, $50.00.
cases were argued at the last term of
with choice flowers, which gave it a
Elam Butts and wife to Edward M
Reported by II. T. Botts.
court and a temporary injunction issued
pretty effect. The opening march was
Harvey & Edgar H. Whitney. Trad
Henry Schultz and wife to Charles
and were to be disposed of at this term.
nicely played by Misses Eva Wheeler and
containing 41)4 acres insection 8. tp.
Schultz. E
N.E 14', section 36,
It has developed since that the owners
Mary Sander.which was followed by the
1 s<*uth, range 9 west. C<'lindera,
tp 3 south, range 9 west. Consid­
have been offered as high as |125 an
greeting glee,in which all the pupils took
lion, $1500 00.
eration. $1.00.
acre for some of the land and refused it.
part, followed by a piano trio, “Harvest Tillamook Dairy Association, by Sheriff, David Bailey and wife to Armada M.
This sustains the action of the assessor
Home Waltz,” which was likewise nicely 1
Pi Hierfiehl. Tract in sections 14 and
to Peter McIntosh. One acre in
in raising the assessment of timber lands
rendered. “Our Alphaliet and Song” was
15, in tp. 4 south, range 10 west,
Nathan Daugherty D.LC. Con-
in Clatsop countv._________
performed without a fault, and then the
containing 160 acres, more or less.
sideration $2200.00.
orchestra played “The Village by the
In a Railroad Collision
Consideration, $11,500 00.
P. McIntosh to John B. Agen. Ansigli
Sea.” The duet, “Bauermarsch,” by
merit of certificate of sale of one acre Charles A. Johnson to Jason J. Powell.
Mrs. L P. Allen and Elmer, who were
Misses Nellie ( base and Lily Anderson,
Lot 2, block 8. Park addition to
in Nathan Daugherty D.L.C. (Jun-
returning from a visit to friends in Cali­
and the violin solo, “The Kobin’s Lulla
Titlani'iok. Consideration, $250.00.
Hideration, $2200.00.
fornia, were in a railroad collision on the
by.’ by Mike Mekhoir, deserve a word Maria M. Crenshaw to Nelson P Wheeler. U.S. Patent to Alexander Finlayson.
Southern Pacific railroad at Morley on
of praise
“Mother Goose Reception
160acres in asution 34, tp 2 north,
Quit claim tract in 8.E. ’4. section
Monday, and although not injured, had
and Drill” pleased the audience, as did
range 10 west.
2, tp 2 south, range 8 west, W.M.
a bad shaking up. They arrived in Port
•Iso the trio, “Under the Palm Trees,”
US. Patent to George W, Pettit. 160
Consideration, 11.00.
land on Tuesday and will lx home on
played by Misses T. Klien. S. Guptill and w A Graves and wife to G. J. Ayers.
acres in sections 13 and 14. tp. 2
B. Terwilliger and J. Melchoir, Pet* and
south, range 8 west.
Tract in section 20, tp. 3south, range
The section of northbound overland
Jacobs and Leo Sander. Mrs. D. Mur­
JO west,
Consideration, Three mortgages filed, securing in the
train, No. 6. the Oregon Express, came
phy came in fora good ronndof applause
aggregate« $8110 00.
• 1000.00.
in collision with a southbound freight
lor the nice manner in which she sang
train at Morley. Engineer Milner, of
the solo, "When the Leaves Begin to
the express train, was injured, but none
Fall,” with Mrs. Carl Patzlaff accom­
of the passengers were hurt. None of
panist. Another nice piano trio. “Prim­
the cars were derailed, but the engines
rose Waltz.” was rendered by M Sander.
Whatever the doctor prescribes or
were damaged considerably. The acci­
M. Bernard and E Wheeler ; as was also
suggests, is what I specially try to
dent is believed to have been due to
a duet by Misses Jeanie Lynch and Melva
supply, and succeed as well that I
miscalculation by the freight train of
Wade ; followed bv “Lewis and Clarke
the time it would lake them to reach
an known as Headquarters for all
March, by Miss Nellie Chase; duett,
the switch at Morley. The southbound
“Twilight Ramblings," Paris Lamarand
California Exp-ess was delayed several
Howard Wolfe : string quartette, "Jolly
hours on account of the collision. Each
Boys,” by Peter and Pius Jacob, Henry
train was drawn by two locomoti.es
Sander and Nick Melchior, with Miss V.
The two passenger engims telescoped,
Reliable Druggist.
Melchoir accompanist ; violin solo, by
shoving both of the freight engine»
Peter Jacob, with Miss Sadie Guptill ac
«idewise off tbe track. The crews of
Chas. I Clough,