TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 22, 190-> ibe ^illamooh íjnibligbt. Krad ers of travel 51.42 miles an hour, and the pro Oregon are for the most part giving first posed train by the Pennsylvania route place in the list of candidates for will run 50.67 miles an hour. Into the governor to Dr. Withycombe, it being purely commercial phases of the rivalry recognized that the man owns the between these two companies perhaps qualities in character ami ability espe it would be inappropriate to enter ; but daily needed in this high office. The it is legitimate to notice the fact that following is from the Salem Journal : the Central was the first to set the pace “ Dr. Withycombe, for six years di­ and to redeem the honor of the country. rector of the Corvallis Agricultural The credit of operating the fastest College, is the leading aspirant for the trains for shorter distances than 100 republican nomination for governor. miles has belonged on this side of the ‘‘ He is a substantial farmer, having Atlantic for several years. Nobody ven­ about a thousand acres of land, that tures to rob the United States of it is well stocked, well watered, and he Just now the record is held bv the "flier’’ is really in independent circumstances. of the Reading road, between Camden ” An actual taxpayer and producer and Atlantic City. The patrons are from the soil might make a good candi obliged to spend additional time on the date for the republicans to nominate, ferry from Philadelphia, a drawback to and he will allow his name to stand on anvrailwav journey, but when the train the direct primary. is once under way it travels 55H miles ” Of course, a nomination under the at the rate] of 67 96 miles an hour. direct primary system does not ensure Nearly as good service is rendered by an election. A candidate must still the Pennsylvania company over a make his campaign and must have a parallel route. majority of the people back of him. Probably no one but a practical rail- “The political managers tx'tter keep road man fully appreciates the improve­ their eve on Dr. Withycombe He ments which have made possible recent stands well with the Grange. He has advances in speed. Faster locomotives held scores of farmers*institutes all over are essential, of course, but so are the state. several other things Without the eli­ “ He has not only farmed the farm mination of grade crossings and curves ers but he has actually farmed a farm and without lietter loadbed« than and can do it again if he does not get existed ten or fifteen rears ago, it would the office he seems to be going after not have been safe to run any faster with some system. now than then. More elaborate systems HEADQUARTERS for I DAIRYMEN’S SUPPLIES ---------------- ■ STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of I Did It Before I Thought ? Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. How many of us can look back to an action that was ungoverned by thought, that ended disasterously ? A little child acts from impulse without discretion, When it arrives at years of accounta- bility we say he should think first, Christ advised the return to childhood as the first requisite to the kingdom of God. It is just as necessary to be pre pared to act from impulse as it is to be qualified for any other undertaking. A doctor must study medicine, a lawyer, law, a farmer the nature of plants and domestic animals, etc., in order to be a success, To be successful at anything is better i than to be a failure at every- thing. Christianity claims the ability to change a man from having to think of what he is going io say, or how he is going to act, or what he is going to do, to an impulsive life, free from law and order, the absolute sensation of doing as you please. This brings a Christian face to face with a lunatic asylum, for to give away to impulse is just what every insane person does. My kindest advice is not to yield to impulse until prepared to do so, for every one of those people who do have to regret. To them an asylum is a cross every moment, but if I should want to rest or recreate, I would go over to the asylum. The doctors at the asylum tell me that I haven’t any right there, but I never saw a minister yet that would agree with them. The difference is between being prepared and unprepared. The Egyptians were drowned by assaying to do what the Israelites did. If we follow our im­ pulse, the preacher who imagines that God has a great work for him to do is out of a job. If we use our own light we don’t have to be guided by others. That is what characterizes an American man or woman. J. C. G ove . I Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Fine Line of Choice GROCERIES Agents for the Great Western Saw McINTOSH & McNAIR CO., The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County H. T. BOTTS. B. L. EDDY. DDY & BOTTS, A ttorneys - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract Books in office. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. Office opposite Post Office. Both phones. V2^7' H- The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. AÜUEJ4, Proprietor Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation COOPER, ^>444 444444444444 A ttorney - at -L aw , T illamook , O regon Governor Folk sent a letter to Sheriff OARL HABERLACH, Herpel, of St. Louis County, directing him to arrest the racetrack people who ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, are operating there in violation of the law. The Governor concludes: ‘‘If the Peutedtcr ^bvohat, local facilities «'ire not enough to enable Office across the street and north from you to uphold the authority of the the Post Office. state, the executive will furnish you such «'is will only sustain the law.” * * * That this year will experience the JQOBERT A. MILLER, greatest invasion of grasshoppers that California has ever seen, is the statement A ttorney - at -L aw . made by Professor W. C. Woodworth, Oregon City, Oregon. associate professor of entomology at the University of California. Letters have Land Titles and Land Office been received from all parts of the stEtc Business a Specialty. and so urgent has been the call for help that Professor Wood worth will leave Berkeley soon to visit the fields where H. UPTON, Ph.G.,M.D., the pest is operating, and to help in the fight against its depredations. PPYSICIAN AND SURGEON. * * * For the first time in its history, the Office one block west of the Legislature of New York State will meet in special session this summer for the Allen House, Tillamook City. Calls answered promptly. purpose of formally expelling a Justice of the Supreme Court. The last occasion that this power of Legislature was in- R. BEALS, voked w«'is during the exposures follow­ ing Tweed’s downfall, when three Supreme Court Justices w ho had worked REAL ESTATE, hand-in glove with the old Tammany boss, were stripped of their judicial F inancial A gent , ermine. Butthat was at a regular ses­ Tillamook, Oregon. sion. The machinery of the law is now being invoked by a Republican Governor to enable a Legislature overwhelmingly '"[’MI OS. COATES, Republican in both branches to retire a Agent for Fireman's Republican Judge. The person who will be removed is Warren B. Hooker, long a Fund and London and Lanca­ Congressman and longer still an influ­ shire Fire Insurance ential Republican politician in the upper Companies. section of the state. There is not a doubt in the world but that he will be Tillamook .. Oregon. put out, and every big Republican in the state has begged and implored him to abstracts of title , resign, but he is stubborn. * * * GO TO James Dalrymple, chief of the munici­ pality-owned traction system of Glas­ TILLAMOOK ABSTRACT AND gow, for whom Mayor Dunne sent for TRIST CO. advice shortly after he was elected on a municipal ownership plantform, has Titos. C oates , Pres. ended his 12 dav visit in Chicago firm in the Ixlief that the Mayor’s scheme to GILBERT L. HEDGES. municipalize the Chicago traction system WM. GALLOWAY. is not practicable under existing con­ ditions. The part politics plays in the ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. administration of the citv's affairs is, in the opinion of the Scotch expert, the Make a specialty of Land Office Business rock on which municipal ownership and OFFICE IX WXIMHAID BCILDIXG, operation, as outlined in present plans, Room 1 and 2, will go down to destruction. The Scotch OREGON CITY. ORE. expert has convinced Mr. Dunne that his conclusions are right in part, and the executive and radical municipal W. SEVERANCE, ownership men nre in consequence con. siderablv disconcerted. In fact, the fervor with which the enthusiasts wel­ A ttorney - at -L aw , comed the Scotchman to Chicago com­ pletely disappeared at the time of his T illamook O regon . departure, and in its place there was a pronounced dullness. Mr Dalrymple has T S. STEPHENS, not as vet submitted a formal report, mid he will not do so for several weeks •J • Real Estate and Fire, Life after his return to his native land, but Health, Accident, Insurance. Ins views have been given in confidence to the Mavor and his associates on t a o \Rent for th» Northwest Shod Fumi or three occasions in a fragmentarv tur» lo. and th gar. and Piano, wav, and they were reiterated at the e ,*dary Public. final meeting just prior to the departure .X ,hc Coor‘ Ho